Ventilation Planning Ol

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The primary objective of ventilation planning is

to ensure adequate ventilation for safety, health
and efficiency of workers in various parts of the
mine at maximum possible economy.
Ventilation planning needs very much
knowledge about different types of fans,
conditions of mine roadways ,faces and other
parts , skills to analyze the most efficient way of
planning by which it can be achieved at
maximum possible economy.
Various steps involved in ventilation planning
are :
Selection of ventilation norms for different parts
of the mine in accordance with production,
number of men employed, permissible
concentration of noxious and explosive gases and
reparable dust, permissible air velocities and
environmental conditions such as dry-bulb and
wet-bulb temperatures. Statuary norms should
always be satisfied.
Calculation of the air requirement in various parts of
the mine on the basis of selected norms.
Estimation of the extent of conditioning of air
necessary, if any part or whole of the mine to satisfy
the environmental norms.
Selection of feasible ventilation systems.
Working out detailed air distribution and control
arrangements for each system.
Estimation of leakages at various parts, total quantity
requirement and volumetric efficiency for each system.
Calculation of the aerodynamic resistance of various
branches and circuits of each system.
Solution of the ventilation network for each system.
Estimation of the pressure requirement and drawing of
mine characteristics for each system.
Repetition of the above steps for different periods in
the life of the mine.
Selection of fans (including boosters) to suit the varying
mine characteristics taking due consideration of N.V.P.
and evasee head recovery.
Estimation of total cost of ventilation for each system.
Selection of the most economic ventilation system for
the various stages of planning.
Working out the schedule of implementation of the
ventilation plan.
The selection of the ventilation system has to
be done carefully in order to ensure safety,
reliability and economy.
It should be flexible enough to meet
emergencies and future requirements.
Openings used for travelling of men should as far
as possible be intakes. Routes of egress of men
during emergency should always be intake.
The overall resistance of the mine should be kept to a
minimum for economy of ventilation. all surface
opening should be utilized in the ventilation system.
Similarly, multiple airways should be used for main
intakes and returns for maintaining restrictions to air
Fresh air should be directly coursed to active workings
through the shortest possible routes. This not only
reduces the resistance of the flow path but also
minimizes the addition of heat and pollutants to the air
reaching the face.
Hot gassy and dusty places should always be ventilated
by separate splits. Separate splits should always be
provided for development and extraction areas in
Leakage of air should be minimized and recirculation
should be avoided. Leakage reduces the volumetric
efficiency of ventilation and consequently increases the
cost of ventilation. Recirculation is a hazard to safety
and health of workers.
Minimization of leakage requires minimum use of
ventilation control devices such as air crossings, doors,
stoppings etc.
Injudicious positioning of booster fan in
underground is major source of recirculation.
Air should be circulated from active zones to caved
ground rather than the reverse, which is unhealthy and
can be extremely dangerous in gassy coal mines.
Use of regulators should be minimized for effecting
economy of ventilation as ventilation control by
regulators results in wastage of power. For this case
mainly splits have to be chosen.
Highly tortuous, constricted and obstructed airways
should be avoided in good ventilation system.
Ascensional ventilation should be adopted as it leads to
the development of N.V.P. that aids the fan pressure.
Descensional ventilation has been claimed to reduce the
amount of heat added to the air in the workings,
besides making the working less dusty because as the
air and the mineral travelling in the same direction.
Major airways such as intake and return shafts
(including inclines) or adits as well as main intake and
return roadways in the mine should be of adequate
size and so designed and maintained as to
satisfactorily serve the ventilation system throughout
the life of the mine.
Even with any method of mining certain measures
like suitable distribution of working faces so as to
have well balanced splits, minimum use of control
devices etc. should always be considered for an
efficient ventilation system.
Underground ventilation layouts serving one
or more districts of a mine may be divided
into two broad classifications, U-tube and
through- flow ventilation.
Each of these takes on a diversity of physical
configurations depending upon the type of
mine and disposition of the local geology.
The basic feature of U-
tube ventilation is that
air flows towards and
through the workings,
then returns along
airways separated from
the intakes by stoppings
and doors.
Room and pillar layouts
and advancing longwall
tend to be of this type. Fig . U-tube ventilation system
In this layout, primary intakes
and returns are separated
geographically. Adjacent airways
are either all (or mainly) intakes
or returns and hence, reducing
the number of leakage paths.
There are far fewer stoppings
and air crossings but additional
regulation (regulators or
booster fans) is required to
control the flow of air through
the work area.
Practical examples of through-
flow ventilation are the parallel
flows from downcast to upcast
shafts across the multilevel of a
metal mine, or the back-bleeder
system of a retreating longwall.
Fig. Through – flow ventilation system
Typical elements of a main ventilation system
are shown below:-
Fresh air enters the system through one or more
downcast shafts, drifts, incline (slopes, adits) or
other connections to surface.
The air flows along intake airways to the working
areas or places where the majority of pollutants
are added to the air. These include dust and a
combination of many other potential hazards
including toxic or flammable gases, heat,
humidity, and radiation.
The contaminated air passes back through the
system along return airways.
The polluted air goes up to atmosphere by the
upcast shaft etc.
Depending on the relative position of intake
and return airways, ventilation systems in
mines can be broadly divided into the
a) Boundary or unidirectional
b) Central or bidirectional
c) Combined
In the boundary ventilation system the air flows
unidirectionally from the intake to return through the
It is commonly adopted in metal mine working steep lodes .
The intake and return shafts are located at the two strike
boundaries of the mine. But this is limited to the mines
having small lateral extent.
At shallow levels of developing mine having large lateral
extent small fans may be installed on top of the winzes.
When air requirement varies widely from level to level each
level may be ventilated by an independent underground
1. It necessitates the minimum use of ventilation control devices
This saves capital as well as operation cost, maintenance,
reduces leakage, and results in high volumetric efficiency.
2. Different sections of mine can be independently ventilated by
separate fans. This reduces total flow handled by a single fan
and its head requirement. Lower head results in less leakage.
Airways of smaller cross-section can handle the flow.
Ventilation of each individual section can be independently
controlled and a section can be isolated easily in times of
3. Greater safety because of larger no. of outlets to the surface.
4. Mine characteristic remains constant throughout the life of the
mine resulting in uniform efficient operation of the fan and high
volumetric efficiency of ventilation(70-80%).

