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Operating Manual DAS PLTMG Sumbawa 50 MW

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Operating Manual
DAS (Data Acquisition System) for CEMS

Plant site : PLTMG Sumbawa 50 MW

Address : Labuhan Badas, Kab. Sumbawa Besar, NTB
Operating Manual - DAS (Data Acquisition System) for CEMS CEMS - 2020


COVER .......................................................................................... 1
LIST OF CONTENS ............................................................................. 2
1. System Topology .............................................................................. 3
1.1. System Configuration ................................................................. 3
2. Prologue WinTr ............................................................................... 4
2.1. WinTr SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) ....................... 4
2.2. The features of SCADA WinTr ........................................................ 4
3. Operation Manual ............................................................................. 7
3.1. Open project file ...................................................................... 7
3.1.1 Development screen (main menu) ........................................... 8
3.2. Running program....................................................................... 9
3.2.1 Overview display................................................................ 9
3.2.2 Monitoring gauge display ...................................................... 10
3.2.3 Chart display .................................................................... 11
3.2.4 Alarm display .................................................................... 12
3.2.5 DAS report ....................................................................... 12
3.2.6 Close the program .............................................................. 14
4. Troubleshooting............................................................................... 16
4.1. Lost Connection ........................................................................ 16
4.1.1 Open the communication alarm details ..................................... 16
4.1.2 Connection test from device to DAS ......................................... 17
4.1.3 Connection of the ethernet cable ............................................ 18
4.2. Signal Compatibility ................................................................... 20

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1.1. System Configuration

The System configuration for project DAS Continuous Emission
Monitoring System is pictured below:

Pic 1. General System Topology

The data parameter from CEMS Analyzer is transmitted with Modbus

TCP to DAS-PC, and then for the plant signal I/O will convert with Digital to
Modbus TCP converter before transmitted to DAS-PC. DAS-PC will be
calculated, store, display and generate report. DAS-PC only can transfer data
with Modbus serial 232 or hardwire (Analog/Digital).
The data will display on DAS-PC:
• Actual reading of Opacity, SO2, O2, CO, CO2, NO, NO2, NOx
• O2 Correction reading of SO2, CO, NO, NO2, NOx
• Alarm
• Trending chart
• Report

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2.1. WinTr SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition)

WinTr is advanced SCADA software for monitoring and saving data of

manufacturing processes which separated large areas. Devices managed from
single station and they can be connected with OPC Client, S7 MPI, S7 PPI,
Profinet (S7 1200), Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP/IP, Host-Link protocols (Omron),
Mewtocol protocols (Panasonic). Historical data related to processes are saved
into database.

Pic 2. WinTr main page

WinTr also have library driver communication protocol for various types of
device (PLC’s, Controller, Motor Drivers, Data Acquisition Module, and others).
ease for recording process data trending and data saved from SQL-Server
Express2014. WinTr can export data to Microsoft Excel, PDF, and others for

2.2. The features of SCADA WinTr

WinTr has some interesting main features such as:

• WinTr License
It only takes Run Time License, in the form of a file that is inserted in a
USB key dongle. If a runtime test without a license will be active for only
30 minutes.

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• WinTr License Model

Divided into 4 classes (Starter, Basic, Professional, Ultimate) can be
tailored to the needs (stand alone, Client Server, Redundant, Web

• TCP/IP Client – Server Support

Through TCP / IP communication mode will facilitate us in
interconnection with various devices.

• WinTr web server

WinTr Web Server is a SCADA application that can be directly accessed
from the Client Internet network using a standard web browser. For the
future development of WinTr web server application we can monitor via
smart phone, Android, Black Berry, Laptop / PC

• Ease of backup and restore

When saving a project file then automatically backup files are created
and put into a folder (backup) on the project file without replacing or
deleting backup files that have been stored which are distinguished by
the name of the file using the time format.

• Script Writer
Using standard Visual basic script and C # script.

• Reporting
Excel, PDF, SMS, e-mail

• Connection
Scada WinTr supports various protocol drivers to accommodate
interconnection with various devices (OPC Client, Siemens, Modbus,
Profinet, Omron) and various PLC / Controller.

• Support and Technical Assistance

• Runtime Applications
Mode Runtime Applications are helpful in automation running applications
during PC booting.

• Security (Access Groups Authorized)

The definition of the Group will determine the level and capacity of the
User in the project access authorization.

