Yoga - Basic Theory: Personal View. Its Readers Liberty To Study, Think, Believe or Accept The Facts
Yoga - Basic Theory: Personal View. Its Readers Liberty To Study, Think, Believe or Accept The Facts
Yoga - Basic Theory: Personal View. Its Readers Liberty To Study, Think, Believe or Accept The Facts
Every birth in the world is because of natural law. Nobody came suddenly from sky or as a magic !.
The system is planned clearly and cleverly. Development of human body from sperm and ovum is a
great wonder! That’s how every organism in the world is a great wonder! That to born with perfect
health is another wonder! Such a wonderful body is said to be great gift of our master. Its our
primary duty to protect/maintain this wonder.
Once we came out of womb. We are known as body-mind complex. Whatever we process through
this body-mind complex became knowledge to us. Intellect apply skills on such knowledge to
explore anything. To attain any such thing in the world one should have healthy body and mind. our
scriptural approach to attain healthy body and mind is ‘YOGA’.
The purpose of this article is to illustrate the importance of Yoga in human life.
Note: Only glimpse of points discussed under different topics in this article. complete study,
practices and inquiry is required to attain the absolute.
Our life is wonderful gift of god, what we are doing in this life is our gift to god
–Swami chinmayanada
Truth can be stated in a thousand different ways, yet each one can be true.-Swami Vivekananda
Never bother about the knower, Know the Known – Swami Vivekananda
My sincere thanks to:
My foremost Guru Prof.K.Aravind [plusetone industries, bangalore.]
Mr. Ramesh [sanyasi, Ramakrishna math tnagar.]
Swami Paramarthananada [dedicated his life for scriptural teaching]
Asana andiappan [ researcher in Yoga asana]
Swami Vivekananda
Sri Ramakrishna paramahamsa
Swami dayananda saraswathi
Bhagavan sri ramana maharishi
Swami Nithayanada
Swami Sivananda
Swami Krishnananda
Reference :
The Bhagavad Gita the nineteen talks by swami dayananda.
Complete works of Swami Vivekanada published by Ramkrishna math.
Sagothara sagotharigale by Swami Vivekanada.
Raja Yoga by Swami Vivekanada.
Manithanum Theivam aagalam by Suki sivam.
Talks with Sri Ramana Maharishi published by Ramanasramam, tvmalai.
Talks on Bhagavad gita by Swami paramarthananada.
Various talks of Swami Paramarthananada.
Unavey Uyirey by Suki.Sivam.
Body enlightenment an article by Prof.Aravind.K
Junior level Yoga Book by Prof Aravind.K
Questions and content
Yoga the science
• What is Yoga?
Misconception about yoga
• What is not yoga? Understanding yoga
• How yoga works? Origin of yoga
• What are all the principal of yoga? What is yoga
• What are the stages of yoga? Stages of yoga
• Difference between yoga and other Difference between yoga and other physical
exercise? exercise
Understanding body-mind complex
• What is a diet?
• What type of diet should I follow?
Yoga diet
• Why vegetarian is important? Principal of yoga
• Ethics of body, mind and yoga? Stepping before yoga
• Do’s and Don'ts while practice Ethics/moral to eat
• How do I schedule for yoga? Do’s and don’t s
(Almost all questions will have a Conclusion
appropriate answers at end of the Time management
session) Summary
Misconception about Yoga
Is not Religious (as considered Yoga asana ,Pranayama and meditation).
Yoga is not feat, Attaining some complex posture and attract others. Holding breath
for long time, staying under or floating in water for a long time etc…is not yoga.
Not only for old people or someone who is not able to workout.
Yoga is not difficult process to follow, when u have the right attitude.
Today most of people think yoga is a technique to keep the body fit through some
asans practice, and relaxation technique .
Then what is Yoga?.........P.T.O
Understanding yoga
Yoga is based on sound philosophy and deep psychology. Its beyond perceives of
science and technology.
The term ‘yoga’ means Union. The purpose of practicing is to join ourself with
Yoga is perfect practical system of self culture. A discipline of the mind, body and
senses organ.
It’s self education process by which mind is trained to become more nature and
make free from unnatural conditions.
