Castagnino2006. Time Reversal.
Castagnino2006. Time Reversal.
Castagnino2006. Time Reversal.
0015-9018/06/0300-0407/0 © 2006 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc.
408 Castagnino, Gadella, and Lombardi
The two central concepts involved in the discussions about what has
been loosely called ‘the problem of the direction of time’ are time-reversal
invariance and irreversibility.
These four cases have been analyzed with detail elsewhere(10) and, there-
fore, we just mention and recall them in here.
1 2 1 2 2
H = p + k q (1)
2m 2
1 2 k2
H = p − cos θ (2)
2m θ 2
1 2 1
H = p + K(p)2 q 2 , (3)
2m 2
q̈ + k 2 q̇ + A2 q = 0 , (4)
Time-Reversal, Irreversibility and Arrow of Time 411
et = Ut e0 (5)
where e0 and et are vector states. The evolution operator is a unitary oper-
ator Ut = e−iH t , which is an one parameter group on the time param-
eter t with −∞ < t < ∞. Observe that the evolutions of the form et =
Ut e0 are always reversible, since et = e−iH t e0 has no limit for t → ±∞. In
other words, since Ut is a unitary operator, it does not change the angle of
separation (the inner product) or the distance (the square modulus of the
difference) between vectors representing two different states. However, irre-
versible and, therefore, non-unitary evolutions can be obtained from the
original reversible unitary dynamics by the introduction of some sort of
coarse-graining (see a thourogly discussion in Ref. 12).
Once the concepts of time-reversal invariance and reversibility have
been elucidated with precision, the problem of irreversibility can be stated
in a simple way: how to explain irreversible evolutions in terms of time-rever-
sal invariant laws. On the basis of such an elucidation, it also turns out to
be clear that there is no conceptual puzzle in the problem of irreversibility:
in principle, nothing prevents a time-reversal invariant equation from hav-
ing irreversible solutions. However, difficulties arise when we are dealing
with dynamical equations having unitary solutions: as we have seen, since
unitary evolutions are always reversible, it is necessary to go to a differ-
ent level of description in order to obtain irreversibility. This point will be
relevant in the discussions about irreversibility as obtained by means the
“time-asymmetric” formulation of quantum mechanics.
The problem of the arrow of time owes its origin to the intuitive
asymmetry between past and future. We experience the time order of the
world as ‘directed’: if two events are not simultaneous, one of them is
earlier than the other. Moreover, we view our access to past and future
quite differently: we remember the past and predict the future. From this
412 Castagnino, Gadella, and Lombardi
point of view, several arrows of time have been considered in Physics: the
thermodynamical arrow of time (the entropy in isolated systems increases
to the future), the cosmological arrow of time (the universe expands
toward the future), the electromagnetic arrow of time (retarded solutions
of Maxwell equations are selected over advanced ones), the biological
arrow of time (live entities birth and die) and the psicological arrow of
time (the intuitive asymmetry between past and future). The question
on the existence of a “quantum mechanical” arrow of time has been
Of course, the problem of the arrow of time arises when we seek a
physical correlate of the intuitive asymmetry between past and future: do
physical theories pick out a preferred direction of time?
The main difficulty to be encountered in answering this question relies
on our anthropocentric perspective: the difference between past and future
is so deeply rooted in our language and our thoughts that it is very diffi-
cult to shake off these temporally asymmetric assumptions. In fact, tra-
ditional discussions around the problem of the arrow of time are usually
subsumed under the label ‘the problem of the direction of time’, as if we
could find an exclusively physical criterion for singling out the direction of
time, identified with what we call ‘the future’. However, there is nothing in
physical evolution laws that distinguishes, in a non-arbitrary way, between
past and future as we conceive them in our ordinary language and our
everyday life. It might be objected that physics implicitly assumes this dis-
tinction with the use of temporally asymmetric expressions, like ‘future
light cone’, ‘initial conditions’, ‘increasing time’, and so on. However this
is not the case, and the reason relies on the distinction between conven-
tional and substantial.
This is the case when we assign different signs to the two spin senses,
or different names to the two light semicones, etc.
Time-Reversal, Irreversibility and Arrow of Time 413
the context of the theory. For instance, the retarded nature of radiation is
usually explained by means of de facto arguments referred to initial con-
ditions: advanced solutions of wave equations correspond to converging
waves that require a miraculous cooperative emitting behavior of distant
regions of space at the temporal origin of the process. A different but
related argument is put forward by those who appeal to the impossibility
(or high difficulty) of preparing time-reversed states in laboratory experi-
ments like, for instance, experiments of scattering.(3) It seems quite clear
that this kind of arguments, not based on theoretical considerations, are
not legitimate in the context of the problem of the arrow of time to the
extent that they put the arrow ‘by hand’ by presupposing the difference
between the two directions of time from the beginning. In other words,
they violate the ‘nowhen’ requirement of adopting an atemporal perspec-
tive purged of temporal intuitions like those related with the asymmetry
between past and future or between initial and final conditions. Therefore,
from an atemporal standpoint, the challenge consists in supplying a non-
conventional criterion, based on theoretical arguments, for choosing one
of the time-symmetric twins as the physically meaningful one: such a crite-
rion will establish a substantial difference between the two members of the
pair and, a fortiori, between the two directions of time (for a discussion of
the concept of time-symmetric twins, see Ref. 18). This is the conceptual
background we need in the discussion on whether the “time-asymmetric”
quantum mechanics gives a solution to the problem of the arrow of time.
