Admission Regulations 2020 21

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University of the Punjab makes admissions to different programs duly approved by the relevant bodies by adopting a
procedure prescribed in the university calendar. A new program is initiated by the head of the relevant department and
is duly approved by the Dean of the Faculty, Admission Committee of the University of the Punjab, the Academic
Council and Syndicate. Most of the programs of the University of the Punjab were approved by the Academic Council
in its meeting held on 24th April 1983 and the Syndicate in its meeting held on 3 rd September 1983.

Subsequently, new programs were added by adopting the prescribed procedure. At present, University of the Punjab is
offering admissions to following program in teaching Departments/Centers/Institutes/Constituent and Affiliated
Colleges under the rules.

BS, B.Sc (Engg.), BBIT, Pharm-D, B.Com, BBA, BFA, LLB (5-years), B.Arch., M.A., M.Sc., MPA, MBA., MB
ECON, MIM, MIOM, MBSM, LLB (3-Years), Certificate, Diploma, Graduate Diploma, MBIT, MFA,
M.Arch., M.Sc (Engg.), M.Sc. (Hons), LLM, MS, M.Phil, MBA 1½ years, M.Com, MD & Ph.D.

Notwithstanding anything contained in any of the University Regulations, admission for each academic year in the
University Departments/Centers/ Institutes/Constituent/Affiliated Colleges shall be made in accordance with these


1. There shall be an Admission Committee to supervise admissions. The Admission Committee constituted
for the purpose shall be as under:-

1 Pro Vice-Chancellor (Chairman)

2 Deans of all the Faculties
3 Principals of Constituent Colleges
4 Chairman, Semester Implementation Committee
5 Director, Undergraduate Studies
6 Chairperson, DPCC
7 Director, Students Affairs
8 Chairman, Hall Council
9 D.G. Gujranwala Campus
10 Director, Jhelum Campus
11 Director, IT
12 Controller of Examinations
13 Registrar, University of the Punjab, Lahore (Secretary)

2. Admission shall be made, except for the reserved seats (Annexure-I, Pages 10), on the basis of merit in
accordance with the criteria laid down, from time to time, by the Academic Council. However,

a) In case of admission to BS or equivalent and MA/M.Sc or equivalent classes including Senior

Diploma in physical Education two marks will be deducted for each late year to a maximum of five
years as fixed by the Admission Committee and approved by the Vice-Chancellor. The deduction of
marks for the late years is not applicable to MS/M.Phil and Ph. D programs. More so, the immediate
last five sessions will be considered for admission only.

b) The criteria for admission to all other classes, not enumerated in clause (a) above will be notified
separately after it is chalked out by the Admission Committee and approved by the Vice- Chancellor
but admission to the other classes shall also be governed mutatis mutandis by these regulations. The
affiliated colleges will, however, frame their own Rules and Regulations for admission to
undergraduate classes.

3. Students whose names were dropped or struck off from the rolls of any University Teaching Department/
Center/Institute/Constituent/Affiliated College due to shortage of lectures or non-payment of dues or poor
performance or non-appearance in examination etc., in the annual system, shall not be granted readmission
without the permission of the Syndicate. The Syndicate may not consider such cases except on there
commendations of the University Admission Committee. The University Admission Committee may consider
such cases on the recommendations of the respective Deans of the Faculties/Principals of Affiliated Colleges.
However, the students dropped or struck off from the rolls of any University Teaching
Department/Center/Institute/Constituent/Affiliated College due to poor performance under semester system
shall not be granted re-admission in any case in the same Department/Center/Institute/Constituent/Affiliated
3a. In case the student remains absent from class for seven days without leave approved by the concerned HOD,
his/her name shall be removed from the rolls. However, the students shall be eligible for re-enrollment within
three weeks-time from the date first absence if approved by the Chairman Admission Committee on the
payment of prescribed fee in University of the Punjab, Lahore (see dues fee accounts book).
4. Only those candidates who have passed the BA / B.Sc. / BS / BFA / BBIT/ B.Com / BBA / MBBS / B.Sc
Engg)/Pharm.D / MBIT / M.Com / LLB / MPA / MA / M.Sc. / LLM / M.Sc. (Engg) / MS / M.Phil. or any
equivalent examination shall be eligible for admission to the next higher class. The result of pre-requisite
degree/certificate for admission in any discipline should be officially notified by the respective
body/authority of the university/board till the date of closing of admission.
5. The Chairmen/Directors/Principals of the Departments/Centers/Institutes/Constituent/Affiliated Colleges
shall, each year, communicate for approval to the Admission Committee through the Dean of the Faculty
concerned/Principal of the Affiliated Colleges, prior to admission, the total number of students to be admitted
including the students to be admitted against the reserved seats. This number shall not be increased without
the prior approval of the Vice-Chancellor, nor shall the criteria be modified without his approval. Special
criteria for weightage in admission to a particular discipline, against merit seats shall be equally applicable to
the Affiliated Colleges. The Affiliated Colleges may, however, determine their own special criteria for filling
the Reserved Seats.

6. Any student, who was rusticated, expelled, or whose entry in any College/University Campus was banned by
the University for any reason whatsoever or any person declared persona non-grate shall not be admitted in
the University at any degree level.

7. All issues/queries connected with admission shall be resolved by the Admission Committee.
8. Any Reserved Seat (see Annexure-I, page 10) which remains unfilled, may, with the approval of the Vice-
Chancellor, be transferred to the Merit Quota. The Affiliated Colleges shall have their own Regulations for
admission of students against the reserved seats. If no application is received on any quota base admission
against reserved seat shall be converted into open merit and seats will be considered preferably in first merit
list with the approval of Vice-Chancellor on the recommendation of the Chairman, Admission Committee.
9. Any person who has attained the age of twenty-six years or more on the last date fixed for the receipt of the
applications for admission shall not be admitted to MA / M. Sc or equivalent classes. Any person who has
attained the age of twenty-four years or more on the last date fixed for the receipt of the applications for
admission shall not be admitted to BS/BSc. or equivalent classes. However, the Vice-Chancellor on the
recommendations of the Chairman/ Director/ Principal and Dean of Faculty concerned, may relax this
Regulation for male candidates/female candidates /foreign candidates/up to a maximum of 2 years for
male and 5 years for female candidates seeking admission to the undergraduate/ Graduate Course. There
shall be no age limit for Disable/Special Students. (Vide Notification No.S.O.(A-III)1-83/2012 dated
7/11/2013 issued by HED).
10. The above Regulations relating to the year of graduation shall be decided by the Admission Committee each
year and the regulations relating to age shall not be applicable to in-service teachers of recognized institution
for admission to M.A. in Physical Education and Information Technology.
11. Lists of students selected for admission in BS/MA/M.Sc or equivalent, MS/M.Phil or equivalent and Ph.D.
programs shall be prepared in accordance with the prescribed Performa (Annexure-III, page 17) and
submitted to the Dean concerned, prior to notification, for approval
12. There shall be no age limit or session preference for Self-Supporting/Replica (Afternoon, Evening) programs.

13. Persons who were on the rolls of the University during the preceding five years shall not be admitted
to a Certificate/Diploma Class, without the prior approval of the Admission Committee.
14. No student shall be admitted to a second or subsequent Ph.D./M.Phil. / MS and Master‟s Degree or Law
Courses and Undergraduate i.e. BS or Equivalent program (Regular and Self-Supporting program) in the
University Teaching Departments/Centers/ Institutes/ Constituent/Affiliated Colleges.
15. Any admission made in contravention of these Regulations shall be void.
16a. Under extraordinary circumstances, the Vice-Chancellor, on the recommendation of the Heads of the
Institutions, may allow migration of students from another University to the University of the Punjab or
from an Affiliated College to a Teaching Department of the University/Affiliated College and vice-versa,
provided that:-
a) The Institutions concerned agree to the migration of such a student.
b) The courses of studies are recognized as equivalent by the Department/ Institute/ College/
c) The applicant fulfills the conditions of eligibility and merit to be determined in accordance
with the Regulations contained in this booklet; and
d) The condition relating to the year of passing examination applicable to the corresponding
admission of the University of the Punjab shall also be applicable to the students seeking
16b. A migration certificate (in case the applicant graduated from a University other than the Punjab/all Boards
of Intermediate and Secondary Education) must be produced by the final date of admission.

16c. The migration shall be allowed only in accordance with the Migration Policy already approved by the
competent authority.
17. An authenticated certificate in respect of Hafiz-e-Qur‟an must be attached with the original admission
application failing which no credit shall be given.

18. If there is a tie between two or more candidates having equal merit in MA/M.Sc or equivalent programs, their
merit shall be determined on the basis of the marks obtained by them in the BA/B. Sc or equivalent
examination. If that is also equal, then marks in FA/ F. Sc shall be considered. In case that is also equal, then
marks in Matriculation shall be considered. Thereafter, if the candidates have equal merit, the candidate older
in age shall be given preference over the younger in age. Similarly in case of tie between two or more
candidates for admission in BS program above said criteria shall be applicable.
19a. The BA/B.Sc/BS degree from other than Pakistani Universities where the subject of English is not
compulsory shall not be considered equivalent to the respective degrees of the University of the Punjab
and students holding such degrees shall not be admitted in MA/ M. Sc and /or LLM/ MS/ M. Phil/ Ph.D.

19b. All graduates having studied the subject of English carrying 100 marks in BA/B.Sc or equivalent degree shall
be admitted in all programs of University of the Punjab except M.A. English. Equivalence Committee of
Punjab University has decided in its meeting held on 31-10-2017 that the equivalence can be granted to the
applicants who have B.A. (with 550 marks) degree awarded by University of Peshawar, Qurtuba University
Science and Information Technology, D.I.Khan, Hazara University, Mansehra, Shaheed Benazir Bhutto
University on the basis of following grounds:-
i) If the aggregate percentage of contents of English subject offered by the said universities of KPK is
of at least 25%.

ii) Furthermore, the existing students of said universities who had not studied the subject of English
carring 100 marks (03 credit hours) in B.Sc. and have already been enrolled in the Punjab
University, be allowed equivalence with the condition they shall pass/qualify the English subject of
B.Sc. (100 marks) from Punjab University as is practiced for the category of MBBS/Pharm-D
degree holders, as per university rules.
20. The marks obtained by a candidate in the additional subject shall neither be counted nor given any weightage
for the purpose of admission.

21. The dues other than notified by the University shall not be charged by the Departments from the students.
22. The students of 4 and / or 5 years Bachelors program shall be allowed to opt for an exit on
medical/emergency grounds after successful completion of study of first two years. Such students shall be
awarded 2 years Associate Degree.
23. Special students (disabled/blind) shall be allowed to avail education and hostel facilities free of cost in the
University of the Punjab.
24. The eligibility for admission to BS or equivalent, MA/ M. Sc or equivalent, MS/ M. Phil or equivalent and
Ph.D is as under:
a) The entry test is optional to Departments/Centers/Institutes/Colleges for BS Program as well as for
MA/M.Sc or equivalent Programs after Intermediate/ BA/B.Sc or equivalent respectively. However,
entry test and interview for admissions to LLM/ M.Sc (Engg)/MS/M. Phil/ MBIT/MFA/M.Arch./1½
years MBA/M.Com /Ph.D shall be mandatory. All the candidates for admission in BS/B.Sc
(Engg.)/BBIT/Pharm-D/B.Com/BBA/BFA/LLB (5-Yrs) / B.Arch/ or equivalent and MA /M.Sc/
MPA/ MBA/M.Com /MB Econ/ MIM/ MIOM / MBSM/ LLB (3-Yrs)/LLM/M.Sc (Engg.)/MS/M.Phil
/MBIT/MFA/M.Arch./1½ years MBA/ M.Com or equivalent/ Ph.D programs shall qualify the Entry
Test (if the Departments/Centers/Institutes/Colleges has opted for the test or it is mandatory) to
become eligible for the admission.
Eligibility for BS or Equivalent:
The candidates holding F.A/F.Sc or equivalent qualification with at least 2 nd division and not more
than 24 years of age shall be eligible for admission to BA/B.Sc/BS/ BBIT/ B.Com/ BBA/ BFA/ LLB
(5-Years) /B.Arch/or equivalent programs in University of the Punjab/Affiliated Colleges. The
candidates holding F.Sc. (Pre-Medical with 60% marks) shall be eligible in Pharm-D as well as
holding F.Sc. (Pre-Engineering with 60% marks) shall be eligible in B.Sc. (Engg.) and not more than
24 years of age. The candidate holding 3rd division in terminal degree is not eligible for admission in
BA/B.Sc/BS or equivalent program in University of the Punjab/Affiliated Colleges. Two marks shall
be deducted from (percent academic) marks for each late session to a maximum of previous 5
sessions/years. Such applicant have to furnish an affidavit to the effect that he/she did not get
admission in any Institution in the period intervening between the year of passing the Examination.
and year of application for admission.(vide notification No. S.O (C.A)1-28/2015 dated 20th
July,2016). Pre-Admission Entry Test shall be mandatory for the admission against merit as well as
reserved seats (For the Departments/College/Institutes conducting, its Pre-Admission Entry Test).
However, Foreign/GB/AJK/ KPK/ Sindh and Balochi applicants shall be exempted from the entry
Eligibility for MA/M.Sc or Equivalent:
The candidates holding B.A/B.Sc (14-Years of Education) or equivalent qualification with at least 2 nd
division and not more than 26 years of age shall be eligible for admission in MA/M.Sc or
equivalent/MPA/ MBA/ M.Com/MB Econ/MIM/MIOM/MBSM/LLB (3-Years). The candidate
holding 3rd division in terminal degree is not eligible for admission in MA/MSc. or equivalent
program. Two marks will be deducted from percent academic marks for each late session to a
maximum of previous five sessions/years.Such applicant have to furnish an affidavit to the effect that
he/she did not get admission in any Institution in the period intervening between the year of passing
the Examination and year of application for admission.(vide notification No. S.O(C.A)1-28/2015
dated 20th July,2016). 50% seats are reserved for graduates from Punjab University and rest
50% shall be filled on the basis of open merit. Pre-Admission Entry Test shall be mandatory for the
admission against merit as well as reserved seats (For the Departments/College/Institutes conducting,
its Pre-Admission Entry Test). However, foreign/GB/AJK/ KPK/ Sindh and Balochi applicants shall
be exempted from the entry test.

In case of admission to college of Arts and design the Entry Test and weightage of academic qualifications
shall be as under:-
i. Academic Record : 50%
ii. Entry Test & Interview : 50%
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b) Eligibility for MS/M.Phil or Equivalent and Ph.D or Equivalent.

i. M.A. / M.Sc. / LL.B. / BS (Hons.) 4 years / B.Sc. (Hons.) 4 years, B.Sc. (Engineering) / B. Pharmacy /
Pharm D / MBBS / BDS degree or its equivalent in the relevant subject from a recognized University (16
years of education; 130 credit hours) as per HEC rules.
ii. The candidate must obtain greater are equal to 19.1 out of 40 marks in academic merit to be eligible for
taking written GRE based departmental test.
i. MS / M.Phil. / LL.M. / M.Sc. (Engg / Hons) / MD / MS / MDS or equivalent degree with Ist. Div /
CGPA equal or greater than 3.0 / OPM 70% after acquisition of 18 years education.
ii. The candidate must obtain greater are equal to 19.1 out of 40 marks in academic merit to be eligible for
taking written GRE based departmental test.
iii. Specific eligibility criteria of different departments will be provided by Department / Institute / College /
Centre before the admission.
25. Hostel facility shall not be given to the students admitted in BS, Pharm-D., M.A.,M.Sc, M.Phil Self-
Supporting/ Replica (Afternoon/ Evening) programs.
26. a) A uniform policy to determine the merit shall be observed in all the Departments, as laid down in
the Admission Regulations.
b) Only those candidates who have Degrees/Certificates duly recognized by University of the Punjab
shall be eligible to apply.

c) The admission of applicants from other universities shall be subject to production of Equivalence
Certificate from Punjab University before admission.
d) Criteria for admission of Foreign Students shall be in accordance with condition prescribed in
Annexure-I, page10.
e) Quota of reserved seats for the following categories shall be such as has been laid down under
prescribed in Annexure-I, page 10.

1) Foreign students
2) Children of Martyrs of Army/War Disabled, serving and retired army Personnel of the Defense Forces
3) Azad Kashmir
4) Northern Areas
5) Children of Refugees from IHK
6) Baluchistan
7) Sindh
8) Blind/Disabled persons
9) Outstanding Sports persons
10) Applicants having distinction in Co-curricular activities
11) Son/Daughter of Overseas Pakistani
12) Children/Spouses/real brother or sister/nephew and nieces or Children of nephews or nieces of the P.U. Teachers
13) Children/Spouses/real brother or sister/nephew and nieces or Children of nephews or nieces of the P.U. Employees
14) Children of Martyred (Shuhada) of Armed Forces/Security Forces
15) Religious Minorities

27. Those students who have already availed the opportunity of admission once in the University of the
Punjab/affiliated colleges are not eligible for any same level degree admission in any
Department/Center/Institute/College and affiliated colleges of the university i.e. the students once granted
admission will by no means have any right of re-admission in the same level of degree in this university in
any same/subsequent year.

28. All the applicants shall apply separately on morning, evening, replica, self- supporting quota seats for each
discipline. No application submitted once in a category shall be converted/considered in any other
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 All University Rules and Regulations shall be applicable and subject to change owing to the current
COVID-19 Crisis/Government Policy.
 Errors and omissions are excepted.

Inter Departmental Migration

Inter-departmental migration may be allowed on the recommendation of the Directors/ Principals/ Chairmen
concerned with the written approval of the Dean of the Faculty provided that the student concerned would have been
offered admission on merit basis, in the Department to which he/she wishes to migrate. The maximum time period,
during which such a migration case may be initiated, shall be 14 days from the commencement of the teaching

Refund of Fees under Regular Programs

1. Fees and Funds (University and departmental dues) of a student are transferable to any other Department of
University of the Punjab subject to the approval of Chairman, Admission Committee.
2. After the closing date of admission, only the amounts of security and examination fee shall be
3. All dues shall be refundable in case of cancellation of admission granted due to mistake, miscalculation,
neglect or omission by Punjab University. Dues shall not be refundable in case of cancellation of admission
on the basis of (i) misstatements, (ii) incorrect information, (iii) concealment of facts, (iv) fake certificates
and (v) use of any other unfair means on the part of an applicant.

4. Any over payment shall be refundable after the fulfillment of all official formalities.

5. The amount of security shall be refundable within three years of the last date of admission.

Refund of Fee under Self supporting Programs

1. Where the circumstances of the student does not allow him/her to continue studies due to sudden change in
time table/change of subject, whole fee may be refunded.
2. If a student does not intend to continue his studies due to death/disability of his/her/father/ guardian full fee
may be refunded.
3. In case of death of student or his/her physical or mental incapacity, fee maybe refunded. The amount of
Refund shall be determined by the Vice-Chancellor according to the circumstances of the case.
4. Where a student has withdrawn his/her admission before attending the class and vacated seat is filled in due
course, 100% amount may be refunded.
5. Where a student joins any other institution (affiliated with the University) or any other University and
leave the Punjab University Department before attending the class and vacated seat is filled in due course,
his/her 50% fee may be refunded on the production of new Institution‟s admission certificate.
6. Where a candidate has got admission in a regular class against merit/reserved seat, in the Punjab University
the amount paid on Self Supporting Scheme may be refunded after one month of the closing date of
7. The Vice-Chancellor may allow refund to any student on compassionate ground, resulting from
circumstances beyond his/her control.
8. Where a student withdraws his/her admission, the following rules shall be followed according to the HC
%age of Tuition Timeline for Semester/ Timeline for Annual System
Fee Refund Trimester System
Full (100%) Up to 7th day of convene of classes Up to 15th day of convene of classes
Half (50%) From 8th -15th day of convene of classes From 16th-30th day of convene of classes
No Fee (0%) From 16th day of convene of classes From 31st day of convene of classes
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Clarification in “Fee Concession & Refund Rules” are as under:-

i. % of fee shall be applicable on all components of fee except for security and admission charges.
ii. Timeline shall be calculated continuously, covering both weekdays and weekends.
9. All applications shall be addressed to the Treasurer through the Head of the Institution with full particulars.


1. Determination of Marks (Senior Cambridge and Higher Senior Cambridge)

Equivalence Certificate of O&A Levels /Intermediate Certificate awarded by the foreign institutions from the
applicants issued by the Inter Board Committee of Chairman (IBCC) is mandatory. (Vide Notification No.
DG (QAA & QA)/HEC/NQAC-20/2015/557 dated 28-10-2015, issued by HEC)
The combination of subjects for admission in a discipline shall be determined by the department where the
candidate has applied along with his own percentage of Marks obtained.

2. Conversion of Marks of the Graduates from Allama Iqbal Open University

Marks of the graduates from Allama Iqbal Open University shall be multiplied by 0.75 in order to equalize
their marks with the Punjab University for admission and calculating merit in all programs including
MS/M.Phil /Ph.D.

3. Conversion of Marks under Semester System

The Marks of all those graduates who have passed their examination under Semester System shall be
multiplied by 0.85 in order to equalize their marks with the Annual System. However, the marks of the
candidates holding 3 years BA/B. Sc (Hons.) degree shall be multiplied with 0.90 for admission.

A. MS, M.Phil/Ph.D (Reserved Seat)
One (01) seat reserved in M.Phil and one (01) seat reserved in Ph.D. programs for disabled/ special
candidates in the whole University.

B. MA/ M.Sc or Equivalent (Reserved Seats)

Faculty of Arts & Humanities, Behavioral & Social Sciences, Commerce, Education, Economics &
Management Sciences, Engineering & Technology, Islamic Studies, Law, Life Sciences, Oriental
Learning, Pharmacy and Sciences.

Note:- Reserved Seats shall be allotted only to students eligible according to the Regulations for
Admission in a particular Program (In each morning regular program included in
Annexure-l, except where otherwise indicated).
Children/spouses/ real brothers or sisters/nephews or nieces
or Children of Nephews or Nieces (in this order of priority)
of the Punjab University Teachers, serving or retired
(excluding teachers on deputation/part-time teachers or on 2.5% (with a minimum of one seat)
contract) with a service of not less than 5-years. This shall
also be applicable to Self-Supporting Afternoon/Evening
Children/spouses/real brothers or sisters/nephews or nieces
or Children of Nephews or Nieces (in this order of priority)
of the Punjab University Employees, serving or retired,
2.5% (with a minimum of one seat)
with a regular service of not less than 5 years. This shall
also be applicable to Self-Supporting, Afternoon/Evening
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Foreign students (whose names are recommended by the 1 % (with a minimum of one seat)
Ministry of Education, Govt. of Pakistan, according to the Vice-Chancellor may permit the admission of
prescribed procedure). Foreign students are exempted from more eligible foreign applicants on the
recommendations of Dean of Faculty and Director/
the Entry Test.* Principal/ Chairman Teaching Institute/Constitute
College/ Department.
Son/Daughter of martyrs of Army, War disabled, serving
and retired army personnel subject to the recommendation/
certificate by the relevant body. A certificate of martyrdom
1 seat in each department
issued by the G.H.Q Adjutant General Branch should be
attached along with the recommendation letter.

Special (Disabled) persons (blind/physically handicapped)

on humanitarian grounds (to be approved by the Vice-
Chancellor after a case has been made out by the Chairman
of the Department and is supported by the Dean, of the 2% (with a minimum of one seat)
Faculty concerned and the Committee constituted for this

10% (with a maximum of 5 seats).

Son/Daughter of Pakistani Overseas. These students will *
pay fees applicable to the foreign students. ( These seats are not convertible to any category
of reserve/merit seats).
Outstanding Sports Persons. (Selected on the
recommendations of the Special Committee appointed by
1% (with a minimum of one seat)
the Vice-Chancellor for the said purpose).

Students having distinction in Co-curricular activities to be

selected by a Committee to be appointed by the Vice-
2% (with a minimum of one seat)
Chancellor for this purpose. Activities to be decided by the
admission committee.
4 seats in the whole University whichever come
Students‟ nominee from Azad Kashmir (to be nominated by first with the nomination from respective
the respective Nomination Board and recommended by the Nomination Board (other than those disciplines
Federal Govt.). Nominee students are exempted from the being offered at Azad Jammu and Kashmir
Entry Test.* University). These seats are not convertible to any
category of reserved/merit seats.
15 seats in the whole University; in case the
students of MA/M.Sc could not get nomination
against these reserved seats from respective
Students‟ nominee from Gilgit-Baltistan (to be nominated Nomination Board within stipulated time period
by the respective Nomination Board and recommended by then the rest of reserved seats be considered for BS
the Federal Govt.). Nominee students are exempted from or equivalent program (other than those disciplines
the Entry Test.* which are not offered in the Karakorum
International University of Gilgit-Baltistan. These
seats are not convertible to any category of
reserved/merit seats.

10 seats in the whole University; in case the

Student/s nominee from KPK (FATA has emerged in KPK students of MA/M.Sc could not get nomination
province by the Govt. of Pakistan) to be nominated by the against these reserved seats from respective
respective Nomination Board and recommended by the Nomination Board within stipulated time period
Federal Govt. Nominee students are exempted from the then the rest of reserved seats be considered for BS
or equivalent program (other than those disciplines
Entry Test.* which are being offered in KPK). These seats are
not convertible to any category of reserved/merit
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Children of Kashmiries of the Indian Held Kashmir persons

2% in Business Administration and Fine Arts.
displaced after 1989.

