School Culture and Change
School Culture and Change
School Culture and Change
Elizabeth R. Hinde
Arizona State University West
There is an old saying among anthropologists that fish would be the last creatures
to discover water (Kluckholn, 1949, as cited in Finnan, 2000) even though it is the most
ubiquitous and influential aspect of a fish’s existence. So it is with school culture and
teaching. Just as water surrounds and envelopes fish shaping their perspectives and
determining their courses of action, culture surrounds and envelopes teachers forming
their perspectives and influencing their decisions and actions. Teachers work within a
cultural context that influences every aspect of their pedagogy, yet this pervasive element
of schools is elusive and difficult to define. Culture influences all aspects of schools,
including such things as how the staff dresses (Peterson & Deal, 1998), what staff talk
about in the teachers’ lounge (Kottler, 1997), how teachers decorate their classrooms,
their emphasis on certain aspects of the curriculum, and teachers’ willingness to change
(Hargreaves, 1997b). As Donahoe (1997) states, “If culture changes, everything changes”
(p. 245).
This article reviews much of the literature on school culture and its effects on
teachers and the process of change from the point of view of an experienced classroom
teacher turned college professor. The following issues are addressed: the definition of
school culture, the effects of culture on schools in general and teachers in particular, the
assumptions held by school personnel which defines the culture of individual schools,
and the possible reasons for change to be accepted or rejected by schools.
Imagine entering a school. What do you see? What do you hear the teachers and
other staff members saying? What do the bulletin boards look like? How easy was it to
enter the school? What are the children saying and doing? How noisy is it? Do you feel
welcome or afraid? What is the general “feel” of the environment? All these questions
and more pertain to the underlying stream of values and rituals that pervade schools. This
underlying stream is the culture of that particular school. Culture is the stream of “norms,
values, beliefs, traditions, and rituals built up over time” (Peterson & Deal, 1998). It is a
set of tacit expectations and assumptions that direct the activities of school personnel and
School culture is not a static entity. It is constantly being constructed and shaped
through interactions with others and through reflections on life and the world in general
(Finnan, 2000). School culture develops as staff members interact with each other, the
students, and the community. It becomes the guide for behavior that is shared among
members of the school at large. Culture is shaped by the interactions of the personnel,
and the actions of the personnel become directed by culture. It is self-repeating cycle.
To introduce change would necessitate an interruption of this cycle.
Hollins (1996) argues that “schools are shaped by cultural practices and values
and reflect the norms of the society for which they have been developed” (p. 31). Just as
hydrogen is a major element of water, so are societal values a major ingredient of school
culture. The general ideologies of society at large and the communities surrounding
individual schools become reflected in the culture of schooling. In Anyon’s study of inner
city schools (1995), she identified three factors that vitiated reform efforts in the schools
involved in her study: sociocultural differences among participants, an abusive school
environment, and educators’ expectations of failed reform. These three factors combined
to create a school culture that negated any attempt at reform. Efforts at reform continually
failed in those schools because the underlying stream of values and norms was indicative
of the poverty, negativity, and abuse of the surrounding community. Anyon’s study
suggests that in order to reform the schools, the community’s expectations and values
would have to be reformed which will be reflected in the culture of the schools.
The governance of schools also shapes culture (Hollins, 1996). The hierarchy of
leadership at the state, district, and school levels creates the parameters within which
cultures can be created. In other words, teachers are expected to follow the dictates of the
principal and other administrators regardless of other cultural aspects of the school.
Furthermore, students are expected to follow the dictates of teachers (and all other adults
in the school) as well. This hierarchy contributes to the culture of schools heedless of
individual teaching or leadership styles.
The rituals and procedures common to most public schools also play a part in
defining a school’s culture (Goodlad, 1984; Deal, 1988; Donahoe, 1997; McLaren, 1999).
