B.inggris Kti
B.inggris Kti
B.inggris Kti
Nama : DIMAS
PO7220119 1550
Kelas: 2A keperawatan
1.1 Background 1...................................................................................................
1.2 Limitation Problem 3.......................................................................................
1.3 Problem Formulas 3........................................................................................
1.4 Purpose3..........................................................................................................
1.4.1 Aim General3.........................................................................................
1.4.2 Aim Special4..........................................................................................
1.5 Benefits4..........................................................................................................
1.5.1 Benefits Theoretical 4..............................................................................
1.5.2 Practical Benefits4...................................................................................
1.1 Background
adults (Sargowo, 2003). Failure of pump function is always associated with heart
failure, which often occurs due to inadequate oxygen circulating levels and
circulating oxygen levels and stagnation of blood in peripheral tissues. And also
the result of the inability of the heart to pump blood in sufficient quantities to
meet the tissue's nutritional and oxygen needs will result in decreased myocardial
Data from the Word Health Organization (WHO) 2016 heart disease
occurs in 17.5 million people (31%) of the 58 million deaths in the world caused
Foundation, the prevalence of heart disease reaches 7-12% per year (YJI, 2013).
RISKESDAS data in 2013 showed that East Java had the second largest
Estimated number of people with heart failure (0.19%) 54,826 people at the age of
right and left ventricles failed separately. Left ventricular failure most often
precedes right ventricular failure. Failure of one ventricle can result in decreased
tissue perfusion, but the manifestations of congestion can differ depending on the
ventricular failure that occurs (Kasron, 2012). Heart failure is also caused due to a
with massive embolic pulmonary. It can also occur with normal systolic function,
rupture of aortic valve and in endocarditis with massive embolic pulmonary. It can
also occur with normal systolic function, usually in chronic conditions, such as
in normal heart conditions and there is an increase in the load over capacity, such
embolic pulmonary. It can also occur with normal systolic function, usually in
chronic conditions, such as mitral stenosis without myocardial abnormalities
(Kasper, 2004).
effective and efficient services are established, (therapeutic role) as executing the
(Akatsuki, 2011). The role of nurses for the first time that can be carried out in
recommending a lying position and limiting activities can reduce the workload of
the heart so that it can help the heart not work hard and oxygen supply can be
delivered to all cells, including cells. the heart itself (Muttaqin, 2012).
Researchers only limit the case of clients with nursing care problems in
clients with heart failure with problems at the risk of ineffective myocardial
How is the Nursing Care for Heart Failure Clients with the Risk of
1.4 Aim
Able to perform Nursing Care for Heart Failure Clients with Ineffective
3. Arranging nursing plans for clients with heart failure in the HCU
1.5 Benefits
So that the results of this study can be a reference for other researchers
similar to heart failure clients with problems with the risk of ineffective
myocardial perfusion
The results of this study can be an additional reference for students and
heart failure, it can also improve the quality of service in cases of heart
failure and can pay attention to the conditions and needs of heart failure
can use as a basis for further research with the same nursing problems and
Congestive heart failure (CHF) is a condition in which the function of the heart as
a pump to deliver oxygen-rich blood to the body is not sufficient to meet the
body's needs (Saferi, 2013). Heart failure is the inability of the heart to pump
blood in sufficient quantities to meet tissue oxygen and nutrient needs. The
Several systemic factors that can aggravate heart failure include an increase in the
metabolic rate (eg fever, coma, thyrotoxicosis), hypoxia, and anemia which
2.1.2. Etiology
According to Wijaya & Putri (2013), in general heart failure can be caused by
1. Myocardial Dysfunction
coronary arteries which causes a lack of oxygen and causes the death of
or inflamed.
mitral and tricuspid valves when the ventricles contract as a result of not
5. Give - give
1) Retrictive pericarditis
stiffness, and the heart is restricted from expanding and filling blood
2) Cardiac tamponade
in the pericardium.
b. Secondary
orifice which results in increased resistance to blood flow from the atria to
the ventricles.
(2016), namely:
1. Dyspnea
condition that indicated the patient had difficulty getting enough air.
to dyspnea.
