A Methodology For The Design of Online Exhibitions: 1. Chapter Overview

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A methodology for the design of online exhibitions

Angeliki Antoniou, George Lepouras and Costas Vassilakis

1. Chapter Overview
The process of designing systems or products largely depends on a number of decisions, like “who do I
design for?”, “what should my product do?”, “what are the user requirements?” etc. The developing
teams usually base their decisions on experience and/or heuristics and this is particularly the case, in the
development of online products and especially online exhibitions. The different solutions are frequently
case studies of specific museums or institutions that wish to provide online content to actual or possible
visitors. In addition, the interdisciplinary nature of the endeavor, involving museology, technology but
also education, poses important design problems. In the following sections, we present a generic
methodology for the design of online exhibitions, using top-down processes and transferable findings
across museum types that wish to assist the designers during the early decision stages.

This chapter is organized as follows: section 1 provides an introduction to the field, emphasizing its
interdisciplinary nature, section 2 reviews related work in the area of online exhibition design. Section 3
presents an overview of the methodology, elaborating on the individual methodology steps; in particular,
in section 3 we reviewed the processes for determining the visitors’ perception of the museum (degree of
museumness); the museum needs that require to be supported; the educational approach to be adopted;
the relevance to life-long learning activities; the approach to adaptivity; and user involvement. Finally,
section 4 concludes this chapter and outlines future work.

2. Introduction

A designer of online exhibitions usually goes through a series of decisions, some more difficult than
others, from the very beginning of the endeavor. These decisions include a number of quite diverse
aspects, such as whether the application will have a purely educational character or an edutaining
element, whether it will be collaborative or intended for individual use, which is the most prominent way
to present exhibits, etc. These important aspects of design are often based on heuristics and experience.
Although such an ad-hoc approach may be workable for some simple situations, in the general case an
explicit and established procedure is needed, such as which are the decisions to be made and who and
how decides on design issues. In this light, we have developed a methodology that assists the designer of
online exhibitions in the early design stages and especially during concept generation. The series of
decisions are supported by a number of questions the designer is required to answer, as well as a set of
tools or techniques for each question.

The design of online exhibitions is a work of interdisciplinary nature. Insulander (2005) defines the
museum as an area of knowledge in which different disciplines meet. The interdisciplinary character of
museum learning technologies imposes another problem in the study of the field, since different methods,
theories, practices and findings gather from the different disciplines. Clearly, the disciplines of
museology and technology should be considered, since the former provides invaluable knowledge on the
artefacts to be presented and how the museum message (Charitos, et al., 2000) to be conveyed should be
shaped, while the latter dictates the means that are available for artefact presentation. We should however
take into account that during the past years, museums have moved from preserving and displaying
artefacts to institutions focused on the education and entertainment of visitors (Falk, et al., 1997; Kelly,
2000). At the same time visitors also report that one of the main reasons they visit physical or online
museums is learning, together with entertainment and socialisation (Falk & Dierking, 2000). To this end,
museum curators strive to design and implement exhibitions that offer an educational and at the same
time enjoyable experience. These principles apply to both physical and online environments; according to
the above, the education discipline is rendered directly relevant to the design of online exhibitions. Thus,
three main disciplines are involved in the design of online exhibitions, namely museology, technology
and education (fig. 1).

Figure 1. The interdisciplinary nature of the design of online exhibitions

According to the above, online exhibition design is a complex task because:

a) The decisions that should be taken spread across different disciplines, and it should be ascertained
that each decision is taken by appropriately skilled personnel and all pertinent criteria are

b) The number of decisions is considerable, and it should be guaranteed that no important design
factor is overlooked.

c) The coherence of design decisions should be guaranteed; decisions should also be taken in proper
sequence, to avoid (or minimize) the need for reviewing previously taken decisions.