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Pic 3. User login for access

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WinTr Runtime is a facility on SCADA WinTr which works to run system

application, in this case is application for Continuous Emission Monitoring

3.1. Open Project File

At the time the computer is turned on then it will automatically run

WinTr Runtime. But if WinTr has not been set for automatically runtime it
need to be opened manually by opening a project file that is already stored on
the PC.

Pic 4. Open project file in PC storage

We can also opening the project file from WinTr features using open project[2]
on the toolbar (refer to picture 6) after open the WinTr on PC.

Pic 5. Open project file from WinTr

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3.1.1. Development screen (main menu)

After opening the project file, on the screen will be displayed the
development screen (Main Menu).

Development menu 12
3 Only accessible by
4 13

Pic 6. Development screen (Main Menu)

On the development screen, there are several menus that can be

accessed and some that can only be accessed by engineer/vendor, among

New Project [1]: To create a new project (only be accessed by engineer/vendor)

Open Project [2]: To open the project file

Project Wizard [3]: Project aimed at creating a framework for an application


Save Project [4]: To save a project file that is currently active

Save as Project [5]: To save as a project file to be a new project file

Create Backup [6]: To create a backup project file in the form of ZIP file.

Create a Shortcut [7]: To create a shortcut runtime for the project (to activate
automatically runtime project)

Help [8]: Bring up the help facility that can help us solve problems encountered
when using the menu facility on WinTr

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Teaching [9]: Bring up the teaching facility that can teach us how to operate the

About [10]: Bring up the version of WinTr

Login [11]: User login for opening the hidden menu (development menu)

Runtime (Development Continue) [12]: Runtime application with development

mode is continue (still open)

Runtime [13]: Runtime application without development mode is continue

3.2. Running Program

For running the program, we can using runtime[13] or runtime

development continue[12] on the toolbar menu (refer to picture 6) and then
runtime monitoring system will be activated.

3.2.1. Overview display

After open and runtime monitoring system are complete then the
overview page will be displayed.




4 10

5 11
6 12

Pic 7. Overview display (Main page)

On the overview display, there are parts that have the purpose and function of
each, among others:

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• Parameter value display [A]: Displays all measurable parameters for all
engines, both the actual value and the O2
correction value
• Operation status display [B]: Displays the operation status for all device, i.e:
i. Marsic300 Status [8], Operation status of Marsic300 like
operation/failure, maintenance, maintenance request, measuring valid or
not valid, and sampling point status to find out what engine samples were
measured at the time
ii. DHT Status [9], Operation status of dust hunter (Dust & Opacity Analyzer)
like operation/failure, maintenance, maintenance request, and function
iii. Fuel Engine Status [10], Displays the status of the type of engine fuel
being used
iv. Power of Phase [11], Power of phase status will be on when the engine is
already on the load above 20%
v. Engine Status [12], ON/OFF operation status of engine
• Navigation button [C]: Consist of several button that have each function, i.e:

Monitoring gauge [1], Displays the monitoring gauge page to view

parameter readings in the form of bar grap for 1

Alarm [2], Displays alarm status of devices

Report [3], To open the excel report and view recorded data in the form
of daily or monthly report

Overview [4], Displays all reading parameter and operation status of


Chart [5], Displays the reading parameters in the from of chart for 1

Login [6], For user login to activate exit [7] button

Exit [7], Exit the program

• Auxiliary navigation button [D]: As a help button to see the display of the
reading for other engines (between engine 1 – 3)
while on the monitoring gauge [1] page or chart
[5] page.
The engine button are switch the color become
green if the engine is “ON” & red if the engine is

3.2.2. Monitoring gauge display

To open the monitoring gauge page, we can click monitoring gauge
button[1] on the left screen (refer to picture 7).

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Engine 2 monitoring gauge is active


Pic 8. Monitoring Gauge

In monitoring gauge page, we can see the CEMS reading just for 1
engine, To view another page (engine) for the reading, click the button Engine
1-3 on auxiliary navigation button[1] (refer to picture 8). After click the
button, we can see the bargraph with other engine parameters readings.

3.2.3. Chart Display

To open the monitoring gauge page, we can click monitoring gauge
button on the left screen (refer to picture 7).

Pic 9. Chart

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In the chart page, we can see the CEMS reading in cart form just for 1
engine, To view another page (engine) for the reading, click the button Engine
1-3 on auxiliary navigation button[1] (refer to picture 8). After click the
button, we can see the chart with other engine parameters readings.

