Breed Improvement: Small-Scale Poultry Production
Breed Improvement: Small-Scale Poultry Production
Breed Improvement: Small-Scale Poultry Production
Chapter 7
Breed Improvement
Strategies to develop poultry breeds suitable for family poultry smallholders in tropical
countries must differ from those used in intensive production, and should focus on improving
indigenous breeds while also making use of pure exotic and cross-bred chickens where
Conservation of local breeds possessing genetic variations specific to the particular
environment is essential for sustainable development. Although they exist as numerically small
populations, local breeds are not only highly adapted to the natural environment, but are also an
integral part of the lifestyle of the rural people. People, livestock and environment form a
delicately balanced but sustainable ecosystem, and thus the potential impact of any intervention
to improve production in the traditional system should be predetermined. The situation is less
sensitive in peri-urban, industrial and small-scale intensive poultry production, in which rapid
improvements can be achieved through well-designed development programmes. The intensive
poultry production sector, however, is generally much smaller than the family poultry sector in
virtually all developing countries.
If the hybrid cross-breeds mate among themselves, however, potential production falls in the
very next generation to the average potential of the two original genotypes, even if management
could support the higher hybrid level.
The use of cockerels in this way is the basis for the Cock or Cockerel Exchange Programme
(CEP) or Opération Coq, which has been implemented in almost all tropical countries.
Households exchange all their local cockerels for a few improved cockerels, which are then
raised to maturity to allow them to adapt to local conditions.
In some cases, a Pullet Exchange or Hybrid Hatchable Eggs Programme is used. These
approaches were used extensively from the early 1930s until the 1960s, by which time urban
development had begun to give rise to peri-urban, intensive, small- to medium-scale poultry
production, which makes use of imported commercial breeds and technology.
The gradual replacement of local genes through cross-breeding and artificial selection has
been the basis of initial development in many countries (Omeje and Nwosu, 1986; Coligado et
al., 1986).
Although many strategies deemed appropriate for smallholder poultry production systems
have been implemented, most have not succeeded, due to a lack of management input to support
the improved potential.
x F - frizzle (A);
x H - silky (A); and
x Fm - fibro-melanosis (A).
The use of major genes to improve productivity in smallholder poultry breeding programmes
has been researched in various tropical countries (including Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand,
Bangladesh, Bolivia, India, Cameroon and Nigeria).
Other morphological traits that allow better heat dissipation include large combs, large
wattles and long legs. Gene coding for these traits, which are not major genes but the result of
multiple genes and their interactions, could also be considered for incorporation into the
development of high performance local birds for the tropics.
The potential for breed improvement is a factor to be considered in the future, but only when
the more immediate objective of reducing mortality is attained. Meanwhile efforts should be
continued to preserve germplasm as a resource for the future.
Small-scale poultry production 65
Chapter 8
Production Economics
The agricultural subsector of animal production is part of a complex interdependent farming
system. Analysis of livestock production cannot be based solely on input and output, but must
also take into consideration other farming activities. The interaction between animal production
and other subsectors can be complementary, as in the use of manure; or competitive, as in the
allocation of land to crops or livestock grazing.
The farming system as a whole, and animal production in particular, is influenced by
external factors (including government policy on rural development, livestock development
programmes and marketing), which must be considered in any analysis or evaluation.
Table 8.1 Performance and production costs of three alternative systems in the United Kingdom
Cage Perch Free-range
Stock density 22 20 0.04
Eggs per hen housed 276 265 252
Feed intake, g/bird/day 115 116 135
Mortality, % 5 5 8
Old hen weight, kg 2.2 2.2 2.3
No of birds/worker 20 000 10 000 2 500
Production costs (pence per dozen eggs)
Feed 25.5 27.8 32.8
Bird depreciation 7.9 8.4 8.6
Labour 1.5 3.2 13.3
Electricity 1.2 1.2 0.7
Medication 0.1 0.1 0.2
Other costs 1.1 1.2 1.3
Total 37.4 41.8 56.9
Source: Elson (1992), as quoted by Tucker (1989)
The technical effects are demonstrated in an economic analysis as a shift of the supply curve -
the basic relationship showing the minimum price at which different levels of production can be
made available to the market. This is shown in Figure 8.1 as the downward shift in the curve S0
to S1. The value placed on this change in potential availability is then entirely dependent on the
demand for poultry products. With rising demand for these products, additional supplies
become expensive, and therefore the extra production translates into a substantial gain in
benefits to the community. It can be argued that this usually happens in developing countries
where, compared to the staple diet, poultry products are a luxury commodity with a relatively
higher value. Hence, the demand curve D shows that the quantity demanded is highly
responsive to price and income changes, with additional consumption causing little decrease in
value. The demand for poultry products is price/income elastic.
This simple model highlights the overall economic impact of higher poultry production as
manifested on the market for poultry products. Production and consumption rise from Q0 to Q1
but the average price paid by consumers (and received by producers) falls from P0 to P1.
Consumers gain significantly, reaping the benefits of both greater supplies and lower prices.
Producers also gain. Although unit costs fall, the increase in production compensates for the
price reduction and, as evident from the diagram, total revenue received by producers, (P1Q1) is
greater than the previous P0Q0.
The overall net economic benefit from improved family poultry production technology is
represented by the size of the shaded area. It is this net economic benefit that an economic
analysis of family poultry development schemes and programmes should be seeking to estimate.
68 Production economics
Fig. 8.2 A representation of the market for poultry products from smallholders
unit SO
quantity supplied / demanded
Chapter 9
As a country develops, more of its consuming population lose touch with the village and food
producers. Thus more specialised marketing services are needed. Farm produce must be
collected, packed and transported in good condition to the cities and distributed to retailers near
consumers’ homes. This also calls for grading and storage of the product. The more developed
the country becomes; the greater is the variety of products that can be economically produced.
All this must be provided at a cost that consumers can afford.
A study of existing marketing systems in a country will often reveal how they have evolved
to their present state. Many developing countries do not have refrigeration as a factor in their
storage, either during transport, retail or consumer household stages. For this reason, poultry
meat is purchased live, and slaughtered immediately before consumption. Also, eggs are often
retailed with a means for the buyer to check their quality before buying, either by “candling” (to
see the internal quality with a lantern or battery-torch) or a bucket of water (to test the egg’s age
by the floatation method). Both methods essentially test for the size of the air-cell situated at the
blunt end of the egg, which increases in size as moisture is lost from the egg. With a bigger air-
cell, there is more floatation.
In developing countries, transport of eggs and poultry from the village to the city usually
begins with a purchase by a middleman dealer, direct from the household, or from small locally
held weekly markets. Baskets with layers of straw protect the eggs from breakage, and other
types of baskets are used to carry live birds. Bullock carts are still used in many countries for
transport of both live poultry and eggs to larger community centres. The roofs of buses or trains
replace these slower vehicles as transport systems develop. Marketing quality considerations for
live birds are usually concerned with weight loss in the bird from dehydration during transport.
These are easily resolved by providing drinking water during the trip, and travelling during the
cool part of the day when possible. Egg quality considerations are more complex and are dealt
with in the second half of this chapter.
Improved marketing programmes must add no more cost to the product than the consumer
can afford. Important marketing improvements can often be simply made by making small
corrections to already existing handling, transport, packaging, grading and storage methods.
Marketing organisations generally come into being very gradually, and must be appropriate
for the background, character and education of the people concerned. Plans for radical changes,
which do not take sufficient account of social and economic environments, are likely to fail.
Thus any improvement programme should be designed to achieve desirable modifications in
existing commercial facilities (and their economic and legal framework) by a process of steady
As a country develops, the task of marketing eggs and poultry will still involve the collection
of live poultry and eggs from farmers, transporting them to a grading, packing or processing
plant, grading and standardising the poultry meat and eggs, processing them and packaging
them into more useful forms, storing them (preferably under refrigeration), moving them
through wholesale and retail channels and delivering them to consumers at a convenient time
and place.
