Lec 36
Lec 36
Lec 36
Lecture - 36
Simultaneous multithreading, multi-cores
Last class sometime, we discuss something else. So, tip stands for secular parallelism
something we have to be take for after that TLP and MLP that is extraction level
parallelism in a importable parallelism. So, treadle parallelism essentially talks about
program and that is faulty parallelism sets all portion of a program how to manage the
threads popularly and HT stand for hyper threading some of you heard about inutility.
We just the high lights for simultaneous duplicity. So, this 1 this particular term was
originally called researcher later Intel modified that in little bit hyper city. So, will see
the slippen is between what was actually proposed in it was a finally, implicated it make
the processor CMP stands for chip multi processor use another 1 doing multi threading
on chip. So, you will look at all these architectures.
(Refer Slide Time: 02:54)
So, let us start with SMT its stands for simultaneous multithreading. So, here the basic
goal is to run multiple threads at a same time. So, the in a size of the term same time,
because whatever; we you have seen in a system essentially a and multiple threads are
usually time multiplex on the machine here the problem about managing multiple threads
at the same time who is off course, wait that the hardware support to be and why is it
helpful for why should discuss these things, because these steps in hiding memory
because running is blocked still possible schedule radiance structure without taking a
So, 1 following property of the these type of multithreading is that there is nothing
always an acting forward pick up the structure and schedule them. So, improves activity
memory lessons that because, it essentially allows you to send more memory requires.
So, why launch central inputs alone more thread which and a this is a exactly important
today’s graphics actually explained much largest GPU’s for is stands for graphics have if
you look at the recent advice recent CPU's coming on to the industry, if you have the
more than thousands such steps.
So, the 1000, so will not be that is before 8 steps basic concepts is same off course,
scaling thousands threads that is requires certain amount of a knowledge because others
are will be will be have main problems like scaling. So, learn get they will livid small
number thread is a see what the basic concepts ok.
So, improves research synchronization honestly as compared to super scarer process
because super scarer process it is doing a as a single thread and going to the threads at
the cash mess it the last cash hierarchy extra option will be top there will be block
everything. We just sees what is happening today, here both really knowing is that time
to package many to some way. So, it arouses you which have want thread put you
happen a 1 cashmeres willing a thread and why not cashmeres.
So, latency of particular stage, but the overall through put of the system will be increases
because of the unit is that a unit of time will be that is all there is an average number of
retired instruction per cycle.
So, there are 3 design choices for single core hardware in multithreading. So, we have
talking about just 1 that is what the single core topical and handle what are do
unthreading 2 steps 1 is 2 threads is a. So, options 1 is coarse grain multithreading which
means execute 1 thread at a time when the running thread is blocked on a long latency
event like cash miss swap in a new thread this swap can take place in hardware so; that
means, that will needs extra support and extra cycles for flushing the pipe and saving
register values unless renamed registers rename remain pinned.
So, what you manses that a running a thread. So, takes a cache miss currently we look at
the register maps the sudden register maps. So, there will watching on the register
suddenly having a maps put. So, you have what you wanted do is that you want to quote
this said to see for sometime to a cash miss and will new said and runs. So, the things
will be well off course, here to change the program because that is what new threading
that is it which new said what going animate the mesh up that the registers use for the old
threads a set properly. So, let us come back to the compact enrich.
So, this can tools 1 is that can copy the registers into memory then the thread you could
copy the memory copied back to register. So, that other option is that you already, have
certain register renamed regarding to register set idea to current physical values you said
a well these is the register’s will rename allocated they cannot be used by any other
threads that is as to be obvious all saving mechanics you do not have it was the more that
these are external quarter.
So, not be cash paid; they remain as a method and that is weight exactly what today’s
will not get loads in register that which is while finally, if use had case of and this is the
reason and need is because support 1000 yes you have to say the map yes you have to
look at that unless you have to support multiple maps. So, will you have see actually
these kind of the registers could actually have to multiple. So, abide a saving a of a
anywhere you have to check right.
