The Essential Guide To Anxiety Panic Recovery

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The key takeaways are that the document discusses causes of anxiety and methods for overcoming anxiety disorders through a coaching program.

The document discusses that anxiety can be caused by both genetic and environmental factors.

The full title of the book discussed is 'Total Anxiety Recovery Coaching Series MindBody Breakthrough'.


Total Anxiety Recovery Coaching Series

MindBody Breakthrough


Wale Oladipo

The Anxiety Panic Recovery Coach

Copyright © 2016

All Rights Reserved

This ebook contains proprietary content and must not be duplicated, distributed, or trained from
without written permission.

No portion of this material may be shared or reproduced in any manner under any circumstance
whatsoever without advance written permission from Wale Oladipo.

For permissions requests, contact:

Table Of Contents

1. Part One - 5 Building-Blocks For Anxiety Disorders

2. Part Two - The “Little Known” Secrets About The Real Roots of Your Anxiety

3. Part Three - The First Thing You Need To Start Doing In Order To Start
Gaining Control Over Anxiety Disorders

4. Part Four - Your Very Survival From Anxiety Disorders - 3 Vital

Transformational Steps

5. The Complete Anxiety Recovery Breakthrough Programme

6. 15 Ways To Defeat Negative Thinking & Grow A Healthy Mind

7. Overcoming Habitual Negative Thoughts

8. Overcoming Loneliness

9. 6 Steps To Overcoming Loneliness

10. The Greatest Breeder of Anxiety Disorders

11. How To Beat Sudden Feelings of Depression and Discouragement

12. 7 Steps to Gain Control Over Your Bad Feelings

13. 4 Steps to Overcoming Irrational Fear

14. Final Note
15. About
16. Other Resources

Total Anxiety Recovery Coaching Series

(Part One)

5 Building-Blocks For Anxiety Disorders


(This book is a transcript of my recent total anxiety recovery coaching series (part 1,2,3,4), as you will find out in the
style of writing. The writing style makes you feel as if you were part of the original coaching class)

I’m Wale Oladipo! The Anxiety Panic Recovery Coach, MindBody Breakthrough!

First of all, I want to thank those of you who sent me your top two anxiety
questions. The response has been absolutely overwhelming.

Never mind the “top two” questions that I requested for. Many people have sent in
their top 3, top 4, and even top 5 anxiety questions. I am absolutely thrilled for your
responses and passion to see those questions answered. Definitely, I am going to be
answering those questions.

I am going to list a few of these questions, just to let you know some of the stuff
we’ll be dealing with here. Of course, if you’ve submitted your top two anxiety
questions, you can see if yours is among the few ones I’ll want to mention here:

1. What is the cause of anxiety? Is it genetic?

2. I have some negative thoughts & fears. Will I ever be free from severe panic/
anxiety disorder?
3. Will all my ugly symptoms (crazy hearts beat, dizziness, sweating, etc,) go
away if I get rid of my anxiety?
4. How do you get the power over your anxiety disorders and panic?
5. Why does anxiety increase as you get older?

This list goes on and on. I’ve got some incredible questions that if you stay
connected with me, it’s never going to be an over-statement to say that your anxiety
will not be able to maintain its cohabitation with you. Because by the time we are
through, you’ll have had some of the necessary tools and principles to

Believe me, I am extremely excited to also include many of these questions in my

upcoming total anxiety recovery manual. It’s really going to be mind-blowing and
definitely life-changing.
Today I want to share with you the 5 Crucial Building Blocks of Anxiety Disorders.
If you are able to grasp this and start applying the tips, you’ll most certainly be on
your way to total transformation from anxiety disorders.

Regardless of what your own particular anxiety outlet maybe - whether it is panic
attack, OCD, depression, agoraphobia, specific phobias, GAD, body dysmorphic
disorder, borderline personality disorders, or even PTSD (post-traumatic stress
disorder), if you are able to fully understand these 5 Building blocks and other
subsequent essential tips, you can be rest assured that you’ll be in a better place.

The 5 building-blocks for anxiety will explain:

A) One of the most common sources of anxiety disorders and how you can start
doing something about it immediately.
B) How anxiety manages to resist your previous treatments.
C) How anxiety tends to increase over time , in spite of all your efforts to gain
control over it.
D) How anxiety manages to re-invent itself, after you thought you’ve got on top
of it.

Now, before I share these five building blocks with you, there are three
breakthrough principles I’ll like to share with you that will definitely kick-start a
positive mental shift within you towards total freedom.

Here are the three principles:

1. Look beyond your pain

2. Refuse to give up
3. Consider the consequences

A] Look beyond Your Pain

Well, you might be saying “I’m not bothered right now about helping others - I just want
to get well and overcome my anxiety.” That’s absolutely right. Unless you’re free from
anxiety yourself, you’ll can’t really help other people who are still living with

As Abraham Lincoln, former president of America, said,

“ You cannot help the poor by becoming one of them.”

It is only after you’ve transformed your anxiety that you can help inspire others
who are still busy fighting their own battles. But, the a vital key to reach the
transformation that you desire is to start right now to visualise it. Start to look
beyond your immediate pain and begin to see a transformed YOU who is help
other people with anxiety recover.

I am very confident that, if you stay tuned with me over the coming weeks, you’ll
get equipped with sufficient life-changing principles not only to help stay free from
anxiety, but also to be of help to others in your world. This is exactly how I got
started myself.

In case you’ve not heard my own anxiety journey before, let me just quickly share it
with you:

Here My Story

I am one of six siblings growing up in a little town called Oyo, in Nigeria, West Africa.
Growing up, we had to survive on very little because we did not have a lot of stuff. As a
little boy, I would be on the trash fields and rubbish dumping grounds looking for anything
edible or of any value that I could salvage to survive. I would go into poisonous snake-
invested rivers looking to see if I could catch some fish to eat. I was always worried about
whether or not I would have enough food to eat the following day.

This was where my anxiety problems started. Can you imagine a little boy waking up in the
morning hungry and then not knowing how he’s going to find food to eat throughout the
day, given the fact that there were no food banks or a welfare system.

I became very fearful, panicky and discouraged. Then, what tipped me over the edge finally
was when my mother passed away. She was all that I had. My dad was alive, but nowhere to
be found. He had abandoned me and my siblings to my struggling mother.

When my mother passed away my anxiety problems took a devastating turn. A few years
later, I hated my life and my anxiety so much that I began to look for answers. I tried many
things that did not work. Then I began to do my own personal research, just believing that
there must be something that works out there.

After many years of toiling, researching, questioning and learning, I finally understood the
most notorious and little known root-cause of anxiety disorders and the most effective

Using some of the principles I will be sharing with you from now on, I finally broke from
anxiety disorders. I have spent countless of hours, resources and time to perfect the best
remedies for anxiety disorders that have defied all the conventional medications and
mainstream anxiety recovery programmes.

Even After I became a certified psychotherapist, I was still improving and refining my
approaches, and in the process helping restore hope, peace, happiness and wellness to several
anxiety sufferers.

It’s good news to you because you will be getting better recovery techniques to help you
recover faster than I did. I’ve learnt and grown in this field a lot since I started several years

Well Tested

The principles you are about to learn have already been well tested and proven
several times with real anxiety sufferers and the results have always ben very

As an approved therapist for Anxiety UK, one of the largest anxiety supports
organisations in the UK, as well as running my own private practice, including my
online anxiety panic recovery programs, these recovery approaches have been
proven to be highly effective to rapidly give you your life back.

If I Could Be Free From Anxiety, You Can Be Free Too.

I can say that I am living the kind of life I have always wanted to live - a life that is
not hindered and paralysed by panic, fear and anxiety. I can now enjoy life, travel
with peace, connect confidently with friends and family and do those things I
would not have dreamt of doing during those years I was trapped and controlled
by anxiety.

More importantly, I can now help other sufferers by sharing my stories, expertise
and knowledge to inspire and enlighten them into their personal freedom from
anxiety and panic disorders.

If I could do it, you too can. You do not have to become a psychotherapist or a
counsellor to help. That are many ordinary people out there with no specific
psychology or counselling qualifications who are doing a great job assisting others
with anxiety, simply by sharing their stories.

Therefore, look beyond your pain and start to dream. Begin to create mental pictures of
how you are helping others attain transformation. Look beyond your current
struggles and even beyond your total healing and well-being. Start to think about
how you can impact your world positively, using your personal experiences with
anxiety. This is a vital key to personal transformation.

You’ve lived with anxiety. You’ve suffered greatly from it. When you talk, you talk
from experience and, because of that, many people with anxiety can easily relate
and connect with your message. They will listen to what you’ve got to say.

There Is a Purpose In Your Pain

There is a bigger purpose to all the adversities, pains and struggles we go through
in life. I believe that in every adversity, there is a hidden advantage. You just have
to stop worrying and start searching for the hidden benefits. In adversities, we can
find ourselves and our true paths in life if we keep searching. This can lead to
happiness and greater life fulfilment.

See Possibilities, Not Problems

Therefore, I recommend that you begin to get excited about the future. Start to paint
the pictures of possibilities unto the canvas of your imagination. Begin to see total
wellness, hope and optimism in your immediate future. You need to dream first
before you can see your dream come true.

What I am doing today was my vision of yesterday. I am glad to be fulfilling it right

now. This is why I am putting it to you to catch the same vision because it’s highly
satisfying and fulfilling. Besides, your life will move in the direction of your
dominant thoughts and mental pictures. Whatever future you can visualise with
intense emotions and faith, you can create.

The energy of a great vision has the capacity to thrust you into realising that vision,
if only you can keep believing and seeing possibilities and hope, instead of
obstacles and hopelessness. I’ll leave these thoughts with you for now.

Let’s move to the second point:

B] Refuse To Give Up?

Now consider the statement below:

“No anxiety book, programme or coaching can heal me - I have had this anxiety
disorders all my life. It’s now my life and I just have to live with it.”

The above quote is actually a statement somebody said to me during one of my

anxiety recovery campaigns. It wasn’t the first time I heard people make the same
kind of comment to me. In fact, it has happened more than you might have
anticipated. There are a lot of people who have basically given up on their anxiety.

But if there is any reaction in me at all, it’s always that of compassion, sympathy
and empathy. People do get frustrated over time when their anxiety is neither going

away not getting any better. Eventually, they somehow give up hope on becoming
free from anxiety. We call this, learnt hopelessness.

Think about it. It is tough. Especially after you’ve tried many treatments, seen your
doctors several times, and spent loads of money on recovery programmes, herbs
and medications that did not just cure your condition.

What I often say to people who appear to have given up or on the verge is this;
“Whatever you do, one thing you do NOT want to lose is your desire and the willpower to
get your life back from anxiety.” It is natural to feel fed up, sick and tired of it all. But
within your deeper soul, there should be that lingering desire and glitter of hope
that you might just stumble on something that will make your anxiety experiences
a thing of the past.

This is very important. Once you believe that nothing will ever take your anxiety
away, you are right. Nothing will, regardless of the expertise of the therapist or the
effectiveness of the programme. You decide your own eventuality through the
power of your words. This is not only applicable to anxiety disorders.

Maybe you’ve heard about how some cancer patients live way beyond their
estimated life-span. Whereas other patients in similar or less intense situations died
even way earlier than the time that the doctor told them they would live for.

The difference is the power of intention. A terminally ill patient with a burning
intention to remain here on earth because he/she has a compelling objective to
accomplish is 20 times more likely to live a lot longer than a patient in similar
health condition who has basically resigned from life. Man lives or dies by the
power of his thoughts. We become what we think about all day long.

Perhaps you may be in this category of people who have given up hope. Please take
my above piece of advice. Please! I am begging you not to give up! Anxiety can be
transformed! You can know joy, happiness, personal progress and fulfilment in
your life.

That is why I have been working really hard for many years to offer those who
have been disappointed with many anxiety treatments something positive and
effective that can provide the solutions that they are desperate for.
Thankfully many people in this category have found my approach very helpful.
And I am really hopeful that you too will. But your recovery starts between your
ears; do not give up.
C] Consider The Consequences of Doing Nothing

This is the third point to help you develop a positive mentality that attracts total
recovery. There are consequences when you become passive about finding a lasting
solution to your anxiety. These consequences can be much more bigger and costlier
than you think.

When you think that you can manage with your anxiety the way it is right now,
then your anxiety goes up a gear and expands itself. You may be able to trust
yourself. But surely you cannot trust your anxiety.

When you give anxiety an inch of space, it looks to take a mile. That is why you
cannot afford to be passive.

Below are twelve things anxiety disorder might force on you if you let it have its way
without any efforts from yourself any more to transform it.

Of course, this list is not exhaustive, as there are other negative effects which are
not listed here. This is , by the way, not an intention to scare you by any means. On
the contrary it is an effort to reinforce the fact that there is a lot to gain if you focus
on your transformation.

12 Negative Effects of Anxiety Disorders on One’s Whole Life

1. Anxiety makes your day-to-day life very miserable because of the way its
symptoms make you feel (you are probably experiencing this already).
2. Anxiety destroys your self-esteem and self-confidence.
3. It also suppresses your creative ability and clear thinking. So you find it
difficult to function effectively at the highest level, socially and professionally.
4. It can have negative effects on your relationships.
5. It also can lead to other serious medical conditions that can be even more
6. Anxiety always seeks to pull you away from your loved ones, meaning that
you may not be able to keep enjoying quality time with those that matter to
you in life.
7. It demoralises, demotivates and dampens your hope towards life - that is how
depression cripples in to complicate your anxiety.
8. Anxiety always seeks to continue to grow and takes more territories in you,
meaning that, even though your anxiety sometimes has a way of easing off a
little bit to deceive you, it’ll eventually become more aggravating and bigger if
you do nothing about it.
9. Living with aggravated anxiety disorders almost guarantees a life of
underperformance and unhappiness. Because if you are not free to fulfil your
full potential and become an active contributor to your world, there is no
happiness or a sense of personal fulfilment.
10. Likewise, anxiety eventually forces you to over-rely on other people for
support which could be very difficult for others and can also cause some direct
or indirect embarrassment and concerns for you.
11. If you are a mother or father with anxiety disorder and you are not doing
anything about getting better, your children could subconsciously get anxiety
from you. Simply because they are living within the energy of your anxiety
disorders. This is different if you are very active in trying your best to degrade
your anxiety.
12. Finally, research has shown that anxiety disorders degenerate the body very
rapidly, meaning that it makes you look a lot older than your age. It also makes
you look less attractive than how you are capable of looking.

