Angran Li and Daniel Hamlin 2019

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Sociology of Education

2019, Vol. 92(4) 367–385

Is Daily Parental Help with Ó American Sociological Association 2019
DOI: 10.1177/0038040719867598
Homework Helpful?

Reanalyzing National Data

Using a Propensity Score–
Based Approach

Angran Li1 and Daniel Hamlin2

Previous analyses of large national datasets have tended to report a negative relationship between parental
homework help and student achievement. Yet these studies have not examined heterogeneity in this rela-
tionship based on the propensity for a parent to provide homework help. By using a propensity score–
based approach, this study investigates the relationship between daily parental homework help in first
grade and student achievement in third grade with nationally representative data from the Early Childhood
Longitudinal Study–Kindergarten Class. Results indicated that low prior achievement, socioeconomic dis-
advantage, and minority status were associated with a high propensity to provide daily homework help.
Daily parental homework help was also associated with improved achievement for children whose parents
had a high propensity to provide daily homework help. These patterns suggest that complex factors induce
daily parental homework help and that these factors are related to heterogeneity in the relationship
between daily parental homework help and achievement.

propensity score–based approach, parental help with homework, academic achievement, ele-
mentary school, ECLS-K

Most Americans believe that parents play a critical achievement in a series of recent observational
role in supporting children’s academic develop- studies using national data (Domina 2005; Moroni
ment (Coleman 1987; Hoover-Dempsey and San- et al. 2015; Robinson and Harris 2014). This coun-
dler 1997; Jeynes 2011; Schaub 2010). Over the terintuitive finding has prompted some researchers
past four decades, federal and state education pol- to warn the public of the harmful influence parents
icies have echoed this prevailing view by promot- have when helping children with their homework
ing parental involvement as a lever for raising (Robinson and Harris 2014). Major news outlets
academic performance and bridging student
achievement gaps (Cooper 2010; Hamlin and
Flessa 2016; Hoover-Dempsey et al. 2005). One 1
Zhejiang University - Zijingang Campus, Hangzhou,
of the most common ways parents participate in China
their children’s education is by helping with University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, USA
homework (Epstein and Van Voorhis 2001; Hill Corresponding Author:
and Tyson 2009; Núñez et al. 2015). Yet parental Angran Li, Zhejiang University - Zijingang Campus, 866
help with homework is perplexing, unexpectedly Yuhangtang Road, Hangzhou, 310058, China.
showing a negative relationship with student Email:
368 Sociology of Education 92(4)

have gone so far as to direct parents to avoid help- students, who are more likely to attend schools
ing their children with homework (Bethune 2013; facing resource, staffing, and other organizational
Goldstein 2014; Gurney-Read 2014). constraints, could plausibly benefit from addi-
These broad pronouncements may be mis- tional assistance at home (Jeynes 2011; Quadlin
guided. When children are struggling in school, 2015). Considering these possibilities, investigat-
parents appear more likely to provide help with ing whether parental homework help may be ben-
homework (McNeal 2012; Wilder 2014). This eficial for children whose parents have a high pro-
self-selection dynamic could explain the negative pensity to provide homework help may yield
correlation between parental homework help and important findings. However, prior empirical anal-
student achievement found in observational stud- yses have not accounted for heterogeneity in the
ies but not necessarily mean that parental help relationship between parental homework help
with homework causes harm (Dumont et al. and student achievement based on the propensity
2012). Along with low achievement, patterns indi- to provide homework help.
cate that other sociodemographic factors are asso- This study uses a propensity score–based
ciated with an increased likelihood of providing approach to examine whether children whose
homework help; for example, low-income minor- parents have a high propensity to provide daily
ity parents report high rates of homework help homework help benefit academically from daily
(Cheadle and Amato 2011; Kao and Thompson parental homework help (Xie, Brand, and Jann
2003; Lee and Bowen 2006; Robinson and Harris 2012; Zhou and Xie 2016). The analyses use
2014). On the surface, these trends appear mis- nationally representative data from the Early
aligned with theoretical conceptions (Lareau Childhood Longitudinal Study–Kindergarten
2011). Low-income minority parents are thought Class of 1998–99 (ECLS-K: 1998–99) to examine
to lack the economic, cultural, and social capital the relationship between daily parental help with
that enable involvement in children’s education homework in first grade and student achievement
(Bodovski and Farkas 2008; Cheadle 2009; in third grade. The vast majority of parents report
Dumais 2002). Yet empirical findings indicate providing at least some assistance with homework
that parental homework help may require fewer during early elementary school (Snyder, de Brey,
economic, cultural, and social resources than do and Dillow 2016), so the analytic emphasis on
other conventional forms of parental involvement daily homework help allows us to investigate
(Chin and Phillips 2004; Posey-Maddox 2014; a dedicated form of parental involvement encour-
Roksa and Potter 2011). In national data, for aged in policy discourse (Hoover-Dempsey et al.
instance, low-income minority families tend to 2005; Shiffman 2013; Whitehurst and Croft
report being less involved in school-based forms 2010). The focus on early elementary school also
of parental involvement (e.g., parent-teacher asso- explores a consequential developmental stage
ciations) but more likely to be involved in home- when academic content is sufficiently rudimentary
based activities, including parental homework to allow most parents to provide direct academic
help (Robinson and Harris 2014). For low-income support (Chen and Chandler 2001; Jeynes 2012;
minority parents of children with low achieve- Reynolds and Shlafer 2010). In this study, we
ment, homework help may represent a logical ask the following two research questions:
means of becoming involved, presenting compar-
atively low barriers to participation and offering 1) Are low student achievement, low socio-
an opportunity to address an ostensible need. economic status, and minority status asso-
The association between parental homework ciated with a high propensity to provide
help and academic achievement may also vary
daily homework help, net of other back-
based on the propensity for a parent to provide
ground factors?
homework help. Assistance with homework could
2) Is daily parental homework help from
be valuable for children who are struggling aca-
parents with a high propensity to provide
demically, as the process of helping with home-
daily help positively associated with stu-
work may allow parents to address individual
dent achievement?
learning needs, instill positive learning behaviors,
and signal the importance of education (Drum- In addressing these questions, analyses suggest
mond and Stipek 2004; Hoover-Dempsey et al. that low prior achievement, low socioeconomic
2001). Furthermore, low-income minority status, and minority status are associated with
Li and Hamlin 369