This chapter provides a brief outline with some practical information and advice to those
who are immediately concerned with egg and poultry marketing considerations. For a more
detailed examination of marketing, the reader is referred to FAO Marketing Guide Nº 4
"Marketing eggs and poultry" (1961), from which some of the following material is taken.
70 Marketing
Whatever the size of bird, all chickens have an equal number of high-demand portions (such as
breasts and drumsticks), and a similar proportion of gizzards and other desirable organ parts
(see Table 9.2).
Table 9.2 Organ weights and carcass composition of Ethiopian local chickens at different ages
72 Marketing
Buying small birds supplies the same number of the desirable parts for a lower price. Together
with the tenderness of the meat, this explains the heavier trade in young birds, which are also
bought for replacement stock in depleted flocks.
Supply channels
A study by Adeyanju et al. (undated, unpublished monograph) of the marketing of poultry
products in Ondo State (in south-western Nigeria) revealed a large number of transactions and
participants. The typical flow of the products from the producer to the consumer is shown in
Figure 9.1. The local channel begins with the producer selling poultry products to retailers who
serve the needs of local consumers. In most areas, local consumers also buy directly from
producers. The other marketing channel involves wholesalers. They buy poultry products
directly from producers and sell to retailers inside and outside the State, and are based in urban
centres where urban-based consumers are located.
Fig. 9.1 Supply channel for poultry products in Ondo State, Nigeria
Source: Adeyanju et al., (Poultry Farming in Ondo State, undated, unpublished monograph)
Odi (1990) found that marketing channels for family poultry often cross international
boundaries and can generate significant foreign exchange for the producing countries (see
Figure 9.2).
Figure 9.2 Supply channels into Côte d'Ivoire for guinea fowls produced in Burkina Faso
74 Marketing
MERCHANTS (250-500 birds)
OUAGADOUGOU (5 000 per trip)
Railway Station
<25% mortality
Forming a marketing plan means identifying where and when birds and eggs will be sold to
receive the best possible prices. Putting large numbers of birds up for sale in a small community
may depress the price.
Even the sale of small numbers of intensively managed layers needs advance planning. A flock
of 20 hens may produce 1 200 eggs in a year, even at the low production rate of 35 percent. The
plans of other farmers must also be considered. If they all expand their flocks and have good
years, prices will almost inevitably fall. Seasonal considerations enter into market plans as well.
In India for instance, eggs are thought of as a heat-producing food and are eaten in the cool,
rainy season. Many factors affect the quality of eggs (see Tables 9.3 to 9.6) and hence the price
that consumers are willing to pay for them in the market.
Small-scale poultry production 75
Table 9.4 Length of lay and egg quality in Nigerian indigenous chicken
Traits Months of Lay
2 3 4 5 6 7
Egg wt, g 35.8 37.2 36.9 37.1 39.0 38.6
Yolk wt, g 14.9 14.7 14.5 14.2 14.0 14.2
% Albumen 47.9 50.8 51.5 52.0 52.0 53.5
Shell thickness, mm 0.39 0.39 0.36 0.32 0.36 0.35
Source: Olori and Sonaiya, 1992b
Table 9.5 Quality of eggs of different shell colour of the Nigerian indigenous chicken
Trait Brown Light Brown White
Egg wt., g 38.9 37.1 37.0
Yolk wt., g 14.5 14.0 14.8
Shell wt., g 3.78 3.58 3.51
Albumen wt., g 20.6 19.6 18.8
Shell, % 9.77 9.67 9.49
Yolk, % 37.4 37.8 39.9
Albumen, % 52.3 52.8 50.8
Shell thickness, mm 0.37 0.37 0.35
Surface area, cm2 52.6 50.9 50.8
Source: Olori and Sonaiya, 1992a
Egg composition
The egg consists of shell, two shell membranes, the white (or albumin) and the yolk. The shell is
quite porous to air and water vapour but is very resistant to invasion by micro-organisms as long
as it is clean and dry. A thin outer covering on the shell called the “bloom” or “cuticle” (which
is unfortunately easily removed by washing), assists this process. After the egg is laid, its
contents shrink, both from cooling and water evaporation. Air is drawn in (along with anything
76 Marketing
else on the shell, such as bacteria or fungi) through the pores in the shell to replace this loss. A
gap opens up between the two membranes because the outer one is attached to the shell and the
inner one is attached to the egg white. This gap is known as the “air cell” and is usually found at
the large blunt end of the egg. The egg white takes the form of a “thick” albumin sack enclosing
the yolk, with a more fluid “thin” albumin between this sack and the yolk to the inside, and
again between the sack and the shell to the outside. These layers provide a barrier to prevent the
yolk touching the shell and to provide food for the embryo. Egg white has specific antibiotic
effects, which further protect the yolk. Egg white also contains two fibrous cords (the chalaza),
which are attached to the yolk and to either end of the egg, which help hold the yolk in the
centre and assist in preventing the yolk from touching the shell.
The weight of an egg laid by a local village breed of hen is about 35 g. Commercial hybrids
lay eggs of about 58 g weight. The shell comprises approximately 11 percent of the weight of an
egg, the remainder being the edible portion. By weight of edible portion, the yolk is 36 percent
and the white is 64 percent.
Shell quality
Eggs of unusual shape are more likely to be damaged during the marketing process, and
consumers do not like them. Small thin cracks in the shell, which do not leak, are called
“checks”. These are usually detected by candling. “Checked” eggs should be sold for immediate
consumption, as their storage life is limited. The household usually consumes eggs with leaking
cracks, where the eggshell membranes are broken as well as the shell. Brittle, thin-shelled eggs
(shells less than 0.35 mm thick) are also unsuitable for transport to market. Dirty eggs must be
cleaned by dry or wet methods, and thus have a higher marketing risk because of the removal of
the cuticle.
Shell colour is not a guide to egg quality, but there is usually a consumer bias to either white
or brown, which must be considered in marketing.
The interior quality of eggs deteriorates after laying at a rate depending on time and conditions
of storage, such as temperature, relative humidity (RH), and the presence of strong smelling
substances or other food items in the storage place. Eggs stored at 27 to 29 oC for 7 to 10 days
will show deterioration changes similar to the same eggs stored at minus 1 oC and 85 percent
RH for several months. The changes are due to water loss, carbon dioxide (CO2) and the
absorption of volatile odours from the environment.
Moisture loss
Since an egg contains about 74 percent water and the shell is porous, eggs readily lose moisture.
A weight loss of 2 to 3 percent is common in marketing and is seldom noticed by the consumer.
When losses exceed this level, the air cell is noticeably enlarged by shrinkage in the contents of
the egg. This loss is reduced if the storage humidity is high and the temperature is reduced.
Coating the eggs with oil and other substances can also reduce the loss. The ideal conditions for
egg storage are about minus 1 oC and between 80 to 85 percent RH. At storage temperatures of
10 oC and above, the optimum RH is 80 percent. There is a risk of mould spoilage when the RH
Small-scale poultry production 77
is too high. Paper pulp egg trays or other packing materials that readily absorb moisture will
accelerate moisture losses from eggs. A temperature as low as 10 °C is unlikely to be practical
in rural areas of many developing countries. Temperatures between 10 and 15 °C are more
practical, but even then, care should be taken when moving the eggs from cool storage into the
outside air with its higher temperature, which often causes condensation to form on the shell,
with consequent risks of mould and “rot” growth.
