Research Part 1
Research Part 1
Research Part 1
RSCH 600
Research Questions…………………………………………………………………………..10
Literature Review………………..…………………………………………………………...11
Literature Map……………………………………………………………………………….18
Ethical Issues………………………………………………………………………………..24
Descriptive Statistics………………………………………………………………………32
Statistical Analysis…………………………………………………………………………33
Cover Letter…………………………………………………………………………………41
Advertisements are a way of communicating with people to try and persuade them into
purchasing a product or a service. This research paper will examine the relation between
advertisements and its impact on consumer buying behaviour in India. This research involves
investigation of people of different sex and age groups from all over India through the mode
of surveys and interviews. Responses of fifty people were taken into account and recorded.
Also, the data from FAAB Industries (Mumbai, India) on advertisements and consumer
buying behaviour in terms of sales was reviewed and a correlation was used to establish the
relation between the two variables. This research begins with reviewing the literacy sources,
establishing research questions to give the direction to the research. This was followed by
creating a hypothesis and working on it. The findings of this research show a highly positive
relation between advertisements and consumer buying behaviour in India. Also, the opinions
of the people show a positive relation between the two variables. This research will help the
companies and give them confidence and direction of spending money on advertisements.
However, I recommend this research should be taken forward with a wider scope of reaching
more people and across India and also their needs, and emotions should be taken into account
Advertising is basically a type of giving out a message to persuade the consumers to purchase
or buy a particular product. These days, there are so many ways in which the advertising can
be conducted. Newspapers, hoardings, television, radio, websites are some common ways of
conducting an advertisement. It has been observed that advertisement in general impacts the
buying behaviour of the consumers to a great extent. There are a lot of studies that have
found a direct connection between the advertisement and consumer buying behaviour and as
an impact of the advertisement there is high consumption of the goods. Advertisement from
many years has been mainly used for influencing the consumer behaviours. Furthermore,
advertisement is also perceived to be the social institution that is born for fulfilling the needs
of the human beings to require as well as sending with regards to the availability of the
Now, the people who put out these advertisements feel that the more they advertise, the
more the consumers are going to buy their product and during its initial phases it was
undoubtedly the case but when you see it now, more advisements have become a turn off for
a lot of consumers watching them. Infact, while preparing for this research, I happen to talk
to a friend of mine, and he was of the opinion that he does not buy products which are
advertised more because he felt that good products and services do not need much
advertisement. Now this was something which prompted me to put in more research on the
effects these advertisements have on the minds of the consumers or to what extent can
advertisements influence the buying behavior of the consumers. The mode of advertisements
has come a long way from wall paintings to printings to websites. A lot of companies now
It is believed and scientifically proven that advertisements leave a huge mark on the minds
of the consumers. It establishes a direct connect between a producer and a consumer. The
impact of the advertisements on consumer’s minds is to the extent that it influences how
people think about a particular brand. I feel that advertisements can create more knowledge
amongst the consumers about the particular product or service and that it can enhance the
minds of the people to think in a negative or positive way about the particular product.
Advertising has become the go-to plan to make a product famous. It is either aimed at
increasing the sales or influence the impression of the products and services.
The research people do, the information they collect, the evaluations they do and based on
that the decisions which they make before buying or investing in products and services is
known as the ‘consumer behavior.’ The main factor in influencing the consumer’s behavior
is to understand and influence the frame of mind of the consumer. Advertisements and the
behavior of consumers are directly proportional to each other and goes hand in hand.