1. Reversal of air flow is more complex.

2. Separate fan installation increase the cost of their operation
supervision and maintenance.
The figure illustrates the
ventilation strategy of many
metal mines although, again
the actual geometry will
vary widely.
Air moves in a through-flow
manner from a downcast
shaft or ramp, across the
levels, sublevels and stopes
towards return raises,
ramps or upcast shaft.
Airflow across each of the
levels is controlled by
regulators or booster fans.
Face ventilation is simple. Air
enters the face from lower
level along man ways
maintained at the two ends of
the stope and leaves through
the central raise to join the
upper level.

Owing to the restricted cross

section of the opening at the
face there is usually good face
air velocity.

Ventilation in filled square set

stopes is similar to that in cut
and fill stopes.
Ventilation is poor compared to
shrinkage stope.

Air enters the stope at several

points (each chute opening
allowing air entry) from the
lower level & travels to the
raise to the upper level.

This coupled with large volume

of the open stope results in
poor face air velocity.

Open breast stopes & square

set stopes also suffer from
similar defects though face
ventilation is somewhat better fig. Air distribution in an open overhand
in room & pillar mining. stope

Fig. Ventilation of a room in room-

Fig. Ventilation of a breast stope and-pillar mining
Ventilation requirement
in sublevel stopes is
primarily in sublevels &
the grizzly level where
men work.
Grizzly levels should be
ventilated by a
separate split since a lot
of dust is produced here
which should be carried
away directly to the
return air.
In Top slicing there is a single access opening
leading from the haulage level to the slice drift or
cross cut through a raise.
The ventilation of faces is generally done by
auxiliary fans through tubing ,yet Top slicing faces
need good ventilation to remove the heat
produced by decaying timber in the mat.
Sublevel caving provides more number of
interconnected openings where separate raises
can be used as intakes and returns.
Individual faces are however ventilated by tube
Ventilation requirement is
confined to the openings
below the block used for ore
handling .

Ventilation of finger raises and

undercut level of the block is
required during development
only and is generally by
auxiliary fans and tubing.

A boundary ventilation system

is provided by having separate
fan shafts at the end of the
property opposite to the
hoisting shafts.
Ventilation system for each BLOCK
Leakage through ore passes creates a problem in metal
mines as the ore passes may often be emptied allowing a
direct connection between levels. Airflows emerging
from ore passes can also produce unacceptable dust
Closed ore chutes and instructions to maintain some rock
within the passes at all times are both beneficial but are
difficult to enforce in the necessarily production oriented
activities of an operating mine.
The design of the ventilating system and operation of
regulators and booster fans should attempt to avoid
significant pressure differences across ore passes.
Maintaining an ore pass at negative pressure by means of
a filtered fan/duct arrangement can help to control dust
at dumping or draw points.
It is adopted in in the seam coal mines where both
intake and return shafts are located close by at the
centre of the property.

Intake and return air from any district travel in

opposite directions through parallel roadways usually
separated by stoppings erected in the cross
connections between them.

Return air from district has to cross intake in order to

join the main return.

1. The deposit can be worked after short development

leading to quicker start or production.
2. Long development headings are not necessary and
hence there is no associated problem of their
3. Central pits cause less loss of minerals in shaft pillar.
4. Sinking of deep pits close together economizes the
cost of sinking as certain common facilities can be
shared by the pits .
5. Central shafts can be used for hoisting whereas
boundary shafts are rarely used as it requires
extension of surface transport to these pits.