The objective of yoga system is to practice sattavic and balance of rajastic and
tamsic energies.
All the four vedas either directly or indirectly refers yoga system and tradition.
Yoga was explained detail in Yoga sutras by sage ‘Patanjali’ in the name of Asthanga
yoga. Also a glimpse of discussion made by Swami vivekenanda in Raja yoga.
3. Asana’s:- Twisting, bending, stretching & balancing the body in order to maintain a
healthy system. And train the body for a comfort posture.
4.Pranayama:- Various breathing exercise for better utilization of our pranic energy .
The greatest religion is to be true to your own nature. Have faith in yourselves-Swami Vivekanada
Stages of yoga
6.Dharana:-Concentration, Mentally focusing on one particular thought/object. Attaining
both external and internal concentration.
(note: All the eight limbs are big chapter and there are many literacy works on these
topics done by great sages. Each limbs required more explanation to understand the
proper meaning)
Follow the way of virtue. Follow the way joyfully Through this world and on beyond!-Buddha
There is no limit to the power of the human mind. The more concentrated it is, the more power is
brought to bear on one point. –Swami vivekanada.
“Meditation is not concentration or contemplation or prayer. All these things are in the field of mind.
Meditation is all about going beyond the mind and getting dis-identified with the mind.”
Concentration, awareness and peace of mind increases Only concentration may increase .
Blood circulation improves to all part of body Only to some part of body
Breathing becomes slow and deep. Breathing becomes fast and shallow.
This world is the great gymnasium where we come to make ourselves strong –Swami Vivekananda
Understanding system (Body)
Body, Mind Prana and our circumstance are said to be the basic component of yoga. Let us have birds-eye view of
these components .
Human body is Most complex machine in the world, thats why there are endless
We came with Lungs but here we have correct portion of oxygen available. Plants
here takes Co2 from us and gives oxygen.
Our body cannot withstand too high or low temperature. It seems here its perfect to
survey. Sufficient water & land available here to satisfy our basic needs. This nature
is all provided well furnished guest house for any living beings.
Our body is self healing & self regulating system by its nature. Our only duty is to
keep this system in perfect harmony. Just as watering and sufficient sunlight is
enough for plant to grow.
Even though it was perfect design , disease occurs due to misuse of external and
internal system. There are ‘n’ no of external systems impossible to control all. Instead
we can develop a healthy internal system .
God made the world rich enough to feed and clothe all human beings-Mother Teresa
First, believe in the world, that there is meaning behind everything. –Swami Vivekanda
Understanding system…(body)
A healthy body requires 3 basic healthy systems (1) Digestive system (2) Immune
system (3) Respiratory System.
Immune system: Capable of fighting against the foreign germs ,virus etc..
Every system has in-build immune system with a threshold level. There has to be a
opportunity for the system to improve its immune power. As researchers says, every
living being in this world has capacity to rise the threshold level of immune power,
which get programmed in there gene and transferred to next generation. this is
possible only if it gets the opportunity to fight
Mind is very complicated, vast and interesting subject. Understanding once mind is
understanding the self.
Mind is the most powerful processor, powerful instrument, huge storage device and
great faculty of human being because of which we are differentiated from other beings.
All our daily action, thought, experience, thinking, reasoning, questioning…is possible
because of mind. Mind projects the whole world. Without this mind we are nothing in the
world and the world is nothing to us.
Every state of the mind generate some vibration. which is technically called as
•Consciousness – awakened state – 14 to 21hz
•Sub consciousness – Dream state – 7 to 14hz
•Unconsciousness- Deep Sleeping state – 4 to 7hz
•Super consciousness – Samadhi or absolute state- 0 to 4hz
Apart from these during emotional state, mind produces 40hz to 60hz particularly at unhealthy
emotions(angry, stress, anxiety etc).This high frequency produce heat energy and explode through
physical body in various forms. Any unhealthy emotions is worst/weak crisis of human intellect.