a high propensity to provide daily homework help, a large strand of scholarship finds that cultural
net of other factors. Results also indicate a positive and language differences, lack of familiarity with
relationship between daily parental homework the school system, and other resource constraints
help and academic achievement for children may be considerable barriers for low-income
whose parents had a high propensity to provide minority parents (Baquedano-López, Alexander,
daily homework help. The propensity score–based and Hernández 2013; Li and Fischer 2017; Wil-
analysis used in this study makes an important liams and Sánchez 2013). Analyses of national
contribution to the literature by providing evi- data support this notion, finding that low-income
dence of the conditions under which parents are minority families report low rates of involvement
likely to engage in daily homework help and for school volunteering, decision-making, and
whether these efforts are associated with improved other school-based parental involvement activities
student achievement. relative to their peers (Li and Fischer 2017; Rob-
inson and Harris 2014; Roksa and Potter 2011).
For parental homework help, however, barriers
to parent participation appear weaker as low-
income minority parents report comparatively
Factors Underlying Parental high rates of participation (Lee and Bowen 2006;
Robinson and Harris 2014). In explaining these
Help with Homework patterns, research indicates that parental home-
The role of parents in promoting children’s aca- work help may require fewer economic, cultural,
demic success has motivated much sociological and social resources compared to school-based
inquiry (Bourdieu 1986; Coleman 1988; Downey forms of parental involvement (Chin and Phillips
and Condron 2016; Gamoran 2001; Lareau 2004; Dumont et al. 2012; Heymann and Earle
1987). Scholars have argued that affluent families 2000; Lee and Bowen 2006).
possess economic, social, and cultural capital that In addition to having lower barriers to partici-
enable participation in their children’s academic pation, parental homework help may be prompted
development and that a lack of these resources by low student achievement. On average, children
may impede the participation of low-income and from socioeconomically disadvantaged back-
minority families (Aschaffenburg and Maas grounds demonstrate lower levels of achievement
1997; Bourdieu and Passeron 1977; Calarco and attend lower-performing schools (Lee and
2014; Lareau 2015; Schneider, Hastings, and Bowen 2006). When these children exhibit low
LaBriola 2018). Economic wealth, for example, achievement, their parents may seek to compen-
may help affluent families gain access to quality sate for these challenges by providing greater sup-
schools that are responsive to parent needs for par- port at home (Chin and Phillips 2004). With seem-
ticipation. Information-rich social networks ingly fewer barriers to participation, parental
among affluent families may create further aware- homework help may be a rational means by which
ness of opportunities to participate in school and low-income minority parents of children with low
facilitate social connections that support parent achievement become involved. Social class, race,
participation (Dika and Singh 2002; Hamlin and low achievement may thus help shape parental
2017; Lareau and Horvat 1999; McNeal 1999). decisions to assist with homework (Lee and
The cultural tastes, dispositions, and knowledge Bowen 2006; Posey-Maddox and Haley-Lock
of wealthy families may also match those valued 2016).
by educational institutions, which may foster
a shared set of expectations for parent participa-
tion between home and school (Davies and Rizk Parental Homework Help and
2018). With fewer economic, social, and cultural
resources, low-income minority families are, in
Academic Achievement
theory, expected to provide less academic support The factors that appear to induce homework help
to their children (Lareau 2011). may also be associated with enhanced student
Yet empirical work indicates that parent partic- achievement (Jeynes 2011; Patall, Cooper, and
ipation in a given activity among low-income Robinson 2008). Parental homework help may
minority families may depend on its form and have a compensatory role for low-income minority
function. For school-based parental involvement, children who are more likely to attend schools that
370 Sociology of Education 92(4)