For example, having children stand or walk in lines, ringing bells to move children from
one place to another, organizing the students and curriculum by age and grade level
(Hollins, 1996), and systematically rewarding or punishing children for behavior and/or
academics (Miller, 1988) all add to the confluence of the culture of schools. These are
examples of traditional ways of manipulating time and activity. Although there may be
variations in the method of performing these procedures (i.e. a “tone” instead of a bell to
signal the end of class) the results are the same: students and staff members are relegated
to their prescribed positions and activities by subtle and not-so-subtle procedures and
All of the above factors contribute to a school’s culture and they each interact
uniquely with students, teachers, administrators, parents, and everyone else involved with
particular schools. This interaction is unique to each school, and sets the foundation for
whether or not reform efforts will be successful. Furthermore, there are assumptions that
underlie these factors, which will be addressed later.
School culture has been described as being similar to the air we breathe. No one
notices it unless it becomes foul (Freiberg, 1998). The culture of a school can be a
positive influence on learning or it can seriously inhibit the functioning of the school. In
any working environment, employees and clientele prefer to be in a situation that is
appealing and invitational. Hanson and Childs (1998) describe a school with a positive
school climate as “a place where students and teachers like to be” (p.15). It is a place that
has a climate of support and encouragement (Hanson and Childs, 1998), where physical
comfort levels are optimal (such as heating, cooling, and lighting – Freiberg, 1998), and,
as Peterson and Deal (1998) describe:
• Where staff have a shared sense of purpose, where they pour their hearts into
• Where the underlying norms are of collegiality, improvement, and hard work;
• Where rituals and traditions celebrate student accomplishment, teacher
innovation, and parental commitment;
• Where the informal network of storytellers, heroes, and heroines provides a
social web of information, support, and history;
• Where success, joy, and humor abound (p.29).
Peterson and Deal further point out that a school with a positive school culture is
a place with a “shared sense of what is important, a shared ethos of caring and concern,
and a shared commitment to helping students learn” (p. 29). Schools that are conducted in
a culture exhibiting these positive qualities have teachers and staff members who are
willing to take risks and enact reforms.
On the other hand, schools with a toxic or negative culture are places where
teachers are unwilling to change and where the tone is oppositional and acerbic. These
are the types of places where nobody prefers to be. They are “places where negativity
dominates conversations, interactions, and planning; where the only stories recounted are
of failure” (Peterson and Deal, 1998). The shared ethos about reform among teachers in
these schools is “this too shall pass” and “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” To these teachers,
the way it has always been done is the right way. Whether positive or toxic, the
introduction of change will serve to bring the dominant features of the school’s culture to
the surface.
This is true not only for people observing schools, but also of teachers and other
school personnel. Teachers and other school workers are not culturally void when they
enter a school. Their personal experiences, values, norms, and prior education all
influence their views of curriculum, pedagogy, and change even before they step foot into
a classroom. Any change that is proposed that runs counter to the teacher’s already-
developed culture and philosophy will be resisted. Teachers who contentedly stay in a
school for a number of years do so because it is a place where the underlying stream of
values and norms (the school culture) coincides with their own. On the other hand, a
conflict of cultures may provide the impetus for teachers to leave (Hinde, 2002).
The bottom line for school change is that in order for any change to be effected it
must correspond to the culture of the school.
In her study of the interplay between the culture of the reform model “The
Accelerated Schools Project” and school/classroom cultures, Finnan (2000) identified
five underlying assumptions that influence the success or failure of reform
implementation. She defines assumptions as things that are taken for granted and are
accepted as truth (p. 7). The assumptions that Finnan identified are:
• Assumptions adults hold for students
• Assumptions about leadership and decision-making
• Assumptions about adult roles and responsibilities
• Assumptions about best practices and structures for educating students
• Assumptions about the value of change (p. 9).
These assumptions are tacit understandings that are rarely brought to the fore in
school cultures. On the other hand, most reform models (whether total school or just one
aspect of the curriculum) are explicit in their assumptions. Finnan concludes that in order
for reforms to be accepted by schools, the assumptions between the reform model and the
school must be compatible. This requires the culture of the schools to be analyzed and
brought to the conscience level of staff and administrators.
