Chapter5-Food and Humans

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Chapter 5 __________________ _____Food and humans

1. Which of the following sets of information about food tests is correct? B. a lack of protein in their diet.
food Treatment Result C. a lower atmosphere pressure.
A. Corn oil Shaken with alcohol White precipitate D. a lower oxygen concentration in the atmosphere.
B. Egg albumen Mixed with copper sulphate Purple precipitate 4. The table below shows the composition of cow’s milk :
formed Food substance Percentage by weight
C. Glucose Heating with Benedict’s / Red precipitate formed Fat 3.6
Fehling’s solution Protein 3.6
D. Starch solution Mixed with iodine solution Blue-green precipitate Carbohydrate 4.5
formed Mineral salts 0.7
X 0.2
2. Which of the following sets of carbohydrates are correctly described in Y 87.4
the table bleow?

Which of the following substances may be represented by X and Y?

Set Use Cell wall structure Storage product Transported food X Y
A. Cellulose Glucose Starch A. Sugar Roughage
B. Starch Sucrose Glucose B. Vitamins Sugar
C. Sucrose Starch Glucose C. Vitamins Water
D. Cellulose Starch Sucrose D. Roughage Sugar

3. Simple goitre is more common among people living in mountainous 5. which of the following food matches the major type of vitamin/mineral they
inland areas. This is probably due to provide?
A. a lack of iodine in their diet.

Chapter 5 __________________ _____Food and humans

Food vitamin/mineral A. (1) only

A. pork vitamin K B. (2) only
B. potato vitamin A C. (1) and (3) only
C. bean curd iron D. (1), (2) and (3)
D. milk calcium
9. Which of the following food substances provides the greatest amount of
6. What kind of food would you recommend for a child suffering from energy per unit weight?
scurvy? A. fat
A. milk, liver, carrot B. protein
B. oranges, tomatoes, vegetables C. glucose
C. cod-liver oil, egg yolk, fish D. sucrose
D. yeast, whole cereal grains, meat
10. Which of the pie charts below correctly represents the relative food
7. Cellulose is NOT a basic nutrient for human beings because contents of peanuts?
A. cellulose has no energy value.
8. cellulose is the main nutrient for herbivores. A. B. C. D.
8. human beings do not produce cellulose-digesting enzymes.
8. the products of cellulose digestion cannot be absorbed.

8. Milk is good for a pregnant women because

(1) it provides protein to women Key:

(2) it is an ideal balanced diet for the foetus.
(3) it provides calcium for bone development in the foetus. carbohydrate fat protein

Chapter 5 __________________ _____Food and humans


If vitamin C is present in the fruit juice inside the syringe, it would finally turn The results are shown in the table below:
the colour of the DCPIP solution in the beaker to
Fruit juice Volume required to decolorise 1 cm3 of DCPIP solution

A. red.
A 0.30 cm3
B. blue.
B 0.55 cm3
C. orange.
C 0.65 cm3
D. colourless.
D 0.85 cm3
Which fruit juice contains most vitamin C?

12. The diagram below shows an experiment to compare the vitamin C content
of 4 fruit juices.

Chapter 5 __________________ _____Food and humans

13. Which of the following shows correctly the diseases caused by the Test Result
deficiency of the corresponding minerals? Benedict’s/Fehling’s test blue colour
Iodine test blue-black colour
Deficiency Deficiency Deficiency
Emulsion test clear solution
of calcium of iron of iodine
Biuret test purple colour

A. rickets anaemia goiter

Which of the following food substances were present in the sample?
B. rickets goiter anaemia
C. anaemia rickets goiter A. fat and starch
D. goiter anaemia rickets B. protein and starch
C. glucose and fat
D. protein and glucose
14. The following data give the percentage (by weight) of carbohydrates, fats
and proteins in four samples of fast food.
16. The data below show the percentage (by weight) of carbohydrates, fats and
carbohydrates fats proteins
protein in three common foods X, Y and Z:
A. apple pie 46 14 3
B. chicken pie 28 20 8 X Y Z
C. ham sandwich 29 27 32 carbohydrates 87 0 0
D. potato chips 37 17 4 fats 1 13 85
proteins 6 18 1
Which of the above food contains the most energy?
The three kinds of food might be:
15. A series of tests was carried out on a sample of food to determine which
food substances were present. The results are given below: X Y Z
A. butter rice beef