All knowledge that the world has ever received comes from the mind; the infinite library of the
universe is in our own mind –Swami Vivekananda
Understanding system…(Mind)
Our scripture points out two main diseases of mind
1.Psychological disease: Addiction to external factors, which includes objects, people,
experiences & events. A slavery mind is weak (because one single mind has to handle
numerous external factor),sick and helpless. Any decision taken by such mind is not self or
intellectual decision it’s some bodies decision( as mind is addicted). thats why mind easily
attracted towards external objects and events
2.Philosophical disease . is identifying our self as mind. Mind is only a instrument, just as our
fingers, hand, leg…
Apart from these two disease, the mind is acting as a character most of time. We act as
student in school/college, as employee in office, as son/daughter in front of our parents, as
husband/wife in front of spouse, as mother/father in front of child… which means most of the
time in life we identify our self with a relation to realtor.
Practicing of yoga is relating ourself with nature to identify our true nature. Without
understanding ourself(mind) we cannot fix the problem. During yoga we are spending
time with ourself .all the other time we know ourself only by others.
Extending the mind towards the external objects gives worldly knowledge. Extending
mind towards internal self is called self/real knowledge.
Known is drop unknown is ocean one who knows the self will knows all
Understanding system…(body and mind and prana)
Any thing in the world is comprises of 5 elements [ Air, Ether, Fire, Water, Earth].
Our human body is not exception. But there are two things within our body other than
elements one is ‘Prana’ (which differentiates us from non-living things). The other is
mind/intellect (which differentiate us from other living beings). These two are
technically known as ‘energy’ capable of doing all actions in our routine. but this
energy needs to be directed properly. One of the best approach to attain such
discipline recommended by scripture is ‘Yoga’ .
Yoga says our body shows various signs & alert regarding our health condition ( in
some moral stories we heard certain sages signed before there death). We have to
train our body and mind sufficiently by yoga to understand our systems sign
Following are some simple signs:
Any wrong food taken will shows immediate sign like vomiting, diarrhea.
Feeling often drowsy in day time under normal circumstance is bad symptom of health.
In normal circumstance /routine, sleep happens in time and wakeup at time.
Bowels has to be cleared twice a day. Particularly in morning it has to happen because, there
is sufficient gap between dinner and next day morning (8-12hours). If digestion process not
completed in this time, definitely problem with either digestive system or food consumed.
Healthy system automatically opts for hungry in time. Particularly in morning, where u cannot
miss the breakfast.
Over weight /under weight is not good sign of healthy system.
The book one must read to learn natural sciences is the book of nature. The book from which to
learn religion is your own mind and heart- Swami Vivekananda
Understanding system…(body mind and prana)
Body and mind are directly propositional if one is sick other also get sick. Thus if we
have control over the body sufficiently we control our mind also & vice versa.
A being composed of these three (Body, Mind & prana) entity is called Human being.
One who have appropriate control over these three entity is said to be greatest of human
Food plays a major role in these three component as yoga strictly recommends
vegetarian way of food only …? P.T.O
Vegetarianism the word doesn’t have right meaning today. Before illustrating definition , certain
points need to discuss.
You are what you eat! A famous quotes. Yoga says the food what we are
consuming will brings certain vibrations to us, generate respective thought and
emotions. That’s why yoga says food play a important role in life .
Non- vegetarian spoils PH value of our blood and makes impure. Also it contains dead
cells which otherwise called corpse where there is absence of pranic energy as per
yoga. where as vegetarian has living cell as required for active body and mind.
Non-Vegetarian food takes at least 10-12hrs to get digest. Any food our system
holding more than 8hrs becomes poison to our system.
Herbivorous animal are soft in nature. Because of there food culture, there waste are
used as fertilizer for plants. They are also called as farmer’s friend. Nowhere
carnivorous animals waste were used.
Herbivorous animal are stronger than carnivorous. Thats why horse, cow-cart,
elephant, camel are used as locomotive.
We must get beyond emotionalism if we want the power to renounce. Emotion belongs to the animals. They are
creatures of emotion entirely-Swami vivekanada How to follow vegetarian diet …..? P.T.O
Yoga Diet
Yoga classifies food in to three types.
Satvik (pure foods);- are fresh fruits, vegetables, sprouts, green leaf, beans, legumes, whole
grains and milk, butter, ghee any milk derivatives in moderate.
