Diagnosis and Treatment of Acute Essex-Lopresti in
Diagnosis and Treatment of Acute Essex-Lopresti in
Diagnosis and Treatment of Acute Essex-Lopresti in
Background: Acute Essex-Lopresti injury is a rare and disabling condition of longitudinal instability of the forearm.
When early diagnosed, patients report better outcomes with higher functional recovery. Aim of this study is to
focus on the different lesion patterns causing forearm instability, reviewing literature and the cases treated by the
Authors and to propose a new terminology for their identification.
Methods: Five patients affected by acute Essex-Lopresti injury have been enrolled for this study. ELI was caused in
two patients by bike fall, two cases by road traffic accident and one patient by fall while walking. A literature search
was performed using Ovid Medline, Ovid Embase, Scopus and Cochrane Library and the Medical Subject Headings
vocabulary. The search was limited to English language literature. 42 articles were evaluated, and finally four papers
were considered for the review.
Results: All patients were operated in acute setting with radial head replacement and different combinations of
interosseous membrane reconstruction and distal radio-ulnar joint stabilization. Patients were followed for a mean
of 15 months: a consistent improvement of clinical results were observed, reporting a mean MEPS of 92 and a
mean MMWS of 90.8. One case complained persistent wrist pain associated to DRUJ discrepancy of 3 mm and
underwent ulnar shortening osteotomy nine months after surgery, with good results.
Discussion: The clinical studies present in literature reported similar results, highlighting as patients properly
diagnosed and treated in acute setting report better results than patients operated after four weeks. In this study,
the definitions of “Acute Engaged” and “Undetected at Imminent Evolution” Essex-Lopresti injury are proposed, in
order to underline the necessity to carefully investigate the anatomical and radiological features in order to perform
an early and proper surgical treatment.
Conclusions: Following the observations, the definitions of “Acute Engaged” and “Undetected at Imminent Evolution”
injuries are proposed to distinguish between evident cases and more insidious settings, with necessity of carefully
investigate the anatomical and radiological features in order to address patients to an early and proper surgical
Keywords: Acute Essex-Lopresti injury, Elbow, Wrist, Forearm instability
* Correspondence: marco.cavallo@ior.it
Shoulder and Elbow Unit, IRCCS - Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli, Via G.C. Pupilli
1, Bologna, Italy
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
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A literature search was performed using Ovid Medline, Ovid
Embase, Scopus and Cochrane Library and the Medical
Subject Headings vocabulary. The following terms were
combined with ‘AND’ and ‘OR’: ‘essex’; ‘lopresti’; ‘acute’. A
total of 42 articles were The search was limited to English Fig. 1 Clinical case 4, Acute Engaged ELI, pre-operative: elbow. Pre-
operative left elbow X-rays (a, b, c) and 3D reconstruction CT scan
language literature. Papers published before 2018 and clearly
(d) images showing a Mason 3 radial head fracture
reporting clinical results and ELI treatment in acute setting
Fig. 5 Surgical images of the procedure, clinical case 3. The radial head prosthesis was firstly positioned (a), followed by TFCC reconstruction and
DRUJ pinning (b). At the level of the maximum radial bow, passing between flexor and extensor muscles, the radial origin of the pronator teres
was recognized and isolated (c). At intermediate forearm rotation two 1.5 mmm drill were performed (d)
three cases and bipolar in two cases, all non cemented performed. In Patients n.3 and 4 underwent radial head
with press fit insertion in the radial canal (Fig. 5a). replacement, TFCC reconstruction, DRUJ pinning and
In patient n.1, only radial head replacement was IOM reconstruction. Patient n.5 underwent radial head
performed. Patient n.2 was initially underestimated: in prosthesis, TFCC reconstruction and DRUJ pinning.
emergency room it was classified as isolated Mason 3 ra- In cases when TFCC reconstruction and DRUJ pin-
dial head fracture and addressed for surgery. It was only ning were performed a dorsal access to the DRUJ was
under anesthesia and under C-arm view that forearm used. The TFCC was re-inserted with a high resistance 0
longitudinal instability was detected. The muscular wire to the ulnar stiloid process with a trans osseous
hernia sign was negative, Axial test positive with a stable stitch, and the DRUJ was then reduced and fixed by two
DRUJ. The radial head prosthesis was positioned, then extra articular Kirschener wires. (Fig. 5b). When a IOM
IOM and lateral collateral ligaments reconstruction were reconstruction was performed (patients n.2,3 and 4) it
was used a technique similar to Soubeyrand procedure
[21] (Figs. 5, 6, 7): at the level of the maximum radial Elbow Performance Score [22] and the Modified Mayo
bow and at the opposite part of inner ridge detected Wrist Score [23]. An X ray investigation has been per-
under C-arm, a five centimetres incision was performed. formed in all cases at final follow up.