Advertising is basically the way a company presents its ideas about its products and
services to influence the buying behavior of a consumer. Now, India is a diverse country with
a lot of population and where people have come from a lot of different beliefs who speak
more than forty languages. The diversity varies from people coming from well-developed
places where literacy rate is high to people coming from places where there is no electricity
even now. This range of diversity prompted me to conduct a research on the impact
advertisements can have on the buying behavior of consumers in India because the way
advertisements are perceived by people in India can be so diversified. So, I felt it will be
interesting to carry out a research and find out the outcome of what people staying in one of
the most fast developing third world country in the world. Also, to influence people in India,
one has to look after the people they want to target, the area they come from, the language
they speak, the culture they follow, the medium which can reach them easily, the reason why
they will select the product etc. There are so many factors to consider while trying to
influence minds of consumers and their buying behavior in India and so it will be really
interesting to know whether actually advertising works in India and if yes, the ways a
This research will help narrow down and figure out the reason behind consumers in India
purchasing what they are purchasing and also is advertisements the reason of the purchase or
are there any other reasons which prompts the consumers to buy what they buy. I have
decided to use an approach which will be both qualitative and quantitative in nature as it
will help us understand the differences amongst qualitative conclusions and quantitative
outcomes. This mixed method approach will help me with my surveys and experiments in
data collection (quantitative) whilst allowing me to focus on different groups and interviews
Advertising is mainly for fulfilling the traditional desire of the companies in terms of
reaching the Indian population that is increasing day by day so that their products/services
receive the maximum exposure. We can see so many advertisements doing rounds these days
over different mediums like TV, newspaper, media, radio etc. The companies invest
extremely large sums of money on advertisements but even then, they are in a dilemma
whether spending so much money on advertisements is worth it or not. The companies are
still confused as to what elements should an advertisement constitute of. They still have a
doubt whether the consumers buy the products because its being advertised or not and they
still haven’t figured out as to what will happen if they don’t advertise their products and
services. The companies are still trying to interpret the impact of advertisements on consumer
This research is extremely necessary because there are large sums of money being
invested in advertisements in India. Companies are going all out and are ready to go to any
limit to make their products and services famous. This research will try and study the actual
impact advertisements have on consumer behavior and I hope it will provide a certain way
and give us answers to the cloud which has been developed around advertisements and its
This particular study mainly seeks for finding out the role that is played by the
advertisement with regards to the buying behaviour of the consumers for the respective
One of the prime purposes of the study is to examine the impact of the advertisements on
the buying behaviour of the consumers in India. Furthermore, this study is quite likely to help
the companies for finding possible ways for advertising their products and services. Another
major purpose of this study is also examining how advertisements tend to create awareness of
certain brands. The examination will be conducted in this study with the help of several
articles and it will also inform everyone about the brand’s importance along with the
awareness which is created by the advertisements and the effects of the advertisements on the
The focal point of the study is to study the impact of these advertisements have on
consumer behavior in India. This research analyses the important factors in the
advertisements which impacts the decisions of the consumers in India. Also, this research
helps us understand the way a consumer thinks and tells us lots of things about consumer
behavior in India, so this study will help readers devise a strategy to make more persuasive
advertisements which has a positive impact on consumer buying behavior. The outcome of
this study will tell the organisations the extent to which the consumers in India gets
influenced by advertisements and also this study will tell the organisations the kind of
advertisements which are generally more persuasive to the consumers in India. Advertising in
today’s corporate world plays a very vital role in bringing in sales for the company and this
research has given me as a researcher more and more information and knowledge about the
impact these advertisements can have on India’s consumer behavior and also have
replenished my knowledge on subjects around the kinds of advertisements and its impact on
Indian consumers.
The views of various consumers based in India are taken into account in this research.
This study tells us the way consumers in India think and see an advertisement, the way the
consumers in India perceive these advertisements after watching them and the impact these
circulated amongst the Indian consumers and it will act as a source of primary data which
will eventually play an important role in determining the outcome of this research. Views of
consumers from all around India will be taken into account to determine the outcome of this
research. Also, I would like to mention that I have tried to cover demographics wherein I
have read and considered views of male, female, boys, girls, rural areas, urban areas and
older people. This will give my research study a broad prospective and a more general view
Time constraint is one of the biggest limitations of this research. Hence the amount of
time put behind the literature and studies in this research may be less. The other limitation of
this research is that it shows the views and opinions of a very few part of the huge Indian
consumer population. So, the sample size is very small which is kind of a setback. Also, not
all brands but only some major brands were taken into account while preparing for this
Research questions:
1. What role does advertisement plays in terms of influencing the buying behaviour of
It can be said that the hypothesis for this particular research work is quite simple as it mainly
depends on the potential effect that the advertisements mainly have on the Indian consumers.
H0: Advertisements positively affects the buying behaviour of the consumers in India
H1: Advertisements negatively affects the buying behaviour of the consumers in India
Literature review:
As per a lot of scholars there are a lot of studies conducted in this subject matter that have
found that the adolescents in India are highly attracted towards the commercial in the
television (Hassan, 2015). As well as the teenager girls are also said to be quite influenced by
the commercials in the television and they also tends to buy the products which they see in
the commercials and these are basically the beauty products (Rai, 2013). Hence, it gives the
people also the idea that the mass media also has a huge amount impact on the advertisements
(Randhawa & Khan, 2014). Companies are moving towards the creative content which will
be attracting the youngsters for buying the products. In this modern time that has been
observed remarkable boom in the technology with this the advertisers of the technology are
now considering the number of mass media channels as well as means of communications
which provides them the fast and easy access towards their consumers (Ampofo, 2014).