Microbiological spoilage
The contents of the egg are usually sterile when the egg is laid. The main cause of
contamination is the washing of eggs. Wetting the shell allows micro-organisms on the shell to
penetrate and multiply inside. Common indications are green, black and red “rots”, mustiness
and sourness. The bacteria causing these effects cannot penetrate the shell if it is kept dry. If
eggs do become wet through condensation, for example after removal from a cool store into a
warmer room, bacteria may then be able to penetrate the shell.
Eggs, especially yolks, are easily tainted by strong odours, from such sources as disinfectants,
soaps, diesel, kerosene, petrol, paint, varnish and wood preservatives. Other foods, such as
onions and citrus products, can taint eggs after only a few days of exposure.
level of yellow maize, leaf or grass meal will ensure a good yolk colour. Calcium carbonate in
some form (limestone or shell) must be supplied (for more detail, see Chapter 3 on Feed
Resources and Chapter 4 on General Management). This is either mixed in the ration or fed as a
separate supplement on a free-choice basis. It is often quite practicable to have a separate
container in a pen with shell or limestone inside.
Fish meal with a high fish oil content fed in the diet can give fishy flavours to eggs produced
by hens on those diets.
Incidence of disease
The diseases Infectious Bronchitis (IB) and Newcastle Disease both affect egg quality. They
cause the hens to lay eggs with misshapen shells and poor quality thick white. IB induces
groove-like marks along the long axis of the eggshell.
Management control over the laying flock
In many developing countries, there is a belief that a rooster is necessary to stimulate hens to
lay. This is not true. The presence of an active male causes the eggs to be laid as fertile eggs
(containing an embryo chick), and this reduces the storage stability of the egg. Even after the
male is removed, all eggs laid are fertile for up to six weeks because sperm is stored and
released from specialised cavities in the hen’s oviduct. If fertile eggs are in demand, then cocks
should be placed with the hens. Non-fertilized eggs have a much longer shelf life than fertilized
eggs and are more suitable for the market.
Dirty eggs can be reduced in number. For hens in deep litter systems, the nest box litter must
be clean and replaced regularly. Frequent collection of eggs under any housing management
system, and at least four times a day in the hot humid tropics, will reduce the incidence of dirty
Management control over egg handling
Temperature control
The most effective way to preserve egg quality is to store eggs between 10 and 15 oC during all
handling, transport and marketing phases. Insulated containers and/or vehicles can maintain
cool temperatures during long-distance transport. Even an outer layer of straw in a basket will
help. In hot weather, and where there is no cool storage system, eggs should be transported to
market at least every third day. Eggs should never be left standing in the sun or in a very hot
room. Air conditioning or even an electric fan is advised whenever practicable. However, as air
conditioning has the negative effect of drying out the egg contents as well as the advantageous
effect of cooling, wet sacks should be placed as curtains in the cool store to alleviate this
dehydrating effect. If fans or air conditioning are not available, then shaded well-ventilated
rooms or underground cellars should be used.
Dry cleaning
Even with good flock management, some eggs will get dirty. The risks of allowing water to
touch the shell have already been mentioned. Dry cleaning systems are preferred. Rubbing
lightly with fine sandpaper or a rough cloth is better than wet cleaning. Cloth-backed sandpaper
or emery paper can be wrapped around a block of foam rubber for dry cleaning by hand. Steel
wool and nylon dishwashing or bathroom scrubbing aids are also quite suitable. Care should be
taken not to remove too much of the protective cuticle layer which covers the shell. Only the
dirty patches should be cleaned. There are also motor-driven dry-cleaners commercially
available. The simplest model consists of a spinning wheel of foam rubber. A mixture of glue
and sand is applied periodically to the foam wheel. The operator holds the egg against the
spinning foam wheel to clean it.
Wet cleaning
Washing of eggs is only suggested under very well-controlled conditions. The concern is to
ensure that the washing water temperature (38 to 43 oC) is never below that of the egg. This
avoids the wash water being sucked into the egg through the shell pores by the action of the egg
contents shrinking (as happens if the egg is in contact with cooler water). In addition, the
washing machine must be able to monitor the detergent/sanitizer/disinfectant/antiseptic levels in
the water to ensure that they are optimal. Only special types of non-tainting chemicals can be
used. The water itself must be changed frequently. After washing, the shell should be
pasteurised by dipping the eggs in water at 82 oC for a few seconds, then dried quickly with
warm air before packing. The eggs must also be clearly labelled as “washed”. Washing done in
this way is complex and expensive, and is therefore only justified in large operations, although
even then it involves risks.
Yolk characteristics showing good egg quality are confinement within the thick albumin, a
small spherical shape, orange-yellow colour and the absence of spots. As described in the above
paragraph, yolk confinement within the albumin protects the yolk from outside contaminants. A
small spherical shape indicates a strong yolk membrane. When the egg is exposed to high
temperatures and dehydration, the yolk deteriorates and grows larger and flatter. Consumers
prefer yolks of orange-yellow colour without spots. Spots on the yolk can indicate: embryo
development (reddish colour); blood from the hen’s ovary and “meat” bits from the oviduct
released during egg formation (red and brown, respectively); moulds (grey or black); or
bacterial rots (blue, violet, green or red). Although consumers prefer yolks with no spots, the
only spots that pose any health risk are mould and rot spots.
Air cell
Air cell characteristics showing good egg quality are small size, shallow depth and fixed
position at the blunt end of the egg. Small size and shallow depth indicate very little loss of
moisture from the egg contents, which in turn indicates freshness (or that the eggs have been
stored under good conditions). A fixed position at the blunt end of the egg indicates that the
membranes surrounding the air cell have not been damaged (for example, by rough handling).
There is usually a correlation between the depth of the air cell and other quality aspects.
However an egg stored at high temperature and high humidity may show a good air cell depth
(as the high humidity maintains the egg moisture) but it may have deteriorated otherwise (as a
result of the high temperature).
Air cells can be deflated completely or become unfixed and mobile within the egg. The air
cell can become filled with albumin if part of the inner shell membrane is broken. If the
membrane is merely weakened, the air cell may move freely around the egg. These mobile air
cells are often caused by transporting eggs on rough roads or by the egg being stored small end
upwards. The egg could be otherwise quite fresh.
Shell quality
Before candling, eggshell quality is assessed, and eggs that are dirty, cracked, thin, rough or
misshapen are processed accordingly (procedures regarding shell quality are addressed
extensively in the above section on production factors affecting egg quality).
different sized eggs based on the availability of commercial hybrids (laying larger eggs) in peri-
urban areas, the decision to sell eggs by graded size or by total package weight must be faced.
The four concerns regarding egg transport are:
x Protection against mechanical damage, which can be achieved by avoiding excessive
shaking, especially where roads are bad, and by using spring suspensions on bicycle
x Protection against poor egg handling, which can be achieved by providing convenient
loading levels to make lifting easier.
x Protection against tainting odours.
x Protection against exposure to high temperatures in transport.
All egg storage systems must meet the following requirements:
x Water loss by evaporation to be minimized.
x Mould and bacteria growth to be minimized.
82 Marketing
Clay pot
Eggs are placed in a clay pot buried in the ground up to its neck, in a shaded area. The pot is
covered tightly so that no water gets into the pot. The ground around the pot is watered, but
without leaving puddles of water. Straw or a mat is placed in the pot to cushion the eggs and to
keep them above any water that seeps into the container. The eggs are put in the pot as soon as
they are collected, and covered with a cloth and damp straw. Due to the evaporative cooling
effect, the inside of the pot is often five to six Celsius degrees cooler than the outside air
temperature. A variation of this method, used in the Sudan, is to bury an earthenware pot in the
ground to half its height. A 7 cm layer of mixed sand and clay is packed around the pot up to its
neck, and kept wet by sprinkling water on it. The inside of the pot is lined with grass. The eggs
inside are covered with a thin cloth to allow air circulation. Evaporative cooling in Sudan’s hot
dry climate often reduces the egg temperature to up to eight-Celsius degrees below that of the
air outside. Eggs are turned daily to prevent the yolks touching the shell, which would
accelerate the decaying process.
