Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: Continuumaudio Interview Available Online
Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: Continuumaudio Interview Available Online
Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: Continuumaudio Interview Available Online
Hemorrhage C O N T I N U UM AUDIO
By Susanne Muehlschlegel, MD, MPH, FNCS, FCCM
ABSTRACT 1623–1657.
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: This article reviews the epidemiology, clinical
Address correspondence to
presentation, diagnosis, and management of patients with aneurysmal Dr Susanne Muehlschlegel,
subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH). SAH is a type of hemorrhagic stroke and Departments of Neurology,
is a neurologic emergency with substantial morbidity and mortality. This Anesthesia/Critical Care &
Surgery, University of
article reviews the most common and potentially life-threatening Massachusetts Medical School,
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neurologic and medical complications to promote their early recognition University Campus, S-5, 55 Lake
and prevent secondary brain injury. Ave N, Worcester, MA 01655,
RECENT FINDINGS: Over the past 30 years, the incidence of SAH has remained
stable; yet, likely because of improved care in specialized neurocritical
Dr Muehlschlegel has received
care units, discharge mortality has considerably decreased. Two research/grant support from the
consensus guidelines by the American Heart Association/American Stroke National Institutes of Health/
National Institute of Child Health
Association and the Neurocritical Care Society have outlined best and Human Development and
practices for the management of patients with SAH. The most important the Prize for Academic
recommendations include admission of patients to high-volume centers Collaboration and Excellence
(PACE) from the University of
(defined as more than 35 SAH admissions per year) under the management Massachusetts Memorial
of a multidisciplinary, specialized team; expeditious identification and Medical Group. Dr Muehlschlegel
treatment of the bleeding source with evaluation by a multidisciplinary receives partial research salary
support as the site principal
team consisting of cerebrovascular neurosurgeons, neuroendovascular investigator for the INTREPID
specialists, and neurointensivists; management of patients in a (Impact of Fever Prevention
Continued on page 1657
neurocritical care unit with enteral nimodipine, blood pressure control,
euvolemia, and close monitoring for neurologic and medical
complications; and treatment of symptomatic cerebral vasospasm/ PRODUCTS/INVESTIGATIONAL
delayed cerebral ischemia with induced hypertension and endovascular USE DISCLOSURE:
therapies. This article also highlights new insights of SAH pathophysiology Dr Muehlschlegel discusses
the unlabeled/investigational
and provides updates in the management approach. short-term use of
antifibrinolytics (ε-aminocaproic
SUMMARY: SAH remains a neurologic emergency. Management of patients acid and tranexamic acid) for
the treatment of early aneurysm
with SAH includes adherence to published guidelines, but some areas of bleeding, the use of
SAH management remain understudied. Clinical trials are required to fludrocortisone for the
treatment of cerebral salt
elucidate the role of these controversial management approaches in
wasting syndrome after
improving patient outcomes. subarachnoid hemorrhage, the
use of levetiracetam for seizure
prophylaxis, and the use of
INTRODUCTION milrinone, nicardipine, and
verapamil as endovascular
ontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) is a type of therapy using intraarterial
hemorrhagic stroke most commonly due to the rupture of saccular vasodilators for the treatment
(berry) aneurysms and comprises 3% of all stroke types.1 While a of subarachnoid hemorrhage.
17% to 50% decrease in the worldwide case fatality rate has been © 2018 American Academy
reported in the last 2 to 3 decades, thought to be due to more rapid of Neurology.
Modified with permission from Suarez JI, Continuum (Minneap Minn).12
© 2015 American Academy of Neurology.