In India it can be also said that advertising is mainly the billionaire industry. Furthermore,
it is also regarded as one of the fastest growing industries. It has been also noted by some of
the scholars as well that female and male teenagers of Haryana (A district in India) for
knowing the impact of television advertisement on them (Priyanka & Rooble, 2012). The
researchers have found out there is no such as main difference in liking the advertisement of
the television between the female and male youngsters. Furthermore, they have also
concluded that the rural individuals get the influenced by the advertisement of the TV more
than the urban individuals as well as the product even if they do not actually need it. On the
contrary, urban people do not want to purchase the product that is advertised a specific
product or service which is already used by them. The sole reason for this is that most people
living in a fast-paced urban lifestyle often find themselves short on time to spend time on
watching advertisements and getting influenced by them. The people staying in urban areas
are well informed and they don’t need advertisements to tell them what to buy. When the
customers buy products there are a lot of factors that tends to influence them as well as affect
them in terms of their decision in purchasing a product. Another factor which influences the
buying behaviour of Indian consumers is when they see a superstar or a big celebrity doing
The Indian consumer market can be regarded as immensely diverse as specifically when
talking about the Indian market, the advertisements have a huge amount of impact as the
present market is highly focused on advertisement for enhancing their productivity. There are
a lot of advertisements in India across all the media to the extent of boring the viewers or the
general audience (Dasar, Hundekar & Maradi, 2013). Apart from the researchers there are
also a lot of firms have realized through a lot of research work with regards to the economy
of India that the customers of India are highly influenced by the various methods of the
advertisements (Modi & Jhulka, 2012). The behaviour and the attitude are highly influenced
by the advertisements. For instance, Samsung and LG brands are quite popular brand in the
As per the scholars of this article it has been argued that India is a developing nation that
is mainly flooded with a lot of brands. With so many brands the marketers in India have
chosen various innovative advertisements as one of the strongest tools for influencing the
buying behaviour of the consumers in this particular country. This article also argued that
celebrities plays the most important part in the advertisements with regards to India. Indian
people worship sports superstars and big celebrities like Gods, so they have a tendency to
blindly believe and follow whatever they say or endorse. Furthermore, the usage of the
Furthermore, in Bengaluru (India) we can say that advertisement has a positive influence
on consumers when it comes to buying cosmetic products after looking at the advertisements.
Bengaluru is one of the most literate state in India and a top consumer of cosmetic products.
(Kumari, 2012). Along with the advertisements, the researchers have also stated that
discounted prices also influences the consumers to purchase the products so the marketers
must consider to advertise more and more about the discount certain products carry in
conjunction with the advertisement as this is bound to influence the buying behaviour of the
The Indian marketers always feel that advertising is such a medium that reaches a huge
amount of audiences with a high frequency and consumers also assume that the goods that
are advertised are much more legitimate than the goods that are not advertised. As per the
consumers they have also stated that advertisements also build the image of the brand and if
the advertisements are quite expensive then it also results in influencing the consumers for
buying the products (Khare, 2015). The retail market of India is increasing at an alarming rate
people are purchasing the products as there is increasing in advertising along with the
alteration in the tastes and preferences of the consumers. As discussed, a lot of researchers
have claimed that advertisements play the most important roles in terms of shaping the
source of motivation which forces the customers for buying a particular product.
Furthermore, it is also the tool that is also a source for building the trust (Natarajan,
induced significantly if they are looking for the prices and quality of the products. Online
advertisements at present also tend to influence the consumer decision making in India.