2. Orthopnea
Orthopnea is the inability to lie flat due to dyspnea. The patient can
4. Cough
and short.
2.1.5 Pathophysiology
Heart failure
Decreased oxygen
supply to tissues
Risk of ineffective
2.1.7 Complications
1. Cardiogenic shock
2.1.8 According to Sani (2007) Management of patients with heart failure are:
1. Pharmacology
volume decreases.
2. Non Pharmacology
3. Rest in bed
Bed rest reduces the work of the heart, increases the reserve power
4. Oxygen
5. Diet
Diet settings make the work and tension of the heart muscle at a
6. Coronary revascularization
7. Heart transplant
8. Cardiomyoplasty
failure, namely:
heart rate.
of the heart, and assesses the state of the heart chambers and the
lungs or other lung diseases. BNP blood test: to measure the levels of
will increase.
ventricular contractility.
Risk factors
1. Hypertension
2. Hyperlipidemia
3. Hyperglycemia
4. Hypoxemia
5. Hypoxia
7. Heart surgery
8. Substance abuse
2.3.1 Assessment
1. Client Identity
a. Age: The age of people with heart failure is divided into 2, namely
46-65 years and ≥65 years with each portion of 50%. This shows that
ranges from the elderly to the elderly. Age is indeed a risk factor for
heart failure. However, the role of age risk factors must be viewed
heart failure at the age of 50, while women are at the age of 65 or
especially in the cardiovascular system. The data shows that men who
are actively working are 10 percent less likely to develop heart failure.
a. Main complaint
Includes a history of the client's illness, especially those that support the
current disease. Patients with heart failure usually have previously had
The nurse asks about illnesses that have been experienced by the family,
family members who died, especially at productive age, and the cause of
1. General circumstances
complaints, except for feeling discomfort when lying flat for more than
a few minutes. In patients with more severe heart failure, the patient
may have heavy breathing efforts and may have difficulty completing
2. Vital sign
3. Awareness
Compost mentis: The state of the patient is fully aware, both to the
stimulated, but if the stimulation stops the patient will sleep again.
all, but the response to pain is inadequate and reflexes (pupil &
5. The visual system, in clients with heart failure, the eyes experience
6. The hearing system, in clients with heart failure, the ear hearing system
fraction, tidal volume, respiratory rate and mode used for breathing
(Aziza, 2010).
9. Cardiovascular system
a. Inspection
The patient lies on a flat base. In the chest shape there is a wide local
b. Palpation
c. Percussion
normal circumstances between the left and right sternal lines in the
To determine the left border of the heart perform percussion from the
d. Auscultation
1) Heart Sounds
with the pulse rate. The normal rhythm of the heart is regular and
then compared with the pulse rate. If the pulse rate and heart
sound are more than 100 beats per minute each, it is called
it is called bradycardia.
(Aziza, 2010).
14. The urinary system, assess the presence or absence of swelling and
pain in the waist area, observe and palpate the lower abdominal area to
a. Activity / rest
b. Elimination
c. Food / liquid
d. Hygiene
e. Neurosensory
f. Pain / Comfort
g. Security
h. Social interaction
with the nurse's authority (Herdman & Kamitsuru, 2015). Judging from the
client's health status, the diagnosis can be divided into actual, potential, risk
and possibility
1. Actual: Nursing diagnoses that represent clinical judgments that the nurse
plan is drawn up and shown on nursing orders to help clients achieve the
expected goals.