disproportionately face resource, staffing, and deriving a homogenous estimate of the relation-
other organizational pressures (Greenman, Bodov- ship between parental homework help and
ski, and Reed 2011; Quadlin 2015). By helping academic achievement. This methodological
with homework, parents may model effective approach may mask important variations in the
study habits, cultivate positive attitudes toward relationship. Factors such as prior achievement
learning, and reinforce material covered during and sociodemographic characteristics may be
the school day (Hoover-Dempsey et al. 2001; indicative of motivations that are related to
Núñez et al. 2015; Patall et al. 2008). When chil- a high likelihood of parents providing homework
dren are struggling in school, consistent parental help, as well as possible academic benefits for
help with homework may not only provide direct children (Cheadle 2009; Chin and Phillips 2004;
academic support, but it may also offer children Jeynes 2011). Some studies have used interactions
reassurance that they have a caring support system to examine class and racial differences in the rela-
at home (Drummond and Stipek 2004; Hoover- tionship between parental homework help and stu-
Dempsey et al. 2001; Núñez et al. 2015). The sym- dent achievement (Desimone 1999; Domina 2005;
bolic messages communicated through parental Lee and Bowen 2006; McNeal 2001), but prior
homework help may increase children’s capacity research has not investigated the influence of
to persevere despite challenging circumstances parental homework help for children whose
(Dumont et al. 2012; Pezdek, Berry, and Renno parents have a high propensity to provide this
2002). During early elementary school, in particu- help. To examine this relationship, we use a pro-
lar, consistent homework help from parents may pensity score–based approach. This approach
contribute to the development of routines, skills, moves beyond the use of standard interaction anal-
and attitudes that support academic success (Froi- yses by taking into account multiple conditions
land, Peterson, and Davison 2013; Hoover-Demp- underlying the propensity to provide daily home-
sey et al. 2001). work help and exploring the association between
Although evidence suggests that the relation- daily homework help and academic achievement
ship between academic achievement and parental based on parents’ propensity to provide daily
homework help may vary based on parents’ pro- homework help.
pensity to provide homework help, previous
research largely assumes a homogenous relation-
ship (Jeynes 2011). These existing studies also
report inconsistent results. Meta-analyses have METHODS
found positive to null results for the influence of
parental help with homework on student achieve-
ment (Jeynes 2007). Quasi-experimental studies For the analyses, we used data from the National
find large positive associations between parental Center for Education Statistics (NCES) Early
assistance with homework and academic achieve- Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten
ment, with some researchers reporting that paren- Class of 1998–99 (ECLS-K: 1998–99).1 The
tal homework help may have a role in improving ECLS-K is a nationally representative sample of
academic outcomes for ‘‘at-risk’’ students (Calla- children whose school experiences, sociodemo-
han, Rademacher, and Hildreth 1998; Patall graphic characteristics, and standardized test
et al. 2008). However, in contrast to these find- scores were first recorded in kindergarten in the
ings, cross-sectional studies of large national data- fall of 1998 and then tracked at multiple points
sets tend to report a negative relationship between throughout elementary and middle school. The
parental homework help and student achievement, ECLS-K also includes a parent questionnaire con-
including studies using data from the National taining measures of parental help with homework,
Education Longitudinal Study (NELS:88) (e.g., other parental involvement activities, parental
Fan 2001; Fan and Chen 2001; McNeal 1999; beliefs, and children’s extracurricular activities.
Muller 1995; Peng and Wright 1994; Sui-Chu By following the same families over time, the lon-
and Willms 1996) and other more recent analyses gitudinal design of the ECLS-K may help address
of national and state-level datasets (Moroni et al. reverse causation, which has been a limitation in
2015; Robinson and Harris 2014). prior cross-sectional analyses of the relationship
Patterns found in studies of national data may between daily parental homework help and aca-
be partly attributable to an analytic focus on demic achievement (Robinson and Harris 2014).
Li and Hamlin 371

Table 1. Summary Statistics (N = 11,741).

Variables Mean S.D. Minimum Maximum

Reading item response theory (IRT) scores (third grade) 0.000 1.000 –2.800 2.591
Math IRT scores (third grade) 0.000 1.000 –2.722 2.686
Daily parental help with homework 0.280 0.449 0 1
Prior academic achievement
Prior reading IRT scores (first grade) 0.000 1.000 –3.696 4.395
Prior math IRT scores (first grade) 0.000 1.000 –2.930 3.846
Sociodemographic background
Female 0.493 0.500 0 1
White 0.615 0.487 0 1
Black 0.112 0.316 0 1
Hispanic 0.164 0.371 0 1
Asian 0.053 0.224 0 1
Other race 0.055 0.228 0 1
Parents’ age 36.102 6.495 20 81
Parental SES 0.060 0.810 –2.960 2.880
Two biological parents 0.706 0.456 0 1
Two other parents 0.092 0.290 0 1
Single parent 0.177 0.382 0 1
Other family types 0.025 0.156 0 1
Number of siblings 1.505 1.122 0 11
Other covariates
Parental expectations 16.410 2.910 8.000 23.349
Home educational activities 0.001 0.585 –2.090 1.491
Parental school involvement 0.056 0.770 –1.896 1.031
Extracurricular activities 1.554 1.332 –1.767 6.000
Parental communication 0.008 0.757 –3.904 1.111
Parental belief 0.017 0.865 –2.967 1.728
Approach to learning 3.095 0.690 .884 5.694
Internalizing problems 1.574 0.505 .015 4.000
Externalizing problems 1.620 0.618 –.239 4.000
Private school 0.216 0.411 0 1
Northeast 0.191 0.393 0 1
Midwest 0.268 0.443 0 1
South 0.321 0.467 0 1
West 0.220 0.414 0 1
City 0.369 0.482 0 1
Suburban 0.398 0.490 0 1
Rural 0.233 0.423 0 1

The initial sample size for the ECLS-K was (see Appendix Table A1 for detailed descriptions
21,260 kindergarten students, but NCES deliber- of each variable).
ately reduced this sample to 12,654 by the spring
of third grade.2 We performed imputations using
chained equations, preserving cases with missing
values on the independent variables (Royston, Academic achievement. Third-grade reading
Carlin, and White 2009).3,4 The final child and and math item response theory (IRT) scores con-
parent sample was 11,741. Table 1 presents sum- stitute the outcome variables. NCES constructed
mary statistics for each variable in the analysis these measures using a three-parameter logistic
372 Sociology of Education 92(4)

