Polymer Testing: Fernanda C. Soares, Fabio Yamashita, Carmen M.O. Müller, Alfredo T.N. Pires

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Polymer Testing 32 (2013) 94–98

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Polymer Testing
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Material properties

Thermoplastic starch/poly(lactic acid) sheets coated with cross-linked

Fernanda C. Soares a, Fabio Yamashita b, Carmen M.O. Müller a, b, Alfredo T.N. Pires a, *
Polymeric Materials Research Group - POLIMAT – Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - UFSC, Florianópolis – SC, Brazil
Biodegradable Polymers Research Group - POLIBIOTEC - Universidade Estadual de Londrina - UEL, Brazil

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Blends of thermoplastic starch (TPS) and poly(lactic acid) (PLA) (70/30 TPS/PLA wt/wt)
Received 1 August 2012 were thermopressed to produce biodegradable sheets. These sheets were coated with
Accepted 14 September 2012 cross-linked chitosan by two different methods: spraying and immersion. The coated
sheets presented a more irregular surface than uncoated samples, which was associated
Keywords: with the chitosan reticulation. The chitosan coating reduced the water solubility and the
Biodegradable blend
water vapor permeability of the sheets due to being less hygroscopic. Coated sheets were
Cross-linked chitosan
more rigid and had higher tensile strength than uncoated sheets, because the cross-linking
Coated sheets
joins the macromolecules covalently, reducing the mobility of the chains. Higher glycerol
concentration in the TPS increased the elongation at break due to the glycerol plasticizing
effect. Coating by spraying was more effective at changing the sheet properties than
coating by immersion, and this technique can be used to reduce the hydrophilic character
of biodegradable films, allowing their use as packaging materials.
Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Yokesahachart and Yoksan [6] studied TPS blends with

poly(lactic acid), and both the mechanical properties and
Currently, there is great interest in biodegradable processability of the blend improved with higher concen-
polymers obtained from renewable resources, such as trations of PLA. Ke and Sun [7] studied TPS/PLA blends and
starch, to replace conventional polymers of petrochemical evaluated the effect of the initial moisture content of the
origin in several applications, for instance, the production starch (0 to 40%) on the thermal and mechanical properties.
of flexible and semi-rigid materials. The authors observed that moisture did not significantly
Thermoplastic starch materials (TPS), due to their affect the mechanical properties and transition tempera-
hydrophilic character, have high water vapor permeability tures of the blends. On the other hand, on increasing the
and their mechanical properties are dependent on the starch moisture in the blends, an increase in water
relative humidity, thus limiting their use on an industrial absorption was observed. In a previous study [8], our
scale [1, 2]. Blends of TPS with other biodegradable poly- research group produced films from TPS/PLA blends (90:10,
mers represent an alternative to improve the properties of 80:20 and 70:30 w:w) and there was an increase in tensile
thermoplastic starch materials [3, 4, 5]. strength and reduction in water vapor permeability with
Avérous and Fringant [3] tested starch blends with increasing concentration of PLA.
different polyesters. In the presence of polyesters the Several studies have shown that coatings improve the
mechanical properties and dimensional stability increased, mechanical properties and water vapor barrier of starch
while the hydrophilic character of the starch decreased. films [9, 10]. Ryu et al. [11] coated starch films by immer-
sion in zein solution. The films were mechanically stronger
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ 55 48 3271 2313. and showed lower water solubility than films without zein,
E-mail address: alfredo.pires@ufsc.br (A.T.N. Pires). because zein is more hydrophobic than starch. Bangyekan

0142-9418/$ – see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
F.C. Soares et al. / Polymer Testing 32 (2013) 94–98 95

Fig. 1. SEM fracture micrographs of TPS25/PLA blend sheets (a) and the blend sheets of TPS25/PLA previously immersed in chloroform for 24h (b).

et al. [12] coated starch films with chitosan and observed an linking was carried out with an aqueous solution of 0.5%
improvement in the mechanical and water vapor barrier glutaraldehyde (v/v) for spraying in process (i) and
properties, reducing the wettability and water sorption. immersion in process (ii), and the samples were then dried
The objective of this study was to produce biodegrad- with hot air. Coated sheets were kept in an air flow at room
able sheets of TPS and PLA coated with cross-linked chi- temperature for 24h. In some cases, as previously
tosan and to study the effect of coating on their mechanical mentioned, the procedure for the deposition of the chito-
properties, water solubility and water vapor permeability. san film and subsequent cross-linking was repeated, these
samples being denoted as “Spray (2x)” and “Immersion
2. Material and methods (2x)”. The uncoated sheets are considered as the control.