2. Related Work

The issue of online exhibition design has attracted the interest of researchers in the past one decade,
following the widespread of interactive multimedia, broadband Internet and virtual reality technologies.
Tinkler, et al., (1998), and Charitos, et al., (2000) provide an approach on how virtual museums can be
designed and implemented, while in Lepouras, et al., (2001); and Charitos, et al., (2001) the issue of
creating and employing online exhibitions in the premises of the museum for enhancing the visitors’
experience is examined. Bannon, et al., (2005) suggest the introduction of hybrid artefacts, i.e.
installations that allow visitors to manipulate physical and digital material in a visible and interesting
manner for many museum visitors, providing additional tools for the designer to capture the interest of
the visitors. Yet, these approaches mainly focus on technological aspects, not considering the educational
requirements for the designed exhibitions. Bonis, et al., (2007; 2009) examine the issue of providing
digital museum installations that adapt to the users’ preferences, while Hong, et al., (2001) present an
approach where XSL technology is employed to deliver different presentation styles to different user
groups, focusing on the implementation aspects of adaptivity and adaptation. Sparacino, et al., (1999)
examine how new technologies, such as wireless object & body tracking and wearable computers, should
be incorporated in the design of online exhibits.

Marty (1999) refer to the Spurlock Museum, which is characterized as a “holistic approach to museum
informatics”, focusing on the study on the social impact of information technology on the collaborative
activities of the curators and exhibit designers planning on the new Spurlock facility. Hein (1998) and
Alen (2004) focus on how learning aspects should be incorporated into the museum design, but
technological factors that are of particular importance for online exhibits are not considered at the same
level of importance as museological and educational aspects. Finally, Falk (1997) and Hsi (2003) discuss
post-implementation assessment of visitor’s experience in digital and digitally-enhanced exhibitions.
To summarise, it seems that a large number of previous studies has aimed at different design aspects for
the development of online exhibitions from technology requirements of the users (Leong, Chennupati &
Foo, 2003) to specific case studies (Leong, Chennupati & Foo, 2002). Different generic approaches for
the design of online exhibitions have been published, also attempting to assist the designers with different
strategic issues (Liew, 2006; Kalfatovic, 2002). Regarding the very early stages of the design cycle, our
methodology aims at assisting the designer primarily at the conceptual level.

3. Methodology

The proposed methodology is based on a series of questions posed to the potential designer of online
exhibitions. The six main questions useful for the designers are shown in table 1. Error! Reference
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Table 1. Methodology’s main questions

1. What is the degree of museumness for the specific exhibition?

2. Which museum needs will I support?
3. What is the optimal educational approach for my purposes?
4. Is Life Long Learning relevant?
5. Will it be adaptive?
6. How can I involve the user?

For each question, we have developed different tools and techniques in order to facilitate the answering
process. In the following section the questions and the relevant techniques and tools will be presented.

3.1 What is the degree of museumness for the specific exhibition?

Recent studies have shown that the way people define a physical or virtual space seems to have clear
implications on learning (Antoniou & Lepouras, 2009b). This work explored how visitors view the
different museum types, and their expectations with regards to learning or other activities they might
want to be offered in an online museum. Therefore, the different museum types are classified based on
the visitors’ perceptions, and the term museumness is introduced in order to describe visitors’ perceptions
on a certain physical or virtual space and whether this space forms a typical museum or not (Antoniou &
Lepouras, 2009a). Museumness does not form a yes or no category; rather it suggests a continuum that
different museum types can have higher or lower scores. For example, visitors might consider both an
archaeological museum and an art gallery as museums, but of different degree of museumness, since the
former collects all the stereotypical characteristics that form the notions of museums and the latter
contains fewer of those characteristics. A scale of the “perceived degree of museumness” was produced
and it was further correlated to specific activities visitors want to be offered by the museum (i.e. learning,
socialisation, entertainment).

The Hooper-Greenhill & Moussouri (2002, 2004) classification of museum types was used in order to
produce the museumness scale. Since each museum type seems to have unique activity demands and is
approached differently by its users, we opted to examine each museum type individually, rather than the
grouping suggested in Hooper-Greenhill & Moussouri (2002) (e.g. archaeological museums are placed in
the same category with history museums). The museum types we have used are: zoos, archaeological
museums, art galleries, industrial museums, history museums, science museums, children museums,
botanical gardens, aquariums, and technological museums. This need to consider each type’s
characteristics separately is also reflected in a study by Dierking and Falk (1998).

In order to validate our assumptions, we conducted statistical confidence tests on the results of the
questionnaires. Assumptions were accepted when the statistical confidence that the assumption holds
(formally termed as confidence interval) was greater than 95%, equivalently denoted as p < 0.05 (the
probability that we have a statistical error is less than 5%). The 95% confidence interval is a limit widely
used in applied practice (Wikipedia, 2009a). The Chi-Square test (Wikipedia, 2009b) was primarily used
for validating our assumptions. For more information on statistical confidence tests and confidence
intervals, the interested reader is referred to (Snedecor and Cochran, 1989).