1. It allows a substantial leakages because of large

number of stoppings and air crossings.
2. Its volumetric efficiency is only 40 - 50 % .
There are a large number of
openings in a working district.
Air has to be guided to the
working face by means of
numerous control devices like
stoppings, doors, air-crossings
Air is coursed through different
faces of working panel with help
of brattices at the face and
temporary stoppings generally
made of brattice curtains in the
Substantial leakage occurs
through brattices leading top
poor face air velocity.
Figures show the
application of the U-tube
principle to advancing and
retreating longwall
With the advancing system,
leakage of some of the
intake air occurs through
the waste area, controlled
by the resistance offered by
the roadside packing
material and the
distribution of resistance
and, hence, air pressure Fig.(1) single entry Fig.(2) single entry
around the district. advancing retreating
Figure (3) shows a single
entry longwall with the back
bleeder return held open in
order to constrain the gas
fringe safely back in the
waste area and, hence,
prevent flushes of waste gas
onto the face.
The system illustrated in (3)
is a combination of U-tube
and through-flow
Figure (4) illustrates the
longwall system more often
used in coal mining
countries that have a Fig.(3) single entry Fig.(4) double
tradition of room and pillar retreating with entry retreating
mining back bleeder with back bleeder

Fig.(5) Y system of Fig.(6) double Z system Fig. (7) W system of

ventilation Of ventilation ventilation
Figures (5), (6) and (7) illustrate a classification of systems for
longwall faces where the make of gas from the face itself is
particularly heavy.
The Y system provides an additional feed of fresh air at the return
end of the face. This helps to maintain gas concentrations at safe
levels along the back return airway(s). Figure (4) is, in fact, a double
entry through-flow Y system.
The double-Z layout is also a through-flow system and effectively
halves the length of face ventilated by each airstream.
The W system accomplishes the same end but is based on the U-
tube principle. Both the double-Z and W systems may be applied to
advancing or retreating faces, depending upon the ability of the
centre return to withstand front abutment and waste area strata
stresses. Again, in both the double-Z and W systems, the directions
of airflow may be reversed to give a single intake and two returns
(or two sets of multiple returns).
This may be preferred if heavy emissions of gas are experienced
from solid rib sides.
Ventilation of L/W faces
easier needing less
control. Each face is
normally ventilated by a
separate split .
Leakage is much less in
the working district.
With single unit dip rise
L/W faces lower gate
forms the intake and the
upper gate the return

Fig. Single unit longwall faces

With double unit faces,
the central gate forms
the common intake
with the lower unit
Where twin gate roads
are driven, both the
units can have
ascensional ventilation. Fig. double unit longwall face

Fig. Ascentional ventilation of both the Fig. Air distribution at a double- unit-
units of a double-unit- longwall face longwall face.
Figure shows Bi-
directional (W) system.
A bidirectional or W
system in which intake air
passes through one or
more central airways with
return airways on both
The conveyor is shown to
occupy the central
roadway with a brattice
curtain to regulate the
airflow through it. Fig. Bi-directional or W system
An advantage of the bidirectional system is that the air
splits at the end of the panel with each airstream
ventilating the operational rooms sequentially over one
half of the panel only.
A second advantage of the bidirectional system arises from
the fact that rib side gas emission is likely to be heavier in
the outer airways.
This can become the dominant factor in gassy coal seams of
relatively high permeability necessitating that the outer
airways be returns.
In most coal mining countries, legislation requires that gas
concentration in intake airways be maintained at very low
The number of stoppings required to be built,
and the number of leakage paths created
between intakes and returns, are both doubled.
In long development panels, the amount of
leakage can become excessive allowing
insufficient air to reach the last open cross-cuts.
In such circumstances, attempts to increase the
pressure differential across the outbye ends of
the panel exacerbate the leakage and give a
disappointing effect at the faces.
This Figure shows Uni-
directional (U-tube )system.
A unidirectional or U-tube
system with intakes and
returns on opposite sides of
the panel.
It is still common practice in
room and pillar mines to
course air around the face
ends by means of line
brattices pinned to roof and
floor but hung loosely in the
cross-cuts to allow the
passage of equipment. Fig. Unidirectional or U-tube system
The unidirectional system has a higher volumetric
efficiency because of the reduced number of
leakage paths. However, in both cases, the line
brattices in the rooms offer a high resistance to
airflow compared with an open cross-cut.
This is particularly so in the case of the
unidirectional system where the useful airflow is
required to pass around all of these high
resistance line brattices in series.
The ventilation of development heading are
bidirectional in nature while ventilation of
extraction panels are unidirectional through goaf
connected to the return airways to the return
airway called bleeders.
Connection of the goaf to the bleeders is
generally regulated near the face where the goaf
has not consolidated and is likely to lead to short
circuiting of the air through that part of the goaf.
Based on the direction of air flow in the
district (at the face)
a) Ascensional ventilation
b) Descensional ventilation
Based on the direction of mineral and air
a) Homotropal ventilation
b) Antitropal ventilation
It implies taking the intake ventilation air to the
lowest point of a district or face and allow it to
travel to higher levels to ventilate the district or
face before it goes to the return.