Earlier the traditional advertising was carried out on the radio, television, as well as in the
newspaper but the disruptive technology such as internet as well as the phenomena has made
possible changed advertising as well as effect it can have on the Indian consumers
specifically when it comes to their purchasing decisions. Companies are moving towards the
creative content which will be attracting the youngsters for buying the products. Some of the
articles have also argued that celebrities play most important part in the advertisement with
regards to India. Furthermore, in the last five years, more and more money has been spent on
influence the buying behaviour of the consumers in the India. However, there are also some
of the scholars that have argued that too much advertisement may also result in negative
purchasing or negative publicity of the product in front of the Indian consumers. For instance,
it is believed that if a brand shows an advertisement sugar coating everything then the Indian
consumers tends not to buy that specific product because they think that a company only
advertises a product more when the product really have some shortcomings. With the boom
in the internet in the last two decades, more and more people are becoming aware. They can
almost find out anything they want to know about the product on the internet. So, the
exaggerated advertisements create a doubt in the minds of Indian consumers whether to buy
the product or not and in India, one advertisement is shown so many times that it puts off the
buying behaviour. Well, in one of the journal articles, Mr. Hasan is of the opinion that TV
advertisements has had a positive impact on consumers buying behaviour in Haryana (India).
Well as happy I am to agree with him, I just want to point out at that here is a huge limitation
when it comes to scope of his data because he has just considered the rural areas while taking
the data into account. I am of the opinion that the findings can vary when it comes to
I was very impressed by the conclusion of Mr. Rai’s article. He claims the impact of
advertisements on consumer buying behaviour in India and worldwide is positive but one
important point on which he stressed was that advertisements are generally more successful
when the focal point of the advertisements is on price and quality. So, this is one point which
In their research Miss. Malik and Mr. Qureshi have stressed and focussed on the issue of
celebrity endorsement and the impact it has on the consumers to hire a famous celebrity for
an advertisement. Well, they conducted a quantitative research and tried to make their point.
One point I really liked about their study was they compared celebrity endorsement to non-
celebrity endorsement and with the help of their study proved that the impact of celebrities on
a consumer is more as compared to a non-celebrity giving out the same message. The study
made a point clear, but I would have been more impressed if they would have taken some
qualitative aspects in their studies as well. For example: some interviews would have given
Studies on brand image conducted by Mr. Malik, Mr. Ghafoor, Mr. Iqbal, Mr. Ali, Mr.
Hunbal, Mr. Noman & Mr. Ahmad, proves a point. These authors with the help of their
research have proven that brand image is of utmost importance when it comes to consumers
buying behaviour. They claim that more advertisements impact the brand image positively
and more advertisements keeps the product fresh in the minds of the consumers which
increases the brand value of the product. While their research proves this, I respectfully
slightly disagree with them because I feel that if one asks people from villages about brands,
more than 90 percent will not know about it. For them it’s about survival than brand value
and status. So, while these authors have mentioned that they had a small population to test
their study, I feel there is scope for more study and the results from their study are not
conclusive enough to make a point. I would recommend carrying out the same study with a
larger population where more people are from different backgrounds are taken into account
In his study, Mr. Ampofu has made a very interesting point which is of utmost
consumer, but one important point is it also depends on the spending capacity, income and
recommendations given by the others. In his study he has considered consumers as a factor of
production and looked at this whole thing from an economic point of view. While I agree
with his views, I also feel that it’s not just about economics, one has to take perspective and
In their research, Mr. Natarajan, Mr. Balakrishnan, Mr. Balasubramanian and Mr.
Manickavasagam tries to show the relation between advertising on social media and the
effect it has on Indian market consumers. Well though I agree with the results which they
have achieved in their study, I still feel that there is a lot more to it and this study of social
media advertising especially in India is inconclusive. I say this because India is still getting
on terms with social media and the use of internet. People are yet to trust transactions over
internet. They are getting used to it, but they are far behind the other tech savvy western
I totally disagree with Mr. Khare’s views in his article. His opinion of making expensive
advertisements and playing it again and again to lure the consumer into buying it does not
work in India. When you are carrying out a study about India one has t think about the entire
1. There is a major chunk of Indian population who still lives below poverty line or still
2. Indian people these days are getting irritated and bugged by more and more
advertisements. No one has time to watch same advertisement again and again and
this practise is starting to drive people against the product (Khare, 2015).
When it comes to review the influence of apparel buying factors influencing the consumer
minds in India, it’s a vast field of research. I disagree with the results found by Mr.
Gurunathan & Mr. Krishnakumar in their study because of the simple fact that the race,
ethnicity and retail environments were not considered in their samples in the study and they
are major deciding factors in deciding the outcome of the consumer buying behaviour in
Literature Map:
(Malik and et
al., 2013). (Kumar,
(Khare, 2015). Brand Image 2012).
Branding on on Advertise (Natarajan and
advertisements advertisements et al., 2014).