(3PL) item response model and then transformed logistic regression to investigate relationships at
the measures into z-scores. These reading and different frequencies of parental homework help.
math test scores offer a relatively objective cogni- Results indicate that the binary operationalization
tive assessment of academic performance. None- of parental homework help meets expectations for
theless, parental homework help may be more robustness.8 These results may increase confi-
closely related to teacher-reported measures of dence in the analyses of daily parental homework
achievement (Hoover-Dempsey et al. 2001). We help, but the quality of parental homework help
explored this possibility in supplementary analy- could be more consequential than the quantity pro-
ses of the relationship between daily homework vided (Dumont et al. 2014; Moroni et al. 2015). A
help and teacher-reported grades—an additional limitation of the daily parental homework help
measure of perceived academic ability. Results variable is its focus on the frequency of parental
from these supplementary analyses are consistent homework help. If higher-quality homework help
with those of the main analyses examining math is associated with a lower frequency of providing
and reading IRT scores.5 help, this study could underestimate the relation-
ship between parental help with homework and
student achievement.
Daily parental help with homework. The
ECLS-K surveyed parents on the frequency with
which they helped their children with homework.
Prior academic achievement. Low prior
student achievement may prompt daily parental
During the spring of first grade, parents noted how
homework support (Domina 2005; McNeal
often they helped their children with homework
2012; Wilder 2014), so we control for first-grade
based on the following scale: (1) never, (2) less
reading and math IRT scores in analyses examin-
than once a week, (3) one to two times a week,
ing third-grade math and reading achievement.
(4) three to four times a week, (5) five or more
times a week. Responses to this question were
used to generate daily parental help with home- Sociodemographic background. To analyze
work, a binary variable denoting parental help sociodemographic background factors, we exam-
with homework occurring ‘‘five or more times ine children’s gender, race/ethnicity, and number
a week.’’ There are important reasons for examin- of siblings, along with parents’ age and a compos-
ing daily parental homework help. First, this upper ite measure of parents’ socioeconomic status that
threshold for homework help permits investigation includes parental education, income, and occupa-
of committed approaches to parental involvement tional status. We use dummy variables for the fol-
that many policy initiatives encourage (Chen and lowing family structures: two biological parents,
Chandler 2001; Epstein 2005; Mapp et al. 2008). two other parents, single parent, and other family
Second, because the vast majority of parents structure.
report helping their children with homework, to
some extent, during early elementary school Other covariates. The analyses contain an
(Epstein and Van Voorhis 2001; Núñez et al. extensive set of other covariates. We use varying
2015; Snyder et al. 2016), examining daily home- components of parental involvement, including
work help offers a way to differentiate families.6 parental expectations (years of education parents
In the sample, for example, 95 percent of parents expect their children to complete); home educa-
reported helping with homework in first grade in tional activities (a composite measuring how often
some capacity, but only 29 percent of parents parents engage their children in skill-building
reported helping with homework five or more activities at home); parental school involvement
times a week.7 (school involvement activities); the number of
Daily parental homework help may enable an extracurricular activities a child engages in after
insightful analysis, but one concern with the school; parental communication (frequency of
binary operationalization of this variable is that parents’ communication with children on their
responses ranging from no help with homework opinions, troubles, and experiences at school);
to three to four times a week of homework help and parental belief (parents’ perceptions of their
are undifferentiated. To determine whether this children’s reading and math ability and perfor-
uniform treatment of responses might lead to inac- mance in class). We also use variables that capture
curate estimates, we performed multinomial children’s internalizing and externalizing
Li and Hamlin 373

behavioral problems and approach to learning. We findings provide additional evidence that socio-
use standard controls for school sector (private economic disadvantage, minority status, and low
and public), region (Midwest, South, West, or achievement were related to a high propensity to
Northeast), and residential area (suburban and provide daily homework help.
large town, small town and rural, and large and In subsequent analyses, we estimate the rela-
midsize urban). tionship between daily parental homework help
and student achievement based on parents’ pro-
pensity to provide daily help using a propensity
Analytic Approach score–based approach. Previous research has not
accounted for parents’ varying propensities to pro-
For the first set of analyses, we use ordinary least vide homework help when estimating the relation-
squares (OLS) regression with the aim of demon- ship between homework help and student achieve-
strating how previous analyses of national data ment, but differential outcomes across varying
that do not account for parents’ varying propensi- propensities to partake in a particular behavior
ties to provide daily homework help tend to find are well-documented in studies of economic pro-
either a negative or null relationship between daily
cesses and life outcomes (e.g., Brand and Davis
parental homework help and student achieve-
2011; Brand and Simon Thomas 2014; Brand
ment.9 In replicating previous results, controls
and Xie 2010; Musick, Brand, and Davis 2012;
for prior achievement and sociodemographic
Turney 2014; Xie and Wu 2005). A valuable
background factors appear to mediate the relation-
aspect of the propensity score–based approach is
ship between daily parental homework help and
its ability to consider the multiple conditions asso-
student achievement. To explore factors underly-
ciated with the propensity to provide daily home-
ing daily parental homework help, we conduct
work help.
descriptive mean comparisons between parents
For this analysis, we use a control for the pro-
who provided daily help with homework and those
pensity to provide daily homework help and an
who did not. These results show considerable dif-
interaction term between daily parental homework
ferences between the two groups and offer evi-
help and parents’ propensity to provide daily help.
dence of self-selection processes related to socio-
The interaction term between daily parental help
demographic factors and academic achievement
with homework and the propensity to provide
(see Section A of the online supplement).
daily homework help is key to the analysis, help-
We then use logistic regression to investigate
ing to explain whether a high propensity to pro-
whether low prior achievement, low socioeco-
vide daily homework help is related to improved
nomic status, and minority status are associated
student achievement. For this propensity score–
with a high propensity to provide daily homework
based approach, we specified the following model
help, net of other background factors. For this
(Equation 2):
logistic regression model (Equation 1), d51
denotes parents who provided daily homework
help, and d50 denotes parents who did not pro- yi 5a1ddi 1bpi 1gdi pi 1e: ð2Þ
vide daily homework help: Conditional expected academic achievement is
! denoted by yi for student i. The variable di indi-
di XK cates whether daily homework help was provided,
Pi 5pðdi 51jX Þ5log 5 bk Xik : ð1Þ and pi denotes parents’ propensity to provide daily
1  di k50
homework help. To determine whether the main
Propensity scores for daily parental help with analyses are sensitive to alternative propensity
homework are estimated from this model (Rose- score–based methods, we perform parametric
nbaum and Rubin 1983). As patterns from the stratification–multilevel (SM), non–parametric
logistic regression model indicate selection pro- matching–smoothing (MS), and smoothing-
cesses related to sociodemographic background differencing (SD) methods (see Jann, Brand, and
and prior achievement, we examine predicted Xie 2010; Xie et al. 2012; Zhou and Xie 2016).
probabilities across groups by socioeconomic sta- These different analytic approaches exhibit largely
tus, minority status, and prior achievement. These consistent results with the main analyses.10
374 Sociology of Education 92(4)

