An Investment Analysis of Private Hostel Business in Ghana Tertiary Institutions: A Case of Knust Campus

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British Journal of Education, Society &

Behavioural Science
15(1): 1-13, 2016, Article no.BJESBS.23891
ISSN: 2278-0998

SCIENCEDOMAIN international

An Investment Analysis of Private Hostel Business

in Ghana Tertiary Institutions: A Case of Knust
Lydia Asare-Kyire1, William Ansah Appienti1*, Anthony Kusi2
and Abraham Osei1
School of Management and Economics, University of Electronic Science and Technology of
China (UESTC), No. 4 Section 2, North Jianshie Road, Chengdu, China.
Department of Entrepreneurship and Finance, Kumasi Polytechnic, P.O.Box 854, Kumasi, Ghana.

Authors’ contributions

This work was carried out in collaboration between all authors. Author LAK designed the study wrote
the introduction and did all the necessary literature review. Author WAA collected all necessary
information on methodology, designed and wrote the methodology, analysed the data and wrote the
necessary findings. Authors AK and AO wrote the implications of the findings, the policy
recommendation, conclusions and the references. All authors jointly read through the manuscript and
made the necessary corrections and suggestions.

Article Information

DOI: 10.9734/BJESBS/2016/23891
(1) Stan Weeber, Professor of Sociology, McNeese State University in Lake Charles, Louisiana,
(1) Ahmed Abdelraheem Farghaly, Sohag University, Egypt.
(2) Alonge O. Richard, School of Housing, Building and Planning, USM, Penang, Malaysia.
Complete Peer review History:

Received 28 December 2015
Original Research Article Accepted 22nd January 2016
Published 9 March 2016


The various educational reform programmes in recent times has led to an increase in enrolment of
students in the major public and private tertiary institutions in the country with its resultant
accommodation difficulties. Statistically, over 60 percent of students in most of the tertiary
institutions are “non-resident. In responding to the accommodation problem and students demand
for places of residence led to the springing up of hostels on and off the University campus.
The establishment of the private hostels, though very useful, requires huge amount of investment,
hence investors need to have a fair idea of the returns to generate before committing their

*Corresponding author: E-mail:;

Asare-Kyire et al.; BJESBS, 15(1): 1-13, 2016; Article no.BJESBS.23891

resources. The task before these researchers aims at undertaking the financial analysis of the
private hostels in terms of: their financial viability; how sensitive these projects are to changes in
the cost and benefit streams as well as project sustainability. Using a case study approach, both
probability and non-probability sampling designs were employed. From the financial analysis, it was
found out that using a discounting factor of 20 percent which is the going interest rate on loans by
banks, none of the hostels under study was viable within a period of 30 years as their Benefit Cost
Ratio’s(BCR’s) were less than one and their Net Present Value’s(NPV’s) were also negative. With
regards to how sensitive the projects were, there was a further increase of 12 percent on their cost
and benefit streams but not at the same time. On the issue of sustainability, the managers of the
sampled private hostels revealed that, all the hostels had available funds to finance operational and
daily expenses.

Keywords: Private hostels; university accommodation; investment analysis; Ghana Tertiary