Nursing evaluation is the stage that determines whether the goals that
have been set are achieved or not. Evaluation is based on how effective
the interventions are made by families, carers and others. There are
is that the method must be tailored to the objectives and the intervention
The research design used is a case study. The case study which is the
subject of this research is used to explore the problem of Nursing Care for
Clients with Heart Failure and the Risk of Ineffective Myocardial Perfusion in
The term limits used to avoid mistakes in understanding the research title,
The clients in this case study are 2 clients with the same medical diagnosis
oxygen-rich blood throughout the body is not sufficient to meet the body's
3.3. Participants
participation and participation. The subjects used in this study were clients
who were studied and met during the study as many as 2 clients and with a
medical diagnosis of heart failure with problems with the risk of ineffective
clients who are treated at the hospital who have gone through the 3 day
from submitting a cover letter for permission from the Nursing D3 study
RSUD Jombang, where The researcher will get a reply letter that
includes the data and the division of the place or room according to the
about the purpose of the research being carried out, has the right to
question and answer. In this case study, the researcher used 2 types of
5. Documentation Studies
the results of medical record data, literature review and diagnostic tests
Besides the integrity of the researcher (because the researcher is the main
data sources, namely patients, nurses and client families related to the
problems studied.
According to Tri (2015), data analysis was carried out from the time the
researchers were in the field, during data collection until all data were
collected. Data analysis was carried out by stating facts, then comparing
with existing theories and then pouring it out in the discussion opinion.
The analysis technique is used by narrating the answers from the research
1. Data collection.
documents). The results are written in the form of field notes, then
2. Data reduction.
Interview data collected in the form of field notes are put together in the
form of nursing care report studies. The objective data were analyzed
based on the results of diagnostic tests and then compared with normal
3. Presentation of data.
4. Conclusion.
From the data presented, then the data is discussed and compared with
Informed consent also needs to state that the data obtained will only be
2. Anonymous (anonymity), where the subject has the right to request that
4.1 Result
4.1.1 Overview of Data Collection Locations
Jombang District Hospital is a hospital owned by the Jombang
from private hospitals and health centers around the Jombang area.
class II, 184 beds in class III, 28 beds in ICU and 105 beds in HCU . RSUD
form of SMF.
The assessment was carried out by the Kemuning HCU Room, with a
4.1.2 Assessment
1. Client Identity
Table 4.1 Identity of Clients with Heart Failure with Problems The Risk of
Ineffective Myocardial Perfusion in the HCU Kemuning Room,
Jombang Hospital, 2018
Client Identity Client Client
1 2
Name Mr. MS Mr. S
Age 60 Years 45Years
Religion Islam Islam
Education MI Junior High School
Profession Farm workers General employees
Marital status Married Widower
2. History of Disease
Table 4.2 History of client with heart failure with problems, the risk of
ineffective myocardial perfusion in the HCU Kemuning Room,
Jombang Hospital, 2018
History of Disease Client Client
1 2
Main complaint The client said Client says access,
crowded, breath breath rub left chest pain
Current Disease History The client said he came to The client's family said that
Jombang Hospital with the client was taken to the
complaints of shortness of Jombang Regional Hospital
breath, coughing, rubbing with a state of shortness of
suddenly without any breath, rubbing and the right
activity. Then the client was leg was swollen for 2 weeks,
brought to the IGD Jombang then the client was taken to
and MRS Hospital at the hour the ER and MRS.
17.44 WIB in the HCU at 22.41 WIB in the
Kemuning room Kemuning HCU room
Past medical history The client said he did not The client's family said they
history did not have a history of
hypertension and DM. But hypertension and DM. The
the client said that he had client's family said the client
MRS in the Kemuning room had never been hospitalized
of Jombang Hospital in
February with illness
coronary heart and treated for
4 days.
