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Introduction to Modeling and Simulation

Verification, Validation, and Testing



Department of Computer Science

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech)
Blacksburg, VA 24061, USA

Copyright © Osman Balci

Verification, Validation, and Testing (VV&T) Techniques

 More than 100 techniques exist for M/S VV&T.

 The Figure on the next slide shows a taxonomy of more than
75 VV&T techniques applicable for M/S VV&T.
 The taxonomy classifies the VV&T techniques into four
primary categories: informal, static, dynamic, and formal.
 A primary category is further divided into secondary
categories as shown in italics.
 The use of mathematical and logic formalism by the
techniques in each primary category increases from informal
to formal.
 Likewise, the complexity also increases as the primary
category becomes more formal.
Verification, Validation, and Testing Techniques

Informal Static Dynamic Formal

A Audit
Desk Checking
Documentation Checking
Cause-Effect Graphing
Control Analysis
Calling StructureAnalysis
Assertion Checking

Taxonomy Face Validation

Concurrent P rocessAnalysis
Control FlowAnalysis
State TransitionAnalysis
Beta Testing
Lambda Calculus
Logical Deduction
P redicate Calculus
of VV&T TuringTest
Data DependencyAnalysis
P redicateTransformation
P roof of Correctness
Data FlowAnalysis P erformance Testing
Techniques Fault/FailureAnalysis
Security Testing
Model Interface Analysis Debugging
User Interface Analysis ExecutionTesting
Semantic Analysis Execution Monitoring
StructuralAnalysis Execution P rofiling
Symbolic Evaluation ExecutionTracing
SyntaxAnalysis Fault/Failure InsertionTesting
TraceabilityAssessment Field Testing
Functional (Black-Box) Testing
Graphical Comparisons
Data Interface Testing
Model Interface Testing
User Interface Testing
P artitionTesting
P redictiveValidation
P roductTesting
Special InputTesting
BoundaryValue Testing
Equivalence P artitioningTesting
Extreme Input Testing
Invalid InputTesting
Real-Time Input Testing
Self-Driven InputTesting
Stress Testing
Trace-Driven InputTesting
Structural ( W hite-Box)
Branch Testing
Data Flow Testing
Loop Testing
P ath Testing
Statement Testing
Symbolic Debugging
Informal and Formal VV&T Techniques

 Informal VV&T techniques are called informal because the

tools and approaches used rely heavily on human reasoning
and subjectivity without stringent mathematical formalism.
 The “informal” label does not imply any lack of structure or
formal guidelines for the use of the techniques.
 In fact, these techniques are applied using well structured
approaches under formal guidelines and they can be very
effective especially during the early stages of the M&S life cycle.
 Formal VV&T techniques are based on mathematical proof of
 If attainable, proof of correctness is the most effective means of
M/S V&V.
Static and Dynamic VV&T Techniques

 Static VV&T techniques are concerned with accuracy

assessment on the basis of characteristics of the static
model design and source code.
 Static techniques do not require computer execution of the
model, but mental execution can be used.
 Dynamic VV&T techniques require model execution and are
intended for evaluating M/S based on execution behavior.
 Many dynamic VV&T techniques require model instrumentation.
 The insertion of additional code (probes or stubs) into the
executable model or submodel (module) for the purpose of
collecting information about model behavior during execution is
called model instrumentation.
 Probe locations are determined manually or automatically based
on static analysis of model structure.
Informal VV&T Techniques

 Audit
 Desk Checking
 Documentation Checking
 Face Validation
 Inspections
 Reviews
 Turing Test
 Walkthroughs

 Audit seeks to determine through investigation the

adequacy of the overall development process with respect
to established practices, standards, and guidelines.
 Audit is accomplished through a mixture of meetings,
observations, and examinations.
 Audit is performed by a single Auditor.
 Auditing can consist of other audits, reviews, and even
some testing.
 Audit is carried out on a periodic basis.
 Audit also seeks to establish traceability within the
development process. Given an error in a part of the
model, the error should be traceable to its source via its
audit trail.
Desk Checking

 Very first step in VV&T and is particularly useful for

the early stages of development.
 Most traditional means for analyzing a program by
hand while sitting at one’s desk.
 Desk checking becomes much more effective if it is
conducted by another person or group of people.
Commonly the developer becomes blinded to his or
her own mistakes.
Documentation Checking

 Deals with the assessment of the quality of all aspects

of documentation other than the quality of its content.
 The following document quality characteristics are
 Accessibility
 Accuracy (which is measured in terms of Verity and
 Completeness
 Clarity (which is measured in terms of Unambiguity and
 Maintainability
 Portability
 Readability
Face Validation

 The project team members, potential users of the model,

people knowledgeable about the system under study, based
on their estimates and intuition, subjectively compare model
and system behaviors under identical input conditions and
judge whether the model and its results are reasonable.
 Face Validation is useful as a preliminary approach to

 Inspections are conducted by a team of four to six members

for any model development work product such as
requirements specification, design specification, or code.
 For example, in the case of design inspection, the team
consists of:
 Moderator: manages the inspection team and provides
 Reader: narrates the model design and leads the team through it
 Recorder: produces a written report of detected faults
 Designer: is the representative of the development team which
created the model design
 Implementer: translates the model design into code
 Tester: SQA group representative

 An inspection goes through five distinct phases:

1. Overview: In phase I, the designer gives an overview of the
module design to be inspected. The module characteristics such
as purpose, logic and interfaces are introduced and related
documentation is distributed to all participants to study.
2. Preparation: In phase II, the team members prepare individually
for the inspection by examining the documents in detail. The
moderator arranges the inspection meeting with an established
agenda and chairs it in phase III.
3. Inspection: In phase III, the reader narrates the module design
documentation and leads the team through it. The inspection
team is aided by a checklist of queries during the fault finding
process. The objective is to find and document the faults, not to
correct them. The recorder prepares a report of detected faults
immediately after the meeting.

