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Current Computer Network Security Issues/Threats: Ammar Yassir Alaa A. K. Ismaeel

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International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 - 8887)

Volume 155 - No.1, December 2016

Current Computer Network Security Issues/Threats

Ammar Yassir Alaa A. K. Ismaeel

Arab Open University (AOU) - Oman Branch Arab Open University (AOU) - Oman Branch
Muscat, Sultanate of Oman Muscat, Sultanate of Oman

ABSTRACT for each human, there will be about two or three devices that are
connected. Such high numbers of connected devices present an ex-
Computer network security has been a subject of concern for a long traordinary opportunity for hackers thus increasing threats/security
period. Many efforts have been made to address the existing and issues.
emerging threats such as viruses and Trojan among others without Hardware threats include physical, electrical, environmental and
any significant success. Worse, new issues and threats have been maintenance. Software threats are mostly external through an unse-
emerging given that technology changes and becomes obsolete in cured network or breaching a secure network. Software threats pose
a short while. In this regard, this research delves into the current the most damage to any organization, as data may be corrupted or
network security issues in order to give future directions of research stolen. Security in software can be compromised when a developer
in a bid to help security technologists know where to focus their provides certain features. Software security threats involve confi-
resources. dentiality, integrity, and availability [5]. Privacy aims at keeping
This research examines the threats in terms of whether they are data secure from unauthorized parties,where integrity aims at pre-
hardware or software issues. The need of this research is well artic- serving data from being altered, and availability aims at availing
ulated with the current security threats and countermeasures clearly data to legitimate users only. Companies, therefore, have to under-
outlined. The research found the following as the current major se- stand the nature of network security attacks and deal with them
curity threats: social engineering and phishing, malware infiltration accordingly. Some of the current Security threats and countermea-
through external hardware and removable media, malware infection sures are discussed below.
through intranet and Internet, invasion through remote access, hu-
man sabotage or error, DDoS attacks, and cloud and extranet com-
ponents being compromised. 2.1 Social Engineering and Phishing
Social engineering is the use of non-technical means to gain illegal
Keywords access to certain information of systems. Phishing is the most com-
mon means of social engineering through which hackers execute
Computer Networks, Security, Threat, Attack their attacks today. Common phishing scams display the following
features; attempts to acquire personal information such as social
1. INTRODUCTION security numbers, names and addresses, use of embed links which
Computer network security issues/threats are growing in sophisti- redirects users to malicious URLs through which their information
cation by the day. The development of new and innovative ways is captured and prompts the user through threats that manipulates
to breach network systems is a continual process in an attempt to one to act immediately by following the links [6].
counter the security measures installed by security experts [1]. Un- Through phishing emails, social engineering exploits traits like re-
like in the past where hacking involved a lone attacker;companies spect for authority, belief helpfulness, fear, or curiosity [7]. Em-
that specialize in attacking other organization and selling stolen ployees ate enticed or tempted to open malware containing attach-
data and malware have cropped up [2]. Computer networks are ments or follow links to malicious websites. Victim?s login cre-
made up of software and hardware components each with its vul- dentials can be obtained through phishing attacks or malware dis-
nerabilities. In contrast to software threats, the hardware risks are tributed through these messages. Also, seemingly harmless attach-
easy to detect [3]. This is because they cause harm on both the data ments or links install Trojans or other malware when opened. Spear
and device while a software threat only harms the data. Knowing phishing refers to attacks where such emails are tailored to partic-
vulnerabilities that may arise in the network may help organizations ular people with the intention of infiltrating the system [7].
in planning and building a successful network and countermeasures Social engineering attacks are done in a cycle with different phases:
to apply in a case such threats arise [4]. gathering of information, relationship development, exploitation,
and execution, as shown in Figure 1.
2. HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE THREATS During information gathering, the attackers prepare for the attack
by collecting necessary details that will enable them formulate
Predictions by Gartner Research Company estimated that by the texts that are likely to easily lure the users. Information gathered
end of 2016, 6.8 billion connected devices would be in use repre- is also used to determine possible passwords, possible responses
senting an increase of 30% from 2015 [4]. The number is expected from the users and the attack vector to use. In developing relation-
to rise to over 20 billion connected devices by 2020 meaning that ships phase, the attackers build a rapport with the target so that a

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 - 8887)
Volume 155 - No.1, December 2016

and the malware infecting the Internet Computer System network

(ICS), as shown in Figure 2.

