La Creme's Vegan Gluten Free Brochure - Compressed

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La Creme Patisserie is a bespoke dessert manufacturer based in South Wales that specializes in vegan and gluten-free products. They supply venues across the UK and offer a wide range of cakes, tarts and other baked goods.

La Creme Patisserie offers a variety of vegan and gluten-free cakes, tarts, cookies and other baked goods. Popular products mentioned include chocolate fudge cake, lemon cake, cookies and cream cake and mango lime bundt.

La Creme Patisserie produces their gluten-free products in a dedicated gluten-free manufacturing space. They regularly test products to ensure integrity and that there is no cross-contamination. They are conscious of potential allergens in ingredients.


Gluten Free
Vegan Gluten Free Catalogue 2020
La C r e m e Pa t i s s e r i e i a a b e s p ok e d e s s e r t s
m a nuf a ct ur e r b a s e d i n S out h Wa l e s . We
s up p l y ve nue s i ncl ud i ng C h e l t e nh a m r a ce
cour s e , Ke w Ga r d e ns a nd t h e C e l t i c M a nor
R e s or t .

O ur g l ut e n f r e e p r od uct s a r e p r od uce d i n
our d e d i ca t e d g l ut e n f r e e m a nuf a ct ur i ng
s p a ce a nd a r e r e g ul a r l y t e s t e d t o e ns ur e our
p r od uct ' s i nt e g r i t y .

O ur t a l e nt e d t e a m a r e cons t a nt l y d e ve l op i ng
ne w p r od uct s w h i ch m e a ns t h a t e ve r y t h i ng
w e m a k e ca n b e a d a p t e d t o s ui t y our ne e d s .

T h i s b r ouch ur e h a d b e e n col our cod e d

Ve g a n

Gl ut e n F r e e

Ve g a n a nd Gl ut e n F r e e
Vegan Chocolate Fudge Cake
Moist Chocolate fudge cake lled with chocolate
fudge frosting and topped with dark chocolate

Allergens: Gluten, Soya

Portions: 16 pre-portioned
Price: £19.00
Vegan Victoria Sandwich
Classic Victoria Sandwich lled with
luxury strawberry jam and vanilla
buttercream, dusted with snow
Allergens: Gluten, Sulphites
Portions: 16 pre-portioned
Price: £19.00
Vegan Lemon Cake
Zingy Lemon cake lled with lemon
frosting and topped with lemon peel
Allergens: Gluten, Sulphites
Portions: 16 pre-portioned
Price: £19.00
Vegan Cookies and Cream Cake
Vegan chocolate sponge with cookies and cream
frosting, topped with vegan cookies.
  Please note that milk is a possible cross
contamination with the brand of biscuits we use.
We have followed the advice of PETA, in that these
cookies are in the spirit of the vegan lifestyle.

Allergens: Gluten, Soya, Milk

Portions: 16
Price: £19.00
Vegan Gluten Free Mango Lime
Vegan gluten free mango sponge with a
cactus lime drizzle, dried mango pieces and
yellow sugar nibs
Portions: 14
Allergens: Nil
Price:  £17.00

Price $ 30
Sed ut perspiciatis
unde omnis
Price $ 10
Rhubarb Almond Cake Apple Crumble Cake Chocolate Fudge Cake
Moist gluten free almond and rhubarb Moist apple gluten free sponge cake Rich gluten free brownie cake with
sponge cake decorated with toasted with a buttery crumble topping and chocolate fudge frosting and milk
almonds, candied rhubarb and apricot colourful marzipan apple chocolate curls
Allergens: Egg, Milk, Sulphites, Nuts Allergens: Egg, Milk, Sulphites, Nuts Allergens: Egg, Milk, Sulphites
Portions: 14 Portions: 14 Portions: 16
Price: £16.00 Price: £16.00 Price: £19.00

Blueberry Coconut Cake Co ee Walnut Cake

Coconut gluten free sponge cake lled Moist gluten free co ee sponge cake
with blueberry pie compote, vanilla covered with co ee buttercream,
buttercream, colourful coconut and ground walnuts and chocolate co ee
chocolate decoration beans

Allergens: Egg, Milk, Soya

Portions: 16
Gluten Free Allergens: Egg, Milk, Soya, Nuts
Portions: 16
Price:  £17.00
Price: £17.00

