Managing Uncertainty in A Supply Chain: Safety Inventory: True/False
Managing Uncertainty in A Supply Chain: Safety Inventory: True/False
Managing Uncertainty in A Supply Chain: Safety Inventory: True/False
1. Safety inventory is inventory carried for the purpose of satisfying demand that
exceeds the amount forecasted for a given period.
Answer: True
3. Raising the level of safety inventory increases product availability and thus
the margin captured from customer purchases.
Answer: True
5. Carrying excessive inventory can help counter demand volatility when new
products come on the market.
Answer: False
9. Lead time is the gap between when an order is placed and when it is
Answer: True
10. The coefficient of variation measures the size of the relative certainty of cycle
Answer: False
11. Product availability reflects a firm’s ability to fill a customer order out of
available inventory.
Answer: True
12. Order fill rate is the fraction of product demand that is satisfied from product in
Answer: False
13. Product fill rate is the fraction of product demand that is satisfied from product
in inventory.
Answer: True
14. The distinction between product fill rate and order fill rate is significant in a
single product situation.
Answer: False
15. Tracking order fill rates is important when customers place a high value on
the entire order being filled simultaneously.
Answer: True
16. With continuous review, inventory is continuously tracked and an order for a
lot size Q is placed at regular intervals of time.
Answer: False
17. With periodic review, inventory status is checked at regular intervals and an
order is placed to raise the inventory level to a specified threshold.
Answer: True
18. The expected shortage per replenishment cycle (ESC) is the average units of
demand that are satisfied from inventory in stock per replenishment cycle.
Answer: False
19. A shortage occurs in a replenishment cycle only if the demand during the lead
time exceeds the ROP.
Answer: True
20. The fill rate increases and the cycle service level decreases as the safety
inventory is increased.
Answer: False
21. For the same safety inventory, an increase in lot size increases the fill rate but
not the cycle service level.
Answer: True
22. The required safety inventory grows rapidly with a decrease in the desired
product availability.
Answer: False
23. The required safety inventory increases with an increase in the lead time and
the standard deviation of periodic demand.
Answer: True
24. A goal of any supply chain manager is to reduce the level of safety inventory
required regardless of the affect product availability.
Answer: False
25. In most supply chains, the key to reducing the underlying forecast uncertainty
is to link all forecasts throughout the supply chain to customer demand data.
Answer: True
26. A reduction in supply can help dramatically reduce safety inventory required
without hurting product availability.
Answer: False
27. Aggregation reduces the standard deviation of demand only if demand across
the regions being aggregated is not perfectly positively correlated.
Answer: True
28. In case demand in different geographical regions is about the same size and
independent, aggregation increases safety inventory by the square root of the
number of areas aggregated.
Answer: False
29. If aggregation reduces the required safety inventory for a product by a small
amount, it may be best to carry the product in multiple decentralized locations
to reduce response time and transportation cost.
Answer: True
30. The lower the coefficient of variation of an item, the greater the reduction in
safety inventories as a result of centralization.
Answer: False
32. Postponement allows the supply chain to delay product differentiation, which
results in disaggregating most of the inventories in the supply chain.
Answer: False
33. Periodic review policies require more safety inventory than continuous review
policies for the same level of product availability.
Answer: True
34. When using a continuous review policy, a manager has to account for the
uncertainty of demand during the lead time and the review interval.