Nature:: also called as Natural food or live food. Required for active body and mind, helps for
higher thoughts in life, helps emotional equanimity, aids all creation in equal.
Rajasik (energizing foods) :- are pepper, chilli, spices, condiments, other sour and bitter things.
Nature:: Stimulates emotional entity of human, indirectly creates problems to human relations.
Tamsik (stupefying foods):- are meat, egg, fish, alcohol, beverages
Nature:: looks down the creation, obstacle of spiritual progress, stimulates terroristic activities,
sadistic activities..
One has to include more satvik food, moderate rajasik food and reduce/avoid
tamasik food.
Food affects the mind. For the practice of any kind of yoga, vegetarianism is absolutely necessary
since it makes the mind more sattvic [pure and harmonious]-Ramana Maharishi
Yoga diet
Fruits are said as primary food in yoga. Because, fruits are first food for human, No need to
process, consumed as it is(natural form), gives instant energy and nutrition than any other food, that’s
why sick people are recommended to have fruits, also Hindus will not worship any god without a fruit.
Fruits are not recommended to consume with any other foods. Instead during hungry u can eat
fruits and after 1/2– 1 hour consume other foods. This make the system to observe the complete
nutrition of fruits. If consumed immediately after any other food, which takes more time than fruits.
you may not get complete nutrition of fruits. Also creates blot in stomach
The quality of food influences the mind. The mind feeds on the food consumed –Ramana Maharishi
Principle of Yoga
One important principal of yoga is, the food we consumed has capacity to
stimulate some vibration in our system. Quality of food stimulates respective
The food we consumed becomes threefold, the coarsest become faeces, medium
become flesh and sublets becomes mind/attitude.
The efficient usage of Digestion, immune & respiratory systems is more than
enough for a healthy system.
Consumed food must digest completely else that became the most harmful poison.
By supplying enough oxygen and blood to all organs and blood vessels of our body
will help us to lead healthy life.
Stagnant of oxygen, blood, energy or food in our body leads to several health
problems. Just as a stagnant of water is room for various micro/macro organism.
Experience is the only teacher we have. We may talk and reason all our lives, but we shall not
understand a word of truth until we experience it ourselves –Swami Vivekananda
Principle of yoga
Living beings having lesser the breath rate has greater the life span .
Creature Breathing Rate Lifespan
Rabbit 40 8
Dog & monkey 30 15
Horse 20 40
Human being 15 100
Elephant 12 120
Tortoise/turtle 6/4 150/250
It was said emotions are weakened faculty of human intellect, during which our
knowledge will be clouded, we cannot able to think clearly even though we are clever.
That’s how mind is out of control and we may not aware, what we are doing at
circumstance. As u have noticed during any emotions our breathe rate will be fast and
shallow. yoga applies a reverse logic here if u reduce the breathe rate and improve to
breathe deep your emotional threshold will be increased. Pranayama is practices of
deep breathe and reduce the breathe rate.
As said before prana is energy in our system responsible for all activities. Our scripture
points out three main energies (sakthi) which is responsible for all the activities in human
life. 1.ithcha sakthi (power to desire) 2.jana sakthi(power to think) 3.kriya sakthi(power to
act). These power to desire – think – act are responsible for today’s well developments
in world. Taking these energy in right direction is achieved through yoga way of life.
When you give up thinking of outward objects and prevent your mind from going outwards by
turning it inwards and fixing it in the Self, the Self alone remains-Ramana Maharishi
Before stepping to yoga asana
(revival of Yama’s and niyama’s)
To undergo any activities we need a qualification or preparatory session to finish
successfully. Just as we starts from L.K.G – Primary-Secondary – Higher secondary
and then college to get a degree.
As Yama’s and Niyamas are the preceding stages of yoga . it is necessary to follow
these principle's for efficiency. these yama's and niyams are ethics and moral of
human relation with self and world.