 An inspection goes through five distinct phases:

4. Rework: In phase IV, the designer resolves all faults and
problems specified in the written report.
5. Follow-up: In the final phase, the moderator ensures that all
faults and problems have been resolved satisfactorily. All
changes must be examined carefully to ensure that no new
errors have been introduced as a result of a fix.

 The review is conducted in a similar manner as the

inspection and walkthrough except in the way the team
members are selected.
 The review team also involves managers.
 The review is intended to:
 give management and the sponsor evidence that the model
development process is being carried out according to stated
requirements and project objectives.
 evaluate the model in light of development standards,
guidelines, and specifications.
 As such, the review is a higher level technique than the
inspections and walkthroughs.

 Each review team member examines the model

documentation prior to the review.
 The team then meets to evaluate the model relative to
specifications and standards, recording defects and
 The result of the review is a document portraying the events
of the meeting, deficiencies identified, and review team
 Appropriate action may then be taken to correct any
 As opposed to inspections and walkthroughs, which
concentrate on correctness assessment, reviews seek to
ascertain that tolerable levels of quality are being attained.
Turing Test

 The Turing Test is based on the subject matter expert (SME)

knowledge about the system under study.
 The SMEs are presented with two sets of output data
obtained, one from the model and one from the system,
under the same input conditions.
 Without identifying which one is which, the SMEs are asked
to differentiate between the two.
 If they succeed, they are asked how they were able to do it.
 Their response provides valuable feedback for correcting
model representation.
 If they cannot differentiate, our confidence in model validity
is increased.

 Also called Structured Walkthroughs

 The Walkthrough Team consists of a moderator, model
developer, and 3 to 6 other members.
 Except the model developer, all other members should
not be directly involved in the model development

 Roles of the team members in a structured walkthrough:

 Presenter: most often is the model developer.
 Coordinator: Organizes, moderates, and follows up the
walkthrough activities. Is usually from the SQA department.
 Scribe: Documents the events of the meeting.
 Maintenance Oracle: Considers long-term implications.
 Standards Bearer: Concerned with adherence to standards.
 User Representative: Reflects the needs and concerns of the
 Other Reviewers: (e.g., auditors)
 The presenter provides test data and leads the team through
a manual simulated execution of the model system.
 The test data are walked through the system.
 The purpose is to encourage discussions. Most errors are
discovered by questioning the developer's decisions at
various stages.
Static VV&T Techniques
 Cause-Effect Graphing
 Control Analysis
 Calling Structure Analysis
 Concurrent Process Analysis
 Control Flow Analysis
 State Transition Analysis
 Data Analysis
 Data Dependency Analysis
 Data Flow Analysis
 Fault/Failure Analysis
 Interface Analysis
 Model Interface Analysis
 User Interface Analysis
 Semantic Analysis
 Structural Analysis
 Symbolic Evaluation
 Syntax Analysis
 Traceability Assessment
Cause-Effect Graphing

 Assists accuracy assessment by addressing the question of

“what causes what in the model representation?”
 It is performed by first identifying causes and effects in the
problem domain being represented and by examining if they
are accurately reflected in the model specification.
 As many causes and effects as possible are listed and the
semantics are expressed in a cause-effect graph.
 The graph is annotated to describe special conditions or
impossible situations.
 Once the cause-effect graph has been constructed, a decision
table is created by tracing back through the graph to
determine combinations of causes which result in each effect.
 The decision table is then converted into test cases with which
the model is tested.
Control Analysis: Calling Structure Analysis

 is used to assess model accuracy by identifying who calls

who and who is called by who.
 The “who” could be a module, procedure, subroutine,
function, or a method in an object-oriented model.
 In an object-oriented model, inaccuracies such as the ones
given below can be revealed by analyzing which methods
invoke a method and by which methods a method is invoked.
 Inaccuracies caused by message passing.
 Inaccuracies caused by invoking an invalid method.
 Inaccuracies caused by calling an object which does not exist.
Control Analysis: Concurrent Process Analysis

 model accuracy is assessed by analyzing the overlap

or concurrency of model components executed in
parallel or as distributed.
 Such analysis can reveal synchronization problems
such as deadlocks.
Control Analysis: Control Flow Analysis

 This technique requires the development of a graph of the

model where conditional branches and model junctions are
represented by nodes and the model segments between
such nodes are represented by links.
 A node of the model graph usually represents a logical
junction where the flow of control changes, while an edge
represents towards which junction it changes.
 This technique examines sequences of control transfers and
is useful for identifying incorrect or inefficient constructs
within model representation.
Control Analysis: State Transition Analysis

 This technique requires the identification of a finite

number of states the model execution goes through.
 A state transition diagram is created showing how the
model transitions from one state to another.
 model accuracy is assessed by analyzing the
conditions under which a state change occurs.
 The analysis deals with questions such as
 Have all states been defined?
 Can all the states be reached?
 Can all the states be left?
 Does each state respond properly to all possible
Control Analysis: State Transition Analysis
Example State Transition Diagram

Add student [ count < 10 ]

Add Student /
Initialization Set count = 0 Open
do: Initialize course entry: Register student
exit: Increment count

Cancel Cancel
[ count = 10 ]

Cancelled Closed
do: Notify registered students Cancel do: Finalize course
Data Analysis: Data Dependency Analysis

 Program statements / procedures are not generally

 Involves the determination of what variables depend on what
other variables.
 In parallel and distributed applications, data dependency
knowledge is critical for assessing the accuracy of process

Imposed by Sources of
language dependency Sharing of resources
constructs such as among instructions

Access/update of a common piece of data
Data Analysis: Data Dependency Analysis

DEF set USE set

Variables modified by Variables used by
the statement the statement

A=1 {A} {}
B=C+D {B} { C, D }
Data Dependence is largely a function of DEF and USE sets.

Flow Dependence Output Dependence

Intersection of DEF(S1) and Intersection of USE(S1)
USE(S2) is non-empty and DEF(S2) is empty

S1: A = B + C S1: A = B + C
S2: D = A +10 S2: A = A - D
Data Analysis: Data Dependency Analysis

 Most programs involve some array structure / dependence.

