Heyingmincv 2020
Heyingmincv 2020
Heyingmincv 2020
BOSTON UNIVERSITY, Boston, US 08/2020-Present
§ M.A.T in Education, Specialization: Joint Modern Foreign Language Education
§ Merit Scholarship (2020)
Josiah Quincy Upper Schoo, Boston, U.S 09/2020-Present
World Language student Teacher for 6th
World Language substitute teacher for 8th and 10th Grader
§ Designed well-structured and project-based lesson plans based on language proficiency.
§ Integrated multimedia and games to enhance students’ 5Cs experiences
§ Created culture-related mini topic by using 3Ps(Product-Practices-Perspective) strategies.
§ Native in Cantonese and Mandarin, Fluent in English
§ Computer Skills: Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), National Computer Rank Examination (Level 1)
§ Teaching Certificates
Massachusetts Educator Initial License- Mandarin (K6-12, anticipated date: end of Aug.) MEPID # 57389325
China National Teacher Certificate (Senior)
China National Mandarin Proficiency Certificate (First Level, Grade 2)
Psychological Health Education in Elementary School and High School (Guangdong Principal Certificate)