These are all important reasons why you should start dreaming of a life without
anxiety. Join me in believing that it is possible for you to detach yourself from
crippling anxiety and panic or any other anxiety-related disorder you may have.

Have you imagined how different your life would be without anxiety? it’s going to
be incredibly different! You are going to start flying. You’ll progress so much in a
short amount of time that it’ll stun you.

Hope I have been able to awaken some motivation within you to focus on
transformation and never to give up!

Now, if you are ready, let’s look at the 5 Crucial Buildings Blocks of Anxiety Disorders:

5 Crucial Building-Blocks For Anxiety Panic Disorders

Anxiety is addicted to routines and patterns. It likes repetitions and status quo. And
this explains why one of the anxiety outlets is OCD (Obsessive Compulsive

Anxiety is a disorder of routines. It’s ridiculous, if you think about it. Anxiety is
labeled as a “dis-order”(in other words, it is “anti-order”). But in its own operations -
that is, when anxiety is planning how to totally control your entire life - it likes to
follow certain orders, routines and rituals, all of which must, obviously, be on its
own terms.

As a result of that, part of our tasks here is to identify and understand the routines
and cycles of anxiety (there are many of them) and then start to disrupt and upset
its well planned and crafted routines, using specialised and well tested principles
and techniques.

These five elements are continuously inter-linked to form and sustain the life-cycle
of your anxiety disorders:

I. Your life experience.

II. Your pattern of thoughts.
III. Your feelings.
IV. Your physical symptoms.
V. Your avoidance mechanism.

Let’s look at each element briefly and how they can help your transformation:

1. Your life experience.

Your life experience involves your entire life situations, negative or positive. This
includes crisis, adversities, as well as some non-crisis life changes that happen in
the past or which are going on in the present. This also involves your concerns and

fears about the future. Everything you’ve been through in life forms your life

Now, it’s important for me to stress here that we are all vulnerable to anxiety
because of this single factor - our life experiences. Life is tough - as you would
agree with me. Stuff happens, most of which we have little or no control over. Your
life experiences do not actually have to be all negative before you can develop
anxiety disorders. Some positive things in our lives also contribute to us developing
anxiety disorders.

For example, getting promoted at work or getting a new job. You would find it hard
to believe the amount of work-related stresses that start simply because someone
got promoted. Something that is supposed to be a good thing suddenly becomes a
breeding pavilion for anxiety.

Many people cannot cope with the quality of expectations their new job role brings.
Others suffer because of their self-doubts. They just can’t stop worrying themselves
to death about how incapable, ineffective and useless they think they will be on the
new job and how they are going to embarrass themselves and eventually get fired.

They spend hours worrying about what other people are thinking about them. As
you could imagine, living under constant self-criticism and condemnation would
not help one’s anxiety to get better. It would rather make it worse. That’s one of the
ways life experience can cause and perpetuate anxiety disorders.

Whether it’s a death of your parent or a pet, being bullied at school, rejections,
separation, divorce, redundancy, physical, emotional or sexual abuse, or any other
crisis, past or present, all these are sources of anxiety disorders.

In fact, studies have shown that over 85% of the causes of persistent anxiety
disorders can be traced to our life experiences that have something to do with
disappointments, sudden life changes and other adversities.

This actually reminds me of the controversial question below which have been
debated by psychologists for decades. Unsurprisingly, this same question came
through to me during the anxiety survey I recently conducted:

Here is the question I am talking about:

“What is the real cause of anxiety - is it NATURE or NURTURE?”

In other words, is the cause of my anxiety biological (is it genetic?) or is it

environmental (did I learn it subconsciously by watching people close to me?).

It is certain that most anxiety disorders stem out of the repressed negative emotions
generated from unpleasant life changes and crisis. In other words, we develop
anxiety as a result of different ways life has dealt with us.

On the other hand, there are some evidences that suggest that anxiety can be
inherited and that some people possess genes that make them more vulnerable to
anxiety than others. But there are still a lot of work to be done in this area of
research to make them very clear and convincing.

Perhaps, you, yourself, know a family that seems as if anxiety disorder runs in their
family. It’s like it’s in their blood as everybody in that family have some kinds of
anxiety-related issues. Now, think with me a second. Is it not possible for a child
growing up in a home where the parents have anxiety disorders to also contract
anxiety by watching them and living day-in day-out within the negative energy of
anxiety disorders? Of course it is possible. Children learn by watching, and then
modify their thinking, feelings and behaviours accordingly. Anxious disposition in
parents can be learnt by the children.

Likewise, as you may be aware, kids who grow up in an environment where they
feel less-valued, insecure, worthless and useless are more likely to grow up with
poor self-esteem which can then degenerate to anxiety disorders. This is because as
kids, they have been raised and controlled by fear for too long.

I do not want to get dragged too long into this nature vs. nurture talk, but I thought
it might be useful to you to start thinking about where your own anxiety might
have come from. Could it be “nature” or “nurture”? Or could it be mysterious - like
some of my clients described theirs? They could not just know where theirs come
from. If you are in this category, do not worry at all!

In part 2 of this series, I’m going to share with you some of the most powerful
insights about how your anxiety developed and what you need to start doing to
achieve transformation. So, stay tuned. I can’t wait to share these little known
secrets with you!

In summary, your life experiences - all that you’ve been through in your life - are
potent materials for producing anxiety in your life.

The most interesting thing here is that it could just be something as little as your
mother not picking you up from school on time on a certain day when you were a
child. Or it could even be something like this; you changed school too frequently
while growing up and the anxiety that you have now is the expression of how you
felt each time you had to face the fear and uncertainty of getting used to your new
environment and meeting new friends.

More often than not, it is the little life experience that we overlook that holds us
into ransom and becomes the legal way-in for anxiety. Don’t worry, I will expand
more on this in part 2. So, make sure you read on.

This is just to get you thinking about little details of your past and present that
could be sustaining your anxiety. A client of mine’s anxiety problem was simply as
a result of her being mistakenly abandoned at a car park by his parent when he was

He was not a happy person for many years and was seriously tortured by anxiety
and panic until I worked with him on this issue. He is now totally free from anxiety
and living life fully.

2. Your Pattern of Thoughts.

The second building blocks for anxiety is your pattern of thoughts. You’ve probably
heard the following saying many times;

“It is not what happens to us in life that breaks us, but how we interpret what happens to

This is a true saying - but an unfair one. Why is it unfair? It is unfair because over
70 percent of what happens to us in life that causes us massive anxiety disorders
happens in our childhood or teenage years. They happened when our mental
capacity and emotional intelligence were not strong enough to positively process
and rationalise our ordeals. Do you get my point?

What kind of positive interpretation do you want a child to give to his physical,
sexual or emotional abuse experience? In fact, in most cases he has no
interpretation. He’s simply confused and internally traumatised, living everything
to his subconscious mind to deal with.

But that’s reality and we cannot get away from it. How we think about our life
situation decides whether or not we’ll end up with anxiety disorders.

Now, here is something I’ll like to draw your attention to; I’ll not go into full details
here due to my time. When something happens to you in life (life experience), you
use your brain to make sense of it as much as possible. If what happens to you is
negative, the interpretation that your brain naturally comes up with is most likely
to be negative.

Now, if you begin to dwell on that negative thought day and night and you do it
long enough, that thought will get filtered through to your deeper mind called the
“subconscious mind”. And as a rule of the mind, whatever gets filtered into your
subconscious mind becomes what we call your “belief system” or your “mind-set.”

Your belief system is a group of thoughts or beliefs that have been accepted and
authorised by your inner mind to rule your life and determine how you feel, the
meanings that you give to things, your personality, your behaviour and how you
function in general as human being.

Simply put, your belief system shapes your entire life. It is called “mind-set” because it
is part of your inner mind which has been set like concrete and becomes very hard
to unset or break off. This explains how it becomes very difficult to restore the self-
confidence to a person whose mind-set has already accepted that he is useless and
that nobody can ever like him.

The same thing is applicable to someone who has accepted that anxiety is her life
and that she can never be free from it. Once this this self-limiting belief gets filtered
through, it becomes concreted into the pavement of her inner mind and
imagination. It becomes a difficult job to undo.

In summary, your pattern of thinking, both consciously and subconsciously, is very

important in determining whether or not you will win your battle against anxiety-
related disorders.

The good news is that your belief system or mind-set can be transformed. You can
go ahead to enjoy anxiety-free life, making the most of every opportunity that life
presents to you with confidence and optimism.

3. Your Feelings.

The next building block for anxiety disorders is your feelings. After your life
experience has forced you to think in a certain way, the next thing that happens is
that a certain feeling is created. If your thinking patterns were negative, negative
feelings will be generated. But if you manage to see the brighter side of things and
hold only positive thoughts in your mind, positive feelings will be produced.

This is very important because it is your feelings that eventually produce anxiety
disorders. I will show you how in part 2. Feelings are so powerful that they
basically create the physical equivalence of your thinking habits. I’ll give you an
example, if you are in a queue in your local post office and suddenly feel a funny
sensation in your stomach. If what you start thinking about is that “I am going to
have a panic attack” and you continue to hold that negative thought, you’ll, in no
time, generate negative feelings capable of triggering your body stress response.

You’ll start to feel fearful, as well as noticing other panic symptoms developing. At
this point, if you do not focus to challenge that negative thinking and then change
your focus, you’ll end up having a panic attack right their at the post office. When
feelings get involved, physical reactions are about to be created. Feelings transform
your dominant thoughts into physical reality.

Getting back to the illustration about the post office, even if the funny sensation
you first felt in your tommy was as a result of you being constipated and has
nothing to do with you developing a panic attack, because you’ve generated a
negative feeling of panic attack through your pattern of thinking, that negative
feeling will focus to ensure a panic attack is created in order to stay consistent with
your pattern of thinking. This is a big stuff worthy of remembering. When you
think about a thing with strong emotion long enough, your entire being listens in
order to make it happen.

Humans are emotional beings. We are 100% emotional. We are alway driven by
emotions. Everything we do is done in order for us to feel a certain feeling and stay
in harmony with our emotions. Feeling is powerful because it is the union between
your thoughts and your emotion.

Here is the equation of feeling:

Your thought + your emotion = Your feeling

In meta-physics, humans are only capable of two emotions; love or fear.

Therefore, if your thought unites with your emotion of love, it creates good feeling
of peace, hope, confidence, happiness, assurance etc. But if your thought meets up
with your emotion of fear, it produces feelings of anxiety, panic, low self-esteem,
low confidence, depression, discouragement and sometimes hopelessness.

Again, back to the scenario in the post office, as you can now realise, your negative
thinking is of course mixed with your emotion of fear, and you know the rest of the
story. This produces negative experience of panic and anxiety.

I recommend that you bear this stuff in mind because it increases your awareness
that you are more responsible for the outcomes you create in your health-life than
you think. The quality of your health-life is determined by the quality of your

Now let’s move on:

4. Your Physical Manifestations.

The next building block is the actual physical manifestation of your anxiety
disorders and the physical symptoms that you develop. Once a negative feeling has
been generated, there is bound to be negative physical manifestations or symptoms
that will start developing. These physical manifestations include anxiety attack,
panic attack, OCD, agoraphobia, depression, specify phobias, health anxiety, GAD,
and other anxiety-related conditions.

This also includes physical symptoms such as racing heart, light-headedness,

muscle tension, flushed cheeks, sweaty palms, fatigues, etc.

Regarding physical manifestations, here are some points worth remembering:

a. All these physical manifestations are often physical interpretation of your

belief-system and feelings (thought + emotion) .
b. Your physical symptoms of anxiety are being sustained and grown by your
ingrained beliefs and feelings about your anxiety.
c. Once those belief system (mind-set) and feelings of yours which are sustaining
your anxiety are dealt with and transformed, their physical manifestations
(your anxiety and its symptoms) have no more foundation to keep standing
tall in your life. They will have to crumble eventually. It’s like removing the
foundations of a building, regardless of how tall and wide the building is, it
will soon collapse.

In the same way, when the sustaining beliefs and feelings are transformed, their
physical manifestations will also be transformed. So, instead of anxiety and panic,
you start experiencing calm, happiness and confidence.

In part 2, I’ll show you step-by-step ways to experience this positive experience I
am talking about. You can break free from the debilitating and crippling anxiety.
You can do, have and be all that you are capable of being in life.

5. Your Avoidance Mechanisms.

The last building block for anxiety is your avoidance mechanisms. For your anxiety
disorder to thrive for a long time, it needs you to engage in some activities so that it
can maintain its stronghold in you and sustain its control over you for years to
come. These activities are what we refer to as your avoidance mechanisms.

Your anxiety wants you to engage in avoidance. It wants you to see many things
around you and within you as potentially dangerous to your well-being so that you
can end up avoiding them.

You know what I am talking about, don’t you? Anxiety makes us cultivate safety or
escape behaviours which may seem to have reduced your anxiety for the time
being. But in reality, they actually fuel your anxiety and energise them to grow and
continue to control you.

No wonder one of the most effective treatment approaches in cognitive behavioural
therapy is based on systematic exposure of anxiety patients to their objects of fear.
Instead of avoiding their fears, they confront them in a gradual and systematic way
until the fear becomes weakened.

There are several safety or avoidance activities we engage in that literally maintain
our anxiety and make the cycle of the building blocks to continue. Therefore, from
now on, I recommend that you start to uncover and identify any thing that your
anxiety is forcing you to avoid.

Common Avoidance Mechanisms

Here are a few common avoiding habits that you are probably are aware of already:

a. Avoiding any situation that we feel can cause us discomforts.

b. Getting frustrated easily and giving up easily any time we face slight
c. Not wanting to talk or see anyone during our anxious depressive episodes.
d. Binge-eating.
e. Excessive consumption of alcohol or drugs to somehow mask our bad feelings.
f. Not wanting to socialise with friends and family because of the fear of having a
panic attack etc.
g. Unwillingness to adequately process our bad feelings. Instead we block them
off and repressed them in absolute denial.

The following session will help you to challenge your avoidance mechanisms:

3 Vital Steps to Rapidly Reduce Your Anxiety Symptoms

Do you know that there are simple steps you can take to instantly reduce the
symptoms of your anxiety? I will quickly share them with you here.