 Notion of dependence needs to be extended to handle array
 Do i
 A [ 2 * i + 1 ] = B [ i ] + ……….. (1)
 D[ i ] = A [ 2 * i ] ………………. (2)
 Can (1) and (2) be done in parallel?
 Statements 1 and 2 have flow dependence if array A is
considered as a single entity.
 Identifying data dependencies helps in program
transformations for parallelism.
 A way to overcome the dependencies is found so that the
program is suitable for parallel execution.
Data Analysis: Data Flow Analysis

 It is easier to analyze programs, if you know where all the

data in the program is defined, used, and altered.
 A data flow graph is constructed to aid data flow analysis.
 Data flow analysis can be used to
 Detect undefined or un-referenced variables
 Track maximum and minimum values
 Track data dependencies and data transformations

As information moves
through flows in the
model, it is modified by V X
F 2 B
a series of A F Z F
1 4 5
Data Analysis: Data Flow Analysis

An example of data flow in a thermostat


Monitor and
adjust Corrected
temperature temperature

Data Analysis: Data Flow Analysis

An example of data flow in a photocopier software

Operator commands Display

and data

Copy status Produce

Copy info Manage user
Read copying displays

Reload Problem Problem

Reload status indicator type
Reload problem
paper diagnosis
Fault/Failure Analysis

 Fault refers to incorrect model component.

 Failure refers to incorrect behavior of a model component.
 This analysis uses model input-output transformation
descriptions to identify how the model might logically fail.
 The model design specification is examined to determine if
any failure-mode possibilities could logically occur and in
what context and under what conditions.
 Failure Analysis is the evaluation of defect patterns to learn
process or product weakness.
 Failure Analysis includes not only analyzing model defects
but also brainstorming the root causes of those defects and
incorporating what we learn into training and process
changes so that defects won’t occur again.
Interface Analysis

 The interface analysis category consists of model interface

analysis and user interface analysis.
 These techniques are especially useful for VV&T of
interactive and distributed simulations.
 Model Interface Analysis is conducted to examine the
(sub)model-to-(sub)model interface and determine if the
interface structure and behavior are sufficiently accurate.
 User Interface Analysis is conducted to examine the user-
model interface and determine if it is human engineered so
as to prevent occurrences of errors during the user’s
interactions with the model.
 It is also used to assess how accurately the interface is
integrated with the simulation model.
 This technique is particularly useful for accuracy assessment of
interactive simulation models used for training purposes.
Semantic Analysis

 Is conducted by the programming language compiler and

attempts to determine the programmer’s intent in writing the
 The compiler informs the programmer about what is
specified in the source code so that the programmer can
verify that the true intent is accurately reflected.
 The compiler generates a wealth of information to help the
programmer determine if the true intent is accurately
translated into the executable code:
 Symbol Tables: describe the elements or symbols that are
manipulated in the model, function declarations, type and
variable declarations, scoping relationships, interfaces,
dependencies, etc.
Semantic Analysis

 Cross-reference Tables: describe called versus calling modules

(where each data element is declared, referenced and altered),
duplicate data declarations (how often and where occurring) and
unreferenced source code.
 Subroutine Interface Tables: describe the actual interfaces of
the caller and the called.
 Maps: relate the generated runtime code to the original source
 “Pretty Printers” or Source Code Formatters: provide
reformatted source listing on the basis of its syntax and
semantics, clean pagination, highlighting of data elements and
marking of nested control structures.
Structural Analysis

 Is used to examine the model structure and to determine if it

adheres to structured principles.
 It is conducted by constructing a control flow graph of the
model structure and examining the graph for anomalies,
such as
 multiple entry and exit points,
 excessive levels of nesting within a structure, and
 questionable practices such as the use of unconditional
Symbolic Evaluation

 Is used to assess model accuracy by exercising the model

using symbolic values rather than actual data values for
 It is performed by feeding symbolic inputs into the module
and producing expressions for the output which are derived
from the transformation of the symbolic data along model
execution paths.
Symbolic Evaluation
Consider, for example, the following function:
function jobArrivalTime(arrivalRate,currentClock,randomNumber)
lag = -10
Y = lag * currentClock
if Z < 0 then
arrivalTime = currentClock - log(randomNumber)/arrivalRate
arrivalTime = Z - log(randomNumber)/arrivalRate
end if
return arrivalTime
end jobArrivalTime

In symbolic execution, lag is substituted in Y resulting in

Y = -10*currentClock. Substituting again, we find
Z = -30*currentClock.
Since currentClock is always zero or positive, an error is
detected that Z will never be greater than zero.
Syntax Analysis

 Is carried on by the programming language compiler to

assure that the mechanics of the language are applied
 What is Syntax?
 Textual representation of a language
 Why do Syntax Analysis?
 To construct a parse tree that determines if the text of the
programming language is well formed according to the grammar
rules of the programming language.
 Syntactically erroneous code in Pascal:
 a := a * (b + c * d ;
 Syntactically correct code in Pascal:
 a := a * (b + c * d);
Traceability Assessment

 Used to match, one to one, the elements of one form of the

model to another.
 For example, the elements of the system and requirements
specification are matched one to one to the elements of the
model design specification.
 Unmatched elements may reveal either unfulfilled
requirements or unintended design functions.
 Traceability must be performed throughout the model
development life cycle.
 Benefits:
 Align the changing business needs with the model developed
 Reduces risk by capturing knowledge that’s vital to the project’s
 Supports process improvement
Example Traceability

# Reference Requirement Test Team Test Objectives References

Description Method to SRS Rev B

1 CEI Be able to R8 SW Inspect Detailed ¤ ,

a)-1 command Design Specification Table 11
exposure time to check that the
between 0.1 and times have been
10 sec implemented.