2.1. Materials 2.4. Characterization of the sheets

Native cassava starch (amylose 20.80.6 wt%) was ob- 2.4.1. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
tained from Indemil (Brazil), poly(lactic acid) (PLA) was Images of sample surfaces and fractures were obtained
supplied by Cargill (Natureworks LLC, USA) under the using a Philips XL-30 scanning electron microscope (USA)
brand name Ingeo 3251D, and chitosan (medium molecular for morphological analysis of the sheets. The samples were
weight, 75-85% deacetylated) was purchased from Sigma– coated with a fine gold layer using a sputter coater model
Aldrich (USA). Glycerol was supplied by Dinâmica (Brazil) SCD 050 (BAL-TEC, USA) before obtaining the micrographs.
and glutaraldehyde by Nuclear (Brazil).
2.4.2. Water solubility
2.2. Preparation of sheets The solubility of the sheets in water was defined as the
dry matter content that was solubilized after 24h of
Initially, pellets of thermoplastic starch were immersion in water at 25 C. Measurements were carried
produced by extrusion in concentrations of 0.25 g and out on three replicates using the methodology described by
0.30 g of glycerol per 1 g of starch (TPS25 and TPS30, Irissin-Mangata et al. [13], with some adjustments.
respectively). The pellets of TPS and PLA were then mixed
at a ratio of 70/30 (wt/wt) and extruded to obtain blends 2.4.3. Water vapor permeability
of TPS25/PLA and TPS30/PLA. Both the TPS and the blends The water vapor permeability of the laminates was
were processed in a single-screw extruder (BGM, model determined in appropriate diffusion cells, using a relative
EL-25, Brazil) with 25 mm screw diameter and L/D ratio of humidity (RH) of 2% inside the cell and 75% outside the cell
30. The screw speed was 35 rpm and the temperatures in (ASTM E 96 - 00) [14]. All tests were conducted in triplicate.
the four heating zones were 120 C and 150 C for the TPS
and blend processing, respectively. 2.4.4. Tensile testing
For the sheet production, blend pellets were thermo- Tensile tests were performed using an EMIC DL 2000
pressed in a hydraulic press (Schulz, model PHS, Brazil) at analyzer (EMIC, Brazil), according to the standard method
150 C and 2.6 MPa and then cooled to room temperature. ASTM D 882 - 02 [15]. The elasticity modulus, tensile
strength and elongation at break were calculated from the
2.3. Coating stress–strain curves considering the results of at least ten
tests for each sample.
The coating solution was prepared by dissolving 0.1%
(w/v) of chitosan in an aqueous solution of 1% acetic acid (v/ 2.4.5. Statistical analysis
v). The coating of the sheets was carried out by two Statistica software (Oklahoma, USA) version 8.0 was
methods: (i) spraying the solution onto the sheet; and (ii) used for all statistical analysis. Analysis of variance
immersing the sheet in the chitosan solution. The cross- (ANOVA) and the Tukey test for comparison of means were
96 F.C. Soares et al. / Polymer Testing 32 (2013) 94–98

homogeneous appearance, without apparent cracks. The

cross-linked chitosan deposited onto sheets homoge-
neously overlaid the surfaces without changing the
appearance of the sheets, and its presence did not change
the thickness, which was around 0.9-1.2 mm.