1.     Always identify the environments that trigger your anxiety. Your anxiety
works by routines. It likes to identify with places, things, sound, smell, people, or a
certain memory as a trigger to re-invent itself. So, your work from now on, if you've
not already started, is to become your own life detective and start noticing every
atmosphere that seems to bring up your anxiety.

This self-awareness alone can literally halve the power of your anxiety. It took a
client of mine ages to realise that one of his favourite friends had become a trigger
for his anxiety. I know it's ridiculous - but that was the truth! Any time he was out
with the same person, he would have a panic attack. He absolutely did not know
why? We had to work on that together before he became free.

2.   Always analyse your mood. This is very important. Your mood shows how well
you are doing at any given time. This is because your life is your emotions.
Wherever your emotion is heading for, that is where your entire life is also going.
Your mood is simply the way your emotion reveals itself. If your mood shows that
you are stressed and frustrated, that reveals stressful emotions, etc. Your mood can
help you to identify the type of emotion that is controlling your life at any given
time. This will enable you to take a necessary positive action that will help you
avoid aggravated anxieties.

More importantly, your mood can help you identify some of the underlying
thoughts that are creating negative emotions such as anger, fear, depressive
episodes etc. I will give you an example. Let's say you suddenly become fearful
with a great sense of "something bad is going to happen to me" kind of a thing. That
fear comes from a thought. Now, you might be saying "But I am not thinking
anything bad." But if you pay more attention to every of your thought processes
prior to that fearful episode, there's likely to be a clue for you. So, you want to
really know what could have started your fear for future reference.

3.    Always identify everything that you are avoiding because of your anxiety.
Maybe you already know one or two things you are deliberately avoiding because
of your anxiety. For example if you have a phobia of spiders, of course you'll do
your best to avoid spiders. Likewise, if you have social anxiety, you will be good at
making great excuses for not turning up at events. All these things are normal
reactions to anxiety threats.

But there are more things you are avoiding than those few obvious ones. Therefore,
your task is to start looking more closely into those less obvious things you are
avoiding. The more of them you can discover and expose , the better. An unexposed
avoidance will continue to sustain your anxiety.

Part of the emotional brain is a phenomenon called Amygdala. Your amygdala

basically flags everything that you are avoiding as “dangerous” to your emotional
well-being. As a result, it sends out a distress message all the time to start your
stress response. And that is why your anxiety may be getting worse or is not going
away. Keep looking out for more things that you are avoiding. It could be a certain
type of subject or a TV programme, or sitting down in a social setting, eating in
public places or dressing up, etc. Yours will be peculiar to you.

If you notice, all the points above are about self-awareness. When you increase your
self-awareness regarding the routines of your anxiety, especially the hidden
routines, you are beginning to climb your way out of the anxiety ditch.

Now, let’s look briefly into the following question:

Can I Ever Be Free From Anxiety?

Honestly, this is one of the common questions I get to answer all the time. People
want to know if there is any hope for them. And most of the time, if you ask this
type of question, you are more likely to have had your anxiety for quite a while and
have also tried many recovery treatments but to no avail.

When people ask this question, I really understand their feelings because I know
how hard it is to be living with anxiety. Those who have not experienced anxiety
before cannot really understand how you are feeling.

Now, my answer to this question is always the same, “Yes it is possible. Why? Because
If I can be free, you can be free too, and if several of my past and present clients can be free,
or course you can be free as well.”

I often go ahead to tell them that just like some deadly illnesses such as polio and
malaria terrorised the entire world for centuries before the right cures were
discovered, chronic and persistent anxiety disorders which have failed to respond
to some mainstream medications and treatments also have a right cure.

The main question is not about “Can I be free from anxiety disorders?,” but about
“When am I going to be able to access the right treatment for my anxiety issues?“ When
you get the right remedy, it’s a different ball game.

There is always some solutions somewhere for any problem that arises. We just
need to keep questioning and researching until we find the right one. That’s why I
believe that the world is closing in on bringing a lasting cure to cancer. Cancer will
no longer be the most feared word in English language.

There is always a solution somewhere for your anxiety. And I am so confident to

say that I have found a natural solution for anxiety-related disorders which have
worked wonders for my clients in the past few years.

Don’t get me wrong - it’s not magic. You’ll have to cooperate and want to follow
the programme with a great sense of hope and optimism. It is an intense
psychological intervention, meaning that you must be ready to work hard in using
the programme.

I have cut through all the unnecessary information and plainly present those crucial
things that you need to know and apply in a practical and succinct manner.

To summarise, you do not have to live the rest of your life suffering and being
rendered powerless by anxiety disorders. Begin to reflect on all that I’ve shared
with you today and those ones that will follow. They will kick-start your recovery
and will continue to be of great benefit to you.

Total Anxiety Recovery Coaching Series

(Part Two)

The “Little Known” Secrets About The Real Roots

of Your Anxiety Disorders

I’ve got some great insights for you in this session.

What To Expect In this Series 2:

I am going to talk about what actually goes on between your mind and brain
that ends up producing various outlets of anxiety for you. I have seen many
people regain control over their anxiety situations simply by hearing me explain
this little known key to anxiety panic recovery.
Also, I’ll share with you some factors which are likely to stop you from
experiencing transformation from anxiety and start living fully.

There is never going to be a better time-frame to escape the twelve negative effects
of anxiety I shared with you in session one than the time that is upon us right now.
Your focus should now be about transformation and total recovery so that you can
kick-start your life again.

You can live a normal life and go ahead to create the kind of life you desire. You can
build great self-confidence to pursue those things that are important to you, simply
because there is no more anxiety attack, OCD or panic attacks to hinder you or
crush your confidence.

You can enjoy quality time with your loved ones, travel anywhere you desire and
take your relationships to a whole new positive level. All because you are no longer
held captive by the crippling anxiety.

Now, how does this transformation start in you? It starts by, first of all,
understanding the bigger picture of the whole building-blocks of how you become
vulnerable to anxiety attacks and how the five building-blocks for anxiety help
create and sustain your anxiety conditions.

Here are the five building-blocks I spoke about in detail in part one: They are worth
bearing in mind again as we go along.

5 Crucial Buildings Blocks For Anxiety Disorders

1. Your life experience.

2. Your pattern of thoughts.
3. Your feelings.
4. Your physical symptoms.
5. Your avoidance mechanism.

Now, let’s move on!

In this session, I want to talk to you about the roles of your brain in protecting your
sanity and at the same time generating anxiety. Now, you are probably thinking,

“How come my brain protects my sanity with one hand, then give me anxiety with the

Yes I know it’s weird! But that’s the truth. Regarding anxiety, the human brain is
like a double agent. You‘ll find out why in the explanations below.

How Your Brain Helps Protect Your Sanity from the Effects Of Excessive
Anxiety Energy.

First, for this important explanation to make sense to you, there are few
foundational things you must understand here. One of them is how your mind is
set up and operates:

Your mind operates in two different forms, the conscious mind and the
subconscious mind. Your conscious mind is your thinking mind (intellect), while
your subconscious mind is your emotional mind (your life database - where
everything that has ever happened to you in life is stored and kept fresh).

Now, in finding the source of your anxiety, you must turn to your subconscious
mind. Simply because it stores and records everything that you’ve ever been
through, even as far back as when you were in the womb. It records both the
positive and negative emotions.

Whatever you pass through in life, an emotion is generated and stored away as a
result. If you go through a negative and bad experience, negative emotions are filed
away and stored in your subconscious mind. On the other hand, if you experience
positive life situation, positive emotions are likewise generated and stored away in
your subconscious memory compartment.

Concerning negative emotions (those emotions generated from all the negative
stuff that has happened to you in life, including those ones that happened when
you were too young to remember), now imagine your subconscious mind as a huge
reservoir that stores all your negative emotions, including all your disappointments,
rejections, losses, betrayals, failures, humiliations, and so on.

With this in mind, there comes a time as you journey through life when your
negative emotions reservoir in the subconscious mind begins to fill up, until it
reaches what we call the “Critical Level” (this occurs to most people in their late
teens or early twenties).

At the critical level, a red-alert emergency signal is picked up by the brain. Then the
brain must do something fast, otherwise, those repressed negative emotions will be
on their way up to spilling over into the conscious mind.

Now, many people never realise that their brain always looks for a way to maintain
balances for them concerning psychological issues. The brain works hard to keep
you emotionally healthy and sane.

Like many other people who have anxiety, they think their brain is the problem as it
won’t stop worrying and being fearful. But nothing is far from the truth. The last
thing your brain wants is to watch all your negative emotions in the subconscious
mind spill over to the conscious mind.

Of course, it can be disastrous if all repressed negative emotions in the

subconscious mind spill over to the conscious mind. This is what happens when
they say people “lose their mind”. But there is nothing to worry about here. It’s true
that, with your anxiety, you often feel like you are losing your mind. But there are
lots of factors that will have to come into play before you can lose your mind, and
some of these factors are beyond the scopes of anxiety itself. So relax! You are not
going to lose your mind because of your anxiety.

The way you feel with your anxiety is actually a proof that what I just said is a true
fact. You could actually feel sometimes as if you are losing your mind when
experiencing anxiety symptoms.

Your Brain is Built to Self-Protect

Your brain has an enormous responsibility to protect your sanity. It works really
hard to make sure you continue to be in your right mind. Realistically, it is
somehow self-preservation technique on the part of your brain. Your brain knows
that if you lose your mind, it, itself, becomes useless. Without the mind, the brain is
pointless, it does not matter how smart and brilliant the brain is.

This is why your brain will do anything to stop the overflow of the subconscious
negative emotions exploding to the conscious mind.

Now, stay with me here…!

How Your Brain Ends Up Orchestrate Your Anxiety-Related Conditions

In order for the brain to protect your sanity, it creates some outlets for those raging
negative emotions in the subconscious reservoir to divert into. The reason for this is
so that the negative emotions can express themselves without having to exceed the
“Critical Level” and break their banks.

Remember, when your repressed negative emotions in the subconscious mind

reach the critical level, the next thing they want to do is to explode unto your
conscious mind. At this point, the brain will receive a red alert signal and must do
something about it very quickly if it must protect you from a looming tragedy.
That’s why the brain looks for away to reduce the level of your repressed negative

emotions in the subconscious reservoir before it passes the critical level and goes on
to overflow the reservoir.

The brain then has to find a way to create various outlets and channels where these
repressed negative emotions can flow into and be expressed so that there is lesser
repressed negative emotions in the main reservoir at any given time. The aim of the
brain is to ensure the subconscious reservoir level is not higher than the critical
level at all times. That is the reason creating these outlets and channels.

Now, this is interesting! These outlets and channels are the various physical
symptoms of anxiety disorders that you may know about or may actually be going
through at the moment. These disorders include:

• Panic Disorders
• Generalised anxiety disorder (GAD)
• Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
• Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
• Social Anxiety
• Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) also known as “Imagined Ugliness
• Severe Depression
• Compulsive Hoarding
• De-personalisation
• De-realisation
• Insomnia
• Agoraphobia, social phobia, specific phobias.
• This also includes the following 10 most common phobias:

- Fear of flying - Aerophobia

- Fear of spiders - Arachnophobia
- Fear of confined place - Claustrophobia
- Fear of social situations - Social Phobia
- Fear of inescapable situations - Agoraphobia
- Fear of death - Necrophobia
- Fear of thunderstorms - Rontophobia
- Fear of cancer - Carcinophobia
- Fear of vomit - Emetophobia
- Fear of height - Acrophobia!

This is just to mention a few. The list is not exhaustive.

Here is another follow up explanation for further clarity:

Imagine your subconscious mind as a large reservoir once again, containing

repressed negative emotions. Imagine that this reservoir is now filled up and ready
to start spilling over.

Also, imagine that several large water pipes with dead ends are now plugged into
the bottom of this large reservoir, allowing tons of gallons of water to leave the
main reservoir from the base region.

What do you think will happen to the overall level of the main reservoir? The level
will certainly drop! Just like the water level of any reservoir can be lowered by
simply creating multiple outlets, the overflowing level of negative emotions in the
subconscious is also lowered when the brain creates other channels where some of
the negative emotions can be diverted away and expressed.

Although the diverted gallons of water is not permanently drained away, it makes
the overall level of the main reservoir to drop, simply because extra spaces have
been created, thereby reducing the danger of flooding.

All of the anxiety disorders mentioned above are simply channels or outlets that
the brain can set up so that the negative contents of the subconscious will not
explode. They are the diversion waterways through which the brain controls the
levels of the negative rage in the subconscious.

Hopefully this extra analogy is helpful to you!

What Do You Need To Do To Start Engineering Your Total Recovery From

I will share with you, in my next session, some steps you need to take to kick-start
this much needed transformation, especially the first thing you should start doing,
because what you do first is very important in order not to break your recovery

Let me quickly look into the following important anxiety question:

Why Does Anxiety Increase As You Get Older?

I must say there are may factors that can contribute to your anxiety increasing or
getting worse as you grow older, some of which you have little or no control over.
But for the purpose of this session, I will focus on the factor you can do something
about, which can then corrects many of those things you cannot directly do
anything about.

Here is a basic explanation fro this. I know this may be a bit hard to take-in at

Bring to mind again my explanation about the fact that your anxiety disorders,
whatever form it’s taking right now, is an outlet of your repressed negative
emotions which your brain is creating to ensure that your subconscious anxiety
reservoir does not overflow to your conscious mind and cause bigger damages.


Now, while your first outlet (let’s say it is panic attacks) might have been enough for
the brain at the start to hold together all the subconscious tension that is going on, it
is highly unlikely that it will remain so.

This is because the subconscious mind is still storing new negative emotions that
you are currently experiencing on a daily basis, therefore making your
subconscious reservoir level to rise again.

In other words, as long as you are alive, as long as you continue to grow older with
added responsibilities, concerns and pressures, your negative emotions in the

subconscious reservoir will keep receiving new negative emotions. Emotions will
continue to be deposited, stored away and repressed. It is not your fault at all. It is
just how it is.

The rejection that you suffer today, as well as any other bad feeling and negative
emotion generated as you interact with your world everyday, are making your rage
reservoir rise somehow.

And because of this, the brain will continue to create more outlets or intensify some
of the existing outlets, until you yourself learn how to lower your rage reservoir.

Total Anxiety Recovery Coaching Series

(Part Three)

The First Thing You Need To Start Doing In Order

To Start Gaining Control Over Anxiety Disorders

Get ready for a fascinating time together in this very session. I am about to share
with you how you can begin to regain lasting control over your anxiety - The first
thing you should do in order to begin to regain lasting control over your anxiety-
related condition.