2 CEI Extract event D5 SW Verify pixel location, ¤ ,

a)-a-1-iii location, time, time, and energy in Table 11
and energy timed- exposure faint ¤ ,
event mode during Table 20
SW integration tests,
using "image loader"
and test images
(from CD-R set).
Dynamic VV&T Techniques  Object-Flow Testing
 Partition Testing
 Acceptance Testing  Predictive Validation
 Alpha Testing  Product Testing
 Assertion Checking  Regression Testing
 Beta Testing  Sensitivity Analysis
 Bottom-Up Testing  Special Input Testing
 Comparison Testing  Boundary Value Testing
 Compliance Testing  Equivalence Partitioning Testing
 Authorization Testing  Extreme Input Testing
 Performance Testing  Invalid Input Testing
 Security Testing  Real-Time Input Testing
 Standards Testing  Self-Driven Input Testing
 Debugging  Stress Testing
 Execution Testing  Trace-Driven Input Testing
 Execution Monitoring  Statistical Techniques
 Execution Profiling  Structural (White-Box) Testing
 Execution Tracing  Branch Testing
 Fault/Failure Insertion Testing  Condition Testing
 Field Testing  Data Flow Testing
 Functional (Black-Box)Testing  Loop Testing
 Graphical Comparisons  Path Testing
 Interface Testing  Statement Testing
 Data Interface Testing  Submodel/Module Testing
 Model Interface Testing  Symbolic Debugging
 User Interface Testing  Top-Down Testing
 Visualization/Animation
Acceptance Testing

 Used either by the client organization, by the developer’s

SQA group in the presence of client representatives, or by an
independent contractor hired by the client after the model is
officially delivered and before the client officially accepts the
 The model is operationally tested by using the actual
hardware and actual data to determine whether all
requirements specified in the legal contract are satisfied.
Alpha Testing

 Refers to the operational testing of the alpha version of

the complete model at an in-house site which is not
involved with the model development.
 Users selected within the model development company
are asked to conduct Alpha Testing, in a way
independent of the development department.
Assertion Checking

 An assertion is a statement that should hold true as the

model executes.
 Assertion Checking is a verification technique used to
check what is happening against what the model engineer
assumes is happening so as to guard model execution
against potential errors.
 The assertions are placed in various parts of the model to
monitor model execution. They can be inserted to hold
 globally—for the whole model;
 regionally—for some modules;
 locally—within a module; or
 at entry and exit of a module.
Assertion Checking

 Consider, for example, the following pseudo-code:

Base := Hours * PayRate;
Gross := Base * (1 + BonusRate);
 In just these two simple statements, several assumptions are
being made. It is assumed that

Hours, PayRate, Base, BonusRate and Gross are all  0

 The following asserted code can be used to prevent

execution errors due to incorrect values inputted by the user:
Assert Local (Hours  0 and PayRate  0 and BonusRate  0);
Base := Hours * PayRate;
Gross := Base * (1 + BonusRate);
Beta Testing

 Refers to the operational testing of the beta version of the

complete model at a “beta” user site under realistic field
 Experienced, knowledgeable users are selected as the Beta
 Beta Testers generally agree to report the bugs they
Bottom-up Testing
Submodel 1 Submodel 2 Submodel N

 Testing is conducted
in the same pattern as Module 1 Module 2 Module M
(Class 1) (Class 2) (Class M)
bottom-up development.
 Begin testing the
modules at the lowest Sub-Module 1 Sub-Module 2 Sub-Module K
(Sub-Class 1) (Sub-Class 2) (Sub-Class K)
level and then proceed
to testing the higher levels.
 As each module is completed, it is thoroughly tested. When
the modules comprising a level have been coded and tested,
the modules are integrated and integration testing is
performed. This process is repeated until the entire model
has been integrated and tested.
 The integration of completed modules need not wait for all
“same level” modules to be completed. Module integration
and testing can be, and often is, performed incrementally.
Bottom-up Testing
 Advantages:
 Encourages extensive testing at the module level.
 Since most well-structured model consists of many modules,
there is much to be gained by bottom-up testing.
 The smaller the module and more limited its function, the easier
and more complete its testing can be.
 Particularly attractive for testing distributed systems.
 Disadvantages:
 The need for individual module drivers to test the modules.
These drivers, called test harnesses, simulate the calling of the
module and pass data necessary to exercise the module.
 Developing harnesses for every module can be quite large.
 The harnesses may themselves contain errors.
 Faces the same cost and complexity issues as does top-down
Comparison Testing

 Comparison Testing (also known as back-to-back testing) is

used when more than one version of the same model or
more than one model with the same intended use is available
for testing.
 Different versions of the same model or different models
with the same intended use are executed with the same input
data and outputs are compared for accuracy assessment.

Model A Model A Model A

Version 7.0 Version 8.0 Version 9.0
or or or
Model X with Model Y with Model Z with
Intended Use K Intended Use K Intended Use K
Compliance Testing: Authorization Testing

 Used to test how accurately and properly different levels of

access authorization are implemented in the model and how
properly they comply with the established rules and
Customer Teller Bank Manager
 Testing procedure:
 Log on as a type of
authorized user and
test the model
 Record the results.
 Match the results Procedure
with rules and
regulations set by
the client.
Screen 1 Screen 2 Screen 3
Compliance Testing: Performance Testing

 Used to test whether

 all run-time performance characteristics are measured and
evaluated with sufficient accuracy, and
 all established performance requirements are satisfied.
 Accomplished in parallel with Stress Testing and often
requires hardware and/or model instrumentation.
 For example:
 If a transaction is required to take place within a specified time,
this test performs that transaction and verifies whether the
timing requirement is met.
 If a system interacts with a large database, this test can be used
to examine the speed and accuracy of the data retrieval.
Compliance Testing: Security Testing

 Used to test whether all security procedures are correctly

and properly implemented in using the M/S.
 For example, the test can be conducted by attempting to
penetrate into the M/S while it is available for use and break
into classified components such as secure databases.
 Security testing is applied to substantiate the accuracy and
evaluate the adequacy of the protective procedures and
Compliance Testing: Standards Testing

 Used to substantiate that the model is developed with

respect to the required standards, procedures, and
 Any set of standards can be chosen as the basis for testing.