. ments
Advertising on
leading to Social Media’s
negative effects on
(Kumar, 2011). Effect of publicity consumer
celebrity buying
advertisements on behaviour
consumer buying
(Rajput, Kesharwani &
Khanna 2012). Effect of
celebrity endorsements on (Gurunathan &
Indian Consumers
Impact of Krishnakumar, 2013).
Apparel buying factors
like discounts on
impact on different
Consumer (Kumari, 2012).
Advertisements on cosmetics
sells the most
(Hassan, 2015). TV
advertisement impact on
in India
(Randhawa & Khan, (Modi & Jhulka,
2014). Mass Media 2012). Influence of
Impact on advertisement different forms of
advertisements on
Indian Consumers
Research Methodology:
This study required a structured and appropriate plant to identify the relationship between
different variables and test hypothesis through which conclusion can be derived. The entire
research was conducted according to a formal Research design where data was collected to
complete the report. The review poll was planned and conveyed to the target respondents
with the help of survey and emails so that reasonable result can be generated. The data must
be comprised of a large number of populations through which evaluation can be done about
Advertisement plays an important role increasing the business of the company especially
in India because the consumers are influenced by the things, they observe on a regular basis
which is very important to create a direction for their mind set. Advertising is considered as a
way of communication to encourage and audience for making purchase decision regarding
the product and service offered by the company. Advertising is used as a source to convey the
information about the product and services being offered by any organisation to the viewers
so that they can understand the elements utilise the manufacturing of the product and its
benefits can be disclosed to the audience. Advertisement is usually a paid form of exposure
on promotion by certain investors and sponsors so that they can reach a large number of
Numbers of literary sources have been evaluated for completion of this research and
primary data has also been generated with the help of survey so that the research can be
completed according to the set direction. Literary sources definitely help in answering the
Research question in asset direction while focusing on all the various issues which can take
place in future. Literary sources help in collection of information about the topic which is
consumer behaviour and advertisement in India and literary sources also helps in
understanding the topic properly so that the research can be completed while maintaining the
evaluations can be done, and decisions can be made regarding the buying or investing in
products and services. Consumer behaviour is considered as the key element of increasing the
sales of any business because the main factor in influencing the behaviour of the consumer is
attracting the mind of consumers. The mind of the consumer can only be attracted with the
help of advertisement at least in India. Advertising is basically the way a company presents
the idea about product and services to influence the behaviour of the consumer and in India
with a lot of population it is important to maintain relationship with the help of advertisement
In this research, I have circulated a survey to Indian people mainly from Mumbai. I have
targeted Mumbai because Mumbai is a hub of advertising and marketing in India and all the
other cities look forward to Mumbai in being like it. So, as India is developing at a rapid rate
and in the near future most of the cities will become like Mumbai so this research will be
valid then as well. Also, I have included the opinions of other people from India through
surveys just to give this research a wide scope and make it valid in the present times as well.
I managed to get back answers to my survey from 50 respondents. Out of them 58% were
males and 42% were females. They were between the ages of 18 to 73 and above. I tried to
cover people from all the age group in this research to make their view count and make this
In this research, to find the correlation and to test the hypothesis, I got access to a
company data in Mumbai. The name of the company is FAAB Industries which is located in
Mumbai in India. It has data of last 5 years and it shows the amount of money they have
invested in advertisements and the effect it has on the consumers to buy their product and
This research helped in narrow down and figure out the reason behind consumers in India
purchasing by getting influenced by the advertisements. For completion of this research both
qualitative and quantitative data has been utilised where mixed method approach is
considered. Mixed method approach will be conducted with the help of surveys and
Marketers have always adapted to the changes being conducted in the market because
the consumers are the people who runs the market and the business owners have to follow
and understand the requirement of the consumers so that they are able to expand the supply
chain (Dasar, 2013). It is very important element to understand the requirement of the
consumers so that the business can be used by the consumers whenever they are planning to
buy a particular product or availing any service. The major aim of advertising is to impact on
the buying behaviour through which the consumers can be solved with the details of the
products and services being offered to them. A good quality advertisement is generally
considered important to influence the consumers for buying a product while a poor-quality
have been evaluated and discussed to understand the conceptual framework of consumer
For completion of this report qualitative and quantitative data has been used with the
help of survey and interviews. Closed survey presented to the respondents and the opinion of
the respondents were gained accordingly (Rai, 2013). Closed survey helps in increasing the
accuracy of the primary data collection method because in the closed survey limited options
are provided and the audience have to select from that option. Survey has held in completion
of the report in the most appropriate manner because when the report is being conducted in
the direction of consumers and audiences that it becomes the responsibility of the research to
gain the feedback of audience and consumers so that authentication and reliability can be
increased. While completion of the research there were number of challenges and obstacles
which were faced but with the help of proper planning and strategies the problems were
resolved and the research was completed in the most suitable manner (North, & Kotzé, 2001).