Part one was all about “Why” you should desire total transformation. Part two
focussed on “What” is actually going on within you regarding the root-cause of
your anxiety and what this total transformation actually looks and feels like. In the
part 3, I am going to be talking to you about “How” you can actually create this
important transformation in your life, totally becoming anxiety free and go ahead
and live fully and happily.

Now, before I jump into it, let me just refresh your memory very quickly on some of
the crucial stuff we discussed in the last session. This is essential because this
session builds on my last session.

a. How Your Brain Helps Protect Your Sanity from The Effects Of Excessive Anxiety

b. How Your Brain Ends Up orchestrate Your Anxiety-Related Conditions

a. How Your Brain Helps Protect Your Sanity from The Effects Of Excessive
Anxiety Energy

As discussed, through out your lifetime, your subconscious mind has been storing
all the emotions you’ve experienced - both negative and positive. But as you know,
it is the unprocessed and repressed negative emotions that often hurt us down. Any
ill-processed negative emotion will fill up your subconscious anxiety reservoir
more quickly.

Then there comes a time when your subconscious emotions reservoir that stores all
your negative emotions becomes full and begins to threaten to overflow to the
conscious mind. But the last thing your brain wants is to see all your negative
emotions spill over to the conscious mind.

So what does the brain do? This then leads us to the second point we talked about:

b. How Your Brain Ends Up Orchestrate Your Anxiety- Related Conditions

The brain moves quickly to create other channels through which your repressed
negative emotions can be diverted into in order to get the reservoir lowered. In
other words, your brain finds emergency outlets for your accumulated negative
emotions to express themselves. And all the anxiety-related disorders that we have
today are part of these outlets that your brain gives to you in order to protect your

Now, before I give you the first thing you should start to do in order to eliminate
your anxiety disorders from the root, let me briefly share a few road-blocks to your
recovery breakthrough with you:

The Road-Blocks To Breakthrough

Drawing from my experience, helping clients from different backgrounds, cultures,

religious beliefs and ethnicities, I have come across some subtle hinderances to
people’s total anxiety recovery.

There are roadblocks that can hinder you from reaching your desired breakthrough
point in your anxiety recovery effort. These roadblocks are known to have shattered
many people’s hopes of gaining total control over their anxiety.

Some of these roadblocks are just little things - but little things that make a big
difference. Little errors in reasoning and judgement, repeated everyday.
Unfortunately such errors in reasoning often guarantee an 0% recovery rate from
anxiety disorders. So you want to ensure that you pay attention to them.
As you will discover, all of these hinderances are beliefs (thought pattern or mind-
set). They are ways of thinking which are disempowering, as opposed to
empowering our resolutions to be free from anxiety.

Below are the 4 common misconceptions, myths or mental road-blocks to once

freedom from anxiety.

4 Common Misconceptions That Can Stop You From Overcoming Your

Anxiety Disorders?

1. Once You Have It, That Is It! Just Learn To Cope With It.

I am sure you have come across this statement as you browse through the internet
searching for some answers to your pressing questions.

This school of thought tends to suggest that anxiety disorder is a psychological

issue that just happens to you. And that once you get it, you cannot be totally free
from it. They argue that the best you can do is learn to live with your anxiety.

Of course, it sounds like a logical argument. But here is the question for you: Is
there anything that happens here on earth without a reason for it? Absolutely not!
We live in a world of cause and effect. To every effect, there is a cause. The fact that
one does not know the cause of a thing does not mean that it is a mystery that just
has to be accepted without any investigation.

Modern science acknowledges and understands the law of cause and effect. They
are aware that everything exists and happens for a reason. That is why they keep
up searching, researching and observing until they are able to get to the bottom of
any findings they set their focus on.

Sometimes, it may take more than one generation for the scientists to get to the
bottom of a finding, but the truth is that there is a bottom. There is a cause.

In the same way, all anxiety disorders have their causes, if you search, you will find.
And once a source of an anxiety is uncovered and properly processed, total
freedom can be attained. Therefore, it’s important to separate yourself from this
fatalistic ideology which has persuaded people into a passive state of learnt-
helplessness. When you believe that there is a cause and a solution, even the entire
universe will conspire with you to find the right solution.

2. Let the Old Dog Lies.

This is another enticing philosophy that says that you do not need to dig into the
negative emotions of the subconscious mind before you can treat anxiety disorders.

They say that by adopting the power of rational thinking, you can overcome deep-
seated irrational fear and anxiety. Therefore, just let the old dog lies. Leave the
subconscious alone. “Do not try to reconcile with the past, just focus on the future.”

While this might sound like an easy way out, it has proven to be ineffective in the
long run to many people who actually require some kind of “getting over the past.”

These category of people might cope for a while with a rational thinking approach,
but will soon find themselves struggling again. This is simply because the main
source of their issues have been totally ignored. They need to activate and harness
the power of their right brain, and not just their left brain which is only engaged in
rational thinking approach or even CBT.

Having said that, I am a firm practitioner of the rational thinking approach and that
of cognitive behavioural therapeutic approach (CBT). I personally think they are
amazing, as they seek to help people understand their unhelpful biases in their
thought patterns.

However, I do believe also, based on my therapy experiences with clients, that there
are some emotional issues that require other approaches which can help anxiety
sufferers reconcile with their past pains, thereby dealing with the source and not
just the symptoms.

Therefore, in anxiety recovery - especially the chronic ones (those anxiety

conditions which have persisted for a long period of time), it is often necessary to

take a few steps back into the past, in order to take several great steps forward into
a future that is free from anxiety disorders.

3. Time Will Heal You.

Some people have been told that with time they will grow out of their anxiety
disorders. As a result, they have decided not to really do much to deal with their
anxiety issues. They are simply hoping that one day they will wake up and all their
anxiety will have flown away. This is not the best way to deal with anxiety.

People rarely outgrow anxiety disorders. It is possible for anxiety to lie dormant for
some time in people, but it will eventually re-surface and cause problems again -
often times when you are least expecting it. As more and more challenging
situations and crisis come our way in life, we get to a place where dormant anxiety
symptoms start to resurrect themselves and come to the surface again.

Time is not a healer contrary to general belief. It is what you do in the process of
time that decides whether or not you will be healed. Do not hand over your well-
being and future to time. Rather use the instrumentality of time to engage in
positive actions that will move you toward recovery.

4. I am Being Punished For My Sins.

I have counselled a few people who somehow think that God or the universe or a
dead relative or even fate is punishing them and that this is how they will remain
the rest of their life (this particularly common with people with certain types of

If you share any of these beliefs and also think that you are being punished for your
sins, I recommend that you find out what your religious beliefs about sins and
forgiveness are, then follow them. I am aware that almost every religion has their
forgiveness or atonement processes - where people can do certain things to get their
sins cleansed.

So, “Go ahead and ask for forgiveness” has always been my reply to any of my
clients in this condition. After that, I encourage them to forgive themselves. Then
they can now go ahead and start implementing the steps and the principles which I
will share with you in my next session.

Of course, there are exceptional cases where the patients have no control at all over
the guilt-based intrusive thoughts that come to their mind. If thinking about one’s
guilt and the punishment of sins that one deserves as a result becomes compulsive,
then this is a disorder. It must be specially treated.

But in a case where your belief that you are being punished for your sins is just a
thought or an assumption, and have not turned to an obsessive compulsive
disorder, you can just follow my advice above and think about how you can ask for
forgiveness based on your religious or cultural belief. Do it and move on.

4. Just Be In Perfect Union With Your Anxiety - Never Fight It - Just Co-Operate
With It, And Your Anxiety Will Eventually Disappear.

Just practise mindfulness and all your anxiety disorders will disappear!!! Really!
Well, let’s, first of all, look at what mindfulness means.

Mindfulness, according to dictionary, is a mental state achieved by focusing one's

awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting
one's feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique.

Absolutely, this principle of mindfulness is very useful in decluttering those

intrusive thoughts that tend to aggravate your anxiety symptoms and send you
into a full-blown panic.

It can also help you relax your weary mind and body by helping you reach a place
of tranquility and peace if you just let go of all struggles with anxiety and just stay
connected with your deeper self in perfect harmony.

As you can imagine, this can be really helpful in bringing your anxiety under
control and help you mind-calm and body-relax.

But here is the truth; it is not completely true that if you stay congruent and in
harmony with your anxiety, your anxiety will eventually disappear.

The real truth is that this strategy is just a great coping mechanism (a very good
one), and not the cure. You could experience the similar calming effects if you are
able to distract your mind from those fears and negative thoughts with your
favourite music, meditation or other relaxing activities.

As much as these mindfulness techniques are helpful, they are not going to finally
cure your anxiety.

If you are good at mindfulness, you might be able to keep your anxiety under
control everyday of your life. But it is something you’ll have to be deploying each
time you notice a sign that your anxiety symptoms are raising their ugly heads

Here is what we know, unless the roots of your anxiety are properly dealt with and
eliminated, being in oneness with your anxiety symptoms will always be a
temporary solution. During unexpected and sudden life changes or series of crisis,
your anxiety may escalate before you develop mindfulness as a coping mechanism.

Therefore, I will encourage you to get smarter in your philosophy! Use your
mindfulness techniques, but still continue to look for effective anxiety recovery
programme that deals with the cause and not just the symptoms.

Now let’s get into this fascinating section:

What is the first thing you should do in order to really kick-start your recovery?

The first thing you should do is this:

Get Smarter Than Your Brain - Become Your own Therapist

I always like to start this segment with the quote below, as it sums up very nicely
the first thing you must get right;

“ When you become smarter than your brain by taking onboard its counterproductive tasks
of being your personal therapist, you have positioned yourself for freedom from anxiety.” -
Wale Oladipo

In order words, your brain is currently doing a job that it shouldn’t be doing. What
is the job that the brain is doing for you? it’s helping you manage your anxiety. This
actually the problem!

You are not your brain. You are not even your mind. You are a being who uses a
brain and a mind to function in the physical world. With this in mind, you must
relieve your brain of some of the tasks it’s been doing which are not meant for it
(helping you deal with your negative emotions in its own counterproductive ways).

If you desire to be free from anxiety disorders, you will have to become smarter
than your brain (I’ll show you how) and take full responsibility for processing, and
flushing out your own repressed negative emotions in the subconscious reservoir.

It is about intensified self-awareness, self-evaluation and becoming your own

mental detective agent and therapist.

This is the first step to recovery!

Stay with me here! This is just the beginning. I am taking you on a journey to
unprecedented recovery. So, ensure you are following me patiently!

Now, the brain is never designed to single-handedly process repressed negative

emotions. It lacks the right tools to deal with them. The brain’s greatest strength is
to process, analyse and organise truth, positivity and facts. It does a lousy job as
your personal therapist, especially if you have left all your life problems for it to
figure out all alone. When this happens, the brain becomes overstretched, stressed,
weakened and counterproductive.

It’s Happening Because You are Doing Nothing!

If you do nothing about your own repressed negative emotions, then your brain
will enter into a self-preservative mode to simply protect itself and you from going
out of business. That is why it generates anxiety outlets. You may have noticed,
anxiety disorders often decrease one’s ability to learn and memorise effectively!

Man’s negative feelings and emotions can only be adequately handled by himself
(his deepest Self). Your deepest self is revealed through your self-awareness and
your ability to take a step back and evaluate your life.

This is, basically, taking charge of your own emotional destiny and healing, instead
of relying on the brain to figure it all out for you. Your brain is simply a tool, and so
is your mind. You are the user and owner of these tools.

Perhaps you can recall some emotional issues that you have been deliberately
avoiding for years. Maybe there are things you do not want to even remember,
never mind talk about. These are really continuous negative emotions generators in
your emotional mind.

But the most interesting thing is that while you are trying your best to shot those
disturbing thoughts and negative life experiences away from your mind, your brain
is having to deal with them on a subconscious level almost every single day,
negotiating on your behalf so that those threatening repressed rage won’t explode
and overrun your conscious mind.

Now that you know what the most notorious anxiety-generator is (repressed
negative emotions), you can begin to focus on mastering the step-be-step principles
to eliminate them. But, first, you must be willing to take responsibility of relieving
your brain of its lousy job and take full control of your emotional life.

How Do You Actually Become Your Own Therapist And Regain Control?

Your effectiveness to bring about your total transformation from anxiety will be
determined by your ability to use these incredible principles to your advantage
(becoming your own therapist).

You might be thinking right now, Wale, how can I become my own therapist and
defeat my anxiety? What exactly I must begin to do? What is the strategy?

The strategy is simple:

You must lower your repressed negative emotions in a controlled, safe and effective
way - without having to let your brain do that for you. This is the simple secret to

freedom from a life-time of chronic and crippling anxiety disorders, panic, OCD
and other anxiety-related conditions. Yes, you’ll have to get rid of the repressed
anxiety disorders in the subconscious mind with a specific formula! And once this
is achieved, your anxiety symptoms are cut off from their sources and in no time
they wither and die.

Remember your anxiety disorders are simply outlets that your brain is creating in
order to make room to contain your overflowing repressed negative emotions.
Once you take over control from your brain and you follow a step-by-step guide to
flush out repressed negative rage from the subconscious mind, then no more
outlets. This also means no more nightmare and miseries for you.

Now let’s look as someone who has managed to do just that!

Check Out How Mel Broke Free

Mel was a 43 year old woman with a managerial job. She came into my anxiety
panic recovery programme after she had tried various anxiety recovery
medications and treatments without any success. She had been off sick from work
for over 6 months when she connected with me, but still suffering from aggravated
stress, panic and anxiety.

She was even in a worst shape because it was about time to return to work and she
was not getting any better. Imagine, after more than six months off work, and your
condition is still the same, you’ll feel very disappointed and unhappy, wouldn’t

Because she is such a get-up-and-go person with tremendous energy for

productivity and goal-reaching, she became even more frustrated and disappointed
with herself that she was going to have to let her work-place know that she had
failed in her recovery plans. This was absolutely unthinkable for Mel.

Well, Mel was referred to me through an organisation, probably as a last option. Yes
I know! My anxiety recovery programme tends to be what people consider last

after they’ve spent loads of time, money, energy on different alternatives with little
to show for it. But that’s absolutely fine by me.

In fact, I often encourage some skeptical anxiety patients to go and try other
treatments before they come to me. If they get better with those programmes or
medications, then my programme is not for them anyway. Yes, it’s not for them
because my recovery programme is designed for those who have tried other
mainstream recovery approaches with little or no success.

