2011 CPNI Filing For 2010

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Annual 47 C.F.R. § 64.

2009(el CPNI Certification

ED Docket 06-36

Annual 64 .2009( e) CPNI Certification for 2011 covering the prior calendar year 2010
Date filed: February 28,2011
Name of company(s) covered by this certification: DOW Management Company, Inc.
Form 499 Filer ID: 821968
Name of signatory: Weston Edmunds
Title of signatory: Executive Vice President

I, Weston Edmunds, certify that I am an officer of the company named above, and acting as an agent of
the company, that I have personal knowledge that the company has established operating procedures that
are adequate to ensure compliance with the Commission's CPNI rules. See 47. C.F.R. § 64.2001 et seq.

Attached to this certification is an accompanying statement explaining how the company's procedures
ensure that the company is incompliance with the requirements set forth in section 64.2001 et seq. of the
Commission's rules.

The company has not taken any actions (i.e., proceedings instituted or petitions filed by a company at
either state commissions, the court system, or at the Commission against data brokers) against data
brokers in the past year.

The company has not received any customer complaints in the past year concerning the unauthorized
release of CPNI.

The company represents and warrants that the above certification is consistent with 47. C.F.R. § 1.17.
which requires truthful and accurate statements to the Commission. The company also acknowledges that
false statements and misrepresentations to the Commission are punishable under Title 18 of the U.S. Code
and may subject it to the enforcement action.

Signed _

DOW Networks takes very seriously, and operates in full compliance with the FCC's directives regarding
the protection of CPNI. In accordance with such agreement, DOW's policy for use of, and misuse of,
CPNI is as follows:

Use ofCPNI

DOW Networks does not use CPNI, distribute CPNI or sell CPNI.

Misuse of CPNI

DOW Networks has a "zero tolerance" policy as it relates to violations. An employee will be
terminated from employment with DOW Networks if the above policy is violated repeatedly or in a
single case in what is determined to be a willful manner. Single violations of the above policy, if
determined not to be deliberate, will result in disciplinary action and retraining.


General Policy

Employees with access to the billing system are made fully aware, and it is stressed in their training, that
any misuse of CPNI will result in disciplinary action and that repeated or willful misuse of ePNI will result
in termination.

DOW Networks aloes not have residential customers. Though the requirements for business customers
are less stringent in certain, specifically stated areas, DOW Networks does comply with the law and has
specific guidelines in place to insure that CPNI violations do not occur.

Up front, ePNI is only given to what we call "billing contact(s)". Usually, billing contact(s) are the person
who signed the company's Customer Service Agreement ("CSA") or others named on the eSA. Copies of
all eSA's are associated with each account in our Customer Relations Management ("CRM") tool.

The billing contact(s) may designate or approve others to receive ePNI through an em ail request sent
from the em ail address that we have on file as associated with the billing contact for that account.

When DOW employees receive requests for CPNI:

• They are instructed to verify the request with an existing billing contact who, again, may approve or
deny the request through an email from the associated address, or
• They may honor the request for ePNI from a non-verified contact, but the results of the request (for
example, a CaU Detail Record; may oniy he sent via email to the vaiid biiiing contact.

Password Use

Telephone requests are not hOiored without an email from the associated address of a billing contact.
When a request for CPNI is received by telephone, the calling party is asked to verify the request with an
email from the associated ernail address.

DOW Networks custdmers do lave a) ess to their own CPNIthrough two online portals:
1. Billing System Portal
o The login and password for this portal are sent directly to the billing contact and cannot be
changed remotely by the customer, but only by employees with access to the billing system.
o Once again, these changes can only be made by the billing contact with anemail request
from the associated address.

2. Customer Relations Management Portal

o Our Customer Relations Management tool does link to pages containing CPNI.
o The Login and Password are released by a DOW employee only to the billing contact based
on an email request from the associated address or the Login and Password are sent only to
the associated address.
o Once received, customers can change their own login/password. However, when they
submit a request to change the password, they can only access the password change
interface through an email sent to the email address associated with the login name.

Notification of CPNI Policy Changes

DOW Networks has never found it necessary to alter its strict CPNI policy but, in such a case, would
notify all customers of this change in policy.

Use of CPNI in Sales and Marketing campaigns

DOW Networks current Marketing Department policy precludes the use, legal or otherwise, of CPNI for
marketing campaigns. Were this policy to change, it would follow established guidelines that must be
followed. It includes keeping record of the use of the CPNI and mandates having a supervisory review
and approval process in place before CPNI was used. The Marketing Department has affirmed that no
CPNI was used in any campaign in 2010.