When it comes to secondary sources all the sources from which the information about
the market of India has been generated is highly authentic and reliable through which the
standard of the report can be maintained. The research framework indicates number of
variables which are interdependent and dependent through which it becomes easier for the
research structure clarifies the connection among the independent and dependent variables
utilisation of qualitative and quantitative data on completion of the research so that at the
There are number of literary sources which have been used for accomplishment of the
goals associated with the report so that desired outcomes can be achieved. Numbers of
sources have been evaluated through which better understanding can be generated about the
topic and study the relationship between advertisement and consumer behaviour in India.
With the help of the literature reviews and sources it has been observed that advertising is
mainly for fulfilling the traditional desire of the companies regarding achievement and
attraction of Indian population through which constant increment in the sales can be
observed. Advertisements can be done with the help of television, newspaper, media, radio
and currently social media has been trending in the market. The companies are still confused
about using which element of the advertisement constituent of more beneficial aspects.
From literature sources one of the prime purposes of the study has been resolved which is
present in the impact of advertisement on buying behaviour of the consumer in India. This
study is quite likely to help the companies regarding identification of the possible ways
through which advertisement can be utilised to promote the product and services being
offered by them. Examination will be conducted in this study with the help of survey and
literature review so that the importance of advertisement can be evaluated, and responses of
There are number of participants associated with completion of the survey through
which responses can be gained about the influence of advertisement (Yoon & Choi, 2005).
When it comes to gaining responses of participants in utilising the responses for completion
of the report it is important to gain the permission at the initial stages so that future conflict
can be avoided. If the researcher is planning to complete the research on time, then he needs
to be prepared about gathering all the information with permissions from the participants and
other people associated with the report. To reduce the workload written permission should be
gained at the initial stages for that the participants can be prepared about their role in
completion of the report. In completion of the report my role is to understand and evaluate
the data which has been collected two different sources so that potential understanding can be
Ethical Issues:
This study is to figure out whether there is impact on all the variables on consumer
buying behaviour which clearing replicates that advertisement does affect the buying
behaviour of the consumer. There are number of ethical issues which are observed regarding
completion of the report which can create problem for the viewers and readers. Ethics are
broadly the set of rules, written and unwritten expectations which needs to be maintained by
the research regarding completion of the report so that the authentication and reliability can
Dishonesty is one of the most observe ethical issue regarding completion of the Research
report because all the literature sources are not authentic and reliable. Due to the issues of
dishonesty and poor reliability readers might get disappointed by the Research report which
can lead towards lack of connection in future. While collection of the data authentic sources
should be collected, and the survey should also be collected in such a way that true and
Breach of respect for intellectual property is another ethical issue which is observed
regarding completion of the Research report because the other person who has generated the
literature sources might have made the efforts to design his Research report according to the
objectives. Making unnecessary changes and manipulations can create disrespect for the
Copyright infringements have been taken care off. In this research it is very strictly
maintained that the guidelines and the policies are followed and there is stealing of any
information unethically. When people have been interviewed or their opinions have been
recorded, it is consciously noted that their confidentiality have been maintained and their
identities are not exposed in any scenario. One more important thing I kept in mind was that,
I did not judge people and was not biased with anyone. Views of everyone were welcomed
with the same approach. I have completed a certification which helped me understand the
ethical standards while conducting the research. So, I made full use of the TCPS certification
which I acquired and tried to remain ethically sound to the best of my capabilities.
When it comes to project work plan the first step is to design the objectives and goals
of the project report so that direction can be set for accomplishment of the targets.
