FM 7-2 Audit Compliance
FM 7-2 Audit Compliance
FM 7-2 Audit Compliance
Ashok Kumar is an Accounts Officer working in the accounts compilation section of the
corporate office of an electricity distribution company. He receives a file from his
Controller of Accounts containing the enquires issued by the Auditors on the draft
accounts of the Company for the year 2004-05.
“The Controller of Accounts has made the following remarks on the file:-
a) Review the audit observations and propose suitable journal entries (wherever
required) to ensure compliance.
b) Bring out the impact of the journal entries on the P&L account and the Balance
sheet of the company.
c) Examine the implications from the angle of regulatory accounting.
d) Suggest remedial measures to avoid recurrence of such mistakes
This does not include the following bills/materials issued to the works, which
pertain to the year 2004-05 but paid subsequent to March 2005.
J.E.No. & date Particulars Bill No. & firm Amount (Rs.)
02/9.4.2005 Issue of Materials Inter unit 27,830
05/23.4.2005 Erection bill NLM 49,382
11/30.4.2005 Labour contract All 10 bills pertain 1,97,998
bills to March 2005
Total 2,75,210
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Power Finance Corporation Ltd.
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Financial Management of Distribution Management
Distribution Reform, Upgrades and Management (DRUM) Training Program
Amount capitalized during the year from cost register in respect of Work Order
No. 14/SDE/1103 dated 13/6/2004 is Rs. 4,85,300 as against the actual
expenditure of Rs 8,45,300 booked in the cost register. This has resulted in
understatement of AH 10 series-Buildings and overstatement of AH 14 series-
CWIP Buildings by this amount.
On a review of provision for unbilled revenue for March 2005 in respect of High
Tension installations, it was observed that, an excess amount of Rs. 1,57,973
has been provided in excess of the actual demand as shown below.
4. Miscellaneous recoveries
As per the terms of PPA entered with a generating company, the company is
entitled to a rebate of 0.05% for prompt payments. As per the audit note issued
by the internal auditor of the company, the rebate recoverable from the generator
for the year 2004-05 is Rs.20.12 lakhs. Non-consideration of rebate in the
accounts of the company for the year has resulted in overstatement of AH 41
series-sundry creditors for purchase of power and understatement of Account
Head 62 series-Miscellaneous recoveries by Rs. 20.12 lakhs
The company began purchasing power from the IPP which commenced
commercial production from 1st September 2004. Between September and March
05, the company purchase 45.100 million units. On receipt of monthly bills, the
company released adhoc payments which was charged to the power purchased
account. As against Rs. 16 crs. of adhoc payments made for power purchased
during the year 2004-05, the actual amount billed and payable by the company
works out to Rs. 23.27 Crs.(Fixed cost Rs. 12.00 Crs & variable cost Rs.11.27
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Power Finance Corporation Ltd.
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Financial Management of Distribution Management
Distribution Reform, Upgrades and Management (DRUM) Training Program
Crs.). The company has not provided for the balance amount of Rs.7.12 Crs. in
its accounts, resulting in understatement of AH 70 series-Power purchase and
AH 41 series-Sundry creditors for purchase of power. Had the company followed
the merit order dispatch approved by the regulator is company should have
drawn only 38.000 Mus.
This does not include Rs. 50,140 being the short provision of depreciation on
lightening arrestors. The division has calculated the deprecation at 7.84% instead
of 12.77% per annum. Out of the short provision, Rs.12,535 pertains to the
current year and the balance amount relates to previous years. This has resulted
understatement of AH 77 and 83 series (prior period) – depreciation on plant
and machinery and AH 12 series -provision for depreciation.
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Power Finance Corporation Ltd.
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Distribution Reform, Upgrades and Management (DRUM) Training Program
Part-A Estimate for releasing the existing asset (Original value of the Asset
Rs. 20,000/- (AH 10 series), Accumulated depreciation Rs. 6,000/- (AH 12
series) & WDV of the asset Rs.14,0000 (AH-16 series).