Passing between flexor and extensor muscles, the radial
origin of the pronator teres was recognized. Keeping the Results
forearm in neutral pronation and supination position, Only few reports are present in literature about acute
two 1.5 mm drill holes were performed. Other two ELI (Table 1): Grassmann et al. [24] identified 12 acute
1.5 mm drill holes were performed at the level of the ELI in a group of 295 patients affected by RH fracture.
distal ulnar neck, with a 20 degrees axis respect to An evident radio-ulnar X-ray discrepancy was found in
longitudinal forearm axis. As stabilizer device a cadaveric only five patients, and a partial or complete IOM rup-
tendon allograft was used in one case (n.4) and a synthetic ture was diagnosed by MRI in all 12 cases. The authors
band (Ultratape, Smith & Nephew,UK) in two cases reported good mid-term results. Trousdale [15] reported
(patient n.2 and 3). The stabilizer device was then passed, a case series of 20 ELI, identifying 5 cases of acute
dorsally crossing the forearm bones under the muscular forms: these cases, properly treated, reported good out-
extensor compartment, with the help of a plastic knee come in 4 cases, while the other 15, initially misdiag-
ligament passer. Under C-arm view the device was then nosed and treated with RH resection, developed severe
stretched; pronation supination and radial head pistoning pain at distal DRUJ, with good results even after treat-
were checked and definitively fixed. Due to LUCL lace- ment only in 3 cases. In 1987 Edwards and Jupiter [10]
ration observed, all patients underwent a final LUCL prox- reported on 7 patients, 4 operated within one month,
imal reinsertion and in one case a MCL was proximally with excellent results obtained only in the three cases.
reinserted with metallic anchors. The only poor result was experienced by the patient
All the patients underwent a post operative cast who underwent a RH excision. Duckworth [25] retro-
immobilization for 48 h, followed by progressive passive spectively reviewed 60 patients affected by RH fracture,
and active elbow and wrist mobilization. Progressive identifying 22 patients with radio-ulnar discrepancy. The
muscular reinforcement protocol was permitted starting good short term results (6 months) even after conserva-
one month after surgery. The DRUJ K wires were surgi- tive management are to be considered non indicative,
cally removed after 40 days. since usually patients experience a later worsening and
All patients of this study have been clinically evaluated no indication is reported about IOM assessment. The
at a mean of 17 months of follow up using the Mayo most representative case series have been reported by
Schnetzke in 2017 [14]: outcome of 16 acute and 15 late also in the two patients reported by Helmerhorst et al. [28].
ELI were compared. Acute ELI, treated with DRUJ pin- Usually a correct diagnose is performed in chronic setting,
ning and no IOM reconstruction) showed better clinical when the symptoms of a longitudinal instability became
and radiological results, with lower rate of reoperations. evident but unfortunately with poor outcome [14]. The
The authors highlighted how seven patients had a proxi- clinic extrinsication of one of these two conditions depends
malization of more than 2 mm at final follow up, associ-
ated with worst outcome: the authors conclude that this
observation supports the idea that IOM is not able to
heal, and once disrupted the muscle herniation through
the laceration prevent its healing [24, 26].
Case n.1 during the post operative rehabilitation protocol
complained the onset of persistent wrist pain associated to
DRUJ discrepancy of 3 mm (MEPS score 72, MMWS 75),
which led to ulnar shortening osteotomy 9 months after
the first surgery, with good results at final follow up (MEPS
83, MMWS 88) (as reported in Table 3).
The complete data set is reported in Tables 2 and 3.