Fig. 1. Phishing of information and social engineering exploitation.

door can be opened for them to gain access into the users system. Fig. 2. Malware detection in USB storage drives.
It is executed through close sharing of pictures or developing close
friendship via social networking sites such as Facebook and with
time the attacker gathers more information regarding to the user. Viruses infiltrates through the external hardwares and removable
Exploitation is the third phase through which the attacker uses the storages quite easily because more often these devices are not in-
information gathered and the links formed through relationship de- cluded in the drive selections for virus scanning by the antivirus.
velopment to infiltrate the target. Exploitation begins and extends Any device ought to be included in the virus scanner by default so
when the user begins to share passwords and usernames via the so- that it is always scanned. Management of viruses infiltrated through
cial network. The fourth phase, execution, is the stage at which the removable disks is further complicated by the fact that they are
attacker accomplishes the ultimate goal by executing the attack and highly portable hence managing their movements is difficult. High
exiting the relationship in such a way that the target does not realize portability exposes it to more viruses which may contract and trans-
[8]. mit to the system [12].
The fact that there is a cycle does not mean all the attacks are sim- Also, computers used for maintenance purpose, have been infected
ilar; each is unique and may involve one or multiple phases. An through office networks or the internet and may affect the ICS net-
aggressor may employ many methods to collect data regarding a work with malicious code [10]. Project files may also contain mal-
target such as birth dates and phone list among others. After col- ware/malicious code resulting in a data leakage or an infection.
lection, the aggressor can engage the target in a bid to gain his or Countermeasures against infection through external hardware or re-
her trust. Later, he may manipulate the target to give data such as movable media include instituting strict technical controls and poli-
passwords and then hack into the targeted item [9]. cies regarding removable media and notebook computers used for
Countermeasures to be applied against social engineering and external maintenance. Removable media can be monitored through;
phishing attacks include training of employees to create awareness creation of security boundary for removable media, encrypting in-
of such attacks and establishment of security policies as precau- dividual data, exclusivity in use of ICS network and barriers pre-
tionary measures such as classification of information, back poli- venting connection of removable media to the network [13]. For
cies, policies on data destruction and handling of devices within notebook computers used for external maintenance, data should
the organization. The introduction of alarm channels in case of an only be exchange through removable media, quarantine networks
attack or notice of suspicious activity. Finally, installation security introduced to enable external access computers, scanning for vul-
mechanisms to the automatic detection of attacks or misconduct nerabilities before connecting to the network and encryption of
and maintaining backups for the restoration of data in the event of such equipment [10].
an incident [10].
2.3 Malware infection through Intranet and Internet
2.2 Malware Infiltration through External Hardware Networks within most enterprises make use of core components
and Removable Media such as databases, webservers and operating systems some of
which have a connection to the internet or intranet. New vulner-
Employees regularly use removable devices such a USB drives or abilities arise in such a system where malware may be deployed
external hard drives for both work and personal purposes. Addition- into the intranet sometimes through removable media. Unlike in
ally, the use of notebook computers for either work, own purposes previous days where there were no linkages to the ICS network,
or maintenance purposes carries the risk of infection by viruses or the thing has changed because of Ethernet-based networks. Once
malware [11]. The lack of awareness of the risk posed by such ac- malware finds away into the intranet, it becomes only a matter of
tivities or the dire effects of malware on the company network leads time before it infiltrates the ICS network. Potential threats in such
to such practices. Potential threat/security issues/scenarios include a system include manipulation of web pages to infect victims who
infection of USB drives a private environment or office network access them, attacking web pages belonging to the enterprise and

