Student Manual 2
Student Manual 2
Student Manual 2
Learning Competencies:
The learner:
1. Designs a research useful in daily life
2. Writes a research title
3. Describes background of research
4. States research questions
5. Indicates scope and delimitation of study
6. Cites benefits and beneficiaries of study
7. Presents written statement of problem
8. Defines terms used in the study
A. External Criteria
1. Novelty
2. Availability of subjects
3. Administrative Support
4. Availability and adequacy of facilities and equipment
5. Ethical considerations
B. Internal Criteria
1. Motivation, interest, intellectual curiosity and perceptiveness of the
2. Experience, training and professional qualifications
3. Costs and returns
4. Hazards, penalties, and handicaps
Ask yourself the question, ‘What is it that I want to find out in this subarea?’
NOTE: Do not attempt to solve too many problems in your selected area of
interest. Just choose a single piece of the pie.
5. Formulate Objectives
To determine if there is a significant relationship between
tardiness and academic performance of the Grade 11 STEM
students in Asian College of Technology – International
Educational Foundation
Question form:
Is there a significant relationship between tardiness and academic
performance of the Grade 11 STEM students in Asian College of
Technology – International Educational Foundation
7. Double-check
Declarative titles – state the main findings or conclusions (e.g. ‘A three-month weight
loss program increases self-esteem in adolescent girls’)
Descriptive titles – describe the subject of the article but do not reveal the main
conclusions (e.g. ‘The effects of family support on patients with dementia’).
Interrogative titles – introduce the subject in the form of a question (e.g. ‘Does
cognitive training improve performance on pattern recognition tasks?’)
NOTE: Declarative titles are generally used in research articles and they convey the largest
amount of information. They are also good if you want to emphasize the technical side of the
research you have carried out. Interrogative titles, on the other hand, are less common and they
are more suitable for literature review articles.
NOTE: You should capitalize all word in your title except prepositions, articles and
conjunctions. Numbers should be spelled out. Scientific names should be italicized.
Examples of Thesis Title:
Step 2. Provide an overview of existing thinking about and/or research into your
research problem.
Step 4. State your research question, your hypothesis and your knowledge claim,
making sure to place your research within the gap in existing knowledge.
State the intent of your study, including the research question and your
Outline the key characteristics of your study,
Describe important results that you have found or hope to find
“The previous research suggests an interesting correlation between A &
B; therefore, my research will....”
“Although most experts in the field believe …., they have overlooked ….
My research will ….”
C. Corrective Thesis – shows that the subject has been neglected,
misunderstood, or misrepresented by others. This approach addresses
the pre-conceptions of readers that the subject is trite or hackneyed.
“Despite the intense focus on X, few researchers have examined Problem
Y ……My research will …”
Step 5. Stress the value and relevance of your research. Why is your research relevant?
What will it contribute to the field (and beyond)? Why should we care about your
1. Main tasks
2. Main or major variables
3. Participants
4. Specific setting
5. Coverage date
6. For developmental research, the intended outputs such as an intervention program,
module, policies, among others.
Sample SOPs:
Coverage date
Main task
freshman students of Leyte National High School for the first semester of
academic year 2014-2015. The results of this investigation will be the basis of
Intended outputs
1. While your problem formulation serves to describe the aim of your thesis, the
objectives provide an accurate description of the SPECIFIC ACTIONS you will
take in order to reach this aim.
2. Research objectives must be FOCUSED, RELEVANT, and MEASURABLE.
Things to consider:
1. Major Variable/s
2. Sub-variables (components of the major variables)
3. Indicators
NOTE: The scope of the study is determined by the major variables of the study while sub-
variables and their characteristics, attributes, or indicators serves as the delimitation.
This study focused mainly on the financial literacy, profile, and work performance
of public elementary school teachers in the First Congressional District of Bataan, School
Year 2012-2013.
This section simply highlights the benefits that can be derived from the study
based on the problem statement.
Determine the specific contribution of your thesis to the body of knowledge,
certain institutions, and individuals.
This study will focus on the conduct of classroom observation and the common responses of
the elementary school teachers relating to their level of work performance. The results of the
study will be beneficial to the following:
Elementary School teachers. This will give more confidence to elementary school
teachers upon knowing that their principles are conducting the classroom observations not to
make their lives difficult but to help them become more competent and efficient. This will also
encourage them to properly motivate their students to improve learning and level up the
achievement of the study and the school as well. These teachers become infused with a new
sense of pride in their own professional competence, they will perform effectively and
efficiently and are able to win the respect and trust of parents and the local community as
their performance is large reflective of the performances of their pupils as well as the entire
school. Lastly, they will be more cooperative and better prepared as they are more exposed
to classroom observations which are not regarded as a burden but a beneficial undertaking.
Example #2: “Development of a Source Material in Food Dehydration Craft Technology for the
Secondary Schools” by Mary Rose Florence S. Cobar.
Research Title: “A study of effectiveness of media in teaching of environment education for undergraduate
home science students.”