1. INTRODUCTION jointly own hostel, so as to regulate the activities

as well as serving as an additional source of
The dream of most students to be in the public generating revenue.
universities in Ghana at the expense of the
private ones, is constantly putting pressure on This research work, as part of the fact finding
the academic and residential facilities in the mission on housing, aims at assessing the
public universities [1]. Statistically, over 60 possibility of the joint venture surviving, by
percent of students in the public tertiary undertaking financial analysis of the private
institutions in Ghana are non-resident whiles hostels in terms of: their financial viability; how
those “lucky” residential students are put in four sensitive these project are to changes in both the
(4) in a room, meant for two (2) students. cost (increases in tariffs and a reduction in the
hostel student population) and benefit streams
The concept of “non-residence” as a category of (increases in the hostel fees or a reduction in the
students became a reality and was subsequently tariffs); and project sustainability, so as to offer
implemented by the Kwame Nkrumah University the necessary recommendations for the parties
of Science and Technology (KNUST) authorities involve.
when it became obvious that the halls of
residence on campus could not accommodate 2. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND
the ever-increasing student population [2].
KNUST then adopted a residential policy 2.1 Reasons for Private Sector
referred to as the In-Out-Out-Out Policy, which Participation (PSP)
was to make residential accommodation
available to all fresher’s. That is, all first year The reasons for PSP vary from country to
students are expected to be accommodated by country. One reason however stands out: State
the University while continuing students look out Owned Enterprises (SOEs) have generally
for accommodation themselves outside the posted disappointing results. In bringing about
University halls of residence. sustainable improvements in enterprise
performance, many governments today require
In a bid to cash in on the situation, several Private Sector Participation as a major means in
private hostels sprung up around the main accomplishing polices [5].
campuses. As private investors, their drive was
the huge profit accruing from the venture, leading Another important reason for the involvement of
to overcharging and operating under poor the Private Sector is that most governments find
conditions, all in the name of cutting down themselves facing deep budget deficits and
operational costs [3,4]. public finance crisis [6,7]. The State no longer
has the financial resources to provide the capital
Addressing the problem of unfair business increases necessary for the development of
practices of these landlords have led the State Owned Enterprises [8]. Hence, the move to
university authorities considering partnering with involve the Private Sector in the provision of
some private developers to come out with a some resources that involve huge capital [9].

Asare-Kyire et al.; BJESBS, 15(1): 1-13, 2016; Article no.BJESBS.23891

A typical example is the private sector analysis are all instruments that can be used
participation in Residential Accommodation for to undertake the financial analysis of a project
tertiary students in Ghana. [17].

It is contended that business opportunities exist 3.2 Scope and Methodology

for private providers of higher education, and it
is their job to find opportunities to create value Geographically, the paper covered all
of the business required to bring them to life registered private hostels on and off KNUST
[10]. campus within a four (4) kilometres radius from
the commercial area on KNUST campus. Data
Rapid changes in the international economy on students’ enrolment and residential status
have also helped promote private sector from 2000/2001 academic year to 2013/2014
participation [11]. Globalization of the economy, academic year was used. KNUST was selected
accelerated technological innovation and as:
growing integration of markets compel
businesses to adopt highly flexible strategies and i. It was a tertiary institution
continuously adjust them to changing ii. It had embarked on a residential policy (In-
circumstances [12]. This may, among other Out-Out-Out policy) where only freshers
things, require the formation of alliances with were being accommodated by the
foreign partners or even through cross- University with continuing students finding
shareholdings. accommodation elsewhere mostly in
private hostels
3. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK iii. The strategy of the University is to involve
the private sector in the provision of
This framework depicts the three main residential accommodation for its students
actors (students and their parents/ guardians,
iv. There is the upsurge of private hostels on
the public sector and the private sector) and off the University Campus.
involved in the provision of services in the
educational sector. It shows that none of them We used the Case Study Approach as it
can shoulder the cost of enhancing provided insight into and information on
accommodation facilities in tertiary education
the activities of private hostel accommodation
[13]. Hence, Participation /Partnership are on and off KNUST campus. Both Probability
needed to improve the level of accommodation in and Non-Probability sampling designs were
the tertiary educational sector (Government of employed. Under probability sampling
Ghana Education Strategic Plan 2003 – 2015 techniques, the stratified sampling method
volume 1ⅈ [14-16]. The improved
and simple random sampling technique
accommodation facilities will be a catalyst to were used. With the Non-probability sampling
increased access in tertiary education. the purposive sampling technique was used.
With stratified sampling, the sample population
3.1 Analytical Framework was divided into a number of strata based on
one or more criteria and a sample was
3.1.1 Financial analysis drawn from each stratum. This was used to
st nd rd
stratify the hostels into classes; 1 , 2 and 3
The financial analysis of a project encompasses classes based on the facilities provided and
the financial effects of a proposed project on the rents charged by the various hostels
each of its various participants. With this (Table 1.1).
research work, the participants of the project
(residential accommodation) will include the With each class, the minimum amount describes
private sector (producers or providers of hostels), the situation where there is more than one
students and the University. The financial student but not exceeding four (4) students in a
analysis will inform the researchers about room with the maximum amount indicating where
the projects financial efficiency, incentives, there is only one (1) student in a room. After
and how much beneficiaries participating in stratifying the hostels into classes, the purposive
the project will have to live on. Cost–Benefit sampling was used. With purposive sampling
analysis, sensitivity analysis, sustainability technique, we purposely chose subjects
analysis, distributive and equity impact who, were thought to be relevant to the research