3.1. Scanning electron microscopy

Micrographs were obtained of sheets previously

immersed in chloroform for 24h in order to solubilize the
PLA and allowed observation of PLA regions in the TPS
matrix. Images were also taken of sheets not immersed in
chloroform. Fig. 1(a) shows the fracture micrograph of the
TPS25/PLA sheet (section 2.2) and Fig. 1(b) shows the sheet
previously immersed in chloroform. In Fig. 1(a) it is possible
to observe the PLA domains (lighter) distributed in the TPS
matrix (darker). Fig. 1(b) shows the voids previously occu-
pied by PLA domains, characterizing the immiscibility
between the PLA and TPS. This behavior is associated with
the difference between the hygroscopicity of starch
(hydrophilic) and PLA (hydrophobic). These findings verify
the observations of a previous study of Müller et al. [8].
Fig. 2 shows the surface micrographs of the TPS25/PLA
sheet uncoated (Fig. 2a), and coated by spraying (Fig. 2b)
or by immersion (Fig. 2c) with cross-linked chitosan.
Regardless of the coating process, the micrographs indi-
cate a continuous covering of chitosan on the sheet
Coating the sheets with chitosan led to a higher surface
roughness compared with the uncoated sheets, indepen-
dently of the method used for coating. This feature may be
associated with the reaction of glutaraldehyde with
repeating units of the chitosan polymer chain due to the
cross-linking process. Furthermore, the sheets coated by
immersion showed a more irregular surface than the spray-
coated samples, probably because the immersion favored
water diffusion into the starch matrix which modifies the
surface appearance of the sheet.
Gierszewska-Druzy _ n
 ska and Ostrowska-Czubenko [16]
studied the ionic cross-linking of chitosan membranes
with sodium tripolyphosphate and observed the surface of
the films by SEM. They reported that the surface of the
chitosan films was smooth, while on the surface of the
cross-linked chitosan membrane there were numerous
visible lumps. These differences in the surface morphology
were confirmed by AFM, with calculated values for surface
roughness of 3.56 and 23.71 nm for the uncross-linked and
cross-linked chitosan films, respectively.
Fig. 2. SEM surface micrographs of TPS25/PLA blend sheets uncoated (a) and
coated with cross-linked chitosan using spraying (b) or immersion (c).
3.2. Water solubility

Due to the hydrophilic characteristic of the TPS matrix,

applied in the experimental data analysis. The significance the water solubility is an important parameter in terms of
level used was p< 0.05. the practical application of these materials, and the results
obtained are presented in Table 1.
3. Results and discussion The uncoated TPS25/PLA and TPS30/PLA sheets showed
no significant difference in water solubility, in other words,
The sheets produced from blends of thermoplastic the glycerol concentration in the blend did not affect the
starch and poly(lactic acid) had good processability during solubility of the sheets, probably due to the effect of the PLA
molding. The sheets showed good handleability and incorporation.
F.C. Soares et al. / Polymer Testing 32 (2013) 94–98 97

Table 1 There was no difference in the water vapor permeability

Water solubility of the TPS / PLA sheets with and without cross-linked of the uncoated TPS25/PLA and TPS30/PLA sheets, i.e., the
chitosan coating.
glycerol concentration in the blend did not affect the
Coating process Solubility (%) permeability of the sheets, as also observed for the solu-
TPS25/PLA TPS30/PLA bility. This behavior may be due to the presence of PLA,
Control 33.6  1.3b-A 35.2  0.7d-A which stabilized the water vapor barrier properties of these
Spray 13.8  0.2a-A 12.8  1.2a-A materials.
Spray (2x) 13.8  0.4a-A 13.9  0.8a,b-A The spray-coated TPS25/PLA sheets presented around
Immersion 14.3  0.1a-A 16.1  0.2c-B
35% lower permeability than the uncoated sheet. The
Immersion (2x) 14.0  0.5a-A 15.4  0.3b,c-B
permeability of TPS30/PLA sheets, with and without
Note: Mean  standard deviation. Means with different lower case letters coating, showed no differences except for the sheet coated
in the same column or means with different capital letters in the same row
by immersion (2x).
designate difference at the 0.05 level according to the Tukey test.
The process of water molecule permeation through the
sheet occurs via the simultaneous effects of the solubili-
Table 2
Water vapor permeability of TPS/PLA sheets with and without cross- zation process and the diffusion of water molecules in the
linked chitosan coating. polymeric matrix. Thus, a reduction in the permeability
was expected for the chitosan coated sheets due to
Coating process Permeability
(m.g.h1.Pa1.m2) 106 a reduction in the overall solubility and diffusion coeffi-
cients, since chitosan has a hydrophobic character.
However, only a few sheets showed a significant
Control 1.8  0.2b-A 1.8  0.1b-A
Spray 1.2  0.1a-A 1.8  0.1b-B
Spray (2x) 1.3  0.1a-A 1.7  0.2b-B
Immersion 1.5  0.3a,b-A 1.6  0.3a,b-A
Immersion (2x) 1.4  0.2a,b-A 1.2  0.1a-A
3.4. Mechanical tests