Nominations for admissions against seat reserved for

Students from Baluchistan will be sent to the University by
the Higher Education Department, Govt. of Balochistan There shall be only one (01) seat reserved in each
through the Higher Education Department, Govt. of Punjab. Department/Institute/College/Center at Master or
Nominee students are exempted from the Entry Test.* BS level whichever come first with the nomination
from HED, Balochistan. These seats are not
The students must have their domicile and qualification or convertible to any category of reserved/merit seats.
at least their terminal degrees from Baluchistan are eligible
only. (Applications are not acceptable directly from the
candidates of Balochistan).

4 seat in the whole University whichever come

Student/s nominee from Sindh (to be nominated by the first with the nomination from respective
respective Nomination Board and recommended by the Nomination Board (other than those disciplines
Federal Govt.). Nominee students are exempted from the being offered at any Institutions of Sindh. These
Entry Test.* seats are not convertible to any category of
reserved/merit seats.

Children of Martyred (Shuhada) of Armed Forces/Security

Forces in M.A., M.Sc. or equivalent program subject to the
1 seat in each Department/Institute/Center/College
condition that nominations for admission against this quota
will be sent/ forwarded through the relevant quarters.

*Note: All the Heads of the Departments are directed to accept the above nominations against reserved
seats on the recommendation of the Chairman, Admission Committee.

C. BS (4-Yrs) or Equivalent Program (Reserved Seats)

Faculty of Arts & Humanities, Behavioral & Social Sciences, Commerce, Education, Economics &
Management Sciences, Engineering & Technology, Islamic Studies, Law, Life Sciences, Pharmacy and
Note: - Reserved Seats shall be allotted only to the students eligible according to the Regulations
for admission in a particular Program.
Children /spouses/real brothers or sisters/nephews or nieces
or Children of Nephews or Nieces (in this order of priority)
of the Punjab University Teachers, serving or retired
2.5% (with a minimum of one seat)
(excluding teachers on deputation/part-time teachers) with
a service of not less than 5 years. This is also applicable to
self supporting Afternoon/Evening program.
Children/spouses/real brothers or sisters/nephews or nieces
or Children of Nephews or Nieces (in this order of priority)
of the Punjab University Employees, serving or retired, 2.5% (with a minimum of one seat)
with a service of not less than 5 years. This is also
applicable to self supporting Afternoon/Evening program.
Foreign students (whose names are recommended by the 1 %(with a minimum of one seat)
Ministry of Education, Govt. of Pakistan, according to the Vice-Chancellor may permit the admission of
prescribed procedure). Foreign students are exempted from more eligible foreign applicants on the
the Entry Test.* recommendations of Dean of Faculty and
Director/ Principal/ Chairman Teaching
Institute/Constitute College/ Department.
- 15 -

Special (Disabled) persons (blind/physically handicapped)

on humanitarian grounds (to be approved by the Vice-
Chancellor after a case has been made out by the Chairman
2% (with a minimum of one seat)
of the Department and is supported by the Dean, of the
Faculty concerned and the Committee constituted for this
Son/Daughter of martyrs of Army, War disabled, serving
and retired army personnel subject to the recommendation/
certificate by the relevant body. A certificate of martyrdom 1 seat in each department
issued by the G.H.Q Adjutant General Branch should be
attached along with the recommendation letter.
10% (with a maximum of 5 seats).
Son/Daughter of Pakistani Overseas.. These students will
These seats are not convertible to any category of
pay fees applicable to the foreign students.
reserve/merit seats.
Outstanding Sports Persons. (Selected on the
recommendations of the Special Committee appointed by 1% (with a minimum of one seat)
the Vice-Chancellor for the said purpose).
Students having distinction in Co-curricular activities to be
selected by a Committee to be appointed by the Vice-
Chancellor for this purpose. Activities to be decided by the 2% (with a minimum of one seat)
admission committee.

Nominations for admissions against seat reserved for

Students from Baluchistan will be sent to the University by
the Higher Education Department, Govt. of Baluchistan There shall be only one (01) seat reserved in each
through the Higher Education Department, Govt. of Department/Institute/College/Center at Master or
Punjab. Nominee students are exempted from the Entry BS level whichever come first with the
Test.* nomination from HED, Baluchistan. These seats
are not convertible to any category of reserved/
The students must have their domicile and qualification or merit seats.
at least their terminal degrees from Baluchistan are eligible
only. (Applications are not acceptable directly from the
candidates of Baluchistan).
4 seat in the whole University whichever come
Student/s nominee from Sindh (to be nominated by the first with the nomination from respective
respective Nomination Board and recommended by the Nomination Board (other than those disciplines
Federal Govt.). Nominee students are exempted from the being offered at any Institutions of Sindh. These
Entry Test.* seats are not convertible to any category of
reserved/ merit seats.
Children of Martyred (Shuhada) of Armed Forces/Security
Forces in BS or equivalent program subject to the condition 1 seat in each
that nominations for admission against this quota will be Department/Institute/Center/College
sent/ forwarded through the relevant quarters.
2% seats for Undergraduate Program in each
Religious Minorities College/Institute/Centre/Department
(with a minimum 01-Seat)
*Note: All the Heads of the Departments are directed to accept the above nominations against reserved
seats on the recommendations of the Chairman, Admission Committee.
- 16 -

Admission shall be made on the basis of the Basic Criteria and Additional Criteria, if applicable to any of the
individual/Constituent College/Department/Institute.

i) Basic Criteria for M.A./M.Sc or Equivalent

Marks earned (1/4 of matriculation + 1/5 of FA/F. Sc or equivalent + BA/B. Sc + Additional marks*)
Total mark (1/4 of matriculation + 1/5 of FA/F.Sc or equivalent + BA/B. Sc

Additional Marks*:
Hafiz-e-Quran** = 20
Elective = 20
Optional = 10
Diploma = 20
Additional Elective = 10
Additional Optional = 05
Combination of subject = 10
Subject marks*** = Marks obtained
Any other = 5-10
In case of 100% academic weightage A above will be multiplied by 100 while in case of 70% academic
weightage A will be multiplied by 70.
o In Formula “A” applicants applying on provisional basis, the marks obtain in B.A/B.Sc. Part-I annual
or Part-I supply 2019 or equivalent examination (only those candidates who have passed in 1 st year
exam are eligible) shall be included for merit calculation.
Two marks will be deducted from (percent academic) marks obtained out of 100 marks for each late
year to a maximum of five (5) years.
** The candidate should produce a certificate from a well established institution to the effect that he/she is
Hafiz-e-Quran. Moreover, Departmental Admission Committee shall interview the candidate and make sure
that the candidate had learnt the Holy Qur‟an by heart and could recite it from whatever portion he/she is
required to recite.
*** When subject marks (earned) are included in the earned marks as additional marks then total subject marks
will be added in the denominator total marks.
ii) Basic Criteria for BS (4-Yrs) Program
Marks earned (1/4 of matriculation + FA /F. Sc or equivalent + Additional marks
Total marks (1/4 of matriculation + FA/F. Sc or equivalent =B

Additional Marks*:
Hafiz-e-Quran ** = 20
Elective = 20
Optional = 10
Diploma = 20
Additional Elective = 10
Additional Optional = 05
Combination of subject = 10
Subject marks*** = Marks obtained
Any other = 5-10
In case of 100% academic weightage B above will be multiplied by 100 while in case of 70% academic
weightage B will be multiplied by 70.
- 17 -

o In Formula “B” applicants applying on provisional basis, the marks obtained in F.A/F.Sc. Part-I
annual/supplementary, 2019or equivalent examination shall be included for merit calculation.
Two marks will be deducted from (percent academic) marks obtained out of 100 marks for each late
year to a maximum of five (5) years.
** The candidate should produce a certificate from a well established institution to the effect that he/she is
Hafiz-e-Qur‟an. Moreover, Departmental Admission Committee shall interview the candidate and make
sure that the candidate had learnt the Holy Qur‟an by heart and could recite it from whatever portion he/she
is required to recite.
*** When subject marks (earned) are included in the earned marks as additional marks then total subject marks
will be added in the denominator total marks.
iii) Basic Criteria for Diploma holders
(Marks obtained in DAE + Additional Marks*)
(Total Marks of Diploma)
Additional Marks*:
Hafiz-e-Quran** = 20
Elective = 20
Optional = 10
Diploma = 20
Additional Elective = 10
Additional Optional = 05
Combination of subject = 10
Subject marks*** = Marks obtained
Any other = 5-10
In case of 100% academic weightage C above will be multiplied by 100 while in case of 70% academic
weightage C will be multiplied by 70.
Two marks will be deducted from (percent academic) marksobtained out of 100 marks for each late
year to a maximum of five (05) years
** The candidate should produce a certificate from a well established institution to the effect that he/she is
Hafiz-e-Qur‟an. Moreover, Departmental Admission Committee shall interview the candidate and make
sure that the candidate had learnt the Holy Qur‟an by heart and could recite it from whatever portion he/she
is required to recite.
*** When subject marks (earned) are included in the earned marks as additional marks then total subject marks
will be added in the denominator total marks.

iv) Basic Criteria for MS/ M. Phil/ MD/ Ph.D/ LLM

Admission shall be made on the basis of the Basic Criteria given below:-

Sr. Description Marks

1 Academic qualifications* 40

2 Publications in HEC approved journals/ Exhibitions/ Design Projects (One mark for each 05
3 Professional experience in relevant field (one mark for each year for job in the relevant field/as 05
per Departmental preference)
4 Subject written Entry Test* 40

5 Interview* 10

Note: 50% marks required to be obtained in academic merit i.e. a candidate must obtain at least 20 marks in the
academic qualification greater and equal to 19.1 (will be rounded to 20), written test & interview separately for
- 18 -

M.Phil/equivalent program. However, for Ph.D program 50% marks required to be obtained in academic merit, 70%
marks in written test & 50 % marks in interview separately. (The candidate must obtain greater are equal to 19.1 out of
40 marks in academic merit to be eligible for taking written GRE based departmental test).

*Break up of 40 marks for academic qualifications:

%age marks
50% 55% 60% 70%
45% ≥80%

Marks 4 5 7.5 8.5

Matric 2 10

Marks 4 5 7.5 8.5

FA / F. Sc 2 10

Marks 4 5 7.5 8.5

B.A./B.Sc 2 10
M.A./M.Sc Marks 4 5 7.5 8.5
2 10
(Annual System)

M.A./M.Sc 2.7 3.0 3.4 ≥3.8

(Semester System) 2.5

Marks 6 7.5 8.5 10

BS (Hons.) 4-Years/ 15 17 20
Marks 12
B.Sc (Hons) 4 Years/ 10
(16 years education)

%age marks
45% 50% 70%
55% 60% ≥80%
Marks 2 4 5 6 7 8
Marks 2 4 5 6 7 8
FA / F. Sc
Marks 2 4 5 6 7 8
M.A./M.Sc Marks 2 4 5 6 7 8
Annual System
BS Hons 4-Years /
B.Sc Hons 2.5 2.7
(16 years edu.) 3.0 3.4 ≥3.8
Marks 8 10
12 14 16
M.A./M.Sc Marks 4 5
(Semester System) 6 7 8

3.0CGPA/1st Div 3.3

3.6 ≥3.8
M.S./M.Phil/LLM Marks
(18 Years Edu.) 5
6 7 8
- 19 -



Notice of Admission must be displayed on the following Proforma after getting the approval of the
Dean concerned.



The following candidates have been selected for admission to…………………………… for the academic
session 2020-21 -------------------- subject to the following conditions:-

1. Any candidate who is found at any time to have obtained admission by making any miss-statement in the
Admission Form or by willful concealment of any material fact (particularly about marks, division,
previous admission to the Department/Center/Institute/College or employment, expulsion, conviction etc.)
shall be dropped from the rolls of Department/Center/Institute/College.

2. Students shall pay their dues in the University by the prescribed date after obtaining necessary Challan Forms
from the Department/Center/Institute/College office, before the close of banking hours……………….. Those
who do not deposit their dues within this period shall lose their right to admission.
3. The University reserves the right to correct any typographical error, omission, etc .

A. MA/M.Sc or Equivalent:


Late Year
Sr. Roll Name of Application Year of % Final Remarks
No. No. Candidate Form No. Passing Merit Marks Merit Marks If any

Signature of Director/Principal/Chairman


Late Year
Sr. Roll Name of Application Year of % Final Remarks
No. No. Candidate Form No. Passing Merit Marks Merit Marks If any

Signature of Director/Principal/Chairman
- 20 -


Late Year
Sr. Roll Name of Application Year of % Final Remarks
No. No. Candidate Form No. Passing Merit Marks Merit Marks If any

Signature of Director/Principal/Chairman



Late Year
Sr. Roll Name of Application Year of % Final
Deduction Remarks
No. No. Candidate Form No. Passing Merit Marks Merit Marks
Marks If any

Signature of Director/Principal/Chairman
Signature of Director, Undergraduate Studies
Signature of the Dean of Faculty


Late Year
Sr. Roll Name of Application Year of % Final Remarks
No. No. Candidate Form No. Passing Merit Marks Merit Marks If any

Signature of Director/Principal/Chairman
Signature of Director, Undergraduate Studies
Signature of the Dean of Faculty


Late Year Final

Sr. Roll Name of Application Year of % Remarks
Deduction Merit
No. No. Candidate Form No. Passing Merit Marks If any
Marks Marks

Signature of Director/Principal/Chairman
Signature of Director, Undergraduate Studies
Signature of the Dean of Faculty
- 21 -



Academic Publication Experience Entry Test Interview Total

Roll Name of marks out of marks out of marks out of marks out marks marks
No. Candidate 40 05 05 of 40 out of 10
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (A to E)

Signature of Director/Principal/Chairman
Signature of the Dean of Faculty


Academic Publication Experience Entry Test Interview Total

Roll Name of marks out of marks out of marks out of marks out marks marks
No. Candidate 40 05 05 of 40 out of 10
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (A to E)

Signature of Director/Principal/Chairman
Signature of the Dean of Faculty


Academic Publication Experience Entry Test Interview Total

Roll Name of marks out of marks out of marks out of marks out marks marks
No. Candidate 40 05 05 of 40 out of 10
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (A+E)

Signature of Director/Principal/Chairman
Signature of the Dean of Faculty
- 22 -


1. Department of Archaeology:
Sr. Name of Program/
Criteria laid down for admission
No. No. of Seats

i MA Eligibility:
Archaeology BA/B.Sc.
Admission Criteria: Basic
Total Merit Res.
30 22 08 Additional Marks:
Hafiz-e- Quran 20 Marks
Merit Formula:
Academic record 100%

ii MS/ M.Phil Eligibility:

MA/BS Archaeology/ History/ Geography/ Anthropology/Arabic/ Persian/
Sanskrit or equivalent
Total Merit Res.
15 15 00 And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8 )

Admission criteria: Basic

Merit Formula: As per basic Criteria
2. College of Art& Design:
Sr. Name of Program/
No. Seats Criteria laid down for admission

i MA Eligibility:
Fine Arts
BA with Fine Arts an elective subject.
Total Merit Res. BA with any subject +Diploma in Painting from University College of Art &
33 25 08 Design.
Admission Criteria: Basic
(As per P.U. rules)
Additional Marks:
Total Merit Res. Hafiz-e-Qur‟an 20 Marks
27 25 02
Merit Formula:
Aca Academic Record 50%
Test and Interview 50%

ii MFA Painting Eligibility:

Total Merit Res.
BFA/MA in Fine Arts (16 years of education) with at least 6 credit hours
10 10 00
course work in the major subject in which admission is sought.
Replica Equivalent certificate and NOC are required if degree obtained from other than
Total Merit Res. University of the Punjab.
10 10 00

MFA Sculpture Admission criteria: Basic

Total Merit Res. (As per P.U. rules)
10 10 00
- 23 -

Replica Merit Formula:

Total Merit Res. Academic record 60%
10 10 00 Entry Test 20%
MFA Graphic Arts Interview 20%
Total Merit Res.
10 10 00

Total Merit Res.
10 10 00

iii MFA Eligibility:

Textile Design
BFA with at least 6 credit hours course work in the major subject in which
Total Merit Res. admission is sought.
20 20 00 Equivalent certificate and NOC are required if degree obtained from other than
University of the Punjab.

Admission Criteria: Basic

(As per P.U. rules)
Merit Formula:
Academic record 60%
Entry Test 20%

Interview 20%

iv MFA Eligibility:
Graphic Design BFA with at least 6 credit hours course work in the major subject in which
Total Merit Res. admission is sought.
15 15 00 Equivalent certificate and NOC are required if degree obtained from other than
University of the Punjab.
Admission criteria: Basic
Total Merit Res. (As per P.U. rules)
15 15 00 Merit Formula:
Academic record 60%

Entry Test 20%

Interview 20%

v M. Architecture (M.Arch) Eligibility:

Evening Program (2-Yrs)
The applicant may have one of the following degrees recognized by HEC.
Total Merit Res. Preference shall be given to candidates having 5-Years B-Arch degree.
25 25 00
Bachelor of Architecture (5-Years B. Arch)
Bachelor of Civil Engineering
Bachelor of Environmental Design
B.Sc. (Town Planning)
B.Sc. (Urban Planning)
Bachelor of Architectural Engineering/Building Design.
- 24 -

Admission criteria: Basic

(As per P.U. rules)
Merit Formula:
Academic record 70%

Interview 30%

vi B.Architecture Eligibility:
Intermediate, A-Levels or equivalent by IBCC with the combination of any
three (03) following subjects:
Total Merit Res.
(i) Physics (ii) Chemistry (iii) Biology (iv) Mathematics (v) Computer Science,
32 22+2* 08 (vi) Statistics (vii) Fine Arts (viii) Economics (ix) Sociology
*for Diploma Holder Diploma in Architecture
I.Com, D.Com holders are not eligible.

Admission criteria: Basic

(As per P.U. rules)
Merit Formula:
Academic record 50%
Entry Test 30%
Interview 20%

vii BFA Eligibility:

Graphic Design
Intermediate or Equivalent by IBCC.
Total Merit Res.
32 24 08 Admission criteria: Basic
(As per P.U. rules)
Replica Additional Marks:

Total Merit Res. Diploma in Graphic Design from College of Art & Design. 40 Marks
37 35 02 Fine Arts as an elective subject in Intermediate: 20 Marks
Hafiz-e-Qur‟an: 20 Marks

Merit Formula:
Academic record 50%
Entry Test 50%

ix BFA Eligibility:
Painting Intermediate or Equivalent by IBCC.
Admission criteria: Basic
Total Merit Res.
(As per P.U. rules)
23 15 08 Additional Marks:
Diploma in Painting from College of Art & Design. 40 Marks
Replica Fine Arts as an elective subject in Intermediate: 20 Marks
Total Merit Res. Hafiz-e-Qur‟an: 20 Marks
22 20 02
Merit Formula:
Academic record 50%
Entry test 50%
- 25 -

x BFA Eligibility:
Textile Design Intermediate or Equivalent by IBCC.
Admission criteria: Basic
Total Merit Res.
(As per P.U. rules)
32 24 08
Additional Marks:
Diploma in Textile Design from College of Art& Design. 40 Marks
Fine Arts as an elective subject in Intermediate: 20 Marks
Hafiz-e-Qur‟an: 20 Marks

Merit Formula:
Academic record 50%
Entry test 50%

xi M.Phil (Morning): Eligibility:

i) Art History MA/BA Hons. (4-Yrs) in Fine Arts or its equivalent from a recognized
ii) Studio Practice University (at least 16 years of education; 130 credit hours) as per HEC rules.
Total Merit Res.
15 15 00 And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)

M.Phil (Evening): Admission criteria: Basic

i) Art History (As per P.U. rules)
ii) Studio Practice Merit Formula: As per basic Criteria
Total Merit Res.
15 15 00

3. Department of English:

Sr. Name of Program/

Criteria laid down for admission
No. No. of Seats

i MA Eligibility & Distribution of Seats:

English (Morning)
A. 20 seats will be offered to those who passed the B.A. Examination with
Total Merit Res. at least 2nd division marks in subject of English Literature.
48 40 08 B B. 20 seats will be offered to those candidates who passed B.A. Examination
with at least 2nd division marks in the subject of English Language.
Minimum marks obtained in subject of English Language/Literature 90/200.
Admission criteria: Basic
Additional Marks:
1. Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
Merit Formula: Basic
Academic Record: 100%

ii MA Eligibility & Distribution of Seats:

English(Self Supporting)
A. 25 seats will be offered to those who passed the B.A. Examination with
Total Merit Res. at least 2nd division marks in subject of English Literature.
54 50 04
B B. 25 seats will be offered to those candidates who passed B.A. Examination
with at least 2nd division marks in the subject of English Language.

Minimum marks obtained in subject of English Language/Literature 90/200.

- 26 -

Admission criteria: Basic

Additional Marks:
2. Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks

Merit Formula: Basic

Academic Record: 100%

iii BS English Eligibility & Distribution of Seats:

70% of the open merit seats (28) allocated for F.A./A-Level (Humanities
Total Merit Res. Group) candidates.
48 40 08 30% of the open merit seats (12) allocated for F.Sc/A-Level (Science,
Commerce Group) or Equivalent candidates.
Admission criteria: Basic
Additional Marks:
 Candidates who have opted for English literature at F.A level as elective
subject will get additional 20 marks.

 For candidates of A-Level who have studied English literature as elective

subject: Their marks of English literature will be considered as subject marks.
(They will not get additional 20 marks for studying English literature).
 For candidates of A-Level who belong to Science/Commerce group:

Their marks of English Language in O-Level will be considered as „‟subject

marks‟‟, since English Language is not compulsory at A-Level.

3. Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks

Merit Formula: Basic

Academic Record: 100%

iv BS English Eligibility & Distribution of Seats:

70% of the open merit seats (38) allocated for F.A./A-Level (Humanities
Total Merit Res. Group) candidates.
54 50 04 30% of the open merit seats (15) allocated for F.Sc/A-Level (Science,
Commerce Group) or Equivalent candidates.
Admission criteria: Basic
Additional Marks:
 Candidates who have opted for English literature at F.A level as elective
subject will get additional 20 marks.

 For candidates of A-Level who have studied English literature as elective

subject: Their marks of English literature will be considered as subject marks.
(They will not get additional 20 marks for studying English literature).
 For candidates of A-Level who belong to Science/Commerce group:
Their marks of English Language in O-Level will be considered as „‟subject
marks‟‟, since English Language is not compulsory at A-Level.

4. Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks

Merit Formula: Basic

Academic Record: 100%
- 27 -

v MS/ M. Phil Eligibility:

English M.A. in English Literature or an equivalent degree
Total Merit Res. And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
20 20 00 Admission criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: Basic

4. Department of French:
Sr. Name of Program/
Criteria laid down for admission
No. No. of Seats
i M. Phil Eligibility:
French MA French/BS 4-Yrs French
Total Merit Res. And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
05 05 00
Admission criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

ii MA Eligibility:
French B.A/B.Sc/B.Com or equivalent (No prior knowledge of French required)
Total Merit Res. Admission criteria: Basic
27 19 08 Additional Marks:
Hafiz-e-Qur‟an: 20 Marks
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

iii BS Eligibility:
French Intermediate or equivalent qualification.
(No prior knowledge of French required)
Total Merit Res.
29 21 08 Admission criteria: Basic
Additional Marks:
Hafiz-e-Qur‟an: 20 Marks
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria
5. Department of History and Pakistan Studies:
Sr. Name of Program/
Criteria laid down for admission
No. No. of Seats
i BS History
Total Merit Res. Admission criteria: Basic
38 30 08 Additional Marks:
FA with History Subject 40 Marks
Hafiz-e-Qur‟an: 20 Marks
Merit Formula:
Academic Record: 100%
ii Pakistan Studies Eligibility:
(Self Supporting) B.A with any elective subject of Arts/Humanities/Social Sciences
Total Merit Res.
42 40 02 Admission Criteria: Basic
- 28 -

Additional Marks:
Hafiz-e-Qur‟an20 Marks
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

iii M.Phil/MS in History Eligibility:

MA/ BS 4-Yrs History/ Pakistan studies/Political Sciences
Total Merit Res.
15 15 00 And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

iv Ph.D in History Eligibility:

Total Merit Res. M. Phil History/ Pakistan Studies/Political Sciences

08 08 00 And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

6. Department of Philosophy:
Sr. Name of Program/
Criteria laid down for admission
No. No. of Seats
i BS Eligibility:
Philosophy FA/F.Sc or equivalent examination
Total Merit Res. Admission criteria: Basic
44 36 08 Additional Marks:
Philosophy 30 Marks
Hafiz-e-Qur‟an 20 Marks

Merit Formula:
Academic Record: 100%

ii MA Eligibility:
BA/BSc with Philosophy as an elective/optional subject.
Total Merit Res.
BA/B.Sc with any one of the following elective subjects.
54 46 08
Anthropology, Economics, Political Science, History, Education, Journalism,
Sociology, Mathematics, Computer Studies, Psychology, Applied Psychology,
English Literature, Urdu Literature.