Asare-Kyire et al.; BJESBS, 15(1): 1-13, 2016; Article no.BJESBS.23891

topic. This technique was therefore used in Where: n = Sample size N = Sample population
determining hostels and University authorities to α = confidence level
be interviewed. The University authorities
interviewed were; the Office of the Registrar, The sample population of hostels registered with
Office of the Dean of Students, Development the Office of the Dean of Students and located
Office and the Planning Unit. within four kilometres from the commercial area
of KNUST was fifty (50). Through the qualitative
method the hostels were stratified into classes by
The simple random sampling was used in considering the facilities provided and rents
selecting students from the various classes of
charged as indicated in Table 1.1. The sample
hostels to be interviewed. The simple random size of the various classes was determined using
sampling gave all students housed in each hostel the above formula. This was followed by the
surveyed an equal chance to be interviewed. determination of the sample size of non-resident
This technique was also used in selecting students. The total population of non-resident
some lecturers and SRC members to be
students for the 2013/2014 academic year was
interviewed. 10107 (Planning Unit, KNUST). All non-resident
students were assumed to be residing in the
A 95 per cent confidence interval was used. The various hostels understudy. Using the above
quantitative and qualitative methods were used formula the sample size for non-resident
for the determination of hostels. Only the students was 385. After determining the
quantitative method was applied in determining sampling sizes of both the hostels and the
the sample size of non-resident students to be students, proportion was used to determine the
interviewed. total number of students to be interviewed in
each class of hostel. After which the ratio of each
N class to the number of students apportioned was
The formula n= was used in
1 + N(α )
2 done to get total number of students to be
interviewed in each hostel as indicated in
determining the sample size for the study; Table 1.2.

Fig. 1. Partnership in the provision of accommodation facilities in tertiary education

Source: Author’s construct, 2015

Asare-Kyire et al.; BJESBS, 15(1): 1-13, 2016; Article no.BJESBS.23891

Table 1.1. Classes of hostels, the facilities available and the rents charged

Hostels Facilities Rent charged (GH ¢)

1 Class Bed and mattress for each student 600-2400
Study desks and chairs in the rooms
Wardrobes, ceiling fans and Air conditioners in the rooms
Furnished common kitchens
Common Reading room
Ensuite bathroom and water closet facilities
Electricity and water supplied from public mains
A mechanised borehole to supplement water supply.
Common television room connected to multi choice
decoders (DSTV)
Internet connected to the rooms
Restaurant and Casino
Tennis and basket ball courts
Rent includes all utility bills
2nd Class Bed and mattress for each students. 450-1800
Study desk and chairs in the rooms
In-built wardrobes and ceiling fans in the rooms
Common reading rooms
Furnished common kitchens
Shared bathroom and water closet facilities
Electricity and water supplied from public mains
A mechanised borehole to supplement water supply
Common television room connected to Multi-choice
Decoders (DSTV)
Rents includes all utility bills
3 Class Bed and mattress for each student, 300-1200
Study desks and chairs in the rooms
Shared bathroom and water closet facilities
Furnished common kitchen
A mechanised borehole to supplement water supply
Electricity and water supplied from the public mains
Rent includes utility bills.
Source: Author’s construct 2015

Table 1.2. Results of the sample size determination

Hostels Sample Sample size Number of students Percentages of sampled

population per class student per hostel
1 class 11 10 88 22.9
2nd class 16 15 120 31.9
3 class 23 22 177 46.0
Total 50 48 385 100.0
Source: Authors own construct 2015

4. ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION Present Value (NPV) and the Internal Rate of
Return (IRR). Since the various hostels are
4.1 Financial Analysis privately owned, it was worth undertaking a
financial analysis to ascertain the financial
4.1.1 Financial viability of the hostels viability or otherwise of these hostels. Two
discounting factors, that is, 12 and 20 per cents
There are three basic methods for calculating were used. The basis for the usage of the 12 per
and analyzing the financial viability of a project cent was because it is the discounting factor
and these are the Benefit-Cost Ratio (BCR), Net approved by the World Bank and United Nations