Table 2. Homogenous Estimates of the Relationship between Daily Parental Help with Homework in
First Grade and Reading and Math Achievement in Third Grade in OLS Regression.

Reading IRT Scores Math IRT Scores

Coef. S.E. Coef. S.E.

Model 1: Daily parental help with homework (no controls) –.149 .030*** –.180 .029***
Model 2: Model 1 1 sociodemographic background –.066 .025** –.103 .024***
Model 3: Model 2 1 other control variables –.048 .024* –.070 .021**
Model 4: Model 3 1 prior achievement achievement –.009 .019 –.030 .017

Note: N = 11,741. Data are adjusted for the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study–Kindergarten Class survey sampling
design. Reading and math item response theory (IRT) scores are z -score measures. Controls for sociodemographic
background include child’s gender and race, parental age, parental socioeconomic status, family structure, and number
of siblings. Other control variables include parental expectations, home educational activities, parental school
involvement, number of extracurricular activities, parent-child communication, parental belief on academic
performance, approach to learning, internalizing problems, externalizing problems, private school, region, and
residential area. Controls for prior academic achievement are first grade reading and math IRT scores. *p \ .05;
**p \ .01; ***p \ .001 (two-tailed tests).

RESULTS explained, to a large extent, by sociodemographic

characteristics and prior student achievement.
Homogenous Estimates for Daily
Parental Homework Help
Table 2 presents OLS regression estimates for the
The Propensity to Provide Daily
relationship between daily parental help with Homework Help
homework in first grade and reading and math Patterns in Table 2 indicate complex selection pro-
achievement in third grade.11 In Model 1, without cesses underlying parents’ provision of daily
statistical controls, the coefficients for daily paren- homework help. To explore associations between
tal homework help are –0.15 for reading and –0.18 these factors and the propensity to provide daily
for math (p \ .001). These results suggest a nega- homework help, we perform logistic regression.
tive relationship, in which the provision of daily Results in Table 3 suggest that low prior achieve-
parental homework help is associated with over ment, minority status, and socioeconomic disad-
half a year of learning loss in math and reading. vantage are associated with a greater likelihood
In Models 2 and 3, controls for sociodemographic of providing daily homework help, net of other
characteristics and other control variables reduce factors. In the case of prior achievement, on aver-
the size of the negative coefficient for daily paren- age, for a one standard deviation decrease in read-
tal homework help by more than half. Sociodemo- ing and math achievement, the predicted probabil-
graphic characteristics account for a large propor- ities of parents providing daily homework help are
tion of the initial negative relationship between expected to increase by 0.019 and 0.014, respec-
daily parental homework help and student tively. On average, relative to white students, Afri-
achievement. Model 4 adds prior student achieve- can American, Hispanic, and Asian students
ment, producing a time-lagged growth model that exhibit statistically higher predicted probabilities
predicts the change in academic outcomes of receiving daily homework help at 0.024,
between first and third grade (Domina 2005). 0.021, and 0.013, respectively. Lower parental
With the inclusion of prior academic achievement, socioeconomic status is also related to an increased
the negative relationship between daily parental likelihood of providing daily homework help, net of
homework help and academic achievement no controls. On average, a one standard deviation
longer exists. These models provide evidence decline in parents’ socioeconomic status is related
that the negative association between daily paren- to a 0.020 increase in the predicted probability of
tal homework help and student achievement is providing daily homework help. Parents who are
Li and Hamlin 375

Table 3. Logistic Regression Model Predicting Daily Parental Help with Homework in First Grade.

Coef. S.E.

Prior academic achievement

Prior reading IRT scores (first grade) –.100 .030**
Prior math IRT scores (first grade) –.075 .030*
Sociodemographic background
Female –.014 .045
Black .384 .076***
Hispanic .296 .067***
Asian .302 .100**
Other race –.009 .098
Parents’ age –.003 .004
Parental SES –.133 .036***
Two other parents –.209 .078**
Single parent –.140 .062*
Other family types –.288 .155
Number of siblings –.025 .020
Other covariates
Parental expectations .041 .008***
Home educational activities .748 .040***
Parental school involvement .011 .033
Extracurricular activities –.028 .019
Parental communication .076 .031*
Parental belief –.006 .028
Approach to learning –.114 .042**
Internalizing problems .055 .046
Externalizing problems –.071 .041
Private school .021 .057
Midwest .005 .066
South .023 .063
West .198 .069**
Suburban .022 .050
Rural –.077 .061
Intercept –1.203 .273***
Likelihood ratio x2 (df. 28) 717.720
McFadden’s pseudo-R2 .052