Advantages :--
1. Firedamp being lighter than air is readily carried to higher
2. Natural Ventilation Pressure assists the fan ventilation
pressure because the air gets hot during its travel in the
mine and has tendency to got o higher levels.
3. If the fan should stop the air will continue to follow in the
same direction by natural ventilation.
It implies taking the air to the rise side of a district and
allow it to travel to lower levels as it ventilates the
working places.
1. It has some advantage in hot deep mines.
2. The air has not to pass over water drains of the dip side and it
reaches the working face in drier and cooler condition.
At one deep mine in Raniganj field worked by advancing L/W and
hydraulic sand stowing the dip side face of the double unit
longwall face had a relative humidity at 93% with ascensional
ventilation because the intake air was passing over drains of
water coming out from stowed goaf . When that particular
face was ventilated by descensional ventilation the relative
humidity came down to 65%.
When the air and the mineral flow in the same direction.

Advantages :--
1. The velocity of air relative to coal is less as compared to
that in antitropal ventilation.
2. Consequently, the amount of coal dust at the face is less
in homotropal than in case of antitropal ventilation.
3. Homotropal ventilation has other advantages in respect
of humidity and dealing with fire in mines having longwall

An antitropal system is one in which the airflow and
transported rock (or mineral) move in opposite directions.
The overall air quantity requirement for the
whole mine to be handled by the main fan
(forcing\exhaust)is computed taking into
account that are summarized below as :
Air requirement in the workings
Air requirement in Drifts and Tunnels
Air requirement at other parts of the Mine
Leakage of air
Expansion in upcast shaft
Air velocity etc.
Supply of an adequate quantity of air to the
working face is necessary for the following
reasons :--
1. Supplying the workers with breathable air.
2. Diluting impurities in mine air such as
inflammable and noxious gases.
3. Diluting pathogenic and inflammable dusts.
4. Diluting heat and humidity of the mine air.
5. Producing sufficient face air velocity for
comfortable working condition.
As required by law in India and several other countries of
the world, mine air should contains at least 19% oxygen.
A man is confined space needs a fresh air supply at the rate of
about 0.125 m3/min , if CO2 percentage has to kept below
0.5% as require by the regulation then it becomes 0.5
Common industrial practice requires afresh air supply rate of
0.3 to 0.9 m3 /min per man in buildings.
Besides workers, there are other agents in a mine such as
burning lamps, oxidizing coal and timber etc. that deplete the
oxygen content of air. The mine air may be also fed with other
impurities such as methane.
Hence the fresh air supply to a working face in a mine should
be substantially more than the common industrial

Dilution of CH4 to a safe concentration is the determining

factor in estimating the adequate quantity of ventilation.
As per CMR-130 it should be below 0.75% in general body
of return air and 1.25% at any place. The general practice in
this regard is to keep down the CH4% at the face portion
where electrical machines are used , at maximum 0.5%.
In very gassy mines however, the quantity of air required to
dilute the gas to this level may cause undesirably high air
velocity at the face. In such cases it may be necessary to use
compressed air machinery at the face so that the allowance
limit of methane concentration at the return end of the face
can be raised to 0.8%.
The rate of air flow Q required to dilute the methane to the
maximum allowable concentration C can be obtain from the
gas balance equation per unit time.

Gas in intake air + Gas added in the working = Gas in exhaust air
or, Q a + q = (Q+q)c
or, Q = { (q/(c-a)) - (q c/(c-a)) } m3/min

where a = concentration of the gas present in the intake air

q = rate of gas emission, m3/min

NOTE:- volume of exhaust air is increased by q, the amount

of gas added in a unit time.
In planning for new mines, it becomes difficult to predict
rate of methane emission from the face. Relations have
been developed between the amount of methane emission
and the depth of seam but such relations vary from seam
to seam and locality to locality and hence are not of much
general value.
where Q = gas emission at depth H, m3/te
Q0 = gas emission at depth H0, m3/te
a = constant giving the rate of increase of methane
emission(varies widely from 5m to 40m from field to field )

For prediction of rate of emission with accuracy it has been

suggested that half hourly samples at inbye end of intake
gate and the outbye end of return gate have to be taken for
3 to 6 months, If no CH4 emission data is available and if
the mine is planning for depth then 10% increase in rate of
emission for every 100 m depth is to be taken in to account.
Any estimation of air quantity for suitably diluting methane
emitted at the face should be based on the peak rate of
methane emission at any time.
For nitrous fumes and carbon monoxide it is recommended
that where explosives are used to win a mineral, arrangements
should be made to send to the face such a quantity of air after
every round of blasting as would dilute the carbon monoxide
and nitrous fumes to less than 50 ppm and 5 ppm respectively
within 5 minutes.(DGMS Circular no. 30 of 1973)
Radon gas and its daughter products are a source of danger in
uranium mines and sufficient ventilation should be ensured to
keep down there concentration in any part of the mine below
the maximum permissible limit of 3700 s-1m-3 (10-1µCim-3). In
any case a minimum of 0.5 m3 s-1 of air should be delivered
from a tube outlet at a distance not exceeding 9m from the
face for every pair of men mining uranium ore.

A place shall not be deemed to be in a harmless state for

persons to work or be therein if the 8 hour time-weighted
average concentration of airborne respirable dust mg/m3 of
air sampled by a gravimetric dust sampler of a type
approved by DGMS exceeds 3 where working is being made
wholly in a coal seam or where free respirable silica present
is less than 5% and the value arrived at by dividing the
figure of 15 with the percentage of free respirable silica
present in other cases.
The permissible limit for asbestos fibre is 2 fibre cm-3 ,a
asbestos fibre is that which is
a) Longer than 5µ
b) having L/D ratio 3:1
c) diameter less than 5µ.

