Presentation Quality Risk Management Issues

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Quality Risk Management Issues

Neale Baldwin
Senior GMP Inspector
Manufacturing Quality Branch

TGA Quality Risk Management – ARCS 2018

1. QRM Inspection Examples
2. Key Issues Identified
3. TGA Expectations
4. Improvement opportunities
- Process/Product Definition
5. Risk management

TGA Quality Risk Management – ARCS 2018

Issues identified at inspection
• In a number of examples of Change Controls reviewed, not all risks were identified, assessed or appropriate
risk mitigation strategies implemented to ensure that the product would meet all critical quality attributes.

• Although the company had a current Quality Risk Management procedure in place, it was not clear how this
was adopted in relevant parts of the Quality Management system, for example,
– The change control risk assessment process was not based on the methods identified in the QRM SOP.
– The impact assessment process defined in the Deviation management process was not aligned with the
QRM processes identified in the company’s QRM procedure.
– It was not clear where the QRM processes described in the QRM SOP were used as there was no
examples provided to demonstrate its application.

• The risks of cross contamination was not fully addressed to ensure that residues would not contaminate
subsequent batches other than from direct, product-contact equipment (i.e.. Did not consider cross-
contamination from the area where multiple products were manufactured)
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Issues identified at inspection
• For an API manufacturer, the company had assessed all product implicating risks
as low as the likelihood of detection was high due to further processing steps (not
within their control) was expected to detect any non-compliant product.

• There was no training associated with the application of Quality Risk

Management processes and subsequently, risk assessments reviewed were
either incomplete or inconsistently utilised

• The company had a risk register, however, there was limited examples recorded
despite a number of completed risk assessments observed in multiple PQS
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Summary of Issues identified

Lack of integration of the QRM Policy/Procedure into the

It is all good and well to have a well defined QRM Procedure, but if it is not clear how it is used or
integrated in the PQS and it is not able to be explained at inspection then it would be reasonable
to expect that it is not being used appropriately!

Particularly for OOS/OOT, Deviation, Change Control, Customer Complaints

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Issues identified at inspection
• Poor definition of when to apply risk management
• Poor training with respect to use of risk management
• Incomplete identification, assessment and control of risk
• Inappropriate application of risk mitigation strategies
• Inappropriate acceptance of risk
• Incongruent application of risk management tools
• Lack of awareness of risk processes and their outcomes
• Poor assessment of effectiveness of risk mitigation
strategies employed
• Complicated Risk Assessment processes that appear to
be incorrectly applied and often not actioned

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Lack of clear integration of Quality Risk Management Principles
within relevant Pharmaceutical Quality System Processes

Lack of oversight/escalation of Quality Risks and there

appropriate, timely mitigation

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Quality Risk Management (QRM) is a systematic process for
assessment, control, communication & review of risks to
quality of the drug product across the product lifecycle

– The evaluation of the risk to quality should be based on

scientific knowledge & ultimately link to the protection of
the patient

– The level of effort, formality & documentation of the

quality risk management process should be
commensurate with the level of risk
TGA Quality Risk Management – ARCS 2018 7
TGA expectations
Written Policy (or Procedure)
 Identify that company’s approach to QRM
 Where in the PQS are these principles applied
 What methods are to be used (i.e. formal or informal)
 How Risk Assessments and their outcomes are documented & managed
 How these are communicated
 How mitigation strategies are applied
 How the effectiveness of mitigation strategies are assessed

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TGA expectations cont.
Demonstrated implementation of QRM into PQS
– Linkage/consistency of PQS procedures where QRM is described to the QRM SOP/Policy
– Prospective risk assessment versus Impact assessment (and where/when used)
– Formal methods defined and where/when these are used
– Where and when informal processes are applicable (and how these should be recorded)
– Training of staff in QRM approach including formal processes
– Risk register (if/where applicable)
– Consistent use of QRM available in relevant PQS records
– Use in prospective activities (i.e. Change Control, Validation, etc.)
– Use in retrospective activities (i.e. OOS, Deviation, Customer Complaints)
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For validated manufacturing processes

How can risk be assessed if the manufacturing

process is not defined and critical aspects are

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Product/Process Definition
Critical Quality Attributes (CQA)
A physical, chemical, biological, or microbiological property or characteristic that
should be within an appropriate limit, range, or distribution to ensure the desired
product quality (ICH Q8)

Critical Process Parameter (CPP)

A process parameter whose variability has an impact on a CQA and therefore
should be monitored or controlled to ensure the process produces the desired
quality. (ICH Q8)

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Principle - It is a GMP requirement that manufacturers control the critical aspects of
their particular operations through qualification and validation over the life cycle of
the product and process.

Clause 5.7 - Process validation should establish whether all quality attributes and
process parameters, which are considered important for ensuring the validated
state and acceptable product quality, can be consistently met by the process. The
basis by which process parameters and quality attributes were identified as being
critical or non-critical should be clearly documented, taking into account the results
of any risk assessment activities.
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Process/Product Definition
Product Design/Development should aim to provide:
– Definition of Finished Dosage Form Specifications (or API)
– Key Manufacturing/Process stages
– Key in process Critical Quality Attributes
– Key in-process Critical Process Parameters
– Key Raw/Starting Material Parameters
Process/Product Understanding identifies critical/non-critical
activities for QRM
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Risk Interpretation
Identified critical/non-critical activities assists in RA:
- Process/Product changes/Issues
- Equipment changes/issues
- Facility changes/issues
- Raw/starting material changes/issues
- Testing changes/issues
- Validation

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