SAH typically presents with a sudden and severe headache (often described as
the “worst headache of life”), which is distinctly different from usual headaches
and is often accompanied by loss of consciousness, nausea, vomiting,
photophobia, and neck pain (CASE 3-1). A small proportion of patients may
experience a headache without many or any of the associated symptoms
(sentinel headache) and may either not seek medical attention or are
misdiagnosed, thereby remaining unrecognized, with a high risk for major
life-threatening rebleeding within a short period of time (hours to days).23,27,28
Other less typical presenting signs may be seizures, acute encephalopathy, and
concomitant subdural hematoma with or without associated head trauma (due to
the SAH-related syncope), which may make a diagnosis of aneurysmal SAH
more difficult.23
The physical examination should include determination of the level of
consciousness and the patient’s score on the Glasgow Coma Scale, evaluation for
meningeal signs, and presence of focal neurologic deficits. In cases with unusual
presentation or uncertainty, funduscopic evaluation may be helpful. Intraocular
hemorrhage associated with SAH (Terson syndrome) is associated with
increased mortality and may be seen in 40% of patients with SAH.29
Transient elevation in intracranial pressure (ICP) is the cause of nausea,
vomiting, and syncope and may be associated with additional cardiac and
pulmonary complications after SAH. The intraocular hemorrhages in Terson
syndrome are thought to be due to the sudden elevation in the ICP. When ICP
elevations are severe and sustained, coma and rapid deterioration to brain death
can result.
Several diagnostic modalities may be used for the diagnosis of SAH.
TABLE 3-2 Two Phases of Caring for a Patient With Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
CASE 3-1 A 43-year-old woman with a past medical history of smoking and
depression presented to a community hospital with sudden onset of
severe headache, brief loss of consciousness, nausea, and vomiting while
using the bathroom. She reported a moderate, persistent, sudden-onset
headache that had continued for 36 hours.
In the emergency department, her blood pressure was 185/100 mm Hg,
pulse was 105 beats/min, arterial oxygen saturation was 95% on room air,
and temperature was 36.8°C (98.2°F).
On examination, she reported neck pain, was disoriented (Glasgow
Coma Scale score of 13), but had no focal deficits. Her World Federation
of Neurological Surgeons Scale (WFNSS) score was 2, Hunt and Hess
Scale score was 3, and modified Fisher Scale score was 4. Bolus
injections of 10 mg IV labetalol and 4 mg IV morphine resulted in a partial
blood pressure reduction to 170/90 mm Hg. She was started on a
nicardipine infusion to achieve and maintain a systolic blood pressure of
less than 160 mm Hg.
A noncontrast head CT revealed subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) in
multiple cisterns, intraventricular hemorrhage, and mild hydrocephalus
(FIGURE 3-1A). She received a loading dose of IV levetiracetam.
The patient was immediately transferred to a comprehensive stroke
center and was admitted to the neurocritical care unit. Since her Glasgow
Coma Scale had worsened to a score of 10 because of hydrocephalus, she
had an external ventricular drain (EVD) placed, which was kept clamped
prior to aneurysm coiling with intermittent opening to drain 5 mL to 10 mL
of CSF hourly.
After discussion among the interventional neuroradiologist,
cerebrovascular neurosurgeon, and neurointensivist, the patient
underwent digital subtraction angiography (DSA) and coiling of her
unsecured aneurysm (FIGURE 3-1B–D). Following the coiling, the patient was
transferred back to the neurocritical care unit, where she received
enteral nimodipine, pain control, IV normal saline to maintain euvolemia,
intermittent compression devices, and subcutaneous enoxaparin for
chemoprophylaxis for deep vein thrombosis, and IV dexamethasone
(for 2 days only) for refractory headaches. The levetiracetam was
discontinued based on guideline recommendations, as further discussed
in the section on seizures and seizure prophylaxis in this article.
Nicardipine was discontinued, and she maintained a systolic blood
pressure between 140 mm Hg and 165 mm Hg spontaneously, with a goal
systolic blood pressure of 100 mm Hg to 200 mm Hg with the secured
aneurysm. Her EVD was leveled at 10 mm Hg and open, and 5 mL to 12 mL
of CSF was drained hourly. Her neurologic examination improved to a
Glasgow Coma Scale score of 15 with no focal deficits, and she was
mobilized out of bed.