Note: N = 11,741. White, two biological parents, Northeast, and large and midsize urban city area are reference
*p \ .05; **p \ .01; ***p \ .001 (two-tailed tests).

more likely to provide daily homework help report Statistical patterns observed in the logistic
higher expectations for their children’s education, regression model indicate that minority status,
engage in more home-based educational activities, socioeconomic status, and academic achievement
and communicate with their children about daily may be key factors underlying parents’ propensity
activities more frequently. Two-parent families to provide daily homework help. To explore these
are also more likely to report providing daily home- links further, we estimate predicted probabilities
work help relative to other family types. Low rat- for daily parental homework help across these sub-
ings of children’s approach to learning are also groups. In Table 4, predicted probabilities for the
associated with a higher propensity for parents to provision of daily homework help are highest for
provide daily homework help. socioeconomically disadvantaged parents of
376 Sociology of Education 92(4)

Table 4. Predicted Probabilities of Daily Parental Help with Homework.

Low Prior Achievement High Prior Achievement

Socioeconomically disadvantaged families

White .310 .240
Black .413 .331
Hispanic .390 .311
Asian .399 .319
Socioeconomically advantaged families
White .256 .195
Black .350 .275
Hispanic .329 .257
Asian .338 .264

Note: Predicted probabilities are calculated based on the logistic model reported in Table 3. Socioeconomically
disadvantaged families are those who are one standard deviation below the mean on the parental socioeconomic status
(SES) scale; socioeconomically advantaged families are those who are one standard deviation above the mean on the
parental SES scale. Low prior achievement is defined as one standard below the mean for prior reading and math
achievement scales; high prior achievement is defined as one standard above the mean for prior reading and math
achievement scales. All other variables are held at their sample mean values when calculating predicted probabilities.

children with low prior achievement when holding analyses. Model 1 shows no statistical relationship
all other variables at their means. For example, for between daily parental homework help and student
African American parents reporting one standard achievement after controlling for parents’ propen-
deviation below the mean on the socioeconomic sity to provide daily homework help. This finding
status scale and whose children exhibit reading aligns with estimates in Table 2 that indicate no
and math achievement at one standard deviation statistical relationship between daily parental
below the mean, the predicted probability of pro- homework help after controlling for prior achieve-
viding daily homework help is 0.413. Predicted ment, sociodemographic factors, and other charac-
probabilities are similarly high for socioeconomi- teristics. The propensity scores are also negatively
cally disadvantaged Asian and Hispanic families associated with third-grade reading and math
of children with reading and math achievement scores, meaning that children whose parents have
at one standard deviation below the mean. Con- a high likelihood of helping with homework on
versely, the predicted probability of providing a daily basis tend to have relatively low achieve-
daily homework help is 0.195 for parents reporting ment. Model 2 introduces an interaction between
one standard deviation above the mean on the the propensity to provide daily homework help
socioeconomic status scale and whose children and daily parental homework help. This interac-
exhibit reading and math achievement one stan- tion term shows a positive statistical relationship
dard deviation above the mean. Considering these with math and reading achievement. It suggests
patterns, we subsequently estimate the relationship that children whose parents are more likely to pro-
between daily parental homework help and aca- vide daily homework help appear to exhibit
demic achievement based on the propensity to pro- greater academic benefits from daily parental
vide daily homework help. homework help.
Figure 1 illustrates the association between
daily help with homework and student achieve-
Estimates Based on the Propensity to ment at varying propensities to provide daily
homework help. As the propensity to provide daily
Provide Daily Homework Help homework help rises, the relationship between
To estimate the relationship between daily paren- daily parental homework help and academic
tal homework help and academic achievement achievement becomes more positive. These pat-
based on the propensity to provide daily home- terns provide additional insight into why homoge-
work help, we use a propensity score–based nous estimates in previous studies may show no
approach. Table 5 presents the results of these relationship between daily parental homework
Li and Hamlin 377

Table 5. Propensity Score–based Approach Estimating the Relationship between Daily Parental
Homework Help in First Grade and Reading and Math Achievement in Third Grade Based on the
Propensity to Provide Daily Homework Help.

Model 1 Model 2
Reading Math Reading Math
IRT Scores IRT Scores IRT Scores IRT Scores
Coef. S.E. Coef. S.E. Coef. S.E. Coef. S.E.

Daily parental help with homework –.020 .020 –.008 .020 –.032 .020 –.025 .020
Propensity score –.320 .009*** –.344 .009*** –.337 .011*** –.368 .011***
Daily parental help with homework .053 .019** .074 .019***
3 propensity score
Intercept .005 .010 .001 .010 .002 .010 –.002 .010
R2 .103 .104 .118 .119

Note: The sample is restricted to the region of common support (N = 11,693). Reading and math item response theory
(IRT) scores are z-score measures. Propensity scores are estimated based on the logistic model reported in Table 3 and
are transformed into z-scores to facilitate interpretation of results.
*p \ .05; **p \ .01; ***p \ .001 (two-tailed tests).