Asare-Kyire et al.; BJESBS, 15(1): 1-13, 2016; Article no.BJESBS.23891

to be used for their projects. But then to localize found to be less than one (1) and when the BCR
the whole analysis, the prevailing interest rate, of a project is less than one (1), then that project
thus 20 per cent, was also used so that the is said not to be worth investing in but when the
viability of the projects at the going interest rates BCR is greater than one then there is every
on loans could be assessed [18]. All amounts are reason to pump money into that project. For
quoted in Ghana Cedi. instance the BCR for Shalom Hostel was 0.739,
Outlook hostel (0.76) and Ghana Hostels (0.74)
The following assumptions were made; and Crystal Rose (0.645).

i. Project life was assumed to be 30 years. The assertion above was proved right when the
ii. That all hostels analyzed were fully figures for Net Present Value (NPV) in both were
occupied. analysed. At a discounting factor of 20 per cent
iii. That the source of capital of the captured all hostels had negative NPVs, that is -100, 564,
hostels were through loans which -32,639, -516,442 and -940,997 for Shalom,
attracted an interest of 20 percent Outlook, Ghana and Crystal Rose Hostels
iv. That interest rate of 20 percent will respectively. The averages of both the BCR
remain constant throughout the project (0.721) and the NPV (-373,946.75) proved that
period the projects were not viable at the 20 percent
v. That variable cost for the various hostels discount rate.
will be constant throughout the project
period With a discounting factor of 12 percent, Shalom,
vi. That total benefits would remain Ghana Hostels and Crystal Rose Hostels
unchanged throughout the period. become viable, obtaining a BCR of 1.127, 1.047
vii. That an increase in inflation of twelve and 1.033 respectively. Their NPV’s were also
(12) per cent will not change within the positive as stated in Table 1.4. However Outlook
thirty year period. This was used for the Hostel was still not viable as its BCR was less
sensitivity analysis. than one (0.927) with a negative NPV (-12,194).
But on the average, the BCRs and NPVs of all
As can be observed from Table 1.3, financial the hostels stated in Table 1.4 proved they were
analyses of all the private hostels based on a viable. This indicates that, the economic
discounting factor of 20 per cent (the going environment in the country, even though has
interest rate of banks on loans) the projects were been getting better, is still not very conducive to
found not to be viable. The calculation was done encourage private investment in University
for a period of 30 years which was assumed to accommodation provision. This is basically due
be the project life. This is so because the various to the high interest rates being charged by the
Benefit Cost Ratios (BCR) of all the hostels were banks in Ghana.
Table 1.3. Financial viability of the hostels with 20 per cent discount rate

Name of hostel Discount rates Benefit Cost Net Present Extent of

Ratio (BCR) Value (NPV) viability
HA 20 0.739 -83,048 Not Viable
HB 20 0.76 -30,122 Not Viable
HC 20 0.645 -940,997 Not Viable
HD 20 0.74 -441,620 Not Viable
Averages 0.721 -373,946.75 Not Viable
Source: Researchers field survey (2015)

Table 1.4. Financial viability of the hostels with 12 per cent discount rate

Name of hostel Discount rate Benefit-Cost Net Present Extent of viability

Ratio (BCR) Value (NPV)
HA 12 1.127 41,705 Viable
HB 12 0.927 -12,194 Not Viable
HC 12 1.033 88,924 Viable
HD 12 1.047 91,268 Viable
Averages 1.0335 52,425.75 Viable
Source: Researchers survey (2015)

Asare-Kyire et al.; BJESBS, 15(1): 1-13, 2016; Article no.BJESBS.23891

A further reduction in interest rates needs to be and a positive NPV, the rest of the hostels were
done for the private sector to be encouraged to not viable. An indication of the effect interest
perform its function as the engine of growth rates can have on the success of projects, which,
through the key policies for the private sector. all things being equal, could be used as
Again, once the BCR and the NPV points to the channels/vehicles of growth (Table 1.8).
fact that the project is viable or otherwise,
the result of the IRR would not change the But the situation seemed different with an
story. Therefore, only the BCR and the NPV increase of 12 per cent in the benefit stream at a
analysis were undertaken considering the discounting factor of 12 per cent. Here, all the
financial viability of the hostels in Tables 1.3 selected hostel projects became viable as shown
and 1.4. in Table 1.9