This case demonstrates the first phase of SAH management: rapid COMMENT
diagnosis of SAH and hydrocephalus and immediate emergency treatment
with blood pressure lowering, EVD placement, and obliteration of the
ruptured cerebral aneurysm.
Diagnostic algorithm for subarachnoid hemorrhage.
CT = computed tomography; CTA = computed tomography angiography; DSA = digital subtraction angiography.
Reprinted with permission from Suarez JI, et al, N Engl J Med.31 © 2006 Massachusetts Medical Society.
radiation, iodine contrast, and its potential for anaphylactic reaction and
nephrotoxicity. Patients with a negative initial DSA should have a repeat study
7 to 14 days after the initial one. In addition, in those with negative initial DSA,
MRI of the brain and, depending on the location of the SAH, MRI of the cervical
spine should be performed to search for a possible arteriovenous malformation
of the brain, brainstem, or spinal cord.9,30
This section focuses on the emergency department evaluation and management
of a patient with SAH.
Imaging of the patient in CASE 3-2. Noncontrast
head CT at two brainstem levels showing blood in
the perimesencephalic cisterns (arrows) consistent
with a perimesencephalic subarachnoid hemorrhage.
This case demonstrates a typical presentation and hospital course for a COMMENT
perimesencephalic subarachnoid hemorrhage, with the adequate workup
for a bleeding source. The patient’s course was benign, as commonly seen
in patients with perimesencephalic subarachnoid hemorrhage.
The focus in the first few minutes to hours after SAH, until the patient can
undergo treatment of the ruptured aneurysm, should be directed toward the
prevention of rebleeding. This life-threatening complication, with a mortality rate
of 20% to 60%, has its highest rate (8% to 23%) within the first 72 hours after SAH,
with the majority of rebleeding (50% to 90%) occurring within the first 6 hours,
not including patients who die before hospital arrival.9 After the first month,
rebleeding rates are low, at 3% per year. Risk factors for rebleeding include
poor-grade SAH, hypertension, a large aneurysm, and, potentially, the use of
antiplatelet drugs.27 Particularly, blood pressure fluctuations and extreme blood
pressure peaks should be avoided because of the presumed propensity to
cause rebleeding.39
Current guideline recommendations for blood pressure goals are to keep
systolic blood pressure below 160 mm Hg.13,24 Continuous blood pressure
TABLE 3-3 Clinical and Radiologic Grading Scales for Subarachnoid Hemorrhagea
Modified with permission from Suarez JI, et al, N Engl J Med.31 © 2006 Massachusetts Medical Society.
Thick is defined as a subarachnoid hemorrhage filling one or more cisterns or fissures out of a total of 10 cisterns/fissures: interhemispheric
fissure, the quadrigeminal cistern, both suprasellar cisterns, both ambient cisterns, both basal sylvian fissures, and both lateral sylvian fissures.
TABLE 3-4 Summary of Key Recommendations for the Management of Patients With
Subarachnoid Hemorrhagea
Hospital/system Low-volume hospitals (eg, fewer than 10 Patients with SAH should be treated at high-
characteristics subarachnoid hemorrhage [SAH] cases per year) volume centers (moderate quality of evidence,
should consider early transfer of patients with SAH strong recommendation).
to high-volume centers (eg, more than 35 SAH
High-volume centers should have appropriate
cases per year) with experienced cerebrovascular
specialty neurointensive care units,
surgeons, endovascular specialists, and
neurointensivists, vascular neurosurgeons, and
multidisciplinary neurointensive care services
interventional neuroradiologists to provide the
(Class I, Level B).
essential elements of care (moderate quality of
After discharge, it is reasonable to refer patients evidence, strong recommendation).
with SAH for a comprehensive evaluation, including
cognitive, behavioral, and psychosocial
assessments (Class IIa, Level B).