Additional Marks:
Philosophy (Elective & Optional) 30 Marks
Psychology/Applied Psychology 20 Marks
English Literature,Political Science 10 Marks
Hafiz-e-Qur‟an 20 Marks
Merit Formula:
Academic Record: 100%
iii M.Phil in Philosophy Eligibility:
BS Philosophy/MA Philosophy
Total Merit Res.
15 15 00 And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
- 29 -

Admission Criteria: Basic

Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

iv Ph.D. in Philosophy Eligibility:

M.Phil in Philosophy or equivalent from HEC recognized University
Total Merit Res.
05 05 00 And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

7. Pakistan Study Centre:

Sr. Name of Program/

Criteria laid down for admission
No. No. of Seats
i M. Phil Eligibility:
Pakistan Studies
All the Social Sciences subjects
Total Merit Res. And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, page (8)
15 15 00
Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

ii Ph. D
Pakistan Studies M.Phil or equivalent degree in Arts & Humanities and Social Sciences

Total Merit Res. And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, page (8)
05 05 00 Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic Criteria

8. Centre for South Asian Studies:

Sr. Name of Program/

Criteria laid down for admission
No. No. of Seats
i M. Phil Eligibility:
South Asian Studies
M.A./M.Sc./BS 4-Yrs in South Asian Studies, International Relations, Political
Science, Defense and Strategic Studies, Diplomacy and Strategic Studies
Total Merit Res
(DSS), History, Pakistan Studies, Social Work and Sociology.
15 15 00
And Clause 24 (b), Admission regulations 2020-21,Page (8)
Admission Criteria:
The admission shall be on merit, based on criteria determined by the HEC/
University of the Punjab, Lahore.
Merit Formula: As per University/H.E.C Rules.

ii Ph. D Eligibility:
South Asian Studies
M.Phil in South Asian Studies, International Relations, Political Science,
- 30 -

Total Merit Res. Defense and Strategic Studies, Diplomacy and Strategic Studies (DSS),
03 03 00 History, Pakistan Studies, Social Work, and Sociology.
And Clause 24 (b), Admission regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
Admission Criteria:
The admission shall be on merit, based on criteria determined by the HEC/
University of the Punjab, Lahore.
Merit Formula: As per University/HEC Rules.


1. Institute of Communication Studies:
Sr. Name of Program/
Criteria laid down for admission
No. No. of Seats
i M.Sc Eligibility:
Communication Studies BA/ B.Sc./ B.Com or equivalent
(Morning/Regular Program)
Admission criteria: Basic
Total Merit Res. Additional Marks:
65 55 10 Journalism Elective: 20 Marks
Journalism Optional: 10 Marks
English Lit/Urdu Lit Elective: 10Marks
If any one of the following subject
studied as 2nd Elective 10 Marks
Political Science, International Relations, Social Work, Sociology and
Gender/Women Studies.
Hafiz-e-Qur‟an 20 Marks
Merit Formula:
Academic Record: 100%

ii M.Sc Eligibility:
Communication Studies
BA/ B.Sc./ B.Com or equivalent
(Self Supporting Program) Admission Criteria: Basic
Additional Marks:
Total Merit Res. Journalism Elective: 20 Marks
70 66 04 Journalism Optional: 10 Marks
English Lit/Urdu Lit Elective: 10Marks
If any one of the following subject
studied as 2nd Elective 10 Marks
Political Science, International Relations, Social Work, Sociology and
Gender/Women Studies.
Hafiz-e-Qur‟an 20 Marks
Merit Formula:
Academic Record: 100%

iii M.Sc Eligibility:

Communication Studies
BA/ B.Sc./ B.Com or equivalent
- 31 -

Development Journalism
(Self Supporting Program) Admission criteria: Basic
Additional Marks:
Total Merit Res. Journalism Elective: 20 Marks
70 66 04 Journalism Optional: 10 Marks
English Lit/Urdu Lit Elective: 10Marks
If any one of the following subject
studied as 2nd Elective 10 Marks
Political Science, International Relations, Social Work, Sociology and
Gender/Women Studies.
Hafiz-e-Qur‟an 20 Marks
Merit Formula:
Academic Record: 100%

iv M.Sc Eligibility:
Communication Studies
Film & Television BA/ B.Sc./ B.Com or equivalent
(Self Supporting Program) Admission criteria: Basic
Additional Marks:
Total Merit Res. Journalism Elective: 20 Marks
50 48 02 Journalism Optional: 10 Marks
English Lit/Urdu Lit Elective: 10 Marks
If any one of the following subject
studied as 2nd Elective 10 Marks
Political Science, International Relations, Social Work, Sociology and Gender/
Women Studies.
Hafiz-e-Qur‟an 20 Marks
Merit Formula:
Academic Record: 100%

v BS (4-Year) Program Eligibility:

Communication Studies
(Morning/Regular Program)
FA/F.Sc/I.Com/D.Com/Intermediate or equivalent
Admission criteria: Basic
Total Merit Res. Additional Marks:
50 42 08 Hafiz-e-Qur‟an 20 Marks
Merit Formula:
Academic Record: 100%
vi BS (4-Year) Program Eligibility:
Communication Studies
FA/F.Sc/I.Com/D.Com/Intermediate or equivalent
(Self-Supporting Program) Admission criteria: Basic
Additional Marks:
Total Merit Res.
Hafiz-e-Qur‟an 20 Marks
50 48 02
Merit Formula:
Academic Record: 100%

vii M. Phil Eligibility:

Communication Studies
- 32 -

Professional Track MA/M.Sc/ BS (4-Yrs)in Communication Studies,

Total Merit Res.
Fresh & experienced, both candidates are eligible to apply. Max 5 marks will
25 25 00
be awarded who have media and communication studie related teaching /
research/ professional experience from well reputed national or international
Research Track organization. 1 mark will be awarded for 1 year.
Total Merit Res.
And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
15 15 00
Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

viii Ph.D Eligibility:

Communication Studies
MS/ M.Phil Communication Studies
Total Merit Res. And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
15 15 00
Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

2. Department of Political Science:

Sr. Name of Program/
Criteria laid down for admission
No. No. of Seats

i MA Eligibility:
Political Science BA with Political Science as an elective subject:
Total Merit Res. BA with any one of the following elective subjects:
43 35 08
International Relations, Social Work, Journalism, Sociology, Gender Studies,
Economics, Geography, History, Philosophy

Admission criteria: Basic

Additional Marks:
i) Political Science as an elective subject 20 Marks
ii) Other subjects mentioned above 10 Marks
iii) Hafiz-e-Qur‟an: 20 Marks
Merit Formula:
Academic Record: 100%
ii MA Eligibility:
International Relations BA with International Relations or Political Science as an elective subject
(Afternoon) OR
Self-Supporting BA with any one of the following subjects:

Total Merit Res. Social Work, Journalism, Sociology, Gender Studies, Economics, Geography,
History, Philosophy
37 35 02
Admission criteria: Basic
Additional Marks:
i) International Relations or Political Science as an elective subject
20 Marks
ii) Other subjects mentioned above 10 Marks
iii) Hafiz-e-Qur‟an: 20 Marks
Merit Formula:
Academic Record: 100%
- 33 -

iii MA Eligibility:
Diplomacy & Strategic
BA with Political Science or International Relations as an elective subject:
Studies (Afternoon)
BA with any one of the following subjects:
Total Merit Res. International Relations, Social Work, Journalism, Sociology, Gender Studies,
37 35 02 Economics, Geography, History, Philosophy
Admission criteria: Basic + Interview
Additional Marks:
i) International Relations or Political Science as an elective subject
20 Marks
ii) Other subjects mentioned above 10 Marks
iii) Hafiz-e-Qur‟an: 20 Marks

Merit Formula:
Academic Record: 100%

iv MS/ M.Phil Eligibility:

Political Science MA/ BS (4-Yrs) Political Science/ International Relations/DSS/Defense &
Strategic Studies/Peace & Conflict Studies/Public Policy.
Total Merit Res.
15 15 00 And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

v MS/ M.Phil Eligibility:

Political Science
MA/ BS (4-Yrs) Political Science/ International Relations/DSS / Defense &
Strategic Studies/Peace & Conflict Studies/Public Policy.
Self Supporting
And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
Total Merit Res.
20 20 00 Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

vi MS/ M.Phil Eligibility:

International Relations
MA/ BS (4-Yrs) Political Science/ International Relations/DSS / Defense &
Strategic Studies/Peace & Conflict Studies/Public Policy.
Total Merit Res.
20 20 00 And Clause 24 (b), Admission regulations 2019-20,page (8)
Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

vii MS/ M.Phil Eligibility:

International Relations
MA/ BS (4-Yrs) Political Science/ International Relations/DSS / Defense &
Strategic Studies/Peace & Conflict Studies/Public Policy.
Self Supporting
And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21,Page (8)
Total Merit Res.
Admission Criteria: Basic
20 20 00
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria
- 34 -

viii Ph.D Eligibility:

Political Science
M.Phil/MS Political Science/ International Relations/DSS / Defense & Strategic
Studies/Peace & Conflict Studies/Public Policy/South Asian Studies.
Total Merit Res.
10 10 00 And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21,Page (8)
Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria
(No admission will be
offered in the Academic
Session 2020-21)

ix Ph.D Eligibility:
Political Science M.Phil/MS Political Science/ International Relations/DSS / Defense & Strategic
(Afternoon) Studies/Peace & Conflict Studies/Public Policy/South Asian Studies.
And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21,Page (8)
Total Merit Res.
15 15 00 Admission Criteria: Basic
(No admission will be Merit Formula: As per basic criteria
offered in the Academic
Session 2020-21)

x Ph.D Eligibility:
International Relations M.Phil/MS Political Science/ International Relations/DSS / Defense & Strategic
Studies/Peace & Conflict Studies/Public Policy/South Asian Studies.
Total Merit Res.
15 15 00 And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-2`,!age (8)
(No admission will be Admission Criteria: Basic
offered in the Academic Merit Formula: As per basic criteria
Session 2020-21)

xi Ph.D Eligibility:
International Relations
M.Phil/MS Political Science/ International Relations/ Defense & Strategic
Studies/Peace & Conflict Studies/Public Policy/South Asian Studies.
Total Merit Res. And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21,Page (8)
15 15 00
Admission Criteria: Basic
(No admission will be
offered in the Academic Merit Formula: As per basic criteria
Session 2020-21)

xii BS Political Science Eligibility:

(Afternoon) program
Intermediate or equivalent qualification.
Total Merit Res. Admission criteria: Basic
46 44 02
Additional Marks:
Hafiz-e-Qur‟an 20 Marks
Merit Formula:
Academic Record: 100%

xiii D.I.A. (Postgraduate Eligibility:

Diploma in International
Affairs) BA/ B.Sc/B.Com/BS Hons (equal to Graduation).
- 35 -

Total Merit Res. Admission criteria: Interview (International Matters)

100 100 00
Merit Formula Interview Base

4. Department of Social Work:

Sr. Name of Program/

Criteria laid down for admission
No. No. of Seats
i BS in Social Work Eligibility:
Morning Intermediate (FA/FSc) or equivalent qualification.

Total Merit Res. Admission criteria: Basic

76 66 10 Additional Marks:
Hafiz-e-Qur‟an 20 Marks
Merit Formula:
Academic Record: 100%

ii BS in Social Work Eligibility:

Self-Supporting Intermediate (FA/FSc) or equivalent qualification.
Admission criteria: Basic
Total Merit Res.
70 66 04 Additional Marks:
Hafiz-e-Qur‟an 20 Marks
Merit Formula:
Academic Record: 100%

iii M.Sc Eligibility:

Social Work BA/ B.Sc or equivalent examination.
(Regular Class)
i) Social Work as an elective subject
Total Merit Res. ii) In absence of Social Work any one of the Elective subjects
67 57 10 (200 Marks Each) given insection additional marks.
iii) In absence of the above criteria, at least one year Social Welfare
experience in any active GO/NGO of at least provincial level.
Admission Criteria: Basic
Additional Marks:
Hafiz-e-Qur‟an 20 Marks
1. Each of the following elective subjects: 20 marks

Sociology, Psychology, Applied Psychology, Economics, Home Economics,

Political Science, Journalism Anthropology, Gender Studies, Statistics,
Philosophy, Women Studies, History, English Literature & Islamic
Merit Formula:
Academic Record: 100%
iv M.Sc Eligibility:
Social Work BA/ B.Sc or equivalent examination.
(Self Supporting/
Replica) i) Social Work as an elective subject
ii) In absence of Social Work any one of the Elective subjects
Total Merit Res. (200 Marks Each) given in section additional marks.
70 66 04
iii) In absence of the above criteria, at least one year Social Welfare
- 36 -

experience in any active GO/NGO of at least provincial level.

Admission Criteria: Basic

Additional Marks:
Hafiz-e-Qur‟an 20 Marks
2. Each of the following elective subjects: 20 marks
Sociology, Psychology, Applied Psychology, Economics, Home Economics,
Political Science, Journalism Anthropology, Gender Studies, Statistics,
Philosophy, Women Studies, History, English Literature & Islamic Studies/
Merit Formula:
Academic Record: 100%

v M.Phil in Social Work Eligibility:

M.A/MSc Social Work, BS (4-Yrs) Social Work from a HEC recognized
Total Merit Res. University
15 15 00
And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21,Page (8)
Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

vi Ph.D in Social Work Eligibility:

MS/M.Phil in the relevant field from a HEC recognized University
Total Merit Res.
10 10 00 And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21,Page (8)
Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

4. Institute of Social & Cultural Studies:

Sr. Name of Program/

Criteria laid down for admission
No. No. of Seats
I M.Sc Eligibility:
Sociology B.A./B.Sc. 2nd division with Sociology as an elective subject
Total Merit Res. B.A./ B.Sc with any two of the following elective subjects:
64 54 10
Economics, Political Science, Psychology/Applied Psychology, History, Social
Work, Islamic Studies, Home Economics, Philosophy, Statistics, Geography,
Education, Journalism, Botany, Zoology, English Literature, Mathematics,
Computer Science, Health & Physical Education, Chemistry, Physics and
Gender Studies.
B.Com (2-Yrs)
Admission criteria: Basic
Additional Marks:
1. Sociology as an elective subject. 20 Marks
2. Hafiz-e-Qur‟an 20 Marks
Merit Formula:
Academic Record 100%
- 37 -

M.Sc Eligibility:
ii Sociology B.A./B.Sc. 2nd division with Sociology as an elective subject
(Replica/Self OR
Supporting) B.A./ B.Sc with any two of the following elective subjects:
Total Merit Res. Economics, Political Science, Psychology/Applied Psychology, History, Social
74 70 04 Work, Islamic Studies, Home Economics, Philosophy, Statistics, Geography,
Education, Journalism, Botany, Zoology, English Literature, Mathematics,
Computer Science, Health & Physical Education, Chemistry, Physics and
Gender Studies.
B.Com (2-Yrs)
Admission criteria: Basic
Additional Marks:
3. Sociology as an elective subject. 20 Marks
4. Hafiz-e-Qur‟an 20 Marks
Merit Formula:
Academic Record 100%
iii M.Sc Eligibility:
Population Sciences B.A./B.Sc. 2nd division with Sociology as an elective subject
(Replica/Self B.A./ B.Sc with any two of the following elective subjects:
Economics, Political Science, Psychology/Applied Psychology, History, Social
Total Merit Res. Work, Islamic Studies, Home Economics, Philosophy, Statistics, Geography,
74 70 04 Education, Journalism, Botany, Zoology, English Literature, Mathematics,
Computer Science, Health & Physical Education, Chemistry, Physics and
Gender Studies.
B.Com (2-Yrs)
Admission criteria: Basic
Additional Marks:
5. Sociology as an elective subject. 20 Marks
6. Hafiz-e-Qur‟an 20 Marks
Merit Formula:
Academic Record 100%
iv M.Sc Eligibility
Criminology & B.A./B.Sc. 2nd division with Sociology as an elective subject
Security Studies OR
(Replica/Self- B.A./ B.Sc with any two of the following elective subjects:
Economics, Political Science, Psychology/Applied Psychology, History, Social
Total Merit Res. Work, Islamic Studies, Home Economics, Philosophy, Statistics, Geography,
74 70 04 Education, Journalism, Botany, Zoology, English Literature, Mathematics,
Computer Science, Health & Physical Education, Chemistry, Physics and
Gender Studies.
B.Com (2-Yrs)
Admission criteria: Basic
Additional Marks:
7. Sociology as an elective subject. 20 Marks
8. Hafiz-e-Qur‟an 20 Marks
Merit Formula:
Academic Record 100%
- 38 -

v M.Sc Eligibility
Development Studies B.A./B.Sc. 2nd division with Sociology as an elective subject
Total Merit Res. B.A./ B.Sc with any two of the following elective subjects:
58 54 04
Economics, Political Science, Psychology/Applied Psychology, History, Social
Work, Islamic Studies, Home Economics, Philosophy, Statistics, Geography,
Education, Journalism, Botany, Zoology, English Literature, Mathematics,
Computer Science, Health & Physical Education, Chemistry, Physics and
Gender Studies.
B.Com (2-Yrs)
Admission criteria: Basic
Additional Marks:
9. Sociology as an elective subject. 20 Marks
10. Hafiz-e-Qur‟an 20 Marks
Merit Formula:
Academic Record 100%

vi M.Sc. Eligibility
Development Studies B.A./B.Sc. 2nd division with Sociology as an elective subject
(Replica/Self OR
Supporting) B.A./ B.Sc with any two of the following elective subjects:

Total Merit Res. Economics, Political Science, Psychology/Applied Psychology, History, Social
74 70 04 Work, Islamic Studies, Home Economics, Philosophy, Statistics, Geography,
Education, Journalism, Botany, Zoology, English Literature, Mathematics,
Computer Science, Health & Physical Education, Chemistry, Physics and
Gender Studies.
B.Com (2-Yrs)
Admission criteria: Basic
Additional Marks:
11. Sociology as an elective subject. 20 Marks
12. Hafiz-e-Qur‟an 20 Marks
Merit Formula:
Academic Record 100%

vii BS (4-Years) Sociology Eligibility:

Intermediate or equivalent examinations
Total Merit Res.
57 49 08 Admission criteria: Basic
Additional Marks:
Hafiz-e-Qur‟an 20 Marks
Merit Formula:
Academic Record 100%

viii BS (4-Years) Sociology Eligibility:

(Replica/Self- Intermediate or equivalent examinations
Admission criteria: Basic
Additional Marks:
- 39 -

Total Merit Res. Hafiz-e-Qur‟an 20 Marks

74 70 04 Merit Formula:
Academic Record 100%

ix M. Phil Sociology Eligibility:

MA/ M.Sc/ BS (4-Years)/LLB or equivalent
Total Merit Res.
20 20 00 And Clause 24 (b), Admission regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

x M.Phil Sociology Eligibility:

MA/ M.Sc/ BS (4-Years)/LLB or equivalent
Total Merit Res. And Clause 24 (b), Admission regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
20 20 00
Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

xi Ph.D Sociology Eligibility:

M.Phil in the relevant subject
Total Merit Res. And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
10 10 00
Admission criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

xii M.Phil Eligibility:

Education Policy and
Development MA/M.Sc/BS(4-Yrs)/LLB or equivalent
And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
Total Merit Res.
20 20 00 Admission criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

xiii M.Phil Eligibility:

Education Policy and
MA/M.Sc/BS(4-Yrs)/LLB or equivalent
.And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
Total Merit Res.
20 20 00 Admission criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria
- 40 -

M.Phil Eligibility& Distribution of Seats:
Public Health (MPH)
MBBS/BDS/MD(Registered with PMDC) 35%
(Equivalent 16 years Education)
Total Merit Res. BS (16-Yrs Education) D-Pharm. Nursing, Medical 17.5%
60 60 00 Technologies (Registered with PNC)

Life Sciences: (Biology, Microbiology, Zoology, Physiology,17.5%

Biochemistry, Human Nutrition and other relevant subjects
16-Years Education.

Social and Management Sciences (16-Year Education):30%

(Sociology, Psychology, Anthropology, Population Sciences,
Management Sciences & Biostatistics.

And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)

Admission criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

xv Ph.D Eligibility:
Public Health
M.Phil/MS in any Public Health Discipline from a PMDC/HEC recognized
(Self Supporting)
Total Merit Res
15 15 00 And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
Admission criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

xvi BS (4-Years) Eligibility:

Public Health F.Sc. or equivalent and at least 50% marks

Total Merit Res. Admission criteria: Basic

57 49 08
Additional Marks:
Hafiz-e-Qur‟an 20 Marks
Merit Formula:
Academic Record 100%

xvii BS (4-Years) Eligibility:

Public Health (Replica/ F.Sc. or equivalent and at least 50% marks
Self- Supporting)
Admission criteria: Basic
Total Merit Res.
Additional Marks:
74 70 04
Hafiz-e-Qur‟an 20 Marks
Merit Formula:
Academic Record 100%
- 41 -

xviii BS (4-Years) Eligibility:

Demography F.Sc. or equivalent and at least 50% marks

Total Merit Res. Admission criteria: Basic

57 49 08
Additional Marks:
Hafiz-e-Qur‟an 20 Marks
Merit Formula:
Academic Record 100%

xix BS (4-Years) Eligibility:

Demography (Replica/ F.Sc. or equivalent and at least 50% marks
Admission criteria: Basic
Total Merit Res.
Additional Marks:
74 70 04
Hafiz-e-Qur‟an 20 Marks
Merit Formula:
Academic Record 100%
xx BS (4-Years) Eligibility:
Criminology F.Sc. or equivalent examination

Total Merit Res. Admission criteria: Basic

57 49 08
Additional Marks:
Hafiz-e-Qur‟an 20 Marks
Merit Formula:
Academic Record 100%
xxi BS (4-Years) Eligibility:
Criminology F.Sc. or equivalent examination
Admission criteria: Basic
Total Merit Res.
Additional Marks:
74 70 04
Hafiz-e-Qur‟an 20 Marks
Merit Formula:
Academic Record 100%

5. Department of Gender Studies:

Sr. Name of Program/

No. No. of Seats Criteria laid down for admission

i BS (Hons) Morning Eligibility:

Intermediate or equivalent examinations(GCE, A-Level, ICS, I.Com)
Total Merit Res.
65 55 10 Admission criteria: Basic
Additional Marks:
Hafiz-e-Qur‟an 20 Marks
Merit Formula:
Academic Record 100%
- 42 -

ii BS (Hons) Replica Eligibility:

Intermediate or equivalent examinations (GCE, A-Level, ICS, I.Com)
Total Merit Res.
70 66 04 Admission criteria: Basic
Additional Marks:
Hafiz-e-Qur‟an 20 Marks
Merit Formula:
Academic Record 100%

iii M.Sc Eligibility:

Gender Studies
BA/ B.Sc or equivalent
Total Merit Res. Admission criteria: Basic
54 46 08 Additional Marks:
Any of the following Elective Subject: 20Marks
Gender Studies, Sociology, Psychology at Bachelor level.
Hafiz-e-Qur‟an 20 Marks
Merit Formula:
Academic Record 100%

iv M.Sc Eligibility:
Gender Studies
BA/ B.Sc or equivalent
Self-Supporting) Admission criteria: Basic
Additional Marks:
Total Merit Res. Any of the following Elective Subject: 20Marks
59 55 04 Gender Studies, Sociology, Psychology at Bachelor level
Hafiz-e-Qur‟an 20 Marks
Merit Formula:
Academic Record 100%

v M.Phil Gender Studies Eligibility:

MA/ M.Sc in Social Science
Total Merit Res.
20 20 00 And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
Admission criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

vi M.Phil Gender Studies Eligibility:

(Replica/Self-Supporting) MA/ M.Sc in Social Science

Total Merit Res. And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21,Page (8)
20 20 00
Admission criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria
- 43 -

vii Ph.D Gender Studies Eligibility:

MS/ M.Phil in Social Science
Total Merit Res.
10 10 00 And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21,Page (8)
Admission criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

viii Ph.D Gender Studies Eligibility:

(Replica/Self-Supporting) MS/ M.Phil in Social Sciences
Total Merit Res. And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21,Page (8)
10 10 00
Admission criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria


1. Institute of Administrative Sciences:
Sr. Name of Program/
Criteria laid down for admission
No. No. of Seats
i BS in Management Eligibility:
(4-Yrs) F.A/F.Sc./A-levels or equivalent
(Regular Program)
Admission criteria: Basic
Total Merit Res. Additional Marks:
70 60 10 Hafiz-e-Qur‟an 20 Marks
Merit Formula:
Academic Record 100%
ii BS in Management Eligibility:
(4-Yrs) F.A/F.Sc./A-levels or equivalent
(Self Supporting
Program) Admission criteria: Basic
Additional Marks:
Total Merit Res. Hafiz-e-Qur‟an 20 Marks
84 80 04
Merit Formula:
Academic Record 100%
iii Masters of Human Eligibility:
Resource Management BA/BSc 25
(Regular Program) BA/BSc with any Social Science as elective from following pool of subjects:
(Economics, Statistics, Home Economics, Psychology, Political Science, Social
Total Merit Res.
Work, Journalism, Sociology, Philosophy)
60 50 10
B.Com. (2-Yrs) 25
Total Seats=50
Admission criteria: Basic + 20 Marks of two Social Sciences &10
marks in case of one social science
Additional Marks:
Hafiz-e-Qur‟an 20 Marks
Merit Formula:
Academic Record 100%
- 44 -

iv Master of Human Eligibility:

Resource Management
BA/BSc 25
BA/BSc with any Social Science as elective from following pool of subjects:
Afternoon Program)
(Economics, Statistics, Home Economics, Psychology, Political Science, Social
Total Merit Res. Work, Journalism, Sociology, Philosophy)
54 50 04 B.Com. (2-Yrs) 25
Total Seats=50
Admission criteria: Basic + 20 Marks of two Social Sciences &10
marks in case of one social science
Additional Marks:
Hafiz-e-Qur‟an 20 Marks
Merit Formula:
Academic Record 100%

v Master of Human Eligibility:

Resource Management BA/BSc or equivalent/16 Yrs education (Professional) with at least
(Self Supporting Evening 2nd division and 2- years post-graduation experience preferred
Admission Formula:
Total Merit Res. i) Academic Record 40%
54 50 04 ii) Written Assessment 40%
iii) Interview/Experience 20%
Total= 100%

vi Master of Marketing Eligibility:

(Morning Program) BA/BSc 25
Total Merit Res. BA/BSc with any Social Science as elective from following pool of subject
60 50 10 (Economics, Statistics, Home Economics, Psychology, Political Sciences, Social
Work, Journalism, Sociology, Philosophy)
B.Com (2-Yrs) 25
Total Seats= 50
Admission criteria: Basic + 20 Marks of two Social Sciences & 10
marks in case of one Social Science
Additional Marks:
Hafiz-e-Qur‟an 20 Marks
Merit Formula:
Academic Record 100%
vii Master of Marketing Eligibility:
(Self-Supporting BA/BSc 25
Afternoon Program)
BA/BSc with any Social Science as elective from following pool of subject
Total Merit Res. (Economics, Statistics, Home Economics, Psychology, Political Sciences, Social
54 50 04 Work, Journalism, Sociology, Philosophy)
B.Com (2-Yrs) 25
Total Seats= 50
Admission criteria: Basic + 20 Marks of two Social Sciences & 10
marks in case of one Social Science
Additional Marks:
Hafiz-e-Qur‟an 20 Marks
Merit Formula:
Academic Record 100%
- 45 -

viii Master of Marketing Eligibility:

(Self Supporting Evening
BA/BSc or equivalent/16-Yrs education (Professional) with at least 2nd
Program) division and 2-years post graduation experience preferred.
Total Merit Res. Admission Formula:
54 50 04 i) Academic Record 40%
ii) Written Assessment 40%
iii) Interview/Experience 20%
Total = 100%

Ix MS Health Administration Eligibility:

(18 years) MHA/MBBS/BDS/BS Nursing/D-Pharmacy or equivalent in relevant field
(Self Supporting Evening (16 -Yrs education) from a HEC recognized institute.
And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
Total Merit Res.
30 30 00 Admission criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

x MPA(18 Years) Eligibility:

Master of Public Administration Relevant Master Degree/BS (4-Yrs) in Management or equivalent
(Regular Program)
And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21,Page (8)
Total Merit Res. Admission Criteria: Basic
25 25 00
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

Xi MPA(18 Years) Eligibility:

Master of Public
Relevant Master Degree/BS (4-Yrs) in Management or equivalent
(Self-Supporting And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21,Page (8)
Afternoon Program) Admission Criteria: Basic
Total Merit Res.
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria
30 30 00
Xii MPA(18 Years) Eligibility:
Master of Public Administration
Relevant Master Degree/BS (4-Yrs) in Management or equivalent
(Self-Supporting Evening Program)
And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
Total Merit Res.
Admission Criteria: Basic
60 60 00
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

xiii MS Human Resource Eligibility:

Management (18 Years)
Relevant Master Degree/BS (4-Yrs) in Management or equivalent
(Regular Program)
And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21,Page (8)
Total Merit Res.
Admission Criteria: Basic
25 25 00
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria
- 46 -

xiv MS Human Resource Eligibility:

Management (18 Years) Relevant Master Degree/BS (4-Yrs) in Management or equivalent
Afternoon Program) And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21,Page (8)
Admission Criteria: Basic
Total Merit Res.
30 30 00 Merit Formula: As per basic criteria
xv MS Human Resource Eligibility:
Management (18 Years) Relevant Master Degree/BS (4-Yrs) in Management or equivalent
(Self-Supporting Evening
Program) And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21,Page (8)
Admission Criteria: Basic
Total Merit Res.
60 60 00 Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

Xvi M Phil Management Eligibility:

(Regular Program) Relevant Master Degree/ BS (4-Yrs)in Management or equivalent
Total Merit Res. And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21,Page (8)
15 15 00
Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

Xvii M Phil Management Eligibility:

(Self-Supporting Relevant Master Degree/ BS (4-Yrs)in Management or equivalent
Afternoon Program)
And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21,Page (8)
Total Merit Res.
Admission Criteria: Basic
20 20 00
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria
Xviii Ph. D Eligibility:
MS/M. Phil Management
(Regular Program)
And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
Total Merit Res.
10 10 00 Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

2. Institute of Business Administration:

Sr. Name of Program/

No. No. of Seats Criteria laid down for admission

i BBA Eligibility:
(Morning ) Intermediate or equivalent examination
Total Merit Res.
49 41 08 Admission Criteria: Basic
Additional Marks:
BBA Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
(Afternoon/ I.Com students. 40 Marks
Self Supporting) Any of the following as Elective subject: 20 marks
(Maximum of 40marks)
Total Merit Res. Statistics, Mathematics, Economics each:
60 56 04
Merit Formula:
Academic Record: 100%
- 47 -

ii Executive MBA Eligibility:

Self Supporting) The candidates holding 16 years of education from any HEC recognized
institution with at least 2nd division and must have minimum 3 years of
Total Merit Res. professional experience.
150 150 00 And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
* Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

iii MBA (1 ½ Years) Eligibility:

BBA Hons (4-Years) Business Administration
Total Merit Res.
80 40+40*00 And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
Graduates only. Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

iv M.Phil Eligibility:
Business Administration MBA (2-Yrs)/ BBA-Hons (4-Yrs) Business Administration.

Total Merit Res. And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21,Page (8)
20 20 00 Admission criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

vi Ph.D Eligibility:
Business Administration
MBA with thesis/M.Phil Business Administration.
Total Merit Res. And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21,Page (8)
10 10 00
Admission criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

1. Institute of Business & Information Technology:

Sr. Name of Program/

Criteria laid down for admission
No. No. of Seats
i BBIT Eligibility:
(Regular) Intermediate or equivalent qualification
Total Merit Res. Admission Criteria: Basic
90 80 10 Additional Marks:
Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
Merit Formula
Academic record: 100%
ii BBIT Eligibility:
Intermediate or equivalent qualification
Total Merit Res. Admission Criteria: Basic
90 86 04
Additional Marks:
Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
Merit Formula:
Academic record: 100%
- 48 -

iii MBIT (1½ Years) Eligibility:

(12 Seats each for Finance, Marketing and IT Specialization)
BBIT Graduates from IBIT – PU only
Total Merit Res.
36 36 00 And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria
Academic record: 100%

4. Department of Economics:

Sr. Name of Program/

Criteria laid down for admission
No. No. of Seats

i M.Sc Eligibility:
Economics (Morning) BA/ B.Sc Second division marks in Economics
Total Merit Res. B.Com Second division marks in Economics
70 60 10
Seat Distribution (Merit)
BA/ B.Sc 50
B.Com 05
Graduates with PGDAE (PU) 05
Admission Criteria: Basic
Additional Marks:
Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
Subject Marks:
● Marks of Economics out of 200 Marks
● Statistics or Mathematics (Elective or Optional):
● ¼ marks of the subject in which the marks are higher
● Statistics or Mathematics of 100 marks in B. Com:
● ¼ marks of the subject in which the marks are higher.
M. Sc ● For PGDAE Graduates:
Economics Basic Criteria plus total marks obtained in PGDAE out of 1000.
(Self Supporting/
Replica) Merit Formula:
Academic record 100%
Total Merit Res.
70 66 04 ● The applicants on extra curricular seats must fulfill the eligibility
criteria for admission of the Department of Economics.

ii Master in Business Eligibility and Distribution of Seats:

Economics (MBEcon)
BA/ B.Sc/ B.Com 2nd division marks in Economics.
(Self Supporting)
BA/B.Sc/ B.Com 61
Graduates with PGDAE (PU) 05
Total Merit Res.
70 66 04 Admission Criteria: Basic

Additional Marks:
Subject Marks:
● Marks of Economics out of 200 Marks
● ¼ marks of the Subject either Statistics or Mathematics of 200
- 49 -

Marks elective or optional) in which the marks are higher.

● ¼ marks of the Subject (either Statistics or Mathematics of 100
Marks in B.Com) in which the marks are higher.
● For PGDAE graduates, Basic Criteria plus total marks obtained in
PGDAE out of 1000.

1. Hafiz-e-Quran 20 Marks
Merit Formula:
Academic record 100%

iii Ph.D. Economics Eligibility:

M.Phil/MS Economics or equivalent
Total Merit Res. And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
10 10 00
Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

iv M.Phil Economics Eligibility:

(Morning) MA/M.Sc /MBEcon/ BS 4-Years Economics or equivalentdegree
Total Merit Res. And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
20 20 00 Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

v M.Phil Economics Eligibility:

(Weekend Self- MA/M.Sc /MBEcon/ BS 4-Years Economics or equivalent
And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
Total Merit Res. Admission Criteria: Basic
40 40 00 Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

vi Post Graduate Diploma Eligibility:

in Applied Economics
BA/ B.Sc/ B.Com/MBBS/BSc.Engg./BBA or Equivalent.
No age limit for admission.
(Self Supporting)
Admission Criteria: Basic
Total Merit Res.
140 140 00 Additional Marks:
Subject Marks: /5 Marks in Economics
Merit Formula:

Academic Record: 100%

vii BS (4-Yrs) Economics Eligibility:

(Regular Program) F.A/F.Sc./A-levels or equivalent
Total Merit Res. Admission criteria: Basic
60 50 10
Additional Marks:
Hafiz-e-Qur‟an 20 Marks
Elective Subjects Marks:
Economics 10 Marks
- 50 -

Statistics 05 Marks
Mathematics 05 Marks
Merit Formula:
Academic Record 100%

viii BS (4-Yrs) Economics Eligibility:

(Self-Supporting F.A/F.Sc./A-levels or equivalent
Admission criteria: Basic
Total Merit Res. Additional Marks:
60 56 04 Hafiz-e-Qur‟an 20 Marks
Elective Subjects Marks:
Economics 10 Marks
Statistics 05 Marks
Mathematics 05 Marks
Merit Formula:
Academic Record 100%

5. Department of Information Management:

Sr. Name of Program/

Criteria laid down for admission
No. No. of Seats
i MA in Information Eligibility:
Management(Morning) BA/ B.Sc or equivalent.
Admission Criteria: Basic
Total Merit Res.
Additional Marks:
38 30 08
2. Elective subject of Lib. & Information
3. Science in B.A. 10 Marks
4. Optional subject of Library & Information 05 Marks
MA in Information Science in BA
Management B.Sc./B.C.S. 10 Marks
(Self Supporting) 5. Hafiz-e-Quran 20 Marks
Total Merit Res. Merit Formula:
38 36 02 Academic record: 100%

ii M.Phil in Information Eligibility:

Management M.A in Information Management/Lib. & Information Science
Departmental Test & Interview.
Total Merit Res.
20 20 00 And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

iii Ph.D in Information Eligibility:

Management M. Phil in Information Management/Lib. & Information Science
with minimum CGPA 3.00/4.00
Total Merit Res. Departmental test & Interview.
15 15 00
- 51 -

And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)

Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria


1. Department of Special Education:

Sr. Name of Program/

Criteria laid down for admission
No. No. of Seats
i MA Eligibility:
Special Education
BA/ B.Sc
(Regular Program)
Admission Criteria: Basic
Total Merit Res.
63 48 ( 08+07*) Additional Marks:
i) *In Service Teachers =02 i) Any of the following elective subjects in BA/ B.Sc
ii) *Disabled persons = 05
Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology,
a) 1 seat for student with Mathematics, History, Islamic Studies,
visual impairment. English Literature, Urdu Literature,
Arabic, Home Economics: 20 Marks
b) 1 seat for student with
hearing impairment. ii) Hafiz-e-Quran 20 Marks

c) 1 seat for student with Merit Formula:

physical impairment. Academic record: 100%
d) 2 seats on merit within
students with special
needs with physical

ii MA Eligibility:
Special Education BA/ B.Sc
(Self Supporting)
Admission Criteria: Basic
Total Merit Res. Additional Marks:
60 56 04
i) Any of the following elective subjects in BA/ B.Sc
Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology,
Mathematics, History, Islamic Studies,
English Literature, Urdu Literature, Arabic,
Home Economics: 20 Marks
ii) Hafiz-e-Quran 20 marks

Merit Formula:
Academic record: 100%

iii M.Phil in Special Eligibility:

(Regular Program) 1. Master degree in Special Education or in the relevant subject from a
recognized University ( at least 16 years of education as per HEC
- 52 -

Total Merit Res. rules.

15 15 00 2. All candidates will have to qualify admission test and interview
conducted by the department :

And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)

Admission Criteria: Basic

iv M.Phil in Special Eligibility:

Education 1. Master degree in Special Education or in the relevant subject from a
(Self-Supporting recognized University ( at least 16 years of education as per HEC
Program) rules.
2. All candidates will have to qualify admission test and interview
Total Merit Res. conducted by the department :
15 15 00
And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
Admission Criteria: Basic

2. Institute of Education & Research:

Sr. Name of Program/
Criteria laid down for admission
No. No. of Seats
i MA Education Eligibility:
Elementary BA/ B.Sc
Total Merit Res. One subject with English compulsory 200 marks from the core or elective
school subjects is compulsory for eligibility.
40 32 08
Admission Criteria: Basic
MA Education
Additional Marks:
Elementary Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
(Self Supporting) NCC/W.G: 20 Marks
Core Subject: 20 marks
Total Merit Res.
40 38 02 Merit Formula:
Academic Record 100%

ii MA Education Eligibility:
Secondary BA/ B.Sc
One subject with English compulsory 200 marks from the core or elective
Total Merit Res.
school subjects is compulsory for eligibility.
40 32 08
Admission Criteria: Basic
MA Education Additional Marks:
Secondary Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
(Self Supporting) NCC/WG: 20 Marks
Core Subject: 20 Marks

Total Merit Res.

Merit Formula:
40 38 02 Academic Record 100%
M.A. Education Eligibility:
iii Early Childhood BA/ B.Sc/ B.Sc Home Economics
Total Merit Res. One subject with English compulsory 200 marks from the core or elective
40 32 08 school subjects is compulsory for eligibility.
- 53 -

Admission Criteria: Basic

M.A. Education Additional Marks:
Early Childhood Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
(Self Supporting) NCC/WG: 20 Marks
Core Subject: 20 Marks
Total Merit Res. PGD in Montessori Teaching 20 Marks
40 38 02
Merit Formula:
Academic Record: 100%

iv M.A. Education Eligibility:

Islamic B.A.
One subject with English compulsory 200 marks from the core or elective
Total Merit Res. school subjects is compulsory for eligibility, including one subject of 200
40 32 08 marks Islamiyat or Arabic.
Admission Criteria: Basic
M.A. Education
Additional Marks:
Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
(Self Supporting)
NCC/WG: 20 Marks
Elective Arabic or Islamic Studies: 20 Marks
Total Merit Res.
40 38 02 Merit Formula:
Academic Record 100%

v MA Eligibility:
English Language BA
Teaching and Linguistics
One subject with English compulsory 200 marks from the core or elective
school subjects is compulsory for eligibility.
Total Merit Res.
Preference will be given in the following order:
40 32 08
i. B.A (English Literature of 200 Marks as an elective course)
MA ii. BA (Compulsory 200 Marks)
English Language
Teaching and Linguistics Admission Criteria: Basic
(Self Supporting) Additional Marks:
Hafiz-e-Quran 20 Marks
Total Merit Res. NCC/WG: 20 Marks
40 38 02 PGD ELTL (One year) 20 Marks
Merit Formula:
Academic Record 100%

vi Master of Business Eligibility:

Education (MBE) BBA (2-Yrs)/ B.Com/B.A. or B.Sc. with one subject from Stat/ Math/ Eco.
Total Merit Res. Admission Criteria: Basic
40 32 08 Additional Marks:
B.A./B.Sc. 06, B.Com.26 Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
NCC/WG: 20 Marks
Master of Business
Education (MBE) Merit Formula:
(Self Supporting) Academic Record 100%
Total Merit Res.
40 38 02
B.A./B.Sc. 12, B.Com. 26
vii Master of Science Eligibility:
Education ( MS Ed) B.Sc. with any two of the following subjects:
- 54 -

Total Merit Res. Botany, Zoology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics A Course, Mathematics
40 32 08 B Course and Computer Science.
Admission Criteria: Basic
Master of Science
Education ( MS Ed) Additional Marks:
(Self Supporting) Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
NCC/WG: 20 Marks
Total Merit Res. Merit Formula:
40 38 02 Academic Record: 100%

viii Master of Technology Eligibility:

Education (MTE) Preference will be given according to the following order:-
Total Merit Res. 1. B.Tech (Pass)/B.Tech. (Hons.)/B.S. Tech/BSc.H.Eco (Only with
40 32 08 area of specialization Art and Craft)/BFA (Fine Arts)/ B.Arch.
2. D.A.E with B.A./B.Sc
3. Intermediate with any one of the following subjects:-
Master of Technology Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & B.A./B.Sc. with two
Education (MTE) subjects from the core or elective school subjects are compulsory for
(Self Supporting) eligibility.
Admission Criteria: Basic
Total Merit Res.
Additional Marks:
40 38 02
Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
NCC/WG: 20 Marks
Certificate in Technical Education
of at least one year (excluding DAE): 10 Marks
Merit Formula:
Academic Record 100%

ix M.A. Educational Eligibility:

Research and Assessment
BA/ B.Sc
Total Merit Res. One subject with English compulsory 200 marks from the core or elective
40 32 08 school subjects is compulsory for eligibility.
Admission Criteria: Basic
M.A. Educational
Research and Assessment Additional Marks:
(Self Supporting) Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
NCC/WG: 20 Marks
Total Merit Res. Education/Stat./Math./Psychology 20 Marks
40 38 02
Merit Formula:
Academic Record: 100%

x B.Ed (Hons) Eligibility:

Elementary (4-Years) FA/F.Sc or equivalent with English and Urdu compulsory at least in 2 nd Division with
two elective subject from the following: (Urdu Elective, English Literature, Islamiyat,
Total Merit Res. Arabic, History, Geography, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology, Home
40 32 08 Economics, Computer Sciences, Psychology, Philosophy, Education, Statistics,
B.Ed (Hons) Sociology, Social Work, Economics, Pakistan Studies, Civics, Fine Arts).
Elementary (4 Years) Admission Criteria: Basic
(Self Supporting) Additional Marks:
Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
NCC/WG: 20 Marks
Total Merit Res.
Merit Formula:
40 38 02
Academic Record 100%
- 55 -

xiii B.S.Ed (4-Years) Eligibility:

F.Sc (Pre-Medical/Pre-Engineering)/ICS or equivalent with English and Urdu
Total Merit Res. Compulsory plus any two subjects from the following:
40 32 08
Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Physics and Mathematics

Admission Criteria: Basic

B.S.Ed (4-Years)
(Self Supporting) Additional Marks:
Hafiz-e-Quran 20 Marks
Total Merit Res. Merit Formula:
40 38 02 Academic Record 100%

xii M.Phil in Education Eligibility:

1. Mater‟s degree in education or equivalent (16-years of education;
Total Merit Res. 130 credit hours) as per HEC rules.
40 40 00 2. All candidates will have to qualify admission test and interview
conducted by the Institute.
(20 each section)
Admission Criteria: Academic Qualifications 40
Admission Test 40
Professional Experience 05
Publications 05
Interview 10

xiii M.Phil in Education Eligibility:

(Evening/ Weekend) 1. Master‟s Degree in Education or equivalent (16-years of education;
130 credit hours) as per HEC rules.
Total Merit Res.
2. All candidates will have to qualify admission test and interview
40 40 00 conducted by the Institute.
(20 each section) Admission Criteria: Academic Qualifications 40
Admission Test 40
Professional Experience 05
Publications 05
Interview 10

xiv Ph.D in Education Eligibility:

1. M.Phil/MS/Equivalent in Education in First Division/CGPA
Total Merit Res. 3.00/4.00 from a HEC recognized University.
15 15 00 2. The candidates will have to qualify admission test and interview
conducted by the Institute.

Admission Criteria: Academic Qualifications 40

Admission Test 40
Professional Experience 05
Publications 05
Interview 10

Ph.D in Education Eligibility:

xv (Evening/ Weekend) 1. M. Phil/MS/Equivalent in Education in First Division/CGPA
- 56 -

3.00/4.00from a HEC recognized University.

Total Merit Res. 2. The candidates will have to qualify admission test and interview
15 15 00 conducted by the Institute.
Admission Criteria: Academic Qualifications 40
Admission Test 40
Professional Experience 05
Publications 05
Interview 10

xvi B.Ed (1.5 Year) Eligibility:

(Self-Supporting) MA/MSc or BA/BS (Hons) or equivalent qualification at least in 2 nd Division in the
Program subject of English/Pakistan.
Studies/History/Geography/Political Science/Urdu/Physical Education/ Physics/
Total Merit Res. Chemistry/ Biology/Math/Botany/Zoology/Biochemistry/Statistics/ Psychology/ Art
& Experimental Craft/Fine Arts/Home Economics/ Electronics/ Electrical
Engineering/Civil Engineering/ Architectural Engineering/ Drafting Graphic
Design/Computer Science/IT/Arabic/B.A with Shahdat-ul-Almia/Islamic Studies &
Fine Arts.
Admission Criteria:
Marks allocated against %age marks (Annual System)
Course/Degree 45% 50% 55% 60% 70% ≥80%
Matriculation or equivalent 5 10 12.5 18.75 21.25 25
F.A./F.Sc. or equivalent 5 10 12.5 18.75 21.25 25
B.A./B.Sc. or equivalent 5 10 12.5 18.75 21.25 25
M.A./M.Sc. or equivalent 5 10 12.5 18.75 21.25 25
(pass course)
Marks allocated against CGPA (Semester System)
Course/Degree 2.0 2.5 2.7 3.0 3.4 ≥3.8
M.A./M.Sc or equivalent 7.5 12.5 15 18.75 21.25 25
BS (Hons) 4-Yrs 12.5 25 30 37.50 42.50 50
Marks allocated for Overall Percentage Marks
Course/Degree (if CGPA is not mentioned)
60% 65% 70% 75% 80% ≥85%
M.A./M.Sc. or equivalent 7.50 12.50 16.25 18.75 21.25 25

Merit Formula:
Academic Record: 100%


1. Institute of Islamic Studies:
Sr. Name of Program/
Criteria laid down for admission
No. No. of Seats

BS Islamic Studies Eligibility:

i F.A/F.Sc. or any equivalent degree as per Govt. notification.
(Specialization: Study of
World Religions) Admission Criteria Basic
(Self-Supporting) Hafiz-e-Quran 20 Marks
Total Merit Res. Academic Record: 100%
69 65 04
(Subject to qualifying the test by interview committee)
- 57 -

ii MA Eligibility:
Islamic Studies B.A/B.Sc/B.Comor any equivalent degree as per Govt. notification.
(Regular Program)
Admission Criteria: Basic
Total Merit Res.
Additional Marks:
107 97 10
Subject Marks (Elective Islamic Studies) Total marks will be added
Social Sciences:
50% Marks of total obtained Marks of one Social Science subject will be
Qari (with certificate of Qiraat from
reputed Madrassa) 05 Marks
Arabic Elective in B.A. 20 Marks
Fazil-e-Dars-e-Nizami 10 Marks
Fazil-e-Arabic 05 Marks
Hafiz-e-Quran 20 marks
(Subject to qualifying the test by interview committee)
Merit Formula: As per University rules
Academic record: 100%
*In case of two Social Sciences Subjects (Political Science, Economics,
Psychology, Education, History, Sociology etc.) higher marks will be added.
*A test will be conducted to test the correctness of Quranic Recitation of
each candidate & failing person will not be considered for admission.
iii MA Eligibility:
Islamic Studies B.A./B.Sc/B.Comor any equivalent degree as per Govt. notification
Admission Criteria: Basic
Total Merit Res. Additional Marks:
64 60 04 Subject Marks (Elective Islamic Studies) Total marks will be added
Social Sciences:
50% Marks of total obtained, Marks of one Social Science subject will be added.

