Surgical Informed Consent Process in Neurosurgery: Review Article
Surgical Informed Consent Process in Neurosurgery: Review Article
Surgical Informed Consent Process in Neurosurgery: Review Article
The doctrine of informed consent, as opposed to medical paternalism, is intended to facilitate patient autonomy by allowing patient
participation in the medical decision-making process. However, regrettably, the surgical informed consent (SIC) process is invariably
underestimated and reduced to a documentary procedure to protect physicians from legal liability. Moreover, residents are rarely
trained in the clinical and communicative skills required for the SIC process. Accordingly, to increase professional awareness of the
SIC process, a brief history and introduction to the current elements of SIC, the obstacles to patient autonomy and SIC, benefits
and drawbacks of SIC, planning of an optimal SIC process, and its application to cases of an unruptured intracranial aneurysm are
all presented. Optimal informed consent process can provide patients with a good comprehension of their disease and treatment,
augmented autonomy, a strong therapeutic alliance with their doctors, and psychological defenses for coping with stressful surgical
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process, a brief history and introduction to the current ele- CURRENT ELEMENTS OF SIC PROCESS
ments of SIC, the obstacles to patient autonomy and SIC, ben-
efits and drawbacks of SIC, planning of an optimal SIC pro- The legal doctrine of SIC has three main elements: precon-
cess, and its application to cases of an unruptured intracranial ditions, information, and consent. The preconditions include
aneurysm (UIA) are all presented. competence and voluntariness, meaning that a patient should
be capable of making decisions about their body without out-
side influence. In most cases, a patient’s competence is pre-
HISTORY OF SIC sumed if their communication is normal5). However, it should
also be noted that, for valid informed consent to take place, a
The first documented case of surgical informed consent is patient should not be cognitively impaired by medication, as
Slater vs. Baker and Stapleton in 1767, where a doctor was sued this would not satisfy the precondition of voluntariness28).
for experimenting with an external fixating mechanism with- The element of information covers the disclosure of infor-
out informing the patient and obtaining approval prior to the mation by the physician and verification of the patient’s un-
surgical procedure. derstanding of this information. Any legally valid process of
However, the basic elements included in the current concept informed consent should include instructions to the patient
of SIC began to develop in the early twentieth century. For ex- regarding : 1) the diagnosis, 2) the recommended procedure
ample, in the SIC case of Mohr vs. Williams in 1905, a surgeon along with its risks and benefits, 3) the results or prognosis if
was sued for operating on both ears, when consent was only no procedure is attempted, and 4) possible alternatives to the
given to operate on the right ear. In the more famous SIC case proposed procedure with their attendant risks and benefits36).
of Schloendorff vs. Society of New York Hospital in 1914, The discussion on informed consent should be conducted by
Mary Scholendorff was admitted to New York Hospital and the physician directly involved in the proposed treatment. In
consented to an examination under ether anesthesia to deter- surgical cases, the attending surgeon is most appropriate, as
mine whether an abdominal tumor was malignant, yet with- residents can sometimes provide inaccurate descriptions of
held her consent for surgical removal of the tumor. However, the proposed process and alternatives2,4). All competent pa-
after determining that the tumor was malignant, the surgeon tients should receive such information, except when the pa-
removed the tumor during the same procedure. In his ruling, tient’s life or wellbeing is seriously threatened if the treatment
Justice Benjamin Cardozo wrote : “Every human being of is not performed immediately, or cases when disclosure of the
adult years and sound mind has a right to determine what information itself could cause serious physical or psychologi-
shall be done with his own body; and a surgeon who performs cal harm.
an operation without his patient’s consent commits an assault Lastly, the element of consent covers the final decision of
for which he is liable in damages. This is true except in cases the patient and authorization to proceed with treatment1).
of emergency where the patient is unconscious and where it is Here, the requirements vary by country, as written consent in
necessary to operate before consent can be obtained19).” the form of the patient’s signature is needed in the US, where-
Initially, the principles for conveying information about as a note in the patient’s medical chart is sufficient in the UK.