Oil coating
A thin film of oil on an eggshell fills its pores and reduces evaporation and thus spoilage of the
egg contents. Using a wire basket, the eggs are dipped into slightly heated oil, about 11 qC
warmer than the eggs. Special odourless, colourless, low viscosity mineral oils can be used. If
these are not available, then any light mineral oil or almost any cooking oil that doesn’t easily
turn rancid serves the purpose. To reuse the oil, it is cleaned through a filter and heated to 116
qC to sterilize it. Four litres of oil coats about 7,000 eggs. Oiled eggs last for at least three weeks
(longer if kept at 10 RC, or less at temperatures above 21 oC). For high temperature storage, eggs
should be oiled four to six hours after laying.
Waterglass paste
Waterglass is a paste or ointment of sodium silicate in water. It is rubbed onto the hands and
then the egg is rolled between the two waterglass-coated hands to transfer a waterproof coating
of waterglass paste to the eggshell.
Small-scale poultry production 83
Waterglass solution
For 100 eggs, a 25-litre pot or jar is used, and 5.3 litres of previously boiled (and then cooled)
water are mixed with 0.5 litres of waterglass. The eggs are placed in the pot and covered with
the waterglass solution. The pot is covered and kept in a cool, shaded place. The eggs keep for
one to six months.
Limewater solution
Limewater is a solution of calcium hydroxide [Ca(OH)2], a mild alkali. The main ingredient is
burnt lime (also known as quicklime). The chemical name of this is calcium oxide (CaO). It is
also known as choon in Bangladesh, and is a common ingredient of the betel nut mixture
chewed by people in many tropical countries. Calcium oxide is made by burning limestone
(CaCO3) in a hot fire. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is driven off from the limestone, leaving CaO
behind as a white powder. Dissolving this calcium oxide in water makes limewater. The
resultant solution of calcium hydroxide is only partly soluble, and the insoluble portion will
settle to the bottom of the container.
Six litres of limewater is made by stirring 2.3 kg of calcium oxide into six litres of boiled
(then cooled) water. It is allowed to stand overnight so that the insoluble portion settles. The
eggs and the clear part of the limewater solution are placed in a pot, covered and kept cool. The
eggs last more than a month. In the years prior to 1970, eggs were commonly transported from
Bangladesh (formerly East Pakistan) to Pakistan (formerly West Pakistan) on a train journey of
about a month, in high temperatures. The eggs were stored in earthenware jars containing
limewater and maintained their quality well.
Chapter 10
Research and Development for Family Poultry
Research and development in the field of Family Poultry (FP) must first examine the social,
cultural and technical constraints faced by this sector, and then observe how these have been
addressed in past efforts and whether the lessons are being applied in currently ongoing efforts.
While holding this perspective, the need for further research, training and extension must then
be assessed in the light of a clear understanding of what the overall development objectives are,
and what place FP has in achieving them. Having provided background in the preceding nine
chapters, this final chapter takes the reader through these concluding stages.
the feed requirement exceeds the available Scavengable Feed Resource Base (SFRB) in the area
around the dwelling (For more detail on the SFRB concept, see Chapter 3 “Feed Resources”).
At this stage, either supplementary feeding or a semi-intensive system of management is
required. If balanced feed, day-old hybrid chick and vaccine input supplies (and markets) are
available and well organized, and then intensive poultry management systems may be a viable
option. There have been many attempts to take short cuts to development and to start
immediately with the semi-intensive system.
Table 10.1 The effect of rural poultry improvement on production, reproduction and off-take
per hen/year
Production system Nº of Nº of year- Nº of eggs for
eggs/hen/year old consumption and
chickens sale
Traditional 20 – 30 2-3 0
Step 0: Scavenging:
no regular water or feed, poor night
Improved Traditional 40 – 60 4-8 10 - 20
Step 1: offered water and supplementary
feed, improved shelter, care in first
weeks, ND vaccination
Step 2: as in step 1 plus further feeding, 100 10 - 12 30 - 50
watering, housing; treatment for
parasites, additional vaccinations
Step 3: (semi-intensive) as in step 2 160 – 180 25 - 30 50 - 60
with improved breeds and complete
Source: Bessei, 1987
These differences motivated the FAO consultation facilitator (Bessei, 1987) to classify the
various poultry production systems in Asia (Table 10.1, above). The table shows the logical
evolution from Step 0 to Step 3, and the Consultation agreed that many development projects
had failed because they did not recognise the constraints present at the different steps of
development. The constraints themselves (shown in Table 10.2) show the need for awareness
raising in the farmers to recognise the needs of their poultry for regular watering and feeding,
cleaning of the poultry night house and care of the young chicks. The Consultation
recommended that the first critical step for rural poultry development is the encouragement and
support of farmers to change their traditional system. Taking into consideration the chronic
shortages of personnel and transport affecting extension services in the developing countries,
the Consultation emphasized the importance of selecting pilot farms to serve as models as they
can have a multiplier effect on the neighbouring farms and villages.
Perhaps because of the variety of understandings of rural poultry development, many of the
methods suggested seem more suited to the development of small units of intensive poultry
production. The methods reflect the procedures required for transfer of new technology or total
Small-scale poultry production 87
replacement of existing practices. For instance, incentives were required to encourage farmers to
participate in the programmes, perhaps indicating that the programmes were not consistent with
the priorities of the farmers. Selection of farmers was also identified as a major factor in
determining the success or failure of a development programme. Incentives can often lead to the
selection of farmers not genuinely interested in poultry production. To ensure the selection of
authentic candidates, the following procedure was recommended:
x The extension service should select farmers already known to be particularly interested
in poultry production.
x Incentives should never be given in cash.
x Incentives should always be associated with certain commitments by the farmers (for
example, equipment for poultry houses should be provided only if the farmer has
constructed the poultry shed at his own cost).
x Supplies of inputs such as day-old chicks, fertile eggs, feed and vaccines should be made
at cost price.
The pilot farm method risks failure if a large amount of foreign input (such as equipment and
construction materials) is needed to establish it because neighbouring farms can become
discouraged by the fact that they are unable to procure the same equipment.
Table 10.2 Technical constraints and training requirements for family poultry development
Constraint Training Measures required
Disease risk Advice on sanitation and health; training vaccinators.
Predators Advice on predator control.
Housing Advice on improved poultry housing.
Feed and water Advice on locally available feed ingredients and their combinations;
making of feeders and drinkers; regular provision of feed and water.
Genetic potential Introduction of improved indigenous (and if necessary, exotic) breeds and
advice on special management.
Marketing Advice on egg handling and storage, and training of farmers in group
management and marketing.
Source: Bessei, 1987
In order to be effective in the process of technology and information transfer, pilot farms should
be charged with special duties, which bring them obligatorily in contact with the other poultry
keepers. Pilot poultry farmers have been successfully trained in Bangladesh and Burkina Faso to
vaccinate chickens and guinea fowls, respectively. Pilot farmers can also be used to provide
improved lines or to raise pullets for distribution so that a number of farms in the surrounding
area will be regularly served with inputs and information.
Attempts to by-pass the phases as described by Bessei (1987) usually fail, and it appears that
the transitory phases (especially Steps 1 and 2 as described in Table 10.1) are important if the
development is starting from the traditional scavenging system. It has been noted that even in
successful poultry development programmes, the supply of feed and veterinary products often
lags behind the increase in flock size, especially if it is organized by the government extension
service. The use of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and private entrepreneurs is a
better alternative.
encourage higher standards of research and development that can sustainably increase the
productivity of the FP subsector. This is achieved through providing advice and collecting data
and detailed information about FP production systems. Information is disseminated through a
trilingual (English, French and Spanish) newsletter, produced twice yearly and distributed
electronically (with a printed version for members without email facilities) with the assistance
of FAO.
