The) Bru8Eck Story
The) Bru8Eck Story
The) Bru8Eck Story
“Well I finally did it! This calls for a speech!"
Caper 5
Caper 9
an Intellectual? BY JOHN KEATING
10 Caper Caper 11
Planned Vacation
12 Caper Caper 13
Nodding his heat workers* that would satiate their
The rocket landed with a rude
sights?” The co-pilot jolt and settled into a landing ramp.
Carl unbuckled his belt and stood
3Pthro\ 311 °n ^ eg’ up, collecting his bag from an over¬
>n’t have i, fella, I head rack. The pneumatic door
tround the world.” He laugh¬ slid back and Carl stepped out onto
ed harder. “Around the world, get the ramp. “Have fun, fella,” the
co-pilot called out. Carl turned to
laughter the co-pilot sobered. look and the man punctuated his his thick lips. The
“On earth they used to have wide grin with a lascivious wink. counter was covered with large
an expression,” he explained. Carl winked back without knowing jagged rocks. Waving a cane, the
“When a guy knew the score he why and started down the ramp barker bellowed from the side of his
said he had been around the block.” towards the Terradrome. mouth: “Kill a girl and win a
Carl still did not understand and Inside the glass building he pre¬ cupie doll. Step right up gents, try
the co-pilot gave it up. “Well, sented his credentials to a uniform¬ your luck. Just a dime, one tenth
anyway,” he said before going back ed attendant who approved them of a dollar. Kill a girl and take
to his controls, “you’ll get your with a stamp, presented him with a home a cupie doll!” Beyond the
fill of the girls.” wad of currency and directed him
Carl watched his back disappear booth, six girls stood on pedestals.
through the hatchway. The co¬ seated car awaited and he climbed They were completely nude and the
pilot’s parting words reeled through in. With a hollow whir, the car circles of a target were painted
his mind, adding to his growing started off, left the Terradrome and around each breast and on the fore¬
confusion. He had heard about traveled up a long street towards head. They laughed with taunting
girls, but he had never seen one. a tall building. mockery and struck lewd poses with
When the pioneer scientists had As the car moved along, Carl their perfectly-formed bodies.
prepared to leave Earth on the eve Carl stared at the girls. There
of the Great War they had decided was something revolting about
stared wide-eyed at the first women . ere still beautiful.
he had ever seen. Their faces were He ct
all heavily painted, their mouths ig to do harm
tioned, b t the leader of the e deep red, their cheeks rouged and
pedition was adamant on tms point. their eyes circled with black mas¬ “Step right up,” chanted the
In addressing his crew, the Leader cara. They were all blonde-haired. barker, and as Carl watched, one of
harked all the way back to Pandora They wore tight dresses of garish the derelicts on the grass dragged
and how she had unleashed her box colors, dresses that showed their himself to his feet and staggered to
of evils upon the world. He had high-heeled legs and were cut down the booth. His teeth were bared
chosen to point out the story of and his face was taut with hate.
Helen and her part in the treachery liks mounds above the line of the He paid the fee and lifted one of
of Troy. And he had named others; fabric. They were all much alike;
Bathsheba and Cleopatra. He fin¬ big-bodied and vulgar. They stag- Carl closed his eyes and ran. A
ished by asking each man to think female scream echoed across the
of his own wife. “Show me a miser- men; danced, kicking their legs street as he slammed through the
high; leaned in doorways, their doorway of the building.
he had said “and I’
woman behind him, goading him lips parted against his mouth; they
on.” Womanless, they catapulted laughed and sang with raucous in¬ 'oice. Carl opened his eyes.
sanity. Men and women, they filled Hewai
the street—a street that was em¬ fully-d aped walls and an inlaid
first Celestial Research Team r« blazoned with winking signs that marble floor. The voice belonged
turned to Earth to see if anythin said: GIRLS - GIRLS - GIRLS -
could be salvaged for the new civi BEER - BAR - TAVERN - SA¬ behind a large mahogany desk at
LOON - ROOMS - BAR - GIRLS. the far end. Carl took a deep
The scene filled Carl with a kind breath and stumbled forward. He
society existing o of terror and when the car came to dropped his bag, placed his creden¬
vors of the war. They told stories a halt at the end of the street he tials on the desk and leaned for¬
of how these people, shorn of auto¬ climbed down, clutching his bag to ward, supporting his trembling
matic comforts, had reverted to a him, wanting to run and seek refuge
life of wanton sensuality. The in the building ahead. desk. The receptionist glanced at
But two scenes caught his eye his pass-book, consulted a typed
spread throughout Celestia, and he stood rooted in the street. sheet on the desk and said his name
There was a small plot of grass like aloud. “Carl Winslow:” He re¬
flood of applications for Ter peated his serial number and
Research, they decided that disheveled and unshaven, eyes red checked it against his list. Satis¬
thing would have to be done and faces pinched with agony, were fied, he said, “You’re right on time.