Chapter 5 __________________ _____Food and humans

B. rice butter beef were r separately tested using the Biuret test, iodine test and
C. rice beef butter Benedict's test. The results
D. beef butter rice Biuret test Iodine test Benedict’s test
A. blue brown red precipitate
17. In a starving mammal, the food reserves in the body will be depleted for B. blue blue-black red precipitate
energy release according to the following sequence: C. violet brown blue
D. violet blue-black blue
A. carbohydrates, proteins, fats
B. carbohydrates, fats, proteins 19. Which of the following is a necessary precaution for this experiment ?
C. fats, carbohydrates, proteins A. Put the experimental set-up in a water bath kept at 37C.
D. fats, proteins, carbohydrates B. Stir the distilled water in the boiling tube occasionally.
C. Shake the contents inside the dialysis tubing occasionally.
Directions : Questions 18 and 19 refer to the diagram below which shows the D. Rinse the outside of the dialysis tubing with distilled water before
experimental set-up used to demonstrate the importance of putting it into the boiling tube.
digestion in the absorption of food :
20. In a starving mammal, the food reserves in the body will be depleted for
energy release according to the following sequence :

A. carbohydrates, proteins. fats

B. carbohydrates, fats, proteins
C. fats, carbohydrates, proteins

D. fats, proteins, carbohydrates

18. After one hour, small portions of distilled water in the boiling tube

Chapter 5 __________________ _____Food and humans

21. Nitrogen compounds are required by plants to form

country I

A. glucose. country II
B. cellulose. I
country III
C. fatty acids.
country IV
D. amino acids.
22. Which of the following combinations is INCORRECT ? 0 10 20 30 40 50 60

23. The daily consumption of fish protein is greatest in

Deficiency of Disease A. country I.
A. iron Goiter B country II.
B. vitamin B beri-beri C. country III.
C. calcium Rickets D. country IV.
D. vitamin C Scurvy
24. In which country, do diary products make up the largest proportion of animal
Directions : Questions 23 and 24 refer to the bar chart below which shows the protein in the diet of the people ?
daily consumption of animal protein by people of 4 countries (I, II,
III and IV) A. country I.

Key : meat and poultry B country II.

diary products C. country III.

eggs D. country IV.

25. Which of the following foods provides the greatest amount of protein per unit
mass ?

Chapter 5 __________________ _____Food and humans

A. spinach
B. potatoes Carbohydrate Fat Protein Water
C. mushrooms (g) (g) (g) (g)
D. soya beans A. 80 50 50 120
B. 80 60 50 110
26. The woman in the photograph below is suffering from a deficiency disease. C. 100 60 40 100
Which of the following types of food is probably absent in her diet ? D. 120 30 50 100

28. The following bar charts (A, B, C and D) show the relative amounts of
certain food substances taken in daily by 4 different persons. Which person
is least likely to suffer from rickets ?

Key : vitamin C vitamin D

iodine calcium

A. B.

A. sea food
B. green vegetables

relative amounts
relative amounts
C. milk and cheese
D. carrots and tomatoes

C. D.
27. Which of the following groups of food has the greatest energy value ?

Chapter 5 __________________ _____Food and humans

B. (2)
C. (3)
D. (4)
relative amounts

relative amounts
31. The table below shows the amount of certain food substances present in
100 g of each of three kinds of food X, Y and Z :

Directions : Questions 29 and 30 refer to the following plant produce: Food X Food Y Food Z
protein (g) 8.3 14.8 3.3
(1) peanuts carbohydrates (g) 55.5 0.01 4.8
(2) potatoes fats (g) 1.7 28.2 3.8
(3) rice grains
minerals (mg) 103 14.0 122
(4) soya beans

Which of the following correctly identifies the three kinds of food ?