However, if DOW Networks were to use CPNI in marketing campaigns, the company will maintain a
record of all sales and marketing campaigns that use the CPNr. The record will include a description of
each campaign, the specific CPNJthat was 'Used:in the campaign, and what products and services were
offered as part of the campaign.

Dow Networks has implemented a system to obtain prior approval and informed consent from its
customers in accordance with the CPNI Rules. This system allows for the status of a customer's CPNI
approval to be clearly established prior to the use of CPNI.

Prior to commencement of a sales or marketing campaign that utiJizes CPNI, Dow Networks will
establish the status of a customer's CPNI approval. The following sets forth the procedure that will be
followed by the Company:

• Prior to any solicitation for customer approval, Dow Networks will notify customers of their right
to restrict the use of, disclosure of, and access to their CPNI.
• Dow Networks will use opt-in approval for any instance in which Company must obtain
customer approval prior to using, disclosing or permitting access to CPNI.
• A customer's approval or disa proval remains in effect until the customer revokes or limits such
approval or disapproval.
• Records of ajPrOValS a Ie mai tained for at least one year.
• Dow Networks provides individual notice to customers when soliciting approval to use, disclose
or permit access to CPNI.
• The CPNI notices sent by Dow Networks comply with FCCRule 64.2008(c).

Dow Networks will also establish a supervisory review pr-ocess regarding compliance with the CPNI rules
for outbound marketing situations and will maintain compliance records for at least one (1) year.


Company is prepared to provide written notice within five (S) business days to the FCCof any instance
where the opt-in mechanisms do not work properly or to such a degree that consumers' inability to opt-
in is more than an anomaly.

Opt-In, Opt-Out Mechanisms

DOW Networks does not use, distribute or sell CPNI. But DOW Networks does alJow the customer to
"opt-out" to stay incompJiance with mandated FCCguidelines. In signing the CSA,the customer officially
consents to DOW Networks to use and disclose Customer CPNI and Confidential Information as
described above. Customers may refuse CPNJconsent by signing the CSAand by notifying DOW
Networks in writing of Customer's decision to withhold Customer's consent. Customer's consent or
refusal to consent will remain valid until Customer otherwise advises DOW Networks, and in either case,
will not affect DOW Networks' provision of service to Customer. To date, no customer has "opted-out"
via the Terms and Conditions. Again, DOW Networks does not use, distribute or sell CPNI. Even so, were
DOW Networks to use CPNI in, it would send a valid notice to the customer(s) informing them of the
intended use and disclosure of their CPNI information. Knowingly, if the customer would not respond
within thirty (30) days, then DOW Networks would be able to use the information.

Third Party Use ·of CPNI

To safeguard CPNI, prior to allowing joint ventures or independent contractors access to customers'
individually identifiable CPNI, Dow Networks requires all such third parties to enter into a confidentiality
agreement that ensure compliance with this Statement of Policy and Dow Networks shall also obtain
opt-in consent for a customer prior to disclosing the information to such third parties. In addition, Dow
Networks requires all outside agents to acknowledge and certify that they may only use CPNI for the

purpose for which that information has been provided.

Dow Networks requires express written authorization from the customer prior to dispensing CPNI to
new carriers, except as otherwise required by law.

Dow Networks does not market or sell CPNI information to any third party.

Law Enforcement Notification of Unauthorized Disclosure

If an unauthorized disclosure of CPNI occurs, Dow Networks shall provide notification of the breach
within seven (7) days to the United States Secret Service ("US55") and the Federal Bureau of
Investigation ("FBI"). I

Dow Networks shall wait an additional seven (7) days from its government notice prior to notifying the
affected customers Of the breath.
Notwithstanding the above, Dow Networks shall not wait the additional seven (7) days to notify its
customers if the Company determines there is an immediate risk of irreparable harm to the customers.

Dow Networks shall maintain records of discovered breaches for a period of at least two (2) years.

Actions taken against Pretexters

Dow Networks has not taken any actions against data brokers before state commissions, state or federal
courts, or the FCCin the past year. Dow Networks has no information, other than information that has
been publicly reported, regarding the processes that pretexters are using to attempt to access CPNI.

Customer Complaints

Dow Networks has not received any customer complaints in the past year concerning the unauthorized
release of or access to CPN!.

Annual CPNI Certification

Pursuant to FCC regulations, 47 C.F.R. § 64.20089(e), Dow Networks will annually submit to the FCC,
prior to March 1st, a CPNI Certification of Compliance and accompanying Statement regarding the
company's CPNI policies and operating procedures. These documents certify that Dow Networks
complied with federal taws and FCCregulations regarding the protection of CPNI throughout the prior
calendar year.

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