Once the goals and objectives have been identified the researcher gets the idea
according to which he will conduct all the further activities and stages of project work
plan. The goals of the project are to evaluate the relevance of advertisement on
all the variables can be evaluated which influences the consumer behaviour. Once the
goals and objectives of the report has been set the next step is to identify the key task
The key task of the report is to set the goals and objectives for completion of the
report. The goals and objectives will help in setting the direction for accomplishment
of the target of the report and identify all the relevant results and conclusions which is
The next step is to design the research questions according to which the literature
review will be designed. The Research question will help in selling a guideline
according to which the report will be conducted, and it also sets a direction for
The next step is to look for the research methodology which will be used data
gathering and data collection. For completion of this report primary and secondary
data has been collected with the help of literature reviews and survey through which
the responses of the audience have been gained. It is important to look for
authentication and reliability of the literature reviews and sources so that the report
can be completed accordingly. The entire report needs to be designed in such a way
that available sources can be made sufficient for answering all the research questions.
The next step is to evaluate the findings and generate the conclusion so that the
research can be completed. It also focuses on evaluating all the results which are
gained from the survey so that appropriate outcomes can be generated, and research
can be completed in authenticated form. It also focuses on gathering the data from
different sources and compiling the entire set of data in such a way that desired
By the end of the research appropriate solutions will be designed and generated according
to the Research question. Certain number of literature reviews and literature sources will be
collected on the basis of which country version and finding analysis part will be done. It will
focus on advertisement spending which will be evaluated with the help of survey and social
media reports will be generated through which number of clicks will be evaluated which will
be done by the consumers before purchasing any product (Bakshi, & Gupta, 2013). This will
help in understanding the mind of the consumer is regarding purchasing power and buying
behaviour so that their intention to purchase any product can be observed. With the help of
this research effective and efficient understanding will be generated about the advertising
influence on the consumers and significant contribution will be generated with the help of
literature sources and quantitative and qualitative data. Advertisement is usually a paid form
of exposure on promotion by certain investors and sponsors so that they can reach a large
In resources social media reports will be required to which the performance of consumers
on social media can be observed regarding purchasing any product. With the help of online
platforms for trading and purchasing of the products consumer behaviour can be evaluated.
Online platforms will help in gaining of feedback and responses of the consumers because
with the help of online reports their perceptions can be evaluated by the alternative they are
observing on the same website. This will help them in providing a guidance and comparison
platform so that they can select the product according to their preference and choice. Other
resources will be literature sources and various other reports associated with the same topic
so that the direction can be set for comparison and selling the guideline for completion of this
report. It will also help in understanding the topic appropriately. The resources will be the
survey reports which will be generated by the consumers and respondents to gain the
responses regarding the influence of advertisement. It will also focus on evaluation of the
survey results through which a conclusion can be designed with the help of finding and
analysis portion. Completion of the report all survey results will be combined so that
Testing of Hypothesis:
In order to conduct a test for my hypothesis and considering the time restrictions, I
decided to get access to the data of FAAB Industries which is a company in Mumbai. I got
access to last 5 years of data for FAAB Industries which included the amount of money they
spent in advertising and the result it had on the customers buying behaviour and thus
impacting the sales. This data will help me find out the correlation for this research. Though
my scope will be small but considering the time restrictions, this will help giving a direction
to the research.
The following table has the data of the last five years obtained from FAAB Industries in
2014 5 70
2015 10 100
2016 7 80
2017 15 150
2018 20 200
Now I will be using Correlation to show the relation between two variables. It will help me
establish any linear relationship if any between the variables. The values of the coefficient of
-1 shows perfectly negative correlation between the two variables i.e. if one variable
1 shows a perfectly positive correlation between the two variables i.e. if one variable
The table below shows the calculations to find out the value of correlation coefficient r:
Also, we can directly find out the value of r using excel. The table below indicates that:
5 70
10 100
7 80
15 150
20 200
r= 0.99482918
Since r = 0.99, it indicates that the two variables i.e. advertisements and consumer buying
behaviour in terms of sales have a positive correlation. This shows more advertisements will
lead to a positive consumer buying behaviour and increase in sales in India. The graph
f(x) = 8.85 x + 19.14
R² = 0.99
4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
The Scatter Plot shows a linear correlation between the advertisements and consumer buying
behaviour in India based on the data of FAAB Industries. The result proves my hypothesis
H0: Advertisements positively affects the buying behaviour of the consumers in India to be
Descriptive Statistics:
As mentioned earlier in order to widen the scope of my research apart from reviewing the
literacy sources, I also carried out surveys and interviews to get the opinions of the
consumers in India. I had 50 respondents whose answers have been taken into account. Out
41-60 9
73+ 10
Statistical Analysis:
The pie chart indicates the views of the people which I was able to gather for this research
through the questionnaires and surveys I carried out. 45% of the people were of the opinion
that yes advertisements have a positive effect on their buying behaviour while 27% did not
agree to that. 20% people believed that advertisements may or may not have an effect on
consumer buying behaviour and were of the opinion that it totally depends on the product,
individual and the situation while 8% of the people were neutral and did not have an opinion
My research will mainly benefit the companies who invest a lot of their budget in
advertising. The findings of my research will help the companies to allot a major part of their
budget to the advertising department because the research has shown the positive impact
which advertisements have on consumer buying behaviour in India. In the research, views of
Indians from different parts of the country were noted and data from a company from India
was also taken into account to reach the conclusion. I feel that within its own limitations the
research has been successful in giving the confidence to the companies to go forward with
heavy investments in advertising in India. So more or less, the research problem has been
taken care off. However, this research has opened up a scope for further research in this area.