Many treatments out there largely focus on stimulating and working with the
human left brain which is about cognition and logic. But my programme does not
only work with the left brain, it also connects with the right brain, the place of
emotions - which is the essence of human well-being.

The right hemisphere of the brain is the seat for processing basic emotions such as
anger, disgust, fear, sadness, happiness and surprise. These primary emotions are
the power-houses for human’s freedom or bondage. That’s why in my recovery
programme, nothing is ignored. Every important areas are engaged and maximised
with precision and care.

So, many anxiety sufferers often join me after a long and exhaustive journeys
around finding answers to their anxiety issues. Honestly in some ways this is good
for me as people who eventually join my programme learn to value the process and
of course, it’s long-lasting effectiveness.

Back to Mel’s story! She immediately started using my programme. Although she
had to let her workplace know that she needed a few more weeks to be fully
recovered. I encouraged her to take this step, because it is always good to be sincere
and truthful with your situation.

Anyway, Mel went through my anxiety panic breakthrough programme for 7

weeks, using my step-by-step guide to systematically process her repressed
negative rage in her deeper mind.

Two weeks after Mel finished the programme, she was back at work - fully
restored, calm, peaceful, full of renewed energy and confidence and in control. Her
recovery was so marvellous that she could hardly believe it herself, given the
length of time she had spent suffering and looking for answers.

What did Mel do differently? She did what I explained earlier on. She took over
from her brain and dealt with her repressed negative emotions using a step-by-step
easy-to-use guide. As a result, the brain does not need to create outlets any more,

leading to a total recovery of Mel from her torturous anxiety, stress and depressive

Now, here is one of the high frequency questions from my anxiety survey.

How Do You Get Power Or Control Over Your Anxiety?

This is an important question because anxiety is never ready to share its territories .
Its desire is total control and domination. Of course, this can be excruciatingly
debilitating and painful. For this reason, if there was a way to get some kind of
power over your anxiety, wouldn't you pay any price for it?

Well not necessarily! It all depends on how badly you really want your freedom
from anxiety, doesn’t it? If you want it badly enough, you’ll pay any price for it.

It’s like if you were being asked to pay £500 for a gallon of petrol in the middle of a
city, I am sure your answer would be, “Are you crazy?” But if your were stuck in
the middle of Sahara desert somewhere because your car ran out of fuel, and then
someone showed up with a gallon of petrol and demanded £500 from you as a
purchase price, wouldn’t you pay him in a jiffy? I’m sure you would!

In the same way, the amount of power you want over your anxiety and the extra
mile you are willing to go to get it will be determined by how desperate and
resolute you are regarding getting rid of your anxiety.

Henry David Thoreau, the American poet and philosopher sums it up nicely in one
of his lines:

“The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it.”

The level of people’s readiness to stop their anxiety disorders is very different from
person to person. Also, it is strongly dependent on how severe your anxiety is. As
our desires and intensities of our anxiety are different, so are the levels of power
that you can have over your anxiety disorders. It all depends on you.

All the following options give you some level of power and control over your

1. Medications. If not for medications, you’ll agree with me that many people
would not have been able to cope at all with their anxiety disorders. What
most medications do is to create some kind of psychic screens between your
anxiety disorder and your own ability to respond to it. In other words, you are
basically tranquillised so that you do not feel your anxiety symptoms as much.
This is the simplest way to help you understand it without going into all the
specialised terminologists of how this happens. 

Medications give you some kind of control. But it’s not a lot of control as it
does not actually cure your anxiety. What medications are there for is so that
you could get through those initial tough periods as you are looking for a
lasting solution for your anxiety. Anxiety, panic and depression medications
are not meant to be life-long. Unfortunately that’s what is happening in our
societies today. Pharmaceutical companies seem to be getting richer at the
expense of millions of helpless lives which are basically dependent on

2. Coping Mechanisms: Another way you can get some level of power and
control is by mastering as many coping strategies as possible, such as
distraction techniques, avoidance, meditation, relaxation, mindfulness, etc. In
fact, this is what most anxiety and panic recovery programmes out there major
on. Some might promise anxiety cure only to add to your collections of coping

Don’t get me wrong, coping mechanisms are very essential to ensure that you
are on top of your anxiety disorders. However, they do not work for
everybody. We respond to our own personalised anxiety disorders in a slightly
peculiar way. If they work for your own anxiety, good for you. If coping
mechanisms are currently helping, do not forget that they are only helping you
keep your anxiety quiet and manageable. They do not cure it. 

What we found is that when tough life challenges suddenly hit those who are
doing well using their copping mechanisms, many of them slump and have a
relapse. This is because coping mechanisms only give you some measure of
power and control - and not all of the control.

3. Uproot It from the Root. Without any doubt, you can agree with me that this is
the best possible option that can give you complete power over anxiety. At this
level, you are not controlling anything. Because you’ve uprooted anxiety from

the root. You’ve dealt with the root-causes and all the maintaining factors. 

This is more than positive-thinking, coping mechanisms or even medications.
This is the ultimate mind-body breakthrough approach that goes deeper into
the things that really matter to your total freedom. This is what the MindBody
Breakthrough programme is all about. This is the journey I am trying to
embark you upon, if only you’ll be interested enough to come onboard.

In Summary

As you can see, there are different ways of gaining some kind of power over your
anxiety. What I’ll recommend for you to focus on is how to process and declutter
your repressed negative emotions which are the most notorious sustainers and
producers of anxiety disorders in humans. This is especially relevant to you, if
you’ve had your anxiety for a long period of time and have tried many treatments
in the past with no lasting success.

Of course there is work involved when using the Mind-Body Breakthrough

approach. As they say, “ There are no lasting quick fixes.” Do not be deceived by
those people who promise to get rid of your anxiety overnight. With my approach
you will have to take full responsibility and be ready to focus on solutions and
recommended actions until you see your desired changes. The results that you get
will be worth it.

How Fed Up Are You?

May I just ask you a few crucial questions here before I go:

• How sick and tired are you with your anxiety conditions?

• How passionate and determined are you to see your anxiety disorder becoming a
thing of the past?

• How would your life be different if you did not have to worry a day in your life
whether or not it’s all in your head?

• What different would it make to your joy and confidence if you overcame your
fears, OCD, addictions and other survival habits you’ve developed over the

• How would your loved ones, family and friends feel when they knew that you
are no longer incapacitated and hindered by crippling anxiety?

• How much is it worth to you if you had your life back? How big is your vision for
transformation? How badly do you want total freedom?

• How soon do you want to start enjoying calmness, full self-confidence, high self-
esteem, peace of mind and a sense of satisfaction?

• What is your greatest obstacle to starting your transformation as soon as


Frankly speaking, it is important that I asked you the above questions, and it’s
even more important that you take some time to ponder upon them. If you’ve
followed me from the beginning of this coaching sessions, you now have enough
information for you to see the big picture of what is possible for you.

You can now envisage and visualise the ultimate positive change that you can bring
into your life. You are now aware that it is possible for you to finally say goodbye to
anxiety and turn a new positive chapter that leads to greater happiness, total well-
being, and life satisfaction.

How would you feel if you no longer experience palpitations, panic, fatigue,
dizziness, foggy mind, sweatiness, intrusive thoughts, insomnia, feeling nauseous,
loss of confidence agoraphobia, depression, OCD, other debilitating symptoms and
conditions of anxiety?

Total Anxiety Recovery Coaching Series

(Part Four)

Your Very Survival From Anxiety Disorders: 3 Vital

Transformational Steps

If your desire is to break free from your anxiety disorders, you have to listen to this
because the rules have changed in recent years without many people knowing
about it.

We live in the age of anxiety. Can you believe it, in any given year, about 20% of us
suffer from some forms of anxiety-related disorders? Over the course of a life-time,
over 30% of us will have suffered from anxiety-related disorders.

You are not alone! You are not weird after-all! Several individual others are battling
the same challenges that you are currently going through. You do not seem to see a
lot of these people simply because few people are admitting and accepting the fact
that they are struggling with anxiety-related disorders.

In fact, the number of people suffering from anxiety is twice as much the number of
people suffering from depression. But as you’ve probably noticed, depression
seems to get more coverage everywhere than anxiety, even though anxiety is the
biggest psychological condition that we have today.

Regardless of the little or no publicity that anxiety is getting, it does not negate the
fact that it is a major thing that requires our full attention. This is because anxiety
can be so crippling that it can limit you in every area of your life. If remained
untreated for too long, it can lead to clinical depression and even suicide.

There has never been a time in the history of the world when there are so much
anxieties and stress on people on a daily basis like the time that is upon us right
now. Think about the internet, various social networking platforms, mobile phones,
diverse TV programmes, family and community degradation, and even multiple
lines of credit that easily get us in huge debt, spending the money we do not have
to buy the things we do not actually need.

The problem is that all of these fast-paced activities are generating emotional
stresses and multiplying our anxieties in a way that the old rules for overcoming
and getting out of anxiety-related disorders are just not effective enough anymore.

Things Have Changed!

We internalise anxiety disorders more than ever before in our everyday life and
under different circumstances than what our ancestors were used to. So, it does
make sense that a new approach for anxiety recovery is required.

No wonder people are not getting better. Instead, we are getting worse, raising a
generation of depressed, anxious and insecure young people. More people are now
on antidepressants than we’ve ever experienced since history began.

Just last year alone over 100 millions different antidepressant prescriptions were
issues out to anxiety sufferers. We are talking about epidemic here - when 2 in 5 of
us have some kind of anxiety-related issues. This is why I am sharing in this session
about The Very Survival of Your Own Future From Anxiety Disorders, and of course
the future of your loved ones who might care to learn what you are learning right
now from you.

Starting Out Experience

When I first started out I had to work really hard to convince people about what
they actually need to be doing to transform their anxiety disorders. Instead of
jumping on anything they stumble upon and hoping for the best, I’ll say there is a
natural, proven, well-structured step-by-step guide to total anxiety recovery that
they could follow.

Well, now the results my clients and students are getting using the programme are
speaking for themselves. I have watched many of my students and clients
transformed their panic attacks, social anxiety, Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD),
Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), agoraphobia, OCD, Generalised Anxiety
Disorder, Social Anxiety disorder, PTSD, depression and many other anxiety-
related conditions.

They have used and are still using the “little known” principles I am introducing to
you to transform their own lives and others. Many of these people have suffered
from anxiety and panic for so long, spending money on treatments with no tangible
recovery to show for it until they stumble on my programmes.

From being severely depressed, terribly anxious, panicky and house-bound to

regaining their health, starting their own business, returning to school, finding the
love of their life, getting married, finding a better job, going anywhere they could
not go before and doing everything they have not been able to do before, little did
they know that their anxiety has basically been terribly affecting other important
areas of their life.

Those Who Get Better Did Something Different

In fact, if you knew anyone who has truly achieve transformation from anxiety
disorders, you’ll discover that they did something differently that those who are
still struggling with anxiety have not done yet.

Those who are really serious of finding lasting solutions to their anxiety issues
always find a way of getting what they want. Somehow, they would get connected
to the right remedy because of the power of intention. Perhaps, that’s why you too
find yourself watching my videos, attending my workshops, using my online
coaching sessions or reading this book.

Take a look at those who are now free from chronic anxiety disorders and
depression. These guys committed to one thing; recovery. They are never satisfied
with the “happy pills” they bought or got given. These people searched for real
answers and they found them. Hopefully, you yourself have the kind of passion
these survivors demonstrated that moved them into transformation and living a
fuller life.

How Many Anxiety Blogs or Newsletters Did You Subscribe To?

In fact, I guess you probably subscribed to a few anxiety blogs or websites where
you get newsletters, anxiety reports and updates. The reality is that many of these
updates are probably telling you again what you’ve already read on the internet
somewhere else.

They basically repeat general information. Nothing new! Nothing really tangible to
hold onto. No well-structured guidelines. And even if they do offer guidelines, it is
more likely to be about how to “cope” with anxiety, as opposed to how to “cure”
anxiety. I am not saying coping mechanisms are not helpful, as already emphasised
in previous sessions. They are very useful but because of the changes we are
experiencing in the world right now, many coping mechanisms are not potent
enough to help us cope adequately.

We’re now under tremendous amount of emotional stress and daily pressures that
it becomes impossible to deploy our well rehearsed coping mechanisms at the right

time they are needed. They are often a panic-attack experience or a nervous-break-
down too late. The answer that you need to really engineer your total
transformation once and for all is not just going to help you cope, it’ll also help you
cure the stubborn anxiety disorder from the source.

The Three Vital Total Transformational Steps For Recovery!

I am going to share with you three core strategies for your total recovery from
anxiety panic disorder - something that you can start applying immediately and
with instant positive effects on your mind and body.

But I Need To Warn You..

There is one problem. I am seeing a lot of anxiety sufferers seeking some kind of
help that is actually making their anxiety worse. Instead of them getting better, they
are coming up with more bad symptoms of anxiety.

I talk to some of them and they told me about some of the things they did. Then I
said, “You did not do that, did you?” “Oh no! Hoops!! You should not have done that at
all!” Because of their errors in judgement, they are back in square one. Their
recovery process has been short-circuited. Their survival programme is being
truncated. Now, more fear of losing control, more panic, more dizziness, more
abdominal distress, more feeling of choking, more palpitations, more morning
anxiety, more fatigue, more foggy mind!

This is the real problem. BROKEN RECOVERY! Broken anxiety recovery treatment
can really sets you back, not just for a day. It can set you back for months and years.

But It Isn’t All Bad News

More good news here than bad news. I see many people starting their anxiety
recovery programme and finishing it off in awesome success. Great success stories
from many of my clients and students are always a great joy to read and listen to.
But you have to get things right. You have to embrace the right recovery guide for
you to experience a successful transformation in this area of your life.

The Gap Between Anxiety and Freedom

The gap between getting stuck in your anxiety habits and walking away from it all
is never been bigger. Just do your research, even the experts are no longer sure if
you can actually become anxiety-free. All they now advocate is “how to cope with

On the other hand, by simply getting yourself on a credible and effective recovery
programme like the MindBody Anxiety Recovery Programme, you can be rest assured
that it’s going to be good news at the end of it all.

At Some Point, You’ll Search For a Solution.