 Testing reveals the presence of errors, debugging finds

them and removes them.
 Involves the following steps:
1. Test the model to reveal an error if any
2. If error found, locate the source of error
3. Determine the needs for correcting the error
4. Make the correction
5. Retest to ensure successful modification (because a change
correcting an error may create another error)
 Isolating the true source of the error (step 2) may be very
difficult. Frequently, what may appear to be the source of
the error is but an extension of a deeper problem.
Execution Testing: Execution Monitoring

 Provides low-level information about activities and

events which took place during execution.
 May provide information about:
 number of times a certain message is executed,
 how long it took to perform a certain task,
 how many times a page fault occurred, etc.
 Requires model instrumentation
Execution Testing: Execution Profiling

 Provides high-level information (a profile) about activities

and events which took place during execution.
 May provide information about:
 how many times a submodel is executed,
 how many times a global variable is referenced,
 how many times a source line is executed, etc.
 Gives its results directly in terms of the source definition
 Requires model instrumentation
Execution Testing: Execution Tracing

 Revealing errors by “watching” the line-by-line execution

activity of the model.
 Often associated with interpretive languages that offer
source level tracing by simply displaying the source
statement being interpreted at the given moment.
 In compiled languages, execution tracing can be facilitated
via model instrumentation.
Fault/Failure Insertion Testing

 Fault refers to incorrect model component.

 Failure refers to incorrect behavior of a model component.
 Used to deliberately insert a kind of fault or a kind of failure
into the model and observe whether the model produces the
invalid behavior as expected.
 Unexplained behavior may reveal errors in model
Field Testing

 Field Testing places the model in an operational situation for

the purpose of collecting as much information as possible
for model validation.
 It is especially useful for validating models of military
combat systems.
 Although it is usually difficult, expensive and sometimes
impossible to devise meaningful field tests for complex
systems, their use wherever possible helps both the project
team and decision makers to develop confidence in the
Functional (Black-Box) Testing

 Synonyms for black-box testing include:

 Behavioral testing
 Functional testing
 Opaque-box testing
 Closed-box testing
 Black-box testing treats the model as a “black-box”
and it does not explicitly use knowledge of the internal
 Black-box testing is usually described as focusing on
testing functional requirements.
Functional (Black-Box) Testing

Deals with the verification and validation of the input-output

transformation of the model (module).

 The concern is not what is in the box (i.e., model); rather,

what is produced by the box for a given set of inputs.
 The generated test data are inputted into the model (module)
and its output is examined to verify and validate the input-
output transformation.
 It is virtually impossible to test all inputs to the model.
 Test data may be generated as: (a) minimum and/or
maximum values of input variables, (b) randomly generated
values, and (c) containing invalid input values deliberately.
 Determining if the test set is complete is the main drawback
to black-box testing. Law of large numbers does not apply!
Graphical Comparisons

 Graphical Comparisons is a subjective, inelegant and

heuristic, yet quite practical approach especially useful as a
preliminary approach to model VV&T.
 The graphs of values of model variables over time are
compared with the graphs of values of system variables to
investigate characteristics such as
 similarities in periodicities,
 skewness,
 number and location of inflection points,
 logarithmic rise and linearity,
 phase shift,
 trend lines, and
 exponential growth constants.
Interface Testing: Data Interface Testing

 Used to assess the accuracy of data inputted into the model

or outputted from the model during execution.
 All data interfaces are examined to substantiate that all
aspects of data input/output are correct.
 This form of testing is particularly important for those model
the inputs of which are read from a database and/or the
results of which are stored into a database for later analysis.
 The model’s interface to the database is examined to ensure
correct importing and exporting of data.
Interface Testing: Model Interface Testing

 Used to detect errors created as a result of module-to-

module interface or invalid assumptions about the
 It is assumed that each model component (module) is
individually tested and found to be sufficiently accurate
before model interface testing begins.
 This form of testing deals with how well the modules are
integrated with each other and is particularly useful for
object-oriented and distributed model.
 Under the object-oriented paradigm, objects:
 are created with public and private interfaces,
 interface with other objects through message passing,
 are reused with their interfaces, and
 inherit the interfaces and services of other objects.
Interface Testing: User Interface Testing

 Used to detect model representation errors created as a

result of user-model interface errors or invalid
assumptions about the interfaces.
 User interface testing deals with the assessment of the
interactions between the user and the model.
 The user interface is examined from low level ergonomic
aspects to instrumentation and controls and from human
factors to global considerations of usability and
appropriateness for the purpose of identifying potential
Object-Flow Testing

 Object-flow testing is similar to transaction-flow testing and

thread testing.
 It is used to
by way of
the life
cycle of
an object
Partition Testing

 Used for testing the model with the test data generated by
analyzing the model’s functional representatives
 It is accomplished by:
1. decomposing both model specification and implementation
into functional representatives (partitions),
2. comparing the elements and prescribed functionality of
each partition specification with the elements and actual
functionality of corresponding partition implementation,
3. deriving test data to extensively test the functional behavior
of each partition, and
4. testing the model by using the generated test data.
Predictive Validation

 Predictive Validation requires past input and output data of

the system being modeled.
 The model is driven by past system input data and its
forecasts are compared with the corresponding past system
output data to test the predictive ability of the model.
Product Testing

 Product testing is conducted by the development

organization after all modules are successfully integrated
(as demonstrated by the interface testing) and before the
acceptance testing is performed by the client.
 No contractor wants to be in a situation where the
product (model) fails the acceptance test.
 Product testing serves as a means of getting prepared for
the acceptance testing.
 As such, the QA group must perform product testing and
make sure that all requirements specified in the legal
contract are satisfied before delivering the model to the
client organization.
Regression Testing

 Seeks to ensure that correcting errors and/or making

changes to the model do not create other errors.
 Accomplished by retesting the modified model with a
set of previous test cases used.
 Successful regression testing requires planning.
 A plan for performing regression testing must be
incorporated in the overall management of model
Sensitivity Analysis

 Sensitivity Analysis is performed by systematically changing

the values of model input variables and parameters over
some range of interest and observing the effect upon model
 Unexpected effects may reveal invalidity.
 The input values can also be changed to induce errors to
determine the sensitivity of model behavior to such errors.
 Sensitivity analysis can identify those input variables and
parameters to the values of which model behavior is very
 Then, model validity can be enhanced by assuring that those
values are specified with sufficient accuracy.
Special Input Testing: Boundary Value Testing