Peach, Polenta, Pistachio Raspberry White Chocolate Orange Cake

Cake Chocolate Cake
Moist gluten free almond, pistachio Delicious gluten free cake lled with Rich gluten free chocolate orange
and polenta sponge cake decorated raspberry compote, vanilla brownie cake with chocolate frosting,
with peach frosting, peach slices buttercream, white chocolate curls and chocolate curls and candied orange
pistachio and sun ower seeds raspberry crumble peel.
Allergens: Egg, Milk, Nuts Allergens: Egg, Milk, Soya Allergens: Egg, Milk, Soya, Sulphites,
Portions: 14 Portions: 16 Portions: 14
Price:  £16.0 Price: £19.00 Price:  £16.00
Raspberry White Chocolate Mu n
Delicious gluten free sponge studded with white chocolate
chunks, topped with raspberry compote, white chocolate
curls and sweet snow
Allergens: Egg, Milk, Soya,
Portions: 24
Price: 85p each

Chocolate Caramel Mu n
Rich gluten free brownie with a drizzle of sweet caramel
and snow Gluten
Allergens: Egg, Milk, Soya,
Portions: 24 Free
Mu ns
Price: 85p each

Banana Walnut Mu n
Moist gluten free banana walnut sponge, topped with
caramel, walnut and a banana chip and cinnamon
spiced snow
Allergens: Egg, Milk, Soya, Sulphites, Nuts
Portions: 24
Price: 85p each

Chocolate Co ee Mu n
Rich co ee brownie sponge with a co ee buttercream
topping, chocolate co ee bean and cocoa powder

Allergens: Egg, Milk, Soya,

Portions: 24
Price:  85p each
Gluten Free
Individual Loaf
Lemon Drizzle
Individual Loaf Chocolate Cherry
Delicious gluten free lemon cake Individual Loaf
topped with a drizzle of lemon icing Delicious gluten free cherry brownie
and yellow sugar loaf with cherry pie lling, milk
Allergens: Egg, Milk, Sulphites chocolate curls and sweet snow
Portions: 18 Allergens: Egg, Milk, Soya,
Price: 90p each Portions: 18
Price: 90p each
Blueberry Coconut
Individual Loaf Banana Spice
Gluten free coconut sponge topped
with blueberry compote and colourful Individual Loaf
coconut Banana gluten free sponge cake with
Allergens: Egg, Milk, ginger and mixed spice, buttercream,
Portions: 18 banana chips and cinnamon snow
Price: 90p each Allergens: Egg, Milk, Sulphites
Portions: 18
Price: 90p each
Cherry Bakewell
Individual Loaf
Moist almond gluten free sponge with
cherry pie lling, white icing, toasted
almonds and sweet snow
Allergens: Egg, Milk, Sulphites, Nuts
Portions: 18
Price: 90p each
Vegan Mini Mu ns
Blueberry Mini Mu n
Juicy blueberry mu n with our vanilla vegan
sponge cake
Allergens: Gluten, Soya
Portions: 30
Price: 40p each

Dark Chocolate Chunk Mini Mu n

Rich vegan chocolate mu n with a generous
amount of dark chocolate chunks
Allergens: Gluten, Soya
Portions: 30
Price: 40p each

Lemon Drizzle Mini Mu n

Zingy lemon vegan sponge with a crusty lemon
sugar topping and candied lemon peel
Allergens: Gluten, Sulphites
Portions: 30
Price:  40p each
Vegan Mu ns
Blueberry Mu n
Juicy blueberry mu n with our vanilla vegan
sponge cake
Allergens: Gluten, Soya
Portions: 30
Price:  40p each

Dark Chocolate Chunk Mu n

Rich vegan chocolate mu n with a generous
amount of dark chocolate chunks
Allergens: Gluten, Soya
Portions: 30
Price: 40p each

Lemon Drizzle Mu n
Zingy lemon vegan sponge with a crusty lemon
sugar topping and candied lemon peel
Allergens: Gluten, Sulphites
Portions: 30
Price: 40p each
Vegan Individual
Loaf Cakes
Dark Chocolate and Bitter Orange
Individual Loaf Cake
Zesty dark chocolate orange vegan sponge with candied
peel and chocolate topping
Allergens: Gluten, Soya, Sulphites
Portions: 18
Price: 90p each

Carrot, Orange and Pecan

Individual Loaf
An individual portion of carrot, orange and pecan
loaf cake, decorated with bright orange icing
Allergens: Gluten, Sulphites, Nuts
Portions: 18
Price: 90p each

Chocolate Pistachio Individual Loaf

Rich vegan chocolate and pistachio loaf cake with
creamy pistachio topping
Allergens: Gluten, Soya, Nuts
Portions: 18
Price:  90p each
Multi portion Vegan Gluten Free
Raspberry Cheesecake
Our special vegan baked raspberry cheesecake,
raspberry glassage, vegan gluten free shortbread base,
raspberry crumble and dark chocolate decoration