Note: Mean  standard deviation. Means with different lower case letters
The TPS25/PLA sheets had higher tensile strength and
in the same column or means with different capital letters in the same row
designate difference at the 0.05 level according to the Tukey test. elastic modulus values than the TPS30/PLA sheets,
regardless of the coating procedure used (Table 3). As TPS is
the component in higher concentration in the blend, this
behavior is due to the greater amount of plasticizer in the
The sheets coated with cross-linked chitosan were less
TPS30/PLA blend. According to the literature, the plasti-
soluble in water when compared with uncoated sheets,
cizing effect of glycerol on the amylose and amylopectin
independently of the procedure applied, since the coating
chains reduces the tensile strength and rigidity of the films
reduced the rate of dissolving of the starch, due to its
[17, 18, 19].
hydrophobic character. The spray method reduced, to
The cross-linked chitosan coating increased both the
a greater extent, the solubility of the sheets (58 %) in relation
tensile strength and the elastic modulus, and reduced the
to the immersion method, since the cross-linked chitosan
elongation at break of the sheets when compared with the
covering produced by spraying formed a more efficient
control sheet. With the cross-linking of the coating, the
barrier. Thiré et al. [9] produced coated starch films using the
macromolecules are covalently linked, forming a three-
cold plasma technique to reduce the film hydrophilicity and
dimensional network and reducing the mobility of the
observed a reduction of up to 82% in the water sorption of
chains, which makes the sheets less flexible and more
the coated films, suggesting that this treatment reduces the
resistant. Kittur et al. [20] reported that cross-linked chi-
hydrophilic nature of the film and that the coating acted as
tosan films showed an 18% reduction in elongation and 33%
a physical barrier to water sorption.
increase in tensile strength when compared to non-cross-
linked films.
3.3. Water vapor permeability TPS30/PLA sheets showed no difference in mechanical
properties as a function of the coating process. TPS25/PLA
Table 2 shows the data for water vapor permeability of sheets coated by spraying (2x) had a higher tensile strength
the TPS/PLA sheets with and without coating with cross- (3.7 MPa) and elastic modulus (422 MPa) and lower elon-
linked chitosan. gation (2.6%) than the samples coated by immersion (2x).

Table 3
Tensile strength, elongation at break and elastic modulus of the TPS/PLA sheets with and without cross-linked chitosan coating.

Coating process Tensile Strength (MPa) Elongation at break (%) Elastic modulus (MPa)


Control 1.7  0.1a-B 1.0  0.1a-A 19.2  2.2c-A 17.2  6.1b-A 60  9a-B 32  7a-A
Spray (2x) 3.7  0.5c-B 1.6  0.2b-A 2.6  0.5a-A 9.1  1.8a-B 422  23c-B 72  14b-A
Immersion (2x) 2.8  0.4b-B 1.6  0.2b-A 5.5  1.4b-A 10.4  1.7a-B 214  56b-B 67  13b-A

Note: Mean  standard deviation. Means with different lower case letters in the same column or means with different capital letters in the same row
designate difference at the 0.05 level according to the Tukey test.
98 F.C. Soares et al. / Polymer Testing 32 (2013) 94–98

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