it. They set up a station on lying on the grass, nursing half- If you’ll just follow me we’ll start
empty bottles to their bosoms and
bringing them to their mouths to (Continued on page 28)
.Caper 15-
The way a man holds his cigarette — along with such per¬
sonal gestures as how he walks, sits, his nervous habits and
hand motions — is a sure sign of his inner self. So says a
Los Angeles psychoanalyst. Dr. William Neutra, who looks
or at least give a clue to — many otherwise hard-to-dig-up
facts needed in treating the patient successfully. On these
two pages are seven examples of what Dr. Neutra has found
Caper 17
16 Gaper
Caper 19
"Sorry, Sis, Jack said he couldn’t mrt!”
22 Caper.
At the Heat
Wave, one of
the liveliest
spots on West
Third Street,
a brunette
named Amelia
gives customers
to see. . .
Caper 27
Response to Vicki’s first CAPER appearance prompts more of the same
Caper 31
34 Caper
Caper 35
BAMBOUCHE (Continued from page 22) Empress.” He moved his fingers
°V“Vite! vfte,”r Jeanne Marie was
Vhen the frenetic pitch of danc- ed against her, drank in
g nostrils the acrid s Hyppolite busily bent over and
juenchable climactic apogee, man’s inviting body. robbed him. Huge drops of pers¬
me had hurled themselves to He kept repeating tc piration falling on Mr. Putz seemed
ground and had arched them- e in a dream, “I’m gc to scald his back wherever they
/es taut, only their heads and V luck; I’m gonna touched. Mr. Putz heard Hyppo¬
t touching the ground; while lite and Jeanne Marie plan their
’ ' n the g marriage as they counted the money
wiggling arms and pected it—when he had lost himself in his wallet.
t full of fat fer de and become as one with this black Then the three of them walked
girl, he felt a sharp agonizing thrust off: Jeanne Marie and Hyppolite
hand in hand—and little Musque,
handed her, slit tossing stones at the Macaws,
sprinkled them w the blood. munching on a sappotilla he had
The benediction was s of terrifying still- pulled from inside his shirt, hum¬
inne Marie rolled ming a lullaby he remembered.
collapsed into her throne i Little Musque stopped.
3S together with all “Un moment,” he called out to
the callous Hyppolite and Jeanne Marie.
adjusting a Little Musque returned to where
m twisted up to Mr. Putz lay. The dying man
raised his eyes with an effort. All
io the jungle by enraptured m could not reach it. He opened his was swirling black before him in
eyes. Hyppolite stood over him, a crazy shades of grey and brown
stiletto in his hand, ready to plunge and purple. Mr. Putz opened his
again. Musque stepped out from mouth to cry out. Little Musque
behind a bush, where he and Hyp- straddled over him and an impish
her dress tom exposing most polite had watched them as they smile spread across his face. The
her body, ran toward Mr. Putz. lay there.
He picked her up in cheap belt drawing it tight around
his little body.
The last thing Mr. Putz saw was
own, fingers forced down his throat,
the little boy’s bulging eyes as he
was about to retch. Then all went
black. □]
Caper 41
“Hello, honey!'
42. Caper
Caper 43
"Do you have something on the first floor ? We’re kind of in a hurry!”
It was the greatest charity affair of the year
Caper 49
SO Caper
PLANNED VACATION (Co tinued from, page 28) ist smoothed the lapels. He glared.