In 2007 Marc Soubeyrand proposed the “Three Forearm
Constraints” concept [27]. The Forearm Unit has to be
considered like an association of three main constraints:
the PRUJ, the IOM and the DRUJ. Each constraint is essen-
tial for stability and movements of the forearm. In case of
single constraint damage (distal radius fracture, simple RH
fracture, and so on) a pronation-supination decrease oc-
curs, without causing instability (Stage 1). In case of two
constraints damage (Stage 2) a partial transversal instability
may occur (Criss-Cross lesion, Galeazzi lesion, Monteggia
lesions). The disruption of three constraints (Stage 3)
causes a longitudinal-transversal instability (Acute). Stage 2
and 3 patterns present an intrinsic instability, and may be
grouped under the “Unstable Fractures of the Forearm”
definition. In this different conditions, the lack of at least
two of the three constraints (TFCC, IOM and RH) can lead
to two different patterns. The first is an acute and evident
longitudinal instability of the forearm, defined by the au-
Fig. 8 1 year X-rays, clinical case 3. Follow up X-rays at 1 year of
thors “Acute Engaged Essex-Lopresti Injury”. The second follow up, showing the radial head prosthesis in situ and the whole
has already been identified by different Authors [7, 9, 10, forearm (a). The lateral view shows no dorsal dislocation of the distal
15] but still not pointed as specific clinical entity: it shows a ulna (b). At the DRUJ a slight recurrence of the ulnar plus is evident
more obscure clinical pattern, easy to misdiagnose but still (c), even if non symptomatic. Nevertheless the improvement pre-
operative wrist x-ray (d) is evident. e Image shows the opposite side
causing instability, defined by Authors “Undetected at
normal wrist
Imminent Evolution Acute Essex-Lopresti Injury”, observed
on the IOM answer to the trauma. In the first case, an im- shortening ulnar osteotomy to treat the persistent wrist pain.
mediate proximal translation greater than 5 mm associated It was noticeable that in this case after the RH replacement
with impacted RH fracture into Capitulum Humeri is sig- a proximal radial migration was barely evident with a DRUJ
nificative for acute high-henergy complete irreparable IOM discrepancy of 3 mm, and the treatment seemed to be
and TFCC laceration. Aim of this work was to examine the sufficient with the experience maturated at that time. A
different lesion patterns that may cause forearm instability, possible explanation is due to a partial IOM/TFCC tear
focusing on cases treated by the authors and the few litera- caused by the high-energy trauma, that became complete
ture reports, in order to better define the different entities. after repetitive tractions by Biceps Brachii. This condition
Among the cases enrolled for this paper, the Authors progressively evolves into a proximal radial migration
observed four cases presenting characteristics of Acute causing DRUJ instability-discomfort and grip weakness.
Engaged ELI. Unfortunately not all patients received the These observations lead to the confirmation that there
same treatment: due to the rarity of this condition the is an elevated possibility to misdiagnose these non evi-
knowledge development on anatomopathology and treat- dent acute Essex-Lopresti, that in a first step may be
ment is still ongoing, so it is only in the recent years that it considered and treated as simple RH fracture but shortly
has been properly understood, diagnosed and treated. It is express the typical symptoms of a forearm instability.
very important to pinpoint how most of the authors indicate Basing on several observation of similar cases, in 2006 in
that this lesion seems to occur more often than realized up fact Junghbluth et al. introduced the term “missed”
to now, reporting values of around 38% of correct diagnoses Essex-Lopresti [12], characterized by a painful but
performed in excellence centers [8]. Similarly to other series correctly positioned radial head prosthesis in a context
reported in literature, the cases treated with RH implant, of longitudinal instability of the forearm due to IOM
IOM reconstruction and TFCC fixation and pinning re- laceration. Patient n.3 (Figs. 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) experienced a
ported higher scores and better functional outcomes, progressive worsening of DRUJ discrepancy at follow up
whereas the patient who underwent the isolated radial compared to post operative control: this may be ex-
head replacement reported worst outcomes, requiring a plained with a slight tension loosening of the IOM and
Fig. 9 Clinical follow up, clinical case 3. Follow up clinical aspect at 1 year of follow up, showing a good movement of the elbow (a-d) and the
wrist (e, f)
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