Smoke Meter
Smoke Meter
Smoke Meter
DC Operation
PC Interface
Thermal printers print faster and quieter than Measures emission level in diesel engines by free Low / high voltage indication and auto cut-off
dot matrix printers. They are also smaller, acceleration partial flow method using optics based during battery operation, ensures safety of the
lighter and consume less power. folded geometry. equipment.
Calibration Report
Remote control device
Remote control device with LCD display and
menu driven functions including vehicle test
& machine calibration, convenient for the
operator to operate from inside the vehicle.
Salient Features Technical Specifications
nConforms to IS : 14553 - derived from ISO 11614 : 1999 Measurement Parameters Range Resolution
nMeasures smoke opacity of diesel vehicles in % opacity Opacity 0 – 99.9 % 0.10 %
and K value -1
K-value 0 – 9.99 m 0.01 m-1
nMeasurement principle : Partial flow, optics based on
folded geometry Linearity ± 0.1 m-1
nSuitable for free acceleration test Repeatability ± 0.1 m-1
nEngine RPM (Battery based) and Engine oil temperature Zero & Span drift ± 0.1 m-1
Response time – Physical < 0.4 seconds
nOperates on 230V AC (or) 12V DC power supply
nPortable, Compact & light weight design, suitable for Response time – Electrical < 1 millisecond
“Road Tests” using vehicle battery Warm up time @ 25ºC and above < 7 minutes
nLow & High voltage indication for battery operation
Engine RPM (Battery based) 400 - 9990 RPM 10 RPM
nAutomatic Zero and Span calibration
Engine oil temperature 0 - 150º C 1º C
nAutomatic Pressure regulation and moisture separation
Operating temperature + 5 °C to + 50 °C
nHandheld, Menu driven LCD remote control unit
Smoke measuring cell length 215 mm (430 mm folded length)
nPass / Fail indication and emission limit in printout
nVehicle no., vehicle specification, operator name and Power supply 12V DC ± 2V battery
test data in printout 230V AC ± 10%, Single phase, 50 - 60 Hz
nRS232C serial port for PC interface
Power 300W AC / 100W DC (without heater)
Diesel Smoke Meter
Optional Accessories
PC Interface (Optional)
nPhoto of vehicle number plate with Unique Job ID in color printout Customised
n Pre-printed formats & summary as prescribed
n period and PUC centre name in printout by RTOs of any State & country
Pre-printed certificate settings
n Customised result format in file to be sent to RTOs through web
Data Manager for PUC reports
Gas Analyser