My study during this research revealed that emotions of the Indian people play a big role in
making up their mind to purchase anything. So, a further research can be conducted, where in
the emotional response of people in India can be taken into account and studied and then
advertisements can be made in such a way that they appeal to the Indian consumers
emotionally. This will help the people in making advertisements and give them a direction
and so the huge sums of money invested in advertisements will be worth its value.
There is a lot of information and literature present on the internet on this aspect but one
feels that something is missing and my research helps in connecting those empty spaces by
channelizing and completely giving the evaluations of the affects advertisements have on the
qualitative study and I believe that qualitative study is extremely important and informative
This research was conducted to see the impact of advertisement on consumer buying
behaviour in India. To achieve a meaningful output out of this research, I had designed
research questions and carried out a test for hypothesis. Based on a positive test result for
hypothesis and favourable results to the survey questions, the research showed a positive
result between advertisements and consumer buying behaviour. So, the analysis in the
research showed that there is a positive relation between advertisements and consumer
buying behaviour in India. My research can help the companies further to evaluate and
understand the importance of advertisements and the impacts it is having on the consumer’s
buying behaviour in India. This research will give the companies confidence going forward
and will justify the big amounts of money they are investing in advertising. This research is a
very good contribution to the literature with regards to effects of advertisement on consumer
behaviour in India however going forward in the future researchers can study which are the
most and least important elements in determining the buying preference of the consumers.
Also, after reviewing so much quantitative and qualitative data and also going through a fair
number of literacy sources, I feel we still have further scope on this topic of research and my
recommendation for future research will be to carry out research based on personality traits of
the customers. This will help us to know the type of personality which gets influenced by
advertisements in India and will help in providing a segment to advertise for the companies.
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1. Have you ever been influenced by the advertisement for buying any product?
2. Do you have television channel or any social media connection which only focuses
on advertisement?
3. Have you ever got any product which is of no use for you in the current situation
but you only got the product because of the advertisement?
4. How much time do you utilise or spend on watching advertisements randomly?
5. Do you look for feedback options while purchasing any new product online?
1. What is your response after buying the product by getting influenced by the
advertisements on television or any other social media channel?
2. Do you want advertisements on a regular basis before purchasing any product?
3. Do you desire for the product which is advertised but you don't have an actual
requirement of the product?
4. According to you is it fine to get influenced by advertisements?
5. Are you happy that advertisements are leading the market?
6. What role does advertisement play in your life before purchasing any product
availing any service?
Cover Letter:
December 5, 2019
Managing Partner
FAAB Industries
Santacruz East,
Mumbai-400098, India
working, and I am carrying out research on the impact of advertisements on consumer buying
behaviour in India.
During my time in Mumbai, I had read about the effects FAAB Industries had with more
advertisements on people in India. I want to carry out this study and establish the relation
company’s data on the amount FAAB Industries have spent on advertisements and the effect
it has had on the consumer buying preference or buying behaviour in terms of sales. This will
help me immensely in my research as this will give me figure out a relation between these
two variables.
I assure you that this data will only be restricted to me and will only be used for analysis in
the research. I will maintain the trust you show in me am willing to be accountable and
responsible for the data. Anything to do with the company’s policy will strictly be abided by
and I assure you there will be no copyright infringements. The data will only be used for
I am looking forward to getting a positive reply from you. If you have any doubts or queries
about anything I asked you about, please give me a call at +1 236-777-5834 or you can email
me at Your early reply will be highly appreciated. Thank you for
taking time to read this and thank you once again for your cooperation.
Sarosh Saiyed
UCW, Canada