4.1.2 The payback period This indicates that, aside a reduction of interest
rates by the government, only an increase in rent
Payback can be explained as the period, usually and for that matter benefits would virtually make
expressed in years it takes for the projects cash private involvement in University hostel
inflows to recoup the initial investment (Lucey, accommodation provision viable.
1996). The usual decision is to accept the project
with the shortest payback period. From Table But an increase in rent is going to put pressure
1.5, considering the initial investments and cash on the already complaining students who agitate
flows of the various hostels, it would take Shalom for a reduction in rents. The cost implication
Hostel seven years, Outlook hostel four years, might be for some parents to forgo an ongoing
Crystal Rose hostel eight years and Ghana project in order to meet the rents of hostels,
hostels six years to recoup their initial students “pocket money” to meet their daily
investments. This implies that among the hostels, expenses and other monies for teaching and
Outlook hostel is worth investing in, followed by learning materials may have to be reduced by
Ghana hostel, Shalom and Crystal Rose hostels parents which in the long run will affect the
in terms of students’ accommodation. The academic performance of the student. With an
average pay back period for the captured hostels increase in rents, students who cannot afford
is six years. It is expected that on the average might go back to the halls and “perch”, worsening
the hostels should be able to break even after six the accommodation problem on KNUST campus.
years. When this happens, the private hostels will lose
their importance of easing tertiary
4.2 Sensitivity Analysis accommodation problems by absorbing excess
students without accommodation on Campus. It
Every project is sensitive to changes in the also implies that, the University cannot achieve
economic indices of a country. Also costs and one of its strategic objectives of improving its
benefits of a project are always subject to physical infrastructure and facilities by increasing
inflation within the country [19]. Therefore, it its residential facilities with enhanced
became imperative to analyse the viability of participation of the private sector as stated in
these hostel projects after changes have (PLAN 2K14 2005 of KNUST) [20].
occurred in the cost and benefit streams. Here
it was assumed that both the cost and Considering the sensitivity analysis, it is only
benefit streams would increase by 12 per cent when rents are increased by 12 per cent with an
each but not at the same time. With the interest rate of 12 per cent that the providers can
sensitivity analysis of the hostels, an increase of recover the project costs from projects benefits,
12 per cent on total cost on both 12 per cent and which will put a burden on the users of the
20 per cent discounting factors worsened the facilities. The question is how many students can
situation, thus the projects were still not worth afford that? The only financial incentive
their investments as shown below (Tables 1.6 necessary to ensure continuous patronage of
and 1.7) the hostels is to reduce rents as suggested by
60 per cent of the students surveyed. So how
With an increase of 12 per cent on costs and a do the providers ensure cost recovery and
12 per cent discounting factor, except Shalom at the same time embark on financial
hostel which recorded a BCR of more than one incentives?

Asare-Kyire et al.; BJESBS, 15(1): 1-13, 2016; Article no.BJESBS.23891

Table 1.5. Payback periods for hostels captured

Initial Cash Cumulative Initial Cash Cumulative Initial Year Cumulative Initial Cash Cumulative
investment flow cash flow investment flow cash flow investment cash flow investment flow cash flow
GH cedi GH cedi GH cedi GH cedi GH cedi GH cedi GH cedi GH cedi GH cedi GH cedi GH cedi
0 284,000 - - 59,000 - - 2,600,000 - - 1,300,000 - -
1. - 46,000 46,000 - 19,200 19,200 - 344,000 344,000 - 253,800 253,800
2. - 46,000 92,000 - 19,200 38,400 - 344,000 688,000 - 253,800 507,600
3. - 46,000 138,000 - 19,200 57,600 - 344,000 1,032,000 - 253,800 761,400
4. - 46,000 184,000 - 19,200 76,800 - 344,000 1,376,000 - 253,800 1,015,200
5. - 46,000 230,000 - - - - 344,000 1,720,000 - 253,800 1,269,000
6. - 46,000 276,000 - - - - 344,000 2,064,000 - 253,800 1,522,800
8. - 46,000 322,000 - - - - 344,000 2,408,000 - - -
9. - - - - - - - 344,000 2,752,000 - - -