We have found that the different degrees of museumness highly correlate with the preferred and the
expected activities of their users. More specifically, by conducting statistical confidence tests on the
results of questionnaires collected from potential museum visitors, we found that the hypothesis that
“There would not be any differences between peoples preferred activities for different types of museums”
is rejected with very high confidence1 (Antoniou, 2009). The primary activity that visitors expect and
want to perform in institutions they consider typical museums, is learning. When an institution is not seen
as a museum (i.e. has a low degree of museumness), the visitors expect and wish to be primarily
entertained. Figure 2 summarises the results, partitioning the museums into three categories according to
their museumness (yes/high, maybe/medium, no/low).

These findings imply that the design of a ‘fun’ activity in a historical or archaeological museum will at
least surprise the visitor, or some visitors might see it as inappropriate. In the same way, institutions with
low degrees of museumness require the implementation of entertaining and/or edutaining applications in
their premises (physical or online). More specifically, the focus of technology in a zoo and an aquarium
should be primarily on entertainment, secondly on learning, and thirdly on socialization. In children’s
museums, people expect primarily entertainment, secondly socialization and lastly learning. Art galleries
and historical museums demonstrate similar characteristics when it comes to activity expectations. In
both these museum types, people expect to learn first, socialize secondly, while entertainment is not
considered necessary. Due to their high scores on the museumness scale, museums like archaeological,
industrial, science and technology require applications that enhance learning mainly and then
entertainment and socialization. The museumness scale is particularly helpful in showing the desired
focus of technology for museum use, according to user expectations, thus assisting the designer to decide
whether her application will be strictly educational, edutaining, collaborative and/or allowing
communication of users.
60 museumness yes

40 museumness maybe

20 museumness no

socialization entertainment learning


Figure 2. Degree of museumness and expected main activity (from Antoniou & Lepouras, 2009a)

3.2 Which museum needs will I support?

Literature review of current practice (Antoniou & Lepouras, 2009c; Damala & Kockelkorn, 2006; Din,
2006; Raptis, et al., 2005) reveals that museums around the world employ technology in order to address
needs of the users. Online exhibitions should consider those needs and attempt to support them. Some of
the recurring themes in the technologies used by many museums are the need to support:

a) A specific population (i.e. children). For example, ‘Rhodes Hall’ was an online hypermedia
system that used pedagogical principles of Constructionism and Problem Based Learning to assist
the learning process of school students before and after their visit in a historic home. The system
was designed for the special needs of a specific population (Cothran, et al., 2001).

Square-chi test results: x²(18,279) =.00, p<.001
b) Navigation and mobility of users both physically and online (i.e. museum web pages showing
different routes). In an attempt to support both visitor navigation and mobility, ‘City’ was
developed, that combined hypermedia technology and virtual environments. The application was
designed for on site as well as off site visitors. On site visitors were equipped with a hand held,
PDA device that supported their physical movement, whereas off site visitors could either use a
web-only environment or a virtual environment (Galani, et al., 2003).

c) Interactivity (need to define the degree of interactivity with the online exhibits). An example of an
interactive system is ‘ARCO’ (Augmented Representation of Cultural Objects) that provided a set
of tools for the creation of Virtual Reality and Mixed Reality exhibitions. The system’s Virtual
Reality components supported distant visitors, since it was also web-based. The system’s Mixed
Reality components supported visitor interaction with the virtual and the real world
simultaneously (Walczak et al., 2006).

d) Adaptivity (need for personalised content though adaptive or adaptable applications). ‘AHA’
(Adaptive Hypermedia Architecture) was a web-based adaptive hypermedia system that identified
different visitor needs and adapted the presented content accordingly (De Bra, et al., 2002).

e) Communication (socialisation and communication are some of the most important expected
activities). The above mentioned ‘City’ project also allowed the communication and social
interaction of visitors, since co-visiting between on site and off site visitors was possible. The
communication between the participants was mainly verbal (Galani, et al., 2003).

f) Collaboration (the recognition of two important issues: i) technology could be isolating and ii)
people rarely prefer to visit museums alone, led to the development of museum applications that
enhance cooperation / collaboration of visitors). The ‘Rhodes Hall’ application, described above,
supported the collaboration between the students in order to facilitate learning and problem
solving (Cothran, et al., 2001).