Allergens: Soya, Sulphites

Portions: 14
Price: £21.20
Individual Vegan Gluten Free Peanut
Butter Brownie
Moist, rich vegan gluten free
brownie with peanut butter, Allergens: Soya, Nuts
Portions: 21
peanut butter topping and cocoa Price: £1.20
Individual Vegan Gluten Free
  Cherry Opera Wave
Layers of vegan gluten free vanilla Allergens: Soya, Sulphites
and chocolate sponge, vegan Portions: 20
vanilla and cherry mousse, cherry Price: £1.75 each
glassage and dark chocolate
Individual Vegan Gluten Free Chocolate Opera
Layers of our vegan gluten free
chocolate sponge, vegan mousse Allergens: Soya
Portions: 20
and vegan dark chocolate ganache Price: £1.60
Vegan Gluten Free Raspberry White Choc*
Layers of our delicious vegan
gluten free vanilla sponge with Allergens: Soya
Portions: 8
raspberry compote, vanilla vegan Price: £12.80
mousse and vegan white choc*

* It's white choc, not chocolate as is doesn't contain the milk

solids needed to be called chocolate!
Individual Gluten Free Vegan Sticky
To ee Pudding
Rich date sponge with a vegan
caramel topping and a dusting of
Allergens: Soya, Sulphites
Portions: 20
Price: £1.40 each
Individual Vegan Gluten Free Raspberry
Our special vegan gluten free raspberry
cheesecake dome, covered in raspberry
glassage with raspberry crumble and a gluten
free vegan shortbread base
Allergens: Soya, Sulphites
Portions: 16
Price: £1.80
Vegan Gluten Free Mini Scones
Vegan gluten free mini scones
available in plain and fruit
Allergens: Soya, Sulphites
Portions: 36
Price: 60p
Gluten Free Vegan Afternoon Tea
Chocolate Orange Tart Raspberry Cheesecake Peanut Butter Brownie
Handmade dark chocolate tart Our special vegan gluten free Vegan gluten free peanut butter
shell lled with vegan chocolate baked raspberry cheesecake, brownie with peanut butter
ganache, orange cream and raspberry glassage, shortbread topping and cocoa powder
chocolate decoration and chocolate decoration

Allergens: Soya, Sulphites Allergens: Soya, Nuts

Allergens: Soya, Sulphites
Portions: 36 Portions: 36
Portions: 30
Price: 90p each Price: 80p each
Price: £1.10 each

Spiced Carrot Cake Tiramisi Mango Lime Layer

Moist carrot cake with a spiced Vegan gluten free chocolate Layers of mango sponge, lime
buttercream frosting and sponge, co ee drizzle, whipped frosting, lime drizzle and
pumpkin seeds vegan cream, chocolate co ee toasted coconut
bean and cocoa

Allergens: Nil Allergens: Soya Allergens: Soya, Sulphites

Portions: 36 Portions: 30 Portions: 36
Price: 80p each Price: 90p each Price: 80p each
Gluten Free Vegan Afternoon Tea
Lemon Mini Strawberry Gateaux Raspberry Brownie
Vegan gluten free lemon sponge Vegan gluten free vanilla sponge Rich vegan gluten free brownie
with a lemon buttercream lling with a strawberry compote, topped with raspberry compote,
and lemon cream vegan whipped cream and raspberry and a dusting of snow
strawberry crumble

Allergens: Sulphites Allergens: Soya, Sulphites Allergens: Soya, Sulphites

Portions: 36 Portions: 36 Portions: 30
Price: 80p each Price: 90p each Price: 80p each

Chocolate Raspberry Strawberry Baked Sticky To ee Finger

Tart Cheesecake
Handmade dark chocolate tart Our special strawberry baked Gluten free vegan sticky to ee
shell lled with vegan chocolate cheesecake dome on gluten free pudding with vegan caramel
ganache, raspberry compote vegan shortbread with topping and sweet snow
and chocolate decoration chocolate decoration
Allergens: Soya, Sulphites Allergens: Soya, Sulphites
Portions: 36 Allergens: Soya, Sulphites
Portions: 36
Price: £1.00 each Portions: 36
Price: £1.00 each
Price: 80p each
Mixed Vegan Gluten Free Boxes
A selection box of vegan gluten free afternoon tea, containing nine
portions of four di erent varieties. We always include a varied selection.
e box is designed for customers that want a good variety of afternoon
tea but perhaps don't have the space to store 4 x 36 boxes. is brochure
doesn't contain an exhaustive list as we develop new products daily. If
you are after a particular product just let us know.
Allergens: Soya, Sulphites, Nuts
Portions: 36 x 4 varieties
Price: £30.60
How to Purchase

All the products we sell are made in house to

the speci cations of our customers.
  If you are after a speci c product or design,
please contact us and we will work with you
to achieve something special.

Contact us on 1633 862058 or email

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