Qari (with certificate of Qiraat from

reputed Madrassa) 05 Marks
Arabic Elective in B.A. 20 Marks
Fazil-e-Dars-e-Nizami 10 Marks
Fazil-e-Arabic 05 Marks
Hafiz-e-Quran 20 marks
Merit Formula:
Academic record: 100%
*In case of two Social Sciences Subjects (Political Science, Economics, Psychology,
Education, History, Sociology etc.) higher marks will be added.
*A test will be conducted to test the correctness of Quranic Recitation of each
candidate and failing person will not be considered for admission.
iv M. Phil Eligibility:
Islamic Studies MA Islamic Studies or any equivalent (according to the University Rules
& Regulations)
Total Merit Res. Departmental Entry Test.
30 30 00
And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21,Page (8)
Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria
- 58 -

v M.Phil Islamic Studies: Eligibility:

Specialization in Study of MA Islamic Studies or any equivalent (according to the University Rules
World Religions & Regulations)
(Self Supporting)
Departmental Entry Test.
Total Merit Res. And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2019-20,page (8)
40 40 00 Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

vi M.Phil Islamic Studies: Eligibility:

Specialization in Islamic MA Islamic Studies or any equivalent (according to the University Rules
Economics & Regulations)
(Self Supporting) Departmental Entry Test.
Total Merit Res. And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21,Page (8)
40 40 00 Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

vii Ph.D Eligibility:

Islamic Studies M. Phil Islamic Studies or equivalent to M.Phil (according to the
University Rules and Regulations) Div.Ist/CGPA:3.00
Total Merit Res.
Departmental Entry Test.
15 15 00
And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

2. Sheikh Zayed Islamic Centre:

Sr. Name of Program/

Criteria laid down for admission
No. No. of Seats
i BS Eligibility:
Islamic Studies
Intermediate or equivalent examination
Total Merit Res Admission Criteria: Basic
M F Additional Marks:
126 52 + 52 22
Hafiz-e-Quran 20 marks
Merit Formula:
Academic record: 100%

ii M. Phil
Islamic Studies MA/ BS Islamic Studies or equivalent

Total Merit Res.

And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
30 30 00 Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria
- 59 -

iii Ph.D Eligibility:

Islamic Studies MS/ M. Phil Islamic Studies or equivalent

Total Merit Res. And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21,Page (8)
15 15 00 Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria


1. Department of Arabic:
Sr. Name of Program/
Criteria laid down for admission
No. No. of Seats
i MA Eligibility:
The admission shall be made in order of preference as follows:
Total Merit Res. 1. 1. B.A. Examination with Arabic (Elective).
54 46 08 2. 2. Candidates having Graduate with one year Diploma in Arabic from
3. Department of Arabic, Punjab University or equivalent diploma.
4. 3. Candidates having Arabic (Optional) in B.A.

5. Admission Criteria: Basic

1. Additional Marks:
2. Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
3. Fazil e Dars e Nizami (Recognized) 15 Marks
4. Fazil e Arabic: 05 Marks
6. Merit Formula:
7. Basic criteria plus marks in Arabic (Elective)

ii MS/M.Phil Eligibility:
Arabic M.A. Arabic or BS 4-Yrs Arabic
University Based Test, Minimum Qualifying Score:
Total Merit Res. 50% Cumulative Score.
30 30 00
And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21,Page (8)
Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

iii Ph.D Eligibility:

M. Phil Arabic
Total Merit Res. University Based Test, Minimum Qualifying Score:
10 10 00 70% Cumulative Score.

And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21,Page (8)

Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria
- 60 -

iv Diploma in Arabic Eligibility:

Seats: Intermediate or equivalent
All eligible candidates are
admitted. Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

2. Department of Kashmiryat:

Sr. Name of Program/

Criteria laid down for admission
No. No. of Seats
i MA Eligibility:
Kashmir Studies
 Kashmiryat (Elective) in B.A.
Total Merit Res.  Kashmiryat (Optional) in B.A.
31 18 (08+05*)  B.A. Degree with Diploma in Kashmiri Language.
B.A. with one of the following subjects (Elective)
* (5 graduates from Azad
Urdu Literature, Persian, Arabic, Punjabi, Journalism, Islamic Studies,
English Literature, Sociology, History, Political Science & Pakistan Studies
Admission Criteria: Basic
Additional Marks:
Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
Merit Formula:
Academic record: 100%

ii MS/ M.Phil Eligibility:

Kashmir Studies M.A. Kashmiryat
And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
Total Merit Res.
10 10 00 Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

iii Ph.D Eligibility:

Kashmir Studies M.Phil Kashmiryat/ Kashmir studies
Total Merit Res. And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
10 10 00
Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

iv Diploma in Eligibility:
Kashmiri Language Matric/O-Level
Admission Criteria: Basic
Total Merit Res.
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria
- 61 -

3. Department of Persian:
Sr. Name of Program/
Criteria laid down for admission
No. No. of Seats
i MA Eligibility:
Persian The admission shall be madein order of preference as follows:
1) Fresh candidates having B.A with Persian as an Elective subject
Total Merit Res.
2) Fresh candidates having Fazil-e-Farsi
54 46 08
3) Fresh candidates having BA with Persian,as an optional subject
4) Fresh candidates having Oriental Language other than Persian.
5) If seats are available students of the previous years may also be
considered as per University Rules in above mentioned order of
Admission Criteria: Basic
Additional Marks:
Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
Merit Formula:
Academic record: 100%

ii MS/M.Phil Eligibility:
MA / BS Persian
Total Merit Res. And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
20 20 00
Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria.

iii Ph.D Eligibility:

MS/ M. Phil Persian
And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-2`, Page (8)
Total Merit Res.
15 15 00 Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

iv Persian Eligibility:
Language Diploma
Seats: Admission Criteria: Basic
All eligible candidates are Merit Formula:
admitted. Academic Record: 100%

4. Department of Punjabi:

Sr. Name of Program/

Criteria laid down for admission
No. No. of Seats
i MAPunjabi Eligibility:
(Annual System) The admission shall be made in order of preference as follows:-
Total Merit Res. i) Fresh candidates having B.A. with Punjabi as elective subject.
53 45 08
ii) Fresh candidates having B.A. with Arabic/Persian/Urdu/ Saraiki/
English as elective subject.
- 62 -

iii) Fresh candidates having B.A. with Punjabi as optional subject.

iv) Fresh candidates having B.A. with Arabic/Persian/Urdu/Saraiki as

optional subject.
v) If seats are available students of the previous years may also be
considered as per University rules in above mentioned order of
Admission Criteria: Basic
Additional Marks:
Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
Merit Formula:
Academic record: 100%

ii M.Phil Eligibility:
Total Merit Res. MA Punjabi/BS Punjabi (4-Yrs) from a recognized University (At least 16-
20 20 00 Yrs education).
And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-2`, Page (8)
Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

iii Ph.D. Eligibility:

Total Merit Res. M.Phil degree with CGPA 3.0 (At least 18 years of education)
10 10 00 And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

5. Department of Urdu:
Sr. Name of Program/
Criteria laid down for admission
No. No. of Seats
i MA Eligibility:
B.A with Urdu/ Arabic/ Persian/ Punjabi/ English elective
Total Merit Res. Or Urdu/Arabic/ Persian/ Punjabi Optional.
75 65 10 Eligibility for the candidates who are admitted against the Reserved Seats is
same as above.
Those who have passed B.A Examination with Urdu as an additional subject
are also eligible; however, they will not be treated as fresh candidates.
Admission Criteria: Basic
The Order of Preference of subject marks is as under:
i. Urdu as elective Subject.
ii. Urdu as optional subject.
iii. Arabic/ Persian/ Punjabi/ English as elective Subject.
iv. Arabic/ Persian/ Punjabi/ as optional subject.
Additional Marks:
Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
Merit Formula:
Academic record: 100%
- 63 -

ii M.Phil
Urdu MA-Urdu/BS-Urdu (4-Years) from a recognized University.(at least 16
years of education)
Total Merit Res. And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
40 40 00
Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

iii Eligibility:
Urdu M.Phil/MS(Urdu) degree with CGPA 3.0. .(At least 18 years of education)

Total Merit Res.

And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
30 30 00 Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

6. Department of Hindi Language:

Sr. Name of Program/
Criteria laid down for admission
No. No. of Seats
i Diploma in Hindi Eligibility:
Language (2 Semester)
Total Merit Res.


1. Hailey College of Commerce:
Sr. Name of Program/
No. Criteria laid down for admission
No. of Seats
I B.Com. Hons.(4 Yrs.) Eligibility:
(Morning Program)
Intermediate or equivalent (at least 2nd Division)
Total Merit Res.
215 200 15 Admission Criteria: Basic

B.Com Hons. (4 Yrs.) Additional Marks:

(Self-Supporting) Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
Total Merit Res. Merit Formula:
206 200 06 Academic Record 100%
Ii BS (Accounting & Eligibility:
Finance) (4
Intermediate or equivalent (at least 2nd Division)
Years)(Morning Program)
Total Merit Res. Admission Criteria: Basic
115 100 15
Additional Marks:
BS (Accounting & Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
Finance) (4 Years)(Self-
|Supporting Program) Merit Formula:
Academic Record 100%
Total Merit Res.
106 100 06
- 64 -

Iii B.Com (Hons.) Eligibility:

B.Com (Hons.) 5th Sem.
Duration: 2-Years B.Com (2-Years) (at least 2nd Division) or equivalent graduation in
(Morning Program) business studies
Total Merit Res. Admission Criteria: Basic
96 86 10
Additional Marks:
B.Com (Hons.) Hafiz-e-Quran 20 Marks
B.Com. (Hons.) 5th Sem.
Duration: 2-Years Merit Formula:
(Self Supporting) Academic Record: 100%
Total Merit Res.
98 94 04

Iv M.Com Eligibility:
Duration: 2-Years
(Morning Program) B.Com (Hons) 4-Years program or equivalent graduation in business
Total Merit Res.
50 50 00 And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21,Page (8)

M.Com Admission Criteria: As specified by HEC

Duration: 2-Years
(Self Supporting) Admission Formula: As per basic criteria
Total Merit Res.
50 50 00

V MS/ M.Phil.Commerce Eligibility:

Total Merit Res. B.Com 4 Years program/ M.Com 2- Years or equivalent
20 20 00
And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)

Admission Criteria: As specified by HEC

Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

vi Ph.D Eligibility:
M.Phil in Commerce/MS in Commerce or M.Com (18-Yrs of Education)
Total Merit Res. having 6-Yrs Commerce/Business Education
20 20 00
And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21,Page (8)

Admission Criteria: As specified By HEC

Merit Formula: As per basic criteria
- 65 -

2. Hailey College of Banking & Finance:

Sr. Name of Program/

Criteria laid down for admission
No. No. of Seats

i BBA(Hons) Morning Eligibility:

with specializations:-
FA/ F.Sc/ I.Com or equivalent (with at least 2nd division)
a) Banking & Finance
b) Insurance and Risk 40 marks for I.Com & 20 Marks each for (Stats, Math & Eco) as Elective
Management Subjects of 200 Marks at Intermediate level(Maximum of 40 marks.)
Age limit 24 Years
Total Merit Res. Admission Criteria: Basic
140 118 22
Additional Marks:
Specialization will be I.Com students: 40Marks
offered after successful Elective Subject: 40 Marks
completion of 4th Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
Merit Formula:
Academic Record 100%

ii BBA(2-Years) Eligibility:
(Morning Program) B.A.B.Sc/B.Com 14-Years Education or equivalent (with at least 2 nd division)
Total Merit Res. 40 marks for B.Com & 20 Marks each for (Stats, Math & Eco) as Elective
140 118 22 Subjects of 200 Marks at Graduation level(Maximum of 40 marks.)
Age limit 26 years.
Admission Criteria: Basic

Additional Marks:
B.Com students: 40Marks
Elective Subject: 40 Marks
Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
Merit Formula:
Academic Record 100%

iii BBA(2-Years) Eligibility:

(Evening Program)
B.A.B.Sc/B.Com 14-Years Education or equivalent (with at least 2 nd division)
Total Merit Res. 40 marks for B.Com & 20 Marks each for (Stats, Math & Eco) as Elective
177 150 27 Subjects of 200 Marks at Graduation level(Maximum of 40 marks.)
Age limit 26 years.
Admission Criteria: Basic

Additional Marks:
B.Com students: 40Marks
Elective Subject: 40 Marks
Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
Merit Formula:
Academic Record 100%
- 66 -

iv MBA (2-Yrs) Morning Eligibility:

with specializations:-

a) Banking & Finance BBA (Hons)/B.Com (Hons)/16 Years Business related education (with at
b) Insurance and Risk least 2nd division)
c) Islamic Banking Age limit: 26-Years
d) Innovation &
Management And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)

Total Merit Res. Admission Criteria: As specified By HEC

160 160 00
Merit Formula:
Break up of Seats Academic Record 70%
50% = HCBF only Entry Test 30%
50% = Others

v MBA (2-Yrs) Evening Eligibility:

with specializations:-
BBA (Hons)/B.Com (Hons)/16 Years Business related education (with at
a) Banking & Finance least 2nd division)
b) Insurance and Risk
Management No Session and age limits.
c) Islamic Banking And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
d) Innovation &
Management Admission Criteria: As specified By HEC

Total Merit Res. Merit Formula:

150 150 00
Academic Record 70%
Entry Test 30%


1. University Law College:
Name of Program/
No. of Seats Criteria laid down for admission
i LLB 5-Yrs Eligibility:
Morning Program
FA/F. Sc/ A-Level or equivalent with minimum55% Marks
(Annual System)
Admission Criteria: Basic
Total Merit Res.
250 220 30* 1. 30% of HEC LAT (Entry Test) qualified +
2. 25% obtained marks of Matric/O-Level +
3. Total marks obtained in F.A./F.Sc/A-Level
Additional Marks:
1. Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
3. 25 marks for maximum two subjects from the
following list studied as Elective Subjects in
F.A./F.Sc/ A-Level.
LLB 5-Yrs
Self-Supporting (1) Civics, (2) Philosophy, (3) English Literature
(Afternoon) Program *Reserved Seats:-
(Annual System) *
Children/Spouses/real brothers or 1% (with a minimum of one seat)
- 67 -

Total Merit Res. sisters (in this order of priority) of approved by the Vice-Chancellor
250 238 12* lawyers with at least 10-Years lawyer vide letter No.4349/Acad, dated
court standing 25-10-2012.
*As per University Policy *
Children of Judicial Officer (Judges) One seat only
Other categories As per University policy

Merit Formula:
Academic Record 70%
Entry Test 30%

ii LLM (Morning) Eligibility:

Total Merit Res. 1. LL.B. degree:

* 2. Entry Test: | Conducted by the University Law College
35 35 00
3. Interview: |
LLM (Self-Supporting)
N.B. All equivalence certificates be produced at the time of
Total Merit Res.
** submission of applications.
35 35 00

*&** Subject to approval

by the Graduate Studies

vi Ph.D. in Law & Eligibility:

Human Rights
LL.M. or equivalent degree with minimum CGPA= 3.0 or first division as
Seats: as per HEC rules per HEC rules.

Admission Criteria :
1. Academic qualification marks 40% Marks
2. Subject written Entry Test marks 40% Marks
3. Interview marks 10 % Marks
4. Publications in HEC approved marks 05% Marks
journals/exhibitions/Design Projects
(One mark for each publication)
5. Professional experience in relevant marks 05% Marks
Field (one mark for each year for job in the
Relevant field/as per Departmental Preference.


Minimum 50% are the qualifying marks in category mentioned as Sr. No.1
& 3, i.e. a candidate must obtain at least 20 marks in academic qualification
and at least 5 marks in interview separately. However, minimum 70% marks
(28 marks) are required in entry test at Sr.No.2 to qualify for admission in
Ph.D Program as per HEC policy.
- 68 -


1. College of Pharmacy:

Sr. Name of Programs/

Criteria Laid down for Admission
No. No. of Seats
i M. Phil Pharmacy Eligibility and Distribution of seats:
(Morning Program)
Pharmacy Graduates (B.Pharm./Pharm.D) from HEC & PCP recognized
Total Merit Res.
78 78* 00 Entry test will be conducted in the following disciplines by the College.
* Details of Seats in the following disciplines for the graduates of the
The number of seats will University of the Punjab:
finally be decided based on
the number of supervisors Pharmaceutics 17
available. Pharmaceutical Chemistry 14
Pharmacology 14
Pharmacognosy 14
Pharmacy Practice 14

01 seat reserved for each of above said disciplines for the graduates from
other Universities.

And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)

Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

ii M. Phil Pharmacy Eligibility and Distribution of Seats:

(Self Supporting Pharmacy Graduates (B.Pharm./Pharm.D) from HEC & PCP recognized
Evening Program) Institutes.

Total Merit Res. Entry test will be conducted in the following disciplines by the College.
90 90* 00 Details of Seats in the following disciplines for the graduates of the
University of the Punjab:
The number of seats will Pharmaceutics 17
finally be decided based on Pharmaceutical Chemistry 17
the number of supervisors Pharmacology 17
available. Pharmacognosy 17
Pharmacy Practice 17
01 seat reserved for each of above said disciplines for the graduates from
other Universities.
And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria
iii Ph.D. Eligibility:
Pharmacy M. Phil Pharmacy in respective discipline as per HEC criteria from HEC
& PCP approved Institutes.
Total Merit Res.
20* 20* 00 Entry test will be conducted in the following disciplines by the College.

i) 5* seats in each of the following disciplines for the M.Phil or
The number of seats will the University of the Punjab.
finally be decided based on
- 69 -

the number of supervisors Pharmaceutics

available. Pharmaceutical Chemistry

ii) Overall 01 seat reserved on merit for M.Phil Pharmacy in

respective discipline from other University.

And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)

Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

iv Pharm.- D Eligibility:
Doctor of Pharmacy
(Morning Program) F.Sc. Pre-Medical with 60% marks or equivalent examination.
(Applications for migration
B. Sc after F. Sc Pre-Medical 60% marks or equivalent examination.
from other Universities will
not be entertained at any The candidates, whose parents possess domicile of Punjab Province and
stage during academic have been serving in other provinces and they have qualified from / Board
session) Universities of other provinces, will also be eligible to apply for
admission on open merit seats by giving cogent reasons to substantiate
Total Merit Res.
their claim.
181*99+**16=115 66***

*seats for F. Sc
**seats for B. Sc
***Details of Reserved Seats
P.U. Teacher‟s Son/Daughter 04
P.U. Employee‟s Son
/Daughter 04 Admission Criteria:
Pakistani Expatriate son/ Minimum Academic Requirements for admission of Pharm.D as laid down
Daughter (Self Finance by Govt. of Pakistan under Pharmacy Act,
Scheme) 05
Disabled Person 03 Additional Marks:
Sports 03
Co-curricular Activities 03 Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
Azad Jammu & Kashmir 01
Gilgit Biltistan & Northern
Areas 01
Merit Formula:
Pharmaceutical Industry 03
Foreign Students under Admission Criteria: Basic
(P.T.A.P) 14
Foreign Students
Self Finance Scheme 12
Foreign Students
Central Asian Region 03
Special Seats for Bangladesh
Students 05
Army 01
Balochistan 01
Pharmacist Son/Daughter 03

v Pharm. – D Eligibility:
Doctor of Pharmacy
(Evening Program) F.Sc. Pre-Medical with 60% marks or equivalent
B.Sc after F. Sc Pre-Medical 60% marks or equivalent
(Applications for migration from
other Universities will not be
entertained at any stage during
The candidates, whose parents possess domicile of Punjab Province
academic session) and have been serving in other provinces and they have qualified from
Board Universities of other provinces, will also be eligible to apply for
- 70 -

admission on open merit seats by giving cogent reasons to substantiate

Total Merit Res. their claim.
135 *107+**8 =115 20 Admission Criteria:
*seats for F. Sc
** seats for B. Sc Minimum Academic Requirements for admission to Pharm.D as laid down
***Details Reserved Seats by Govt. of Pakistan under Pharmacy Act,
P.U. Teacher‟s Son/Daughter 04
P.U. Employee‟s Son/ Additional Marks:
Daughter 04 Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
Pharmaceutical Industry 03 Merit Formula:
Azad Jammu & Kashmir 01
Pakistani Expatriate Son/ Admission Criteria: Basic
Daughter (Self Finance Scheme) 05
Pharmacist Son/Daughter 03


1. Institute of Energy and Environmental Engineering:
Sr. Name of Program/
Criteria laid down for admission
No. No. of Seats
i M.Sc Eligibility:
Coal Technology B.Sc. with Chemistry as one of the subject or equivalent examination
Total Merit Res. Post Graduate Diploma in Chemical Technology.
38 30 08
B.Tech (pass) in Chemical/Petroleum & Gas/Metallurgy/Mechanical/
Admission Criteria: Basic
Additional Marks:
Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 marks
Merit Formula:
Academic record: 100%

ii M.Phil Coal Technology Eligibility:

M.Sc Coal Technology, M.Sc Chemistry, M.Sc Environmental Science,
M.Sc Polymer Technology, M.Sc Geology, B.Sc Chemical Engineering,
Total Merit Res. B.Sc Metallurgy and Material Engineering, B.Sc Petroleum and Gas
25 25 00 Engineering, B.Sc Environmental Engineering, M.Sc Mining Engineering,
B.Sc Energy Engineering, B.Sc Industrial Engineering,B-Tech. (Hons.) in
Chemical/ Metallurgy/ Mining/ Petroleum & Gas / Mechanical.

“(candidates having BS degrees (16 years education) in the subjects

mentioned in the criteria are also eligible)”

And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)

Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria
- 71 -

iii M.Sc (Engg.) Energy & Eligibility:

Environmental Engg.
(Self-Supporting) 16 Years of Engineering Education in the following disciplines recognized
by Pakistan Engineering Council.
Total Merit Res.
35 35 00 Energy, Environmental, Electrical, Mechanical, Chemical, Mechatronics,
Petroleum & Gas, Polymer, Metallurgy, Materials, Mining, Geology,
Power and Industrial.

And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)

Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

2. Institute of Quality & Technology Management:

Sr. Name of Programs/

Criteria Laid down for Admission
No. No. of Seats

i B.Sc (Engg.) Eligibility:

Industrial Engineering &
Management F.Sc Pre-Engineering or equivalent
Total Merit Res. Entry Test (Conducted by University of Engineering and Technology,
40 27 13* Lahore for the year 2019)

*Details of reserved seats: Domicile: Punjab

Foreign Students 01 F.Sc or equivalent examination passing years 2017, 2018, Spring 2019.
(Whose names recommended by Age: F.Sc Basis 24 years
the Ministry of Economic F.Sc or equivalent minimum examination marks: 60%
Affairs & Statistics, Govt. of
Pakistan) Admission Criteria:
P.U. Teacher‟s Son/Daughter 01 F.Sc or equivalent: Basic
P.U. Employee‟s Son/
Daughter 01 Additional Marks:
Children of Armed forces 01 Hafiz – Qur‟an 20 Marks
Disabled Person 01
Sports 01
Merit Formula:
Co-curricular Activities 01
AJ&K Govt Nominee 01 Academic Record: 70%
Gilgit Biltistan & Northern Entry Test : 30%
Areas(FATA) 01
Baluchistan Govt. Nominee 01
KPK Govt Nominee 01
Children of Overseas
Pakistanis 02

ii M. Sc Eligibility:
Quality & Performance B.Sc or equivalent
(Regular Program) Other eligibility requirements would be the same as per Admission
Regulations of University of the Punjab, Lahore.
Total Merit Res.
48 40 08 Additional Marks:
Hafiz-e-Qur‟an 20 Marks
- 72 -

Merit Formula:
2 years, 4 semesters program Academic Record 100%

iii M. Sc Eligibility:
Quality & Performance
Management (QPM) B.Sc or equivalent,
(Self Supporting/Afternoon
Program) Other eligibility requirements would be the same as per Admission
Regulations, University of the Punjab, Lahore.
Total Merit Res. Additional Marks:
42 40 02
Hafiz-e-Qur‟an 20 Marks
2 years, 4 semesters program Merit Formula:
Academic Record: 100%

iv MS Total Quality Eligibility:

Management (TQM)
(Self-Supporting Afternoon  B.Sc. (Engg.)* / B. Pharmacy / Pharm-D/MBBS/ M.Sc (in any
Program ) science subject) or any other qualification equivalent to master
degree level in science subjects.
Total Merit Res.
45 45 00  PGD in Quality Management (have earned diploma of 6 months
duration after MA/M.Sc/B.Sc Engineering/ B. Pharmacy).
2 years, 4 semesters  MA/M.Sc(Economics)/MBIT/MBE/M.Com/B.Com (Hons.)
program 4-Years/MBA/MPA having studied subject on TQM, Production
& Operations Mgt, Proj Mgt, Supply Chain Management, etc.

 Or its equivalent in the relevant subject from a HEC recognized

University at least 16-years of education (130 credit hours) as per
Higher Education Commission (HEC) rules.

* Recognized by Pakistan Engineering Council.

And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)

Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

v MS Total Quality Eligibility:

Management (TQM)
(Self-Supporting/Evening )  B.Sc. (Engg.)* / B. Pharmacy / Pharm-D/MBBS/ M.Sc (in any
science subject) or any other qualification equivalent to master
Total Merit Res. degree level in science subjects.
100 100 00
 PGD in Quality Management (have earned diploma of 6 months
duration after MA/M.Sc/B.Sc Engineering/ B. Pharmacy).
2 years, 4 semesters
program  MA/M.Sc (Economics)/MBIT/MBE/M.Com/B.Com (Hons.)
4-Years/MBA/MPA having studied subject on TQM, Production
& Operations Mgt, Proj Mgt, Supply Chain Management, etc.