The reality is this: At some point in your life, you’ll have to search for a relief from
anxiety disorder. Maybe at the moment, you are just barely keeping your head
above the water. But the challenge is that anxiety has a long track record of growing
and re-inventing itself bigger and more resiliently. If you don’t do anything about
transforming your anxiety, a time will come when you’ll have to scream for help.

Here are some questions to consider:

1. How long are you prepared to endure and suffer for?

2. How much of your precious energy, time, and money are you prepared to
waste before you transform your anxiety from the source.

3. How would you feel if you realised your anxiety had stepped up a gear
because you missed an opportunity to stop it in its tracks earlier?

What About The Unrealised Potential and Un-lived life?

You’ve probably heard some people say something like this, “I have had my anxiety
for 10, 15, 20, or 25 years.” To me, the biggest tragedy in this statement is not even
the suffering that these people have gone through for the past 10, 15, 20 or 25 years.
Rather the biggest tragedy is the unrealised potential, and un-lived life. It is
difficult to live with severe anxiety disorder and function at your best and fulfil
your maximum potential.

This is because anxiety disorder suppresses creativity. It paralyses people with fear,
self-doubts. It fills people up with a depressing sense of inadequacy and

hopelessness. For example, I have seen young people, who are greatly talented and
looking forward to a big future. Then somehow they develop anxiety disorders,
and all those aspirations and enormous potential just jump out of the window.

Don’t Worry!

Maybe, you currently spend a lot of time worrying about the possibility of
something very bad happening to you or how your anxiety is going to get worse or
how your panic attack is going to give you a heart attack. Of course, thinking like
this is a known symptom of anxiety. Intrusive thoughts can really be overwhelming
and debilitating.

However, what you should be thinking about really is, “how can I get out of this?” “Is
there any natural, practical, easy-to-follow framework which I can use that will deal with
my anxiety from the source, in order to create my transformation?” You cannot have a
successful transformation from anxiety disorder unless you use a recovery
approach capable of addressing the root-cause of your anxiety head-on.

Your Recovery Is One Decision Away

Now, do yo know that your full recovery is just a decision away? Yes it is! You are
just a decision away from turning a new leaf and kick-starting a life-time vacation
away from anxiety.

Your Most Likely Recovery Options Out There!

To start with, let’s consider your likely options out there if you were to seek help
right now:

A. Medications.

B. Counselling, with different approaches including cognitive behavioural


C. Hypnotherapy, mindfulness, meditation, etc

As I have said in the past , nothing is wrong with any of these treatment
approaches. The only problem is that they hardly deal with the main cause of your
anxiety disorders. Extensive counselling can do a really good job but it has its
limitations when it comes to other anxiety root-causes which are not known to the
conscious mind. Hypnotherapy uses deep relaxation as a platform to feed in
positive suggestions into the subconscious mind. This is great, but it might still not
be able to transform some repressed negative emotions that require a different
approach of transformation.

Don’t get me wrong, they can relax you and make you less responsive to your
anxiety. Some of them can even make your anxiety to disappear for a while. But in
the long run, depending on how life is treating you, you might find yourself back to
where you started from.

That’s what sets the MindBody breakthrough approach apart from the rest of
anxiety recovery solutions.

Now let me show you - the real frame-work for this transformation:

The Real Transformation Framework - 3 Steps

Now let me show you this unique mind-body anxiety-recovery framework:

This is a snippet from our complete seven day recovery programme (online course
and dvd programmes). However, as brief as it is, this can be very powerful if you
apply the steps you are about to read. This simple technique is very effective to
clear all the negative emotions of your past negative experiences that you can
current remember or recall.

There are repressed negative emotions that we cannot remember. This is because
they exist in the subconscious and have not been known to our conscious
awareness. These unconscious repressed emotions are often the culprits responsible
for our anxiety-related disorders. To treat this, the 7-week recovery programme
covers this in greater depth. Both the conscious and unconscious repressed
emotions must be treated in order to transform their outlets within you.

The following simple steps could be one of the most significant instant recovery
exercises you’ve ever experienced, provided you follow this guideline adequately:

Close your eyes right now. Quickly browse through your entire life in your mind -
all your past and present experiences.

Now, identify the one that has the most negative impact in your emotions, mind
and soul.

Good! Now follow the below 3 important recovery stages: Ponder it, Process It,
Pass It.

Ponder It. This is when you decide to relieve your brain of its ill-fitting job (as
I’ve explained in Part 2). How do you ponder it? You ponder it by taking a sheet
of paper and a pen and write down everything you could remember concerning
this incident. By doing this, you are taking charge of the power of your
subconscious mind. Write down everything - how you felt at that time, the effects
that the incident have had in your life and how you are feeling at the moment
because of it.

Process It: This is when you remove all masks, denial and your escape
mechanisms and accept that you’ve been hurt, dented, left devastated, destroyed,
broken - whatever word better describes how you feel. After this, it’s time to visit
the place of pain. You’ll have to revisit how you actually felt at that time. Connect
to those past pains and emotions. Sincerely express your hurt and release those
trapped emotions. Even if you’ve done this before, I recommend that you do this
again. Because this is just one piece of the jigsaw that has to be carried out at this

Ensure that you remove all your inhibitions and resistances. Accept and allow the
feelings of how you actually felt about the past experience to be real to you. It’s
OK to cry, sob and express all kinds of relevant emotions here. It is an essential
part of the recovery process. Remember, you can never walk away from
somewhere you’ve never been. You must be courageous enough to visit the
sources of your subconscious emotional stresses before you can walk away from
them in victory.

Pass It. The last step is to you pass all the repressed negative emotions of this
particular incident and its various anxiety outlets away from your emotional
mind and body. You do this verbally by affirming to your emotional brain that
you have now taken control of this situation. Therefore, the brain can now stop
generating anxiety outlets in a view to help you deal with your repressed
negative emotions. Say this with passion and emotions. Say it with your entire
being. Then leave it said - meaning that there is no second thought, doubt or fear.
Remember that your entire being is always listening to everything your mouth is
saying. This also includes what your mind is thinking about. The subconscious
mind will measure the intensity of the emotions you use to make this verbal
affirmation in order to figure out if you really mean what you said. This will
determine whether or not the emotional brain should take your declaration
onboard. Say it repeatedly. Say it with passion. Then imagine your brain
withdrawing all its outlets and channels of anxiety disorders, while your life-
energy that is free from all forms of anxiety disorders is being restored back to

Of course there are other important things that come with these three steps which
you also need to know about when dealing with intense cases. Nevertheless, go
ahead and try the above steps and observe your reactions a in a few days,
especially after you’ve got over your initial natural reactions to your uncomfortable
past emotions.

You are dealing here with a “little known” secret to subconscious anxiety outlet
modification. Try this and you could be in for a big surprise in your emotional life
and recovery.

In the 7-Week MindBody Breakthrough Anxiety Recovery Programme, I go in

depth on this, along side several other crucial recovery materials such as power-
metaphors and personalised recovery techniques, that you will have to use in
systematic sequence to transform both the conscious and unconscious repressed
emotions. The programme addresses different parameters of your emotions, mind,
anxiety and fears, so that when everything comes together, your total freedom from
anxiety becomes guaranteed.

What Category Are You In?

If you are watching me today or reading the book version and have come this far,
this means that you really desire change. You’ll definitely fall into at least one of the
following 4 categories:

1st Category: It feels right to me!

You’ve searched for a lasting solution for so long, but you keep getting
disappointed. But now, everything I have said in this total recovery coaching series
makes sense to you and you are ready to go into more depth and access the full
recovery programme. You are already seeing yourself transform your anxiety and
helping others transform theirs. That is absolutely brilliant! This is a valuable key to
freedom! It is also a great category to belong to!

2nd Category: It’s never going to work for me!

In the second category, because everything you’ve been through in the past
regarding your anxiety, you cannot trust any anxiety recovery solutions any longer.

You are tired and confused with everything. Above all, you have a strong feeling
that suggests that the programme is never going to work for you; “It might work for
other people, but it won’t work for me.” It’s almost like you’ve subconsciously accepted
your anxiety issues as something yo deserve somehow; “Since it won’t go away
anyway, what is the point trying to find a solution?”

I totally understand this line of thought. Why? Because I was like that many years
ago, confused, angry, frustrated and depressed. What is even more interesting was
that even though I knew that this way of thinking would not make me get any
better, I found it hard to move away from being paranoid, antagonistic, embittered,
awkward and dismissive of recovery solutions that could have me helped out.

Now, I’ve got good news for you. If I can do it, you can do it too. You too can turn
your life around and become a role model to those who are still struggling with
anxiety. If you can just push yourself through the resistance barrier and try out my
full recovery programme, it could be one of the most important decisions you’ll
ever made regarding your emotional wellbeing. You have nothing to lose at all. The
programme comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee or your full money back.
There is an online version that you can register for and just go through the
programme and revisit it any time you want and as often you like. Likewise, we
have a DVD version that we can ship to your preferred address.

3rd Category: I am undecided!

The third category is about those who are undecided. Perhaps you somehow feel
that this can be the programme that you need but somehow your mind is not made
up yet. That is absolutely normal at times. Hopefully, you’ll be able to reflect on all
the series I have had with you and convince yourself that it’s time to act and act
quickly. Just ask yourself this question: How long am I willing to endure my
anxiety? How much is it costing me emotionally, financially, physically, relationally,
and socially, to remain the way I currently am?

4th Category: I have no money to spend on me!

From experience, the statement that “I have no money…” is often made without
weighing up all the pros and cons of living with anxiety disorders.

Of course, that’s fair if the price is over the top. But when it comes to you getting a
programme that can basically rescue you from perpetual fear, panic, intrusive
thoughts and anxiety with just a small change you can afford to spend freely on
something that has no direct impact on your health and future, then you should ask
yourself if you are being good to yourself.

How much is currently costing you living with anxiety disorders? Recent research
claims anxiety disorders cost sufferers the average of £1,580 a month. That’s huge!
This ranges from not being able to work at all to inability to get promoted to a
higher pay bracket due to anxiety, and all the way to not being able to develop
one’s potential and achieve goals, most of which have big financial value.

Most importantly, what is the cost of the healthiness of your mind and body? How
much are you willing to pay for sound mental health? How much is it worth to
you? I believe your perfect mental health is one million times worth more than the
price of this programme. Likewise, how much is your peace of mind worth or your
relationships, or your happiness in life? All these things money cannot buy!

The Complete Generalised Anxiety and
Panic Disorder Recovery Programme

If what you have read so far makes sense to you and you’re
ready to take a massive step towards freedom from anxiety
disorders, you may want to consider investing in the complete
programme: Generalised Anxiety and Panic Recovery
Breakthrough Programme.

This is one our most popular recovery programmes. It’s sold

very well all across the world with excellent success rate. It has
changed many lives. It comes with 100% satisfaction or your
full money back!! For further information, visit

Or You can click HERE to find out more about it if you are
reading this online. Or copy and paste the link below to your

15 Ways To Defeat Negative
Thinking & Grow A Healthy Mind
“The wise select their THINKING to create the feelings they desire, while others surrender to their
FEELINGS to create the thinking they detest.” — Wale Oladipo

The greatest key to personal well-being is the ability to take charge of one's
thinking. It is a vital skill concerning emotional intelligence. The thinking that you
permit determines the feelings that you generate. Feelings are faithful employees of
Your thoughts dictate what kind of feeling you should expect. It is like a car and the
fuel. If you fill your car up with the right fuel, it performs positively and takes you
to your destination. But if you put the wrong fuel in, the whole system goes wrong,
creating more problems for you than you can imagine.
In the same way, feelings respond proportionately to the quality of one's thinking.
And this is crucial, simply because your feeling actually decides how well you are
doing in life and it all starts with your thinking habit.
If you allow your mind to focus on the negatives all day long, those negative
thoughts will generate negative feelings that will sap your energy, contaminate
your joy and dampen your hope. But if you choose to focus on the positives, you
will generate positive feelings that will lift you up, sharpen your creativity and
expand your hopes.
Man is what he thinks about all the time. You cannot be physically, emotionally or
financially healthy beyond the healthiness of your thinking self.

Therefore, if you are passionate about changing the course of your life for total
well-being and success, decide to change your ingrained thinking patterns and
belief system. Challenge your cognitive distortions from the source and embrace
positivity and optimism.
Try the following tips to challenge your negative thinking from the foundation and
grow a health mind that attracts for wellness, happiness and success.

15 Ways To Defeat Negative Thinking & Grow A Healthy Mind

1 Develop an intensified present awareness of your thought-patterns. You

cannot afford to be semi-conscious with your thought-life while you allow

your life to drift into a destructive neurotic state. Become your own mind
2 Do not think with your feelings. Rather step back from a troubling situation,
calm down and connect with your thinking brain with a strong sense of self-
3 Learn to turn your automatic negative thinking to positive immediately.
Never permit a negative thought to have a final say in your mind. Change it
straightaway to positive. Then continue to affirm this new positive statement
until your mind accepts it as your new empowering belief.
4 Refuse to always filter out all the positive elements in any situation that you
5 Avoid jumping to negative conclusions.
6 Break your compulsive negative thinking habits. Do not allow your mind to
have its full course thinking about a negativity.
7 Resist giving greater weight to the worst possible outcome in your mind. Do
not make a mountain out of a molehill.
8 Flood your mind with positive messages Read and listen to motivational and
inspirational messages.
9 Hang out with friends who are positive, optimistic and possibility-driven.
10 Believe that life is working for your good and not against you. See
possibilities, and not problems.
11 Resolve in your mind once and for all never to envy others. Envy pollutes
your thoughts and corrupts the health of your mind.
12 Immerse your mind in creative expressions. Find what you enjoy doing and
engage your creative mind fully in it. Focus on expanding your creative
mind. Your mind loses its ability to worry when it's busy creating.
13 Face your fear by taking positive actions towards your fear. Action kills fear.
But inaction grows fear and negative thinking, leading to neuroticism.
14 Awake your spiritual self. The mind is part of spiritual entities of man. Some
people are not aware of this. So they try to solve mind problems with
physical means only. It does not always work. It takes the combination of
cognitive and spiritual contemplations to balance the mind for health and
productivity. Therefore spend time to pray often. Embrace silence and
solitude for solemn tranquility and positive reflections. The mind needs it.
15 See failures as valuable feedback. Whether you like it or not, you will fail
several times in life. But if you see failures as your feedback devices that help
you to correct your courses for success, you will definitely save yourself from
emotional turmoil, lost hours and depleted energy that obsessive worrying
demands. Success is impossible without tons of failures along the way

Overcoming Habitual Negative
Through repetition of negative thinking, remembering and imagining, anxiety is inscribed in the brain like a tattoo.

