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A Group Report On Training & Development Practices in Citi Bank, N.A, Bangladesh

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A Group Report on Training & Development Practices in Citi

Bank, N.A, Bangladesh.

Course :Training & Development (HRM 340)

Section: 02
Semester: Summer 2018
Submitted To
Shafquat Rafiul Alam (Sqt)
Lecturer, Department of Management
School of Business
North South University

Submitted By
Group: The Brain Train express
Name Id

Rubaiyat Mujib Haider 1510461030

Quazi Kabery Hassan 1512287030

Tamanna Tabassum 1511451030

Nazia Nusrat Antora 1430559030

Effat Akter Shanta 1520203033

Tanjim Halim Lamia 1610312030

Date of Submission: August 31, 2018

Letter of Transmittal
August 31, 2018

Shafquat Rafiul Alam

Lecturer, Department of Management

School of Business and Economics,

North South University,

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Subject: Submission of final group project

Dear Sir,

We are pleased to present to you our group project, which involved doing this report on the
Training and development process of Citi Bank, N.A focused on the processes that Citi Bank
used for its training programs, needs assessments. As well as a brief description has been
provided what employees think and feel about its training programs and how the employees
get benefitted from it. The entire duration of preparing this report has been immensely helpful
to us, a golden opportunity to increase our ideas, concepts and interpersonal skills in terms of
technical understanding about the entire process of Training and development.

This report is to describe our observation, research, learning and recommendation based on
the knowledge and the experiences gained during the course under your supervision. We
have tried to cover all the requirements according to the guideline you gave us for this
project. If you have any inquiry or need for clarification regarding this project, please let us
know. Thank you for your time, guidance, and for providing us with this opportunity to learn.


Rubaiyat Mujib Haider

Quazi Kabery Hassan

Tamanna Tabassum

Nazia Nusrat Antora

Effat Akter Shanta

Tanjim Halim Lamia

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In this present world of competition, it is hard to prepare one project without assistance and
encouragement of other people. This is no exception. We have taken efforts to this project.
However, it would not have been possible without the kind support and help of many

First of all, we would like to thank the almighty Allah to let me and help me all the way to
prepare this report successfully.

Then we want to thank my honourable faculty supervisor and our course instructor Shafquat
Rafiul Alam, Department of Management, School of Business, North South University to for
allowing us to observe and analyze such an interesting topic and moreover for his cherished
guidelines by pointing out the flaws of our report and showing us the right direction.

Next, we would like to thank the employees and personnel who helped us to get all the survey
and also helped us to analyze their training process.

Lastly, we are thankful to each member of our group. Everyone’s cooperation and contribution
to this report is highly appreciated.

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Executive Summary

We have prepared the following report on training & development practices in Citi Bank, N.A.
For this report, we have surveyed 20 employees of Citi, N.A to analyze the process of training &
development. Hence, the following report has been divided into thirteen parts.
Firstly, we have started this report with a brief introduction about Citi, N.A’s establishment. The
second, third, fourth and fifth part of the report discusses about scope, objective, methodology
and limitations of the study respectively. The sixth part of the report provides the basic definition
for training and development. The seventh part of the report is about the literature review which
consists of different information about Citi Bank taken from different journals, annual records
and other sources. The eight parts consists of the whole training and development process of Citi
Bank, N.A in terms of following aspects:

Company Profile, Mission and Vision, Company strategy and objectives

Organizational structure and categories of employees, Departments within Citi Bank

Training and development framework, issues

The different stages of procedures used and its implications

The problems or barriers from the evaluation of training methods and procedures

The ninth part of the report covers the findings and analysis of the surveys that were taken from
the employees of Citi Bank. The tenth part consists of the recommendation for the problems or
barriers found from the evaluation of training. Last but not least: are the conclusion, references
and the appendix in the eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth part of the respectively.

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Table of Content
1. Introduction………………………………………………………………….8
2. Scope………………………………………………………………………...9
3. Objective of study…………………………………………………………...9
4. Methodology………………………………………………………………...10
5. Limitations…………………………………………………………………..10
6. Training and Development Definitions……………………………………..11
7. Literature Review…………………………………………………………...12
8. Training and Development of Organization………………………………...13
8.1 Company Profile………………………………………………………...13
8.2 Mission, Vision…………………………………………………………14
8.3 Company Strategy and Objectives……………………………………...15
8.4 Organizational Structure and categories of employees…………………17
8.5 Departments……………………………………………………………..18
8.6 Training and Development Framework of Organization………………..19
8.7 Training and Development Issues……………………………………….22
8.8 Stages of training procedure of Organization……………………………24
8.9 Evaluation of Training Programs………………………………………...29
9. Findings and Analysis………………………………………………………..30
10. Recommendations……………………………………………………………55
11. Conclusion……………………………………………………………………57

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Citi Bank, N.A has been established in Bangladesh since 1987. Citi Bank, N.A features a well-
developed Money related educated commerce supporting the cross-border transactions of
nationalized and private division banks within the nation. At present Citi Bank has three
branches, two money reservoir workplaces and more than 150 workers in Bangladesh. Citi Bank
in Bangladesh works over the Organization Clients Gather (ICG) supporting worldwide
multinational companies, huge Bangladesh corporations, monetary clients and open segment
clients with award-winning cash administration, exchange administrations, organization and
believe, and coordinate guardianship and clearing arrangements, as well as FX and lending. The
ICG in Bangladesh covers Corporate & Venture Managing an account, Treasury and Exchange

Citi Bank, N.A moreover plays a crucial part as the driving book runner of capital-market
arrangements for our clients in Bangladesh. Citi's Corporate Bank serves neighbourhood
corporates and multinationals over a few businesses, giving crucial linkage and an coordinates
point of view all through the Bangladesh supply chain and commerce operations.

Citi Bank, N.A was chosen as the Sole autonomous advisor to the Government of Bangladesh
for imperial appraisals advisory. Citi Bank drove the first-ever worldwide bond for Banglalink
Computerized Communications Ltd. Citi driven an worldwide syndicated credit for Bangladesh
Petroleum Enterprise, a petroleum enterprise claimed by Bangladesh's Service of Energy Citi
Bangladesh orchestrated the world's to begin with Triple-A-rated micro-credit securitization
exchange for US$180 million for BRAC, the biggest NGO within the world. Citi effectively
organized the country's largest-ever nearby cash amortizing senior secured bond advertising of
BDT 7.07 billion (US$102 million).
Citi Bank orchestrated the biggest IPO in Bangladesh for US$141 million for Grameenphone
Ltd. Citi organized the country's first-ever syndicated agrarian term financing.

Improved and proper training in the banking sector helps its employees to crack better deals and
helps prove better assistance to the target customers. It also enhances the productivity and
efficiency of the employees in the banking sector.

Training and development have become a vital part of human resource management. It polishes
the employees and better training helps understand organizational structure and culture. Further,
it increases the ability of the employees to perform better and also the confidence of the
employees to work under pressure. Some banking organizations make it a point to train its
employees before they start to actually deal with clients.

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2. Scope of the study

The purpose of this report is to show an overview of Citi Bank N.A’s HR department and how
they conduct training and evaluate outcomes. It also explains what methods they use to train
their employees and how they develop their skills for achieving organizational goal, service
quality, and increase the employee performance. So, it focuses on some key points such as
company profile, training methods, development issues and evaluation of training programs.

