Pro Engineer: Name

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Pro engineer



No. Matrix : 02 PKM 10 f 2028

Class : DKM 5C
Lecture Name : Puan Farha bt Mohd Fazli
: Puan Masliana bt Idris

- Learn to use pro-e

- To train the students in sheet metal design pro engineer

software of ficiently for product
design and development.

- To use pro-e to both model a typical pattern use in sand

casting of you own personal design created.

- To have the talent in the using pro e software

Introduction Pro – E

Pro /ENGINEER (Pro/E) is a program that is used to

create precision three dimensional computer models. The 3-D parts
created on Pro /E use a technique known as solid modeling, (as
opposed to wire frame or surface modeling). Other important
descriptors used to classify Pro/E include: feature-based,
associative, and constraint (or parametric)-based. The tutorials will
expose you to the meanings of these terms.

Pro /E is a fully parametric CAD program This means that

the geometry of features (e.g., holes, slots) on a part have to be fully
specified in terms of size, shape, orientation, and location. This
specification allows the user to write equations (i.e., relations)
which describe how features on individual parts or multiple parts
should relate to each other. For example, in an engine, if the
diameter of the piston is increased or decreased, the corresponding
engine block is automatically modified to match the specifications
of the new piston. For the student, full parametric means that you
must have a strategy before you start modeling of what features you
want and how you want to constrain them within the part.
Starting Pro /E v20

Pro /E v20 can be run from any PC running NCSU Unity

or Eos. Ideally the computer will have at least a 17" monitor and
64Mb of RAM. The program icon will be in the Launcher. Double-
click and the following windows appear:

The top half of the main window, the model window, is for
viewing and manipulating your models.

Below it is the message window , which shows text

responses to many of the input commands. This window is also
where text is typed at command prompts that ask for information
such as dimensions and part names. It is normal for you to only see
two lines of this window at a time. You can resize any window to
suit individual preferences.

At the very top of the main window is the pull-down

menus and icons. The pull-down menus perform much as they do on
other Windows-based programs. The icons provide frequently used
file, view control, and display control commands. In some cases
they duplicate commands that exist in other menus.

Cascading menus appear to the right of the main menu

once a file is opened. The menus displayed will be based to the
command chosen. Sub-menus appear (most of the time) below the
menu holding the command that called it. If there is not enough
room on the screen, scroll bars will appear on the menu. The
command window will give you a brief description of menu item
you have your mouse over in yellow.
- Computer

- Software pro engineer

- Keyboard

- Mouse


- Monitor


- Right

- Top

- Front

- Prt-csys-def

- Sketch 1

- Extrude 1

- Sketch 1

- Extrude 2

- S2D0002

- Mirror 1

- Extrude 2(2)

- S2d0002(1)
- Hole

- Round 1

- Insert here


1) What is pro-e engineer

Pro /ENGINEER (Pro/E) is a program that is used to create

precision three dimensional computer models. The 3-D parts created
on Pro /E use a technique known as solid modeling, (as opposed to
wire frame or surface modeling). Other important descriptors used
to classify Pro/E include: feature-based, associative, and constraint
(or parametric)-based. The tutorials will expose you to the meanings
of these terms.

Pro /E is a fully parametric CAD program This means that

the geometry of features (e.g., holes, slots) on a part have to be fully
specified in terms of size, shape, orientation, and location. This
specification allows the user to write equations (i.e., relations)
which describe how features on individual parts or multiple parts
should relate to each other. For example, in an engine, if the
diameter of the piston is increased or decreased, the corresponding
engine block is automatically modified to match the specifications
of the new piston. For the student, full parametric means that you
must have a strategy before you start modeling of what features you
want and how you want to constrain them within the part.

2) List down 5 benefits using this software

- To communicate these changes back to the Pro/E user,

SpaceClaim has a unique and powerful set of 3D mark-up
capabilities that document the changes through an overlay of
the original and updated model versions.

- The software automatically calculates and displays old and

new dimensional values and highlights geometry changes.
3D annotations including dimensions, notes and geometric
tolerances can be added.

- The result is a clear, concise, and unambiguous description of

the change to be made to the Pro e

- Pro e has traditionally been done through redlining on a

drawing, over-the-shoulder directing, or a drawing a
conception a piece of paper, can be provided in a clear,
unambiguous 3D form.

- Pro/E user to maintain focus on the detail design while

other design input is being explored in parallel.

3) Explain what are the limitation using the software

The limit is the software only able to draw of some part of material.
And there limited tool that can be used in the drawing 2D and 3D
4) Give out 3 other software that are similar to E solution

- AutoCAD

- CATIA (Computer aided three dimension interactive

application )

- Solid edge

5) Sketch and label 3d plane as displayed in the software

6) State the use of these commands sketch, extrude, holes tool
and revolve.

 Sketch
- Use to drawing 2D diagram

 Extrude
-use for remove the unwanted material in the diagram.

 Revolve
- Revolve is use for additional / removal of material
around a defined axis.

 Hole tool
- Use to make hole in the diagram.


The benefits of Pro/E and of having 3D product

definition throughout the product development process are clear.
Today, these benefits are not fully realized because many in the
expanded development team lack access and time to work
productively with 3D models. Pro/E user productivity is hampered
by repeated requests to make model changes, some for specialized
purposes that are thrown away.

Moreover, these change requests are often

communicated in ways that add design iterations and unnecessary
time to the design process. SpaceClaim provides a tool to
complement the use of Pro/E and improve both the Pro/E user’s and
the SpaceClaim user’s individual productivity. Additionally,
SpaceClaim enhances organizational productivity by extending the
full benefits of 3D to all participants—thereby optimizing product
design; improving communication, which results in more efficient
design iterations; and reducing the time to market.







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