In December 1998, FAO held the first INFPD/FAO electronic conference on FP, which
proved so popular and interactive that it was extended until July 1999. The introductory paper
to this conference addressed the issue of research and development options for FP (Sonaiya e.
al., 1999). The layout of this important introductory paper was:
x Research options for family poultry development.
x Prospects for development.
x Development approaches.
x Breeding and reproduction (evaluation and selection of indigenous breeds).
x Evaluation and adaptation of imported breeds to hot climates.
x Feed research and development.
x Health management.
x Entrepreneur development.
x Information management.
All papers, comments and discussions are available on the FAO/INFPD website. The constraints
and issues facing FP that were recognized by the e-conference are:
Newcastle disease (ND) constitutes the most serious epizootic poultry disease in the world,
particularly in developing countries. No progress has been made in controlling ND in free-
ranging village flocks, which represent more than 80 percent of the total poultry population.
Several recent surveys in Africa showed high rates of seropositivity in the absence of
vaccination. In developing countries, ND occurs every year and kills an average of 70 to 80
percent of the unvaccinated village hens (Branckaert et al., 2000). It is very difficult to organize
vaccination campaigns covering free-range birds. The main constraints are:
x the difficulty of grouping together an adequately large number of birds in order to obtain
an efficient vaccination rate;
x the possibility of disease cross-contamination arising from birds of various ages being
raised together; and
x the difficulty of maintaining an efficient cold chain for proper vaccine quality
Diseases make poultry production a risky venture. FP producers using the free-range extensive
system acknowledge this risk, and reduce its impact on the household economy by having small
flocks. ND is a major disease problem for all FP producers wherever the disease exists.
Vaccination of the flock against ND is very important and provides a basis for further
It is worth repeating that the reluctance of farmers to invest in poultry production is not due
to a lack of resources but to the risk of disease outbreaks and mortality. Killer diseases like ND
regularly decimate village flocks. In traditional farming systems, farmers often live close to the
survival limit, so they naturally avoid risks. Minimizing risk ranks higher than increasing
output. A key component of FP development is the control of the most important diseases.
Regular vaccination is a prerequisite for any improvement in FP production.
Although the control of ND is the key constraint, there are other disease constraints, which
rise in importance as soon as higher-ranking constraints are eliminated. Many poultry
development projects have failed because only one constraint was tackled or, when more than
Small-scale poultry production 89
one constraint was considered, the importance of other problems was poorly understood. Many
projects concentrated either on disease control or on genetic improvement. There is no doubt
that vaccination reduces mortality, but in one particular project, in certain periods, mortality due
to predation was as high as 70 percent and the effect of vaccination was further negated by a
secondary constraint of poor housing (Bourzat and Saunders, 1987). Generally, the costs of an
isolated vaccination campaign cannot be justified unless actions to improve housing and feeding
are also taken.
Predators such as snakes, rats, dogs, cats, foxes, racoons and birds of prey represent the main
causes of predator losses, especially in young birds. Human beings can also represent another
important predator for adult birds. Proper shelter should be constructed using locally available
materials, and predators should be trapped, hunted or repelled by specific plants (Branckaert e.
al., 2000). For example, in Nigeria, sliced garlic (Allium sativum) is placed around poultry
houses to repel snakes.
Analysis of mortality in FP flocks in Thailand (Thitisak, 1992) showed that the first four
months of life are critical for the growing chicks. The mortality of chicks during this period
often rose to 60 percent (Matthewman, 1977) even in flocks vaccinated for ND. In Africa, while
various other diseases such as Salmonellosis or coccidiosis affected the chicks during the first
two months of age (Chabeuf, 1990), the most important cause of mortality between two and
four months of age was predation, by dogs, cats, hawks and snakes, which caused up to 70
percent mortality (Bourzat and Saunders, 1987). Overnight housing is an important way to
reduce this loss, and can utilize locally available materials of reasonable cost.
Feed is also an input of major concern and the supply of adequate feed supplement is critical.
The nutrient intake of scavenging birds varies from place to place according to the seasons, the
crops grown and the natural vegetation available. In field experiments, feed supplements,
including household waste (cooked potatoes, yams or cassava tubers), and oilseed cakes, have a
positive effect on egg production and body weight of scavenging birds.
Careful attention should be given to ensuring adequate feed resources. Feed represents 60 to
80 percent of the input cost in the intensive commercial poultry sector. In Low Income, Food-
Deficient Countries (LIFDCs), a surplus of cereals is generally not available. It is therefore not
advisable to develop a wholly grain-based feeding system. The recommended policy is to
identify and use locally available feed resources to formulate diets that are as balanced as
possible (Branckaert . et al., 2000).
Full ad libitum feeding of a balanced ration is essential for poultry intensively managed in
confinement, even on a small scale. The usual recommendation is for commercially
manufactured feed, but many farmers find it too costly and not in regular supply. The by-
products of processing of local crops (brans, and oil and seed cakes) can be used as both energy
and protein sources (see Chapter 3 “Feed Resources”) but on their own cannot make a balanced
ration. More research is needed on local feed resources as sources of trace elements, minerals
and vitamins, especially from leaves, fruits, algae, fungi and other available materials. However,
even with this knowledge, the skills of a well-equipped and experienced nutritionist are needed
to formulate least-cost balanced rations.
xto supply hybrid strains, which requires the presence of well-managed hatchery facilities
and (grand) parent stock, or
x to supply pure-bred breeds, which allows the farmer to renew his flock and to remain
independent from external suppliers. Unfortunately, pure-bred breeds are becoming more
difficult and more expensive to purchase, and produce fewer eggs than hybrids.
(Branckaert et al., 2000).
Genetic improvement has been considered a high priority in poultry development projects.
Usually vaccination programmes are carried out during genetic upgrading programmes, but feed
supply to the improved birds has not received sufficient attention. Thus it has not been possible
to exploit the superior genetic potential of the improved birds.
Poultry products in most developing countries, especially in Africa, are still expensive. The
marketing system is generally informal and poorly developed. Unlike eggs and meat from
commercial hybrid birds (derived from imported stock), local consumers generally prefer those
from indigenous stocks. The existence of a local market offering good sales opportunities and
adequate transport facilities are obvious prerequisites for FP development. As most consumers
with greater purchasing power live in and around cities, intensification of poultry production
should be initiated in peri-urban areas or, at least, in areas having a good road network
(Branckaert et al., 2000).
Traditional dealers and middlemen, who collect eggs and birds from the villages, facilitate
the marketing of FP products in most developing countries. Such traditional marketing
structures are often overlooked, bypassed or criticised. There has been a regrettable tendency in
some countries to use government extension services or parastatals to market family poultry
products. This practice should be discouraged as it is not sustainable.
Farmer organizations
Organizing FP farmers is not an easy task, for several reasons. Flock sizes are small and birds
are maintained with minimal land, labour and capital inputs. Thus farmers generally consider FP
a secondary activity compared with other agricultural activities. Nevertheless, it is essential to
develop producer groups, which give members easier access to essential inputs (such as feed,
improved breeds, medicine, vaccines and technical advice) and to credit, training, transportation
and the marketing of poultry products. Producer groups also encourage more educated people to
initiate FP farming as a secondary activity (conducted at the family level using medium-sized
flocks), as well as facilitating the development of associated activities such as market gardening,
which can utilize poultry manure and help to reduce or remove household waste and pests
(Branckaert et al., 2000).
Farmers should be allowed to develop the market structures most suitable for them. Often
women’s groups prove to be effective in marketing eggs along with other products at local
markets. Such groups should be encouraged and supported if they exist, but their establishment
solely for FP may be unnecessary and unviable.