3. Objectives of the study

The primary objective of this report is to understand the concept of training and applying it to a
practical scenario to compare with the theoretical knowledge that we have learned throughout
this course.

The following are the specific objectives:

• To know the types of training methods.

• To know about the implementation of training methods.

• To know the development process, they use for training the employees.

• To find out interrelated problems with their training program.

• To provide some recommendation for the problems related to training process.

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4. Methodology
The research used a quantitative methodology based on past data conducted by questionnaire and
investigated their training and development process. We are collected the primary data from their
website and so many online purposes. Surveys, observations, experiments, questionnaire,
personal interview, formal and oral discussion etc. these are the work prepared of collecting the
essential specific information.

For collecting the secondary data, we were went to the main branch of Citibank in Gulshan and
discussed with one of their senior HR directors named Mr. Salauddin. He helped us a lot to
collect the secondary information that how the organization have a training and development
policy covering for all types of employees. How all the organizational procedures are specifically
connected with preparing goals. The questionnaire used Likert scales to assess to the staffs open-
ended responses for additional comments. A total of 20 questionnaires were distributed randomly
selected staff from each of the Human Resources management department. The survey was
voluntary and anonymous. For some confidential questionnaires were returned by email. Both
primary and secondary sources were used here.

5. Limitations
• Citibank NA is a big multinational Company and too much sensitive in sharing its
internal data. It may create lack of enough statistical information.
• Being separate from the head office, communication with the senior colleagues of OBU
is not easy at their convenient time.
• Time to sue or arbitrate in terms of debt relieving.
• Citibank NA has some credit limits as well.

Due to time constraint, the study could not be widened and we were unable to focus on every

Further, any research expert could have completed the report in a more structured form with
all relevant details required.

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6. Training & Development Definitions

Training is an educational process which involves the sharpening of skills, concepts, changing of
attitude and gaining more knowledge to enhance the performance of the employees at work. The
goal of training is for employee to master the job-related knowledge, skills, and behaviours
emphasized in training and apply them to their day-to-day activities. Training is a short-term
process with the purpose to improve productivity and work flexibility for immediate needs.

Development is similar to training, but it is a concept that explains how individuals develop
themselves for future challenges. It is considered to be more general than training and is a long-
term approach oriented to individual’s overall growth. According to business dictionary,
development is the process of improving oneself through such activities as enhancing
employment skills, increasing consciousness, and building wealth. The growing success of self-
help and personal development movement has assisted many business managers in obtaining
more qualified and motivated personnel for their companies, and it has also encouraged more
people to go into business for themselves.

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7. Literature Review

Training and development enable employees towards skill development and perform better at
workplace. It develops zeal among the employees by introducing them towards the process of
continuous learning. What is crucial for employees as well as the organization is that whether the
present training program is able to help employees to develop required set of skills. Paper
basically focuses on understanding employee’s opinion about the present training program,
extent to which it is leading to skill development for employees to perform efficiently at their
workplace. Study is confined to employee working at Citi Bank, NA to understand their opinion
about present training practices followed and areas in which company can inculcate additional
practices to enhance training and development practice followed in the company. Primary and
secondary data was used for the study, where primary data was collected through structured
questionnaire and secondary data through journals, magazines, books, internet etc. the data was
analyzed using the statistical software SPSS16, excel and MS word, the statistical tool used is
fishers exact test. Study basically intended to understand employees’ opinion about training
programs held in the organization and scope for updating of training program. The results show
that there is no significant association between training necessary in improving performance and
the satisfaction towards training program at the significance levels.

Training is an on-going function in most banking sector organizations. Training sessions in this
sector vary from functional skill development to personal development and soft skills training.
According to Burke and Baldwin (1999), there is much evidence suggesting that a considerable
part of organizations’ investment in training does not result in optimal transfer. To improve job
performance, the skills and behaviours learned and practiced during training have to be
transferred to the workplace, maintained over time, and generalized across contexts (Holton &
Baldwin, 2003). (Cibreva-Jovanovska, Buzlevski, Dejanovski&Korubin, 2018).

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8. Training and Development Process of

8.1 Citi Bank, N.A Profile

As a very much established Financial Institutions business, Citibank N.A. Bangladesh is

supporting the cross-fringe exchanges of nationalized and private part banks in the nation. Citi
Exchange Services bolsters Bangladesh corporates, monetary clients and open part customers
with its honour winning money administration, exchange administrations, organization and trust,
and direct care and clearing arrangements. To be noticed that, Citi is likewise the preeminent
book-sprinter of capital-advertise answers for their customers in Bangladesh. Among different
administrations, Citi's Corporate also, Commercial Bank bargains neighbourhood corporates and
multinationals over a few businesses and gives dynamic association and a fused standpoint all
through the Bangladesh supply chain and business activity. Citi has a strong presence in
Bangladesh, starting out in 1987 with a representative office. It has four branches, four service
outlets and employs more than 180 people. Citi's clients encompass both public and private
sector institutions in Bangladesh.
Citi in Bangladesh works over the Institutional Clients Group (ICG) supporting worldwide
multinational organizations, huge Bangladesh corporates, money related clients and open
segment customers with grant winning money administration, exchange administrations, office
and trust, and direct custody and clearing arrangements, and in addition FX and loaning. (Citi
Citi has a well-developed Financial Institutions business supporting the cross-border transactions
of nationalized and private sector banks in the country. Citi also plays a vital role as the leading
bookrunner of capital-market solutions for their clients in Bangladesh.
Citi's Corporate Bank serves local corporates and multinationals over a few ventures, giving
indispensable linkage and a coordinated viewpoint all through the Bangladesh production
network and business activities. Moreover, Citi has led the way in Bangladesh with its ground
breaking solutions. Citi has helped to further develop Bangladesh's financial market with the
introduction of several 'First Ever' deals in Bangladesh. Some of the Citi's landmark

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achievements contain:

• As the Sole Independent Advisor to the Government of Bangladesh for sovereign rating
warning, Citibank, N.A. Bangladesh was chosen.
• For BRAC, the biggest NGO on the planet, Citi Bangladesh masterminded the world's
first AAA-appraised small scale credit securitization exchange for US$180 MM.
• Citibank Bangladesh successfully arranged the country's largest-ever local currency
amortizing senior secured bond offering of BDT 7,070 million (or US$102 million).
• Citi was the exclusive financial advisor, sole private placement agent, sole initial public
offering (IPO) issue manager, lead IPO underwriter, main banker to the issue and escrow
agent for the largest IPO and pre-IPO placement in Bangladesh for US$141 million for
Grameen-phone Ltd.
• Citibank, N.A. Bangladesh has successfully arranged the country's first-ever syndicated
agricultural term financing facility of BDT 1,500 million (or US$21.7 million).
• Citi was the sole arrangement operator for the nation's first unsecured, non-convertible,
subordinated Level II Bond issue of BDT 2,500 million by Prime Bank Ltd.. (Citi Group)
• Citi Securities and Fund Services, a division of Citi Transaction Services, was ordered by
Bangladesh Bank, the national bank of Bangladesh, to give worldwide guardianship
• Citi Bangladesh was named the Best Internet Bank by Global Finance for the second year
in succession. The win in Bangladesh takes after the decisive victory by Citi Asia Pacific
in the Global Finance Magazine Internet grants.