Aneurysm treatment Surgical clipping or endovascular coiling of the Early aneurysm repair should be undertaken,
ruptured aneurysm should be performed as early as when possible and reasonable to prevent
feasible in the majority of patients to reduce the rebleeding (high quality of evidence, strong
rate of rebleeding after SAH (Class I, Level B). recommendation).
For patients with ruptured aneurysms judged to be An early, short course of antifibrinolytic therapy
technically amenable to either endovascular coiling prior to early aneurysm repair (begun at
or neurosurgical clipping, endovascular coiling diagnosis and continued up to the point at which
should be considered (Class I, Level B). the aneurysm is secured or at 72 hours postictus,
whichever is shorter) should be considered (low
Complete obliteration of the aneurysm is
quality of evidence, weak recommendation).
recommended whenever possible (Class I, Level B).
Delayed (more than 48 hours after the ictus) or
Stenting of a ruptured aneurysm is associated with
prolonged (more than 3 days) antifibrinolytic
increased morbidity and mortality (Class III, Level C).
therapy exposes patients to side effects of
For patients with an unavoidable delay in therapy when the risk of rebleeding is sharply
obliteration of aneurysm, a significant risk of reduced and should be avoided (high quality of
rebleeding, and no compelling medical evidence, strong recommendation).
contraindications, short-term (less than 72 hours)
therapy with tranexamic acid or aminocaproic acid
is reasonable to reduce the risk of early aneurysm
rebleeding (Class IIa, Level B).
Blood pressure Between the time of SAH symptom onset and Treat extreme hypertension in patients with an
control aneurysm obliteration, blood pressure should be unsecured, recently ruptured aneurysm. Modest
controlled with a titratable agent to balance the elevations in blood pressure (mean blood
risk of stroke, hypertension-related rebleeding, pressure of less than 110 mm Hg) do not require
and maintenance of cerebral perfusion pressure therapy. Premorbid baseline blood pressures
(Class I, Level B). should be used to refine targets and
hypotension should be avoided (low quality of
The magnitude of blood pressure control to reduce
evidence, strong recommendation).
the risk of rebleeding has not been established, but
a decrease in systolic blood pressure to less than
160 mm Hg is reasonable (Class IIa, Level C).
Intravascular Maintenance of euvolemia and normal circulating Intravascular volume management should target
volume status blood volume is recommended to prevent delayed euvolemia and avoid prophylactic hypervolemic
cerebral ischemia (Class I, Level B). therapy. In contrast, there is evidence for harm
from aggressive administration of fluid aimed at
achieving hypervolemia (moderate quality of
evidence, strong recommendation).
Seizures The use of prophylactic anticonvulsants may be Routine use of anticonvulsant prophylaxis with
considered in the immediate posthemorrhagic phenytoin is not recommended after SAH (low
period (Class IIb, Level B). quality of evidence, strong recommendation).
The routine long-term use of anticonvulsants is not If anticonvulsant prophylaxis is used, a short
recommended (Class III, Level B). course (3–7 days) is recommended (low quality
of evidence, weak recommendation).
Continuous EEG monitoring should be
considered in patients with poor-grade SAH
who fail to improve or who have neurologic
deterioration of undetermined etiology (low
quality of evidence, strong recommendation).
Fever treatment Aggressive control of fever to a target of During the period of risk for delayed cerebral
normothermia by use of standard or advanced ischemia, control of fever is desirable; intensity
temperature modulating systems is reasonable in should reflect the individual patient’s relative
the acute phase of SAH (Class IIa, Level B). risk of ischemia (low quality of evidence, strong
Surface cooling or intravascular devices are
more effective and should be employed when
antipyretics fail in cases where fever control is
highly desirable (high quality of evidence, strong
Glucose control Careful glucose management with strict avoidance Hypoglycemia (serum glucose of less than
of hypoglycemia may be considered as part of the 80 mg/dL) should be avoided (high quality of
general critical care management of patients with evidence, strong recommendation).
SAH (Class IIb, Level B)
Serum glucose should be maintained below
200 mg/dL (moderate quality of evidence,
strong recommendation).