± ⊂ H ⊂ ×
±, (6)
V± H = L2 (R+ ) (7)
V± ± = S ∩ H± , (8)
U−t − ⊂ − , if t 0 (9)
U−t + ⊂ + , if t 0 . (10)
Ut−× × ×
− ⊂ − , t 0, (12)
Ut+× × ×
+ ⊂ + , t 0. (13)
∀ φ− ∈ − , t 0.
∀ φ+ ∈ + , t 0.
Observe that (17) represents an exponentially decaying process with
lifetime τ = 2 , whose limit when t goes to infinity results:
ϕ− (ω) ∈ H−2 and each ε > 0, there exists an f (ω) ∈ F(D(R+ )) such that
|ϕ− (ω) − f (ω)|2 dω < ε . (19)
dense in L2 (R+ ), the space F(D(R+ )) + is dense in L2 (R+ ) (with the
topology on the latter). Since,
F(D(R+ )) + ⊂ F(D(R)) + ⊂ L2 (R+ ) , (21)
we conclude that F(D(R)) + is dense in L2 (R+ ). Note that any function
in F(D(R)) is entire analytic and, therefore, is uniquely determined by its
values on the positive semiaxis.
Let := V −1 F(D(R)) + and endow with the topology derived
from the topology on D(R) exactly as we derived the topology on ±
from the topology on the Schwartz space.(21) Then, ⊂ H ⊂ × is a
rigged Hilbert space such that there exist two functionals G , D ∈ ×
with the following properties:
(i) Both are eigenvectors of the extension H × of the total Hamilto-
nian H into × ,
H × G = zR
G; H × D = zR D , (22)
where zR and zR ∗ are the pair of complex conjugate poles (of the
S-matrix or the reduced resolvent, see Refs. 21, 24) that determine
a resonance for the Hamiltonian pair (H0 , H ).
(ii) The space is left invariant under the action of the whole group
Ut = e−itH and therefore this group can be extended to the dual
× . As a consequence, if we call this extension Ut× , the function-
als evolve for all values of t as
that this is true even if we use the rigged Hilbert space defined as in the
last paragraph, instead of ± ⊂ H ⊂ × ± with ± as in (8)). It is worthy
to mention that the existence of the functionals G and D is a conse-
quence of the use of analytically continuable functions, a certain fact in
all the choices of rigged Hilbert spaces here discussed.
In the case that we use the description based in the rigged Hilbert
spaces in where the basic (or test vector) spaces are defined by the ± as
in (8), one can readily show(25) that if T is the time-reversal operator on
the Hilbert space H, we have that
T ± = ∓ , (24)
T × ×
± = ∓ , (25)
is not D (t) ( G (t)) but instead φ+ | D (t) (φ− | G (t)). As a conse-
quence, if we want to conceive D (t) as a generalized state,4 we only can
strictly say that the expectation value of the observable A = | φ+ φ+ | in
the state D (t) decays exponentially:
As we have argued elsewhere,(12) this weak limit means that the general-
ized state D (t) decays from an observational point of view, that is from the
perspective given by the observable A = | φ + φ + |, for any φ + ∈ + . In this
sense, A D involves a generalized coarse-graining, that is, a generalized
projection of the vector D (t) onto a subspace defined by the operator A.
In fact, since A2 = A, the observable A can be conceived as a projector :
A = | φ+ φ+ | = (31)
D as:
Then, we can define a coarse-grained state cg
cg = D = | φ+ φ+ | D (32)
| = | φ+ φ+ | D D |φ+ φ+ |
4 This may have some difficulties, see for instance Refs. 26, 27. For other arguments, see
Ref. 28.
Time-Reversal, Irreversibility and Arrow of Time 421
the theory by itself gives no basis for selecting one of the elements of
the pair as the physically relevant. Therefore, they adopt an observational
criterion for retaining one of the semigroups and discarding the other:
since no physical system has ever been observed evolving to equilibrium
toward the past, the physically relevant semigroup of evolution operators
is the semigroup corresponding to Ut+× , valid for t 0.(6,7) Although this
appeal to observational considerations is a legitimate move in the every-
day work of physicists, it is not acceptable when the problem at issue is
to explain the arrow of time, since the fact that our observations are time-
directed was known from the very beginning: the real problem consists in
accounting for the difference between the two directions of time by means
of theoretical arguments.
Bohm’s response to the problem of the arrow of time is subtler than
the solution proposed by Prigogine and his coworkers. In his detailed
description of scattering processes, Bohm breaks the symmetry between
the two twins by appealing to the so-called ‘preparation-registration arrow
of time’, expressed by the slogan ‘no registration before preparation’.(4)5
On this basis, Bohm replaces the representational postulate of standard
quantum mechanics—according to which states are represented by the vec-
tors of a separable Hilbert space and observables are represented by self-
adjoint operators on that space—by a new one that distinguishes between
the mathematical descriptions of states ψ and of observables ϕ:
{ψ} ≡ − ⊂ H ⊂ ×
− (34)
{ϕ} ≡ + ⊂ H ⊂ ×
+ (35)
This equation makes sense if and only if t 0, since eitH ψ ∈ − for each
ψ ∈ − if and only if t 0. The evolution for observables must be of the
5 Bohm acknowledges that the origin of the idea of a preparation-registration arrow can
be traced back to the works of Günther Ludwig.(29)
Time-Reversal, Irreversibility and Arrow of Time 423
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