Roundtable Discussion: Periodization of Training
Roundtable Discussion: Periodization of Training
Roundtable Discussion: Periodization of Training
Roundtable Discussion:
Periodization of Training—
G. Gregory Haff, PhD, CSCS
Part 1
Column Editor G. Gregory Haff, PhD, CSCS
Human Performance Laboratory, Midwestern State University,Wichita Falls,Texas
Week 1
Week 2
Monday, Wednesday Tuesday, Thursday Friday
Back squat 3 × 8–10* Leg press 3 × 8–10* 1RM squat
Bench press 3 × 8–10* Incline bench press 3 × 8–10* 1RM bench press
Lat pull-down 3 × 8–10** Bent-over row 3 × 8–10** Jump squats
Lunge 3 × 8–10** Stiff-leg deadlift 3 × 8–10** Ballistic bench press
Seated shoulder press 3 × 8–10** Upright row 3 × 8–10**
Dumbbell curl 3 × 8–10** Barbell curl 3 × 8–10**
Lying triceps extension 3 × 8–10** Dips 3 × 8–10**
Leg raise 3 × 20*** Sit-ups 3 × 20***
Week 3
Monday, Wednesday Tuesday, Thursday Friday
Back squat 5 × 5* Leg press 5 × 5* 1RM squat
Bench press 5 × 5* Incline bench press 5 × 5* 1RM bench press
Deadlift 5 × 5** High pull 5 × 5**
Lat pull-down 5 × 5** Bent-over row 5 × 5**
Seated shoulder press 5 × 5** Close-grip bench press 5 × 5**
Week 4
Monday, Wednesday Tuesday, Thursday Friday
Back squat 5 × 3* Leg press 5 × 3* 1RM squat
Bench press 5 × 3* Incline bench press 5 × 3* 1RM bench press
Deadlift 5 × 3** High pull 5 × 3** Jump squats
Lat pull-down 5 × 3** Bent-over row 5 × 3** Ballistic bench press
Seated shoulder press 5 × 3** Close-grip bench press 5 × 3**
Note: * indicates 3 minutes of rest between sets; **, 2 minutes of rest between sets; ***, 1 minute of rest between sets; RM, repetition maximum.
subject was able to complete the desired each participant underwent a 2-week re- Our conclusion was that the initial
number of repetitions with the current duced-volume and -frequency resis- high-volume, moderate-intensity phase
load, weight was added to subsequent tance-training phase. The program used of OR followed by a higher intensity,
sets or during the next workout. All during this phase was identical to the moderate-volume phase appears to be
workouts were supervised by a certified base resistance-training program used very effective for enhancing a rebound
strength and conditioning specialist before initiation of the 4-week OR pro- in muscle strength in resistance-trained
who also monitored the training loads. tocol (i.e., 5 exercises per workout, 8 to men (25). In addition, branch chain
After the 4-week experimental period, 10 repetitions, and 2 days per week). amino acids were also helpful in alleviat-
during which supernormal responses can qualities over successive mesocycles such Stone: When considering a periodized
be exploited (refer to Figures 2 and 3). that one potentiates another while mini- training model, the typical phases would
This is achieved through a series of “con- mizing residual fatigue and compatibili- be:
centrated blocks” that are usually 4 ty problems). Proponents of this strategy
weeks in duration. During the first cite several advantages: First, it provides • GP: This phase occurs when a high
block, the athlete performs high-volume the potent training stressors needed to volume of less specialized work is
loads of work with one primary emphasis bring advanced athletes to a new func- performed. It typically lasts 1 to 3
(e.g., strength and power) and minimal- tional state that otherwise cannot be months but may be repeated during
volume loads—presumably maintenance achieved through traditional methods. a macrocycle; the purpose is to raise
type—allocated to other abilities. The Second, it circumvents the cumulative the levels of “fitness” specific to a
objective is to saturate the system with fatigue problems associated with parallel sport. Often the GP or part of the
one type of stress over a period of several or concurrent training of multiple quali- GP is used as a unidirectional con-
weeks, during which temporary decre- ties. Third, it allows long-term work vol- centrated loading block. It should be
ments in certain performance capabili- umes to be reduced. This comes with a noted that the GP phase is not neces-
ties can be expected because of residual price over the short term, however. Dur- sarily general (i.e., exercises speci-
fatigue. Emphasis is essentially reversed ing each accumulation block, athletes ficity) but rather less specific.
during the subsequent restitution block: must be able to tolerate high-volume • SP: This is a relatively high-volume
Strength-training volume load is loads for several consecutive weeks. This phase in which the exercises selec-
markedly reduced, whereas the volume can be particularly problematic without tion becomes more specific to the
load of work allocated to another quality the systematic application of restorative sport performance. As with the GP,
(e.g., speed and technique) is increased and regenerative measures. this phase can be used to aid the ath-
moderately. If implemented skillfully, lete in raising work capacity but in a
the athlete’s performance capabilities re- In all cases, convergence of training ef- more specific manner.
bound by virtue of a delayed training-ef- fects, management of fatigue, and pre- • Competition: This is a lower volume,
fect phenomenon, allowing new levels of vention of stagnation or OT should be higher intensity phase associated with
movement speed and technical execution the bottom-line goals of periodized very specific exercise selections. The
to be achieved. The athlete can then pro- training. Simply put, the respective athlete can stabilize or improve tech-
ceed to the next sequence of blocks with phases should potentiate the effects of nique while improving performance
progressively stronger stimuli. others, in much the same way that sport variables specific to the sport, for ex-
coaches use a play or scheme to “set up” ample, raising strength or power lev-
In contrast to the concurrent approach another. The consensus arising from the els for sprinting or basketball. A spe-
used in many basic and intermediate literature is to organize training pro- cial aspect of the competition phase is
programs, sequenced training is a signifi- grams into 4-week periods, which seem peaking (for climatic sports), during
cant departure (i.e., developing various to be an optimal biological window for which a taper allows sports perfor-