Deep vein Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia and deep vein Measures to prevent deep vein thrombosis
thrombosis thrombosis are relatively frequent complications should be employed in all patients with SAH
prophylaxis after SAH. Early identification and targeted (high quality of evidence, strong
treatment are recommended, but further research recommendation).
is needed to identify the ideal screening paradigms
The use of unfractionated heparin for
(Class I, Level B)
prophylaxis could be started 24 hours after
undergoing aneurysm obliteration (moderate
quality of evidence, strong recommendation).
Delayed cerebral Oral nimodipine should be administered to all Oral nimodipine (60 mg every 4 hours) should be
ischemia patients with SAH (Class I, Level A). administered after SAH for a period of 21 days
(high quality of evidence, strong
Maintenance of euvolemia and normal circulating
blood volume is recommended to prevent delayed
cerebral ischemia (Class I, Level B). The goal should be maintaining euvolemia, rather
than attempting hypervolemia (moderate quality
Prophylactic hypervolemia or balloon angioplasty
of evidence, strong recommendation).
before the development of angiographic spasm is
not recommended (Class III, Level B). Transcranial Doppler may be used for monitoring
and detection of large artery vasospasm with
Transcranial Doppler is reasonable to monitor for
variable sensitivity (moderate quality of
the development of arterial vasospasm (Class IIa,
evidence, strong recommendation).
Level B).
Digital subtraction angiography is the gold
Perfusion imaging with CT or MRI can be useful to
standard for detection of large artery
identify regions of potential brain ischemia (Class
vasospasm (high quality of evidence, strong
IIa, Level B).
Induction of hypertension is recommended for
Patients clinically suspected of delayed cerebral
patients with delayed cerebral ischemia unless
ischemia should undergo a trial of induced
blood pressure is elevated at baseline or cardiac
hypertension (moderate quality of evidence,
status precludes it (Class I, Level B).
strong recommendation).
Cerebral angioplasty and/or selective intraarterial
Endovascular treatment using intraarterial
vasodilator therapy is reasonable in patients with
vasodilators and/or angioplasty may be
symptomatic vasospasm, particularly those who
considered for vasospasm-related delayed
are not responding to hypertensive therapy (Class
cerebral ischemia (moderate quality of
IIa, Level B).
evidence, strong recommendation).
Anemia and The use of packed red blood cell transfusion to Patients should receive packed red blood cell
transfusion treat anemia might be reasonable in patients with transfusions to maintain hemoglobin
SAH who are at risk of cerebral ischemia. The concentration above 8–10 g/dL (moderate
optimal hemoglobin goal is still to be determined quality of evidence, strong recommendation).
(Class IIb, Level B).
Hyponatremia The use of fludrocortisone acetate and hypertonic Fluid restriction should not be used to treat
saline solution is reasonable for preventing and hyponatremia (weak quality of evidence, strong
correcting hyponatremia (Class IIa, Level B). recommendation).
Early treatment with hydrocortisone or
fludrocortisone may be used to limit natriuresis
and hyponatremia (moderate quality of
evidence, weak recommendation).
Mild hypertonic saline solutions can be used to
correct hyponatremia (very low quality of
evidence, strong recommendation).
CT = computed tomography; ECG = electrocardiogram; EEG = electroencephalogram; MRI = magnetic resonance imaging.
Reprinted with permission from Suarez JI, Continuum (Minneap Minn).12 © 2015 American Academy of Neurology.
American Heart Association/American Stroke Association recommendations follow the American Heart Association Stroke Council’s methods of
classifying the level of certainty of the treatment effect and the class of evidence.
For the Neurocritical Care Society’s guidelines, the quality of the data was assessed and recommendations developed using the Grading of
Recommendations, Assessment, Development, and Evaluation (GRADE) system.