So, here, so why it is called coarse grain multithreading, because what will doing is that
we are really not mixing threads instruction very fine way. let a 1 a time only things that
upholding system who well doing a threads in which, but a most wasted way that was
you are saving system what happens; here are a actually of the threads right. So, fine way
threads which is, but you are still ready goes to what abide system you will you are a
making what we blocked ok.
The next is we can proving that is fine grain multithreading that is fetch decode rename
issue execute instructions from threads in round robin fashions. So, what it means it that
this cycle I have will fetch decode rename issue execute instruction from threads 1 next
cycle fetch decode rename issue instructions from thread 2 and. So, would cycle through
the threads. So, notice that here I am not I just have single fight here is I am just I am just
switching the program congress to make sure what instruction make in.
So, may be walls instruction may be this side to a cycle thread to instruction, so every
cycle program so here whets we got the problem. So, its improved utilization across
cycle not doubt about this, so into extracts. So, here what may happen is that because of
several research are there you will may not be able to explain the entire researcher are
there here will solve the problems it across threads sorry across cycle, but the problem
remains within a cycle.
So, within a single cycle what may happening in the certain cycle the current is will be
get blocked the final in these cycle take on only 2 instruction to be issued the that time is
2 instruction the suppose the divided into 4 issues clubs; that means, 50 percent issues
are also if a threads gets blocked on a long latency event its slot will go wasted for many
cycles it was what because it is a statistics. We are say that 2 threads what cycle to be
given thread 1 said to be thread 2. So, thread wise thread 1 is a cash miss all the cycles
thread 2 is a.
So, we talks about after policies also verifying an s m t processor is much harder than the
basic underlying superscalar design because essentially you got doing is a act as soon as
bringing 2 threads you have look at the clauses of the which to a threads expects, because
it, so and that. So, we must think about various deadlock live lock possibilities since the
threads interact with each other through shared resources on a per cycle basis for
example, we have to think about.
So, these is the problem that operative system designer actual think about now is the
hardware designer is a think about to do this to the what will happen is there the thread
may only a resource as other thread will and there will be cycle of resources right see
now, so these things. So, these things and. So, the other option that to start thinking about
addition to this was that why not exploit the transistors available today to just replicate
existing superscalar cores and design a single chip multiprocessor.
So, why not install the transistor just think at coarse to a design a transistors just replicate
of his single chip and we have the multiprocessor right. So, we have, so many transistor,
so that that make to the concept of chip and that is want you find it ways its essentially
the way for many.
(Refer Slide Time: 15:25)
So, right in 90’s when efforts people on this came out for the they name which important
that is. So, here some list of client that happen in industry know exhaust it we just you
examples. So, Intel’s dual core Pentium core each core was hyper threaded actually we
have a 3 multithreading core and it is a just existing core Intel’s recent sandy bridge and
ivy bridge they have more cores on chip for the server market Intel has announced what
to write in a 2 feature core named Montecito again each core is 2 way threaded AMD has
realized dual core option in 2005 in recent AMD processors has more cores IBM
released their first dual core processors power and power 4 in 2001.
We talk about power 4 little bit makes power 5 also see this 2 core, but each core is 2
way threaded. So, will also talk about power 5 Sun’s ultra spark 4 releasing in early 2004
is a dual core processor integrates 2 ultra spark 3 cores. So, pretty much you know you
look at any chief manufacturer they have gone this 1 alright.
(Refer Slide Time: 16:42)
So, let see what the designs problem here are so first of all we do this. So, 1 thing, I have
already entered that that is you have challenges. So, question was how we imply this 1
ok. So, today micro processor designers can afford to have a lot of transistors on their die
like for example, if you look at the recent GPU’s they have more than in a lot transitions
and a ever shrinking feature size leads to dense packing. So, what we would do with, so
many transistors. So, 1 obvious solution in that I just use for sometime was said they
invested lot of transistors to cash it ok.
But, beyond the point what happens is that you will going to get the return for what you
investing natural choice also think about few chip designers decided to bring the memory
and co hence controllers along with the router on the die. So, 1 example was compeller
example. So, what you do is that you could just if you need any. The next obvious choice
was to replicate the entire cores just use the existing cores and correct them for alright.