Family History The client said there was a The client's family said there
family who had a history of was no family history of
heart disease, namely heart disease
client's father
Allergy History The client said no The client said no
have a history of allergies
have a history of allergies
Source: Primary Data (2018)
5. Diagnostic Checks
Table 4.5 Diagnostic Examination of Clients with Heart Failure with Problems
The Risk of Ineffective Myocardial Perfusion in the HCU Kemuning
Room, Jombang Hospital, 2018
Diagnostic Checks on Mr. MS Diagnostic Checks on Mr. S
12 lead EKG examination on April 25 2018 12 lead EKG examination on April 25
Conclusion: RBBB, VF 2018
12 lead EKG examination on 26 April 2018 Conclusion: Anteroceptal OMI, LH 12
Conclusion: AF, RBBB lead ECG examination on April 26 2018
12 lead EKG examination on 27 April 2018 Conclusion: Anteroceptal OMI 12 lead
Conclusion: AF, RBBB ECG examination on 27 April 2018
Photo of AP thorax dated April 25 2018 Conclusion: Anteroceptal OMI, LH
Conclusion: cardiomegaly with lung edema, Photo of AP thorax April 25 2018
good tug fug Conclusion: cardiomegaly with lung edema,
left pleural effusion, good tug fug
6. Laboratory examination
Table 4.6 Laboratory Examination of Clients with Heart Failure with Problems
The Risk of Ineffective Myocardial Perfusion in the HCU Kemuning
Room, Jombang Hospital, 2018
Examination Client 1 Client 2 Normal Value
April 25 2018 April 25 2018
Complete Blood
Leukocyte 9,500 7,300 L 3,800 - 10,600 / ul
Hemoglobin (HGB) 16.2 11.9 L 13.2 - 17.3 g / dl
Hematocrit (HCT) 47.4 34.1 L 40 - 52%
Erythrocytes 5,680,000 3,960,000 4.5 - 5.5 jt / ul
Platelet Count 234,000 207,000 150000 - 350000 / cmm
Eosinophils - - 1 - 3%
Basophyll - -
Stem - - 3 - 5%
Segment 75 72 50 - 65%
Lymphocyte 15 18 25 - 35%
Monocytes 10 10 4 - 10%
Glucose as Urea 189 132 <200 mg / dl
serum creatinine 1.07 2.88 <1.5 mg / dl
SGOT 46.8 103.8 10 - 50 mg / dl
SGPT 272 191 <38 u / l
Potassiu 220 157 <40 u / l
m - 131 136 - 144 meq / l
Chlorid - 101 96 - 107 meq / l
e - 3.39 3.80 - 5.50 meq / l
7. Drug Therapy
Table 4.7 Providing Therapy for Clients with Heart Failure with Problems at the
Risk of Ineffective Myocardial Perfusion in the HCU Kemuning
Room, Jombang Hospital, 2018.
Client 1 Client 2
April 25, 2018 April 25, 2018
RL 500cc / 24 RL 500cc / 24 hours
hours Injection: Drip kcl 25mEq / 24
Lasix 1x20 mg hours Injection:
Syringe Pump: Lasix 1x20 mg
Dobutamine 5 mcg / (bb) kg / Per Oral:
minute Per Oral: ISDN 3x5mg
ISDN 3x5mg Spironolactone 1x25 mg
Bisoprolol 1x½mg Aspilet 1X80 mg
ASA 0-0-80mg KSR 2x600 mg
Nasal Kanul 4 lpm ASA 0-0-80mg
Nasal Kanul 4 lpm
Source: Primary Data (2018)
Table 4.9 Data Analysis of Clients 2 with Heart Failure with Problems Risk of
Ineffective Myocardial Perfusion in the Kemuning HCU Room,
Jombang Hospital.
Data Etiolog Nursing Problems
Client 2
Subjective Data :The client said Risk of ineffective Risk of ineffective myocardial
shortness of breath, rubbing his myocardial perfusion
breath. Objective data: Awareness: perfusion
General condition:
weak Temperature:
36.7 ° C
Pulse: 94x / minute
Blood Pressure: 170/120 mmHg
Respiration Rate: 28x / minute
CRT <2 seconds, pulse 109x /
heart rate tachycardia 12 lead ECG
examination on 25 April 2018
Conclusion: Anteroceptal OMI, LH
Source: Primary Data (2018)
Table 4.10 Nursing Interventions for Clients with Heart Failure with Problems
Risk of Ineffective Myocardial Perfusion in the Kemuning HCU
Room, Jombang Hospital.
Client 1
Definition The risk of having Tissue Perfusion: Cardiac Monitor vital signs
impaired coronary artery Indicators: a. Monitor blood pressure,
circulation metabolism a. Apical heart pulse, temperature and
myocardial. rate respiratory status
b. Radial pulse appropriately.