In a case study in the region of Niamey, Niger (Kobling, 1989), it was shown that
smallholdings (less than 20 hens) of layers, which were situated beyond 2.5 km from a main
paved road, could supply eggs and meat to the city market at competitive prices. Villages much
farther from the main routes could supply live birds competitively but not eggs. Eggs are not an
important food item at the village level, as it is a relatively high-priced protein food, and thus
marketing may require cooperative efforts by producers to transport eggs to larger towns.
Possibilities for this include using existing commercial trading channels or opening new
channels such as those through producer associations, cooperatives, women’s groups or young
farmer associations. The establishment of specialized poultry production cooperatives has
proved difficult in many places, and socio-economic factors play an important part in this.
Small-scale poultry production 91
The CEP method is criticised mainly because the raising of cockerels in government farms is
costly, and exposure of the intensively raised cockerels to village conditions leads to
considerable adaptation problems with resulting mortalities of 50 percent or more. Also, local
cockerels are not always removed, as the farmer (quite rightly in many cases) distrusts the
survival and mating ability of the exotic cockerel. The presence of the local cocks reduces the
effectiveness of the attempt at genetic improvement, as they are easily able to compete for the
favours of the local hens against the exotic breed cocks.
In view of the problems of the CEP, other methods have been developed, including the
distribution of chicks, pullets and hatching eggs of improved breeds. A comparison of the
relative efficiency of these upgrading methods (ter Horst, 1987), based on the number of
“improved” day-old chicks produced in the village over three years, showed that the distribution
of hatching eggs was the most cost-effective method (as shown in Table 10.4 below).
92 Research and Development for family poultry
In operation, hatching eggs of selected lines are sold to families raising poultry. Local broody
hens hatch the eggs. The chicks are raised by the hens and adapt easily to the environment. The
distribution of hatching eggs is thus the least costly and most efficient method of genetic
upgrading. This method has the following advantages and disadvantages.
Protection against Newcastle Disease requires three vaccinations during the six-month growing
phase of pullets and cockerels. Depending on local conditions, between two and three
vaccinations per year are needed for adult birds. Because of the limited resources of government
veterinary services, it is necessary to build networks of private veterinarians, veterinary
assistants and vaccinators to provide preventive veterinary care in remote rural areas, and to
ensure a reliable supply of vaccines (with a cold chain for the storage and distribution of
conventional vaccines). In Bangladesh, the Department of Livestock Services established such a
cold chain from the vaccine production laboratory to the village level in 1984. Within three
years, 4 500 poultry farmers (especially women) were trained as village poultry vaccinators.
The full cost of vaccination was charged to poultry producers in order to sustain the full cost of
vaccine production and distribution. When it is possible to extend this fee to partly cover an
extension service, it can result in the creation of a partly privatised poultry extension service.
Such a system, financed by vaccination fees and the sale of exotic birds to farmers, was
established in Sao Tome and Principe.
Strategy combinations
A combined approach, including vaccination against ND, the provision of a regular water
supply and feed supplements (household waste) and special care for the young chicks during the
first weeks of life (for example, through improved night shelters and creep feeders), increases
the number of eggs laid by about 100 percent as well as increasing the number of chickens
raised per hen/year to between 10 and 12.
The introduction of genetic improvement, in combination with further improvement in
feeding (compound feed), housing (semi-confinement) and health (full vaccination and anti-
parasites), will again increase egg production by approximately 50 percent and egg weight by
60 percent.
x Study of the possibilities of protein banks, and the cultivation of Ipil-ipil (Leucaena),
duckweed and snails at the smallholder FP level.
x Study of year-round nutrient availability for scavenging chicken under model key rearer
x Study of year-round protein production from various conventional and unconventional
- manure-based duckweed production in shallow ponds with clean and polluted water
- protein supply from leaves, such as cassava, Leucaena, Sesbania, and Glyrecidia; and
- animal protein supply, for example from blood meal, rumen microbes, earthworms,
insects, hatchery by-product waste, and leather by-products.
x Study and nutritional evaluation of various feed ingredients used for feeding poultry under
semi-scavenging conditions:
- chemical composition;
- nutritive value from feeding trials; and
- preservation of feedstuffs.
x Study of the effective optimum level of supplementation for semi-scavenging birds in
different agro-ecological conditions, for all age groups of birds:
- effect of supplementing protein meal (vegetable and animal protein);
- effect of supplementing energy-rich feed (both conventional and unconventional);
- effect of supplementing minerals with ingredients (both conventional and
x Nutrient recycling through manure-based protein production under semi-scavenging
- energy flow of the FP farm (conventional and improved systems); and
- protein economy (traditional FP and improved systems).
x Study of how much and what combination of feed ingredients is most economical as a feed
for Model Key Rearers in different environments, seasons and regions.
x Study of the utilization of non-conventional feed ingredients, such as tealeaf waste,
duckweed, poultry litter, earthworms and insects (cultivated and natural), as protein
sources for semi-scavenging poultry.
x Study of the amount and composition of available feeds for scavenging and their seasonal
and regional variations.
x Study of the available Scavenger Feed Resource Base and the optimum chicken number
density for sustainable semi-scavenging in the FP rearing system under Bangladesh socio-
economic conditions.
x Comparison of crop-contents and feed weigh-back systems using the cafeteria system of
feed supplementation.
x Study of whether the cultivation of such chicken feed as earthworms, maggots, termites
and cockroaches can be incorporated within the FP small-scale livestock development
(SLD) system.
x Study of how industrial by-products such as those from breweries and fish processing
plants can be used as supplementary feed for the semi-scavenging FP model.
x Comparative profitability studies between: two commercial cross-breeds (locally marketed
as Harco and Nera, both derived by crossing Rhode Island Red (RIR) and Barred
96 Research and Development for family poultry
Plymouth Rock [BPR]); and also between the locally bred Sonali (RIR and Fayoumi); and
pure “local” Fayoumi (an Egyptian breed multiplied in Bangladesh without artificial
selection pressure, in confinement management conditions for the past 20 years); under
both FP traditional scavenging and FP semi-scavenging (feed supplemented) systems.
x According to previous studies and research, the Sonali was found to be superior in terms of
meat and egg production, disease resistance and overall profitability in both the FP
traditional scavenging and semi-scavenging systems. This research was undertaken by the
Department of Livestock Services, the Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute (BLRI)
(both supported by the now-completed Danida-assisted Small-scale Livestock
Development project [SLDP-1], and the Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU).
Further study is planned to determine what type of selection index should be applied to the
parent stocks, and under what type of environment, in order to improve its efficiency and
performance under the semi-scavenging system. The parent stocks are the Fayoumi and
RIR. This is related to a protocol suggested in the Marketing and Socio-economics
category below.
x Crossing of dominant Naked-Neck breeds with Fayoumi or RIR for higher egg production
and meat production, disease resistance and profitability in scavenging and semi-
scavenging systems.
x Crossing of Naked-Neck breeds with desi (local indigenous breeds), for increasing both
size and brooding capacity.
x Development and maintenance of grandparent stock, to maintain the breeding efficiency of
RIR and Fayoumi.
x Study of the performance of different breed combinations under various environments,
feeds and disease situations.
x Conducting of stock density trials of different breeds and breed combinations, to determine
the optimum FP flock size for best productivity.
x Comparing the performance of commercial breeds with the desi and other “home-made
combinations” made by Key Rearers, using broody hens under FP traditional and semi-
scavenging systems.