 Or its equivalent in the relevant subject from a HEC recognized

University at least 16-years of education (130 credit hours) as per
Higher Education Commission (HEC) rules.
- 73 -

* Recognized by Pakistan Engineering Council.

And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)

Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

vi MS Eligibility:
Industrial Engineering &
 B.Sc. Engineering degree* (in any engineering discipline)
recognized by HEC & accredited by the Pakistan Engineering
* Recognized by Pakistan Engineering Council.
Total Merit Res.
50 50 00 And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
2 years, 4 semesters Admission Criteria: Basic
program Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

vii Ph.D. Eligibility:

TQM  MS Total Quality Management
 MS Total Quality Management in Medicine.
Total Merit Res.
 Or Equivalent degree in Quality Management with (Research
15 15 00 thesis) having 1st Div/CGPA+ 3.0/OPM 70% after acquisition of
18 years education.
And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21,Page (8)
Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

3. Institute of Chemical Engineering & Technology:

Sr. Name of Programs/

Criteria Laid down for Admission
No. No. of Seats

i M.Sc (Engg.) Eligibility:

Chemical Engineering
(Self -Supporting) B.Sc (Engineering) Chemical /Chemical Engineering with Specialization
in Petroleum & Gas Technology.
Total Merit Res.
Admission Criteria: Basic
45 45 00
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

ii Ph.D Eligibility:
Chemical Engineering MS/ M.Phil / M.Sc. Chemical Engineering or equivalent
Total Merit Res. And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
15 15 00
Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

iii B.Sc (Engg) Eligibility:

Chemical Engineering/ F.Sc Pre-Engineering or equivalent
Chemical Engineering (with
Specialization in Petroleum Relevant Diploma 2% Quota:
& Gas Technology) a) Chemical Technology/Chemical Processing Technology/Chemical
- 74 -

Technology with specialization in Sugar for Admission in B.Sc (Engg)

Total Merit Res.* Chemical Engineering.
50 37 13 b) Petroleum Technology /Petrochemical for admission in B.Sc (Engg.)
*Details of reserved seats Chemical Engineering with specialization in Petroleum & Gas
Foreign Students 01
(Whose names recommended by
the Ministry of Economic Affairs Entry Test (Conducted by University of Engineering and Technology ,
& Statistics, Govt. of Pakistan) Lahore, for the year 2020)
Domicile: Punjab
P.U. Employee‟s Son
F.Sc / DAE or equivalent examination passing years 2018, 2019, Spring
/Daughter 01
P.U. Teacher‟s Son
/Daughter 01 Age: F.Sc /DAE basis: 24 year
Children of Armed forces 01 F.Sc / DAE/ or equivalent minimum examination Marks: 60%
Disabled Person 01
AJ&K Govt. Nominee 01 Admission Criteria:
Gilgit Biltistan & Northern F.Sc or equivalent: Basic
Areas(FATA) 01 Diploma: Basic
Baluchistan Govt. Nominee 01
KPK Govt. Nominee 01 Additional Marks:
Sports 01 Hafiz-e-Qur‟an= 20 Marks
Co-curricular Activities 01
Children of Overseas Merit Formula:
Pakistanis 02 Academic Record: 70%
Entry Test: 30%

iv B.Sc (Engg) Eligibility:

Chemical Engineering/ F.Sc Pre-Engineering or equivalent
Chemical Engineering (with
Specialization in Petroleum Relevant Diploma 2% Quota:
& Gas Technology) a) Chemical Technology/Chemical Processing Technology/ Chemical
(Self-Supporting) Technology with specialization in Sugar for Admission in B.Sc
(Engg) Chemical Engineering.
Total Merit Res.* b) Petroleum Technology /Petrochemical for admission in B.Sc (Engg.)
50 50 00 Chemical Engineering with specialization in Petroleum & Gas
Entry Test (Conducted by University of Engineering and Technology ,
Lahore, for the year 2020)
Domicile: Punjab
F.Sc/DAE or equivalent examination passing years 2018, 2019. Spring
Age: F. Sc /DAE basis: 24 year
F.Sc/DAE/ or equivalent minimum examination Marks: 60%

Admission Criteria:
F.Sc or equivalent: Basic
Diploma: Basic
Additional Marks:
Hafiz-e-Qur‟an= 20 Marks
Merit Formula:
Academic Record: 70%
Entry Test: 30%
- 75 -

4. College of Engineering & Emerging Technologies:

Sr. Name of Programs/
Criteria Laid down for Admission
No. No. of Seats

i B.Sc (Engg.) Eligibility:

Metallurgy & Materials
Engineering F.Sc Pre-Engineering or equivalent
Relevant Diploma:
Total Merit Res*.
50 37 13
a) 01 seat for B.Sc. (Engg.) Metallurgy & Materials Engineering
*Details of reserved seats Metallurgy and Welding/ Foundry and Pattern Making for
P.U. Teacher‟s Son/Daughter 01 admission to B.Sc (Engg ) Metallurgy & MaterialsEngineering.
P.U. Employee‟s Son
/Daughter 01 b) 01 seat for B.Sc. (Engg.) Electrical Engineering
Children of Armed forces 01 Electrical Technology/ Electronics for admission to B.Sc (Engg.)
Disabled Person 01 Electrical Engineering.
Sports 01
Co-curricular Activities 01
Entry Test (conducted by University of Engineering and Technology,
Lahore for the year 2019)
Foreign Students 01
AJ&K Govt. Nominee 01 Domicile: Punjab
Gilgit Baltistan 01
*Baluchistan Govt. Nominee 01 F.Sc / DAE/ or equivalent examination passing years 2017, 2018, Spring
KPK Govt. Nominee 01 2019.
Children of Overseas
Pakistanis 02 Age: F.Sc /DAE basis: 24 years
B.Sc (Engg.) F.Sc / DAE/ or equivalent minimum
Metallurgy and Materials examination Marks: 60%
(Self Supporting) Admission Criteria:

Total Merit Res. F.Sc or equivalent: Basic

5050 00 Diploma: Basic
B. Sc (Engg.)
Additional Marks:
Electrical Engineering
Total Merit Res* Hafiz – Quran= 20 Marks
40 27 13
*Details of reserved seats
P.U. Teacher‟s Son/Daughter 01
P.U. Employee‟s Son/ Merit Formula:
Daughter 01
Children of Armed force 01 Academic Record: 70%
Disabled Person 01
Entry Test: 30%
Sports 01
Co-curricular Activities 01
Foreign Students 01
AJ&K Govt. Nominee 01
Gilgit Baltistan 01
*Baluchistan Govt. Nominee 01
KPK Govt. Nominee 01
Children of Overseas
Pakistanis 02

iv M.Sc (Engg) Eligibility:

Metallurgy and Materials
B.Sc (Engg.) Metallurgy and Materials Science / Metallurgy and Materials
- 76 -

Engineering Engineering/ Metallurgical Engineering/Materials Engineering or

(Self Supporting/ Evening equivalent.
And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
Total Merit Res.
40 40 00 Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

v M.Sc (Engg) Eligibility:

Electrical Engineering with
specialization in: B.Sc (Engg.) Electrical Engineering or its equivalent from a recognized
a. Communication Systems university (at least 16 years of education, 130 credit hours) as per Higher
& Signal Processing. Education Commission (HEC) rules.
b. Power Systems
Engineering. And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
c. Electronics Systems
Engineering Admission Criteria: Basic
(Self Supporting Program) Merit Formula: As per basic criteria
Total Merit Res.
40 40 00

vi Ph. D Eligibility:
Metallurgy and Materials
Engineering MS/M.Phil/ M.Sc (Engg) Metallurgy and Materials Engineering or
Total Merit Res.
3030 00 And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

5. Department of Polymer Engineering & Technology:

Sr. Name of Programs/

Criteria Laid down for Admission
No. No. of Seats

i M.Phil Polymer Technology Eligibility:

(Self Supporting, Evening)
Program B.Sc. Engineering (Polymer, Chemical, Petroleum, Metallurgy &
Materials, Civil, Mechanical, Textile & Environmental), M.Sc.
Total Merit Res. (Chemistry, Physics, Environmental Sciences, Biological Sciences and
40 40 00 B.Sc. Hons. (Chemistry, Physics, Environmental Sciences)

And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)

Age Limit: No age Limit
Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

ii Ph.D. Polymer Technology Eligibility:

(Morning Program) M.Sc. Engineering (18-Years of Education) (Polymer, Chemical,
Petroleum, Metallurgy & Material, Civil, Mechanical, Textile,
Total Merit Res. Environmental), M.Phil Polymer Technology and M.Phil (Chemistry,
20 20 00
- 77 -

Physics & Environmental Sciences)

And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)

Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria
NOTE: One seat is reserved at Faculty of Engineering & Technology for Afghan Nationals under the “Award of
2000 Scholarships for Afghan Nationals” nominated by the Higher Education Commission (HEC)
Islamabad. * One seat in the College depending upon nomination received.


1. Institute of Applied Psychology:

Sr. Name of Program/

Criteria laid down for admission
No. No. of Seats
i M.Sc Eligibility:
Applied Psychology
B.A./B.Sc. with Psychology/Applied Psychology as an Elective subject
(200 Marks)
Total Merit Res.
50 42 08 Admission Criteria: Basic+Marks in Applied Psychology/Psychology.
The students admitted against reserved seats must fulfill the requirement of
having passed Applied Psychology/Psychology as an elective subject in
B.A/B.Sc. of 200 marks.

Hafiz-e-Quran 20 marks
Merit Formula:
Academic Record: 100%

ii M.Sc Eligibility:
Applied Psychology
BA/B.Sc. with Psychology/Applied Psychology as an Elective subject
( 200 marks)
Admission Criteria: Basic+Marks in Applied Psychology/Psychology.
Total Merit Res.
50 48 02 The students admitted against reserved seats must fulfill the requirement of
having passed Applied Psychology/Psychology as an elective subject in
B.A/B.Sc. of 200 marks.

Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 marks
Merit Formula:
Academic Record: 100%

iii M. Phil Eligibility:

Applied Psychology M.Sc. Psychology/Applied Psychology or BS 4-Years in Psychology/
Applied Psychology/Clinical Psychology/Behavioral Sciences from HEC
Total Merit Res. recognized University.
20 20 00
And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria
- 78 -

iv MS Health Psychology Eligibility:

Total Merit Res. M.Sc. Psychology/Applied Psychology or BS Four Years in

10 10 00 Psychology/Applied Psychology/Clinical Psychology/Behavioral Sciences
from HEC recognized University.
And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

v Ph.D Eligibility:
Applied Psychology M.Phil in Psychology/Applied Psychology or MS in Health Psychology/
Clinical Psychology /Industrial Psychology and Organizational
Total Merit Res. Psychology/Behavioral Sciences with minimum 3.0 out of 4.0 CGPA or
10 10 00 1st division from HEC recognized University followed by:
M.Sc. Psychology/Applied Psychology or BS Four Years in Psychology/
Applied Psychology/Clinical Psychology /Behavioral Sciences from HEC
recognized University.
And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21,Page (8)
Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

vi BS ( 4-Years) Eligibility:
Applied Psychology F.A./F.Sc. or equivalent
(Morning) Admission Criteria: Basic
Total Merit Res. Additional Marks:
40 32 08 F.Sc. 05 Marks
Applied Psychology/Psychology 05 Marks
(as an elective subject)
Hafiz-e-Quran 20 marks
Merit Formula:
Academic record: 100%

vii BS ( 4-Years) Eligibility:

Applied Psychology F.A./F.Sc. or equivalent
Admission Criteria: Basic

Total Merit Res. Additional Marks:

38 36 02 F.Sc. 05 Marks
Applied Psychology/Psychology 05 Marks
(as an elective subject)
Hafiz-e-Quran 20 marks
Merit Formula:
Academic record: 100%

2. Center for Clinical Psychology:

Sr. Name of Program/

Criteria laid down for admission
No. No. of Seats
i BS (4-Yrs) Morning Eligibility:
Clinical Psychology
FA/F.Sc or equivalent examination
- 79 -

Admission Criteria: Basic

Total Merit Res.
31 23 08 Additional Marks:
Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 marks
BS (4-Yrs) Self-Supporting F.Sc (Pre Medical) 05 marks
F.A or A‟ Level with Psychology as an
Total Merit Res. Elective subject of 200 marks. 05 marks
37 35 02
Merit formula:
Academic Record: 100%

ii MS Eligibility:
Clinical Psychology
 1st Division / CGPA=2.5 in MA/M.Sc/BS (4-Yrs) in Psychology/
Total Merit Top Up Applied Psychology/Clinical Psychology/Behavioral Sciences or
20 15 05 in the relevant subject from a recognized University (at least 16-
years of education; 130 credit hours) in case of graduate from
other than Punjab University. Equivalence from Punjab
University equivalence cell will be required.
 The candidates have to pass an “Entry Test”.
 For admission in MS Top Up, Advance Diploma in Clinical
Psychology (ADCP) from Centre for Clinical Psychology,
University of the Punjab is mandatory.

And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21,Page (8)

Admission Criteria: Basic

Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

iii MS in Speech Language Eligibility:

 The candidates who have M.A./M.Sc in Psychology/ Applied
Total Merit Res. Psychology/ Special Education / MBBS/Human Development &
15 15 00 Family Studies in First Division CGPA 2.5 or BS (4-Yrs) in
Clinical Psychology / Applied Psychology / Psychology /
Behavioral Science / Human Development & Family Studies
from a HEC recognized University.
 Extra credit will be given to those having work experience in
Psychiatric, Special Education, Academic or Research setup.
 The candidates have to pass an “Entry Test”.
 Have to clear Interview taken by a panel of Speech and Language
Pathologist/Therapist/Clinical Psychologists.

And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21,Page (8)

Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

iv Ph.D Eligibility:
in Clinical Psychology
 MS in Clinical Psychology with 3.0 out of 4.0 CGPA or 1 st
division from HEC recognized University with at least 1500
Total Merit Top hours of clinical training in Hospital and Clinic settings.
10 10 00
- 80 -

Followed by: M.Sc Psychology/Applied Psychology or BS (4-Yrs) in

Psychology/Applied Psychology/Clinical Psychology/Behavioral Sciences
from HEC recognized University.

 The candidates have to pass an “Entry Test”.

 Have to clear Interview taken by a panel of Clinical
And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21,Page (8)
Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

v Advanced Diploma in Eligibility:

Clinical Psychology
 The candidates who have MA/M.Sc in Psychology/Applied
Psychology in First Division CGPA 2.5 or BS (4-Yrs) in Clinical
Psychology/AppliedPsychology/Psychology/Behavioral Sciences
Total Merit Res.
from a HEC recognized University.
20 20 00
 Extra credit will be given to those having work experience in a
Psychiatric or Academic Setting.

(Self Supporting/  The candidates have to pass an “Entry Test”.

Replica)  Have to clear Interview taken by a panel of Clinical
Total Merit Res.
20 20 00 Merit Formula:
Academic records: 50%
Entry Test: 25%
Interview: 25%

vi Post Graduate Diploma in Eligibility:

Speech Language Therapy
 The candidates who have M.A./M.Sc in Psychology/ Applied
(Self Supporting) Psychology/ Special Education / MBBS/Human Development &
Family Studies in First Division CGPA 2.5 or BS (4-Yrs) in
Total Merit Res. Clinical Psychology / Applied Psychology / Psychology /
20 20 00 Behavioral Science / Human Development & Family Studies
from a HEC recognized University (at least 16-years of
 Extra credit will be given to those having work experience in
Psychiatric, Special Education, Academic or Research setup.
 The candidates have to pass an “Entry Test”.
 Have to clear Interview taken by Admission interview panel.
Merit Formula:
Academic records: 50%
Entry Test: 25%
Interview: 25%
- 81 -

3. Department of Botany:

Sr. Name of Program/

Criteria laid down for admission
No. No. of Seats
i M. Sc
Botany B.Sc. or equivalent
Admission Criteria: Basic
Total Merit Res.
Additional Marks:
45 37 08
Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks

1. Combination of Botany, Zoology and Chemistry: 20 Marks

*Not more than 02 B.Sc.
B.Ed students will be 2. Combination of Botany, Chemistry with any of the
admitted on open merit. following subjects: 10 marks
3. Combination of Botany, Zoology and any
of the following subjects: 10 Marks

Geography/Psychology/Applied Psychology/Computer/Agriculture/
Merit formula:
Academic record 100%

ii M.Sc Botany
Replica (Self- B.Sc. or equivalent
Supporting) Program Admission Criteria: Basic
Additional Marks:
Total Merit Res.
54 50 04 Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks

4. Combination of Botany, Zoology and Chemistry: 20 Marks

5. Combination of Botany, Chemistry with any of the
following subjects: 10 Marks
6. Combination of Botany, Zoology and any
of the following subjects: 10 Marks
Geography/Psychology/Applied Psychology/Computer/Agriculture/
Merit formula:
Academic record 100%

iii BS Botany Eligibility:

(Morning Program) F.Sc. (Pre-medical) or equivalent examination.
Total Merit Res. Admission Criteria: Basic
50 42 08
Additional Marks:
Hafiz-e-Quran 20 Marks
Merit Formula:
Academic record: 100%
- 82 -

iv BS Botany Eligibility:
Replica (Self-Supporting) F.Sc (Pre-medical) or equivalent examination
Admission Criteria: Basic
Total Merit Res.
Additional Marks:
54 50 04 Hafiz-e-Quran 20 marks
Merit Formula:
Academic record: 100%

v MS Botany Eligibility:
(Morning Program)
BS Botany (4-Yrs program)
Total Merit Res. And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21,Page (8)
15 15 00
Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

vi MS Botany Eligibility:
Replica (Self-Supporting)
BS Botany (4-Yrs program)
And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21,Page (8)
Total Merit Res.
Admission Criteria: Basic
30 30 00
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

vii M.Phil Botany Eligibility:

(Morning Program)
M.Sc. Botany
Total Merit Res. And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
15 15 00
Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

viii M.Phil Botany Eligibility:

Replica (Self-Supporting) M.Sc. Botany
And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
Total Merit Res.
30 30 00 Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

*Seats depend upon the number of applications received and the number of vacancies available with the
concerned supervisors.
- 83 -

4. Institute of Biochemistry & Biotechnology:

Sr. Name of Program/

Criteria laid down for admission
No. No. of Seats
i Ph.D Biochemistry Eligibility:
MS/ M.Phil Biochemistry/Biotechnology
Total Merit Res.
M.Sc./BS Biochemistry/Biotechnology
1 5 15 00
And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21,Page (8)
Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

ii Ph.D. Biotechnology Eligibility:

MS/M.Phil Biotechnology/ Biochemistry
Total Merit Res.
M.Sc./BS Biochemistry/Biotechnology
1 15 15 00
And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

iii MS Eligibility:
Biochemistry M.Sc./ BS Biochemistry/ Biotechnology
Total Merit Res. And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21,Page (8)
20 20 00 Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

iv MS Eligibility:
Biotechnology M.Sc./BS Biotechnology/Biochemistry
Total Merit Res. And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21,Page (8)
20 20 00
Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

v M. Sc Eligibility:
Biotechnology B.Sc. Chemistry/ Biochemistry with any two of the following subjects:
Botany, Zoology, Microbiology, Physiology, Genetics and Pathology.
Total Merit Res. Admission Criteria: Basic
40 32 08 Additional Marks:
Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 marks
Merit Formula:
Academic Record: 100%
- 84 -

vi BS Eligibility:
Biochemistry (Morning)
F.Sc. (Pre-Medical Only) or equivalent (Biology, Chemistry, Physics)
Total Merit Res.
Admission Criteria: Basic
37 29 08 Additional Marks:
Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
Merit Formula:
Academic record: 100%

vii BS Eligibility:
Biotechnology (Morning) F.Sc. (Pre-Medical Only) or equivalent (Biology, Chemistry, Physics)
Total Merit Res. Admission Criteria: Basic

37 29 08 Additional Marks:
Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
Merit Formula:
Academic record: 100%

5. Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics:

Sr. Name of Program/ Criteria laid down for admission

No. No. of Seats
i M.Sc Eligibility Criteria:
Microbiology and i) B.Sc. with Botany, Zoology, Chemistry
Molecular Genetics ii) Microbiology, Genetics, Chemistry/Biochemistry
iii) Microbiology/Genetics, Zoology, Chemistry/Biochemistry
Total Merit Res. iv) Microbiology/Genetics, Botany, Chemistry/Biochemistry
38 30 08
Admission Criteria: Basic
Additional Marks:
Elective Subject:
Genetics, Microbiology: 20 Marks each
Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks

Merit Formula:
Academic record: 100%

MS/ M.Phil Eligibility:

ii Microbiology and BS 4-Year in Microbiology and Molecular Genetics/ Microbiology/
Molecular Genetics Genetics with specialization in Molecular Genetics
M.Sc Microbiology and Molecular Genetics/ Microbiology/ Genetics with
Total Merit Res.
specialization in Molecular Genetics
MS 25 25 00
M.Phil 25 25 00 M.Sc/BS/Botany/ Zoology/Biology with specialization in Microbiology,
Molecular Genetics/Cell/ Molecular Biology
And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21,Page (8)
Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria
60% seats reserved for MMG Graduates and remaining 40% seats on Open
- 85 -

iii Ph.D Eligibility:

Microbiology and MS/ M.Phil or equivalent degree in Biological Sciences with specialization
Molecular Genetics in Microbiology/Molecular Genetics

Total Merit Res. And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21,Page (8)
20 20 00 Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic Criteria

iv BS Eligibility:
Microbiology and
F.Sc (Pre-Medical Group) or equivalent examination (Having equivalence
Molecular Genetics
from IBCC to F.Sc. Pre-Medical Group)
Admission Criteria: Basic
Total Merit Res.
48 40 08 Additional Marks:
Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
Merit Formula:
Academic Record: 100%

6. Institute of Agricultural Sciences:

Sr. Name of Program/
Criteria laid down for admission
No. No. of Seats
i B.Sc (Hons.) Agriculture Eligibility:
(4-Yrs) F.Sc Pre-Medical
Admission Criteria: Basic
Total Merit Res.
80 70 10 Additional Marks:
Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
Merit Formula:
Academic Record: 100%

ii B.Sc (Hons.) Agriculture Eligibility:

(4-Yrs) (Replica) F.Sc Pre-Medical

Total Merit Res. Admission Criteria: Basic

84 80 04 Additional Marks:
Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
Merit Formula:
Academic Record: 100%
- 86 -

iii M.Sc (Hons.)/ M.Phil Eligibility:

BS/B.Sc (Hons.) Agriculture degree (4-Yrs) major in respective subjects.
(Plant Pathology/
Science & Technology, And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2019-20, page (8)
Entomology) Admission Criteria: Basic
Total Merit Res.
100 100 00 Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

iv Ph. D Eligibility:
Agricultural Sciences
M.Sc (Hons) Agriculture after 4 years BS/B.Sc(Hons.)Agriculture (Plant
Pathology, Food Science& Technology, Horticulture, Agronomy, Plant
Total Merit Res.
Breeding & Genetics, Entomology & Soil Science)
15 15 00
And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2019-20,page (8)
Admission criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

7. Department of Sports Sciences & Physical Education:

Sr. Name of Program/

Criteria laid down for admission
No. No. of Seats
i M.Sc Eligibility:
Physical Education
B.A/B.Sc. or equivalent degree with strong sports background.
Total Merit Res.
48 40 08 Admission Criteria: Basic
Physical Education Additional Marks:
(Self Supporting) National/International/Intervarsity Player 20 Marks
Total Merit Res. Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
42 40 02
Merit Formula:
Academic Record 100%

ii BS Physical Education Eligibility:

F.A./F.Sc or equivalent degree
Total Merit Res.
58 50 08 Admission Criteria: Basic
BS Physical Education Additional Marks:
Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
Total Merit Res. F.Sc 20 Marks
Gold Medalist in Inter Board/ 20 Marks
54 50 04
Inter Collegiate Level

Merit Formula:
Academic Record: 100%
- 87 -

iii M.Phil Eligibility:

(Sports Sciences &
Physical Education)
And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
Total Merit Res.
15 15 00 Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

Iv Ph.D. (Sports Sciences & Eligibility:

Physical Education)
And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
Total Merit Res.
15 15 00
Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

8. Department of Zoology:

Sr. Name of Program/

Criteria laid down for admission
No. No. of Seats

i M.Sc Eligibility:
Zoology (Morning)
B.Sc with Zoology as elective subject.
Total Merit Res. At least 2nd division in subject of Zoology
54 46 08 Admission Criteria: Basic
Additional Marks:
Combination of Zoology, Botany and Chemistry: 20 Marks
Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
Merit Formula:
Academic record: 100%

ii M.Sc
Zoology Replica
(Evening, Self- B.Sc with Zoology as elective subject.
Supporting) At least 2nd division in subject of Zoology.
Total Merit Res. Admission Criteria: Basic
64 60 04 Additional Marks:
Combination of Zoology, Botany and Chemistry: 20 Marks
Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
Merit Formula:
Academic record: 100%

iii BS Zoology Eligibility:

F.Sc. (Pre-Medical) or equivalent
Total Merit Res. Admission Criteria: Basic
50 42 08
Additional Marks:
Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
Merit Formula:
Academic record: 100%
- 88 -

iv BS Zoology Eligibility:
(Evening, Self F.Sc. (Pre-Medical) or equivalent
Admission Criteria: Basic
Total Merit Res.
Additional Marks:
50 46 04
Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
Merit Formula:
Academic record: 100%
MS/M.Phil Zoology Eligibility:
v (Morning) M.Sc / BS 4-years in Zoology
And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
Total MS M.Phil Res
30 15+ 15 00 Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

vi MS/M.Phil Zoology Eligibility:

(Replica/Evening )
M.Sc / BS 4-years in Zoology
Total MS M.Phil Res And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
30 15+ 15 00
Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

vii M.Phil Zoology Eligibility:

(In-service Program)
M.Sc / BS 4-years in Zoology
Total Merit Res. And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
30 30 00
Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

viii Ph.D Zoology* Eligibility:

(Regular Program)
* MS/ M.Phil in Zoology and Allied Sciences
Total Merit Res. And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21,Page (8)
31 31 00
Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic Criteria

ix Ph.D Zoology Eligibility:

(Old Scheme ) MS/ M.Phil in Zoology /Allied Sciences

Total Merit Res. And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21,Page (8)
22 22 00 Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic Criteria

*Ph.D. admission may be offered in next spring session, based upon the applications received and the no. of
vacancies available with concerned supervisors, as per rules of Ph.D .
- 89 -

9. School of Biological Sciences:

Sr. Name of Program/
Criteria laid down for admission
No. No. of Seats
i BS/M.Sc. Leading to MS/
M.Phil Biological Sciences M.Sc./BS in all fields of Biological and Allied Sciences (Plant Sciences,
Animal Sciences, Molecular Biology, Microbiology, Biochemistry,
Total Merit Res. Pharmacy) or equivalent.
25 25 00 And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21,Page (8)
Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula:
Academic record: As per basic Criteria

ii Ph.D Eligibility:
Biological Sciences
MS/M.Phil in all fields of Biological and Allied Sciences (Plant Sciences,
Animal Sciences, Molecular Biology, Microbiology, Biochemistry,
Total Merit Res.
Pharmacy) or equivalent.
15 15 00
And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21,Page (8)
Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula:
Academic record: As per basic Criteria

10. Centre of Excellence in Molecular Biology:

Sr. Name of Program/

Criteria laid down for admission
No. No. of Seats
i M.Phil Eligibility:
Molecular Biology The applicant must have sixteen years education (BS/MSc or equivalent) as
per the HEC criteria for admission in M.Phil Molecular Biology. In general
Total Merit Res the candidate must fulfill the eligibility criteria as M.Sc/BS (Hons)
50 50 00 Agriculture, Biochemistry, Biological Sciences, DVM, Pharm-D,
Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Botany, Chemistry, Zoology, Microbiology,
Molecular Genetics, MLT or equivalent degree in the subject of Molecular
Biology. Persons employed in Governments/Semi Government organization
can also apply through proper channel.