8.2 Mission & Vision

For any organization to flourish in any business condition it must have a belief system which will
separate it from its rivals. Mission and Vision of an organization is the thing that much of the
time goes about as a differentiator amongst great and extraordinary organizations. Citi, for more
than 200 years, has devoted itself in putting the necessities of its clients at the plain best of their
need, which is unmistakable in its corporate Mission and Vision.

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Mission: Their mission is to help their customers with financial help for their economic
Vision: “The core activities are safeguarding assets, lending money, making payments and
accessing the capital markets on behalf of our clients. We have 200 long periods of experience
helping our customers address the world's hardest difficulties and grasp its most prominent
chances. We are Citi, the global bank – an institution associating a huge number of individuals
across several nations and urban communities.”
Along with these values, Citi also has some more key principles that guide all the Citi employee
to stay true to the company’s mission. These principles are:
Common Purpose: Their common purpose is that they will have one group with a single
objective which is serving their customers and partners.
Ingenuity: They always seek for an improvement of their customer lives’ through advancement
that outfits the broadness and profundity of the data.
Leadership: Capable individuals with the best preparing who flourish in a differing meritocracy
that requests brilliance, activity and bravery.

8.3 Company Strategy & Objectives

Being one of the biggest banks of the world, Citi Bank, N.A has their own distinguished
strategies. Both long-term & short-term. Their visionary long-term strategy enables &
strengthens them to create, propose & capture value for their customers over the international
market. Their distinctive strategies helped them to be aware of the global trends, to cope with

The strategic advances that positioned them being one of the biggest banks in the world is-

Amplifying Distribution

 Penetrate new markets & strengthening position in the existing market.

 Accelerating the pace of branch openings around the world.
 Expansion of capital market businesses.
 Unhindered access of high growth markets.
Expertise Transfer

 Better integration of products & services.

 Comprehensive & insightful customer care.

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 International brokerage service to allow the customers to get the access of equity
People & Technology Investment

 It is one of the most favoured companies to work for.

 In 2017, the bank spent about $8 billion on tech and this year that figure will rise.
 Technology currently accounts for around 20% of Citi's expenses as the banking giant
pushes into the digital age.
Automated Investments

 Usage of interest bearing accounts to lucrative interest rates based on a key market
 End-of-day investments linked to the customer’s account to guarantee full investment
of end-of-day liquidity.
Emphasizing Shared Responsibilities

 Three shared responsibilities- their customers, franchise & employees considering an

essential foundation of their growth.

As a part of their long term strategy, Citi Bank, N.A launched a Five-Year Sustainability
strategy. This strategy Includes -
1. Transparency & Engagement
Engagement and transparency are the foundation of our Sustainable Progress Strategy. We
engage with our stakeholders and employees to achieve sustainable progress, and we report
publicly on the results of our strategy and goals.

➢ Stakeholder engagement: Citi Bank collaborates with stakeholders to extrapolate

upcoming trends, risks, opportunities & risks for the bank itself and the platform in which
it runs.
➢ Employee engagement: They are persisting to build their employee engagement
program to leverage their global merit in ways that aids their sustainability initiatives.
➢ Communications & Transparency: They are planning to apply best practices in
reporting on their performance & strategies, monitoring surfacing advancements in
divulging and concordantly marrying materiality with transparency
➢ Social Risk & Environmental Issue Management
➢ Citi's Sustainable Progress strategy thrives on these Environmental and Social Risk
Management (ESRM) policies .Under this strategy, they vouch for -
➢ Persisting Policy Renewal: Continually constitute and elaborate their ESRM standards
& policies in reaction to surfacing risks and development of new products.

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➢ Systematic Monitoring of Emerging Risks: Conduct periodic Environmental and

Social Risk Radar Reviews (ESR3) to identify new and emerging risks and trends.
➢ Assembling Global Capacity: Develop collaborations with clients, peers and regulators
to build ESRM capacity externally.

2. Environmental Finance Goal:

Citi is planning to facilitate, lend & invest $100 billion over 10 years (2014-2023) for
exertions that degrades the influences of climate change and beget environmental
solutions that help communities & overall the human race.
3. Operations & Supply Chain
In nearly 100 countries and jurisdictions, coinciding of over an amount of 7,700
properties, Citi owns or leases around 55 million square feet of property or real estate. By
downgrading their environmental impact, they plan to build plausibility and trust with
their clients, employees, and the communities where they operate.

8.4 Company Structure & Organogram

8.5 Departments
Financial Control and Accounts Department (FCADs):
The most important department of Bank is the Finance and Accounts Department. The main
functions of this department are budgeting, compensation, provident fund, and gratuity.

Loan Administration Department (LAD):

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The main element of this department is to observe the activities of the credit that are already
disbursed. The functions of this department are
• Monthly review and Follow up of Loan and Advances
• Follow up for recovery of over dues.
• Classification of Loans
• Legal affairs/ Litigation

International Department (ID)

One of the most important divisions of a bank is the International division. The functions of this
department are:
• To set up Agency Arrangement with correspondent Bank and to facilitate mutual
exchange of business, document and information
• Remittance, for payment to beneficiaries..
• Credit Lines.
• Obtaining credit lines from Correspondent Banks as above.
• Compile and circulate the foreign exchange circulars to the branches.

Human Resources Department (HRD)

The most essential department of any organization is the Human Resources division because it
has to deal with the whole manpower planning of an organization. The need of manpower,
excess manpower, training to the staff and other works are all organized by this division.
• Recruitment, Selection of Manpower and Manpower Planning.
• Arranging and imparting training for Human Resources Development.
• Placement, Performance Evaluation, Increment, Promotion, Incentive Schemes etc.
• Processing of Leave.
• Disciplinary Action.
• Formulation / Implementation of Administrative Rules / Policies
• Preparation of Board Memo and Implementation of Board Decisions.
• Employees Service Benefits.

Information Technology Department (IT)

Information Technology nowadays is a very critical part of any organization. To have upgrade
knowledge about the world advanced computer system in order to make the job more efficient
and effective it is very important to have a good IT division. The functions of the IT division are:
• Monitoring / Supervision of overall computerized banking operations.
• System Administration Data processing and Data Entry.
• Software Development and Maintenance.
• Maintenance of Hardware.

Marketing and Outreach Department

One of the basic divisions of any organization is the marketing department. The functions of this
division are:

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• Cost Benefit Analysis of existing banking products and development of new products.
• Liability Marketing.
• Branch Expansion.
• Mass Media and Event Management.
• To compile analyze and interpret key Management Information (MIS)

Card Department
The card division of Citi Bank is pretty new and small in the sense that not too many services by
this division is offered to the customers. So the activities of the card purpose are limited. The
main curriculums of the card are:
• Managing debit card account and also credit card which is going to be introduced soon.
• All the works that are related to the ATM card like managing the credit and debit
balance of a client.
• Maintaining correspondence with the branches regarding different clients of ATM card.
• Works related to customer and vendor management.