“Okay, you asked for it. Follow
was blinded by the glare of the sun and ran to the beach. When he He led the way down the hallway
off the white, sea.washed beach didn’t see her in the surf he called beyond the reception room and Carl
where he stood with Diane at his followed. They passed the Marital
side. They were on a small island and he furrowed his brow. “Diane!” Selector room and entered a tele¬
in the Caribbean. Man’s dream. vision screening room. “Hal,” the
The perfect woman, the uninhabited
island. Beyond the rim of palms
that edged the beach was a low-
roofed bungalow. It was a simple
house with simple furnishings. A
steps and entered the cottage. He
had decided that she was walking
the beach when a male voice
boomed from a loundspeaker in the
receptionist barked to the attendant
there, “Get Diane on the screen.”
“Diane,” the technician repeated.
“Any idea where she is?”
“Tropic Island,” the receptionist
cabinet filled with a wide variety of “Winslow. This is Central Com¬
nourilite, the Celestial food capsule;
and a low, wide bed.
They walked the beach until the
sun dropped below the horizon and
mand. Step over to the wall on the
right. Stand with your face to the
wall and press the button there.
That will bring you back.”
said. “She always goes there for
the ‘planned vacation’.”
Carl leaned back against the wall
for support. A fist-like knot of cold
fear collected in his entrails and
the evening enveloped them with a Carl had earlier anticipated this seemed to hammer at him. He held BY HOWARD HARRISON
moment of orders and had made up his breath. He knew. His heart
“We’ll stay here forever,” Carl his mind. “I’m not coming back,” pounded furiously. He wanted to
said. he said. stop the man from turning the dials,
“Yes.” “Let’s not have any of that,” the but he couldn’t move. He had loved With your mind on
voice said. “Get over there and as all men want to love — complete¬
press the button.” ly and selfishly. Instinctively he
“Oh, Carl,” she murmured, her “No! I’m not coming back. I’m had sought the starched innocence
voice husky with emotion.
“I mean it,” he said. “You’re all
staying with her.”
“Don’t be ridiculous, Winslow.
of fumbling first love — the per¬ T om BURNETT could hardly have asked for a finer Spring day. The
sky was cloudless, the convertible top was down and the road ahead
petual Becky Thatcher — and just
The girl arrived back here a good as instinctively he had consumed clear and straight. Best of all was the thought of June waiting for him
“Hold me, Carl.” He took her in two hours ago.” only twenty miles away. In only twenty minutes she’d be in his arms
his arms, “I’ve been so lonely, Carl. Carl was stunned. He glanced his ego rising to assure him that it again reliving the glories of the night before, he mused. “What a girl.. .”
You make me feel alive. Just to be around the room. There was no Eighteen miles to go.
with you . . . be near you . . into focus.°He1wantedetoCtum aw! Suddenly, the sight of a state trooper flagging him to a halt snapped
He lifted her and carried her but an inner compulsion kept his him from the bed to reality.
across the sand to the house. She someone down after her. It was just “Ya goin’ to a fire, Mac?” queried the cop.
stood by the side of the bed and like Central Command to know im¬ beach, the palms, the girl. A close- “She’s no fire,” snapped Tom indignant at the reference and thor¬
with several deft movements the mediately when something went up. The smiling, hungering mouth oughly amazed that he had been stopped. He had seen no police cars.
dress dropped to the floor and she wrong. They hadn’t counted on staring up at the man at her side. “Sixty-six is pretty fast on this road.”
stood before him unashamed, the Diane falling in love and when they An angry snarl escaped his throat “But I wasn’t do . . .”
moonlight dancing along the tawny realized that things were out of and Carl wrenched himself away “Save it sonny. The black box doesn’t tell any lies.”
perfection of her body. hand they came after her. He from the wall and plunged into the Until about ten years ago, the odds of Tom’s being caught and con¬
^ He went to her ana she greeted rushed to the wall, closed his eyes hallway. He ran blindly, the sobs victed hovered at a game 5-2. Suddenly, they skidded to a risky 1-10
and pressed the button. shaking his body. He crossed the as a genius-type electronics engineer connected a few wires and tubes.
lowered her to the bed. Her face on He materialized before the main reception room and stumbled out He trotted to a nearby highway with an enforcement officer, made a
the pillow was tenderly relaxed; her reception desk and the well-groomed quick sale and soon retired off the profits from repeat orders.
eyes, large and soft, regarding him receptionist greeted him. “Good to “Here y’are gents, step right up.