And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2019-20,page (8)

Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula:As per basic criteria

ii Ph.D Eligibility:
Molecular Biology
For Ph.D. admission, eighteen year education with research and must have
obtained minimum 3.0/4.0 CGPA/O.P.M 70%/ 1 st division as per HEC rules.
Total Merit Res. In general the candidate must fulfill the eligibility criteria as MS/ M.Phil
30 30 00 Molecular Biology, Agriculture, Biochemistry, Biological Sciences, DVM,
Pharm-D, Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Botany, Chemistry, Zoology,
Microbiology, Molecular Genetics or equivalent degree in the subject of
- 90 -

Molecular Biology. Persons employed in Governments/Semi Government

organization can also apply through proper channel.

And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2019-20,page (8)

Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic Criteria

11. Centre for Applied Molecular Biology (CAMB)

Sr. Name of Program/

Criteria laid down for admission
No. No. of Seats

i BS Eligibility:

Total Merit Res. F.Sc. (Pre-Medical) or equivalent

41 33 08 Admission Criteria: Basic
Additional Marks:
Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
Merit Formula:
Academic record: 100%

ii M.Phil Eligibility:
Molecular Biology & M.Sc./BS (Hons.)Agriculture, Biochemistry, Biological Sciences, DVM,
Forensic Sciences Pharm-D, Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Botany, Chemistry, Zoology,
Microbiology, Molecular Genetics or equivalent degree in the subject of
Total Merit Res Molecular Biology and/or Forensic Sciences.
28 28 00
And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21,Page (8)
Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

iii Ph.D Eligibility:

Molecular Biology & MS/M.Phil Molecular Biology& Allied Sciences* having equivalence in
Forensic Sciences the field of Molecular Biology/and Forensic Sciences

Total Merit Res. *Biological Sciences, Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Microbiology,

12 12 00 Forensic Sciences, Agriculture, Bioinformatics, Botany, Zoology,
Molecular Genetics, Veterinary Sciences, Pharmacy, Medical Sciences or
any other relevant degree.

And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21,Page (8)

Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic Criteria
- 91 -


1. Institute of Chemistry:
Sr. Name of Program/
No. No. of Seats Criteria laid down for admission
BS Eligibility:
i Chemistry F.Sc Pre-medical or Pre-Engineering/Equivalent
Admission Criteria: Basic
Total Merit Res. Additional Marks:
45 37 08 Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
Merit Formula:
Academic Record: 100%

ii M.Sc Chemistry Eligibility:

Total Merit Res. B.Sc with Chemistry and any two of the following subjects:
82 65 11+1* Physics/Botany/Zoology/Mathematics/
Bio-Chemistry/Computer Science
*(One Seat reserved for
Balochistan Province) Admission Criteria: Basic
Additional Marks:
Subject Marks: Obtained in B.Sc
Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks

Merit Formula:
Academic record 100%

iii M.Sc Chemistry Eligibility:

(Self Supporting/
Evening Program) B.Sc. with Chemistry and any two of the following subjects: 84 seats
Total Merit Res.
Bio-Chemistry/Computer Science
84 80 04
Admission Criteria: Basic
Additional Marks:
Subject marks: Obtained in B.Sc
Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
Merit Formula:
Academic record 100%

iv M.Phil Chemistry Eligibility:

Total Merit Res. BS Chemistry /M.Sc Chemistry

*120 120 00 Admission subject test conducted by Institute

*60 students of Spring Semester And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21,Page (8)
merged into Fall Semester.
Admission Criteria: Basic
*(120 seats divided into six
disciplines & 20 students in
Merit Formula: As per basic Criteria
each section can apply only in
one discipline.)
- 92 -

v Ph.D Chemistry Eligibility:

Total Merit Res. MS/ M. Phil Chemistry

25 25 00 Admission subject test conducted by the department
(For six disciplines)
Students can apply only in one
discipline. And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21,Page (8)
condition to availability of
supervisor Admission Criteria: Basic (Minimum 50% marks in academic merit).
Admission Test: 70% marks
Merit Formula: As per basic Criteria

2. College of Earth& Environmental Sciences:

Sr. Name of Program/

Criteria laid down for admission
No. No. of Seats
i. Ph.D (Regular Scheme) Eligibility:
Environmental Sciences
MS/ M.Phil in Environmental Science (2-Yrs)
Total Merit Res.
10 10 00 And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic Criteria

Ph.D (Old Scheme) Eligibility:

Environmental Sciences
MS/M.Phil in Environmental Science and Allied Sciences (2-Yrs) or
No. of seats in PhD old scheme equivalent.
will be in accordance with the
DPCC recommendations and And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
availability of supervisors.
Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic Criteria

ii Ph.D (Regular Scheme) Eligibility:

Applied Hydrology
M.Phil Applied Hydrology (2-Yrs) or Allied Sciences with 18 Yrs of
education or equivalent
Total Merit Res.
07 07 00
And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic Criteria
- 93 -

Ph.D Eligibility:
(Old Scheme)
Applied Hydrology M.Phil Applied Hydrology (2-Yrs) and Allied Sciences with 18-years of
education or equivalent
No. of seats in PhD old scheme will
be in accordance with the DPCC And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
recommendations and availability
Admission Criteria: Basic
of supervisors.
Merit Formula: As per basic Criteria

iii Ph.D (Regular Scheme) Eligibility:

MS/M.Phil in Geomatics and Allied Sciences with 18 years of education or
Total Merit Res. equivalent
05 05 00
And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic Criteria

Ph.D (Old Scheme) Eligibility:

MS/M.Phil in Geomatics or Allied Sciences with 18 years of education or
No. of seats in PhD old scheme equivalent
will be in accordance with the
DPCC recommendations and And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
availability of supervisors.
Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic Criteria

iv MS Eligibility:
(Regular Scheme) BS in Environmental Science (4 years)
Environmental Sciences
And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
Total Merit Res. Admission Criteria: Basic
40 40 00
Merit Formula: As per basic Criteria

M.Phil Eligibility:
(Self-Supporting Scheme)
Environmental Sciences BS/M.Sc in Environmental Sciences and Allied Sciences or equivalent.
And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
Total Merit Res.
40 40 00 Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic Criteria

MS/M.Phil Eligibility:
(Old Scheme)
Environmental Sciences BS/M.Sc in Environmental Sciences and Allied Sciences or equivalent.
No. of seats in MS/M.Phil old And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
scheme will be in accordance
with the DPCC recommendations Admission Criteria: Basic
and availability of supervisors.
Merit Formula: As per basic Criteria
- 94 -

v M.Phil Eligibility:
(Regular Scheme) M.Sc. Applied Hydrology/Geology with specialization in Engineering
Applied Hydrology Geology or Geo-hydrology/B.Sc (Engg.) Civil/Agriculture and Allied
Sciences with 16-years of education or equivalent.
Total Merit Res.
15 15 00 And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic Criteria

M.Phil Eligibility:
(Old Scheme)
Applied Hydrology M.Sc. Applied Hydrology/Geology with specialization in Engineering
Geology or Geohydrology/ B.Sc (Engg.) Civil/Agriculture and Allied
No. of seats in M.Phil old scheme Sciences with 16-years of education or equivalent.
will be in accordance with the
DPCC recommendations and
availability of supervisors. And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic Criteria

vi M.Phil Geomatics Eligibility:

(Regular Scheme)
BS Applied Geology, M.Sc. Applied Geology, M.Sc Seismology, BS
Total Merit Res. Remote Sensing and GIS, BS Computer Sciences, M.Sc Computer
25 25 00 Sciences, B.Sc (Hons) Engg., (Civil, Environmental and Geological),
BS/M.Sc Environmental Sciences, BS Geography, M.Sc Geography, BS
M.Phil Geomatics Space Science, M.Sc Space Science, M.Sc Soil Sciences or equivalent.
(Self-Supporting Scheme)
And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
Total Merit Res. Admission Criteria: Basic
25 25 00
Merit Formula: As per basic Criteria

M.Phil Geomatics Eligibility:

(Old Scheme)
BS Applied Geology,M.Sc. Applied Geology, M.Sc Seismology, BS
No. of seats in M.Phil old scheme Remote Sensing and GIS, BS Computer Sciences, M.Sc Computer
will be in accordance with the Sciences, B.Sc (Hons) Engg., (Civil, Environmental and Geological),
DPCC recommendations and BS/M.Sc Environmental Sciences, BS Geography, M.Sc Geography, BS
availability of supervisors Space Science, M.Sc Space Science, M.Sc Soil Sciences or equivalent.
And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic Criteria

vii MS/M.Phil Eligibility:

Occupational Health &
Safety (OHS) BS/M.Sc Environmental Science/B.Sc. Engineering/BS/M.Sc. Natural/
(Regular Scheme) Life/ Physical/Earth Sciences, MBBS, PGD in OHS with 16 years of
Education or equivalent.
Total Merit Res.
40 38+2* 00 And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
*seats for applicants
Admission Criteria: Basic
holding PGD in OHS
Merit Formula: As per basic Criteria
- 95 -

MS/M.Phil Eligibility:
Occupational Health &
Safety (OHS) BS/M.Sc Environmental Science/B.Sc. Engineering/BS/M.Sc. Natural/
(Self-Supporting Scheme) Life/ Physical/Earth Sciences, MBBS, PGD in OHS with 16 years of
Education or equivalent.
Total Merit Res.
40 38+2* 00 And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
* seats for applicants
Admission Criteria: Basic
holding PGD in OHS Merit Formula: As per basic Criteria

viii BS (Morning) Eligibility:

Environmental Science
F.Sc Pre-Medical or Pre-engineering/A Level or equivalent.
Total Merit Res.
50 42 08 Admission Criteria: Basic
BS Additional Marks:
Environmental Science
(Self Supporting) Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
Total Merit Res. Merit Formula:
60 56 04 Academic Record: 100%

ix M.Sc (Morning) Eligibility:

Applied Hydrology
B.Sc (14-Years) or equivalent.
Total Merit Res. Admission Criteria: Basic
26 18 08
Additional Marks:
Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks

Merit Formula:
Academic Record: 100%

x M.Sc (Morning) Eligibility :

Tourism & Hospitality
Management B.A./B.Sc (14-Years) or equivalent, BS (4-Years) is not eligible.
Admission Criteria: Basic
Total Merit Res. Additional Marks:
30 22 08
Certificate/Diploma in Hospitality/
M.Sc Hotel Management 20 Marks
Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
Tourism & Hospitality
Management Merit Formula:
(Self Supporting)
Academic Record: 100%
Total Merit Res.
50 48 02

xi M.Sc (Morning) Eligibility :

Environmental Sciences
B.Sc with any combination in discipline of Sciences or Professionals like
Total Merit Res. Employees in the Industrial Sector, Forestry Deptt. Health Sector and
40 32 08 Engineering Sector etc.
- 96 -

M. Sc Admission Criteria: Basic

Environmental Sciences Additional Marks:
(Self Supporting)
Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
Total Merit Res.
50 48 02 Merit Formula:
Academic Record: 100%

xii Postgraduate Diploma Eligibility:

(01 Year) in
B.Sc., BS/M.Sc or other professional degree with approved tertiary level
Occupational Health &
background in Chemistry and Biology.
Safety (OHS) (Self-
Supporting Program,
Admission Criteria: Basic
Evening Program).
Additional Marks:
Total Merit Res.
Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
50 50 00
Merit Formula:
Academic Record: 100%

3. Institute of Geology:
Sr. Name of Program/
Criteria laid down for admission
No. No. of Seats
i BS Applied Geology Eligibility:
(4-Yrs, Semester System) F.Sc (Pre-Engineering/Pre-Medical/ICS(Math +Physics + Computer)
and only one seat for DAE
Total Merit Res. Admission Criteria: Basic
48 40 08
Additional Marks:
Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks

Merit Formula:
Academic Record: 100%
As per University Policy

ii BS Applied Geology Eligibility:

(4-Yrs Sem. System) F.Sc (Pre-Engineering/Pre-Medical)/ICS(Math +Physics +Computer)
and only one seat for DAE
Total Merit Res.
42 40 02 Admission Criteria: Basic

Additional Marks:
Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
Merit Formula:
Academic Record: 100%
As per University Policy.
- 97 -

iii M.Phil Applied Geology Eligibility:

(2-Yrs,Semester System)
 M.Sc. Applied Geology/BS Applied Geology (4-Yrs)
Total Merit Res.  1st division/CGPA > 2.5 in M.Sc. Applied Geology/BS Applied
35 35 00 Geology 04-Years degree from a recognized university (16-years
of educations; 130 credit hours)
 All the candidates will have to appear for a written test and
 Other conditions as per Punjab University admission rules.

And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21,Page (8)

Admission Criteria:
Entry Test: 40%
Academic Qualification: 40%
Interview : 10%
Publication in HEC approved Journal: 05% (1 mark for each year)
Professional Experience in the relevant field:05% (1 mark for each publication)

iv Ph.D Applied Geology Eligibility:

 M.Phil in Geology with CGPA>3.0/4.00 after acquisition of 18
years education.
Total Merit Res.
 All the candidates will have to appear for a written test and
16 16 00
 Other conditions as per Punjab University admission rules.
And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21,Page (8)
Admission Criteria:
Entry Test: 40%
Academic Qualification: 40%
Interview : 10%
Publication in HEC approved Journal: 05% (1 mark for each year)
Professional Experience in the relevant field:05% (1 mark for each publication)

3. Department of Mathematics:

Sr. Name of Program/

Criteria laid down for admission
No. No. of Seats
i M.Sc. Mathematics Eligibility:
(Morning) B.Sc with A & B Mathematics courses.
B.Sc with General Mathematics and B course of Mathematics.
Total Merit Res.
75 65 10 Admission Criteria: Basic
Additional Marks:
Subject Marks:
Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
Merit Formula:
Academic Record: 100%

ii M.Sc. Eligibility:
Mathematics B.Sc. with A & B Mathematics courses.
- 98 -

(Self Supporting) B.Sc. with General Mathematics and B course of Mathematics.

Total Merit Res. Admission Criteria: Basic

82 78 04 Additional Marks:
Subject Marks:
Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
Merit Formula:
Academic Record: 100%
iii BS Mathematics Eligibility:
(Morning Program)
F.Sc /ICS/DAE or equivalent General Science with Mathematics and
Total Merit Res. Statistics F.Sc/ICS/DAE or equivalent with Mathematics and Physics
58 45 13 Admission Criteria: Basic
BS Mathematics Additional Marks:
(Self-Supporting program) Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
Merit Formula:
Total Merit Res. Academic Record 100%
50 46 04

iv M.Phil Mathematics Eligibility:

(Fall Semester) M.Sc/BS 4-years Mathematics or equivalent.
Total Merit Res. And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
50 50 00
Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

v Ph.D Mathematics Eligibility:

Fall/Spring Semester MS / M.Phil Mathematics or equivalent
Total Merit Res. And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
2424 00
*The number of seats will Admission Criteria: Basic
finally be decided based on the
number supervisors available. Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

5. Center for Integrated Mountain Research:

Sr. Name of Program/
Criteria laid down for admission
No. No. of Seats
i BS (Regular) Eligibility:
Disaster Management Intermediate with science subject
Total Merit Res. Admission Criteria: Basic
44 36 08
Additional Marks:
Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
Merit formula:
Academic Record 100%

ii M.Sc (Regular) Eligibility:

Mountain Conservation BA/B.Sc with combination of any one subject as Botany, Computer Science,
& Watershed Economics, Geology, Geography, Physics, Statistics, Space Science, Zoology,
Management (MCWM) Sociology & B.Com.
- 99 -

Total Merit Res. Admission Criteria: Basic

32 24 08 Additional Marks:
Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
Merit formula:
Academic Record 100%

iii MS/M.Phil (Regular) Eligibility:

Geo-environmental M.Sc./BS (Hons.) in any of Mountain Conservation & Watershed
Conservation & Management (MCWM), Disaster Management, Water Resources
Sustainable Management/Engineering, Civil Engineering, Agricultural Engineering/
Development (GCSD) Sciences, Forestry, Environmental/Science, Hydrology, RS & GIS,
Sustainable Development, Geology, Geography, Space Science and Natural
Total Merit Res. Sciences.
20 20 00
Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit formula: As per basic criteria

iv Ph.D. (Regular) Eligibility:

M.Sc./BS (Hons.) in any of Mountain Conservation & Watershed
Conservation &
Management (MCWM), Disaster Management, Water Resources
Management/Engineering, Civil Engineering, Agricultural Engineering/
Development (GCSD)
Sciences, Forestry, Environmental/Science, Hydrology, RS & GIS,
Sustainable Development, Geology, Geography, Space Science and Natural
Total Merit Res.
10 10 00 Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit formula: As per basic criteria

6. Department of Physics

Sr. Name of Program/

No. No. of Seats Criteria laid down for admission

i BS Eligibility:
Physics Intermediate (with Physics and Mathematics) or equivalent (Minimum 50%
aggregate marks).
Total Merit Res. OR
34 26 08 A-Level (with Physics and Mathematics) or equivalent (Minimum 50%
aggregate marks).

Admission Criteria: Basic

Additional Marks:
Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
Merit Formula:
Academic Record: 100%

ii M.Sc Physics Eligibility:

B.Sc with ( Physics and Mathematics) or equivalent
Total Merit Res. (Minimum 50% aggregate marks).
34 26 08 Admission Criteria: Basic
- 100 -

Additional Marks:
Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
Merit Formula:
Academic record 100%

iii MS / M.Phil Eligibility:

Physics M.Sc./BS Physics or its equivalent
Total Merit Res. And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
25 25 00 Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

iv Ph.D Eligibility:
M.Phil/ MS in Physics or equivalent
Total Merit Res. And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
15 15 00
Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

7. Center for High Energy Physics:

Sr. Name of Program/
No. No. of Seats Criteria laid down for admission

i M.Sc Eligibility:
Computational Physics B.Sc (Phys. Maths A&B/B.Sc (Phys., Maths & Computer)/B.Sc (Phys.,
(Regular) Maths. & Chemistry)/B.Sc. (Phys. , Math plus any other Science subject)/ BS
Ed.(with Phys. & Maths) or equivalent
Total Merit Res.
45 37 08 Admission Criteria: Basic
Additional Marks:
Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
Merit Formula:
Academic Record: 100%

ii M.Sc. Eligibility:
Computational Physics
B.Sc (Phys. Maths A&B/B.Sc (Phys., Maths& Computer)/B.Sc (Phys., Maths.
& Chemistry)/B.Sc. (Phys. , Math plus any other Science subject)/ BS
Ed.(with Phys. & Maths) or equivalent
Total Merit Res.
45 43 02 Admission Criteria: Basic
Additional Marks:
Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
Merit Formula:
Academic Record: 100%

iii BS Eligibility:
Computational Physics F.Sc (Pre-engineering)/A Level/ICS/DAE
(Regular) (with Phys. Calculus, Linear Algebra) or equivalent).

Total Merit Res. Admission Criteria: Basic

41 32 08+1* Additional Marks:
- 101 -

Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
* One seat reserved for Merit Formula:
DAE holders. Academic Record: 100%

iv BS Eligibility:
Computational Physics
F.Sc Pre-engineering/A Level/ICS/DAE with Physic, Calculus,
Linear Algebra or equivalent.
Total Merit Res. Admission Criteria: Basic
45 42 02+1* Additional Marks:
Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
* One seat reserved for
DAE holders Merit Formula:
Academic Record: 100%
v M.Phil Eligibility:
(High Energy Physics) M.Sc / BS Computational Physics,
Applied Mathematics, Physics or equivalent
Total Merit Res. And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21,Page (8)
25 25 00 Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

vi Ph.D Eligibility:
(High Energy Physics)
M.Phil/ MS High Energy Physics, Physics,Applied Mathematics,
Computational Physics OR
Total Merit Res.
10 10 00 M.Phil Computer Science with M.Sc or BS in Physics/Computational Physics
or equivalent
And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21,Page (8)
Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

8. Department of Space Science:

Sr. Name of Program/
No. No. of Seats Criteria laid down for admission

i M.Phil Eligibility:
Space Science
M.Sc / BS 4-Years in:
Total Merit Res. Space Science, Physics, Computational Physics, Mathematics, Computer
15 15 00 Science, or equivalent (with Mathematics & Physics as core courses).

BS, BE 4-Years in:

Electrical, Electronics, Computer Science, Mechanical, Aerospace, Avionics

or equivalent (with Mathematics &Physics as core courses).
And Clause 24 (b), Admission regulations 2020-21,Page (8)

Admission Criteria: Basic

Merit Formula: As per basic criteria
- 102 -

ii M.Phil Eligibility:
Space Science (Replica) M.Sc / BS 4-Years in:
Total Merit Res. Space Science, Physics, Computational Physics, Mathematics, Computer
15 15 00 Science, or equivalent (with Mathematics & Physics as core courses).

BS, BE 4-Years in:

Electrical, Electronics, Computer Science, Mechanical, Aerospace, Avionics

or equivalent (with Mathematics & Physics as core courses).
And Clause 24 (b), Admission regulations 2020-21,Page (8)

Admission Criteria: Basic

Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

iii Eligibility:
Space Science B.Sc. with one of the following:
Space Science, Physics and Mathematics General
Total Merit Res. Physics, Mathematics A Course and Mathematics B Course
28 20 08 Physics, Mathematics General & any other Science Subject
Admission Criteria: Basic

Additional Marks:
Elective subject (Space Science) 20 Marks
Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
Merit Formula:
Academic Record: 100%

iv BS Eligibility:
Space Science
F.Sc Pre-Engineering or equivalent examination
Total Merit Res. Admission Criteria: Basic
34 26 08
Additional Marks:
Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
Merit Formula:
Academic Record: 100%

v BS Eligibility:
Space Science
(Replica) F.Sc Pre-Engineering or equivalent examination

Admission Criteria: Basic

Total Merit Res.
42 40 02
Additional Marks:
Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks

Merit Formula:
Academic Record: 100%
- 103 -

9. College of Statistical & Actuarial Sciences:

Sr. Name of Program/
No. No. of Seats Criteria laid down for admission
BS Statistics Specialization
i (Morning)
BS Statistics with specializations in following streams:
Total Merit Res.
 Data Science
66 56 10
 Biostatistics
 Actuarial Science
 Operations Research
BSStatistics Intermediate or equivalent
(Self Supporting) Admission Criteria: Basic
Total Merit Res.
69 65 04 Additional Marks:
Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
Merit Formula:
Academic Record: 100%

ii BS Eligibility:
Operation Research**
Intermediate or equivalent
Total Merit Res. Admission Criteria: Basic
60 50 10 Additional Marks:
BS Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
Operation Research**
(Self-Supporting) Merit Formula:
Total Merit Res. Academic Record: 100%
60 56 04

**Admission (M & S.S.) will

be offered in due course of

iii BS Actuarial Science** Eligibility:

Intermediate or equivalent
Total Merit Res.
Admission Criteria: Basic
60 50 10

BS Actuarial Science** Additional Marks:

(Self-Supporting) Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
Total Merit Res. Merit Formula:
60 56 04 Academic Record: 100%

**Admission (M & S.S.) will

be offered in due course of
iv BS Data Science** Eligibility:
Intermediate or equivalent
Total Merit Res.
60 50 10 Elective Subjects: Mathematics/Pre-Medical*
- 104 -

BS Data Science** Admission Criteria: Basic

Additional Marks:
Total Merit Res.
Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
60 56 04
Merit Formula:
**Admission (M & S.S.) will Academic Record: 100%
be offered in due course of
time. *All such students must pass deficiency coursesof Mathematics of 6 credit hours within one year of their

regular studies.