8.6Training & Development Framework of the Organization

Training and development is one of the vital elements in business development process.
Training and development framework provides detailed information about how to arrange all
employees of the organization to carry out their parts effectively and efficiently. Citibank is one
of the biggest banks around the world and have their own training and development plan. When
all workers have preferable standard, with more skills, ability and performance, Business will
improve day by day.

o Mentoring:

In Citibank senior officers, assistant managers and brunch manager are the most knowledgeable
and experienced employees. Sometimes they help other workers handling with the different
banking condition. Often they provide solutions of the problems through setting up meeting
inside the organization but maximum time senior officers and assistant and brunch managers
apply the mentoring technique and by doing conversation among themselves.
o In house Training:

Every week Citibank gives in house training through empirical oriented programs, for example,
presentation. This program is allocated to train the workers in an empirical manner. It is
compulsory for all the employees of the bank to attend the presentation. After the presentation,
there is a question answer period for the employees to ask any type of question about the topic. If
any issue emerges considering banking issues then the solution is discussed in the presentation
o Head Office Training :

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After hiring new employees Citibank send those employees to Dhaka's head office which is
situated in Gulshan for acquiring work related knowledge and each year six to eight members
after enlisting new employees went to head office for training and collect information to work in
different sectors.
o BIBM Training:

As Citibank, one of the most well known bank is a member of the Bangladesh Institute of Bank
Management (BIBM), they teach their workers from there. It improves employee's knowledge
and skills around banking works. It also help to gain practical skills. They are provided
certification after finishing the training. On the basis of need, trainees are chosen for the training.
o Classroom Lecture:

Classroom lecture is the theoretical section which is related to direct banking issues. Citibank
allows this type of training where they talk real life work situation and also try to find solution to
the problems.
o Simulation Exercise:

The employees of the Citibank acquire knowledge about how to efficiently executing the job by
actually accomplishing the work which is called simulation exercise. This may incorporate
solving cases associated real work issues, role playing and team decision making. In Citibank if
the workers face any issues considering various problems they try their level best to solve them
by group decision making process and discuss the matter through weekly formal discussion.
o Computer based Training:

Citibank have their own software system, through which the whole banking process is done.
Before running the software all the employees are trained up so that they can use it smoothly.
o Case Study Method:

The case study technique is very useful on solving the empirical issue that occur every day in
banking sector. Citibank takes written test of all workers in every four months where they have
to find possible solution related to present practical problems.
o Corporate Training:

Manager level employees usually do corporate training. This training helps to increase manager's
decision making ability, leadership and managerial skills. It is arranged every year. It is usually
done outside from organization.
o Field Training:

This specific training basically necessary for the field workers. An extra instructor provides all
the training to the employees.

Training Framework Process of Citibank

Citibank plans two types of training. Such as-

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▪ Existing Employee Training

Existing employee training is given to those employees who have already worked in the
organization. This allocated for the foundation of new project and task. Most of the time this type
of training is provided through on the job training system and in some instances they are also
provided through off the job training technique. Citibank provides importance to this type of
learning to make the workers well informed and valuable for the company.
▪ New Employee Training

This training is for employees, those are newly join in the organization. It includes some basic
training allotted for learning about the job. In this process new employees, who are newly joined
in the company, given chance to perform in every sector. This training helps new employees to
gain basic notion about general banking system and also have a transparent vision about the

Development Process of Citibank Bangladesh

Development is the long term and continuous process which is used in every workplace to ensure
development of the working process and ability of the employee. Development process helps to
ensure the attainment of the goals of the company. This process improves the efficiency level of
the employees and improve their attitude towards the work.
Methods of Development
Human resource department of Citibank provides special importance in this zone by following
some techniques which are-
o Job Rotation:

In Citibank the employees shifted from one sectors or department to another to know and gain
knowledge about another department about how it operates and what are the important function
of the department. The bank also shifts the employees from one brunch to another. It assists the
employees of the organization to learn and gain knowledge and experience about how the overall
banking system operates and other sectors, also what are the main activities of other department.
In job rotation, employees get a chance to explore and know new things, so the efficiency level
also grows rapidly.
o simulation Exercise:

After the job rotation employees of the organization are given various works to execute. After
verbal and classroom training employees execute new tasks in various sector or department. Also
case studies also practiced to solve which are new issues generated in work life.
o Outdoor Training:

Citibank also provides outdoor training for employees which is a part of development process of
the company. Selective employees are participate in this training and the bank sends to Citibank
Head office in New York. This training helps employees to gain knowledge about the HR policy

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of the bank and also other policies. Through this training employees get to know and experience
the New York culture and how the Head office of Citibank operates.
8.7 Training & Development Issues
As per our survey, we have found that Citi Bank, N.A believes that the ultimate goal of training is the development
of the human resources. In times of economic fall, a company needs to get the most potential out of their
employees in order to maintain market superiority and continued profit. As a company needs to ensure the
stability of the high performing individuals who drive the company to coaxing success from untapped potential
employees and underachievers alike, the human resources (HR) department faces many obligations in a
workforce’s training and development. A training program cannot always be proofed fruitful to every employee if
they don’t have that hunger to learn. There are some issues that the manager and employee faces in the before
and after phase of training and development program.

1. Overlooking the needs of training for the employees: Suppose, an employee from HR
department wants to do a training on trade. But now there will arise a question if it is relevant
for his job description or not. And here the manager will ask the employee not go for that
training. For that reason, Citi Bank, N.A provides a list of training programs for all their
employees. Then if anyone wants to go and attend the training they can.

2. Outsourcing of trainers: Citi Bank, N.A doesn’t have a separated full-fledged training and
development department. And so, most of the training is provided by outside professional-
BIBM. Citi Bank, N.A doesn’t handle it personally. Here the concept between the branch bank
of Citi Bank, N.A and all the local branches bank doesn’t match properly. For that this bank
needs to provide all their training materials and topic to BIBM.

3. Time barrier for the employees: The main barrier for the training and development program
is the employee don’t have time and lack of interest for it. The main reason behind this is most
of the training programs are held on weekends. So the employees feel resistance to sacrifice
the training program and perform the program unwillingly. Which is basically of no use for the

4. Lack of peer support: In case of transfer of training the employees face lack of peer support
most of the time and so they lag behind to go for a training and development program.

5. Hands on activities: The employees mostly prefer hands on activities for learning. After that if
they have any queries regarding work, they go to their seniors and try to solve their problems.

6. Evaluation system of training: The online training programs are arranged by them based on
the needs of their employees. There the evaluation system are conducted by online
evaluation forms. But the classroom training are fully conducted by BIBM and they have their
own evaluation system.

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7. Limitation on the number of trainees: Citi Bank, NA needs to wait for at least 15 employees to
accumulate for the classroom training program as BIBM has terms and conditions regarding
the number of employees.

8. Misunderstanding: Most of its employees think that the training programs are for the benefit
of the bank but not for their self-development. The employees mostly don’t have the long
vision to implement their experiences and learning.
Bell curve: They used to follow bell curve. From last year they have stopped following the bell curve
as it gives incorrect results in many terms. After training in workplace, the manager gives the
employees mark based on their effort and the employees also give themselves mark as per they
believe they deserve. Based on the marking the employees get promotion.

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8.8Stages of Training Procedure in Citi Bank, N.A

Citi Bank, N.A has adjoined referential data in their multi-year information technology and created a
centralized generic depot for the client statistical records by rearing its ISD (Investment Banking and
Markets' Static Data).

There are various principles of ISD model which should to be considered in order to implement it in any
organization. Similarly, Citi Bank, N.A also follows some footprints to accimilate the model.