Marketing and Socio-economics
x Study of the impact of the Participatory Livestock Development project (PLDP) activities
(expected duration 1998-2003) on income generation, employment and poverty in rural
x Study of the impact of the SLDP concept on the nutritional health of women and young
girls at the village level. An M.Sc. study on this subject has already been completed by a
post-graduate student of the Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University (KVL),
Denmark (Nielsen, 2000).
x Study of the nutritional status and effect on work capacity, as well as body mass ratios of
both mother and children, in households using the FP semi-scavenger system, compared
with those using the traditional FP system.
x Comparative cost and returns analysis of poultry production under the scavenging and
confinement poultry farming systems.
x Study of the changing role of women in livestock rearing under PLDP.
x Study of the demand and supply of poultry products, identifying the constraints to
successful market operations.
x Study of the development of market intermediaries (middlemen) and their constraints in
the project areas.
x Study of the effect of NGO modes of operation on the participation in and extension of
poultry model practices.
Small-scale poultry production 97
This effort represents the first time that animal scientists and veterinarians have worked together
on solving problems directly related to rural poultry production under the difficult logistic
conditions in the northwestern districts of Bangladesh covered by PLDP. It is also the first time
that problems identified in the field by Danida-supported livestock projects (PLDP and SLDP)
in Bangladesh have been fed back to the educational system in Denmark, creating the basis for a
new M.Sc. course in rural poultry production and health, supported by a number of research and
educational institutions in Denmark and hosted by the Royal Veterinary and Agricultural
University in Copenhagen. It is envisaged that the results will be passed on to responsible
parties in government and NGOs working on rural development in Bangladesh, thereby
enabling an adjustment of the present activities to the ultimate beneficiaries, the poor farmers.
The eight research projects covered a range of important problems relating to scavenging and
semi-scavenging poultry production in Bangladesh, notably relating to disease and production
aspects. The following list of the eight M.Sc. research project titles is not presented in order of
importance, but in connected areas of relevance.
x Helminthosis of free-range chickens in Bangladesh, with emphasis on prevalence and
effect on productivity.
x An epidemiological and experimental study of Newcastle Disease in village chickens of
x Isolation and pathogenic characterizations of Infectious Bursal Disease (IBD) virus isolate
from an outbreak of IBD in a rural poultry unit in Bangladesh.
x A longitudinal study of the causes of mortality of chickens in parent stock flocks of the
Department of Livestock Services of Bangladesh, with a special emphasis on Escherichia
coli infection.
x Effect of vitamin A supplementation on vitamin A status, growth parameters and disease
resistance of layer type chickens in Bangladesh.
x A study of the effect of feed supplementation on the laying hen under the rural conditions
of Bangladesh.
x A study of the effect of feeding systems on the egg production of Fayoumi hens of Model
Breeding units under the PLDP project in Bangladesh.
x A study of the egg production performance of different breeds and breed combinations of
chicken in semi-scavenging systems in the PLDP project.
replicated in Malawi, with appropriate modification to suit prevailing conditions. For example,
Malawi has a much lower population density than Bangladesh and a less developed NGO
infrastructure. It was therefore recommended that the Bangladesh model, comprising eight
income-generating elements, should be simplified. Results from the Malawi situation analysis
(participatory rural appraisal) in the Danida project area showed that the poorest of the poor did
indeed exist in the pilot area. By using the criteria of the farmer’s perspective, it was found that
37 percent of all households belonged to this poorest segment. It was also found that female-
headed households constituted 60 percent of the poorest segment. The analysis further revealed
that poultry keeping has a high preference as an income-generating activity, in fact the highest
among all livestock categories. The relative status of the importance of different types of
livestock was ranked as: sheep, cattle, pigs, goats and chicken.
extension staff and scientists from agricultural, veterinary and social sciences. The farmer
cooperatives will have farmers and farmer groups specialized in four production areas:
x producing affordable feeds using locally available feed ingredients;
x raising breeding stock and hatching chicks;
x rearing chicks up to eight weeks of age;
x raising chickens for egg production, sale of eggs and later sale of culls; and /or
x raising chickens for meat under semi-intensive production systems.
Rural women carry out a fundamental role in agricultural production, rural development and
food security. FAO studies and statistics show that women produce between 60 and 80 percent
of food in Africa and Asia and approximately 40 percent in Latin America. In many regions,
women are also responsible for the management of small livestock, including reproduction. An
appropriate approach to working with women and poultry will not only boost productivity and
reduce work time, workload and strain, but also promote the transfer of appropriate technology
knowledge, tools and skills.
102 Research and Development for family poultry
During FAO World Food Day (1999), the theme “Youth against hunger” was given
considerable attention, together with the significant role that youth can play in food security. An
important message from this event is that given adequate training, education and support, young
people can become active partners in helping to meet the World Food Summit goals of halving
the number of the hungry by the year 2015.
In terms of technology transfer, many government agricultural extension services include
rural youth programming as an integral part of their overall work to help women, men and
young farmers apply new practices. An even larger number of NGOs, through extension-type
programmes, work to assist youth audiences in the use of improved agricultural technology.
Some of the features of rural youth programmes that make them particularly valuable include
their ability to successfully promote the application of technology, such as poultry production,
to improve agricultural production on a sustainable basis. Experience has shown that young
people are usually more open to new ideas and practices than adult farmers. Most programmes
also focus on the start-up of agricultural and rural-based non-agricultural income-generating
activities. Any attempt to enhance the knowledge, skills and experience of young people, and
increase their access to resources through rural youth programmes, will have an immediate
impact on food security.
Rural youth programming, as a technology transfer mechanism, has the potential to
overcome some of the major constraints related to expanding FP production in developing
countries mentioned earlier in this paper, such as training, management, group organization,
disease control, feeding, genetic improvement and protection against predators.
There are already some experiences in developing countries related to the training and
education of rural young people in the area of poultry, that, if supported more fully and
expanded to other countries, could contribute significantly to more efficient and effective egg
and meat production.
Through community-based non-formal educational programming, rural youth gain the
necessary knowledge, skills and experiences enabling them to be productive today, as well as to
become better farmers for the future. It is essential for farmers to have some knowledge of basic
agricultural science related to their daily work. Without this knowledge, the technology often
manipulates farmers, often forcing them to act in ways they do not understand, which can be a
severe hindrance to effective technology transfer.
Individual and group poultry project activities have been a part of youth programming in
some countries for many years. There are two primary ways of reaching young people in rural
areas. One is through community-based rural youth programmes, which target out-of-school
rural young people. The other is using the rural schools by incorporating agricultural topics as
an integral part of the regular curriculum or as extracurricular activities.
Basic poultry science is easily adapted to either community-based groups or school
programmes. The most effective way to work with youth in a practical way, either in the
community or the schools, is through non-formal education methodology using a hands-on,
experiential approach to learning. Community youth members learn such things as basic poultry
anatomy and physiology through structured group learning activities and then apply the
knowledge to practical experiences, planning and carrying out individual and group small-scale
poultry projects.
Small-scale poultry production 103
Where proper facilities are available, small-scale poultry projects can be carried out on the
school grounds. Students can learn first-hand many of the practical aspects of raising chickens.
The study of embryology by hatching chicken eggs is particularly well suited to the classroom.
Much can be learned by students from the incubation and hatching of chicken eggs. Experience
around the world has shown that this activity generates much interest and excitement among
young people as they anxiously wait 21 days for the eggs to hatch.
One of the constraints to expanded FP production in developing countries is the difficulty of
helping farmers organize themselves into groups and associations. This is not a problem where
farmers as youth had the experience of being a member of a community or school agricultural
club. Belonging to a formal group offers the young person experiences of democratic action
with elected officers and structured decision-making. The communication and leadership skills
gained enable youth to make immediate contributions to their communities. These skills also
help them accept formal and informal leadership roles in community and farmers’ organizations
as adults.