Risk factor c. Systolic blood
1. Hypertension
b. Monitor blood pressure
pressure after patient takes
2. Hyperlipidemia
d. Diastolic medication if possible
3. Hyperglycemia
pressure c. Appropriately monitor
4. Hypoxemia
e. Average blood pressure, pulse
5. Hypoxia
blood and respiration before,
6. Lack of fluid volume
pressure during and after activity
7. Heart surgery
values d. Monitor heart rhythm and
8. Substance abuse f. Fraction ejection pressure
9. Coronary artery spasm g. Pulmonary Oxygen therapy
10. Increased C-reactive wedge e. Maintain patent airway
protein pressure f. Monitor oxygen flow
11. Cardiac tamponade 12. h. Cardiac enzymes g. Watch for signs of
Effects of pharmacological i. Results of a oxygen-induced
agents coronary hypovontilation
13. History disease angiogram h. Consult with other health
cardiovascular disease in j. Exercise stress professionals regarding
families 14. Lack of exposure test results the use of supplemental
to information about k. Thallium scan oxygen during activities
changeable stress factors (e.g., results and / or sleep. Treatment
smoking, lifestyle, movement, l. Angina management
obesity) m. Arrhythmia a. Determine what drugs are
n. Tachycardia needed, and administer
o. Bradycardia them according to
p. Sweating a lot prescription and / or
q. Nauseous vomit protocol
b. Monitor the effectiveness
Scale: of the appropriate drug
1. Severe deviation administration.
from normal
2. Considerable
deviation from the
normal range
3. Moderate deviation
from normal range
Client 2:
4.2 Discussion
Based on the results of research that has been carried out at Mr. M. Sdan
Tn. S in the HCU Kemuning room at RSUD Jombang in cases of heart failure
4.2.1 Assessment
1. Subjective Data / Objective Data
a. Client 1
client was brought to the IGD Jombang and MRS Hospital at the hour
b. Client 2
The client's family said the client was taken to the Jombang Regional
Hospital with a state of shortness of breath, rubbing and the right leg was
swollen for 2 weeks, then the client was taken to the ER and MRS at the
causes the cavity between the heart and lungs to become full so that the
lungs are pressed by the heart. So that it causes the lungs not to expand
data that client 1 was short of breath with a respiratory rate of 28 times per
with respiration rate 31 times per minute and 4 lpm O2nasal attached.
ineffective with problems with decreased blood supply to the heart muscle
because the blood flow to the heart is not fulfilled so that the oxygen
supply in the heart decreases and causes tightness in heart failure clients.
mainly a way to reduce the tightness that both clients complained about.
in accordance with the client with heart failure, vital signs can be
prescription, explain to the client about the side effects of the drug, explain
to the client and family about the necessary lifestyle adjustments according
crystalloid fluids (for example, normal saline and Ringer's lactate), observe
the form of direct action to clients and observing client responses after
implementation there are still differences in actions that are tailored to the
The nursing evaluation on both clients was carried out for three
consecutive days. The data obtained on the first day of client 1 is short of
breath with rr: 28x / minute, client 2 is short of breath with rr: 31x /
minute, on the second day client 1 feels short of breath with rr: 28x /
it has decreased, in client 1 with rr: 22x / minute and in client 2 with rr:
31x / minute.
5.1 Conclusion
After performing nursing care for clients with heart failure with problems
with the risk of ineffective myocardial perfusion in the HCU Kemuning room at
RSUD Jombang, the authors can draw conclusions and suggestions based on the
1. The results of the study conducted by the author on April 25 2018 obtained
rubbing suddenly without any activity. The objective data arose in the
2. The main diagnosis in Mr. MS and Tn.S, namely the risk of ineffective
3. Nursing interventions given to clients are in accordance with the 2015 NIC
5. Evaluation of both clients with heart failure with problems with the risk of
myocardial perfusion was ineffective, showing that both clients still had to
5.2 Suggestion
1. For Students
2. For Nurses
Can improve the quality of service in cases of heart failure and be able
fails. heart.
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and Hematology. Jakarta: Salemba Medika.
Smeltzer dan Bare, (2002). Buku ajar keperawatan medikal bedah brunner
dan suddart. EGC, Jakarta