Observers of school culture must account for each of these assumptions in their
observations. For instance, in the case of the first assumption concerning expectations
adults have for students, do the adults in a particular school assume that all students have
gifts, talents, and abilities, and that they are people worthy of respect (Hanson and
Childs, 1998)? Or, rather, do they believe that students require instruction in basic skills
before they can master higher-level skills? How do they feel about youth in general and
their ability to learn? The answer to these questions determines whether or not certain
reform models will be effective. For example, if the general attitude of adults were that
students must master basic skills before advancing to higher order ones, than a program
like Accelerated Schools would be met with much resistance. However, in such a school
a phonics-based reading program or a program such as C.I.R.C. (Comprehensive
Integrated Reading Curriculum), developed at Johns Hopkins, would be more amenable.
The third set of assumptions involves adults’ roles and responsibilities in the
schools. Is it assumed that adults have strengths and a desire to take responsibility for
student learning? Is it assumed that the staff is effective in working collegially and with
students? Is it assumed that the school leader’s role is to foster a learning environment
(Peterson and Deal, 1998)? What is the assumption that adults hold about parents in the
community? Understanding the assumptions concerning the roles of adults is key in
revealing the culture of schools and thus the probability of any reform initiative’s
success or failure.
The fourth set of assumptions about best practices and structures for educating
students is perhaps the most salient of all the assumptions. Structures relates to the
rituals and procedures discussed in an earlier section. In the case of school procedures, a
useful consideration is whether or not time and space are structured with the educational
needs of the students in mind. Why are the lunch times in an elementary school
scheduled when they are, for instance? Were they scheduled with the developmental
needs of children in mind? Or perhaps they were scheduled for the purpose of
maintaining order (for instance, 5th and 6th graders should not have lunch during the
same period because it is easier to maintain discipline). Examining scheduling and other
structures provide a realistic glimpse of the culture of schools.
In the case of the assumption concerning best practices, one must ascertain what
methods teachers frequently use and is endorsed by the leadership. Do the teachers apply
methods that are in the students’ educational best interests or to maintain order and
discipline? Is cooperative learning prominent? How much time do teachers spend
preparing for tests? It is useful to determine how or whether students are tracked or
sorted as well. In schools where teachers spend a considerable amount of time sorting
students and trying to develop learning experiences for students of varied ability, many
reforms, like the Accelerated Schools Project (Finnan, 2000), will be unlikely to be
implemented successfully.
The final set of assumptions Finnan identifies involves the value of change in the
school culture. If the general attitude about change is that it can be challenging and
invigorating, then it is more likely that a reform will be initiated (Fullan, 1997).
However, in some schools change is avoided because nothing positive ever resulted
from past reform initiatives, so the assumption is that nothing positive will result from
change now or in the future (Sarason, 1996; Finnan, 2000). Suggesting a new way of
teaching a concept or lesson to a teacher who has taught for a number of years will give
the observer a good indication of the underlying assumptions that the teacher has
regarding change. Does the teacher welcome the innovation and is he or she willing to
take the risk of trying it, or does the attitude that “this is the way I’ve always done it”
These five sets of assumptions that Finnan identified provide useful benchmarks
for determining the culture of schools. As stated earlier, in order for change to be
implemented at any level in the schools, the assumptions of the school and those of the
proposed change must coincide.
Given these assumptions it is imperative to analyze the type of change that is most
likely to be accepted, or how these assumptions can be changed to accommodate the
proposed reform. However, Sarason (1996) points out that if assumptions were changed
then the roles of teachers would change, and that would amount to a change in the life of
the classroom for both students and teachers (p. 217). This is a large and disconcerting
undertaking indeed.
The basis for the following remarks centers on the aforementioned theory that in
order for change to be effected, the underlying assumptions of the school and of the
reform must match (Sarason, 1996; Donahoe, 1997; Finnan 2000). Schools must be
“recultured” (Hargreaves, 1997a) and not simply reformed or restructured. The culture
of schools either frustrates or facilitates change (Schweiker-Marra, 1995). In some cases,
a new culture must be instituted that will accommodate change.
