Cast Iron - IspatGuru
Cast Iron - IspatGuru
Cast Iron - IspatGuru
Cast Iron
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Satyendra March 28, 2013 0 Comments
OEM/ODM Service
Cast Iron, CG Iron, Ductile Iron, Flake Graphite, Graphite, Gray Cast Iron, Iron Carbon Matastable
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System, Malleable Cast Iron, SG Iron, White Iron processing, stocking&distributing,
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Cast Iron
The term ‘cast iron’ identi es a large family of ferrous alloys. Cast irons
are multi component ferrous alloys, which solidify with a eutectic. They
contain major elements such as iron (Fe), carbon (C), and silicon (Si),
minor elements (less than 0.1 %), and often alloying elements (higher than
0.1 %). Cast iron has higher C and Si contents than steel. Because of the
higher C content, the structure of cast iron, as opposed to that of steel,
shows a rich C phase.
Cast iron in its basic form is a brittle material which has a very little impact
strength. It has a little or practically no toughness when compared to low C
steels. It has a fraction of the tensile strength of low C steels. When a
cast iron piece fails, it does not deform in a noticeable way and appears to
snap apart or break in a manner consistent with a snap. There is no early
warning of a failure.
Typical percent of C in cast iron rages from 2.5 % to 4 %. Cast iron is very
brittle, not amenable to deform. It is easy to cast (due to lower melting
point) into complicated shapes and is a low cost material. With alloying,
good foundry practice and heat treatment, properties of cast iron can be
varied over wide range. 1/14
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Referring only to the binary Fe-Fe3C or iron- graphite system, cast iron can
be de ned as an iron-carbon alloy with more than 2 % C. However, Si and
other alloying elements can considerably change the maximum solubility
of C in austenite. Hence, in exceptional cases, alloys with less than 2 % C
can solidify with a eutectic structure and hence still belong to the family of
cast iron. 2/14
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The two basic types of eutectics namely (i) the stable austenite-graphite,
or (ii) the metastable austenite-iron carbide (Fe3C), have wide differences
in their mechanical properties, such as strength, hardness, toughness, and
ductility. Hence, the basic scope of the metallurgical processing of cast
iron is to manipulate the type, amount, and morphology of the eutectic in
order to achieve the desired mechanical properties.
Historically, the rst classi cation of cast iron was based on its fracture.
Two types of iron namely (i) white cast iron, and (ii) gray cast iron, were
initially recognized.
Gray iron – It shows a gray fracture surface since fracture occurs along
the graphite plates ( akes). It is the result of stable solidi cation (graphite
These classi cations are seldom used by the foundries. The most widely
used terminology is the commercial one. A rst division can be made in
two categories. The rst one is the common cast irons which are for
general-purpose applications and these are unalloyed or low alloy cast
irons. The second one is special cast irons which are for special
applications and are normally high alloy cast irons. The relationship
between classi cation by designation, micro-structure and the fracture of
cast iron after the nal processing stage is given in Tab 1. 3/14
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Sl. Commercial Carbon-
Matrix Fracture structure
No. designation rich phase
1 Gray iron Pearlite Gray Solidi cation
Compacted Ferrite,
3 vermicular Gray Solidi cation
graphite iron Pearlite
Solidi cation
4 White iron Fe3C white or heat
5 Mottled iron graphite + Pearlite Mottled Solidi cation
* White irons are not usually heat treated, except for stress relief and to continue austenite
Special cast irons differ from the common cast irons mainly in the higher
content of alloying elements (higher than 3 %), which promote micro-
structures having special properties for elevated-temperature applications,
corrosion resistance, and wear resistance. A classi cation of the main
types of special cast irons is shown in Fig 3. 4/14
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The main factors which have in uence on the structure of cast iron (i)
chemical composition, (ii) cooling rate, (iii) liquid treatment, and (iv) heat
treatment. In addition, there are some aspects of combined C in cast irons
which are required to be considered. These are described below.
In the original cooling or through subsequent heat treatment, a matrix can be internally decarburized
Depending on the Si content and the cooling rate, the pearlite in cast iron can vary in C content. This
is a ternary system, and the C content of pearlite can be as low as 0.50 % with 2.5 % Si.
The conventionally measured hardness of graphitic cast irons is in uenced by the graphite,
especially in gray iron. Martensite micro-hardness can be as high as 66 HRC, but measures as low
as 54 HRC conventionally in gray cast iron (58 HRC in ductile cast iron).