Aneurysm Treatment
With the publication of the ISAT (International Subarachnoid Aneurysm Trial),25,26
which compared endovascular coiling to surgical clipping after SAH, the treatment
of an unsecured aneurysm has shifted from surgical clipping to mostly
endovascular coiling.49 ISAT showed that patients in the endovascular coiling
group had significantly higher odds of survival free of disability 1 year after SAH
and a lower risk of epilepsy when compared to the surgical clipping group.
Even 10 years after SAH, patients who underwent endovascular coiling had
better outcomes.50 In contrast, the risk of rebleeding and incomplete occlusion of
the aneurysm was lower with surgical clipping. With the introduction of newer
techniques such as stent-assisted or balloon-assisted coiling, even broad-neck
aneurysms can now be treated with endovascular coiling.
Currently, endovascular coiling is preferred over surgical clipping whenever
possible. However, follow-up angiograms are necessary, as the recurrence rate of
aneurysms is higher when they are treated with endovascular coiling.50
At the author’s institution, approximately 95% of aneurysms are treated with
endovascular coiling (CASE 3-1). Many aneurysms are not equally suited for
endovascular coiling or surgical clipping (TABLE 3-5 and CASE 3-3A). The choice
of treatment depends on the patient’s age as well as the aneurysm location,
morphology, and relationship to adjacent vessels. A multidisciplinary approach
to the swift treatment decision with consensus between cerebrovascular
neurosurgeons, neuroendovascular specialists, and neurointensivists is
recommended given the complexity of the decision. Regardless of the treatment
modality, rebleeding must be prevented, and the unsecured aneurysm must be
treated as soon as possible (TABLE 3-4).
Surgical clipping Aneurysm with wide neck-to-body ratio, crucial arteries arising from aneurysm dome, middle cerebral
artery aneurysm, aneurysm with large parenchymal hematoma
Modified with permission from Suarez JI, Continuum (Minneap Minn).12 © 2015 American Academy of Neurology.
COMMENT This case shows a patient with a clear indication for surgical clipping due to
the more superficial location of the aneurysm at the distal middle cerebral
artery and the aneurysm’s anatomy with multiple vessels coming off the
aneurysm. It also shows how patients with large temporal hematomas (with
or without subarachnoid hemorrhage) should always undergo vessel
imaging, as a middle cerebral artery aneurysm may be the culprit.
Several serious neurologic complications may occur after SAH.
Rebleeding is the most immediately life-threatening neurologic complication
after SAH. The best measure to reduce the risk of rebleeding is the early and rapid
treatment of the unsecured, ruptured aneurysm. The prevention of rebleeding
via aggressive blood pressure control should begin during the prehospital
transport and in the emergency department.
Acute symptomatic hydrocephalus occurs in 20% of patients with SAH, usually
within minutes to days after SAH onset (FIGURE 3-1A and FIGURE 3-4A). Clinical
signs of hydrocephalus are decreased levels of consciousness, impaired upgaze,
hypertension, and delirium. The diagnosis is made by repeat head CT and
clinical symptoms.
Hydrocephalus can resolve spontaneously in 30% of patients but can also
rapidly worsen. Insertion of an external ventricular drain (EVD) can be
lifesaving. Some centers insert a lumbar drain instead of an EVD in cases of
communicating hydrocephalus, while some centers insert both. Reluctance to
place an EVD includes the risks of infection, bleeding (intracerebral or
intraventricular), and changes in the transmural pressure precipitating the
rebleeding of an unsecured aneurysm. The bleeding and infection risk for EVD
insertions are close to 8% for each.9
A rapid weaning of the EVD is recommended after aneurysm obliteration or
within 48 hours of insertion if the patient is neurologically stable. In those for
whom weaning is unsuccessful (approximately 40%), placement of a chronic
ventriculoperitoneal shunt may be required. A small retrospective study from
Germany has suggested that dexamethasone dosed 12 mg/d for at least 5 days
may lower the risk of hydrocephalus after SAH.52 Given the lack of randomized
controlled studies, the routine use of corticosteroids outside its application for
headache control from meningeal chemical irritation after SAH cannot
be recommended.