Conducting a Ensuring employee’s Creating a learning

needs Analysis readiness for training environment
Monitoring and
Evaluating the
Developing an Selecting a training
Transfer of
Evaluation Plan method

Monitoring &
evaluation of training

Figure 1- Training Process of Citi Bank, N.A

Needs Assessment of Citi Bank, N.A

The Human resource department of the bank takes the liability of conducting the needs analysis to know
the whereabouts of need. According to the newly detected need the training is delivered. The intent is to
deliver the training to employees who are actually in need.

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There are three needs assessment that are conducted by Citi Bank, N.A:

Organizational Analysis: Citi Bank’s organizational analysis involves reviewing the appropriateness
of their training referring the organization’s business resources & strategies. It also monitors the work
environment and activities of the bank. It helps the management of the bank to identify the problems and
the lacking that arises.

With the organizational objectives, monitors the reliability of training

Overview of anticipated benefits & possible costs of the training program

Person Analysis: It involves scrutinizing the performance deficiencies resulted from the lacking
of knowledge, skill, or ability. Also, it decides whether the employees are ready for the training
or not.
 It collects information about the learning style of the trainees.

 Those who need special attention are detected

Task Analysis: Distinguishes the important tasks, duties & responsibilities that are needed to be
emphasized in training for accomplishment of the tasks.

Ensuring Employees’ Readiness for Training

Citi Bank evaluates the readiness of its employees before implementing any training program.
Readiness for training determines the following factors:

i. If the employees are able to learn

ii. Whether they can apply their gathered knowledge in real workplace

iii. Determining if working environment is helpful enough

Ensuring the Learning Environment

Citi Bank is an organization that has a learning culture. It promotes persisting learning and believes that,
systems are connected with each other. As stable learning lifts up an individual as a worker and it widens
possibilities for the demonstration to change continuously for the advancement.

Some junctures which are accentuated when the learning environment is adapted in a company.

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These are:

The contents & materials of the training must be understandable and the perspective of
training where the training is to be conducted should be supportive

Practicing the trained methods emphasizes what the employees have actually learnt in the
training. Effective & adequate practice actively involves the trainee as over learning (A term for
continuous automation), making them efficient. So it is time consuming.
❖ Feedback is very much necessary. It should be given in a positive attitude.

Transfer of Training
Citi Bank, N.A considers the transfer of training seriously as it is significantly important for their
efficiency. Transfer of training is the knowledge, skills and behaviours which are trained to be executed
in the workplace. Citi Bank ensures the transfer of the training in a significant manner.
Developing Evaluation Plans

Effectiveness of training programs is evaluated frequently at Citi Bank. Such training programs usually
carry effective, cognitive & skill based outcomes. Especially cognitive outcomes determine the velocity
to which trainees are known with the facts, philosophy, procedures focused in training. Skill based
outcomes emphasizes the learning of skills and its implementation on the job. Effective outcomes focuses
on the approaches and motivation. The outcomes are then assembles to determine the training’s pilot
testing for the company. The cost benefits analysis is made elaborately. It is about differencing the
economic advantages of a training program by accounting methods.

Training Methods of Citi Bank, N.A

Citi Bank uses a number of methods in order to keep its business at the highest level of efficacy. The f
points below will focus the methods used by Citi bank.

Presentation Methods

The first method that Citi Bank practices is the presentation method. The Bank implements this
method for the new comers to emphasize objectives through mostly instruction through visual

Hands-on Methods

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On-the-job training (OJT): This involves learning the whereabouts of the job while
doing the job. Usually the previous job incumbents or same rank peers are given the
responsibility to guide.

Job Rotation: It is an adventure for the employees. Most employees in the Citi Bank
has vouched for job rotation. Basically job rotation involves the transfer to various jobs in an
existing organization.

Core Bank training: This is a kind of training that each newly joined & fresh graduates
are given. The newly joined employees are given a training of 15 days period as a part of their

core bank training.


The ADDIE model is the process generally used by training developers of Citi Bank, N.A. The
five aspect of this model are —






All these portray a robust, pliable principle for creating an effective training and performance
patronizing apparatus.
One generally known amendment to this process is the swift prototyping through exploitation.
This is the concept of getting consisting and constructive feedback while model is being
adjusted. This model is less time consuming is frequently used by Citi Bank for easy solutions

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Citi Bank uses strategic management to gain profits at both domestic and foreign levels. The
company is strongly concerned about its good will and about its customers’ satisfaction. The
bank always checks that the principles of conduct are aspiring its employees or not. Citi Bank
business strategy focuses on the subsequent groups of customers. These are:

Private Banking

Investment Banking

Personal Financial Services

Corporate Services

Commercial Services

There are wide variety of strategies which are used by the management of Citi Bank that are not
even disclosed.

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8.9 Evaluation of Training Programs

Implementing the training program & monitoring & scrutinizing is vital for an
organization. The transfer of training & the training program must be evaluated & revised.
Contemplating this, Citi Bank succeeds few specialized techniques to appraise its training

In order to emphasize the effectiveness of the provided training program, Citi Bank’s HR
department differentiates the performances of the employees after they have been provided the
training program

The Human resource manager act at the employees’ level of efficacy & productiveness of
meeting their apportioned targets. The gathered information about the performances is discussed
within the human resource and the exact line manager. As according to the HR manager’s they
only provide assist functions, thus it is the final call of the line manager while HR plays an
advisory role.

This implies a combination of quantitative & qualitative method, as it focuses on the

performance which can be/ cannot be measured in some extents.

Another way by which Citi Bank, N.A evaluates their training program is by consulting a
professional instructor of BIBM who was actively training the trainees. By his/her help they
create a questionnaire in the Google Document And provides it to each & every training
recipients. Sometimes they provide structured questionnaire to evaluate training, In many ways
the immediate line manager also observes the freshly trained employees to evaluate them

By all these means Citi Bank, N.A gets a perfect idea of their evaluation of training programs &
transfer of training, Both of them are evaluated by the techniques mentioned above.

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8.10 Findings & Analysis

We conducted a survey with 25 questionnaires. And, 20 members of Citi Bank, N.A filled out
the survey questionnaires. This portion of the report will basically discuss what we found out by
the answers and analyze them.

1. Does the organization have a training and development policy covering for all types of

a) Yes, the organization set policy of training for all

b) No, they don’t have policy of training for all

c) Yes, but the management got training facility only

d) It is hard to find the relevant

d.It is hard to find the relevant

c.Yes, but the management got training facility



b.No, they don’t have policy of training for all

a.Yes , The organization set policy of training

for all

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

In this 1st question, out of 20 people 16 people chose option “a”. And each 2 people chose option
“b” & “c”. No one chose option “d”.

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2. Are the training objectives effectively aligned with the overall strategies of the

a) Yes, all the organizational strategies are directly linked with training objectives

b) Aligned with some strategies, not all

c) Does not meet any goals or strategy of the organization

d) I am not made aware of this issue



a. Yes all the b. Aligned with some c. Does not meet any goals d. I am not made aware of
organizational strategies strategies, not all. or strategy of the this issue.
are directly linked with organization
training objectives

In this 2nd question, we get that, around 11 people chose option “a”, 7 people chose “b” & only 2
people chose option “d”. No one chose “c”.

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3. Is a list of competencies, job descriptions, specifications or job analysis available to help

you identify your training and development goals?

a) Yes, we have the job analysis available

b) No, we don’t have it

c) Yes, there is a list but that is not helpful enough

d) I don’t have any idea about it







a. Yes , we have the job b. No, we don’t have it c. Yes , there is a list but d. I don’t have any idea
analysis available that is not helpful about it

In this third question, 18 people chose option “a. Only 1 from the sample chose option “b”.