Figure 1. The Relationship between Daily Parental Homework Help in First Grade and Reading and Math
Achievement in Third Grade by Varying Propensities to Provide Daily Homework Help.

and academic achievement (Robinson and Harris achievement appear to be strongly associated
2014). Negative relationships at low propensities with a high propensity to provide daily homework
to provide daily help and positive relationships help. Nonetheless, it is important to note that the
at high propensities seem to cancel each other propensity to provide daily homework help was
out. The positive results observed at high propen- generated not only by race, class, and prior
sities may be worth highlighting, as socioeco- achievement but also by other child, parent, and
nomic disadvantage, minority status, and low geographic characteristics. The analyses thus offer
378 Sociology of Education 92(4)

only suggestive evidence that daily parental home- counter a perceived lack of quality education at
work help delivers academic benefits to families school (Brock and Edmunds 2010; Buckley and
reporting low socioeconomic status, minority sta- Schneider 2009). In this respect, parental home-
tus, and low student achievement. work help may be part of a logical decision-
making process as parents whose children have
low achievement may attempt to address immedi-
ate academic concerns by helping with homework.
CONCLUSIONS Our results indicate that the factors underlying
Education policies promote parental involvement a high propensity to provide daily homework help
as a lever for raising student achievement (Epstein may be connected to improved academic achieve-
2001, 2005; Henderson and Mapp 2002). In the ment. When children are struggling during early
case of parental homework help, however, obser- elementary school, daily parental homework help
vational studies using national datasets report may cultivate positive routines, learning behav-
either a negative or null relationship between iors, and parent-child relationships (Drummond
parental homework help and student achievement and Stipek 2004; Hoover-Dempsey et al. 2001).
(Hill and Tyson 2009; Moroni et al. 2015; Robin- Along with low achievement, socioeconomically
son and Harris 2014). Yet this prior work tends to disadvantaged children are also more likely to
overlook possible heterogeneity in this relation- attend underperforming schools, which could
ship based on parents’ propensity to provide amplify the importance of parents’ routine assis-
homework help. To address this gap in the litera- tance with academic material (Jeynes 2011; Qua-
ture, this study used a propensity score–based dlin 2015). Our findings offer some support for
approach. Statistical patterns indicate that socio- the idea that children with low achievement in
economic disadvantage, minority status, and low socioeconomically disadvantaged contexts may
academic achievement are associated with a high benefit from intensive academic support from
propensity to provide daily homework help, net their parents (see Callahan et al. 1998; Cheadle
of other background factors. Furthermore, the rela- 2009; Covay and Carbonaro 2010; Domina
tionship between daily parental homework help 2005; Jeynes 2011). Propensity score–based esti-
and academic achievement is positive for children mates indicate that the benefits of daily parental
whose parents have a high propensity to provide homework help could have a small compensatory
daily help. These patterns remained consistent role for children between first and third grade.
across a number of supplementary analyses. Therefore, broad assumptions based on negative
Socioeconomic disadvantage, minority status, correlations observed in national data that parental
and low achievement appear to be important fac- homework help is a waste of time or even harmful
tors underlying the provision of daily parental may be unwarranted (Robinson and Harris 2014).
homework help. Our finding of high reported rates At the policy level, such a message could be harm-
of daily homework help among socioeconomically ful if parents change their behavior and stop help-
disadvantaged minority families of children with ing their children with homework. Small improve-
low achievement aligns with patterns observed in ments in student achievement derived from
prior scholarship (Lee and Bowen 2006; Robinson parental help with homework during early elemen-
and Harris 2014; Roksa and Potter 2011). Previous tary school may even accrue over time, leading to
literature offers insight into contextual conditions greater long-term benefits (Lee and Bowen 2006).
that may be behind these patterns. Chin and Phil- Calls to cease helping with homework may be
lips (2004), for example, find that low-income unjustified, but an emphasis on simply increasing
minority parents may become active participants the frequency of parental help with homework
in their children’s education when activities are may also be unwarranted. Schools should also
relevant and do not require substantial social, cul- communicate effective strategies for parents to
tural, or economic capital. By potentially requiring use when assisting with homework (Dumont et
less social, cultural, and economic capital, home- al. 2014; Jeynes 2018; Mapp et al. 2008). In addi-
work help may be an accessible form of parental tion, it remains unclear whether daily parental
involvement. Low-income minority children also homework help is beneficial for all children.
have a comparatively high likelihood of attending Although not the focus of this study, socioeco-
low-performing schools, which might lead their nomically advantaged white parents whose chil-
parents to intervene more regularly at home to dren had relatively high achievement had a low
Li and Hamlin 379

propensity to provide homework help, and we parental homework help and student achievement
found a negative association between daily paren- for groups with a high propensity to provide daily
tal homework help and academic achievement homework help. Third, this study investigates daily
when parents had a low propensity to provide homework help, placing an analytic focus on the
daily help. Children from affluent families may frequency of homework help. Yet the quality of
respond negatively to daily parental homework parental homework help could be more valuable
help—a possible symptom of parental over- than the frequency with which it is provided
involvement whereby a child’s self-efficacy and (Dumont et al. 2014; Moroni et al. 2015). If parents
independent learning behaviors may be stymied who provide more effective homework help tend to
(Hays 1996; Kohn 2007; Rosenfeld and Wise do so less frequently, our analyses could underesti-
2001; Thompson and Barker 2005). mate the relationship between parental help with
In this study, the propensity score–based anal- homework and student achievement. Taken
ysis offers a nuanced approach to examining the together, these limitations underscore a need for
relationship between parental homework help cautious interpretation of this study’s results.
and student achievement in national data. Never- Despite these caveats, this study contributes to
theless, several limitations must be noted. First, the literature by showing that the propensity to
parents may overestimate how often they help provide daily parental homework help is a complex
with homework. If systematic group heterogeneity process, whereby low achievement, minority sta-
exists in this respect, estimates may be biased. tus, and low socioeconomic status are associated
Second, because the self-selection process behind with an increased likelihood of providing daily
daily homework help is not randomized, heteroge- homework help. This work further suggests that
nous associations between daily parental home- children of parents with a high propensity to pro-
work help and reading and math achievement vide daily homework help benefit academically
may be tainted by an inability to control for unob- from daily homework help. To build on this study,
served confounders (Heckman 2005; Morgan and future research could examine the contextual cir-
Winship 2007). If unobserved intangibles, such cumstances driving other forms of parental
as love, emotional support, and commitment, are involvement and determine whether the influence
positively associated with academic achievement of other parental involvement activities on aca-
and daily homework help, analyses may overesti- demic achievement varies based on the propensity
mate the positive relationship between daily to undertake particular forms of involvement.
380 Sociology of Education 92(4)

Appendix Table A1. Description of Variables of Analysis, Early Childhood Longitudinal Study–
Kindergarten Class of 2000–2002.