 Used to test model accuracy by using test cases on the

boundaries of input equivalence classes.
 A model's input domain can usually be divided into
classes of input data (known as equivalence classes)
which cause the model to function the same way.
 Example: A DBMS design specification indicates that the
DBMS must be able to handle any number of records from
1 through 32,000.
 Equivalence class 1: Less than 1 record
 Equivalence class 2: From 1 through 32,000 records
 Equivalence class 3: More than 32,000 records
Special Input Testing: Boundary Value Testing

Example Test Cases

 Test case 1: 0 records Member of equivalence class 1

& adjacent to boundary value
 Test case 2: 1 record Boundary value
 Test case 3: 2 records Adjacent to boundary value
 Test case 4: 16,000 records Member of equivalence class 2
 Test case 5: 31,999 records Adjacent to boundary value
 Test case 6: 32,000 records Boundary value
 Test case 7: 32,001 records Member of equivalence class 3
& adjacent to boundary value
Special Input Testing: Equivalence Partitioning Testing

 This technique partitions the model input domain into

equivalence classes in such a manner that a test of a
representative value from a class is assumed to be a test of
all values in that class.
 Example: A DBMS design specification indicates that the
DBMS must be able to handle any number of records from 1
through 32,000.
 Equivalence class 1: Less than 1 record
 Equivalence class 2: From 1 through 32,000 records
 Equivalence class 3: More than 32,000 records
 Reduces the total number of testing cases to only one or few
tests per equivalence class.
Special Input Testing:
Extreme Input Testing & Invalid Input Testing

 Extreme Input Testing is conducted by running / exercising

the simulation model by using only minimum values, only
maximum values, or arbitrary mixture of minimum and
maximum values for the model input variables.
 Invalid Input Testing is performed by running / exercising the
simulation model under incorrect input data and cases to
determine whether the model behaves as expected.
 Unexplained behavior may reveal model representation errors.
Special Input Testing: Real-Time Input Testing

 Real-Time Input Testing is particularly important for

assessing the accuracy of simulation models built to
represent embedded real-time systems.
 For example, different design strategies of a real-time
software system to be developed to control the operations of
the components of a manufacturing system can be studied
by simulation modeling.
 The simulation model representing the software design can
be tested by way of running it under real-time input data that
can be collected from the existing manufacturing system.
 Using real-time input data collected from a real system is
particularly important to represent the timing relationships
and correlations between input data points.
Special Input Testing: Self-Driven Input Testing

 Self-Driven Input Testing is conducted by running /

exercising the simulation model under input data randomly
sampled from probabilistic models representing random
phenomena in a real or futuristic system.
 A probability distribution (e.g., exponential, gamma, weibull)
can be fit to collected data or uniform, triangular or beta
probability distribution can be used in the absence of data to
model random input conditions.
 Then, using random variate generation techniques, random
values can be sampled from the probabilistic models to test
the model validity under a set of observed or speculated
random input conditions.
Special Input Testing: Stress Testing

 Used for testing the model under high workloads to probe its
viability under resource overload.
 It is useful for time-dependent real-time systems.
 Example parameters to change to perform Stress Testing:
 Arrival rate of transactions (messages)
 Amounts of resources used by transactions (messages) (e.g.,
CPU time, memory, disk storage, etc.)
 Forces race conditions.
 Totally distorts the normal order of processing, especially
processing that occurs at different priority levels.
 Forces the exercise of all system limits, thresholds, or other
controls designed to deal with overload situations.
 Greatly increases the number of simultaneous actions.
 Depletes resource pools in extraordinary and un-thought of
Special Input Testing: Trace-Driven Input Testing

 Trace-Driven Input Testing is conducted by running /

exercising the simulation model under input trace data
collected from a real system.
 For example, a computer system can be instrumented by
using software and hardware monitors to collect data by
tracing all system events.
 The raw trace data is then refined to produce the real input
data for use in testing the simulation model of the computer
Statistical Techniques Proposed for Model Validation

 Analysis of Variance  Nonparametric Tests of

 Confidence Intervals/Regions Means
 Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon
 Factor Analysis
 Hotelling's T2 Tests
 Analysis of Paired
 Multivariate Analysis of Observations
 Regression Analysis
 Standard MANOVA
 Theil’s Inequality Coefficient
 Permutation Methods
 Time Series Analysis
 Nonparametric Ranking
 Spectral Analysis
 Nonparametric Goodness-of-  Correlation Analysis
fit Tests  Error Analysis
 Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test  t-Test
 Cramer-Von Mises Test
 Chi-square Test
Structural (White-Box) Testing: Branch Testing

if-then-else while-do case-of

 Used to run / exercise the model under test data so as to

execute as many branch alternatives as possible, as many
times as possible & to substantiate their accurate operations.
 The more branches are successfully tested, the more
confidence we gain in model’s accurate execution with
respect to its logical branches.
 Aims to ensure that each possible branch from each decision
point is executed at least once, thus ensuring that all
reachable code is executed.
Structural (White-Box) Testing: Condition Testing

 Used to execute the model under test data so as to execute

as many (compound) logical conditions as possible, as many
times as possible and to substantiate their accurate
 Types of Conditions:
 Simple Conditions:
 Boolean Variables: A boolean variable, or application of a
boolean function.
 Relational Expressions: comparisons of two values of the
same type ( e1 op e2 ).
 Compound Conditions:
 Conditions obtained by combining simple conditions by
using logical operators such as AND, OR, NOT.
Structural (White-Box) Testing: Condition Testing
(j >= 1) && (A[j] > A[j+1])
Both of the relational expressions involve an ordered
type, so that there are 32 = 9 combinations that
should be considered in testing:
Generating Test Cases:
(j < 1) && (A[j] < A[j+1])
(j < 1) && (A[j] == A[j+1]) j = 0, A[j] = 1, A[j+1] = 0
(j < 1) && (A[j] > A[j+1]) j = 0, A[j] = 1, A[j+1] = 1
(j == 1) && (A[j] < A[j+1]) j = 0, A[j] = 1, A[j+1] = 2
(j == 1) && (A[j] == A[j+1]) j < 0, A[j] = 1, A[j+1] = 0
j < 0, A[j] = 1, A[j+1] = 1
(j == 1) && (A[j] > A[j+1])
j < 0, A[j] = 1, A[j+1] = 2
(j > 1) && (A[j] < A[j+1])
j > 0, A[j] = 1, A[j+1] = 0
(j > 1) && (A[j] == A[j+1]) j > 0, A[j] = 1, A[j+1] = 1
(j > 1) && (A[j] > A[j+1]) j > 0, A[j] = 1, A[j+1] = 2
Structural (White-Box) Testing: Data Flow Testing