Part-B Labour charges for dismantling the existing asset (AH 77.5) Rs. 3,000/-
Part-C Estimate for commissioning of new asset Rs.40,000/-
Time for completing the work: One month from 1st September 2004.
Estimate was sanctioned for Rs. 23,000 i.e. (Rs. 40,000 value of new asset-
Rs. 20,000 original value of released asset + Rs. 3,000/- labour charges for
dismantling). While sanctioning the estimate, one single Work Order No. 4246
was assigned (instead of assigning distinct numbers viz. 4246 A, 4246 B and
4246 C for each of the parts). As a result of this error, the accounts section of the
division has made the following mistakes
a) opened one folio in the cost/works register & has booked all the transactions
b) upon completion of the work, has capitalized the work for Rs. 23,000/- and
transferred to asset account (10 series) by crediting CWIP (14 series)
a) Estimate should have been sanctioned in three parts duly assigning separate
Work Orders.
b) When an existing asset is released, the asset account at original value has to
be credited duly debiting the WDV of fixed assets and provision for
c) Labour charges for dismantling of the existing asset is revenue expenditure
and should directly be debited to 77.5 series.
d) Estimate for creation a new asset should be sanctioned under AH 14 –CWIP
and the cost register should reflect only the capital expenditure incurred for
new asset.
e) As a result of not following the above procedure:
- Rs.20,000 being the original value of the existing fixed asset is credited
to AH 14-CWIP instead of AH 10- Fixed Assets.
- Rs. 3,000 being the labour charges for dismantling is debited to AH 14
instead of 77.5 series.
- Rs 23,000 is transferred to asset account from CWIP instead of
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Power Finance Corporation Ltd.
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Financial Management of Distribution Management
Distribution Reform, Upgrades and Management (DRUM) Training Program
There is a difference of Rs. 3,28,830/- between the balance as per general ledger
/trial balance and the balance as per cost/works register. This needs to be
The company on 31st March 2005 ordered dismissal of an employee from service
with immediate effect & to recover the stores shortages amounting to Rs.3.48 lakhs
from his assets in movable and immovable properties by taking immediate legal
action. In view of the above order and considering the amount involved, adequate
provisions should have been made in the accounts towards the above sum which
arrears doubtful of recovery
The company is not maintaining the asset registers on the basis of the voltage class
of the assets, through the regulatory commission has given a directive that the
Company has to provide information regarding voltage-wise break up of Fixed
Assets and accumulated depreciation by ensuring that the deficiencies in the
accounting system are rectified.
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Power Finance Corporation Ltd.
Institution Logo (A Govt. of India Undertaking)
Financial Management of Distribution Management
Distribution Reform, Upgrades and Management (DRUM) Training Program
Out of 14 audit enquiries journal entries are required to be passed for first 10 audit
enquiries. For enquiry no. 11 to 14 our reply will be:
(ii) AE No.12: Since the employee was dismissed with effect immediate effect on
the last working day of the financial year, the company is not in a position to
immediately identify the movable and immovable properties of the employee
and quantify the same on the date of the balance sheet. Besides, any
provision for write off of this amount would dilute the stand of the company
any may affect the legal proceedings against the employee. In view this
situation, we have to request the audit to drop the audit para.
(iii) AE No.13: Company is not maintaining the asset registers on the basis of the
voltage class of the assets. Besides complying regulatory requirement, these
details are also required for the Cost to Serve study. The company needs to
initiate necessary measures to address this requirement.
(iv) AE No.14: Currently the company is accounting MCV at the time of passing
bills of the suppliers. If the company has to comply the requirement of audit,
i.e. accounting MCV on accrual basis, it needs to change its accounting
methodology by issuing fresh instructions to the field units, besides
examining providing of additional account code in the Chart of Accounts.