as if he were a specially beloved have you back, Winslow.” Since then, drivers have shuddered at the sight of this little black
Just a dime, one tenth of a dollar.” box. Officially referred to as a radar speed meter, the device, hardly
child. Her eyes had been lovely be- “Where is she?” ^ The tears streaming over his face, larger than an executive’s attache case, offered the police a virtually
they had a residual contentment “Diane. You brought her back.” foolDroof device for detecting speeders.
digging into his pocket for the The driving populace let out a collective wail . . . “Unfair . . . Dirty
that caressed him and the air be¬ His voice was rising and he clutched change. The rage in him was un¬
tween them with grateful recogni¬ the edge of the desk. “I want to see controllable. A woman, any woman Play . . . Speed Traps . . . Illegal . . .” The stern-faced pronouncements
tion. She thrust her bared breasts her.” — he wanted to kill all women. He of judges across the land have virtually silenced the most vehement
to him; and as he slipped within “Now just a minute, Winslow slammed his money on the counter.
her embrace, and they continued to He sought one of the naked girls. To be fair, it must be said that the majority of the grumbling came
stare at each other, her look “No,” he shouted. “No minutes! He gazed at her and his hate began from people quite unfamiliar with both the operation and application
changed — welcoming, acquiescent, I want to see her.” to ebb. How could he kill? of radar. For instance, a Texas farmer caught driving without a license
humble, and assertive within the “Calm down, Winslow,” the re¬ And before his eyes the girl wanted to know how the radar knew he didn’t have a license. His
same fervent pattern. ceptionist said. “You’ve had your changed. She was still naked, her companion complained that he was so shot full of electronics that he
He took her in an intent trem¬ little excursion, now why don’t you full, high breasts were ringed. There could hardly stand up. Similarly, a matronly woman driver whined
bling silence that neither wished to just leave well enough alone?” was a small target on her forehead. to apprehending officers that when she passed a “Speed Checked By
“No, damn you!” He reached She still laughed and taunted him. Radar” sign her car immediately slow down from 65 to 50 and there
When Carl awoke the sun was over and grabbed the man by the But it wasn’t just a female mocking was nothing she could do to make it go faster.
streaming into the bungalows. He lapels, lifting him out of his chair. him. Her body was slimmer, young- Radar doesn’t lurk in tree tops, nor is it operated from roadside signs,
groped for her with his hands, but central police barracks or powerlines. The complete $1500 speed meter
she was not in the bed. He sat up, Now! I want to see her.” horrible laugh, her laugh. consists of three parts. . .a radio transmitter/receiver, a speed meter and
rubbing the sleep from his eyes and “Stop shaking me,” the man A growl started deep in his throat * a graphic recorder. (Continued ori the following page.)
smiling. The night was still vivid in squealed. “I’ll let you see her.” and his hand curled over the near-
his mind. He leaped from the bed Carl released him and the reception¬
52 Caper
Caper S3
“Everytim he wakes up it’s to feed!”
Caper 57
THE PARTY (Continued froam page 48) Randy was curled up in a tight
little ball in the middle of her bed,
the covers wrapped closely around
jw they selected their her.
ide them up. The “Randy?”
folded neatly at the “Go away!”
-they’d be needed “I’ve got some food if you’re
“Don’t ever touch me again! Get
it with bourbon while Cl
his back on Randy, coffee inside the door;
wasn’t quite the kick Bert had a drink waiting for him
He drank his coffee when he returned, and was quietly
to keep his back toward Randy came over to Chuck ar singing, off-key, “When you come
ling, wraith-like girl with to the end uv-v-v-v a per-r-r-fect
“Hold me, Chuck,” she day—! Roomy, have a drink! Did
Bert was thoroughly quietly. “Hold me tight.”
Randy’s fumbling embai Chuck grinned. “Thanks, I
Finally, when Chuck think I wilt. Yeah, they’re still
Bert’s happily ' breathing, anyway. By the way,
where do we sleep?”
“Anywhere your little heart de¬
had been before, but with her back sires, my lad. Take your pick.”
’ " clothes lay in Chuck thoughtfully finished his
drink and held up a protesting hand
when Bert tried to pour him anoth¬
er. “Oh, incidentally—Edith wants
i %
62 Caper Caper 63
The Inside Story of
"Those Books" You
Have Never Been
Allowed To Read!