Variables Descriptions/Question Wording/Coding

Reading item response theory (IRT) scores Child’s composite IRT reading score in third grade
Math IRT scores Child’s composite IRT math score in third grade
Daily parental help with homework During the spring of the first-grade school year, did
parents help child with homework five or more times
a week? (1 = yes; 0 = no)
Prior academic achievement
Prior reading IRT scores Child’s composite IRT reading score in first grade
Prior math IRT scores Child’s composite IRT math score in first grade
Sociodemographic background
Female child 1 = female child; 0 = male child
Child’s race White child is the reference group; four dummy variables
for Black child, Hispanic child, Asian child, and other
race child
Parents’ age Average age in years of the residential mother and/or
Parents’ SES Constructed by National Center for Education Statistics,
composite scale of parents’ socioeconomic characteris-
tics (e.g., parental education, income, and occupation)
Family structure Two-parent biological family is the reference group; three
dummy variables for two-parent other family, single-
parent family, and other family type
Number of siblings Number of siblings (excluding the child)
Other covariates
Parents’ educational expectations How far in school do parents expect the child to go?
Responses are coded as years of education, ranging from
8 (less than a high school diploma) to 23 (finish a PhD,
MD, or other advanced degree).
Home educational activities z-score measure; Composite variable based on the fol-
lowing items (a = 0.70): In a typical week, how often do
parents do the following with the child? (1) tell stories;
(2) sing songs with child; (3) help with arts and crafts; (4)
play games or do puzzles; (5) talk about nature or do
science projects; (6) practice reading, writing, or work-
ing with numbers; (7) read books to child (1 = not at all;
4 = everyday).
Parents’ school involvement IRT score measure of seven items: During the school year,
have parents ever (1) attended an open house or back-
to-school night; (2) attended a meeting of a PTA, PTO,
or parent-teacher organization; (3) gone to a regularly
scheduled parent-teacher conference; (4) attended
a school or class event, such as a play, sports event, or
science fair; (5) volunteered at the school or served on
a committee, (6) participated in fundraising for child’s
school (1 = yes, 0 = no).
Extracurricular activities Number of extracurricular activities: Outside of school
hours, has child ever participated in (1) dance lessons?
(2) organized athletic activities? (3) organized clubs or
recreational programs? (4) music lessons? (5) art classes
or lessons? (6) organized performing arts programs? (1 =
yes, 0 = no)
Li and Hamlin 381

Appendix Table A1.


Variables Descriptions/Question Wording/Coding

Parents’ communication z-score measure; Composite variable based on the fol-

lowing items (a = 0.77): (1) Even if I am really busy, I
make time to listen to child; (2) I encourage child to talk
about his/her troubles; (3) I encourage child to tell me
about his/her friends and activities; (4) I encourage child
to express his/her opinions (1 = never, 4 = very often).
Parents’ belief on academic performance z-score measure; Composite variable based on the fol-
lowing items (a = 0.72): Compared to other children in
the class, how well do parents think their child is doing in
school this semester in (1) reading/language arts and (2)
math (1 = much worse; 5 = much better).
Approaches to learning Composite variable, including items that rate the child’s
attentiveness, task persistence, eagerness to learn,
learning independence, flexibility, and organization.
Internalizing problems Composite variable of the presence of anxiety, loneliness,
low self-esteem, and sadness.
Externalizing problems Composite variable of the frequency with which a child
argues, fights, gets angry, acts impulsively, and disturbs
ongoing school activities.
Attending private school 1 = yes; 0 = no
Region Northeast is the reference group; three dummy variables
for Midwest, South, and West
Residential area Large and midsize urban area is the reference group; two
dummy variables for suburban/large town and small
town/rural area


We thank Simon Cheng, Jennie Brand, Scott Davies, and The supplemental material is available in the online ver-
Mengchen Liu for their helpful feedback on the early sion of the journal.
versions of the paper. We also thank the editor Linda
Renzulli and the anonymous reviewers for their com-
ments on improving this article.
RESEARCH ETHICS 1. In supplementary analyses, we examined data from
the ECLS-K 2010–11 cohort. These analyses
The presented research was conducted using publicly
showed consistent results between the 1998–99
available data from the Early Childhood Longitudinal
and 2010–11 cohorts. Results are available from
Study, Kindergarten Class (ECLS-K). All human sub-
the authors upon request.
jects gave their informed consent prior to their participa-
2. According to NCES, 50 percent of children in the
tion in the ECLS-K data collection, and adequate steps
initial sample were randomly followed in subse-
were taken by National Center for Education Statistics
quent survey waves as a cost-reduction strategy.
(NCES) to protect participants’ confidentiality. Thus, it
3. As recommended by Brand and Davis (2011), we
was not subject to review by the institutional review
performed single imputation because of the com-
board for the protection of human subjects.
plexity of combining multiple imputed datasets
when estimating heterogeneous relationships.
ORCID iD 4. Missing cases for the dependent variables were
included in imputation equations but excluded
Angran Li from subsequent analyses (Von Hippel 2007). We
382 Sociology of Education 92(4)

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