The 12 Articles of Faith

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Sessi Article/s Topic One Key Problem My Hopes/Fears Response of Faith Scriptural & Church

on Covered (concerns) Teaching Bases (CCC, CFC)

1 The Apostles’ Where Do We Creed recited mechanically I wonder what I Knowing what I believe in as Col. 1,28: This is the Christ
Creed As A Stand? (An Intro during Sunday mass really believe in. a Catholic and why means we proclaim, to make
Whole to the Apostles’ without any real growing and maturing in my everyone complete in Christ.
Creed) understanding of what we relationship with Christ CCC Part I, Sec. 2
claim to believe. within the Catholic CFC Chap. 5
2 PART 1: I Believe in the God is taken for granted I am searching for God exists as Trinity, who Gen. 17,1:“I am God the
Art. 1 - I believe God Who Loves and ignored in the daily Someone greater lovingly created me and Almighty. Walk in my
in God, the Me life of the ordinary Filipino than me and continues to sustain me presence....”
Father Catholic. searching for who every single moment. When CCC Part I, Sec. 2, Chap. 1
Almighty, I really am. I know who God is, I know CFC Chaps. 6 & 7
Creator of who I am.
heaven and
3 PART 2: I Believe in Jesus The devotion to Christ (in I feel I am Jesus is the Son of God. He is Mt. 16, 16: “You are the
Art. 2 - I believe As Lord the Sacred Heart, Santo responsible to Lord and Savior of the world. Messiah, the Son of the
in Jesus Christ, Nino, HesusNazareno) Someone greater Living God!”
his only Son, does not translate to daily than myself. CCC Part I, Sec. 2, Chap. 2
our Lord. living. CFC Chap. 10
4 Art. 3 - He was God Gets Up Not realizing that God I need a miracle in Jesus is the miracle of God: Lk. 1, 34-35: “How can this
conceived by Close and can’t work His miracle my life when fully human, born of a true be since I know not man?
the power of Personal without human times are tough. human mother (Mary), and The Holy Spirit will come
the Holy Spirit participation, due to also fully divine. (Jesus upon you.”
and born of the human freedom. becomes man.) CCC Part I, Sec. 2, Chap. 2
Virgin Mary. CFC Chap. 10
5 Art. 4 - He I Stand At the Unclear about the I am suffering. By His passion and death, Jn. 12, 24: Unless a grain of
suffered under Foot of the Cross Christian approach to Christ transformed the wheat falls to the ground
Pontius Pilate, suffering and death. See meaning of suffering. and dies....
was crucified, suffering either as CCC Part I, Sec. 2, Chap. 2
died and was something sought in itself CFC Chap. 11
buried. or to be avoided at all
6 Art. 5 - He I Stand By the Focus too much on the I feel hopeless. Jesus went to the place of 1 Cor. 15, 17: “If Christ was
descended to Risen Lord dead Christ over the Risen the dead, and defeated not raised, your faith is
the dead. On Christ. death and rose again. worthless.”
the third day, (Resurrection) CCC Part I, Sec. 2, Chap. 2
He rose again. CFC Chaps. 11 & 12
7 Art. 6 - He God Reigns Unclear about the I am afraid of the Christ resumes his place in Acts 2:33: Christ ascending
ascended into meaning of what future. heaven, with authority. to right hand of the Father
heaven and is Ascension in our life. (Ascension) and sharing in the
seated at the outpouring of the Spirit.
right hand of CCC Part I, Sec. 2, Chap. 2;
the Father. CFC Chap. 12
8 Art. 7 - He will I Wait For Jesus, There is nervous anxiety I do not know Christ is the King of heaven 1 Cor. 16, 22: “O Lord,
come to judge My Lord, To and fear about the Last what will happen and earth. He will return in come! Maranatha!”
the living and Return Judgment. at the end of the His Second Coming to CCC Part I, Sec. 2, Chap. 2;
the dead. world. restore all of creation. CFC Chap. 12
9 PART 3: The Holy Spirit People know least about I feel lifeless. The Holy Spirit is the Giver of Gal. 4,6: “God has sent forth
Art. 8 - I believe Gives Me Life the Holy Spirit, the Life. into our hearts the Spirit of
in the Holy “forgotten” Person in the His Son which cries out:
Spirit. Blessed Trinity. Abba (Father).”
CCC Part I, Sec. 2, Chap. 3;
CFC Chap. 22
10 Art. 9 - The We are The Church is perceived as I can’t do it on my Christ sends His Spirit Mt. 16,18: You are Peter the
holy, catholic Committed to merely a building, or the own. through the Church, and Rock and on this rock I will
Church, the Christ by Being hierarchy (pope, bishops, together we journey towards build my Church.
communion of Committed to priests) or a social group. heaven, with Mary, Mother CCC Part I, Sec. 2, Chap. 2;
saints One Another of the Church and the saints CFC Chap. 23
interceding for us.
11 Art. 10 - The I am loved and Filipino Catholics are often I am sinful. Christ saves us through Acts 2,38: You must reform
forgiveness of Forgiven sacramentalized but not Baptism and continues to and be baptized in the name
sins evangelized. save us in the Sacrament of of Christ that your sins may
Reconciliation. be forgiven, then you will
receive the gift of the Holy
CCC Part I, Sec. 2, Chap. 3
CFC Chaps. 25 & 27
12 Art. 11 & 12 - I am Called to an Filipino Catholics are I wonder if the God promises us Phil. 3,20: “He will give a
The Eternity of Love influenced either by a afterlife, heaven eternal life and the hope for new form to this lowly body
resurrection of with God- Father, growing secularism which and hell are a new heaven and a new of ours and remake it
the body, and Son and Holy doesn’t believe in the fairytales. earth. according to the pattern of
life everlasting. Spirit. afterlife, or in his glorified body.”
AMEN. reincarnation (as if we can CCC Part I, Sec. 2, Chap. 3;
keep coming back multiple CFC Chap. 29
times). - Credo I - Credo II - Credo III

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