Presentation Quality Risk Management Issues
Presentation Quality Risk Management Issues
Presentation Quality Risk Management Issues
Neale Baldwin
Senior GMP Inspector
Manufacturing Quality Branch
• Although the company had a current Quality Risk Management procedure in place, it was not clear how this
was adopted in relevant parts of the Quality Management system, for example,
– The change control risk assessment process was not based on the methods identified in the QRM SOP.
– The impact assessment process defined in the Deviation management process was not aligned with the
QRM processes identified in the company’s QRM procedure.
– It was not clear where the QRM processes described in the QRM SOP were used as there was no
examples provided to demonstrate its application.
• The risks of cross contamination was not fully addressed to ensure that residues would not contaminate
subsequent batches other than from direct, product-contact equipment (i.e.. Did not consider cross-
contamination from the area where multiple products were manufactured)
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Issues identified at inspection
• For an API manufacturer, the company had assessed all product implicating risks
as low as the likelihood of detection was high due to further processing steps (not
within their control) was expected to detect any non-compliant product.
• The company had a risk register, however, there was limited examples recorded
despite a number of completed risk assessments observed in multiple PQS
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Summary of Issues identified
Clause 5.7 - Process validation should establish whether all quality attributes and
process parameters, which are considered important for ensuring the validated
state and acceptable product quality, can be consistently met by the process. The
basis by which process parameters and quality attributes were identified as being
critical or non-critical should be clearly documented, taking into account the results
of any risk assessment activities.
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Process/Product Definition
Product Design/Development should aim to provide:
– Definition of Finished Dosage Form Specifications (or API)
– Key Manufacturing/Process stages
– Key in process Critical Quality Attributes
– Key in-process Critical Process Parameters
– Key Raw/Starting Material Parameters
Process/Product Understanding identifies critical/non-critical
activities for QRM
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Risk Interpretation
Identified critical/non-critical activities assists in RA:
- Process/Product changes/Issues
- Equipment changes/issues
- Facility changes/issues
- Raw/starting material changes/issues
- Testing changes/issues
- Validation