Through school and community-based rural youth programmes dealing with FP production,
youth learn and practice knowledge and skills related to sanitation, vaccination, housing
construction using low-cost naturally available materials, predator control, adequate nutrition,
improved breeds of chickens and alternative marketing strategies.
As a mechanism for technology transfer, youth programmers, when given adequate support,
can make a significant contribution to expanding FP production in developing countries. Young
people learn basic principles and sound practices of raising poultry through practical, hands-on
projects and activities, enabling them to successfully start and maintain a small enterprise in an
efficient and effective manner, thus contributing to food security.
Disabled - handicapped
During the past decades in many developing countries, civil wars, international conflicts and the
dissemination of mines (with their terrible consequences), along with the propagation of
handicapping diseases and the increase in traffic accidents, have been responsible for a
considerable increase in the number of disabled persons.
For the disabled, FP raising represents a valuable occupation, providing excellent revenue
and enabling them to rejoin the social community. Many disabled persons are literate and can
thus easily be approached and trained.
Rural workers
Whatever their gender or age, livestock vaccinators, extension workers and rural development
agents need some basic socio-cultural information in order to improve their impact in
technology transfer.
The vaccinator needs to know the reasons for the non-adoption of the technology and must
be prepared to provide the farmer with a relevant demonstration or explanation. The extension
worker should develop extension and training programmes according to the farmer's knowledge
and information need. Finally, the development agent should be able to explain the positive
advantages for the rural community in having members develop income-generating activities.
Specific training programmes and teaching materials, using appropriate media, should be
produced to cover these requirements.
Sources of information
Sources for this data could include livestock and agricultural census figures and Veterinary
Department records, including:
x vaccination campaigns;
x number of vaccines given;
x supply of locally produced and imported vaccines and their costs; and
x subsidies.
Veterinary Departments should have information on the major epizootic and parasitic diseases
that occur in a country, and increasingly there are sections dealing with epidemiology. The
Ministry of Agriculture, poultry research institutes and parastatal organizations are sources of
information on the technology available, past development experience and the supply of
breeding stock, usually from state farms.
Another information source is FAO country production data, which is based on government-
submitted information and locally undertaken household surveys or Participatory Rural
Appraisals. Other sources include universities, nutrition and home economic departments, the
Agricultural Census Office, NGOs and bilateral agencies.
National crop data allows for the use of conversion factors to estimate the supply of agro-
industrial by-products and broken grains. Availability is always a concern as these products
have many alternative demands, and cost is an important factor. Reports on availability of non-
conventional feeds often indicate these alternative uses. Import statistics can give an indication
of the level of self-sufficiency for the major animal food products, including eggs and poultry
meat. Government household surveys, agricultural census data and local rural appraisal surveys
may also provide information on levels of household consumption. If a commercial stock-feed
sector exists, they may provide additional information on:
x type of goods (such as feeds, chicks, drugs and vaccines) and services (such as veterinary,
public health and abattoirs) that are available and how accessible they are;
x disease situation; and
x supply and demand of feed ingredients.
Small-scale poultry production 105
Many agricultural policy-makers (including livestock specialists) believe that the smallholder
poultry system should be considered only as a means of subsistence, and as such needs no
coordination, examination, intervention or development. Such notions must be challenged and
Since FAO’s first technical assistance project (BGD/79/003) for FP in Bangladesh in 1979,
FAO (AGA) has identified, formulated, backstopped and monitored (with the financial
assistance of UNDP and the FAO Technical Cooperation Programme [TCP]), many projects
supporting FP development activities. The countries involved have included Bangladesh,
Burundi, the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea,
Ethiopia, the Gambia, Honduras, Maldives, Madagascar, Myanmar, Nigeria, the Philippines,
Rwanda, Somalia, the United Republic of Tanzania, Turkey, Viet Nam and Zimbabwe.
The FAO Special Programme for Food Security (SPFS) was launched in 1994 by the FAO
Director-General to respond to the urgent need to boost food production. In 1997, improved
household poultry production - either peri-urban or rural - was identified as a key element in the
overall SPFS approach, and as a major activity of the SPFS diversification component.
The SPFS presently covers 40 countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. It is rapidly
expanding, with more than 60 countries expected to join it during the next few years. The
collaboration between SPFS and INFPD will grow simultaneously. The development of South-
South cooperation in the field of rural FP is encouraged through the use of Technical
Cooperation between Developing Countries (TCDC) experts. Since 1997, important support has
also been provided by FAO’s Telefood programme. Up to US$10 000/group has been
distributed for small-scale FP projects in several countries (Branckaert et al., 2000).
Productivity objectives
What is required to maximize the productivity of family poultry production systems? First, the
whole web of interdependent factors affecting the overall activities of the family farming
system, along with their advantages and constraints, must be fully understood. It is certain that
village production will continue as long as there are villages, but various aspects of the
production system need to be carefully modified. For example, it is now known that vaccination
against Newcastle Disease can improve chick survival rate from 30 up to 70 percent; simple
housing and other predator protection is required for chicks and young growers; supplementary
feeds are important; and other poultry species such as ducks, guinea fowls, pigeons and quails
need to be considered.
FP is a vehicle for rural development, income-generation and nutritional enhancement. It is
clear that the presence of flourishing industrial peri-urban poultry farms does not negate the
need for a parallel FP system in rural areas. Priority must be placed on the development of
appropriate technologies, the provision of extension services, farmer training, input and output
transportation, markets and credit supply.
It is not appropriate to concentrate entirely on boosting food production at all costs without
concern for who produces the food and with what type of management system. FP systems
reflect the need to increase job opportunities, stimulate the development of associated non-
farming, rural activities and generate benefits that accrue equally to all segments of society,
urban as well as rural.
The International Network for Family Poultry Development (INFPD), which is supported by
FAO, can play a useful role in this regard by promoting:
x exchange and distribution of publications;
x participation in regional and international congresses; and
x the organization of biannual workshops on specialised topics.
The role of the INFPD was expanded from its African focus in 1997, and in December of that
year, the first international workshop “Issues in Family Poultry Development Research: Current
Concepts in Family Poultry Development Research” was held in M’Bour, Senegal. Proceedings
of the workshop (Sonaiya 2000) are also available at:
Socio-economic objectives
To develop effective strategies for family poultry development, some inefficient aspects of
traditional production must be replaced by more suitable methods. The main socio-economic
objectives of FP development should be to:
x increase rural and peri-urban labour productivity and family incomes through increasing
poultry productivity; and
x ensure a high level of food security and raise nutritional levels of rural and peri-urban
Development strategies
The overall aims of development are to reduce poverty and improve income and nutrition. To
develop effective strategies for FP development, traditional but inefficient methods of
production must be replaced by more suitable measures. The main objectives of such strategies
should be:
x improving food supply;
x creating income and employment opportunities for rural populations;
x conserving environmental resources;
x maintaining biodiversity; and
x promoting respect for socio-cultural values.
Small-scale poultry production 107
Linear measure
Feet to metres x 0.3048; 3 feet is 0.91 m or 91 cm
Stock Density
Square feet/bird to Birds/square metre uses an inverse relationship with the multiplier of
0.0929sq.m = 1 sq.ft. Using a calculator, the formula is:
0.0929 M+ then [sq.ft/bird] x, MR, =, /, /, 1, = gives [birds/sq.metre] or
108 Abbreviations and Conversions
There are 4.1868 megajoules (MJ) or kilojoules (kJ) per megacalorie (Mcal) or kilocalorie
(kcal) of energy. The joule is the newer metric format to measure energy.
Example 1: a feed with a metabolisable energy (ME) value of 2300 kcal ME/kg is now stated as
9.6 MJ ME/kg (2300 x 4.1868 / 1000).
Example 2: a SFRB per household of 468 Mcal of ME is now stated as 1960 MJ of ME.
109 Small-scale poultry production
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