In a study examining the relationship between school culture and teacher change,
Schweiker-Marra (1995) determined that the presence of 12 particular norms of school
culture facilitated change. The first six norms involve teacher knowledge and qualities.
They are (1) collegiality, (2) experimentation, (3) high expectations, (4) trust and
confidence, (5) tangible support, and (6) referring to a knowledge base. In addition,
administrators provide opportunities for professional development, and support the
teachers in other tangible ways. The remaining six norms demonstrate effective teacher
interaction with each other and their administrators (p.4). They are: (7) appreciation and
recognition, (8) caring and humor, (9) involvement in decision-making, (10) protection
of what’s important (in this case, the educational needs of the students are paramount
and are the guiding influence in the culture of the school), (11) traditions, and (12)
honest, open communication. Schweiker-Marra discovered that not only do the presence
of these norms promote change, but that the norms increase as change progresses (p.9).
There is still another aspect that is vital to promoting change: the role of the
principal and other school leaders. School leaders include the principal, teachers, and
parents. They all play a role in shaping the culture of schools (Peterson and Deal, 1998;
Hinde, 2002). School leaders determine and enact the basic assumptions of the school
culture. The school principal in particular is the key to enacting change or frustrating it.
Fullan (1991) identified characteristics of principals that facilitated change. He labeled
these principals as “initiators” (p.154). Initiator principals work closely with staff to
clarify and support the innovation, and they work collaboratively with other change
agents (i.e. vice-principal and lead teachers) throughout the school year. They develop
supportive organizational arrangements, consult, monitor, and reinforce the change
process. Schools with principals who have these qualities are amenable to change.
There are myriad factors that inhibit change in the schools. In our current culture
of standards and assessments, many reforms are being mandated for the schools at both
the state and federal level. However, Fullan (1997) points out that mandated change is
unlikely to be effective. He states, “Mandates alter some things, but they don’t affect
what matters. When complex change is involved, people do not and cannot change by
being told to do so” (p.38). Again, even mandated change will not be implemented if the
culture of the schools does not correlate with the mandates.
• the change is too broad and ambitious so that teachers have to work on
too many fronts, or it is too limited and specific so that little real change
occurs at all.
• the change is too fast for people to cope with, or too slow so that they
become impatient or bored and move on to something else
• the change is poorly resourced or resources are withdrawn once the first
flush of innovation is over. There is not enough money for materials or
time for teachers to plan.
• parents oppose the change because they are kept at a distance from it.
• leaders are either too controlling, too ineffectual, or cash in on the early
success of the innovation to move on to higher things.
School culture affects the lives of all school personnel, including and especially
teachers in their classrooms. Berman and McLaughlin (cited in Sarason, 1996) assessed
the outcomes of efforts of educational change over several years. Among other things,
they noted that a great deal of federally mandated reforms failed due to “school
organizational climate and leadership” and “characteristics of schools and teachers” (p.
77). They are indicative of the effect of school culture on the change process. Their
findings reinforce the above-mentioned findings of Hargreaves (1997b) as well. Of
particular interest here is their findings about teacher attributes regarding proposed
reforms. They noted three teacher characteristics that had an effect on the outcome of the
projects: years of teaching, sense of efficacy, and verbal ability. They discovered that
number of years teaching had a negative effect on the change process – the longer a
teacher taught the less likely the change was to improve student achievement and the
less likely the project was going to achieve its goals. They also discovered that teachers
with many years of experience were less likely to change their practices and more likely
to abandon the reform project once federal funding ran out. They found that teacher
efficacy, the belief that a teacher can help even the most unmotivated student, had a
positive effect on all outcomes. The study also concluded that teacher’s verbal ability
had a strong correlation with improved student achievement only (p. 77).
Another characteristic of teachers that can facilitate, but more often frustrates,
change is that teachers tend to teach the way they have been taught (Sarason, 1996).