 This technique uses the control flow graph to explore

sequences of events related to the status of data
structures and to examine data-flow anomalies.
 For example, sufficient paths can be forced to execute
under test data to assure that every data element and
structure is initialized prior to use or every declared
data structure is used at least once in an executed path.
 A USE is a reference to a variable’s value; a DEF is an
assignment of a new value to that variable. A USE-DEF
pair is a path from the point the variable is defined to
the point the variable is referenced.
 Data flow testing requires that all DEF-USE pairs be
Structural (White-Box) Testing: Data Flow Testing


if (some_exp) (1) DEF: at 2 and 4;

some_var = 1; (2)
USE: at 6 and 8;
else (3)
some_var = 2; (4) So there are 4 DEF-USE pairs.
if (some_case) (5) No. DEF USE Path
P1(some_var); (6) 1 2 6 <2-5-6>
2 2 8 <2-5-8>
else (7)
3 4 6 <4-5-6>
P2(some_var); (8)
4 4 8 <4-5-8>

Test cases:
case 1 (some_exp = true, some_case = true) traverses path 1
case 2 (some_exp = true, some_case = false) traverses path 2
case 3 (some_exp = false, some_case = true) traverses path 3
case 4 (some_exp = false, some_case = false) traverses path 4
Structural (White-Box) Testing: Loop Testing

 This technique is conducted to execute the model

under test data so as to execute as many loop
structures as possible, as many times as possible
and to substantiate their accurate operations.
 Loop classes include:
 Simple, nested, concatenated, and unstructured
 Sets of test should uncover errors at:
 basic path, initialization, indexing, and bounding
Structural (White-Box) Testing: Loop Testing
Simple Loop:
 Skip loop
 one pass through the loop
 two passes through the loop
 m passes where m < n
 n-1, n, n+1 passes through the loop
N: maximum number  excluded values
allowed to pass

Nested Loop:

 start from innermost loop

 simple loop test
 outer loop holding minimum value
 work outward
 all outer loops keep minimum value
 other loops keep typical value
Structural (White-Box) Testing: Loop Testing
Concatenated Loop:
 One after another but still on a path from entrance to exit
 independent
 counter in one loop is unrelated to another
 treat as simple loop
 related
 counter for one loop as initial value for the other
 treat as nested loop

Unstructured Loop:
6 7
 Should avoid in the first place
 hard to select counter
 break effect 1 3 4 5 2
 cross-connected loop
 hidden loop
 things need to be considered 8
 end points
 looping values
Structural (White-Box) Testing: Path Testing
 What is it?
• Test based on selecting sets of test paths through
the program
 Generate tests from control flow
 Criteria for selecting paths
 Generate test case
 Determine path-forcing input values
 Path Selection Criteria:
• Complete testing
 Every path from entry to exit
 Every statement or instruction
 Every branch/case statement, in each direction
• Adaptive Strategy
 Path prefix strategy
 Essential branch strategy
Structural (White-Box) Testing: Path Testing

Control Flowgraph
1: do while records remain
read record; 1

2: if record field 1=0

3: then process record;
store in buffer; 3
increment counter; 6 5
4: elseif record field 2=0;
5: then reset counter; 7a

6: else process record;

store in file; 7b

7a: endif
7b: enddo
Structural (White-Box) Testing: Path Testing

Path Selection Criteria

A) 1F8F

1 T F
1 X
2 2
6 4
T 5
8 X
Structural (White-Box) Testing: Path Testing

Path Selection Criteria

B) 1F  1T
F 1T2F5F7T7F1F8T

2 1 X X
3 5 2 X
6 3
T F 7
4 T 4
5 X
7 X X
8 X X
Structural (White-Box) Testing: Path Testing

Path Selection Criteria

C) 1T2F  1T2T
F 1T2T3T4F3F1T2F5F7T7F1F8T

1 X X
3 5 2 X X
3 X X
T F 7
4 T
4 X
5 X
7 X X
8 X X
Structural (White-Box) Testing: Path Testing

Path Selection Criteria d) two choices

1T2F5F 1T2F3T4F
shortest one: 1T2F5F  1T2F5T
T 1T2F5T6T1T2T3T4T3F1T2F5T6F1F8T


1 X X
3 5
2 X X

T F 7
F 3 X X
4 T

4 X X
5 X X
F 6 X X
7 X X
8 X X
Structural (White-Box) Testing: Statement Testing

 Minimum testing requirement of IEEE unit test

 Why?
 Untested code in proportion to probability of bugs
 How?
 Execute all statements at least once under test
Structural (White-Box) Testing: Statement Testing

Common Errors: Example

X = 5; X = 5;
y = 6; y = 6;
z = x++ + y++; z = ++x + ++y;

x y z x y z
6 7 11 6 7 13

• ++n increments n before its value is used.
• n++ increments n after its value is used.
Submodel / Module Testing

 Submodel / Module Testing requires a top-down model

decomposition in terms of submodels / modules.
 The executable model is instrumented to collect data on all
input and output variables of a submodel.
 The system is similarly instrumented (if possible) to collect
similar data.
 Then, each submodel behavior is compared with
corresponding subsystem behavior to judge submodel
 If a subsystem can be modeled analytically (e.g., as an M/M/1
model), its exact solution can be compared against the
simulation solution to assess validity quantitatively.
Symbolic Debugging

