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Empowering people 4.

What's going on? What's going on is that managers are
empowering employees. They are putting employees in charge
of what they do, and in so doing, managers are being forced to
learn how to give up control while employees are being forced
to learn how to take responsibility for their work and make
.appropriate decisions

Stimulating innovation and change 4.8

An organization's employees can be the impetus for innovation
and change or they can be a major stumbling block. The
challenge for managers is to stimulate their employees'
creativity and tolerance for change. The field of OB provides a
.wealth of ideas and techniques to aid in realizing these goals

"Coping with "Temporariness 4.9

With change comes temporariness. Globalization, expanded
capacity, and advances in technology have combined in recent
years to make it imperative that organizations be fast and
.flexible if they are to survive

Working in networked organizations 4.10

Computerization, the Internet, and the ability to link
computers within organizations and between organizations
have created a different workplace for many employees-a
networked organization. As more and more employees do their
jobs linked to others through networks, managers need to
develop new skills. OB can provide valuable insights to help
.with honing those skills

Helping employees balance work-life conflicts 4.11

A number of forces have contributed to blurring the lines
between employees' work life and personal life. First, the
creation of global organizations means their world never
sleeps. Second, communication technology allows employees to
do their work at home, in their cars, or on the beach. Third,
organizations are asking employees to put in longer hours.
.Finally, fewer families have only a single breadwinner
The field of OB offers a number of ideas to guide managers in
designing workplaces and jobs that can help employees deal
.with work-life conflicts

Improving ethical behavior 4.12

Members of organizations are increasingly finding themselves
facing ethical dilemmas, situations in which they are required
to define right and wrong conduct. For example, should they
"blow the whistle" if they uncover illegal activities taking place
in their company? Should they follow orders with which they
?don't personally agree
OB concepts and ideas will help managers to create an
ethically healthy climate for his or her employees, where they
can do their work productively and confront a minimal degree
of ambiguity regarding what constitutes right and wrong

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