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4. What methods do you follow for doing needs assessment?

a) Questionnaires

b) Interviews

c) Observation

d) Focus group interviews

a. Questionnaires b. Interviews c. Observation d. Focus group

In this 4th question 4 people chose option “a”. 4 chose “b”, 5 people chose option “c” & 2 people
chose “d”

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5. What do you think is the ultimate goal of training in your organization?

a) Profit
b) Better management decisions resulting to increased productivity
c) Development of the Human Resources
d) Others:

d. Others

c. Development of the Human


b. Better management decisions Series1

resulting to increased

a. Profit

0 2 4 6 8 10

In this question, around 7 people chose option “a”. 5 chose “b” & 8 people chose option “c”.

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6. Are you pursuing training and development in order to address a performance gap?
a. Yes , I am following the self-learning method
b. No, currently I am not planning to do so
c. No , but I think I should start to perform more efficiently
d. Yes , I try to attend several types of training conducted by the organization

a. Yes , I am b. No, currently I c. No , but I think I d. Yes , I try to
following the self- am not planning to should start to attend several
learning method do so perform more types of training
efficiently conducted by the

In this 6th question, around 6 people chose option “a”. 4 chose “b”. 3 chose “c” & 5 people
chose “d”.

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7. Which employees are mostly in consideration when developing new training programs?
a. Senior employees
b. New employee
c. Based on requirement

a. Senior Employees b. New Employee c. Based on requirements

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8. Is the training program internally marketed/promoted for higher acceptance among the
a. Yes
b. No
c. Rarely
d. Most of the times

d. Most of the times

c. Rarely

b. No

a. yes

0 2 4 6 8 10

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[Type text]

9. As an employee, do you agree with the statement: Training helps boost employee morale and
improves skills and knowledge?
a. Strongly disagree
b. Disagree
c. Neutral
d. Agree
e. Strongly agree

a. Strongly b. Disagree c. Neutral d. Agree e. Strongly
Disagree agree

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[Type text]

10. As an employee, do you agree with the statement: The organization has an ideal learning
a. Strongly disagree
b. Disagree
c. Neutral
d. Agree
e. Strongly agree





a. Strongly b. Disagree c. Neutral d. Agree e. Strongly
disagree agree

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[Type text]

11. How often are these training programs conducted in the organization?
a. Every month
b. Every quarter
c. Half yearly
d. Once a year
e. No particular schedule. As and when required.

a. Every month b. Every c. Half yearly d. Once a year e. No particular
quarter schedule. As
and when

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12. What are the main barriers to training and development in your organization?
a. No one has the time
b. Not enough financial resources
c. Lack of interest by the employees
d. Non-availability of skilled trainer
e. The knowledge gained from the training sessions are rarely applicable to the job
f. No formalized needs assessment so we didn’t even know we needed training

e. The knowledge gained from the

training sessions are rarely applicable…

d. Non-availability of skilled trainer

c. Lack of interest by the employees

b. Not enough financial resources

a. No one has the time

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

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[Type text]

13. Is there any obstacle in the work environment in case of transfer of training (applying the
learning at work)?
a. Lack of peer support
b. Lack of management support
c. Description of influence
d. All of them



a. Lack of peer b. Lack of c. Description of d. All of them
support management influence

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14. When employees come back from a training, do the supervisors encourage them to share
what they have learned with other employees?
a. Yes , we are encouraged
b. No, Supervisors discourage us to share with others who was not part of the training.
c. Yes , they tell us to share but there is not enough facility to share
d. No, the organization environment is not supportive to share learning

a. Yes , we are b. No, Supervisors c. Yes , they tell us d. No, the
encouraged discourage us to to share but there organization
share with others is not enough environment is not
who was not part facility to share supportive to share
of the training. learning

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15. Are the equipment/processes used in training, similar to those found on the job or are easily
relatable to our day to day work
a. Yes , They are similar
b. No, They aren’t similar
c. Yes, slight similarity can be found.
d. Somewhat, as the training equipment’s are more upgraded.

d. Somewhat, as the training

equipment’s are more upgraded.

c. Yes, slight similarity can be found.

b. No, Th0ey aren’t similar

a. Yes , They are similar

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

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16. How is the training effectiveness evaluated?

a. By answering questionnaires
b. By performance levels in a particular situation
c. Satisfaction and participants’ reaction
d. Observation of behavioural change among trainees
e. No Evaluation is done
f. Others __________________________

a. By answering b. By c. Satisfaction d. Observation e. No
questionnaires performance and of behavioral Evaluation is
levels in a participants’ change among done
particular reaction trainees

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17. How often do you assess the transfer of training to understand the application of the learning
in actual work?
a. Once a year
b. Twice a year
c. Every month
d. Never did anything like that

a. Once a year b. Twice a year c. Every month d. Never did
anything like

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18. Does your organization mostly organize group wise training or individual need based training
in also emphasized?
a. We accumulate certain numbers of employee needs and then arrange a training program
b. We take care of individual needs specifically
c. We specify needs periodically and arrange trainings accordingly
d. We arrange training programs annually with or without training needs

a. We accumulate b. We take care of c. We specify needs d. We arrange
certain numbers of individual needs periodically and training programs
employee needs specifically arrange trainings annually with or
accordingly without training

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19. Does the organization have a full-fledged training and development department with
competent professionals?
a. No, there is no separate department. Most of the training is provided by outside
b. Yes, the in-house trainers are competent enough to conduct effective training sessions
c. The organization uses both internal and external trainers for training employees, depending
on the type of work



a. No, there is no separate b. Yes, the in-house c. The organization uses
department. Most of the trainers are competent both internal and external
training is provided by enough to conduct trainers for training
outside professionals effective training sessions employees, depending on
the type of work

20. No one in the organization participated Questionnaire no. 20 because of its length.

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21. What Qualities Does the organization expect in a trainer?

a. Methodical and well-planned
b. Highly knowledgeable and competent
c. Possess relevant industry experience
d. Good in communication/presentation

d. Good in communication/presentation

c. Possess relevant industry experience

b. Highly knowledgeable and competent

a. Methodical and well-planned

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

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22. Do you think performance feedback is essential during the training program?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Rarely
d. Most of the times




a. yes b. No c. Rarely d. Most of the

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23. Does the organization encourage employee participation in designing the

training program?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Rarely
d. Most of the times





a. Yes b. No c. Rarely d. Most of the

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8.12 Summary of Findings & Analysis

 Citi Bank, N.A have training & develop policies covering for all types of employees.
During the interview with their HR Manager, he equivocally deciphered that they treat
their employees equally that implies that they comply with EEO (Equal Employment
Opportunity) & they develop their training programs keeping the employee needs in the
central idea.

 There is a split over the alignment of training objectives with overall strategies of the
organization. Some employees are not aware of any such thing, a greater portion agrees
with the statement while a significant portion believes that definitely there are some
aligned but not entirely with the respect of overall strategies.

 Almost every employee responded in the affirmative with the statement confiding the
availability of the job analysis, job description & job specification.

 For the needs assessment, there has been a mixed response among the employees of Citi
Bank, N.A. Some vouched for questionnaires, some said interviews while a significant
portion opined for Observation method. Focused group interviews method has been the
least voted method among all the methods mentioned in the questionnaire.

