Capability-Oriented Modeling of The Firm: January 2005
Capability-Oriented Modeling of The Firm: January 2005
Capability-Oriented Modeling of The Firm: January 2005
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3 authors, including:
Daniel Beimborn
Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg
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From the theories of the resource- and competence-based view we derive a capability-based
modeling paradigm for representing business functions and processes. This method enables
analyses of optimal process cuts within business process outsourcing decisions and gives a
valuable complementary view of a firm as a structured network of capabilities.
In a case study approach, the derived modeling paradigm is applied to a particular segment
of the banking business (credit business) and it is shown that this approach can deliver added
value in particular strategic decisions. We identify areas of future research in developing
strategic competence and process measures to make the theories named above more applica-
ble to manager’s decisions.
1 Introduction
In the last years, a strong trend towards industrialization activities like process analysis and
re-designing activities, information technology and business process outsourcing, as well as
mergers and acquisitions has been observed in the German banking industry. This industriali-
zation trend is mostly caused by an enormous consolidation pressure (Krabichler and Krauß
2003). Although this domain of strategic management is surrounded by many theoretical and
empirical research works, the decision-supporting suggestions extracted from these works are
often of a rather generic nature and do much less frequently provide an approach, which can
be directly used by decision makers. The following work is based on theoretical insights into
the resource-based view (Wernerfelt 1984) and the competence-based view (CBV) (Prahalad
and Hamel 1990) as well as on experiences we obtained while conducting different research
projects in the financial services industry. The paper focuses on providing a theory-based
modeling and analysis approach which is able to complement process-based analyses for stra-
tegic decisions in the domain of cutting and modularizing processes into services and to de-
termine optimal sourcing strategies. Our approach should enable managers to get a consistent
picture of a firm’s capabilities as well as of the relationships between them.
Chapter 2 gives a short overview of the theoretical bricks we will use as a fundament for our
work and extracts strategic indicators which could be used in the developed approach. Chap-
ter 3 discusses existing process modeling and redesign methods.
Chapter 4 forms the core of this paper. It introduces the concept of capability modeling (4.1)
and applies it to a subsection of a bank’s business, to show the added value this method can
provide particularly in the context of business process outsourcing (BPO) (4.2). The final part
of this chapter contains a first critical evaluation of the proposed method (4.3). Chapter 5
gives a short conclusion and highlights the next steps of our work.
First Vote Decision Archiving Payment
It is quite difficult to find any flow-oriented process documentation in any area of the financial industry in
Figure 5 : Capability Map with focus on Loan Processing Capabilities (4th level)
In Figure 6, the capability “Administrate Loans” is shown in more detail. As the view be-
comes more detailed, more process flows are displayed between and within capabilities.
Figure 6: Detailed view of capability "Administrate Loans"
On a sufficiently granular level, the capabilities can be described by function-oriented meas-
ures. By using a capability cockpit in form of a graphical user interface (GUI), as shown in
Figure 7, one can browse into each single capability and is able to query the properties and
pre-defined absolute and relative (efficiency) measures. It is not goal of this paper to define a
set of theory-based measures for this kind of cockpit. We just want to provide a first visionary
draft, which could act as a starting point for refinements in subsequent case studies.
Virtual capability means that the capability is not a part of the firm anymore but, still, is a
part of the business, where the provider’s capability is also a part, now. Therefore, a virtual
capability represents an interface to the sourcing provider’s executable business functions.
tronically via a Content Management System which allows employees of ABCD to access
needed files during management of running loans, the capability of “Request Documents”
will only be needed, if e.g. particular collaterals have to be returned to the customer.
Some configurations would have to be changed in the cockpit and, perhaps, several control
measures would have to be added to represent the service level agreement between the out-
sourcer and the insourcer.
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