surgical risks were based on a doctor-centered approach, Notwithstanding, it should be remembered that the medical
where the UK case of Bolam vs. Friern Hospital Management consent form is merely evidence that the process of consent
Committee established the Bolam principle : Any surgeon occurred, while the dialogue between the patient and the phy-
should tell their patients what other surgeons also tell theirs. A sician is the core of the SIC process28).
more patient-oriented point of view was subsequently insti-
tuted by Canterbury vs. Spence in 1972, which determined
that all risks and alternatives of a procedure must be explained SIC IN EMERGENCIES
to a patient. Furthermore, Truman vs. Thomas in 1980 deter-
mined that the information provided in a SIC process must Certain emergency situations can be an exception to the
include the possible risks of “not acting or postponing.” rule of SIC30). Principally, if informed consent is suspended in
Surgical Informed Consent | Park J, et al.
an emergency, it should be because the time it would take to Third, patients can often experience alienation during the
make disclosure and obtain the patient’s decisions would work SIC process. As healthcare is provided by strangers who may
to the disadvantage of some compelling interest of the pa- or may not share the same basic values and beliefs with the
tient36). In practice, a treatment process can proceed without patient, a significant discrepancy can exist between the physi-
informed consent in cases where : 1) there is an obvious, seri- cian’s perceptions of what the patient wants and what the pa-
ous, and immediate threat to the patient’s life and limb, 2) the tient actually desires. Linguistic barriers caused by medical
time required to gain informed consent would seriously jeop- jargon and cultural discrepancies between the patient and
ardize the patient’s recovery or increase mortality and mor- physician can further alienate patients. All these factors hin-
bidity, and 3) the patient exhibits factors that can undermine der the communication process that is crucial for SIC.
competence (such as shock, hypoxia, or severe blood loss). The final obstacle to patient autonomy and SIC is the actual
Moreover, in certain emergency situations, the patient’s nature of clinical decision-making. The countless possibilities
competence to understand the information provided, a pre- and uncertainties inherent in many clinical processes present
requisite of SIC, can be called into question. In a review of pa- a decision-matrix that is inscrutable even to competent and
tients with a subarachnoid hemorrhage, less than 20% of well-informed patients. Thus, the resultant ambiguity and
those who gave informed consent could remember the process complexity can have a negative effect on patient autonomy.
afterwards28). When an emergency exception applies, the phy-
sician presumes consent and is required to provide the treat-
ment that most medical practitioners would deem appropriate BENEFITS OF SIC
or standard for the patient’s condition17).
Despite the many obstacles to patient autonomy and opti-
mal SIC, the process of SIC can provide multiple benefits to
OBSTACLES TO PATIENT AUTONOMY AND SIC both the patient and the physician. First, increased compre-
hension is a key to patient autonomy and allows patients to
There are multiple obstacles to patient autonomy and opti- maintain a sense of control during the treatment process.
mal SIC25). First, there are often discrepancies between the Simply knowing the diagnosis and treatment process can turn
patient’s understanding and retention of the information pro- a fearful threat into a curable problem for patients, eliminat-
vided for SIC and the physician’s expectations15,16). Two hous ing needless anxiety and a sense of helplessness.
following information provision, the average patient has been Second, preparing patients by explaining the intraoperative
shown to remember fewer than half of the major risks linked and postoperative processes increases the quality of healthcare
to their proposed treatment. Furthermore, a patient’s com- service. Patients are more able to establish psychological de-
prehension of information can be influenced by unforeseen fense mechanisms and cope with or adapt to stressful surgical
factors, including the patient’s personal life experiences and circumstances. This helps to prevent the patient from becom-
biases10,12). ing panicked or overwhelmed during the process of surgery
Second, there is a general lack of time for the SIC process. and postoperative recovery. As a result, better-informed pa-
Patients seldom have enough time to process all the informa- tients have more realistic expectations, higher satisfaction, and
tion they are given and deliberate on their decision. Therefore, heightened treatment cooperation20).