It is difficult to estimate the quantity of air necessary to

reduce the temp. of air at the face to a comfortable value
since this depends on several variable factors.
Heat from sources like men, light, machinery etc. are easily
Heat from rock can be estimated from the various equations
developed though with a lesser degree of accuracy.
Heat due to spontaneous heating is not a universal
phenomenon except in coal mines(more difficult to estimate).
Heat from Rock: if we consider a small length of airway dL in
traversing which there is rise of dT in the temperature of
airway is given by the equation
Q= q p dL /Pa Cp dT
A face velocity of 0.5 to 2.0 m/sec is reasonable for
comfortable working conditions. Velocities above this
generally cause discomfort and raise dust.
For efficient dilution of gases and dust by turbulent
diffusion, the flow at the face should be turbulent.
Theoretically the velocity required to maintain turbulent
flow in a mine is well below the above figures. But with
low air velocities, particularly in large openings, there is
usually a substantial laminar sub layer formed at the
boundary even though the flow in the opening is
turbulent and it becomes necessary to maintain a high
air velocity of the order 0.5 to 1.0 ms-1 at the face for
efficient dilution of contaminants.
The wet bulb temperature in any working place does not
exceed 33.5 degrees centigrade , and where the wet bulb
temperature exceeds 30.5 degrees centigrade,
arrangements are made to ventilate the same with a
current of air moving at a speed of not less than 1 ms-1.
Certain empirical norms are developed on the basis of
Number of men employed in a mine
On the output of the mine
On the basis of a suitable air velocity at the face
Most countries in the world provide for a minimum quantity of
air to be circulated at a working face based on the no. of men
working there. This varies from 3 m3/min per person in non
gassy mines to as much as 15 m3 /min per person in very gassy
In very gassy mines, though a common figure for gassy mines is 6
m3min-1 per person. (in India also this is min. quantity)
On the basis of production, “Penman “ suggests a quantity of 2.8
m3 min-1 te-1 in gassy mines . (this can be compared with German
coal mines where a quantity ranging from 2 m3 min-1 te-1 to 4 m3
min-1 te-1 of daily production. )
The quantity of air required at development headings,
drifts and tunnels is usually greater than at longwall faces
in order that the face is effectively cleared of gas, dust,
fumes etc. and comfortable working conditions are
International Labour Organization(I.L.O.) recommend a
quantity of 0.175 m3/ sec /m2 of drift face area . Heavy
dust, gas and heat production at the face requires the
quantity to be further increased.
In extremely hot faces quantities as high as 0.75 m3s-1
per m2 of drift have been used. The above quantities are
that delivered at the face and the fan quantity has to be
still higher depending on the leakage through the duct.
For long headings/tunnels the time taken to remove the
blasting fumes from the drift face in order to minimize
loss of working time.
t = {2.303 (Vm/Q) log(q/Vm c)} + {(V-Vm)/Q}
where, t = diluting time (in min.)
Q = quantity of air required (in m3 min-1)
Vm = volume of the tunnel over which the mixing of
the gases produced at the face and air delivered by
the fan occurs ,
q = total vol. of noxious gas produced = M q’.
where, M= mass of explosive used
q’=volume of noxious gases produced per
unit mass of explosive
V= volume of drift or tunnel
C= concentration of noxious gases at time t
For very long tunnel (Vm is taken equal to V )
we get
t = 2.303 (V/Q) log (q/V c)
which is same as previous equation if M q’ is neglected in
comparison with V.
Voronin gives the following empirical relation for Q which
obviously ignores the effect of the fume quality of the
explosive used:
Q = (7.8/t) {M V2} 1/3
where , M = mass of explosive used
V = volume of tunnel
t = diluting time
An air quantity of 2.3 m3s-1 is usually allowed for ventilating
internal hoists, haulages, pump houses and other electric
motors, if any.
Battery charging stations need an air quantity of 4.7 m3s-1.
Where diesel locomotive are used underground : a safer
practice is to ensure an air flow of 0.1 to 0.2 m3s-1kW-1 in
haulage roads and 0.064 m3s-1kW-1 in locomotive garages and
repair shops.
Petrol engine are never allowed in U/G mines as they produce
a large amount of CO.
Air requirement in other excavations housing stores, rest
rooms etc. should be calculated depending on the volume of
the room on the basis of 4 to 6 air changes. Generally 0.5
m3s-1 is provided in such room.
Based on CH4 Emission
• calculation of CH4 emission: from broken coal
Iμ = b r γ m (x0 – x1) m3 min-1
where, b = width of coal face (in m)
r =rate of face advance (in m min-1 )
γ = bulk density of coal (te m-3)
m = seam thickness
x0,x1= actual and residual methane percentage
Air quantity requirement
Qz = (100 Iμ )/ (c – c0 ) m3 min-1
c, c0 = permissible gas concentration of methane
at the face and intake respectively(in %)
Iμ = rate of CH4 emission at the face after 30
minute of blasting (m3 min-1 )
Q2 = air quantity requirement at the face
On the basis of CH4 emission and noxious
gases withdrawn :-
Qz = (W/Kt . t0) . ln((100 Imax. . t0 + C0W)/CW) m3 min-1
W= volume of mixing zone bounded by the end of
the ventilation pipe and the face in ( m3)
Kt = coefficient of turbulent diffusion generally
equal to 0.4
t0 = time when maximum CH4 concentration is
observed at the face immediately after blasting(min.)
Imax. = maximum CH4 output in the face zone
(m3 min-1 )
Quantity requirement based on CO2 liberation
Qz = 100 Ico2 / (c - c0 ) m3 min-1
where ,
Ico2 = maximum yield of CO2 from face zone of
preparatory working (m3 min-1)