29. Which of the following statements is true ?
Food X Food Y Food Z
A. beef bread milk
A. They have low starch content.
B. bread beef milk
B. They can be used for propagation.
C. beef milk bread
C. They contain a large amount of fat.
D. bread milk beef
D. They are products of non-flowering plants.

32. The table below shows the daily requirements of certain nutrients and
30. Which type of plant produce is best for supplementing the diet of people in
energy for four different types of people, namely 2-year-old children, 35-
poor countries so as to reduce protein deficiency ?
year-old male labourers, 25-year-old females and pregnant women :
A. (1)

Chapter 5 __________________ _____Food and humans

Daily requirements 33. Vivian, a 6-year-old girl, does not have meat or milk in her diet. Which of the
Protein (g) Vitamin D (mg) Calcium (mg) Energy (kJ) vegetables listed in the table is most important for her growth ?
A. 90 0.0025 500 15100
B. 60 0.01 1200 10000 A. potato.
C. 44 0.005 500 8400 B. soya bean.
D. 35 0.01 500 5900 C. spinach.
Which row of information (A, B, C or D) describes the daily requirements for D. green pepper.
the 2-year-old children ?
34. If Vivian has bleeding gums, which vegetable is most effective in helping her
Directions : Questions 33 and 34 refer to the table below which shows the to recover ?
composition of food substances in four vegetables :
Water Protein Fat Carbohydrate Calcium *Carotene Vitamin C A. potato.
(g) (g) (g) (g) (mg) (mg) (mg) B. soya bean.
Potato 79 1.9 0.7 16 11 0.01 18 C. spinach.
(100g) D. green pepper.
Soya bean 70 13.6 5.7 7 100 0.28 25
(100g) 35. The table below shows the result of an experiment to compare the amount

Spinach 93 2.0 0.2 2 70 2.96 31 of

(100g) vitamin C in four fruit juices P, Q, R and S :

Green 93 0.9 0 5 7 1.56 105

pepper Fruit juice Number of drops used to
(100g) decolourise 1 cm3 DCPIP
* Carotene can be converted to vitamin A in the human body.
P 20

Chapter 5 __________________ _____Food and humans

Q 24

R 40
37. What can be concluded from the results ?
S 28 A. The drink contains proteins.
B. The drink contains vitamin C.
Which fruit juice has the highest vitamin C concentration ? C. The drink contains protein and reducing sugar.
A. P D. The drink contains vitamin C and reducing sugar.
B. Q
C. R 38. A patient is recommended to take this drink regularly as a treatment. What
D. S disease might he suffer from ?

36. Poor vision in dim light could be prevented by taking an adequate amount of A. anaemia
B. diabetes
A. beef. C. night-blindness
B. liver. D. scurvy
C. fresh fruits
D. potatoes. 39. Vegetarians mainly eat plant products. Compared to a diet with meat, a
vegetarian diet of the same mass contains
Directions : Questions 37 and 38 refer to the information below : (1) less fat
Food tests were carried out on a certain kind of drink. The results are as follows : (2) more protein
(3) more dietary fibre
DCPIP test Biuret test Benedict’s test
Result of the test Colourless Blue solution Blue solution A. (1) and (2) only

Chapter 5 __________________ _____Food and humans

B. (1) and (3) only

C. (2) and (3) only
D. (1), (2) and (3)
40. Which of the following is not an essential component of the human diet ?
A. calcium salts
B. fat
C. nitrates
D. water

Directions : Questions 41 and 42 refer to the pie charts below which show the
proportions of carbohydrate, fat and protein in four kinds of diet :

41.. Which diet provides the greatest amount of energy per unit mass ?
A. P
B. Q
C. R
D. S

42.. Which is a balanced diet ?

A. P

Chapter 5 __________________ _____Food and humans

B. Q
C. R Carbohydate Fat Protein Calcium *Carotene Vitamin C

D. S (g) (g) (g) (mg) (mg) (mg)

Broad bean (100g) 12 0.7 9.0 15 0.15 12

43. In Hong Kong, many school children are overweight because they Potato (100g) 16 0.7 1.9 11 0.01 18
(1) eat a lot of vegetables. Spinach (100g) 2 0.2 2.0 70 2.96 31
(2) eat a lot of sugary food. Green pepper 5 0 0 7 1.56 105
(3) do little sport. (100g)

*Carotene can be converted to vitamin A in the human body.