 A lot of employee from the survey thinks that the ultimate goal of training in Citi, N,A.
Bank is Profit. While others think it in their own way. Then a significant portion thinks
that Citi Bank’s ultimate purpose of the training is to empower the employees to take
better management decisions for their boosted productivity.

 Major portion of the employees’ belief that they are pursuing self-directed training
method. While a wholesome portion is not planning to do any training program. Some are
vouching for joining in any training program in the near future. And an equally big
portion said that they are trying to attend various types of training programs available in
the organization.

 Citi Bank, N.A mostly focuses on their freshly recruited employees for training
programs. They have an extensive training program conducting by BIBM in the company
twice a year for the new comers. The majority believes that and obviously Citi, N.A
provides training on the basis of requirement.

 Citi Bank. N.A provides sufficient training and definitely does make a lot of effort by
promoting training internally. However some employee feels that the effort is not
sufficient enough.

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The training programs conducted in Citi Bank, N.A play a very crucial role to boost the
employee morale & ethics and also in long term improves the skills and knowledge of the
employees. A small portion of employees disagreed to that.

Most of the employees in Citi Bank, N.A- think that their organization has an ideal
learning environment.

The training and development programs conducted in Citi Bank, N.A do not have any
particular time schedule rather the programs take place according to requirement.

According to the employees in Citi Bank, N.A, the main barrier to training and
development in Citi Bank is the absence of formalized needs assessment process. As a
result, employees do not even realize the necessity of their training. Another barrier to
training and development in Citi Bank, N.A is the knowledge that employees gain from
training sessions are rarely applicable to their actual job. Another barrier is no employees
have enough time to attend the training and development programs after their actual job.

For transferring learning in the work environment of Citi bank, N.A, the main obstacles
that employees face are they do not get the support of their management and peers to do

In Citi Bank, N.A, employees are always encouraged by their supervisors to share what
they have learnt with other employee after they come back from training and
development programs. Sometimes, although they are encouraged by their supervisors
but, they do not have enough facility to demonstrate their learning.

The employees in Citi Bank, N.A found that the equipment used in the training programs
are relatable to those used in their day to day jobs.

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 Training evaluation in Citi Bank, N.A is basically done by answering questionnaires and
seeing the performance levels in particular situations. In many cases, according to the
employees, the evaluation is not done at all.

Majority of the employees in Citi Bank, N.A have never assessed the transfer of training
to understand the application of learning in the actual work.

Citi Bank, N.A accelerates certain number of employees’ needs and then arrange training
programs accordingly. The organization mostly organizes group wise training programs
rather than individual training programs.

Citi Bank, N.A uses both internal and external trainers for training employees depending
on the type of the work. And in many cases, employees mostly receive training from
outside professional trainers.

The most effective training method according to the employees in Citi Bank, N.A is job
rotation. After that, team training was thought to be the effective training method.
Workshops and films and videos were also thought to be very effective by many people.
The least effective method according to employees was role playing. Many employees
did not even have any idea about business games and simulation as training methods.

The level of managers’ support in Citi Bank, N.A is basically they accept to send the
employees to the training programs and give them permission. And in few cases, the
managers provide opportunities to the employees to practice the skills they learnt from
their training programs.

Citi Bank, N.A conducts both internal and external training programs. In most cases,
training programs are conducted in the organizational premises. And sometimes the
training programs are held outside the organization.

Most employees believe that training programs in Citi Bank, N.A are effective and help
them achieve their goals.

The evaluation of employees for promotion in Citi Bank, N.A is mostly done based on
the work performance of the employees and also on their work ability and extra job

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Most employees in Citi Bank, N.A think that the training programs make them
accountable and authoritative in decision making. Few employees differ to agree to this.

9. Recommendations
According to our survey and analysis, we find out that Citi Bank, N.A has some issues with
its training and development process. Some of the employees feel that there are no policies
for training and development here. Many employees think that the job analysis is not done
properly and some of the employees even think that the job analysis is not any useful for
understanding the training needs. Citi Bank, N.A very rarely develops the training
programs according to the senior employee’s needs. The main barrier for the training and
development program is the employee don’t have time and lack of interest for it. The main
reason behind this is most of the training programs are held on weekends. So the
employees feel resistance to sacrifice the training program and perform the program
unwillingly. Also, in case of transfer of training the employees face lack of peer support
most of the time and so they lag behind to go for a training and development program.
So, considering these issues we come up with some following recommendations that may
help to improve Citi Bank, N.A’s training and development process:

Proper Needs Assessment

Citi Bank, N.A’s Human Resources department needs to build up a formalized needs
assessment process by doing the organizational, person and task analysis. Also, while
developing the training programs HRM department should consider the needs of not only
senior but also junior employees. It will help the HR department to plan for a useful
training program for the bank. Formalized needs assessment process indeed helps to save
time and to make right decision accordingly.

Re-analyzing the job

Job analysis plays a vital role in understanding the needs of training and makes it easier for
employees to find out in which part he needs training. So, HRM department of Citi Bank,
N.A can re-analyze the jobs. It will help the bank to easily do the needs assessment process.
Legitimate and formalized job analysis will help the HRM to find out the lacking of
employees in tasks and knowledge.

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Support from Management

Employees of Citi Bank, N.A complain that their managers do not give time to attend the
training programs except weekends. As this type of attitude of the manager can discourage
the employees, so management should take some steps and manage training programs on
weekdays. So that employees don’t take it as a burden and can participate eagerly.
Moreover, if managers’ support can create a learning environment, it can help the
employees to learn new things with much buzz.
Increasing Peer Support

Most of the time employees at Citi Bank, N.A get less support from their peer to attend a
training program. Citi Bank, N.A’s employees need peer support. Because, peers’ influence
can make the employees excited to attend the training program.

More focus on Hands On method

As the employees mostly prefer hands on activities for learning. The bank should make
arrangements for hands on methods within the organization like- simulation, behavior
modeling, role play etc. In this way, the employees will feel interested and motivated.

E -Learning
As most of the employees of Citi Bank prefer self-learning, e-learning method would be
appropriate for them. Citi Bank’s HR department can utilize this e-learning method.
Through this method employees can learn and attend the training whenever they want and
where ever they want.

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10. Conclusion
One noteworthy region of the HRM capacity of Citi Bank, N.A is specific significance to the
compelling utilization of HR is studying and development. in this file, there's an entire dialog
approximately the prevailing getting ready procedure, making ready define and readiness of
making ready, rundown of Training, and unique and communicate about real location of

Citi Bank, N.A is a global coping with an account and money related management affiliation
centered inside the USA via a worldwide system linked by means of reducing part innovation,
such as a speedy developing net enterprise potential, Citibank gives an entire scope of cash
related administrations: man or woman, enterprise, company, undertaking and private saving
cash; trade administrations and commercial enterprise again; annuity and speculation finance
administration; trustee administrations. We’ve got to additionally see that Citi Bank, N.A which
is the principle Multinational financial institution an excessive useful bank in addition to take a
hobby in numerous social physical games.

One noteworthy place of the HRM capability of Citi Bank is particular pertinence to a hit
utilization of HR is learning and advancement. What is more, chip away on the manner closer to
schooling desires evaluation. By means of following those procedures, they giving getting ready
on process precise talent, gentle talent, Technical skills and Managerial management talents-
based training.

