Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS) : Past 3 Months Lifetime

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Posner, Brent, Lucas, Gould, Stanley, Brown, Fisher, Zelazny, Burke, Oquendo, & Mann
© 2008 The Research Foundation for Mental Hygiene, Inc.

Instructions: Check all risk and protective factors that apply. To be completed following the patient interview,
review of medical record(s) and/or consultation with family members and/or other professionals.

Past 3 Suicidal and Self-Injurious

Lifetime Clinical Status (Recent)
Actual suicide attempt Hopelessness
Interrupted attempt Major depressive episode
Aborted or Self-Interrupted attempt
Mixed affective episode (e.g. Bipolar)
Other preparatory acts to kill self Command hallucinations to hurt self
Self-injurious behavior without
Highly impulsive behavior
suicidal intent
Suicidal Ideation
Substance abuse or dependence
Check Most Severe in Past Month
Wish to be dead Agitation or severe anxiety
Suicidal thoughts Perceived burden on family or others
Suicidal thoughts with method Chronic physical pain or other acute medical
(but without specific plan or intent to act) problem (HIV/AIDS, COPD, cancer, etc.)
Suicidal intent (without specific plan) Homicidal ideation
Suicidal intent with specific plan Aggressive behavior towards others
Activating Events (Recent) Method for suicide available (gun, pills, etc.)
Recent loss(es) or other significant negative
Refuses or feels unable to agree to safety plan
event(s) (legal, financial, relationship, etc.)
Describe: Sexual abuse (lifetime)
Family history of suicide (lifetime)
Pending incarceration or homelessness Protective Factors (Recent)
Current or pending isolation or feeling alone Identifies reasons for living
Responsibility to family or others; living with
Treatment History
Previous psychiatric diagnoses and treatments Supportive social network or family
Hopeless or dissatisfied with treatment Fear of death or dying due to pain and suffering
Non-compliant with treatment Belief that suicide is immoral; high spirituality
Not receiving treatment Engaged in work or school
Other Risk Factors Other Protective Factors

Describe any suicidal, self-injurious or aggressive behavior (include dates)

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