The critical temperature of cast iron is in uenced (raised) by Si content, not by C content.
When the composition of the cast iron and the cooling rate at solidi cation
are suitable, a substantial portion of the C content separates out of the
liquid to form akes of graphite. The fracture path of such cast iron
follows the graphite akes. The fracture surface of this cast iron appears
gray because of the predominance of exposed graphite. 5/14
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Composition in percent
Type of iron
C Si Mn P S
2.5 1– 0.2 0.002
1 Gray (FG) –
–4 3 -1 –1
Compacted graphite 2.5 1– 0.2 – 0.01 –
2 –
(CG) –4 3 1 0.1
3– 0.1 – 0.01 – 0.01
3 Ductile (SG) –
4 1 0.1 -0.03
1.8 0.5
0.25 0.06 – 0.06
4 White – –
– 0.8 0.2 – 0.2
3.6 1.9
2.2 0.15 0.02 – 0.02-
5 Malleable (TG) –
-2.9 – 1.2 0.2 0.2
Both the major and the minor elements have a direct in uence on the
morphology of ake graphite. Fig 5 shows typical ake graphite shapes.
Type A graphite is found in inoculated cast irons cooled with moderate
rates. Normally, it is associated with the best mechanical properties and
cast irons with this type of graphite show moderate under-cooling during
solidi cation. Type B graphite is found in cast irons of near eutectic 6/14
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Nickel, copper, and tin – They increase the graphitization potential during
the eutectic transformation, but decrease it during the eutectoid
transformation, hence raising the pearlite / ferrite ratio. This second effect
is due to the retardation of C diffusion. These elements form solid solution
in the matrix. Since they increase the amount of pearlite, they raise
strength and hardness.
forming (FeX)nC type carbides, but also alloy the alpha Fe solid solution.
As long as carbide formation does not occur, these elements increase
strength and hardness. Above a certain level, any of these elements
determine the solidi cation of a structure with both graphite and Fe3C
(mottled structure), which have lower strength but higher hardness.
In alloyed gray iron, the typical ranges for the elements are Cr – 0.2 % to
0.6 %, Mo – 0.2 % to 1 %, V – 0.1 % to 0.2 %, Ni – 0.6 % to 1 %, Cu – 0.5 %
to 1.5 % and Sn – 0.04 % to 0.08 %. The in uence of composition and
cooling rate on tensile strength can be estimated using an empirical
The cooling rate, like the chemical composition, can signi cantly in uence
the as cast structure and hence the mechanical properties. The cooling
rate of a casting is primarily a function of its section size. The dependence
of structure and properties on section size is termed section sensitivity.
Increasing of the cooling rate results into (i) re ne both graphite size and
matrix structure which results in increased strength and hardness and (ii)
increase the chilling tendency which can result in higher hardness, but can
decrease the strength. Thus, composition is to be adjusted in such a way
so as to provide the correct graphitization potential for a given cooling
rate. For a given chemical composition and as the section thickness
increases, the graphite becomes coarser, and the pearlite / ferrite ratio
decreases, which results in lower strength and hardness. Higher C
equivalent (CE) has similar effects.
Heat treatment can signi cantly change the matrix structure, although
graphite shape and size remain basically unaffected. A rather low
proportion of the total gray iron produced is heat treated. Common heat
treatment can consist of stress relieving or of annealing to decrease
The main effects of chemical composition are similar to those for gray
iron, with quantitative differences in the extent of these effects and
qualitative differences in the in uence on graphite morphology. The CE
has only a mild in uence on the properties and structure of the ductile
iron, since it affects graphite shape signi cantly less than in the case of
gray iron. However, to prevent excessive shrinkage, high chilling tendency,
graphite otation, or a high impact transition temperature, optimum
amounts of C and Si are to be selected. 8/14
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Further, minor elements can signi cantly change the structure in terms of
graphite morphology, chilling tendency, and matrix structure. Minor
elements can promote the spheroidization of graphite or can have an
adverse effect on graphite shape. The minor elements which adversely
affect graphite shape are said to degenerate graphite shape. A variety of
graphite shapes can occur (Fig 6). Graphite shape is the single most
important factor affecting the mechanical properties of cast iron.
The elements in the rst group, i.e. the spheroidizing elements, can
change graphite shape from ake through compacted to spheroidal. The
most widely used element for the production of spheroidal graphite is Mg.
