Course: Physics (PH101) : Duration: 3 Weeks
Course: Physics (PH101) : Duration: 3 Weeks
Course: Physics (PH101) : Duration: 3 Weeks
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1. A harmonic wave is represented by the wave function, ψ(x, t) = 3 sin(0.6x − 2.2t + π);
here ψ and x are in cm, and t is in sec. Determine the amplitude, frequency, wavelength,
velocity, and phase constant of the wave.
2. Two harmonic waves of the same amplitude and the same frequency, but different
phases superpose. The amplitude of the resultant wave is the same as that of any
individual wave. Determine the phase difference between the two individual waves.
3. The equation of a wave in a medium is given as ψ(x, t) = 4 cos( 2πx
) sin(10πt); here ψ
and x are in cm, and t is in sec. Calculate the amplitude and wave length of the two
component waves.
4. Two waves, given by ψ1 (x, t) = 3 sin(ωt+ π5 ) and ψ2 (x, t) = 3 sin(ωt+ π3 ), are superposed.
Calculate the resultant amplitude and phase of the superposed wave.
5. Three waves, given by ψ1 = 2 sin(ωt − 30), ψ2 = 5 sin(ωt + 60), and ψ3 = 4 sin(ωt + 30),
are superposed. Calculate the resultant wave equation of the superposed wave.
D2 n −D2
6. Derive the expression, λ = n+p 4pR
; here, λ and R represent, respectively, the wave-
length of light and radius of curvature of plano-convex lens used in Newton’s rings
experiment, and Dn and Dn+p are diameters of nth and (n + p)th dark rings; above
expression is also same for bright rings. Note that R and D can be measured using
spherometer and travelling microscope; therefore, simple counting p, one can determine
the λ of the light used in Newton’s rings experiment.
air )2 −(D air )2
7. Derive the expression, µ = liq
)2 −(Dnliq 2
; here, (Dnair )2 and (Dn+p
air 2
) represent, respec-
tively, diameters of nth and (n + p) dark rings associated with air film, and (Dnliq )2
liq 2
and (Dn+p ) are diameters of the same set of dark rings associated with liquid film;
above expression is also same for bright rings. Note that by measuring diameters of
the same set of rings in air and liquid films one can determine the refractive index µ of
the liquid, used in Newton’s rings experiment.
Assignment#02 Optics: Wave and Interference duration: 3 weeks
8. Newton’s rings are formed using a lens of radius of curvature 100 cm. Calculate the
diameter of the 20th bright ring, if wavelength of the monochromatic light used is 5900
A◦ .
9. In a Newton’s ring experiment with air film, the difference of squares of diameter of nth
and (n + 1)th rings is 0.22 cm2 . On introducing a liquid between the lens and the glass
plate, this value changes to 0.16 cm2 . Calculate the refractive index (µ) of the liquid.
10. In a Newton’s ring experiment, it is observed that with light of λ = 5890 A◦ , the
difference of squares of diameter of successive dark rings is 0.12 cm2 . What happens
to this quantity if (i) λ is changed to 4840 A◦ , (ii) a liquid of µ = 1.42 is introduced
between lens and glass plate, and (iii) the radius of curvature of the plano-convex lens
is doubled?
11. In a Newton’s ring experiment, the diameter of nth and (n+5)th dark rings are 0.114 cm
and 0.142 cm, respectively. Find the diameters of (i) (n − 5)th and (ii) (n + 10)th dark
12. Newton’s rings are formed by sodium light. What is the order of the dark ring which
has double diameter of that of the 20th dark ring?
13. A source of light emitting two wavelengths λ1 = 6000 A◦ and λ2 = 4500 A◦ is used in a
normal setup for Newton’s rings. It is found that the nth dark ring due to λ1 coincides
with (n + 1)th dark ring for λ2 . If the radius of curvature of the lens is 100 cm, find the
diameter of nth dark ring for λ2 .