The identification of these needs will hopefully lead to the explicit recognition of the issues by the
designer and enable the dialogue between the design team and the museum. Table 2 summarises the
museum needs relevant to the design of online exhibitions, and the issues to be considered for each need.
For each need, the table also lists the expertise of people that should be involved in the decision-making
Table 2. Museum Needs and Issues to Consider

Museum Needs Issues to Consider Who is involved

Audience Who are my users? or target group? Museologists
What are the characteristics of my audience? Educators
Navigation - Apart from the online usability demands for navigation, Museologists;
Mobility will I support onsite navigation though my online educators; technology
application? experts
Can I support the mobility in the physical space with the Technology experts
help of the online environment?
Interactivity What is the degree of interactivity I will provide to the Museologists;
user? technology experts;
(i.e. Can she enlarge, rotate, etc. the exhibits?) educators
Adaptivity Will my online application adapt to the unique learning Museologists;
characteristics of the user? educators
Will this adaptation process be continued to the Museologists;
museum physical premises? educators
Communication Shall I allow communication of the users? Museologists;
What will be the form of this communication? Museologists;
(synchronous, asynchronous, between whom, etc.) technology experts;
Collaboration Should I provide collaborative tasks for the users? Museologists;
Should I incorporate other needs, like collaborative Museologists;
tasks for specific populations, or adaptive collaborative educators
tasks, etc.?
What will be the form of the collaborative tasks? Museologists;
technology experts;

3.3 What is the optimal educational approach for my purposes?

The team designing an online exhibition should also take into account the different learning theories and
their outcomes. For this reason, we may employ a classification of different educational theories,
showing their basic principles, their outcomes, their relation to technology and examples of educational
technologies that use them; such classifications are described in (Antoniou & Lepouras, 2006a; 2009c).
For example, wishing to develop an application that supports communication and collaboration of
visitors, the design team can easily refer to the classification to determine: a) what are the main principles
and the scientific background of collaborative learning, b) which previous applications have been used
for collaborative learning in museums, and c) how it was utilised. For example, the design team can view
“NICE” a system that employed several principles of collaborative learning and on the same time it also
supported several museum needs, like audience, interactivity, communication, etc. (Roussos, et al.,
1999). Similarly, “Mystery in the Museum” also used the theory of Collaborative Learning, but it
supported different museum needs, like mobility (Cabrera, et al., 2005). Employing a classification
scheme of educational theories and educational technologies in museums, offers the design team a
concise view of current tendencies, common practices and possible research gaps.

Furthermore, understanding issues of educational theory and learning practice is directly relevant to the
design process for two main reasons:

i) there are cases that the museum knows what will be presented but has not decided on how it
will be presented, and
ii) there are cases that the museum has made clear choice on both the what and the how of
learning, and the designers need to quickly and effectively understand the concepts involved, in
order to specify in detail the relevant solutions.

Educational theories often follow specific philosophical and / or epistemological schools of thought, and
they set trends for the educational systems. We distinguish them from learning theories, since the latter
are more specified descriptions and predictions of the learning processes within certain educational
systems. It is beyond the scope of the present work to elaborate further on issues of educational and
learning theory. Here the main point worth noting is that all educational theories have a core
epistemology they follow, thus shaping the different educational goals. Table 3 lists some of the major
educational theories and their relation to epistemology, as well as specific educational goals.

Table 3. Quick Organisation of Educational and Learning Theories

Learning Theories-
Nature of Truth Schools of Thought Educational Goal
Classical Conditioning
Operant Conditioning
Cognitive Schemas and
Cognitivism Models
Empiricism, Enaction Theory Effective Transmission of
Realism Knowledge (i.e.
Stage Theories
(single truth) mathematical axioms)
Mediation Model
Sociocultural Theory
Activity Theory
Computationalism Artificial Intelligence

Constructivism Problem-Based Learning

Providing tools for the
Relativism discovery of own truth and
Situated Learning
(multiple truths) the creation of meaning (i.e.
Constructionism Cooperative Learning interpretation of history)
Conversation Learning

In addition, all theories seem to have some advantages and disadvantages. There are certain aspects of
learning that one theory could explain and predict better than another. A designer could use elements
from different theories and integrate them in order to support design. According to Mergel (1998)
different theories could be used for different learning situations. For example, behaviourist principles
could be useful in memorisation tasks, cognitive elements in tasks of schematic organisation and
constructive principles in complex problem solving. Future studies could identify different stages in
learning and propose the most suitable learning practices for each purpose.