(Please note:: Only few important virtue discussed here)
Virtue Definition/Brief explanation Related with our context
Books are infinite in number and time is short. The secret of knowledge is to take what is
essential. Take that and try to live up to it- Swami Vivekananda
Virtue Definition/Brief explanation Related with our context
Not-stealing. Not only mean breaking any
Asteya is not only stealing other time also we should
locker and taking valuables.(a)Any unfair
not waste our time. Proper schedule and agenda
transaction through which we drive any
Asteya has to be there daily then only you have time for any
benefits. (b)Any due’s including tax.
healthy activity including yoga .
(c)Wasting/stealing time which will never get
Tapas is increasing the tolerance by utilizing many
spiritual activities in hindu like fasting, voluntarily
renouncing certain discomfort, walking to pilgrims
without slipper, long yatra’s…etc.but here I like to
Austerity or Discipline. Is not something you
invoke a type of taps useful for yogic life.
have to follow because its rule/law. Its query for
Fasting is not advised by yoga for normal personality
intellectual ‘what I want really?’ and following
but, certain type of fasting is recommended:
any disciple deliberately / full-hearted/ lovingly.
Tapas 1.Eat only fruits for a day
if I want healthier body & mind then I require
2.Eat only raw vegetables for a day
healthy food and yoga. In other sense tapas is
3.Eat only sprouts and whole grains for a day
a practice to increase the physical and mental
4.Eat only liquid foods for a day
tolerance/threshold level.
5.Renounce one of the taste in six (sweet, sour, salt,
spicy, bitter, poignant, ) for each day. More helpful
for emotional growth.
Remember the purpose of eating is not to satisfy tongue or belly, they are all
intermediate. A food has to provide sufficient energy and nutrition's to body and mind.
One should have heavy or moderate breakfast, moderate lunch and light dinner.
Comparatively breakfast has to be heavy because whatever we consume will burnt easily as we
work for whole day. Which also reduced our further intake during lunch, dinner and supper. This
works greatly to reduce/ maintain body weight.
Dinner has to be light because, the system does all the repair works of both physical and mental
during sleep. The digestive system requires more energy to process its cycle effectively. If we keep
this system busy during our sleep, the actual repair work will be backlogged. Such sleep will not
give us active day or its incomplete sleep. That why most of the people feel often sleepy.
Whenever a guest comes to our house we will preferable greeting him. we wont
disrespects the guest by doing some other work. Similarly when we intake food we need
to concentrate on our intake & chewing. U should not undertake any other activity while
eating like watching TV, chatting, reading… instead u can recall the nutrition in the food
consuming. That meal will gives complete nourishment.
Anything that brings spiritual, mental, or physical weakness, touch it not with the toes of your feet.
As I said digestion starts from mouth, so intake food has to be chewed nicely in to tiny
particles which has so many advantages. all the Herbivorous animals will chew the food
nicely before they swallow. where as the carnivores will swallow immediately.
helps in digesting, makes digestive system work efficiently & quickly.
It increases the volume. Thereby our intake will be in control, which mean our consumption will be
Drinking too much water in between meal or after meal will slow the digestion process.
Our oesophagus is earth warm like structure which will allows food one by one in to the stomach.
It reduces the absorption of saliva which is important for digestion.
It was said our system is capable of producing respective acids or enzymes once the food tasted
by tongue. Such acids are produced in stomach, while we intake water there is chance of
neutralizing this acids and create additional load to system.
Nicely chewed food doesn’t feel us to take water.
Rotten or bad odour foods should be avoided completely. Eat as much fresh as
Normally cooked vegetarian food will take maximum of six- eight hours to digest. So the food
consuming has to be good for the next 4-5 hours. That’s why food that cooked in the morning
should not be consumed in the evening.
After the invention of refrigeration and owens, we use to intake previous days food by heating.
Which is not recommended by yoga.
Eating food slowly and chewing nicely is very important. Because It takes little time for
brain to sign food consumed is sufficient or not. If we are in hurry while eating, we may
not able to receive any such sign, which leads to more consumption or heavy meal.
Don’t overeat follow the sign of the system. 50%-solid food, 25%- liquid food, and 25%-empty
stomach is recommended by yoga.