Source: Researchers survey (2015)

Asare-Kyire et al.; BJESBS, 15(1): 1-13, 2016; Article no.BJESBS.23891

Table 1.6. Sensitivity analysis with 12 per cent increases on cost stream at 20 per cent

Name of hostel Discount rate Benefit Cost Ratio Net Present Extent of
per cent (BCR) per cent Value (NPV) viability
HA 20 0.7 -120,497 Not Viable
HB 20 0.679 -45,208 Not Viable
HC 20 0.576 -1,259,450 Not Viable
HD 20 0.66 -646,255 Not Viable
Source: Researchers survey (2015)

Table 1.7. Sensitivity analysis with 12 per cent increase on benefit stream at 20 per cent)

Name of hostel Discount rate Benefit Cost Net Present Extent of

per cent Ratio (BCR) Value (NPV) viability
HA 20 0.822 -55,563 Not viable
HB 20 0.85 -18,650 Not viable
HC 20 0.729 -735,464 Not viable
HD 20 0.829 -289,980 No viable
Source: Researchers survey (2015)

Table 1.8. Sensitivity analysis with 12 per cent increase on cost stream at 12 per cent

Name of hostel Discount rate per cent BCR NPV Extent of viability
HA 12 1.005 2,163 Viable
HB 12 0.83 -32,251 Not viable
HC 12 0.93 -233,535 Not viable
HD 12 0.83 -143,560 Not viable
Source: Researchers survey (2015)

Table 1.9. 12 percent increase on 12 per cent benefit stream

Name of hostel Discount rate percent BCR NPV Extent of viability

HA 12 1.26 86,252 Viable
HB 12 1.038 6,399 Viable
HC 12 1.157 422,054 Viable
HD 12 1.17 337,048 Viable
Source: researchers survey (2015)
4.3 Sustainability Analysis of the 2 class hostels are owned by either
already established business people or
As to the financial sustainability of the hostels, all institutions and as such they are able to meet the
the hostels had available funds, which they kept requirements of the banks for the sourcing of
as impress to finance operational and daily loans.
expenses [21]. For major expenditures like
provision of boreholes and stand-by generators From the analysis, one of the factors determining
to supplement water and electricity provided by rent levels was the interest rate on loans that
the nation, only the 1st and 2nd class hostels were taken by the private hostel providers. This
had adequate funds to finance such projects. manifests itself through the various rents
With the investment cost, the 1st and 2nd class charged. With the first class hostels the highest
hostels had available funds to cover that charge is 2,400 GH cedi while the minimum is
through bank loans but the third class hostels 650 GH cedi per student per academic year. The
did not. Most of the third class hostels were second class hostels charge 450 GH cedi on the
doing incremental building. That is, they built average per student per academic year with
part of the structure through their own savings, Third class charging 250 GH cedi on the average
rented it out to students and then used the rent per student per academic year. Hence, only
received to build the next phase. It should be students who can afford can demand the
noted that all the 1st class hostels as well as most services of the first and second class hostels