CASE 3-3B The patient in CASE 3-3A was admitted to the neurocritical care unit. He
was monitored with daily transcranial Doppler (TCD). On day 5 post–
subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH), he had an uptrend in the daily TCD mean
velocities from 50 cm/s to 153 cm/s in the right middle cerebral artery
(FIGURE 3-5A–B).
On day 6 post-SAH, he developed worse headaches, disorientation,
neglect, dysarthria, and worse left-sided weakness. He was afebrile, had
a normal glucose level, and was euvolemic. He was given a fluid bolus,
and his systolic blood pressure goal was elevated to greater than
180 mm Hg with phenylephrine infusion.
An emergent EEG did not reveal nonconvulsive seizures. The blood
pressure augmentation improved the disorientation and neglect but not
the weakness and dysarthria. Four-vessel angiography was performed,
which revealed cerebral vasospasm in the right middle cerebral artery
and right anterior cerebral artery (FIGURE 3-5C–D). He was treated with
intraarterial nicardipine. Postprocedure he had resolution of symptoms
to his immediate post-SAH baseline, but they returned by the next
morning. Repeat four-vessel angiography was performed, and he was
treated with intraarterial nicardipine and angioplasty (FIGURE 3-5E).
He experienced complete resolution of his symptoms. He was
maintained on hypertensive and mild hypervolemic therapy until day 15
post-SAH. His TCD velocities were downtrending, and he was slowly
weaned off induced hypertension. He was eventually discharged to
The pathophysiology of delayed cerebral ischemia.
Reprinted with permission from Macdonald RL, Nat Rev Neurol.59 © 2013 Springer Nature Limited.
Experts have recommended that all patients with SAH undergo a head
CT at 24 to 48 hours after aneurysm treatment to establish any treatment-
related infarctions.57 Any subsequent new hypodensities not attributable to
EVD insertion or intraparenchymal hematoma should be regarded as cerebral
infarctions from delayed cerebral ischemia regardless of the clinical signs.
Patients with SAH should undergo physiologic or imaging monitoring
routinely during the risk period for delayed cerebral ischemia.13,24 Such
monitoring is usually multimodal and includes ICP, cerebral perfusion pressure,
continuous EEG, and transcranial Doppler (TCD) monitoring; DSA, CTA, and
CT perfusion (CTP) imaging are also used when indicated as well as brain tissue
oxygenation and microdialysis monitoring, when available.
TCD has been the longest used and best studied of all the monitoring
modalities. In the large vessels of the circle of Willis, TCD has adequate
sensitivity and specificity to detect increased cerebral blood flow velocities
secondary to cerebral vasospasm but is highly dependent on the operator and
cranial bone window (CASE 3-3B).63
Practitioners need to be aware that the sensitivity/specificity of TCD is good
for the middle cerebral and internal carotid arteries but is much lower for the
anterior cerebral arteries and posterior circulation arteries. Thresholds for the
diagnosis of cerebral vasospasm have been summarized.63
In addition, cerebral blood flow velocities can be elevated for other reasons
(hyperemia due to fever, induced hypertension, anemia), and therefore a
diagnosis of cerebral vasospasm should only be made when the ratio of mean
cerebral blood flow velocity of the intracranial vessel to mean cerebral blood flow
velocity of the extracranial internal carotid artery is elevated. Therefore, for the
diagnosis of middle cerebral artery vasospasm, routine measurement of the
Lindegaard ratio (mean velocity in the middle cerebral artery/mean velocity in
ipsilateral extracranial internal carotid artery) is prudent. A Lindegaard ratio
of >3 indicates cerebral vasospasm. Similar ratios exist for the other main
intracranial vessels.
DSA remains the gold standard for the detection of large- and middle-sized
artery vasospasm. CTA is now widely available and is often applied for
vasospasm screening before DSA given its high degree of specificity and lack of
invasiveness. CTA, however, can overestimate cerebral vasospasm. CTP imaging
with elevated mean transit time may be of additional value to CTA to assess for
decreased cerebral perfusion, but further investigations on the application of
CTP in SAH are needed.