Journal Entries
(In Rupees)
NO. Group Journal Entries to be passed in the Books Debit Credit
(followed by of the Company
activity code
specific to
the activity)
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Power Finance Corporation Ltd.
Institution Logo (A Govt. of India Undertaking)
Financial Management of Distribution Management
Distribution Reform, Upgrades and Management (DRUM) Training Program
Space for
Power Finance Corporation Ltd.
Institution Logo (A Govt. of India Undertaking)
Financial Management of Distribution Management
Distribution Reform, Upgrades and Management (DRUM) Training Program
Space for
Power Finance Corporation Ltd.
Institution Logo (A Govt. of India Undertaking)
Financial Management of Distribution Management
Distribution Reform, Upgrades and Management (DRUM) Training Program
b) Impact of the journal entries on the P&L account and the Balance sheet of the
Space for
Power Finance Corporation Ltd.
Institution Logo (A Govt. of India Undertaking)
Financial Management of Distribution Management
Distribution Reform, Upgrades and Management (DRUM) Training Program
Space for
Power Finance Corporation Ltd.
Institution Logo (A Govt. of India Undertaking)
Financial Management of Distribution Management
Distribution Reform, Upgrades and Management (DRUM) Training Program
Change in liabilities
JE Account Head of account Amount
reference Head
1 46---- Provision for liability for expenses A/C 2,75,210
4 41.--- Sundry crs. for purchase of power A/C (20,12,000)
5 41.--- Sundry crs. for purchase of power A/C 7,12,00,000
6 44.--- Ex-gratia payable to employees A/C (50,000)
Change in liabilities (JVs) 6,94,13,210
Transfer from P&L account (debit) 6,93.87,113
Net change in liabilities 26,097
Change in Assets
JE Account Head of account Amount
reference Head
1 14---- Capital works in progress A/C 2,75,210
2 10.--- Fixed Assets A/C 3,60,000
14.--- Capital works in progress A/C (3,60,000)
3 23.--- Provision for unbilled revenue (1,57,973)
7 12.---- Provision for depreciation A/C (50,140)
8 37.--- Inter Units Account (50,000)
9 28.--- Sundry debtors for other misc. income 12,000
10 14.--- Capital works in progress A/C 20,000
10.--- Fixed Assets A/C (20,000)
14.--- Capital works in Progress A/C (3,000)
10.--- Fixed Asset A/C 17,000
14.--- Capital works in progress (17,000)
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Power Finance Corporation Ltd.
Institution Logo (A Govt. of India Undertaking)
Financial Management of Distribution Management
Distribution Reform, Upgrades and Management (DRUM) Training Program
Out of Ten Journal entries passed to account the auditor’s observations, two Journal
entries, namely JE No’s 5 and 6 have regulatory implications.
Though the company has purchased 45.100 Mus from the IPP that commenced
its commercial production from 1st September 2004, as per the merit order
dispatch approved by the regulator the company should have drawn only 38.000
Mus. The regulator will not allow the variable cost on the incremental units
purchased. Out of Rs. Rs. 23.27 Crs. payable to the IPP the element of fixed cost
is Rs. 12.00 Crs & has to be allowed by the regulator. The variable cost for
45.100 Mus is Rs.11.27 Crs. This translates to Rs.2.50/KWH. For 7.100 Mus the
variable cost works out to Rs. 1.78 Crs. This will be disallowed by the regulator
and cannot be passed to the consumers through tariff increase or to the
government for subsidy support.
Since the regulatory commission does not consider the ex-gratia payable as a
legitimate expenditure for the purpose of ARR & has been disallowing this
expenditure, the entire amount of ex-gratia payable of Rs.3,33,000 cannot be
recovered through tariff increase or as subsidy from Government.
The company has to absorb both the costs amounting to Rs. 1.81 Crs. The
profitability of the company to this extent comes down.
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Power Finance Corporation Ltd.
Institution Logo (A Govt. of India Undertaking)