Asare-Kyire et al.; BJESBS, 15(1): 1-13, 2016; Article no.BJESBS.23891

where the facilities are much better than the third rate on loans by banks, none of the hostels
class hostels. understudy was viable within a period of 30 years
as their BCR’s were less than one and their
4.4 Distributive and Equity Impact NPV’s were also negative. It was when the
Analysis discounting factor was reduced to 12 per cent
that three of the hostels (Shalom, Crystal Rose
The distributive and equity impact analysis was and Ghana Hostels) became worthy of investing
used to assess the benefits of the hostels to in whilst Outlook hostel was not viable.
students, the University, and the community in
which the hostels are established. From the Interest rate on loans is one of the key
survey, 57 percent of the students admitted that determinants of growth and expansion in the
the hostels have been of immense help to them Private Sector. A further reduction in interest rate
as their operations had reduced congestion in needs to be done by the Government for private
the halls and were of the view that hostel hostel providers to provide their complementary
operators should be encouraged to build more role to the University in terms of accommodation
thereby helping to mitigate the effects and impact provision for the University to achieve its
of the accommodation problem on students and strategic objective stated in the corporate
the University at large. However, 43 per cent of strategic Plan (PLAN2K14) [20]. Beside the
the students had the view that, though the private impact on the University, a reduction in interest
hostels are playing their role, they were rate is necessary if the Private Sector is
exploiting them through expensive rents which in expected to perform its function as the engine of
most cases was becoming a burden on their growth stated in the GPRS II. But then it has to
guardians and parents. be said that, market forces place a major role in
the determination of the interest rates on loans
To the University authorities, by accommodating and so the call on the government is well placed.
about two-thirds (2/3 ) of the student population
of KNUST, the private hostels had enabled the 5.2 Sensitivity Analysis
University to admit more students. For example
student enrolment increased by more than With regards to how sensitive the project were,
100per cent between 2005/2006 academic year there was a further increase of 12 percent on
and 2013/2014 academic years. According to the their cost and benefit streams but not at the
Office of the Registrar, the University intends same time. Still using the discounting factor of 20
decoupling residential accommodation from percent, none of them proved worthy investing in.
admissions and that those halls of residence With 12 percent increase on the cost stream
might be privatized. Admission then will take into using 12 percent discounting factor, only one (1)
consideration available infrastructure such as – Shalom hostel-was viable, the rest were not
lecture halls, laboratories, among others and not viable. However, with 12 percent increase on the
accommodation. benefit stream using a 12 percent discounting
factor, all the hostels became viable. This
As to the impact on the community, it was indicates the extent of how sensitive the hostels
realized that only 5 per cent of the employers are especially to interest rate. It also indicates
working in private hostels were not residents of that aside a reduction of interest rates, an
the community. They were mostly the managers increase in rent and for that matter benefit would
and a few front desk officers. The rest (95 per make private involvement in University hostel
cent), were cleaners, security men and front desk accommodation provision viable.
officers. There is also the springing-up of small
shops which is manned by residents in the 5.3 Implication
community to serve the students. The hostels
were therefore serving as a source of The implication would be that, the plight of the
employment to the community. already complaining students who agitate for a
reduction in rents would be worsened. Students
5. KEY FINDINGS might go back to the already congested halls on
campus and “perch”. Private Hostels will then
5.1 Financial Viability of the Hostels lose their importance of easing tertiary
accommodation problems on University Campus.
From the financial analysis, using a discounting The cost implications of an increased rent on
factor of 20 per cent which is the going interest students would be forgo part of their pocket

Asare-Kyire et al.; BJESBS, 15(1): 1-13, 2016; Article no.BJESBS.23891

money or will not be able to demand for the domestic financial institutions to help reduce the
necessary teaching and learning materials to interest rates on loans for the good of all the
enhance their academic work. Parents might parties. It is therefore, incumbent on the
suspend project to be able to meet the increased government to implement prudent fiscal and
rent. If students are not able to patronize the monetary policies that would result in a further
services of private hostels due to high rents, then reduction of the existing interest rates.
the strategic objective of increasing the
residential facilities with enhanced participation 6.1.2 Providing comprehensive policy
of the Private Sector by the University cannot be guidelines
The University is in the process of developing a
Aside easing the accommodation problem the policy to guide the operation of hostel business
private hostels are making it possible for the on and off campus. It is recommended that, the
University to increase students’ enrolment. If by authority in-charge should speed up the process
any means, such as an increase in rents and and make the policy operational within the next
high interest rate increasing their total cost and two years. Also, the policy should be made as
crippling the Private Sector rending it not viable, comprehensive as possible and should not fall
then the University cannot enhance manpower short with respect to issues on contractual
training, research and innovation which are key arrangements, standards of rooms, facilities and
determinants of economic growth and rent. The policy should possess a monitoring and
development. evaluation mechanism and structure so as to
deal with any form of anomaly and exploitation of
5.4 Sustainability Analysis students. This will be very appropriate in tackling
the issue of poor standards of facilities in some
On sustainability factor, the managers of the of these private hostels as identified from the
sampled private hostels revealed that, all the students.
hostels had available funds to finance
operational and daily expenses. It was for major 6.1.3 Formalization and validation or
expenditures like extra cost on the structures that certification of hostels
the 3rd class hostels had no available funds.
They were more into incremental building where The Ghana Tourist Board, Kumasi Metropolitan
they built part of the structure through their own Assembly, Ghana Fire Service and other related
savings, rent that part out and use the rent institutions should ensure the formalization,
received to continue the next phase. validation and certification of hostels to make
sure that hostel providers meet accepted facility
The first and second class hostels have the standards. They should also spell out sanctions
capacity to ensure future structural maintenance and if possible ban those providers who do not
and improvement in facilities in these hostels. meet the required standard without any form of
The hostels will be able to survive their project compromises. In view of this the Ghana Tourist
life span of 30 years. On the other hand the third Board and the Metro Planning Community should
class hostels are likely to experience undertake regular inspections at least once a
deterioration in facilities and the structures in semester to ensure safety and sanity in these
general due to inadequacies of funds and in the hostels.
long run collapse.
6.1.4 Improve relationship among
The sustainability of the hostel business is
6.1 Policy Recommendations dependent on a good mutual and beneficial
relationship among stakeholders. Given that
From the discussion so far, the following there is a direct but weak relationship existing
recommendations were made. between the university and the hostel providers
calls for conscious effort on the two to
6.1.1 Reduction in interest rates collaborate and intensify roles in the process of
providing students accommodation for their
Interest rates determine the viability of the common benefit. The university should institute
projects. The government could consult with and formalise regular interface with hostel