instead of informed consent, most patients are actually decid- Third, the SIC process facilitates a solid therapeutic alliance
ing on whether or not they trust their physician. Meanwhile, between the physician and the patient6). When an active par-
physicians have little time to communicate fully and sensi- ticipant in the decision-making process, patients are invari-
tively with their patients, as this communication must be ably more cooperative in therapeutic encounters. Understand-
sandwiched between other diagnostic and therapeutic agendas ing clinical uncertainty is also of particular importance, as
involved in contemporary healthcare. Patients can even have clinical medicine is not like laboratory experiments where all
the matter of consent thrust upon them on the way to the op- the variables are controlled. Thus, a frank explanation of the
erating room, at which point refusal is practically impossible. various clinical uncertainties can lead to a more solid thera-
peutic alliance between the patient and the physician, leading STRATEGY FOR OPTIMAL SIC PROCESS
to fewer medicolegal disputes when the results are not what
were hoped for. Complications can be recognized as the con- 1. The SIC process needs to include both the patient and
sequence of a joint-decision between the patient and the phy- their family. Involving the family in the original decision-
sician, and not simply the physician’s responsibility14). making based on understanding the treatment and attendant
Fourth, an interactive discussion on the risks and benefits risks can be especially important in the case of postoperative
of a proposed treatment enables physicians to identify pa- complications when the patient becomes unconscious.
tients with idiosyncratic fears, confusion, or misconceptions. 2. While information communicated verbally by the physi-
Such factors can be counterproductive to treatment and cian is the most effective, the educational intervention using
should therefore be identified and rectified if possible. For supplementary learning materials, such as pamphlets and vid-
example, a patient can be needlessly worried or agitated eos, can also be used to reinforce the SIC process3,7,9,11,22,28,31,38).
about a surgical procedure with a high success rate. Con- These materials can be provided in advance of the physician-
versely, a patient can underestimate the threat they are fac- patient interview. In particular, the appearance of the physi-
ing. In either situation, the misconception needs to be iden- cian in a video can boost patient trust.
tified and addressed. 3. The information conveyed must include the patient’s
problem or diagnosis, prognosis if no intervention is attempt-
ed, the recommended intervention with the attendant benefits
CRITICISMS OF SIC and risks, and any significant alternative modalities with their
attendant risks and benefits.
The most problematic and severe drawback of SIC is the 4. Any clinical uncertainties, possibilities, and probabilities
“nocebo” or negative placebo effect32,36). This can take place should be openly explained to the patient, facilitating the
when the risks or side effects of a treatment are overly ex- therapeutic alliance between the physician and the patient.
plained to a patient, which creates an expectation bias of signs 5. The patient should receive a full explanation of the surgi-
of complications. Basically, patients feel what they expect to cal procedures and management, plus the clinical events that
feel, which can increase dissatisfaction and hinder the treat- will be experienced during the preoperative, intraoperative,
ment process. and postoperative periods. This way, the patient can create
Second, the psychological burden of fear and stress can di- psychological defenses to cope with the stressful circumstanc-
minish competence, which means that patients can still make es of surgery and avoid being emotionally overwhelmed.
irrational and harmful choices after being given the informa- 6. The physician should encourage the patient to ask ques-
tion required for the SIC process. This is surprisingly com- tions and verify the understanding of the patient17).
mon as patients are in an unfamiliar and anxiety-inducing 7. The transmission of information needs to be initiated well
hospital environment. Thus, if a patient refuses consent to an in advance of the surgical procedure, a few weeks if the situa-
appropriate treatment due to general mistrust and fear, the tion allows, giving the patient the necessary time to make a
physician would have to respect this decision, even if it endan- major life decision.
gers the patient. 8. As patients come to hospital for treatment, not education,
Third, patients come to the hospital for treatment, not edu- they can be uncooperative during the transmission of infor-
cation. Therefore, patients can often be uncooperative during mation. Thus, patient interviews should be coordinated with
the SIC process and lack interest in listening to the informa- hospital visits for diagnostic or pre-surgical management.
tion provided by the physician. Patients are also unlikely to 9. Patient comprehension of their disease and related treat-
read the informed consent form as meticulously as they ment can be ascertained using a questionnaire. The question-
should24). naire results can then be used as data for supplementary edu-
Surgical Informed Consent | Park J, et al.
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