The agency has precise fashionable that they've to keep up for every consultation directed.
Anyhow, every time it ends up rather hard surveying the result of training desires assessment of
each consultant by using making use of score or scoring process from the trainings and
furthermore it isn't conceivable to numerically express the change of facts, aptitude and
behaviour that are conveyed thru trainings.

The HR office is surprisingly worried about the tech that is set up by means of the Citi Bank,
N.A gathering. Citi bank is giving extra attention to ready a development Training is crucial to
assure an enough supply of staffs which might be in reality and socially capable and geared up
for professional success into professional bureau of administration role.

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HRM 340- Training and Development - Questionnaire

The questionnaire attempts to collect information from the employees to find out their perception and have a
better understanding of the overall training and development practices of the organization, employee motivation
to learn and perceived enablers and barriers for learning
The information given will be kept strictly confidential and will be used for academic purpose only.

Number of years in this organization: ______

Employee Category:
• CEO/ Director/ MD • Branch Managers Assistant Managers
• Functional Level • Junior Officers
1. Does the organization have a training and development policy covering for all types of
a. Yes , The organization set policy of training for all
b. No, they don’t have policy of training for all
c. Yes, but the management got training facility only
d. It is hard to find the relevant
2. Are the training objectives effectively aligned with the overall strategies of the organization?
a. Yes all the organizational strategies are directly linked with training objectives
b. Aligned with some strategies, not all.
c. Does not meet any goals or strategy of the organization
d. I am not made aware of this issue.
3. Is a list of competencies, job descriptions, specifications or job analysis available to help you
identify your training and development goals?
a. Yes , we have the job analysis available
b. No, we don’t have it
c. Yes , there is a list but that is not helpful enough
d. I don’t have any idea about it
4. What methods do you follow for doing needs assessment?
a. Questionnaires
b. Interviews
c. Observation
d. Focus group interviews
5. What do you think is the ultimate goal of training in your organization?
a. Profit
b. Better management decisions resulting to increased productivity
c. Development of the Human Resources
d. Others: _____________________________________________________________________
6. Are you pursuing training and development in order to address a performance gap?
e. Yes , I am following the self-learning method
f. No, currently I am not planning to do so
g. No , but I think I should start to perform more efficiently
h. Yes , I try to attend several types of training conducted by the organization
7. Which employees are mostly in consideration when developing new training programs?
d. Senior employees
e. New employee
f. Based on requirement

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8. Is the training program internally marketed/promoted for higher acceptance among the
e. Yes
f. No
g. Rarely
h. Most of the times
9. As an employee, do you agree with the statement: Training helps boost employee morale and
improves skills and knowledge?
f. Strongly disagree
g. Disagree
h. Neutral
i. Agree
j. Strongly agree
10. As an employee, do you agree with the statement: The organization has an ideal learning
f. Strongly disagree
g. Disagree
h. Neutral
i. Agree
j. Strongly agree
11. How often are these training programs conducted in the organization?
f. Every month
g. Every quarter
h. Half yearly
i. Once a year
j. No particular schedule. As and when required.
12. What are the main barriers to training and development in your organization?
g. No one has the time
h. Not enough financial resources
i. Lack of interest by the employees
j. Non-availability of skilled trainer
k. The knowledge gained from the training sessions are rarely applicable to the job
l. No formalized needs assessment so we didn’t even know we needed training
13. Is there any obstacle in the work environment in case of transfer of training (applying the learning
at work)?
e. Lack of peer support
f. Lack of management support
g. Description of influence
h. All of them
14. When employees comes back from a training, do the supervisors encourage them to share what
they have learned with other employees?
e. Yes , we are encouraged
f. No, Supervisors discourage us to share with others who was not part of the training.
g. Yes , they tell us to share but there is not enough facility to share
h. No, the organization environment is not supportive to share learning
15. Are the equipment/processes used in training, similar to those found on the job or are easily
relatable to our day to day work
e. Yes , They are similar

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f. No, They aren’t similar

g. Yes, slight similarity can be found.
h. Somewhat, as the training equipment’s are more upgraded.
16. How is the training effectiveness evaluated?
g. By answering questionnaires
h. By performance levels in a particular situation
i. Satisfaction and participants’ reaction
j. Observation of behavioral change among trainees
k. No Evaluation is done
l. Others __________________________
17. How often do you assess the transfer of training to understand the application of the learning in
actual work?
e. Once a year
f. Twice a year
g. Every month
h. Never did anything like that
18. Does your organization mostly organize group wise training or individual need based training in
also emphasized?
e. We accumulate certain numbers of employee needs and then arrange a training program
f. We take care of individual needs specifically
g. We specify needs periodically and arrange trainings accordingly
h. We arrange training programs annually with or without training needs
19. Does the organization have a full-fledged training and development department with competent
d. No, there is no separate department. Most of the training is provided by outside
e. Yes, the in-house trainers are competent enough to conduct effective training sessions
f. The organization uses both internal and external trainers for training employees, depending
on the type of work

20. Please rate the method of training you feel would be most effective to achieve your learning
Not Somewhat Very Not aware of this training
Effective Effective Effective method
Classroom Lecture
Computer Based Training
Online/ Web Based Training
Film & videos
Job rotation
Case Study
Role Play
Business Games
Team Training

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21. What Qualities Does the organization expect in a trainer?

a. Methodical and well-planned
b. Highly knowledgeable and competent
c. Possess relevant industry experience
d. Good in communication/presentation

22. Do you think outsourcing the training program encourage more employees?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Rarely
d. Most of the times

23. As an employee do you agree with the statement: Employee’s self-efficacy can help
employees to learn the content of the training program successfully?
a. Strongly disagree
b. Disagree
c. Neutral
d. Agree
e. Strongly agree

24. Do you think performance feedback is essential during the training program?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Rarely
d. Most of the times

25. Does the organization encourage employee participation in designing the

training program?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Rarely
d. Most of the times

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Rubaiyat Mujib Haider, ID- 1510461030

Honourable Sir
I am extremely delighted to inform you that our research on Citi Bank, N.A has been a
successful operation. At first I made the excel file of the Sample Survey questionnaire &
submitted to you. From the report I did the –
❖ Scope
❖ Company strategy & objectives
❖ Stages of training procedure of Organization (Following ISD and ADDIE Models)
❖ Evaluation of Training Program
❖ Findings & Analysis
❖ Conclusion
❖ Reference
❖ Appendix
❖ Compilation of the report
❖ Slide Creation
Thank you so much, Sir for your ecstatic co-operation & support.

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My name is Effat Akter Shanta and my id is 1520203033. Recently I am working on a report

with Brain Train Express on this HRM 340, Training and development course. I did two part of
this report and those are –

# Organizational Structure and categories of employees (Example: Officers, Senior Officers,

Executive Officers, Principal Officers, and Managers)
# Departments

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Name: Tamanna Tabassum

Id: 1511451030

• Company Profile
• Corporate Mission & Vision
• Limitations

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Nazia Nusrat Antora (ID 1430559030)

❖ Literature Review
❖ Training & Development framework

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Quazi Kabery Hassan (ID 1512287030)

❖ Mission, Vision
❖ Company Objectives

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Tanjim Halim Lamia ( ID: 1610312030)

❖ Training & development Issues
❖ Recommendations

Visiting Card & Group Picture With The HR


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