(Refer Slide Time: 18:20)
So, the for all these things moors law how many of you heard of this. So, what he says in
that the number of transistors on a die doubles every 18 to 24 months alright. So, that is;
that means, an exponential growth in available transistor count if transistor utilization is
constant this would lead to exponential performance growth, but life is slightly more
complicated. So, some of you might have seen these as the modes of that you know
performance doubles every months that is not.
The problem is that where transistors technology. So, where delay becomes the constant
our transistors get passed with the communication becomes more costly. So, short way as
a good which dictates the localized logic design you do not want long way as you
distributed logic and all these things alright, but the superscalar processor exercise a
centralized control requiring long wires because pretty much if you look at the issue here
that controls everything. So, the will control the central part it decides what instructions
we issue and what instructions we like to rectify.
So, a power in a pipe line because by pass and all those requirements; however, to utilize
the transistors well we need to overcome the memory wall problem. So, this we talked
about the problem that your processors most of kind all very important to hide memory
We need to extract more independent instructions that more instructions that is only
because it saying that what you can do is that you have a study for a instructions come
you want to hide during this entire time instructions and executing the essentially why
extracting more independent instructions right. So, what that requires mostly you heard
that because if you do not have molding flights ok.
But, for that we need bigger POB which, in turn requires a bigger register file also we
need to have bigger issue queues to be able to find more parallelism none of the
structures scale well main problem is wiring. So, they require long wiring. So, best
solution to utilize these transistors effectively with a low cost must not require long wires
and must be able to leverage existing technology. So, CMP satisfies these goals exactly
which use the existing processors and invest transistors to have more of these on chip
instead of trying to scale the existing processor for more. So, multi core was actually a
natural choice go with this direction ok.
So, here we have the chart that shows this slightly actually where off course thirty today
this 1 this 1 only shown up to I think these are these are chart of intervals processors. So,
what the point is that y access the large scale x axis is linear scale this line is. So, that
actually substantial it is not totally linear, but more or less.
(Refer Slide Time: 22:10)
So, now ensuring that you are done this you put multiple task on a single chip, but then
did not I just make my power consumption roughly n fold by putting n cores on the die
answer is yes if you do not scale down voltage or frequency. So, usually chip multi
processors are clocked at lower frequency you must have noticed this that has number of
cores increases normally the processor is not get the slower to the reason is actually, this
voltage scaling happens due to smaller process technology because physics tells you that
if I make a transistors that smaller I have to reduce the supply otherwise transistor will
break down.
So, you have to scaled on voltage you cannot that is you start reducing the. So, which
means if you keep on the higher speed there will be fundamental problem in designing
pipelines. So, is that, so have a pipe lines where is chocks.
(Refer Slide Time: 26:01)
So, have a pipeline these are my pipeline an here I found. So, this is the input this is
output like etcetera. So, that I am doing is that I have scale down the voltage of these
transistors that implement a logic or else that locking the transistors is there any problem.
So, I this is the clock supply is gone down I have not drop down the top figures and I say
that if you bring down the supply is it will be go down you transistor will naturally
operate at a slower rate what will happen.
Exactly stay is do not be copied. So, even report is computation complicit side that those
of this latch and I will get a wrong value from the latch alright. So, you have bring down
frequency for other reasons, but not the less to keep your part assumptions you also have
to lower the frequency. So, what happens is that you know that energies in this square
route for your basic physics alright and power consumption is energy part any time. So,
what you get is the supportiveness frequency that is the more or less linearly related we
were some.
So, what we get is of a dependence of power on voltage frequent that is what you have to
get. So, which is good because as your transistors saying you have to bring down the
supply voltage automatically you get a cubic saving ok. So, that actually helps here
which means that if you have cores you do not have to get a 1 way clock because you are
gaining something here actually at same block that can we put point here is that when
you designing these multi core processor you cannot just. So, what we do is that we
change a electric.
We talk about performance per watt just 1 thing that occurring to which is actually same
alright why because your performance is all about all over time right because we said
that if the time goes down performances increases right. So, performance all other time,
so these is essentially time for watt. So, these were essentially tells you that if we have
less energy it is good alright. So, is somewhat, because all we need to do is to. So, about
general metric is performance.