Table 3 summarises the described information in a concise and comprehensible manner. By allowing the
design team to easily view some important theories and associate each one with its corresponding
epistemological origins and educational goals, it assists the design team in the process of selecting the
most prominent one for application in the design of the online exhibition.

3.4 Is Life Long Learning relevant?

Different social and economic factors have made Life Long Learning a reality. Viewing museums as
educational institutions implies that museum learning could include anything from informal learning, to
non-formal (i.e. seminars, school trips) and formal learning (i.e. museum-issued diplomas) (Antoniou &
Lepouras, 2008b). The content of any technology designed for online exhibitions should consider issues
of life long learning, in order to cover the different possible educational situations that might emerge.
Moreover, having reviewed visitor studies literature (Falk, et al., 2000; Hooper-Greenhill, 2004), we
have identified four major types of visitors: (a) individuals that visit alone, (b) groups, (c) families, and
(d) schools. All the above types have unique learning needs and their behaviour in a museum differs
significantly (Falk, et al., 2000). Information selection and presentation should be adapted to their
specific learning demands. In addition, considering issues of Life Long Learning (‘The Faure Report’,
1972; Commission of the European Communities, 2003), we propose the use of the seven
categories/scenarios for the initial stages of the design of online learning technologies for museum use
(Table 4). These scenarios assist in the decision for the appropriate learning content for each
circumstance. Note that edutainment activities are included in learning activities, in the informal learning
condition; however, this depends on the degree of museumness of the specific museum.

Table 4. Learning Content and Life Long Learning in online exhibitions (from Antoniou &
Lepouras, 2008b)

Individuals Families Schools Groups

Formal Set Curriculum No existing Set Curriculum- No existing scenario
education scenario cooperative

Non-formal Negotiated No existing No existing Negotiated

education Curriculum Scenario scenario Curriculum -
cooperative learning
Informal Different Different No existing Different
education learning tasks – cooperative scenario (cooperative) learning
edutainment learning tasks – tasks – edutainment

3.5 Will it be adaptive?

As mentioned earlier, adaptivity is an important museum need that should be considered in the process of
designing online exhibitions. Once it is decided to use adaptivity, individual learning characteristics, like
learning styles, cognitive styles, type of intelligence, approaches to learning, motivation type, etc. have to
be considered. Works that are related to different individual learning characteristics, particularly those
focusing on the study of cognitive style (Antoniou & Lepouras, 2006b) could be valuable tools at this
stage. Among other possible learning factors (i.e. learning style, intelligence type, etc.) we focus on
cognitive style, because previous research has shown that it is appropriate for use in the design of
learning technology (Atkins, et al., 2001) and online learning technologies, since it is a rather constant
personality characteristic. Cognitive style describes the preferred and optimal way an individual
approaches learning material. For example, some users might prefer to view more text, whereas others
might prefer pictures or sound.

In an online environment a simple and quick questionnaire can reveal the user’s cognitive style, when the
user first uses the application, together with other factors that affect learning like age, gender, cultural
background, etc. Our previous research has showed that different cognitive styles have significantly
different learning interests, different needs and content preferences, as well as different degrees of
desired adaptivity.

Briefly, some people prefer to control the application more than others that seem to accept
recommendations more easily. For the former users we suggest adaptable solutions (i.e. solutions where
the user can explicitly customize the system behaviour), while for the latter we propose adaptive
solutions (i.e. solutions where the system observes the interaction with the user and tailors itself
accordingly with no explicit actions being needed on behalf of the user). Different cognitive styles highly
correlate with the amount of control provided by the application; by conducting statistical confidence
tests on the results of questionnaires collected from 4 museums, we found that the hypothesis “There
would not be any differences between the visitors style and the desired amount of control” is rejected
with very high confidence2 (Antoniou, 2009).