M.Sc. Statistics
iv (Morning)
1. Applicants who have obtained B.A./B.Sc. degree with Statistics
Total Merit Res. and Mathematics as an elective subjects from a recognized University.
70 60 10 (55 Seats)
2. Applicants who have obtained Postgraduate Diploma in Statistics
M.Sc. and Computer Programming (offered by the Institute of Statistics).
Statistics The candidates must have passed Mathematics as an elective subject
(Self Supporting) at degree level.(5 Seats)
Admission Criteria: Basic
Total Merit Res.
73 69 04 Additional Marks:
Marks obtained in Elective Subject of Statistics: _______
Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
Merit Formula:
Academic Record: 100%
v M.Sc. Actuarial
Science** B.A./B.Sc./ BBA/ B.Com/ BBIT degree or equivalent from a recognized
(Morning) University.
Elective Subjects: Mathematics, Statistics, Economics, Computer
Total Merit Res. Science, Accounting. (Maximum 30 marks)
66 56 10
Admission Criteria: Basic
M.Sc Actuarial Science**
(Afternoon / Additional Marks:
Self Supporting)
Hafiz-e Qur‟an 20 Marks
Total Merit Res. First Elective 20 Marks
69 65 04 Additional Elective/Optional 10 Marks
M.Sc.Actuarial Science**
Having BBA/B.Com./BBIT degree 30 Marks
Self Supporting)
Merit Formula:
Total Merit Res. Academic Record: 100%
69 65 04
**Admission(M & S.S.) will
be offered in due course of
- 105 -

vi M.Sc. Biostatistics ** Eligibility:

B.A./B.Sc./MBBS/B.Pharmacy/D.Pharmacy/BDS degree or equivalent from
Total Merit Res. a recognized University.
66 56 10 Elective Subjects: Statistics, Botany and Zoology (Maximum 30 marks)

Admission Criteria: Basic

M.Sc. Biostatistics**
Self-Supporting Additional Marks:
Hafiz-e Qur‟an 20 Marks
Total Merit Res. First Elective 20 Marks
69 65 04 Additional Elective/Optional 10 Marks
**Admission (M & S.S.) will Having above mentioned professional degree 30 Marks
be offered in due course of
time. Merit Formula:
Academic record 100%

vii Master of Information Eligibility:

and Operational
Management (MIOM)** B.A./B.Sc. or equivalent from a recognized University.
Elective Subjects:
Total Merit Res. Mathematics, Statistics, Economics, Computer Science, Physics,
66 56 10 (Maximum 30 marks)
Master of Information
and Operational Admission Criteria: Basic
Management (MIOM)**
Self Supporting) Additional Marks:
Total Merit Res. Hafiz-e Qur‟an 20 Marks
69 65 04 First Elective 20 Marks
Additional Elective/Optional 10 Marks
Master of Information
and operational
Management (MIOM)**
Merit Formula:
Academic record 100%
Total Merit Res.
69 65 04
**Admission (M & S.S.) will be
offered in due course of time

vii M.Sc. Business Statistics Eligibility:

and Management
(MBSM)** B.A./B.Sc./B.Com/ BBA/ BBIT or equivalent from a recognized University,
(Morning) Elective Subjects: Mathematics, Statistics, Economics, Computer Science,
Accounting. (Maximum 30 marks)
Total Merit Res.
66 56 10 Admission Criteria: Basic
M.Sc. Business Statistics
and Management Additional Marks:
(MBSM)** (Afternoon/ Hafiz-e Qur‟an 20 Marks
Self Supporting) First Elective 20 Marks
Total Merit Res. Additional Elective/Optional 10 Marks
69 65 04
- 106 -

M.Sc. Business Statistics Merit Formula:

and Management Academic record 100%
Self Supporting)**
Total Merit Res.
69 65 04
**Admission (M & S.S.) will be
offered in due course of time

viii MS/M. Phil Statistics Eligibility:

M.Sc. Statistics from a recognized University or BS (H) in Statistics.
Total Merit Res. And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21,Page (8)
40 40 00
Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

ix Ph.D Statistics Eligibility:

(Morning) M.Phil in Statistics or equivalent.

Total Merit Res. And Clause 24 (b), Admission regulations 2020-21,Page (8)
10 10 00 Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

10. Department of Geography:

Sr. Name of Program/

Criteria laid down for admission
No. No. of Seats

i BS Geography Eligibility:
Intermediate or equivalent
Total Merit Res.
Admission Criteria: Basic
40 32 08
Additional Marks:
Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks

Merit Formula:
Academic Record: 100%

ii M.Sc Eligibility:
Geography (Morning)
B.A./B.Sc. with Geography as elective subject.
Total Merit Res. Admission Criteria: Basic
40 32 08
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria
Academic Record: 100%

iii M.Phil Eligibility:

Geography (Morning) M.Sc. /BS 4-Years with Geography as elective subject
Total Merit Res. And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
15 15 00
- 107 -

Admission Criteria: Basic

Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

v M.Phil Geography Eligibility:

(Self-Supporting) M.Sc. /BS 4-Years with Geography as elective subject
Total Merit Res. And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21,Page (8)
15 15 00
Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

vi Ph.D. Geography Eligibility:

(Morning) M.Phil/MS Geography, Applied GISc & RS, GIS, RS and Geomatics offered
by any Department (with basic degree in BS/M.Sc. in Geography).
Total Merit Res.
10 10 00 And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21,Page (8)

Admission Criteria: Basic

Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

11. Punjab University College of Information Technology:

Sr. Name of Program/

No. No. of Seats Criteria laid down for admission
i (PUCIT Old Campus) Eligibility:
BS (Computer Science)
(with 12.5% cut) Intermediate with Mathematics & Physics.
Total Merit Res. Intermediate with Mathematics & Computer Science.
48 43 05 Intermediate with Mathematics & Statistics.
F.Sc Pre-Medcial with additional Math
BS (Computer Science) F.Sc Pre-Medical
(with 12.5% cut) At least 60% marks in DAE in a relevant discipline.

Total Merit Res. Admission Criteria: Basic

46 44 02
(PUCIT New Campus)
BS (Computer Science)
(with 12.5% cut) Additional Marks:
Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
Total Merit Res.
47 42 05 Merit Formula:
BS (Computer Science) Academic Record 100%
(with 12.5% cut)

Total Merit Res.

48 46 02
- 108 -

ii (PUCIT Old Campus) Eligibility:

BS (Software Engineering)
(with 12.5% cut) Intermediate with Mathematics & Physics.
Intermediate with Mathematics & Computer Science.
Intermediate with Mathematics & Statistics.
Total Merit Res. F.Sc Pre-Medcial with additional Math
48 43 05 F.Sc Pre-Medical
BS(Software Engineering)
(Self-Supporting) At least 60% marks in DAE in a relevant discipline.
Total Merit Res.
46 44 02 Admission Criteria: Basic

(PUCIT New Campus) Additional Marks:

BS(Software Engineering)
(with 12.5% cut) Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks

Total Merit Res. Merit Formula:

47 42 05 Academic Record 100%
BS(Software Engineering)
Total Merit Res.
48 46 02

iii (PUCIT Old Campus) Eligibility:

Information Technology Intermediate with Mathematics & Physics
(with 12.5% cut) Intermediate with Mathematics & Computer Science
Intermediate with Mathematics & Statistics
Total Merit Res. F.Sc Pre-Medcial with additional Math
48 43 05 F.Sc Pre-Medical
At least 60% marks in DAE in a relevant discipline.
Information Technology
Admission Criteria: Basic
(with 12.5% cut)
Additional Marks:
Total Merit Res.
46 44 02 Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks

(PUCIT New Campus)

BS Merit Formula:
Information Technology
(with 12.5% cut) Academic Record 100%

Total Merit Res.

47 42 05

Information Technology
(with 12.5% cut)

Total Merit Res.

48 46 02
- 109 -

iv (PUCIT Old Campus) Eligibility:

M. Phil
M.Sc / BS 4-year with CS / IT/ SE / CE or equivalent.
(Computer Science)
And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21,Page (8)
Total Merit Res.
40 40 00 Subject test conducted by the respective department. 50% marks
Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

v (PUCIT New Campus) Eligibility:

M. Phil
M.Sc / BS 4 year with CS / IT/ SE / CE or equivalent
(Computer Science)
And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21,Page (8)
Total Merit Res.
40 40 00 Subject test conducted by the respective department:50% Marks
Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

vi (PUCITOld Campus) Eligibility:

Ph. D MS / M.Phil CS / IT / SE /CE or equivalent
Computer Science
And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
Total Merit Res.
Subject test conducted by the respective department:50% Marks
10 10 00
Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria
(PUCIT New Campus) Eligibility:
vii Ph.D MS / M.Phil CS / IT / SE /CE or equivalent
Computer Science
Total Merit Res.
And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
10 10 00 Subject test conducted by the respective department:50% Marks

Admission Criteria: Basic

Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

12. Center for Geographical Information System (GIS)

Sr. Name of Program/

Criteria laid down for admission
No. No. of Seats
i M.Sc. GIS Eligibility:
Total Merit Res. B.A./B.Sc./B.Com with Elective (Mathematics, Computer Science, Statistics,
54 49 05 Geography) or equivalent.

Admission Criteria: Basic

(Self-Supporting) Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
Total Merit Res. Marks obtained in Elective Subject: 20 Marks each
54 49 05
- 110 -

Merit Formula:
Academic Record: 100%
ii MS/ M.Phil (GIS)
M.Sc. GIS from a recognized University or BS in GIS, Computer Science,
Physics, Mathematics, Geography, Geology, Space Science, Environment
Total Merit Res. Science or equivalent.
20 20 00
Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

12. Solid State Physics

Sr. Name of Program/
Criteria laid down for admission
No. No. of Seats
i M. Phil*
Solid State Physics
Total Merit Res.
30 30 00 M.Sc./BS Applied Physics, Electronics, Physics or equivalent.
*Seats are distributed
amongst provinces as
under: And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
Open All Pakistan: 03
Admission Criteria: Basic
Punjab: 15
Sindh: 04
KPK: 04 Merit Formula: As per basic criteria
AJK: 01
Balochistan: 01
FATA: 01
Capital area: 01

ii M. Phil* Eligibility:
Solid State Physics
(Replica) M.Sc./BS Applied Physics, Electronics, Physics or equivalent.

Total Merit Res. And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
200 200 00 Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic criteria

iii M. Phil* Eligibility:

M.Sc./BS Physics with Electronics, Applied Physics with Electronics, BE
Engineering &
Electronics or equivalent.
Semiconductor Physics
Total Merit Res. And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21,Page (8)
*17 17 00 Admission Criteria: Basic
*Distribution of seats Merit Formula: As per basic criteria
is as under:
Physics: 15
Engineering 02
iv MS Eligibility:
Nano Technology
Total Merit Res. M.Sc./ BS Nanotechnology, Physics, Applied Physics, Electronics,
*13 13 00 Chemistry, Biological Sciences or equivalent.
Distribution of seats is
- 111 -

as under: And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21,Page (8)

Physics: 10
Admission Criteria: Basic
Bio: 01
Chemistry: 01 Merit Formula: As per basic criteria
Electrical: 01
Ph.D Eligibility:
v SolidState Physics
MS/ M.Phil Physics, Applied Physics, Electronics, Physics with Electronics,
Total Merit Res. Applied Physics with Electronics
05 05 00
And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic Criteria

vi Ph.D Eligibility:
Nanotechnology MS/ M.Phil, Microelectronic, Electronics, Physics with Electronics and
Applied Physics with Electronics, Nanotechnology
Total Merit Res.
05 05 00 And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
Admission Criteria: Basic
Merit Formula: As per basic Criteria


(Admission not being offered for Fall-2020-21 in the programs of Faculty of Health Sciences)

i Doctor of Physical Eligibility:

Therapy/Physiotherapy F.Sc. (Pre-Medical)
Admission Criteria:
Total Merit Res.
Open merit
20 20 00
BS (Hons) 4-Years

i Bachelor of Sciences Eligibility:

(Honours) Vision F.Sc. (Pre-Medical/Pre-Engineering)
Sciences (Optometry)
(4-Years) Admission Criteria:
Open merit
Total Merit Res.
15 15 00

ii Bachelor of Sciences Eligibility:

(Honours) Allied F.Sc. (Pre-Medical/Pre-Engineering)
Health Sciences
(Orthotics & Prosthetics) Admission Criteria:
(4-Years) Open merit
Total Merit Res.
15 15 00
- 112 -

iii Bachelor of Sciences Eligibility:

(Honours) Allied
F.Sc. (Pre-Medical/Pre-Engineering)
Health Sciences
(Cardiac Perfusion)
(4-Years) Admission Criteria:
Total Merit Res. Open merit
15 15 00

iv Bachelor of Sciences Eligibility:

(Honours) Allied
F.Sc. (Pre-Medical/Pre-Engineering)
Health Sciences
(Medical Lab. Technology)
(4-Years) Admission Criteria:
Open merit
Total Merit Res.
15 15 00

Bachelor of Sciences Eligibility:

v (Honours) Allied
F.Sc. (Pre-Medical/Pre-Engineering)
Health Sciences
(Operation Theatre
Technology) Admission Criteria:
(4-Years) Open merit
Total Merit Res.
15 15 00

vi Bachelor of Sciences Eligibility:

(Honours) Allied
F.Sc. (Pre-Medical/Pre-Engineering)
Health Sciences
(Anesthesia Technology)
(4-Years) Admission Criteria:
Open merit
Total Merit Res.
15 15 00

vii Bachelor of Sciences Eligibility:

(Honours) Allied
F.Sc. (Pre-Medical/Pre-Engineering)
Health Sciences
(Dental Technology)
(4-Years) Admission Criteria:
Open merit
Total Merit Res.
15 15 00

viii Bachelor of Sciences Eligibility:

(Honours) Allied
F.Sc. (Pre-Medical/Pre-Engineering)
Health Sciences
(Imaging Technology)
(4-Years) Admission Criteria:
Open merit
Total Merit Res.
15 15 00
- 113 -

Allocation of Reserved Seats for other Provinces

i All Punjab on Open Merit 91%

ii AJK, FATA, Balochistan 3%

iii Sindh, KPK, Islamabad 3%

iv Children of PU Teachers/Employees 3%

Sr. Name of Program/
No. No. of Seats Criteria laid down for admission

i. B.Com. Hons.(4-Yrs) Eligibility:

(Morning Program)
Intermediate or equivalent (at least 2nd Division)
Total Merit Res.
124 110 14 Admission Criteria: Basic

B.Com Hons. (4-Yrs) Additional Marks:

(Self Supporting Program) Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
Total Merit Res. Merit Formula:
118 110 08 Academic Record 100%

ii BBA ( Hons).(4-Yrs) Eligibility:

Banking & Finance
(Morning Program) FA/FSc/I.Com/D.Com or equivalent (at least 2nd Division).
40 marks for I.Com and 20 marks for each (Statistics, Mathematics
Total Merit Res. &Economics) as Elective Subjects of 200 Marks at Intermediate Level
60 50 10 (Maximum of 40 marks).
Admission Criteria: Basic
BBA( Hons).(4-Yrs)
Banking & Finance Additional Marks:
(Self Supporting Program ) I.Com Students: 40 Marks
Elective subject: 40 Marks
Total Merit Res. Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
54 50 04
Merit Formula:
Academic Record: 100%

iii. M.Com (Hons.) Eligibility:

(1.5 Yrs)
B.Com (Hons) (4-Yrs) program or equivalent/M.Com (2-Yrs)
Total Merit Res. And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
60 60 00
Admission Criteria: As specified by HEC
Admission Formula: As specified by HEC
iv M.Com (3½ Yrs) Eligibility
(Morning Program)
Total Merit Res. B.Com 2-Yrs program (at least 2nd Division) or equivalent graduation in
53 45 08 business studies
- 114 -

M.Com (3½ Years) Admission Criteria: As specified by HEC

(Self Supporting Program)

Total Merit Res. Merit Formula: As specified by HEC

54 50 04
v M.Phil (Commerce) Eligibility
B.Com 4-Yrs program/M.Com 2-Yrs or equivalent
Total Merit Res.
20 20 00 And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
Admission Criteria: As specified by HEC
Merit Formula: As specified by HEC

vi Ph.D (Commerce) Eligibility

M.Com (18-Yrs) / M.Phil (Commerce)
Total Merit Res.
20 20 00 And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
Admission Criteria: As specified by HEC
Merit Formula: As specified by HEC
Admission may or may not be granted depending upon resources and
availability of suitable candidates.

vii BS Eligibility:
Information Technology Intermediate with Mathematics & Physics
(Morning Program ) Intermediate with Mathematics & Computer Science
Total Merit Res. Intermediate with Mathematics & Statistics
53 45 08 FSc Pre-Medical with additional Math.
F.Sc Pre-Medical
Information Technology At least 60% marks in DAE in a relevant discipline.
(Self-Supporting Program) Admission Criteria: Basic
Total Merit Res. Additional Marks:
54 50 04 Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
Merit Formula:
Academic Record 100%

viii BS Eligibility:
Computer Science Intermediate with Mathematics & Physics
(Morning Program ) Intermediate with Mathematics & Computer Science
Total Merit Res. Intermediate with Mathematics & Statistics
53 45 08 FSc Pre-Medical with additional Math.
F.Sc Pre-Medical
BS At least 60% marks in DAE in a relevant discipline.
Computer Science
(Self-Supporting Program) Admission Criteria: Basic
Additional Marks:
Total Merit Res. Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
54 50 04
Merit Formula:
Academic Record 100%
ix M.Sc (IT) Eligibility:
(Morning Program )
B.Com/ BA/ B.Sc with Elective Mathematics or Computer Science or
Total Merit Res. Statistics or equivalent(at least 2nd Division).
53 45 08 Admission Criteria: Basic
- 115 -

M. Sc (IT) Additional Marks:

(Self-Supporting Program) Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
Total Merit Res. Merit Formula:
54 50 04 Academic Record 100%
x BBA(Hons.) Eligibility:
(Morning Program)
Intermediate or equivalent (at least 2nd Division)
Total Merit Res. Admission Criteria: Basic
124 110 14
Additional Marks:
BBA(Hons.) Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
(Self Supporting Program) I.Com students. 40 Marks
Total Merit Res. Any of the following as Elective subject: 20 Marks
120 110 10 Statistics, Mathematics, Economics each: (Max. of 40marks)
Merit Formula:
Academic Record 100%

xi MBA (1½ Yrs) Eligibility:

50% seats are reserved for BBA (Hons) passed out students from
Total Merit Res.
Gujranwala Campus and 50% will be filled on open merit basis.
60 60 00
And Clause 24 (b), Admission Regulations 2020-21, Page (8)
Admission Criteria: As specified by HEC
Merit Formula: As specified by HEC
xii MBA (Evening / Self Eligibility:
Supporting Program)
B.A/BSc or equivalent /16-years Education (Professionals) Practical
Total Merit Res. Experience, (Full Time) in Business/Industry/Government at executive level
(BPS-17 or above), of 4-years after 14 years education and 2-years after 16-
63 50+8* 05**
years education. Documentary evidence like National Tax Number/Tax
* PGD in Business payment receipt is mandatory for admission. The experience will be counted
Administration from PU from the date of declaration of result of BA/BSc./16-years education or
(8 Seats) equivalent Examinations.
** Punjab University
Teacher’s Son/Daughter The condition of 4-years practical experience is not applicable to those who
(2 Seats) have obtained PGD in business administration from PU.
**Punjab University
Employee’sSon/Daughter (2 Admission Criteria:
1) Academic Record:
** Pak Defense Forces (1 Seat)
Examination 1st Division 2nd Division Weightage
Matriculation 10 05
Intermediate 10 05
Graduation 10 05
Master Degree 10 05
Maximum (30 Marks) 30
2) Written Test 50
3) Interview 20
Total: 100
Additional Marks:
Hafiz-e-Quran 20 Marks
xiii PGD Eligibility:
Business Administration BA/B.Sc or equivalent with minimum two 2nd Divisions
(Self Supporting Program)
Additional Marks:
Total Merit Res.
Hafiz-e-Quran 20
54 50 04*
*Punjab University Teacher’s Admission Criteria: Basic
Son/Daughter (2 Seats)
*Punjab University Merit Formula
Employee’s Son/Daughter Academic Record100%
(2 Seats)
- 116 -

xiv MA English Eligibility & Distribution of Seats:

(Morning Program)
English Literature
Total Merit Res. 50% seats will be offered to those candidates who passed the B.A.
58 50 08 Examination with at least 2nd division marks in the subject of English

MA English English Language:

(Self Supporting Program)
50% seats will be offered to those candidates who passed the B.A.
Total Merit Res. Examination with at least 2nd division marks in the subject of English
54 50 04 Language:

Admission criteria: Basic

Additional Marks:
6. Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks

Merit Formula: Basic

Academic Record: 100%

xiv LLB 5-Yrs Eligibility:

(Morning Program)
FA/F.Sc/ A- Level or equivalent with minimum 55% Marks
Total Merit Res. Admission Criteria: Basic
60 50 10
Additional Marks:
Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
LLB 5-Yrs 1. Entry Test
(Self Supporting 2. 25% of marks in Matric/O-Level plus
Program) 3. Total marks obtained in F.A./F.Sc/A-Level
4. 25 Marks for maximum two subjects from the following list studied as
Total Merit Res. Elective Subjects in F.A./F.Sc/ „A‟ Level.
54 50 04 (1) Civics, (2) Philosophy, (3) English Literature.

As per University Law Merit Formula:

College policy Academic Record 70%
Entry Test 30%

xv Diploma in Eligibility:
Environmental Laws
Total Merit Res. As per University Law College policy
As per University Law
College policy
- 117 -


i B.Com. Hons. 4-Years) Eligibility:

(Morning Program) Intermediate or equivalent (at least 2nd Division)
Total Merit Res. Admission Criteria: Basic
100 90 10 Additional Marks:
B.Com. Hons. 4-Years)
Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
Program) Merit Formula:
Total Merit Res. Academic Record 100%
94 90 04

ii BS (Computer Science)
Total Merit Res. ICS /F.Sc Pre-Engineering /F.Sc. Pre-Medical with additional Math/ A-Level
100 90 10 with Math or equivalent.
At least 60% marks in DAE in a relevant discipline.
F.Sc Pre-Medcial with additional Math
F.Sc Pre-Medical

BS (Computer Science)
Replica/Self-Supporting Admission Criteria: Basic
Programs Additional Marks:
Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
Total Merit Res.
94 90 04 Merit Formula:
Academic Record 100%

BBA (Hons.) Eligibility:

Intermediate or equivalent examination
Total Merit Res.
Admission Criteria: Basic
100 90 10
Additional Marks:
BBA (Hons.)
Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
I.Com students. 40 Marks
Any of the following as Elective subject: 20 marks
(Maximum of 40marks) 20 Marks
Total Merit Res.
Statistic, Mathematic, Economics each:
94 90 04
Merit Formula:
Academic Record: 100%

iv LLB 5 Yrs Program Eligibility:

(Morning Program) FA/F.Sc/ A- Level or equivalent with minimum 55% Marks

Total Merit Res. Admission Criteria: Basic

60 50 10
Additional Marks:
Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
LLB 5 Yrs Program 1. 25% of marks in Matric/O-Level plus
(Self Supporting 2. Total marks obtained in F.A./F.Sc/ A-Level
- 118 -

3. 25 Marks for maximum two subjects from the following list studied as
Total Merit Res. Elective Subjects in F.A./F.Sc/ „A‟Level.
54 50 04 (1) Civics, (2) Philosophy, (3) English Literature.
Merit Formula:
As per University Law Academic Record 70%
College policy Entry Test 30%
BS Management Eligibility:
v (Morning Program)
F.A./ F.Sc./ A-Levels or equivalent
Total Merit Res.
60 50 10 Admission Criteria: Basic

BS Management Additional Marks:

(Replica/Self-Supporting Hafiz-e-Quran: 20 Marks
Program) Merit Formula:
Total Merit Res. Academic Record 100%
54 50 04

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