Based on maximum number of men working and

output of the mine
Qz = 6 . nz m3 min-1
where, nz =maximum number of person working
Qz = 2.5 . tz m3ton-1min-1
NOTE: Whichever is larger take that quantity
Based on dilution of noxious gases after blasting
Qz = 17 s/t (Ψ B b / s)⅓ m3 min-1
where , s = cross-sectional area of the surface of the working
(in m2)
t= period of ventilation (in min.)
B = amount of explosive blasted at one time in kg taken as
equal to
100/kg when blasting in coal
40/kg when blasting in rock
b = width of coal face
Ψ = coefficient accounting for the wetness of working taken
0.8 –for dry rocks
0.6 –for partially water bearing rock
0.3– for water bearing rock (so we spray water after blast)
Quantity requirement based on dust factor
Qz = S v0 60 m3 min-1
where, S = cross sectional area of the duct
v0 = optimum rate of flow
Mine working Rate of air flow Rate of air flow Rate of air flow
(m/s) v0 (m/s) v0 (m/s) v0
Minimum possible Optimum Maximum possible

Robbing faces 0.9 1.6 3.0

Development faces 0.3 0.6 -

Drive with 0.7 1.3 1.8

conveyor transport
Air needed for depillaring area
Qz = (100 Iz N)/ (c – c0 ) m3 min-1
where ,
Iz = mean CH4 emission from pillar rib (m3 min-1 )
N = coefficient of in equilibrium of CH4 emission
c = permissible gas concentration in return flow (in
c0 = permissible gas concentration in intake (in %)
Value of N
Mining method Advancing face (m / day) Advancing face (m / day)
1.4 – 2.0 over 2.0
Cutting machine 1.8 – 2.2 1.4 – 1.8

Pick Hammer 1.1 – 1.3 1.0 – 1.1

Qsh = [ΣQvt.vch + 1.1 (ΣQp + ΣQo.v + ΣQk +ΣQut)]
Qsh = air quantity entering to the mine
Qvt.vch = air required to ventilate a ventilation district
Qp = amount of air required for ventilation of development
Qo.v = amount of air required for ventilation of isolated
Qk = amount of air required for rooms outside the
ventilation district
Qut = losses thru ventilation devices beyond the ventilation
Kz-u = coefficient that takes into account the air losses in the
loading device of the skip shaft
• External losses
Kvn = (Qv – Qsh)/ Qsh * 100%
• Internal losses
Ksh = (Qsh - Qp)/ Qsh * 100%
• Total mine losses (internal + external )
Ku = (Qv - Qp)/Qsh * 100%
Qv = actual output of fan (m3 min-1)
Qsh = quantity of air entering a mine (m3 min-1)
Qp = quantity of air utilized gainfully in ventilating the
mine working (m3 min-1)
Between the fan and the face in a mine a lot of air is lost
through leakage at stoppings, doors, air crossings etc. so
that a much larger quantity of air has to be circulated by
The volumetric efficiency of air distribution in mines may
vary from 10% (very poor conditions) to 85% (very good
conditions) and under average conditions in-the-seam coal
mine it ranges from 45 to 55% and in coal mining by
horizon system slightly higher 55 to 65%.
Leakage figure for metal mine is very low as compared to
coal mine.
In large openings leakages varies as square root of pressure
and in small openings it varies directly with pressure.
For reducing leakage it is preferable to use a larger number
of low-pressure fans in series than a single high-pressure
fan. This is particularly true with mining in broken ground
where leakage through the rock surrounding airways may
be considerable.
Boundary ventilation, in which main intakes and returns are
widely separated, is preferable from this point of view.
Leakages values for stoppings are:
Different type of stoppings Leakage values
Permanent stoppings Negligible

200 mm thick concrete wall 0.03 m3s-1

Patrushev given for differential pressure of 98 and 490 0.04 and 0.09
Pa across slag or rubble concrete stoppings in solid m3s-1 respectively
rocks .
Temporary plank stopping in solid rock 0.1 m3s-1
Values of leakages across newly-formed goaf as assumed
by the N.C.B.,U.K.
Distance between intake and return Leakages across goaf as percentage
gates (in metre) of the air on the face
45 20
90 10
180 5