—Wale Oladipo

Habitual negative thoughts carry with them a huge amount of negative energy,
capable of messing up your brain and nervous system. They can shatter your self-
confidence, steal your peace, sap your energy and leave you with overwhelming
feelings of hopelessness.

Continuous negative thoughts generate so much tension that, if nothing is done

about it, can lead to anxiety disorders and other psychosomatic conditions
(physical illnesses caused or aggravated by a mental factor such as stress).

Try the below steps to overcome your habitual negative thoughts:

1. Identify and Write Down Each Negative Thought. The best place to begin is to
identify your negative thoughts as they come to you and make sure you write them
down. I recommend that you take your top three negative thoughts – the most
disturbing three – and write them down. Then run them through all the steps
below before moving on to other dominant negative thoughts that you may have.

There is magic in writing down your thought processes. Once a thought is written
down, you automatically become more powerful than that thought. It’s like there is
an unseen life-force, from your mind to the paper, that sucks power out of the
negative thought you are writing down, leaving you stronger, better and powerful.

2. Change the Negative Thoughts to Positive. This is called the law of displacement.
You displace dark, cruel, anxious, stressful and disempowering thoughts with
thoughts of positivity, calm, peace, strength and hope. Just like you get rid of
darkness in your room by turning the light on, you do the same when you write
down the exact opposites of the negative thoughts.

Recent studies suggest that early suppression of negative thoughts can keep
millions of people from developing full-blown depression. And the best way to do

this is by changing those negative thoughts into positive affirmations as quickly as
they come to your mind.

For example, let’s say you can’t seem to get the thought that you will lose your job
and become destitute off your mind. All you need to do is to write down the
opposite of that negative thought. For example, “I am alway in work and at every
single time, more opportunities open for me than I really need.” What you are doing here
is taking control of your mind. If you say this with confidence and positive
expectations, you will never run out of great opportunities that will keep you in
work as long as you want. If one door closes, another one will open for you.

3. Get the New Positive Thought Registered In Your Subconscious Mind. Your goal
here is to make sure that your deeper mind accepts this new empowering thought
that you have written down. How do you do this? You achieve this through

Repetition is a valuable code of the subconscious. Whatever your mind keeps

hearing, it will eventually accept as truth. So, start repeating your new positive
thoughts to yourself. Do it constantly. Do it repeatedly. Do it daily. Do it with
passion, conviction and belief.

One effective way of doing this is to imagine that you are holding a volume control
knob of a radio or CD player. Then you imagine turning up your new positive
thoughts starting from the zero volume to the maximum volume.

Make sure you let your voice also reflect the changing in the volume levels – start to
say your new positive affirmation quietly as though the volume control is at the
lowest level. Then get louder gradually, until you are literally shouting this positive
affirmation into your own mind. Try it. It is powerful.

4.  Visualise Your Positive Thought In It’s Completed State. See yourself already in
possession  of the positive affirmation that you have been saying. For example, if
your positive affirmation is this: “I am very confident, decisive and bold,” start to see
yourself in  your imagination as being very confident, decisive and bold.

Imagine those life situations that you will be finding yourself soon and visualise
yourself in total control, secure, relaxed, decisive and extremely bold. Also in your
imagination, see how people around you are admiring your self-confidence and a
strong sense of purpose, self-reliance and personal power. I have personally found
this exercise very helpful whenever I am about to do something that seems scary,
new or challenging. It is very effective.

5.   Be Persistent. This is important, especially for those people whose negative
thoughts activities have become habitual. Make sure you persist in writing down
your negative thoughts and changing them to positive, and visualising them in
their positive completed states.

Your brain needs time to destroy the old habit wirings that are already established
in your brain before it can build new ones for your new empowering positive
affirmations. Therefore, do not quit simply because your automatic negative
thoughts seem to be increasing. Just keep on using all of the above steps and
eventually those negative thoughts will start slowing down as your brain rewires
itself for positivity, calm and confidence.

Overcoming Loneliness
“Unless you reconnect to your real-self, you cannot overcome loneliness. The only way to reconnect to your real-self is
to reconnect back to human contacts. The only way to find yourself is by finding others in harmonious relationships -
enjoying being with people again, engrossing yourself in socialising and serving others, as a fully functioning social
being.”    -  Wale Oladipo

The word “Loneliness” has become increasingly common in the vocabulary of our
modern societies. In fact, one big paradox of the boom in the social networking
platforms is that the number of people suffering from loneliness has almost
doubled since the advent of the internet and social networking phenomenon.

One big reason for this is the fact that the amount of time people spend interacting
with each other on a person-to-person basis is the lowest in 25 years. We now spend
most of our socialising on the social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter,
as opposed to face-to-face relationships.

Besides the decrease in the face-to-face socialising,   there are other reasons why
loneliness is on the rise, such as, the increasing number of adults living alone and
those whose disabilities have affected their normal daily activities. But my focus
here is on the kind of loneliness that goes beyond just being alone, but whose roots
are connected to our mental state of mind – what goes on within us, as opposed to
what goes on around us.

As you may be aware, loneliness does not mean aloneness. You can be alone and not
be lonely.  Aloneness can be a deliberate decision to enhance reflections, personal
growth and focus. But loneliness is the inner feeling that you are not part of the
world. It is a mental alienation from the self and society.

This kind of loneliness has nothing to do with whether or not you are around
people. You can be surrounded with hundreds of caring people and still feel
extremely lonely on the inside. This is the type of loneliness this session intends to

Of course, it is natural to be lonely at times. It is basically part of being human. But

if one’s feeling of loneliness becomes chronic and extreme, with an increasing sense
of being cut off, alienated or separated from other people, then this is a symptom of
loneliness caused by Real-Self Alienation.

Real-self alienation simply means loneliness from your real self. It is mental
alienation from your true self and a psychological detachment from basic social
connections with life. Someone who has cut himself off from his real self can never
find any satisfactions from other human contacts.  If you get to a place where you
are   internally rejecting, hating and disowning your real self, it does not really
matter what others around you do or how hard they try to come close to you, you
cannot receive it. This is because your real self has been disconnected and the false
self, which is frightened of people is now in charge.

The reasons why real-self alienation can happen to anyone are numerous. But all of
them are connected to the inner sense of hurt, self-dislike, insecurity and
inadequacies caused by one’s unpleasant past experiences with life.

For this reason, loneliness is a way of self-protection from further hurts,

disappointments or humiliations from people. It is a subconscious defence
mechanism for shielding away the ego or idealised self from being exposed again to
pains, heartbreaks, shame or embarrassment.

Although lonely people frequently complain that they have no friends, or that
nobody cares about them or that nobody is willing to mix with them, unconsciously
this is the way they prefer it to be. It is weird, but that it is the truth.

They have basically set this up themselves, often times unknowingly, by putting up
defences, often in forms of passivity to others or other behavioural reactions that
can easily put others off from coming closer. In this way, they feel safe and secure.
They are in constant need to make sure they are not hit again with the same club on
the same emotional injuries which are yet to heal.

Loneliness is fear and anxiety-driven. And that is why loneliness is highly linked
with anxiety and depression. The recent studies conducted by the the Mental
Health Foundation on the topic of loneliness (2010), show that 55% of the people
aged between 18-34 suffered from depression or anxiety as a result of their
loneliness. Therefore, loneliness and anxiety disorders are, more often than not,
inseparable because they share the same fuelling energy – internal or irrational fear.

6 Steps to Overcoming Loneliness
Try the following tips to overcome any kind of loneliness caused by Real-Self

1. See your loneliness as an internal challenge, as opposed to external.  Accept

that the cause of your loneliness is beyond the fact that others do not care
about connecting with you. Rather look at it as a battle confined to the walls
of your mind. If you can win the battle of loneliness in your mind, you will
definitely win the loneliness battle in your real world. As a result, what
happens on the outside of you will also change drastically. After all, both
your life experiences and your external circumstances are simply extensions
of your dominant thoughts and perceptions. Therefore, stop blaming others
for your loneliness and see it as a mind challenge that has to be defeated.

2. Commit to positive changes. Unless you are willing to change, nothing else
changes. The first step to recovery is the willingness to do things differently.
When you decide to reach for a better experience in life, even the universal
law of intention will conspire with you to make it happen. Decide right now
that you are ready to fight and conquer loneliness.

Resolve in your mind that you will do whatever it takes to reconnect to life
again and enjoy the tremendous benefits of being a social being. Massive
positive changes often start with a small step in a right direction. Your desire
to commit to positive changes concerning your loneliness could be this small
step that sets big and rewarding changes in motion.

3. Acknowledge and adequately process your past negative emotions, produced

from your past hurts, rejections, disappointments and failures. When
negative emotions are not effectively dealt with or come to terms with, they
eventually force the mind to detach from the real-self and the world. The
results, amongst others, can be chronic stress, anxiety panic disorders, heart
disease, chronic pain and other psychosomatic illnesses.

4. Begin to connect with others. If you are suffering from loneliness (caused by
real-self alienation), one of your real fears is people. Psychologically, you
dread people hurting you in one form or the other. Your loneliness is a way
your subconscious mind protects you from these potential threats. But the
only way to conquer your fear is by facing it. Force yourself into social
connections with other human beings.

Develop a hatred for isolating yourself from the world. The only way you can
reconnect and rediscover yourself again is when you throw yourself back
into the world to socialise, without fear or inferiority complex. You can
achieve this by starting to do things with others, such as volunteering
together with others, dancing together, playing together, going for a walk
together, praying together, belonging to an interest group together and
enjoying life together with other humans.

5. Look beyond yourself and your problems, and put the needs of others first. It
is impossible to remain lonely when you shift your focus from self to service.
That is why those who are in search constantly for problems or needs to solve
or meet in their localities are some of the most happiest, healthiest and
loveable people on earth. Loneliness is not really so much about lack of
companionship as it is about lack of selfless contributions to the needs of
other people. Become a passionate problem-solvers. Focus on creating
pleasant experiences and memories for others by helping them get ahead in
their challenges or tasks. You will not only make plenty of true friends, but
you will also begin to feel a lot better about yourself, thereby increasing your
self-image and self-confidence.

6. See possibilities in your future. This is important. Unless you believe that
your social life will turn out to be great, you are unlikely to take any step to
make it great. Great social life requires great positive actions. Belief is
extremely miraculous. As the success expert, Napoleon Hill’s famous quote
says, “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve.”

If you can believe that you will return back to your real self that was happy,
sociable and passionate about life and people, you will most certainly come
out of your loneliness and shine again in life. Even if you have no memory of
social happiness in your life, you can break your own record.

You can re-write your personal history. You can break new grounds. You can
create an incredible future, if only you can believe and start seeing a different
future experience that knows no loneliness, but only positive associations,
meaningful friendships and tremendous service to humanity.

The Greatest Breeder of Anxiety
You cannot detach yourself from an anxiety whose source you are still emotional attached to.

—wale Oladipo

Helping clients suffering from various anxiety disorders through my online anxiety
recovery programmes, literatures and workshops for many years now has
continued to confirm one of my strongest persuasions that the major cause of
anxiety-related disorders lies in the accumulations of repressed negative emotions.

My therapy approach has always centred around helping clients to release their
repressed negative emotions, (past, present and future) and the results have been
tremendously great.

I amazed that many psychologists and therapists are still ignoring or minoring on
this powerful discovery in their therapy sessions with anxiety sufferers. I think
almost nobody is going the extra-mile, digging deep to expose the roots of anxiety
disorder that are hidden in the negative emotions since Freud.

In fact, some therapists have built their successful careers on developing coping
strategies for anxiety sufferers. In the process, they have become extremely
proficient in helping their anxiety patients master various coping mechanisms for
living amicably with their anxiety.

This, without any doubt, can be hugely helpful. But I believe we can even do better
by leading anxiety sufferers to total freedom , as opposed to only helping them
cope and live with their anxiety.

I have proven it over and over again in my work with anxiety sufferers that the
major cause of anxiety panic disorders is rooted in the repressed or unexpressed
negative emotions. Several of my clients and therapists who are using my anxiety
recovery manual around the world are constantly singing the praises of its

Ignoring negative emotions in treating anxiety-disorders is like ignoring excessive

eating in treating obesity. Just like the formula for losing weight has remained
simple for centuries – “Eat Less and Exercise More,” the formula for overcoming

anxiety-related disorders has also remained simple for centuries – “Store Less
Negative Emotions and Exercise the Power of Positive Thinking More.”

Unfortunately, we have embraced the latter and resented the former. It is exactly
like losing weight, many of us don’t mind exercising more, but we struggle to give
up eating more than necessary. If you are a human being, surely you must have
experienced unpleasant moments or situations that generated gallons of negative
emotions into your subconscious mind.

It could be rejections, disappointments, redundancy, divorce, separation,

unemployment, love withheld in childhood, loss of a loved one, loss of a cherished
pet, failures, disabilities, abuse (emotional, physical, or sexual), poverty, just to
mention a few. While we might be able to identify some causes of our negative
emotions,  some causes of negative emotions can still be unknown to the conscious
mind, but recorded, kept fresh and well known to the subconscious mind.

Once your negative emotions reservoir is filled up in the subconscious mind, then
your brain must very quickly produce anxious feelings, anxiety, panic, OCD or any
other anxiety-related condition. The purpose of this act is to stop those raging and
overflowing negative emotions in the subconscious from exploding into your
conscious mind. We already looked into this earlier on in this book.

The brain produces outlets or channels for those negative emotions to express
themselves without having to break their bank. This is what nearly all anxiety-
related symptoms are. They are simply outlets of raging and unprocessed negative
emotions. What does that really mean? It means that if you can adequately get rid
of your negative emotions, you can get rid of your anxiety.

There are more than 50 different types of negative emotions, but anger is the most
ferocious. Anger is a killer. When anger is repressed for so long, it turns to rage and
begins to produce other complex outlets such as irrational fear which, by the way, is
one of the biggest players as far as stress, anxiety and other anxiety-related outlets
are concerned.

Therefore, if you are currently suffering from anxiety, think “negative emotions.”
The more you un-clutter them, the more you un-fasten your mind and body from
anxiety disorders. The body will naturally heal itself if freed from repressed
negative emotions.