A. (1) and (2) only
B. (1) and (3) only 45. Which vegetable listed above has the highest energy value ?
C. (2) and (3) only A. broad bean
D. (1), (2) and (3) B. potato
C. spinach
D. green pepper
44. Obesity (being very fat) may lead to the following except 46. A person has normal vision in bright conditions but cannot see clearly in dim
light. Which vegetable listed above is most effective in helping him to
A. diabetes. overcome the problem ?
B. liver cancer.
C. high blood pressure. A. braod bean
D. cornary heart disease B. potato
C. spinach
Directions : Questions 45 to 46 refer to the table below which shows the D. green pepper
composition of food substances in four vegetables :

Chapter 5 __________________ _____Food and humans

Directions : Questions 47 and 48 refer to the following diagram of a set-up used

48. Which of the following are the possible sources of error in estimating the
to estimate the energy value of two types of food :
energy value of food by using the above set-up ?
1. Heat is lost to the surroundings.
2. The food is not burnt completely.
3. The mass of food used is not the same.

A. (1) and (2) only

B. (1) and (3) only

The table below C. (2) and (3) only

D. (1), (2) and (3)
shows the results obtained :

Type of food Weight of food Initial water Final water

49. Which of the following food substances is not usually found in pork, milk
/g temperature / oC temperature / oC
and egg ?
sugar 30 25 75
A. fat
X 15 24 84
B. protein
C. dietary fibre
47. Food X is most likely to be D. mineral salt

A. rice.
50. If the diet of a person is rich in carbohydrate, his body will store the excess
B. bean.
carbohydrate as
C. butter.
(1) fat. (2) starch. (3) glycogen.
D. milk powder.

Chapter 5 __________________ _____Food and humans

A. (1) and (2) only If he repeated the food tests on the mixture 10 minutes later, what would be
B. (1) and (3) only the possible results?
C. (2) and (3) only
D. (1), (2) and (3) Iodine test Biuret test Benedict’s test
A. + + +
B. - + -
51. In the liver, excess amino acids will be converted into
C. - - +
(1) urea. (2) protein. (3) carbohydrate.
D. + - -
A. (1) only
B. (2) only Directions:Question 53 and 54 refer to the table below, which shows the
C. (1) and (3) only composition of 150g each of four kinds of food:
D. (2) and (3) only

52. A student mixed a 0.1% amylase solution with 1% starch solution. He

performed a number of food tests on the mixture immediately after mixing
and obtained the following results:

Iodine test Biuret test Benedict’s test

+ + -
53. Which food has the highest energy value?

Key: + positive result

- negative result A. W
B. X
C. Y

Chapter 5 __________________ _____Food and humans

D. Z A. (1) and (2) only

B. (1) and (3) only
54. The haemoglobin content of a person’s blood is found to be lower than C. (2) and (3) only
normal. Which food would be most effective in helping the person to D. (1), (2) and (3)
improve this condition?
57. Man and woman differ in their dietary requirement of iron. This is becasue
A. W A. man needs more red blood cells.
B. X B. man can store more iron in his liver.
C. Y C. woman loses blood in the menstrual flow.
D. Z D. the red blood cells of woman have a shorter life span.

55. For overweight people, beans are better than eggs and meat as sources of 58. The diet of many children contains only a small amount of fruit and
protein because beans contain vegetables. This may lead to
A. anaemia.
A. less fat.
B. constipation.
B. more iron.
C night-blindness.
C. more amino acids.
D. rickets.
D. less dietary fibre.

59. Eskimos are a people living in the Arctic regions. Their diet is rich in fat
56. Apples are good for our health because they provide
(1) vitamins. A. fat is a good insulator of heat.
(2) minerals. B. they hunt polar animals for food.
(3) dietary fibre. C. fat has a higher energy value than carbohydrate.
D. their alimentary canal is adapted for digesting fat.


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