Asare-Kyire et al.; BJESBS, 15(1): 1-13, 2016; Article no.BJESBS.23891

providers. Quarterly general meetings should be whereby properties in the private sector are
held to discuss issues of mutual interest managed on behalf of owners. The university
regarding the accommodation of students. accommodation office therefore undertakes
owner property registration and accreditation.
6.1.5 Providing additional accommodation
facilities With these arrangements, students will deal
directly with the University and the University,
With the current percentage increase (more then directly with the private hostel providers through
100 percent) in the past 14 years, in student the University’s accommodation office. Rents are
enrolment, there is the need to provide additional controlled within certain ranges by the
accommodation facilities to cater for any accommodation office for landlords considering
expected increase in students’ numbers in the the property offered. Rent would be guaranteed
long term. In this vein the University should and owners are paid in advance through the
create an enabling environment by removing the University’s accommodation office.
bottlenecks involved in land acquisition. By this
the University authorities should speed up the
processing of documents for granting building
permit to prospective investors. Where hostels
are operating on BOT terms the number of years Tertiary education in Ghana has come to a point
for operation should not be less than 30 years as where it has become necessary for the
it is expected that, the private hostel providers Universities, Private Sector and beneficiaries
would have recouped their investments. This will (students and parents or guardians) to partner
encourage a lot of private investors to establish with the Government through cost sharing in the
hostels on KNUST campus to ease any future provision of services especially of students’
accommodation problem. residential facilities. The residential Policy (In-
Out–Out- Out) of KNUST consider only fresher
The University should also rely on Internally for residential accommodation with continuing
Generated Funds (IGF) to build hostels to meet students becoming non-resident. The private
any expected increase in student enrolment in sector responding to students demand for
the long term. The Government should also give accommodation established private hostels on
out flexible loans to private investors who are into and off KNUST Campus.
hostel business in the medium term.
The challenge however has been high interest
6.1.6 Affordable rents rates acquired by hostel providers whose effect
on private sector accommodation provision is
In assessing the affordability of hostels it was less viable and less sustainable. The standards
revealed that rents charged were too high for of most hostels in terms of facilities provided
most students which affected them and their have been negatively affected in this regard. This
parents. In this vein, the University in is reflected in the cost per unit (rent) of their
consultation with the Private Providers’ services and facilities provided which is
Association and through dialogue should fix rents becoming a burden for the average student and
within affordable ranges between 200 -800 their parents or guardian and a matter of concern
Ghana Cedi for all hostels per year per student. to the general public.
This will place rents in the means of both the rich
and the poor. In the case of students who cannot COMPETING INTERESTS
pay rents upfront, the University should dialogue
with the providers for such students to pay rents Authors have declared that no competing
in instalments but should put up mechanisms interests exist.
such as an undertaken from the university
binding students to fulfil their obligations to their REFERENCES
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