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 - 8887)
Volume 155 - No.1, December 2016

attack by undetectable viruses/malware [10]. Figure 3 shows a re- countermeasure includes creating of a perimeter or safeguards on
cent increase of malware attacks in the Middle East with the United the system, monitoring of login data to check for unfamiliar con-
Arab Emirates having the highest percentage of security attacks [5]. nections while limiting access to sensitive enterprise information.
Additionally, it may involve patching of office applications, oper-
ating systems, and back-end networks regularly and promptly [10].
Local Malware incidents detected
2.4 Invasion through Remote Access
14% In ICS installations, it is common to allow external access for the
KSA purpose of maintenance. During this process, poorly secured net-
7% works may be at risk of foreign attack. Also, there is sometimes
34% Bahrain lack of authentication for systems or lack of limits during exter-
nal access using VPN (Virtual Private Networks). External service
5% Egypt providers and product suppliers are also often contracted program-
ming and maintenance purposes thus posing security challenges, as
3% Kuwait there are several external parties involved [14]. Potential threats in-
clude attacks originating directly from the support point of access
Oman or an indirect attack on the service provider’s IT systems with ex-
12% ternal access. A direct attack may occur in the form of attack on
access points protected by passwords, use of a previously recorded
3% 22% Turkey password or specific attacks through the web [15]. Conversely,
indirect attacks may occur in the form of Trojans taking advan-
tage/exploiting the external system of the service provider, theft of
login details or theft of notebook computers that are used for gain-
Fig. 3. Kaspersky lab observes an increase in malware attacks. ing external access [15].
Countermeasures against remote access auditing of systems to find
This analysis and findings have helped to reveal the number of mal- vulnerable points of access, deleting/blocking passwords given by
ware attacks that has occurred recently in the Middle East region product supplier or encryption of systems and having secure au-
countries in the 2013 third quarter. The unwelcome table had the thentication/authorization procedures. Also, networks should be
UAE topping on the list which had 34% of the total attacks that segmented to prevent remote access, having a demilitarized zone
occurred with Saudi Arabia following with a 22% of the malware for access by the external maintenance instead of directly to the
attacks. Turkey appeared third in the list with a 14% of the attacks. ICS network and having firewalls for monitoring and permitting
Egypt took the fourth place with 12% and Qatar being fifth in the access to the system. Finally, remote access for maintenance pur-
list with 7% followed by Oman 5% then Kuwait and Bahrain who poses for a specified duration then logging off after maintenance is
had the least attacks of 3%. complete and personalizing means of access such that only a single
A total of 978,628,817 threats were detected by the Kaspersky Lab user login is permitted at a time [10].
products. 500, 284, 715 out of the total threats were launched from
online resources all over the world. Kasperskys Lab protection was
able to block 476, 856, 965 threats that were directed to the users 2.5 Human Sabotage or Error
who had installed the Kaspersky security. It was noted that most of
the threats originated from the United States which were generated Employees in an ICS environment both internal and external are
through malicious web resources and accounted for 45% of the to- usually in a position that determines the security of the organiza-
tal threats. However, when it comes to internet based malwares, lo- tion. Although regulations are required to ensure proper security
cal threats take the lead. Win32.Sality was the kind of malware that protocols, security cannot be assured through these controls alone.
was widely spread in the Middle-East countries which was spread Security threats arising from members of staff are because of hu-
through network shares and removable media. Turkey hosted 90% man error or sabotage and espionage. Potential threats posed by
of the total malicious threats. human sabotage or error include improper configuration of safety
Additionally, Kaspersky indicated that spread of malwares has been components, ICS components, and network components. Also,
accelerated y social networks such as Twitter and Facebook. This weak patches/updates installation, placing of wiretaps, damaging
has been occasioned by a rise in number of social network users of installations and devices, and use of unauthorized hardware or
by 88% in the region. It was also indicated that the developers of software to compromise the system are instances of either sabo-
malwares took advantage of the high interest in political news about tage/espionage or human error [10].
Middle East and most of the threats were spread through political Several countermeasures need to be applied to prevent such errors
news links [10]. Further, Kaspersky observed that use of drive-by or sabotage from happening. Firstly, the organization should intro-
downloads is increasingly becoming the major means of spreading duce a principle of need to know to ensure information is only
the malwares apart from removable media and local networks. It shared with the required individuals. Secondly, hiring competent,
was also noted that Android mobile malware is rapidly spreading in qualified and motivated staff and training them to understand the
the Middle East and has prompted the companies to adopt a strategy system to avoid errors. Also, the process of staff recruitment as
called Bring Your Own Device. well as external contractors should be standardized. Thirdly is the
Countermeasures against infiltration through the internet or intranet implantation procedures and policies for usage technical systems.
include the creation of an air gap/isolating different networks using Finally, monitoring of configurations and health of the system au-
firewalls to remove attacks directed to the ICS network. Another tomatically and filling configurations and projects securely [10].