When an idea exclusively occupies the mind, it is transformed into an actual physical or mental
state-Swami Vivekananda
Hope from the preceding slides it was understood yoga is not just some form of
exercise to do. yoga is complete life science, which changes your life style itself.
Some may think it required lot of changes in life to practice yoga. Anyhow changes are
inevitable in life. If we look back our childhood, we came over many changes physical,
mental, ideas, attitudes, values, peoples everything's get changed, changing and
changeable. If one of such change makes your life meaningful by rising your life style to
a yogic level, hope definitely you like that change which is called ‘yoga’.
How do I change? For any changes we should first have intention or desire to change.
The major factors to execute the changes are not external, change should happen in
mind (internal).
As I said before energies(sakthi) of desire – thinking – action is process of any activities
in life. Desire and thinking happens in mind the third one is action, which alone is
Most of the time we are not consciously responsible for our desire/wish but yoga says
we are responsible for growth of any thought. But will get sufficient control over growth of
thought by following certain disciple like yama’s and niyama’s.the Changes has to be
registered in mind as primary information. By repeated meditation on this information will
help in implementation.
If the mind is intensely eager, everything can be accomplished—mountains can be crumbled into
atoms –Swami Vivekananda
Still If we are not able to implement…?
The following may be the obstacles (1) Not–interested (2) Laziness (3) habituated
Not- interested – Mean that you have not understood what yoga is. yoga is essential
ethics and practice of any human being. Therefore it is necessity! And not matter of
interested or not-interested. In other words yoga is manual for human being or Rules to
lead a life. One cannot violate even the government rule just because he/she is not
interested. A rule is a rule. Which is government discipline and here its divine discipline.
Laziness - I have understood the fact that yoga is not matter of interest its
necessity/rule. but still I couldn’t implement this is called ‘laziness’.
Apart from above three we should have clear thinking, planning and ability to implement
in day to day life.
If you feel, yogic way of life and disciple said In this articles are difficult for a normal
person. No matter anything cannot be changed over the night, keep all discipline in mind
try to follow as close as possible leave the rest to lord.
I don’t have time…
This quotes said by most of the people normally, particularly in this context.
A day has 24hrs for all the people. If you monitor yourself a day (or) hire someone to
watch you activities without informing you. You will come to know how much time you
are wasting in a day.
On the other side we have time to watch TV, chatting, gossipe, watching match,
politics, shopping… you have time for all except for yourself. If u don’t find few minutes
in a day to maintain your health, later you will be spending months/years to recovery
Time = life; therefore, waste your time and waste of your life, or master your time and master your
Note: Time is the only factor which you never get back at any cost in your life time.
Still don’t have time, just try to getup 20-30 minutes earlier from usual time and utilize
that time for yoga. Regular practice of this will definitely uplift your activities in life.
Make a rule not to have meal before practicing yoga.
Healthy quotes by Experts
Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that
were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas
Jefferson, and Albert Einstein.-H. Jackson Brown
Being busy does not always mean real work. The object of all work is production or accomplishment
and to either of these ends there must be forethought, system, planning, intelligence, and honest
purpose, as well as perspiration. Seeming to do is not doing.
-Thomas A. Edison
You cannot believe in god until you believe in yourself –Swami Vivekananda.
Anything that makes weak - physically, intellectually and spiritually, reject it as poison
- Swami vivekanada
Learn Everything that is Good from Others, but bring it in, and in your own way absorb it; do not
become others-Swami vivekanada
What you can do and what you cannot do outside is always a question of capability. But when it
comes to the inside it is just a question of willingness . –Jaggi vasudev
An illness is not cured just by pronouncing the name of the medicine without drinking it, and you will
not be liberated by just pronouncing the word God without direct experience. –adi Shankara
Without your involvement you can't succeed. With your involvement you can't fail.
-Dr. Abdul Kalam
“the first part of human life we harms the healthy body to gain wealth. the second part we waste our
wealth to retain the health”
Remove false conclusions, and Understanding Yoga.
(All the discussion are subjected to my knowledge & personal view. Intention is to
illustrate and make understand yoga. not to hurt once personal belief or principal if its
so my sincere apologies for those personalities )
Thanks for spending your valuable time