We have also found that different cognitive styles have different content preferences. This finding has
direct implications for the organization and the presentation of the online museum content. For example,
the flexibility provided by online exhibitions allows for the presentation of different exhibitions to the
user (i.e. some users might be interested in history, aesthetics, uniqueness of objects, etc.) according to
the individual interests3.

In addition, interestingly enough, cognitive style correlates with different nationalities, having
remarkable design implications4. Another rather expected result is the high correlation found between
cognitive style and age5, since it is known that although cognitive style is a relatively constant personality
characteristic, it is however, affected by age. In Antoniou & Lepouras (2009b) a full list of guidelines is
provided for the use of cognitive style in museum adaptive learning technologies. Furthermore, previous
research has provided a list of guidelines for the accommodation of all cognitive styles in the design of
adaptable learning technologies (Lawrence, 1997; Martin, 1997). For example, cognitive styles seem to
differ in regards to preferences in: bottom-up or top-down presentations, facts and examples or symbols
and abstraction, individual learning or group learning, structured material or less structured and affective
learning, linearity or non-linearity of presentations, etc.

3.6 How can I involve the user?

Involving the user can have multiple dimensions, like concept generation, identification of user
requirements and usability demands or evaluation of the end product. Although time and cost restrictions
might apply, it is a good idea to involve the potential users in the design processes from the early stages
of development. Previous research has shown that even quick ethnographic techniques that collect
qualitative data in a short period of time can be very useful (Antoniou & Lepouras, 2008a). It was also
found that even children can effectively participate in the design processes of museum related
technologies, making participatory design techniques a valuable tool (Antoniou & Lepouras, 2008a;
Druin & Fast, 2002; Taxen, 2004). The potential benefits of the early involvement of users, require the
development of techniques for collaborative design. An online environment can also allow for the use of
online focus groups or the use of a discussion forum. In this, it is important to consider the creation of an
online space that users can contribute with new ideas and evaluate the existing practices.

4. Conclusions – and Future work

The user of an online exhibition has a triple role. She is a technology user, with certain usability
demands, but she is also a learner and a museum audience with specific learning and museum needs. All
three roles have discrete characteristics and requirements. It is important to consider all three different
roles both separately and in relation to each other. The proposed methodology aims at assisting the
designers in considering all user roles and pertinent aspects and eases the decision processes they have to
make, in regards to technology in itself, learning content, presentation style, etc. Table 5 provides the
suggested methodology, the steps that one has to follow for the design of online exhibitions and
suggested procedures for realizing each step.

The hypothesis that cognitive style and amount of wanted control would be independent of each other is
rejected [x² (30, 287) = Pearson .034, Likelihood Ratio .008, p< .05]
The hypothesis that people of different cognitive type would not have different preferences on museum content
was rejected [x² (2, 244) = Pearson .055, Likelihood Ratio .041, p< .05]
The hypothesis that people with different nationalities would not have different preferences on museum
content was rejected [x² (60, 160) = Pearson .16, Likelihood Ratio .006, p< .05]
5 The hypothesis that people of different age groups would not have different preferences on museum content
was rejected [x² (48, 287) = Pearson .085, Likelihood Ratio .047, p< .05]
Table 5. Methodology questions and relevant procedures

Questions Procedure
1. What is the degree of Assess the perceived degree of museumness of the specific
museumness for the museum and determine the main visitor activity (i.e. learning,
specific exhibition? socialisation, entertainment)
2. Which museum needs will I Identify needs to be supported (audience, mobility, interactivity,
support? adaptivity, communication, cooperation/collaboration)
3. What is the optimal Use the classification of educational theories to determine which
educational approach for best fits the museum needs you wish to support
my purposes?

4. Is Life Long Learning Consider issues of Life Long Learning and the different scenarios
relevant? that apply in the different learning situations and determine the
appropriate learning content for each one
5. Will it be adaptive? Consider issues of individual learning characteristics and use
suitable guidelines
6. How can I involve the user? Use a quick method to involve visitors in design and elicit user

An extensive evaluation of the proposed methodology has not been conducted; however, the
methodology has been applied to a limited number of cases, with very promising results. A more
extensive evaluation is scheduled with diverse museum types and museum needs. Assessment of learning
outcomes in each case will also be performed. For further assisting museums to proceed from exhibition
design to exhibition implementation, we are also planning to compile a guide on which current
technologies are prominent for each design parameter, e.g. which technologies can be employed to
deliver the desired level of adaptability.

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