 Using a debugging tool, model execution is manipulated,

while viewing the source code, for debugging purposes.
 By setting “breakpoints”, the tester can interact with the
entire model one step at a time, at predetermined locations,
or under specified conditions.
 While using a symbolic debugger, the tester may alter data
values or cause a portion of the model to be “replayed”, i.e.,
executed again under the same conditions (if possible).
 The tester can set “watch” variables to monitor data flow.
 Typically, the tester utilizes the information from execution
history generation techniques, such as tracing, monitoring
and profiling, to isolate a problem or its proximity. Then the
debugger is employed to understand how and why the error
Submodel 1 Submodel 2 Submodel N

 Testing is
Module 1 Module 2 Module M
conducted (Class 1) (Class 2) (Class M)
in the same
as top-down Sub-Module 1 Sub-Module 2 Sub-Module K
(Sub-Class 1) (Sub-Class 2) (Sub-Class K)

 Begin testing the global level and then proceed to testing the
lower levels.
 When testing a given level, calls to sublevels are simulated
by using “stubs” – a dummy component which has no other
function but to let its caller complete the call.
Top-Down Testing

 Advantages:
 Model integration testing is minimized.
 Early existence of a working model results.
 Higher level interfaces are tested first.
 A natural environment for testing lower levels is provided.
 Errors are localized to new modules and interfaces.
 Disadvantages:
 Thorough module testing is discouraged (the entire model
must be executed to perform testing).
 Testing can be expensive (since the whole model must be
executed for each test).
 Adequate input data is difficult to obtain (because of the
complexity of the data paths and control predicates).
 Integration testing is hampered (again, because of the size
and complexity induced by testing the whole model).
Visualization / Animation

 Visualization/Animation of a simulation model greatly assists

in model VV&T.
 Displaying graphical images of internal (e.g., how customers
are served by a cashier) and external (e.g., utilization of the
cashier) dynamic behavior of a model during execution
enables us to discover errors by seeing.
 For example, in a traffic intersection visual simulation, we can
observe the arrivals of vehicles in different lanes and their
movements through the intersection as the traffic light
 Seeing the animation of the model as it executes and
comparing it with the behavior of the system being modeled
can help us identify discrepancies between the model and the
 However, note that, “Seeing is not believing in model validity!”
Formal VV&T Techniques

 Induction
 Inductive Assertions
 Inference
 Lambda Calculus
 Logical Deduction
 Predicate Calculus
 Predicate Transformation
 Proof of Correctness

 Induction, inference and logical deduction are simply acts of

justifying conclusions on the basis of premises given.
 An argument is valid if the steps used to progress from the
premises to the conclusion conform to established rules of
 Inductive reasoning is based on invariant properties of a set
of observations (assertions are invariants since their value is
defined to be true).
 Given that the initial model assertion is correct, it stands to
reason that if each path progressing from that assertion can
be shown to be correct and subsequently each path
progressing from the previous assertion is correct, etc., then
the model must be correct if it terminates.
 Formal induction proof techniques exist for the intuitive
explanation just given.
Inductive Assertions

 It is conducted in three steps.

 In Step 1, input-to-output relations for all model variables are
 In Step 2, these relations are converted into assertion
statements and are placed along the model execution paths in
such a way as to divide the model into a finite number of
“assertion-bound” paths, i.e., an assertion statement lies at the
beginning and end of each model execution path.
 In Step 3, verification is achieved by proving that for each path:
 if the assertion at the beginning of the path is true and all
statements along the path are executed, then the assertion
at the end of the path is true.
 If all paths plus model termination can be proved, by induction,
the model is proved to be correct.

 Induction, inference and logical deduction are simply acts of

justifying conclusions on the basis of premises given.
 An argument is valid if the steps used to progress from the
premises to the conclusion conform to established rules of
 Inductive reasoning is based on invariant properties of a set
of observations (assertions are invariants since their value is
defined to be true).
 Given that the initial model assertion is correct, it stands to
reason that if each path progressing from that assertion can
be shown to be correct and subsequently each path
progressing from the previous assertion is correct, etc., then
the model must be correct if it terminates.
 Formal induction proof techniques exist for the intuitive
explanation just given.
Lambda Calculus

 The l-calculus is a system for transforming the model

into formal expressions.
 It is a string-rewriting system and the model itself can be
considered as a large string.
 The l-calculus specifies rules for rewriting strings, i.e.,
transforming the model into l-calculus expressions.
 Using the l-calculus, the model engineer can formally
express the model so that mathematical proof of
correctness techniques can be applied.
Logical Deduction

 Induction, inference and logical deduction are simply acts of

justifying conclusions on the basis of premises given.
 An argument is valid if the steps used to progress from the
premises to the conclusion conform to established rules of
 Inductive reasoning is based on invariant properties of a set
of observations (assertions are invariants since their value is
defined to be true).
 Given that the initial model assertion is correct, it stands to
reason that if each path progressing from that assertion can
be shown to be correct and subsequently each path
progressing from the previous assertion is correct, etc., then
the model must be correct if it terminates.
 Formal induction proof techniques exist for the intuitive
explanation just given.
Predicate Calculus

 The predicate calculus provides rules for manipulating

 A predicate is a combination of simple relations, such as
completed_jobs > steady_state_length.
 A predicate will either be true or false.
 The model can be defined in terms of predicates and
manipulated using the rules of the predicate calculus.
 The predicate calculus forms the basis of all formal
specification languages.
Predicate Transformation

 The Predicate transformation provides a basis for

verifying model correctness by
 formally defining the semantics of the model with a
mapping which transforms model output states to all
possible model input states.
 This representation provides the basis for proving
model correctness.
Proof of Correctness

 Formal proof of correctness corresponds to

 expressing the model in a precise notation and then
 mathematically proving that the executed model terminates
 it satisfies the requirements specification with sufficient
 Attaining proof of correctness in a realistic sense is not
possible under the current state of the art.
 However, the advantage of realizing proof of correctness
is so great that when the capability is realized, it will
revolutionize the model VV&T.

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