The amount of residual magnesium, Mg (residual) required to produce
spheroidal graphite is generally in the range 0.03 % to 0.05 %. The precise
level depends on the cooling rate. A higher cooling rate requires less Mg.
The amount of Mg to be added in the cast iron is a function of the initial S
level, S (initial), and the recovery of Mg, and a constant ‘K’ depending on
the particular process used. The relationship equation is Mg (added) =
[0.75 S (initial) + Mg (residual)]/ K.
A residual Mg level which is too low results in insu cient nodularity (that
is, a low ratio between the spheroidal graphite and the total amount of
graphite in the structure). This in turn results in a deterioration of the
mechanical properties of the cast iron. If the Mg content is too high,
carbides are promoted. The presence of anti spheroidizing (deleterious)
minor elements can result in graphite shape deterioration, upto complete
graphite degeneration. Hence, upper limits are set on the amount of
deleterious elements to be accepted in the composition. These values can
be in uenced by the combination of various elements and by the presence
of rare earths in the composition. In addition, some of these elements can
be deliberately added during liquid processing in order to increase the
nodule count. 9/14
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Cooling rate – When changing the cooling rate, effects similar to those
described in the case of gray iron also occurs in ductile iron, but the
section sensitivity of ductile iron is lower. This is since spheroidal graphite
is less affected by cooling rate than ake graphite.
The liquid treatment of ductile iron is more complex than that of gray iron.
The two stages for the liquid treatment of ductile iron are (i) modi cation,
which consists of Mg or Mg alloy treatment of the melt, with the purpose
of changing graphite shape from ake to spheroidal, and (ii) inoculation
(normally, post inoculation, that is, after the Mg treatment) to increase the
nodule count. Increasing the nodule count is an important goal, since a
higher nodule count is associated with less chilling tendency and a higher
as-cast ferrite / pearlite ratio.
The cooling rate affects properties less for gray iron but more for ductile
iron. In other words, CG iron is less section sensitive than gray iron.
However, high cooling rates are to be avoided because of the high
propensity of CG cast iron for chilling and high nodule count in thin
Liquid treatment can have two stages, as for ductile iron. Modi cation can
be achieved with Mg, magnesium, Mg + Ti, Ce + Ca, and so on. Inoculation
is to be kept at a low level to avoid excessive nodularity. Heat treatment is
not common for CG cast irons.
Malleable cast irons differ from the types of other cast irons in that they
have an initial as-cast white structure, that is, a structure consisting of iron
carbides in a pearlitic matrix. This white structure is then heat treated 10/14
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(annealing at 800 deg C to 970 deg C), which results in the decomposition
of Fe3C and the formation of temper graphite. The basic solid state
reaction is given by equation Fe3C = gamma iron + graphite. The nal
structure consists of graphite and pearlite, pearlite and ferrite, or ferrite.
The structure of the matrix is a function of the cooling rate after annealing.
Cooling rate – Like all other cast irons, malleable cast irons are sensitive
to cooling rate. However, since the nal structure is the result of a solid-
state reaction, they are the least section sensitive cast irons.
The liquid treatment of malleable cast iron increases the number of nuclei
available for the solid-state graphitization reaction. This can be achieved
in two different ways. The rst is by adding elements which increase
undercooling during solidi cation. Typical elements in this category are
Mg, Ce, Bi, and Te. Higher undercooling results in ner structure, which in
turn means more gamma iron-Fe3C interface. Because graphite nucleates
at the gamma iron-Fe3C interface, this means more nucleation sites for
graphite. Higher undercooling during solidi cation also prevents the 11/14
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Special cast irons are alloy cast irons which take advantage of the radical
changes in structure produced by rather large amounts of alloying
elements. Abrasion resistance can be improved by increasing hardness,
which in turn can be achieved by either increasing the amount of carbides
and their hardness or by producing a martensitic structure. The least
expensive material is white iron with a pearlitic matrix. Additions of 3 % to
5 % Ni and 1.5 % to 2.5 % Cr result in cast irons with (FeCr)3C carbides and
an as-cast martensitic matrix. Additions of 11 % to 35 % Cr produce
(CrFe)7C3 carbides, which are harder than the iron carbides. Additions of 4
% to 16 % Mn result in a structure consisting of (FeMn)3C, martensite, and
work-hardenable austenite.
Ispat Digest 12/14
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