In combating the roots of your anxiety through releasing negative emotions, you
must know how to go about it. There are proven steps you must follow for greater
effectiveness and success. This s what I teach step-by-step in my 7-week recovery

How To Beat Sudden Feelings of
Depression and Discouragement
“When you choose to take personal responsibility to be practical and solution-oriented in dealing with any crisis in your
life, you will certainly arrive on top and in control.” — Wale Oladipo

Do you sometimes find yourself overwhelmed with the feelings of sudden

discouragement and depression? The following tips may be helpful to you.

Studies have shown that the more loving, ambitious, creative and productive a
person is or is capable of becoming, the more likely he’ll suffer from a mild state of
discouragement and depression.

But Does that Mean You Are Chronically Depressed?

If you can relate with the above descriptions, that does not mean that you are
clinically depressed. I am not referring here to living with “severe” or “chronic”
depression, with symptoms that can last for weeks or months and can affect your
work life, family life and social life.

What I am talking about here is the mild state of depressing feelings that only lasts
for a week at most. You basically exhibit some of the symptoms of depression for a
short period of time, such as, losing interest in things you normally enjoy, feeling
sad, emotionally heavy, short-tempered, and discouraged. Some people experience
this once or twice a month, while others can have an episode once a week.

What Can Possibly Cause These Mild Depression Symptoms?

There are various reasons for this, some of can be work-related stress, tensions in
relationship, betrayal, rejection, emotional and physical tiredness, biological
chemical imbalances, etc. It is also important to mention that it is possible that the
sufferer does not know the cause of the symptoms of mild depression. Some causes
are simply not obvious.

Why You Should Do Something About Sudden Feelings of Depression and Discouragement

If you ignore it, it will continue to grow – meaning that the time it takes for you to
recover fully from your mild state of depression will keep increasing. This can
eventually lead to severe depression. What starts as a sudden or once-in-a-while
episode can literally grow to become permanent and continuous.

Try the following tips to beat your sudden feelings of depression and

 4 Tips to Beat Sudden Feelings of Discouragement and Depression

1. Get A Good Sleep. This might sound a bit too simple.  But you’ll be surprised to
know how many people end up severely depressed due to fatigue. Make sure you
have a good night rest. If, for some reason, you cannot have up to 6-8 hours night
sleep, make up for it by having a nap during the day if possible. This is extremely
important for your body to maintain its effective internal equilibrium.

If you constantly struggle to sleep at night because you cannot switch your mind
off, then this is a different situation and you should be looking at dealing with
stress and anxiety.

2. Schedule An Exercise Programme. You will need the positive energy of

endorphins to overcome symptoms of mild depression and lift yourself up to
happiness and productivity. Make your exercise program very reasonable – small,
but consistent for at least a week. Also, you do not have to continue the exercise
programme (it will be helpful if you do), but it is important that you get physically
active for your mood alteration and emotional wellbeing.

3. Set Goals for the Week. Identify at least five little goals you can set for yourself
and achieve in the next week. They must be small and achievable. It could just be
something like tidying up your closet, ironing your clothes, working for 30 minutes
in the garden or reading three pages a day from a good motivational book. Your
brain needs to collect a few memories of little successes in order to work with your
nervous system to release energising and happy chemicals. These chemicals are
then released into your blood streams, making you happier, energetic, and in

4. Practice Kindness. Do something good for somebody, especially something that

requires your practical efforts, such as, listening to somebody that needs listening
ears or helping someone mow the grass, etc,. Studies show that those who
frequently practice kindness are ten times more likely to beat their depression than
those who do not get involved in any acts of kindness.

An act of kindness is like a dose of antidepressants without any side effects.

Serotonin, a powerful brain neurotransmitter responsible for wellbeing and
happiness, increases when you engage in an act of kindness. As a result, you
become happier and   more hopeful, with a greater sense of confidence and

7 Steps to Gain Control Over
Your Bad Feelings
Your feeling is your true feedback device that communicates the quality of your emotional intelligence.

— Wale oladipo

We are all creatures of relationships. As a result, we pick up different kinds of

feelings as we interact with others. Some are bad feelings while others are good.
But what happens when we develop a bad feeling concerning someone or
something? How do we handle the left-behind uneasiness and the agitation? How
do we minimise the pain and maximise our pleasure of being connected to others?

Below are seven easy steps to assist you in regaining your peace and calm.

1. Identify what exactly the problem is. Sometimes, the main cause of your
anxiety or low mood might not be obvious. Therefore, take the time to get to
the root of the matter. Why do you feel the way you feel? It is important that
you know why you feel bad, disappointed or depressed. If there are more
than one reasons, pick out the most pressing one in your mind. And write it
down on a piece of paper.

2. Identify what you did personally that might have contributed to the
problem. Do not start pointing out what other people did that hurts you.
Only focus on how you contributed to your own problem. Think about what
you could have done differently. This is important so that you can learn from
your mistakes. Self-awareness is a powerful healing virtue.

3. Accept that you have been hurt. Many people still deny they are hurting even
though it is obvious that they really are hurting. The first step to recovery is
to accept that you have been hurt. Feel the feelings. Visit the place of pain in
your emotions. It is OK to express your emotions. Emotion is simply energy
in motion (e-motion). If you do not express it, it gets trapped within you,
messes up your nervous system, weakens your immune system and makes
you feel sick and miserable.

4. Take time to grieve. It is also fine to take time to grieve. There is a grieving
process for every crisis. Some are long. Others are short. But all are
important. Even if it is a little betrayal from a friend, or a disappointing
performance on sports day, or little criticism from your teacher, boss or
parent, take your time to feel the grief. It is healthy to do so. Denial is very
dangerous to your emotional health. 

Do not grieve over a crisis more than necessary. Do not mourn for a week
over a crisis that should have taken you a day to get over. Always try to
improve and better your recovery rate. See if you can recover faster next time
you encounter a similar emotional challenge.

5. Identify at least three steps only you can take to improve the situation. 
Make a list of three things only you can do to improve the situation or
resolve the problem. Think. Think. And think. Amazing things happen if
only you will take time to think. Come up with at least there solutions to
your problem which all depends totally on you.

6.  Pick out one thing you can start doing immediately. What is the step from
the three steps you came up with that you can do now, which will start up
your journey to resolving or alleviating your suffering?

7. Take action now. After you have identified the first step to take, then take
action immediately. Do not wait for anything or anybody. If you have
decided to make a call, call that person right away. If it is a letter, write the
letter and get it posted. Maybe you have chosen apology, then apologise. If
you have selected telling the truth, then tell the truth fast. Whatever you
resolve to do first, do it straightaway. Immediate action is very important for
you to move yourself from being a victim to being a victor.

When you choose to take personal responsibility   to be   practical and solution-

oriented in dealing with any crisis in your life, you will certainly arrive on top and
in control. As a result, you will protect your motivation, enthusiasm, hope and your
resilience in challenging times.

4 Steps To Overcoming Irrational Fear
“Mental defiance towards your fear is the first step to overcoming it.”
— Wale Oladipo

If your desire is to be emotional healthy, happy and fulfilled, you will need to face
your fears. You will have to look at fear right in the face courageously and choose to
get on with your life in spite of it. Fear is known to be one of the deadly menaces
underneath every emotional disorders. Also, it is the number one enemy of self-
expression and success. It paralyses self-confidence, beclouds our hope for the
future and shatters our ability to enjoy life to the full and maximise our potential.

Those who overcame their adversities, emotional disorders, failures, weaknesses

and other unpleasant life circumstances did so because they felt the fear, but still
confronted it anyway.

Here are two principles worth remembering about fear:

* First, your fear is only as strong to the degree to which you focus on it. Focus is a
magnifier. Whatever you continue to focus on will also continue to get bigger.

 * Second, your fear is whatever your mind thinks it is. In order words, if you think
your fear can not be conquered, then it remains unconquerable. If you feel it’s going
to control your life until you die, then it’s going to do exactly that.

Whether it is fear of “something bad is going to happen” or fear of contracting a

disease, or of dying, or of socialising, or that of flying, or that of public speaking,
regardless of the nature of your fear, how you see your fear plays a vital role
concerning whether or not you will walk free from it. Man designs his experiences
and destinations by his way of thinking.

Now, try the following four tips to overcoming fear: They come from the acronym
of the word “FEAR” itself:

F —flip,
A—advance, and

Now let’s check them out briefly individually:

1. Flip: The first thing to do is to flip your fearful thought upside down. Turn it to
positive. Why? Because, up until now, your thought pattern about your fear has
been negative and dis-empowering and therefore feeding and fueling your fear.
But now you need to regain control in the arena of the mind and start flipping
those negative thinking about your fear into positive. For example, if you start
to think and panic about contracting an incurable disease, change that thought
to positive and say something like this “I am perfectly healthy and refuse to be
enslaved by irrational fear - I stay calm and in control and never allow irrational fear to
cripple me.” Mental defiance towards your fear is the first step to overcoming it.

2. Envision: The second step is to get your imagination involved. You see, your
fear is currently having the upper hand because of two things: How you see
yourself in your imagination (your self image), and what you see coming
towards you in life (your self-expectations). Now it’s time you changed these
two mental images. Otherwise, your fear will continue to cripple you. 

How do you do this? Close your eyes right now, and visualise yourself as
fearless, courageous and secure. Visualise that everything that life is bringing
towards you from now on is positive. See yourself as fear-free and with positive
expectations about your life and future. Your job is now to replace the old fear
mental pictures of yourself with these new positive ones. You do this by always
choosing to visualise the new positives, instead of the old negatives. If you do
this long enough, you will acquire a new empowering paradigm for courage,
confidence and self-expression.

3. Advance: The third step is probably what you’ve heard many times over, “Face
your fear,” and I am still recommending the same to you. Why? Because it works
really well. If you dare to advance courageously towards the direction of your
fear, your fear will give way. Instead of avoiding your fear, you move towards it
with courage. Your fear itself is very fearful of confrontation. Therefore, if
confronted, it has no choice but to eventually surrender. Your fear has simply
been thriving on your inability to confront it. From now on, advance towards
your fears. Do it slowly and one step at a time, while you maintain your
“flipping” of the negative thoughts and your “envisioning” of your new positive
mental pictures. The eventual results will wow you.

4. Relax: This is the last step and should also be a continuous one because of its
importance. If you’ve had your irrational fear for a long time, chances are you
now have some kind of anxiety-related issues. For that reason, it is important
that you start engaging in constant relaxation exercises in order to diffuse the
ingrained tensions and lower your level of stress and anxiety. 

I recommend that you take a few minutes every day to relax your entire
muscles while in a comfortable position. Just visualise all your muscles relaxing
and tension flushing out while you are breathing in and out slowly and deeply.
Start from your head region and walk your way down to your toes. When you
are in a state of relaxation, start to visualise yourself as fearless, courageous and
bold towards your objects of fear. 

Strengthen and establish your new positive mental pictures in your
subconscious mind while in the middle of relaxation. This is powerful. If done
well and regularly, It’ll transform your whole life experience positively.
Irrational fear will finally loose its grip on you.

Final Note

I’m confident that the understanding you have gained from this manual is capable
of kick-starting your recovery. Many people have already told me that by reading
this essential guide to anxiety panic recovery, they felt a lot better, even before they
got unto the full programme.

Positive action is the force that brings about positive changes. I have done my part,
it is now your turn to commit to actions and create your desired life experiences. If
you decide to get on the 7-Week Recovery Programme, this means we’ll connect
again. If not, I wish you all the best in your recovery from anxiety.

Please send me your testimonials and feedback. Your feedback will be very
valuable to me to ensure that I serve you better in the future. Send your testimonial
or feedback to:

Good luck!

Wale Oladipo

P.S: For private consultation, appearances, or one-or-one coaching, please contact

me on:

WALE OLADIPO is a dynamic motivational speaker, psychotherapist and author of many
mentally health, motivational and inspirational books and programmes, including: The
Power of Optimism; The Worry Instinct; The 4 Master Keys to Happiness and Success for TEENS;
579 Happiness ad Success Principles; 200 Keys To Unlock Your Destiny; Overcoming GAD and
Panic Disorder; Overcoming Chronic Stress and Stress-Induced Pains. 

Wale is the director and lead therapist of MindBody

Breakthrough Training and Online Coaching
Programmes. He is an accredited member of
the National Counseling Society (as Osuolale
Oladipo (MNSC acc)).

Wale also runs workshops and seminars on mental

health and personal success across the UK. His CPD
workshops/seminars for practitioners and
therapists are quality checked and accredited by the
National Counselling Society.

As a regular psychology writer for the Sunrise Magazine UK and Europe with a potential
readership of over 250,000, Wale's articles, blogs, books, audio/video programmes, daily
motivational nuggets, recovery programmes and appearances have inspired thousands of
people around the world.

His passion for counselling, personal wellbeing, motivation and success solutions was
birthed from his own painful experiences with anxiety disorder, stress and
depression after he tragically lost his beloved mother.

Since then, he has dedicated his life to helping individuals, schools, colleges, universities,
organisations, and businesses experience high performance, emotional wholeness and
greater success and life satisfaction. Wale maintains his private practice in Counselling and
Psychotherapy in Bradford, West Yorkshire, England. He is also blessed with a beautiful
wife, Emma, and two children, Daniel and Carys.

Other Resources
By Wale Oladipo

• Overcome Intrusive Thoughts and the Inner Critical Voice (Online Course & Workshop)

• The 7-Week MindBody Recovery Programme for GAD and Panic Attacks (Manual, Online Course &


• Overcome Chronic Stress and Stress-Induced Physical Symptoms (Manual, Online Course & Workshop)

• The Worry Instinct: How to Overcome Obsessive Worry, Stress and Anxiety ( Manual & Workshop)

• Treating Chronic Stress and Stress-Induced Pains and Illnesses Course: for Therapists (Manual, Online

Course & Workshop)

• Treating Obsessive Worry, Stress and Anxiety Course: for Therapists (Manual, Online Course & Workshop)

• Guided Imagery For Overcoming Panic Attacks and Building Self-Confidence (Audio)

• The Power Of Optimism: How To Get From Where You Are To Where You Want to Be (Audio & Seminar)

• How To Overcome Self-Doubt: Gain More Confidence and Release Your Creative Potential (Audio)

• The Millionaire Within (Book and Seminar)

The Power of Optimism (Book, Audio and Seminar)

The 4 Master Keys for Happiness and Success for TEEN (Book and Seminar)

How to Turn Your Knowledge Into Profitable Information Product (Manual & Workshop)

And more. Please visit


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