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 - 8887)
Volume 155 - No.1, December 2016

2.6 Cloud and Extranet Components Being Hardening of communication channels and access points through
Compromised stick configuration of systems is one countermeasure to deal with
DDoS attacks. Additionally the use of systems that detect intru-
Outsourcing IT components is a practice growing in popularity in sions during DDoS attacks and raise alarms. Ensuring that the ap-
the ICS sector. The concern, however, lies in the area of big data and plication can handle high traffic volumes, confirming that updates
cloud-based solutions. Big data refers to data capture and process- and patches are of current security standards, ensuring that lockout
ing for interpretation externally by use of complex models meant policies for the application cannot be exploited, as well as, config-
to optimize processes like manufacturing or configure machines uring operating systems and application with DDoS attacks in mind
[16]. Security components also offered through cloud-based solu- are also efficient countermeasures [2].
tions such as maintenance through remote access through the cloud.
Such solutions although advantageous, especially for small enter- 3. DIRECTIONS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH
prises, leave the owner with little control on security issues while
the components are still directly linked local production. Threats The computer and Internet are a growing concern because tech-
arising from such operations include interruption of communica- nology advances by the day and hence, the old techniques become
tion between outsourced components and local production. Access obsolete in a short period [18]. This makes computer network se-
to externally stored data due to insufficient security and collateral curity a current and timely topic, which needs progressive research
damage because of attacks on other cloud services [10]. so that the new threats can be identified and improved solutions
Use of certified and trusted service provider is an effective counter- given. This can only be possible if computer technologists are up-
measure against such threat. Additionally, a contractual obligation to-date with the dynamic technology world. Thus, it is important
by service providers of external components is vital to provide and to devote resources in research and development programs. The so-
maintain sufficient security. It could be achieved through crypto- ciety ought to receive continued resilience and security. Here, the
graphic mechanisms strong enough for protection of stored data. private segment should join hands so that cyber security scholars
Finally is to ensure secure connectivity of external components and can be empowered to formulate advanced security ware, which can
local production. VPN have to be in use [10]. be used effectively even online [19].

2.7 DDoS Attacks 4. CONCLUSION

Distributed denial-of-service DDoS attacks occur in two ways. In summation, cyber security has become a major issue to con-
Firstly, ICS components use both wireless and wire communica- tend with in the recent past as attack has increased. Understand-
tions, and when interruption of such connections occurs, transmis- ing the vulnerabilities that may occur in a system or network will
sion of data ceases. Secondly is overloading components with many help organizations build better security mechanisms to protect their
inquiries thus slowing the system making it unable to provide ap- systems. Weaknesses/network security issues facing companies in-
propriate and timely answers. Such attacks are meant to cause a clude DDoS attacks, attacks on the cloud and extranet, invasion
breakdown in the system deliberately. DDoS attacks on remote through remote access, human errors/sabotage, malware infiltra-
components? internet connection are one of the potential threats tion through external hardware, removable media, internet and ex-
of these attacks (See Figure 4). A study by Roozbahani and Azad tranet and social engineering and phishing. Putting a PC in a bank
found that in DOS, other clients can utilize the resources, data, and vault with security officers with shot firearms and Rin-tin-tin won’t
communication. [17]. secure the PC’s information. To secure personal information and
data one should consolidate the utilization of unique Data Security
programming alongside Physical Security strategies. The discussed
cyber threats on computer networks are just some of the few cur-
rently trending issues facing organizations. Computer systems se-
curity threats are too many to be counted while other risks are being
created on a daily basis. Companies have to stay informed and alert
to defend themselves against the ever-increasing attacks.

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