3.2.4. Alarm display

To open the monitoring gauge page, we can click monitoring gauge
button on the left screen (refer to picture 7).

Pic 10. Alarm

The alarm page is use for view the logbook of status Analyzer operation
system. The alarm will acknowledge if the status of analyzer was cleared with
green color, and still appear if the status analyzer is not clear. We also can
export the logbook to excel file.

3.2.5. DAS report

To generate the report, we can click report button[3] on the left screen
(refer to picture 7). Automatically the report will be open using MS.Excel with
the initial appearance as follows.

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Pic 11. The DAS report initial display

The report can be selected for each engine (1 – 3), type of the report
(daily or monthly), and report date to display recorded data readings according
to the selected date using form menu[1] on the report initial display. Then we
can also print out the report to the printer or save as the file into the PC or
external storage.

Pic 12. DAS Report

To create a report with another report type, date, or engine we can
use the create new report button[2] and then the form menu will reappear. To
close the report we can use the exit button[3] on the sheet home.

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Noted, there some things that need to considered in the DAS report, i.e:
• Never close the report using the close button/X button on the MS.Excel, it will
be effect to the script program/visual basic program in the report.
• It’s recommended to create the report at the most every 1 month, because
the recording of measurement data for a long time (no longer than 3 months
ago) will be deleted automatically.

3.2.6. Close the program

To close the program runtime can be done in 2 ways, i.e:
• Using the exit button[7] (refer to picture 7), to using this button we have to
login first to activate the button. We can click the login button[6] (refer to
picture 4) with user administrator and the password is 9.

Pic 13. Login display

After login, we can using the exit button[7] to close the program and after
click the button exit.
• Close the program through the taskbar, right click on the WinTr icon in the
taskbar then select close windows.
Noted: It’s recommended to used

Pic 14. Close program in the taskbar

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After close the program runtime, the main page of the software will
appear and we can close the software by click the close button.

Pic 15. Close button

And after click the close button, automatically a notification will appear to
save the project file or not and It’s recommended to select No.

Pic 16. Save the project file

Noted, there some things that need to considered about close the program, i.e:
• If we using the exit button on the DAS display to close the program, a
notification will appear when the main page is already open to inform that
the script is blocked.

Pic 17. Notification the script is blocked

it’s not recommended to directly runtime the program again so we have to
close the software first with notes don’t save the project file if the command
to save appears
• Based on information above, It’s not recommended to close the program
runtime with using exit button{7]

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4. Troubleshooting
4.1. Lost Connection
When the program is running then reading value that appear don’t match
the actual readings on the device or analyzer such as the measured values don’t
change following the readings on the device or the operation status on the
device doesn’t match what is displayed in the program.
The problem can occur due to interrupted communication between the
DAS and the device or analyzer which is marked by the appearance of an alarm
“Plc Communication Fault” in the lower left corner on the DAS display.

Pic 18. Plc Communication Fault

4.1.1. Open the Communication alarm details
We can see the alarm details that which device is disconnected to DAS by
click the alarm notification as shown below.

Pic 19. Communication alarm details

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After click the alarm notification, Plc communication error list will appear to
show the alarm details which device is disconnected to the DAS. As for devices
that are connected to the DAS, i.e:

• Rtu Network/1-MARSIC, it’s MARSIC300 gas analyzer

• Rtu Network/2-MCU, it’s Multi Control Unit of dust and opacity analyzer
• Rtu Network/3-DI_1, it’s digital input module for signal engine status

4.1.2. Connection test from device to DAS

When we know which device is disconnected to the DAS then we can do a
connection test first to ensure that the device is disconnected to the DAS by
doing PING to the IP address of the device using Run app on the PC software.
The following is a list of the IP address of the devices used, e.i:

• MARSIC300 IP address is

• MCU IP Address is
• DI Modul address is

After open the Run app, we can input the IP address to connecting the DAS to
the devices with the format as shown below.

Pic 20. Input the device IP address

Before input the device IP address, make sure that PC’s IP address isn’t
same with the device IP address and also make sure that the PC is in good
condition especially the LAN connection slot. After input the IP address press OK
and then we will see the result that the device is connect to DAS or disconnect.
For display the results of the test can be seen below.