This includes not only elementary and secondary schooling experiences, but
college/university experiences as well. The culture of the classroom reflects to some
extent the aspects of other educational cultures to which the teacher has been exposed.
Change that is introduced that is foreign to a teacher’s lived experiences is likely to be
met with resistance.
…schools were places where the students did what they were told to do. They
answered questions-they did not ask them; their special (or not so special)
interests and curiosities were to be kept private; they were not to take time
away from the predetermined curriculum. In short, the culture of the
classroom lacked almost all of the hallmarks of productive learning. And
each level of the educational hierarchy viewed the level below it as teachers
viewed students (emphasis in original, p. 333).
As Sarason points out, the problem of change is a problem of power. In order for
the culture of schools to adjust to allow for change then power must be wielded in such a
way as to allow others to gain a sense of ownership with the goals and process of
change. It is often a delicate balance between mandating change (a process that is
usually unsuccessful, as stated earlier) and bringing teachers to believe in the need for
and efficacy of the reform so that they feel a sense of ownership. Schools that are
successful in this endeavor will be able to enact lasting and effective change.
Final Thoughts
Sarason (1996) relates the following story that was anonymously left in the
mailbox of Dr. Emory Cowen of the University of Rochester:
Common advice from knowledgeable horse trainers includes the adage, “If the
horse you’re riding dies, get off.” Seems simple enough, yet, in the education business
we don’t always follow that advice. Instead, we often choose from an array of
alternatives which include:
This horse story encapsulates what many people think and feel about reform
efforts in schools. The alternatives listed serve to examine and change superficial aspects
of riding and of horses in general, but the horse is still dead. Many reform efforts target
the superficial aspects of schools, but disregard the “values, beliefs, behaviors, rules,
products, signs, and symbols” (Donahoe, 1997), which serve as the very foundation of
the school – the culture.
Anyon, J. (1995). Race, social class, and educational reform in an inner-city school.
Teachers College Record, 97 (1), 69-94.
Deal, T. (1988). The symbolism of effective schools. In A. Westoby (Ed.) Culture and
power in educational organizations. Philadelphia: Open University Press.
Donahoe, T. (1997). Finding the way: structure, time, and culture in school
improvement. In M. Fullan (Ed.) The challenge of school change. Illinois:
Skylight Training and Publishing.
Finnan, C. (April 2000) Implementing school reform models: Why is it so hard for some
schools and easy for others? Paper presented at the meeting of the American
Educational Research Association, New Orleans. (ERIC Document Reproduction
Service No. ED446356).
Freiberg, H. J. (1998). Measuring school climate: Let me count the ways. Educational
Leadership 56 (1), 22-26.
Fullan, M. (1991). The new meaning of educational change. New York: Teachers
College Press.
Fullan, M. (1997). The complexity of the change process. In M. Fullan (Ed.), The
challenge of school change. Illinois: Skylight Training and Publishing.
Hansen, J. M. and Childs, J. (1998). Creating a school where people like to be.
Educational Leadership 56 (1), 14-17.
Hollins, E. (1996). Culture in school learning: Revealing the deep meaning. New Jersey:
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Kottler, J. (1997). What’s really said in the teachers’ lounge: Provocative ideas about
cultures and classrooms. California: Corwin Press.
Miller, P. J. (1998). Factories, monitorial schools and Jeremy Bentham: The origins of
the ‘management syndrome’ in popular education. In A. Westoby (Ed.), Culture
and power in educational organizations. Philadelphia: Open University Press.
National Council for the Social Studies, (2004). National Council for the Social Studies
curriculum guidelines. Social Education 68 (4), 291-292.
Peterson, K. and Deal T. (1998). How leaders influence the culture of schools.
Educational Leadership 56 (1), 28-30.
Sarason, S. (1996). Revisiting “the culture of the school and the problem of change.
New York: Teachers College Press.
Weiler, J. (1998). Success for all: A summary of evaluations. ERIC/CUE Digest #139.
New York: ERIC Clearinghouse on Urban Education.