Leakage through separation doors between intake and

return can be often considerable and is usually taken to be
of the order of 1.4 cu. m per second.
Apart from all this, a lot of leakage takes place at the top of
the upcast shaft through the airlock and the walls of the fan
drift and the shaft collar. Leakage through the walls of the
fan drift or the shaft collar can be minimized by suitably
lining these with concrete, but it is difficult to prevent
leakage through the air-locks.
As the air from U/G workings rises in the upcast
shaft it expands due to the reduction of
barometric pressure.
If the air is circulated in the mine by an exhaust
fan situated at the top of the upcast shaft, the fan
will handle a larger quantity of air than the
circulating in the workings.
Provision should be made for this when
estimating the quantity of air required to be
circulated by the fan.
The increase in the quantity of an air due to
expansion in the upcast shaft can be roughly
taken as 1% for every 100m depth.
Recommended Air Velocity

Degree of Place where velocity of air is to be measured Velocity of

gassiness air, m min-1
First Immediate outbye ventilation connection from the face 30
Second (1) 4.5 m from any face whether working or disconnected
degree on the intake side of the brattice or partition 30
(2) 7.5 m outbye of the discharge end of an air pipe 15

(3) At the maximum span of longwall face 60

Third (1) 4.5 m from any face whether working or disconnected
degree on the intake side of the brattice or partition 45

(2) 7.5 m outbye of the discharge end of an air pipe 25

(3) At the maximum span of longwall face 75

The following standard with regard to maximum air
velocities are recommended (vide DGMS Circular No. 42
of 1974 ) for different locations
Locality Maximum velocity
(m s-1)
Ventilation shaft not provided with winding equipment ,fan 15
Ventilation shaft where man- winding is not carried out , or 12
mineral hoisting shafts only
Shafts used for man- winding and haulage roads (other than 8
conveyor roads )
Other roadways 6
Conveyor roads, loading points and transfer points 4
Working faces in development 4

There is an optimum quantity or velocity for an airway of

the given size, from the point of view of economy.
Lower velocity causes methane layering and
uncomfortable environment.
Too high velocities are undesirable from the point of view
of safety and health.
High velocities blow out naked lamps.
Velocities greater than 2.5 m/s raise dust which not only
is hazardous to the lungs but also causes smarting of
It is good practice not to exceed an air velocity of
1.7 m/s at the face.
3 m/s in conveyor roads, loading and transfer
5 m/s in main haulage roads.
7.5 m/s in smooth lined airways not used for
haulage purposes and shafts with rope guides.
12.5 m/s in shaft with rigid guides.
The pressure required to circulate a certain quantity
through an airway can be calculated if the resistance of
the airway is known either from measurement or from
calculation. For accuracy, both the friction and shock
resistance should be estimated.
Friction resistance accounts for 70 to 90% of the total
mine resistance and the rest being accounted for by the
shock resistance.
Pressure loss in shafts should be calculated on the basis
of average quantity of flow in them. in case of deep
shafts where there is a substantial variation in the
volume of flow at the two ends of the shaft because of
the large difference in barometric pressure .
Knowing the pressure requirement for each airway, the
total pressure required for the whole mine can be
calculated. If the mine consists of several parallel splits,
the pressure required for the one with the largest
resistance in generally taken as the actual pressure
Pressure (P) of a split\mine is calculated by the formula :-
P = RQ2
where, R= resistance of the split\mine
Q= quantity flowing through the split\mine
The calculation of the resistance or pressure loss in a split
is easy if it consists of a branch airways so connected that
the whole network can be resolved into a simple series-
parallel circuit.
Gustav R. Kirchhoff (1824-87) was a German physicist who
first recognized the fundamental relationships that govern
the behaviour of electrical current in a network of
conductors. The same basic relationships, now known as
Kirchhoff's Laws, are also applicable to fluid networks
including closed ventilation systems at steady state.

Kirchhoff's first law states that the mass flow entering a

junction equals to the mass flow leaving that junction.

The simplest statement of Kirchhoff's second law applied to

ventilation networks is that the algebraic sum of all
pressure drops around a closed path, or mesh, in the
network must be zero, having taken into account the effects
of fans and ventilating pressures.
Ventilation network analysis is concerned with the
interactive behaviour of airflows within the connected
branches of a complete and integrated network. The
questions addressed by ventilation network analysis may
be formulated quite simply. If we know the resistances of
the branches of a ventilation network and the manner in
which those branches are interconnected then how can we
predict, quantitatively, the distribution of airflow for given
locations and duties of fans? Alternatively, if we know the
airflows that we need in specific branches of the network
then how can we determine an efficient combination of
fans and structure of the network that will provide those
required airflows?
Ventilation network analysis is a generic term
for a family of techniques that enable us to
address such questions. In a given network
there are a large number of combinations of
airway resistances, fans, and regulators that
will give any desired distribution of flow.
Practical considerations limit the number of
acceptable alternatives. However, the
techniques of network analysis that are useful
for modern industrial application must remain
easy to use, and sufficiently rapid and flexible
to allow multiple alternative solutions to be
Let us consider a simple network as shown in fig. A
fan generating a pressure P is situated across a and f.