So, energy we can now talk about energy times time that is often following for example,
if you set k equal to 1 that what exact energy multiplied by execution time ok. If you set
k equal to 2 energy execution time square. So, that will put different affairs on energy
and we needs smarter techniques to further improve these metrics for example, today all
processors implement online voltage frequency scaling which dynamically monitor your
processor performance and decides whether; you need to rise he true voltage or I can
actually stay it down and see performance and when we stay on any of the environment
that used by on dynamic voltage frequency scaling.
If you interested, I can use the weapons when the raw idea is there you dynamically
monitor your processors performance try to establish an correlation performance not the
potential hold time and actually apply it and then. So, in all the processors we actually
discuss 1 implementation on this would not much on that value.
(Refer Slide Time: 28:47)
So, some of the basics about chit fund processor the following try to put in that way
correction between the processors right. So, we do not want to access interconnect too
frequently because, these wires are slow that was the fundamental reason why you want
a chit from the long wire desires ok. So, it probably does not make much sense to have
the L1 cache shared among the cores. So, what is saying is that.
So, I have these cores here let us say we have 4 cores and it content the pipe line for
executing results alright. So, first option talks about putting the interconnected connect
the cores and then put the cache we have L1 L2 L3 etcetera alright. So, essentially what I
am saying is that I have shared L1 which is a good idea the answer is no, because every
cores instruction from every core will have to and that clearly depicts this whole process
alright. So, it requires very high bandwidth and necessitate a redesign of the L1 cache
and surrounding load store unit which we do not want to do because, what you require is
on L1 cache. So, that you can brand access to all of them concurrently ok.
So, what people do is that they settle for private L1 L2 cache. So, what for means is that
I need a private hierarchy here that can help for most of the load to operation alright? So,
what usually today we do is that we put L1 into here. So, they distribute this alright. So,
each core gets private L1 L2 cache and you share the L3 cache. So, what will happen is
that there will be a variable x. So, which is deciding in all the L2 caches here alright? So,
in 1 of the core is right to value of that is you tell the others. So, that the value has
changed alright.
So, 1 may use high speed custom designs will be connecting the L2 controllers or may
use the. So, let me explain this alright. So, image that you have a variable in a program
which is shared by all the processors. So, we are suppose currently x as deciding here
and here and the values 2 x for the variable x alright. So, now, a program says that C2
has the right to the variable axis alright. So, we will access every 1 is the cache access L2
we will access l three. So, x will be here if we have inclusive cache alright. So, L3 to get
x and in cache as here and here hierarchy and generates a new value for x which is 3.
So, here it is 2 this is 3 is also 2 fine. So, now, what will happen is that. So, this guy may
want to right x alright copies x here generates a new value which is 5 and I can keep on
doing like this eventually I can show you that all processors will have the variable x in.
There is the variable x everybody sees a new value of x and your program is to make
sure that while this might happen. So, forget about this 1 while this right happens you
could tell these 2 guys that is a new value been generated for x you should be aware of it
There is 2 doing that 1 is called the smoothly protocol what it does is that whenever x
tries to access from the share L3 cache it will launch the address of the variable on the
process every else which loops the process pickup the address and make a comparison of
the values with all the address here. So, essentially not all the addresses we pick up the
address index into L2 cache and see if that particular cache block is and if it is present
and if they launched command was actually a right command I will be box from here
So, in this case these 2 guys will actually match cache. So, that there will be always
modified value of x alright. So, that guarantees this point and this is now wrong
subsequently c not will access x if you goes an access x from here assuming that right
back cache and this value only when C2 the block alright make sure that whenever
somebody tries access on it gets directed to the on current owner of the particular
variable. So, in this case what will happen is that C not tries to access x will not
everybody this guy will get a match and actually will generate a new value on the
process which we picked up while.