Answer: False
Multiple Choice
1. Inventory carried for the purpose of satisfying demand that exceeds the
amount forecasted for a given period is
a. cycle inventory.
b. demand inventory.
c. safety inventory.
d. security inventory.
e. all of the above
Answer: c
4. The issue of product availability and the level of safety inventory is particularly
significant in industries where
a. product life cycles are short and demand is stable.
b. product life cycles are short and demand is very volatile.
c. product life cycles are long and demand is stable.
d. product life cycles are long and demand is very volatile.
e. a and b only
Answer: b
5. A key to success at which company has been its ability to provide a high level
of product availability to customers while carrying very low levels of safety
inventory in its supply chain?
a. Compaq
b. Hewlett-Packard
c. Dell
d. Packard-Bell
e. all of the above
Answer: c
13. The fraction of orders that are filled from available inventory is the
a. customer fill rate.
b. product fill rate.
c. order fill rate.
d. cycle service level (CSL).
e. none of the above
Answer: c
14. The fraction of product demand that is satisfied from product in inventory is
a. customer fill rate.
b. product fill rate.
c. order fill rate.
d. cycle service level (CSL).
e. none of the above
Answer: b
15. The fraction of replenishment cycles that end with all the customer demand
being met is the
a. customer fill rate.
b. product fill rate.
c. order fill rate.
d. cycle service level (CSL).
e. none of the above
Answer: d
Difficulty: Easy
17. The distinction between product fill rate and order fill rate is
a. not significant in a single product situation.
b. significant in a single product situation.
c. not significant when a firm is selling multiple products.
d. significant when a firm is selling multiple products.
e. both a and d
Answer: a
19. A company that tracks inventory and places an order for a lot size Q when the
inventory declines to the reorder point (ROP) is using
a. continuous review.
b. daily review.
c. occasional review.
d. periodic review.
e. none of the above
Answer: a
20. A company that checks inventory status at regular periodic intervals and
places an order to raise the inventory level to a specified threshold is using
a. continuous review.
b. daily review.
c. occasional review.
d. periodic review.
e. none of the above
Answer: d
24. Given a lot size of Q (which is also the average demand in a replenishment
a. the fraction of demand lost is thus ESC + Q.
b. the fraction of demand lost is thus ESC – Q.
c. the fraction of demand lost is thus ESC/Q.
d. the fraction of demand lost is thus ESC x Q.
e. none of the above
Answer: c
32. Which of the following is not an approach to reduce the level of safety
inventory required in a way that does not adversely affect product availability?
a. Reduce the supplier lead time.
b. Reduce the underlying uncertainty of demand.
c. Reduce the cost of material coming from suppliers.
d. All of the above are approaches.
e. None of the above are approaches.
Answer: c
37. Which of the following is not a method by which a supply chain can extract
the benefits of aggregation without having to physically centralize all
inventories in one location?
a. information centralization
b. specialization
c. product substitution
d. component differentiation
e. postponement
Answer: d
40. The use of one product to satisfy demand for a different product is
a. information centralization.
b. specialization.
c. product substitution.
d. component commonality.
e. postponement.
Answer: c
41. Which use of common components in a variety of products has been a very
effective supply chain strategy to exploit aggregation and reduce component
a. information centralization
b. specialization
c. product substitution
d. component commonality
e. postponement
Answer: a
43. Which approach to aggregation has the goal of moving product differentiation
as close to the pull phase of the supply chain as possible?
a. information centralization
b. specialization
c. product substitution
d. component commonality
e. postponement
Answer: e
44. Periodic review policies for inventory replenishment require safety inventory
to cover demand during
a. lead time only.
b. the review interval only.
c. both lead time and the review interval.
d. neither lead time or the review interval.
e. lead time when it exceeds the review interval.
Answer: c
45. Continuous review policies for inventory replenishment require safety
inventory to cover demand during
a. lead time only.
b. the review interval only.
c. both lead time and the review interval.
d. neither lead time or the review interval.
e. lead time when it exceeds the review interval.
Answer: a
47. All inventory between a given stage in the supply chain and the final customer
is called the
a. cycle inventory.
b. demand inventory.
c. echelon inventory.
d. safety inventory.
e. none of the above
Answer: c
49. As retailers decrease the level of safety inventory they carry, the distributor
will have to
a. decrease his or her safety inventory.
b. increase his or her safety inventory.
c. keep his or her safety inventory at the same level.
d. increase his or her cycle inventory.
e. decrease his or her cycle inventory.
Answer: b