Now from Kirchhoff's first law,

Qbd = Qab - Qbc ------❶
Qde = Qef - Qce = Qab - Qce ------❷
since Qab = Qef
and Qdc = Qce - Qbc -------❸

Applying kirchoff’s second law, in mesh a b d e f a

(Ref + Rab)Q2ab + Rbd (Qab - Qbc)2 + Rde(Qab – Qce)2 – P = 0 --❹
In mesh b c d b
Rbc Q2bc - Rdc(Qce - Qbc)2 - Rbd(Qab - Qbc)2 = 0 -----❺
And in mesh c e d c
Rce Q2ce - Rde(Qab - Qce)2 + Rdc(Qce - Qbc)2 = 0 ------❻
Where , Q = quantity flowing in any branch airway,
R = resistance of the branch and the suffixes
indicate the branch concerned
From the above three equations it is possible to solve the three
unknowns , and , but the simultaneous solution of the above
quadratic equations is difficult and hence a method of successive
approximation as given below is adopted in solving them.
For networks with larger number of branches, a larger number of
equations have to be solved. If
B = number of branch airways in a ventilation network and,
j = number of junctions,
Then the minimum number of meshes M to be considered or the
minimum number of equations necessary to solve the network is
given by
M= B-J+1
In the above example
B= 8 (including the fan as a branch)
And J= 6(each letter in fig. Indicating a junction)
Therefore M=3.
The Hardy Cross method, developed by the US engineer
Hardy Cross and also known as the relaxation method, is
used to design water supply networks, and works on the
principle of balancing circuit pressure drop by correcting
assumed flows.
Any water flow network can be broken up into a
minimum number of independent circuits. As it turns
out, these circuits can be found directly by calculating the
minimum spanning tree. The edges that do not form part
of the minimum spanning tree are called the basic edges.
By definition, the pressure drop in any closed circuit is
zero. All we need to do is correct the flow in each of the
basic loops until the errors are within tolerance.
We initialize the network edges with a set of consistent
flows (the algebraic sum of flows at each node is zero). Zero
flow in each edge satisfies this requirement and is easy to
Now, increment the flow in each loop (by an arbitrary
amount), taking account of the edge direction. This process
automatically satisfies the requirement of consistent flows.
Calculate the loop pressure drop and make further
adjustments of the loop flow according to:
dm = - loop dp / (loop dp slope)
You may recognize this correction factor. It is the same as
that used in the Newton-Raphson root finding algorithm.
The method is easily implemented by hand calculation or
in a spreadsheet. A number of municipal water and mine
ventilation networks have been successfully implemented.
Hardy Cross's description of his method follows: "Moment
Distribution. The method of moment distribution is this:
1. Imagine all joints in the structure held so that they cannot
rotate and compute the moments at the ends of the
members for this condition;
2. at each joint distribute the unbalanced fixed-end moment
among the connecting members in proportion to the
constant for each member defined as "stiffness";
3. multiply the moment distributed to each member at a
joint by the carry-over factor at the end of the member
and set this product at the other end of the member;
4. distribute these moments just "carried over";
5. repeat the process until the moments to be carried over
are small enough to be neglected; and
6. add all moments - fixed-end moments, distributed
moments, moments carried over - at each end of each
member to obtain the true moment at the end."
• Highly sophisticated digital computer
programmes have been developed which can
start with the selection of meshes from
amongst the branches specified in the input
data. branches are normally identified by the
junctions they connect, each junction being
connected by a reference number. Branch
resistance can be given as input data or a sub-
programme provided to calculate the resistance
of branches from survey data of pressure and
• Meshes are selected satisfying the following criteria:
(a). The minimum number of meshes given by the
equation M=B-J+1;
Where, M- no. Of mesh;
J- no. Of junctions;
B- no. Of branches; Are selected.
(b). All branches are included in the meshes selected
(c).No high resistance branch appears in more than one
Mesh selection can be done in two ways
• In one of them basic branches such as those with high
resistance, fans or branches with fixed flow are first
selected and the required no. Of meshes built around them
by the branch tree technique.
• In the other method the computer starts with one branch
and searches out alternative routes (route finding
technique) which form a closed mesh back to the starting
point. Unsuccessful routes are memorized by the computer
and are avoided in the successive searches. The later
method leads to the formation of a larger number of
meshes and hence takes more computer time for each
iteration, but the number of iterations required for the
solution is reduced
• The computer programme can incorporate the
determination of the variation in the resistance of
the branch required to keep the quantity fixed at
a certain value. A rise in resistance indicates the
need for a regulator while a fall indicates the
need for the installation of a booster. the
programme can also incorporate the
determination of the size of the regulator or
• The programme can be made to incorporate
modifications to the network such as :-
1. Change in resistance values,
2. Introduction of new branches and junctions,
3. Removal of branches,
4. Change in fan duty,
5. Change in fan position and,
6. Variation in N.V.P.
Electrical analogue computers have been developed for
solution of ventilation networks. In these devices, air-flow
of current through a network of electrical circuits. The first
computer developed in Belgium used Tungsten filament
lamps fed from an A.C. Supply. Such lamps obey the law
where, V = voltage applied to the lamp,
i = current flowing through the lamp
r =electrical resistance of the lamp.
The above law is similar to the law of ventilation
P= RQ² applied in mines.


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