So, that is what which make sure that the value, now here the problem is that if you have
the large number of processors will have to whenever a right is generated is to tell the
everybody that somebody right in to this particular variable. So, that requires the
broadcast, but here what we really want to do is we just want to tell these 2 guys because
others do not care because others do not have to. So, what you could do is that you could
met in a directory system which design will go and look up figure of that go only c not
and C3 all the processors and you send 2 point to point messages to these 2 guys saying
that alright that is called the directory protocol.
So, I am not going to much more detail about this protocols, but this is the basic thing
that requires and entirely this is different desired choice is not to share the cache
hierarchy at all. So, what you could do is that you could pull L3 up also here. So, nothing
stops you from designing, where each processor also has the L3 and then; so there is
nothing shared alright.
So, hardly dual core AMD and Intel actually you get this it reads you of the, but your
gain in the convocation previously, what you could do is that you could share certain
variables in L3 cache very first c not to drive something and right; it back to the L3 C3
could consume that to L3 and now you have to all the interconnect go all the way up to
get a back. So, you today you will probably not find any such that either a complete
private hierarchy the last is always shared ok.
It is not exactly because normally this particular interconnect will be outside and this
protocol will keep the L3.
(Refer Slide Time: 39:06)
So, if you do have a shared last cache need to be banked we have talked about that
already while because, otherwise it increases vacancy. So, then we have to talk about
how many coherence engines per bank that is. So, having more engines may actually
speed up your coherence processing now the question is that if you have bank
Let me have the and let suppose that this is actually a banked L3 caches it may be alright.
So, now try to put a address on the box if we have not the globally responded. So, then
may be 1 of the L3 banks actually has a. So, the cache of the particular bank that holds
the cache it is called home bank cache. So, it is a simple function which takes the address
and figures out of home bank. So, it just a partially approved and a miss in the home
bank means that the block is. So, this all we talked about directory is there any reason
why I might want to change the home bank of cache yes right exactly see if you have an
interconnect which is said that.
Let me show you 1 example and I’ll just showing it is a logical diagram. So, of course,
the blocks will be distributed on the ring alright. So, will be there, so let us assume that
each ring stop has a bank of l three. So, we have a 4 bank L3 and the banks distributed
like this you have c not is that it means a particular cache block whose home is here and
let suppose that scenery is unable to catch this drop very efficiently.
So, then it make hence actually change the home bank from here to here, but this can
only be done dynamically at a monitor in the axes banking. So, there are proposals which
actually does this if we do dynamic migration at the if you can figure out that the
particular page that actually you can move the entire page you can change all the home
of all the cache block in that page from here to here.
(Refer Slide Time: 43:03)
Now, the SMT and CMP add couple more levels in hierarchical multiprocessor design.
So, what may happen now is that if you take this And say that well each core now has
several threads on.
So, that these all are SMT code. So, if just have an SMT processor that is this much or
may be this and this alright among the threads you can do shared memory
multiprocessing with possibly the fastest probably gets why because, this thread right
something to L1 the other thread will consume directly from l. You can connect that
SMT processor to build a s m t over a sooty bus. So, like this for example, I have
connected 4 SMT cores over a sooty bus here if is a ring it could be pass out and you
connect these SMT boards over a taking this whole thing in correcting few of these over
a new draw alright. So, that I get a pretty large multiprocessor.
For example if I. So, 1 single loop gives me sixteen threads we connect just 4 of these I
get 64 threads, you could the same thing the CMP only different is that you need to
design the on chip core is which is not automatically as in this. So, notice that in SMT I
do not need any quarries protocol either this might be itself is shared ok. If you have the
same thing with each core being a SMT like this the communication becomes costlier as
you go up the hierarchy right as you go up it becomes more and more costly.
Because, it takes time also communication becomes very much right. So, here your
compiler can give a very good job in actually, producing very good.
So, most designs sport SMT cores on a multi core die like that will talk about these 5 just
that is why I listed these 3 also we talk about 2 SMT case studies that is Intel plenty of 4
hyper study and Compaq EV 8. So, this 1 is actually 2 not 464, we talked about 21264.
This particular processor got cancelled because, that is exactly when Compaq got bought
by and will discuss these 4 I have IBM power 4 etcetera. So, I gone a stop here today.