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Pic 21. Device is disconnected to the DAS

Pic 22. Device is connected to the DAS

4.1.3. Connection check of the ethernet cable

After make sure the device connection to DAS and still disconnect, we
can check the connection of the ethernet cable based on which device was
disconnected to DAS among others:
• If the MARSIC300 (Rtu Network/1-MARSIC) is disconnected:
a. We can check the ethernet cable connection that is connected from the
Ethernet HUB in the panel to MARSIC300. Doing IP address check to
MARSIC300 directly using other PC or laptop by connecting directly the PC to
ethernet HUB using other ethernet cable and try to PING the device IP
address. Occasionally try to move it to another slot if there is an empty one
on the Ethernet HUB cable connection connected to the device.

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b. If it still not connected, try to replace RJ-45 connector of the ethernet

cable after that try again to PING the IP address.
c. If it still not connected, try to replace the ethernet cable with the new one
and try again to PING the IP address.
d. If it still not working, try to connect the PC directly to another device or to
another PC with and without connecting the cable to the ethernet HUB using
the new ethernet cable.
e. If it’s working then it can be concluded that the LAN connection slot on the
MARSIC300 has a problem so try to contact the vendor directly for further

• If the MCU (Rtu Network/2-MCU) is disconnected:

a. We can check the ethernet cable connection that is connected from the
Ethernet HUB in the panel to MCU. Doing IP address check to MCU directly
using other PC or laptop by connecting directly the PC to ethernet HUB
using other ethernet cable and try to PING the device IP address.
Occasionally try to move it to another slot if there is an empty one on the
Ethernet HUB cable connection connected to the device.
b. If it still not connected, try to replace RJ-45 connector of the ethernet
cable after that try again to PING the IP address.
c. If it still not connected, try to replace the ethernet cable with the new one
and try again to PING the IP address.
d. If it still not working, try to connect the PC directly to another device or to
another PC with and without going through the ethernet HUB using the new
ethernet cable.
e. If it’s working then it can be concluded that the LAN connection slot on the
MCU has a problem so try to contact the vendor directly for further action.

• If the digital input module (Rtu Network/3-DI_1) is disconnected:

a. We can check the ethernet cable connection that is connected from the
Ethernet HUB in the panel to the module. Doing IP address check to the
module directly using other PC or laptop by connecting directly the PC to
ethernet HUB using other ethernet cable and try to PING the device IP
address. Occasionally try to move it to another slot if there is an empty one
on the Ethernet HUB cable connection connected to the device.
b. If it still not working, try to connect the PC directly to the module without
going through to the ethernet HUB.

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c. If it still not working, try to replace RJ-45 connector of the ethernet cable
after that try again to PING the IP address with and without going through to
the ethernet HUB.
d. If it still not working, try to replace the ethernet cable with the new one
and try again to PING the IP address with and without going through to the
ethernet HUB.
e. If it still not working, try to connect the PC directly to another device or to
another PC with and without going through the ethernet HUB using the new
ethernet cable.
f. If it’s working then it can be concluded that the LAN connection slot on the
module has a problem so try to contact the vendor directly for further

4.2. Signal Compatibility

When the program is running then reading value that appear don’t match
the actual readings or the reading value is not make sense and the operation
status on the device doesn’t match what is displayed in the program but
communication between DAS PC and the analyzer or the module still connected.
As for things that can be done, among others:

a. If something like the one described above happens for readings and operating
status on MARSIC300 (Gas reading) and MCU (Non gas/Opacity) then we can
contact the vendor directly.
b. if something like the one described above happens for operating status on
digital input module, check the indicator lamp on the module as shown below.

Pic 20. Digital input module

Match the signal sent (lights on) from the module to the DAS (Signal engine).

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Pic 21. Signal engine

The following is a list of the relationship of the module indicator lights to the
engine status.
• DI0 = Engine 1 status (ON/OFF)
• DI1 = Full engine 1 status (Diesel Oil/Gas)
• DI2 = Power of Phase engine 1 (On phase/Off phase)
• DI3 = Engine status 2 (ON/OFF)
• DI4 = Full engine 2 status (Diesel Oil/Gas)
• DI5 = Power of Phase engine 2 (On phase/Off phase)
• DI6 = Engine status 3 (ON/OFF)
• DI7 = Full engine 3 status (Diesel Oil/Gas)
• DI8 = Power of Phase engine 3 (On phase/Off phase)

If the module indicator lamps, the active and inactive conditions are not in
accordance with the actual conditions then we can check the signal cable
connected to the module and conduct continuity on the module signal cable to
the main engine signal panel.
Otherwise on the module indicator lights, the active and inactive conditions
are in accordance with the actual conditions but not in accordance with those
received or read on the DAS then please contact the vendor for further action.

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