Brain tissue oxygenation, cerebral blood flow, and microdialysis monitoring
can provide additional information when used in the context of multimodality
monitoring and may be able to detect early cerebral vasospasm before it becomes
symptomatic and before delayed cerebral ischemia occurs. Clinicians must
bear in mind the limitations of such monitoring, including the restriction to
monitoring local rather than global brain areas.
Continuous scalp EEG offers the advantage of monitoring broader regions of
the brain. Quantitative continuous EEG, if available, may offer easier
interpretation of bedside data even by providers not trained or certified to
interpret EEG. The cost, and thereby lack of widespread availability, is currently
limiting quantitative continuous EEG from becoming standard of care.
It is very important to differentiate between angiographic/TCD vasospasm
and clinical symptomatic vasospasm (CASE 3-3B).64 The former occurs in the
SAH is a systemic disease, and patients commonly experience additional medical
complications. Anticipation of these complications leads to rapid recognition
and treatment.
The pathophysiology of cardiopulmonary complications in subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH).
SAH leads to a sudden catecholamine surge, which activates alpha, alpha + beta, and beta
receptors, leading to pulmonary and myocardial dysfunction as well as platelet aggregation.
Consequently, patients can develop neurogenic pulmonary edema, left ventricular
dysfunction (Takotsubo cardiomyopathy), and shock.
LVEF = left ventricular ejection fraction.
Modified with permission from Bassil R, et al.73 © 2017 Wolters Kluwer.
Fever is the most common medical complication after SAH, occurring in up to
70% of patients.13,24 Fever is more likely to occur in patients with high-grade
SAH and poor neurologic status. Fever has been associated with delayed cerebral
ischemia and worse clinical outcomes and is likely related to SIRS and chemical
meningitis rather than an infectious process. While fever is commonly treated
with therapeutic temperature modulation and induced normothermia, no clear
evidence currently indicates that such treatment is beneficial. Current
recommendations are to monitor body temperature and to rule out or treat
infectious etiologies. If fever is suppressed with induced normothermia,
shivering should be strictly avoided and aggressively treated if it occurs.
Differentiating different types of hyponatremia. The optimal way to differentiate different
etiologies for hyponatremia is to follow this flow chart as follows: serum sodium followed by
serum osmolality followed by urine sodium followed by urine osmolality (bottom to top).
There is no difference in the laboratory findings between cerebral salt wasting syndrome
(CSWS) and syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone (SIADH), and the
only difference between both common hyponatremia syndromes in subarachnoid
hemorrhage is volume status. Cerebral salt wasting is a hypovolemic state, and SIADH is a
euvolemic or hypervolemic state. Hence, treatment strategies are opposite: Cerebral salt
wasting is treated with fluids with or without fludrocortisone, and SIADH is treated with fluid
restriction with or without diuresis.
Modified with permission from Stiefel D, et al, Neurocrit Care.76 © 2007 Humana Press.
As shown in FIGURE 3-8, it is also important to test thyroid and adrenal functions
as well as serum glucose (>500 mg/dL can result in pseudohyponatremia) and
triglyceride levels to adequately address other causes of hyponatremia.
Pseudohyponatremia (not due to true hyponatremia but from laboratory test
interference from extreme triglyceridemia) should be considered in patients
on propofol.
Most patients with SAH will experience anemia during their hospitalization, which
is presumably due to excessive blood draws, blood loss from other reasons, or
systemic inflammation.23 Anemia and hemoglobin concentrations of less than
9 g/dL have been associated with delayed cerebral ischemia and poor clinical
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Continued from page 1623
in Brain Injured Patients) trial sponsored by C. R.
Bard Inc. Dr Muehlschlegel has received
compensation for serving as a course director for
the American Academy of Neurology.