Islamic Banking User Manual-PMS
Islamic Banking User Manual-PMS
Islamic Banking User Manual-PMS
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ntt D
Item Detail
( Document Specific )
SPECIAL COMMENTS (2) This development is to manage the profit
distribution for Mudaraba deposits(Through
Savings account, call account and Money
(Development / Support) Specific market Deposits)
(Client Specific)
nttss H
Table of Contents
Overview of this guide ............................................................................................................................. 6
Assumptions ........................................................................................................................................ 6
Scope of this guide .............................................................................................................................. 6
Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 7
Document Purpose .............................................................................................................................. 7
TEMENOS T24 TM Modules Supported ............................................................................................... 7
Multi Threading Supported .................................................................................................................. 7
Abbreviations used in this Guide ......................................................................................................... 7
Work Flow ................................................................................................................................................ 8
Overview .............................................................................................................................................. 8
PMS Parameter Tables:....................................................................................................................... 9
Concat Files Used:............................................................................................................................. 12
Mudaraba Deposits ............................................................................................................................... 14
Mudaraba Investment Deposits ......................................................................................................... 14
New Deposit ................................................................................................................................... 14
Amendment Deposit ....................................................................................................................... 16
Early Maturity ................................................................................................................................. 17
Reverse Deposit ............................................................................................................................. 18
PMS Processing: ............................................................................................................................... 19
Simulation (Action 1): ..................................................................................................................... 19
Distribution (Action 2) ..................................................................................................................... 21
Capitalisation (Action 3) ................................................................................................................. 24
Calculation of Average Balance: ........................................................................................................ 25
Calculation of Minimum Balance: ...................................................................................................... 25
Parameters considered while arriving at the Average/Minimum Balance: ........................................ 25
Basic Set up for PMS in T24 ................................................................................................................. 26
Mudaraba Accounting Entries ............................................................................................................... 32
For Term Deposits ............................................................................................................................. 32
For the Other Deposits (Savings/Call Accounts) ............................................................................... 32
PMS Enquiries ....................................................................................................................................... 33
It is assumed that the reader of this guide has knowledge of the following.
Profit management system was designed and developed to handle the distribution of profit for the
Mudaraba Deposits.
Document Purpose
The Purpose of this development is to manage the calculation and processing of the profit distribution
for deposits made using the following accounts:
- Savings
- Call
- Money Market Deposits
The following Files in the following modules are supported or used by this module.
AC – Accounts
MM – Money Market
BM – Balance Movement
Not Applicable
Work Flow
Clients will make Mudaraba deposits with the bank through one of the following options:
1. Call Accounts
2. Savings Accounts
3. Money Market contracts
These account categories are set to be Non-Accrual. There will be no accruals on the Mudaraba
Profit will be distributed for these accounts/deposits during periodical announcement.
Profit Management system will calculate the profit for these accounts/deposits based on the
corresponding parameters setup in PMS.
The bank will decide what categories to be considered for P&L, Bank Capital, Savings & Call account
and Money Market deposits.
This is the main parameter file for the PMS.
Bank will specify the categories and conditions that are to be considered for the PMS calculations and
AP.CATEG – This field is used to define the PL categories. The movement on these PL within the
announcement period will determine the profit rate that will be sued to calculate the profit amount of
each of the deposit.
AP.CATEG M PL categories
ASSET.BC.CATEG AMS Bank capital categories that are considered as ASSET will
be defined here.
ASSET.BC.WEIGHT AMC Percentage of the Bank capital account that will be used
for the calculation.
LIAB.BC.CATEG AMS Bank capital categories considered as LIAB will be defined
LIAB.BC.WEIGHT AMC Percentage of the Bank capital account that will be used
for the calculation.
ID.CATEG AMS All the Money market categories that has be taken for
PMS calculation should be defined here.
ID.PRIN.TO AM Principal amount
ID.WEIGHT AM Percentage to be considered/taken for PMS calculation in
the average balance
ID.REST.WEIGHT AM If above conditions do not match , then weight will be used
from this field.
ID.MUD.CONTRIB.PCT AMC Mudaraba contribution percentage
OD.CATEG Savings or call account categories
OD.WEIGHT Weights for the accounts
OD.MUD.CONTRIB.PCT Mudaraba contribution percentage
PAYABLE.CATEG Account category that will be used to pay the profit to MM
SUSPENSE.CATEG PMS suspense account
CURRENCY Currencies that will be considered for PMS
RATE Currency rates
MS.RATE Mudaraba share percentage
Difference between the Average balances of both the Asset and Liab bank capital categories will be
taken as the BANK CAPITAL for the PMS calculations.
This file will define whether the savings account / call accounts that are defined in the
IS.H.PMS.CALC.PARAMETER should use AVERAGE or MINIMUM balance for profit distribution.
Customer based weights can be defined here. This will override the weights defined in
IS.H.PMS.CALC.PARAMETER for this customer.
This file will store the copy of IS.H.PMS.CALC.PARAMETER at the time of simulation.
Calculations made for the PMS simulation will be stored in this file. This file contains the
Savings/Call account details
Calculations made for the PMS simulation will be stored in this file. This file contains the
MM deposit details
Mudaraba Deposits
Mudaraba Investment Deposits
New Deposit
LAST.PERIOD.PAY - This is a flag to define whether the profit will be paid for the last period or not
(after the maturity date of the contract), it can be YES or NO
This field can be entered only in case of PROFIT.PAY.METHOD is selected as EPA or OM only
To understand these methodologies, let's consider that the profit announcement is made as at the end
of each month.
If we take a deposit placed from 06-Mar-06 to 06-Apr-06, In this case, the profit announcement prior to
maturity will be on 31-Mar-06
Profit Payable on Maturity and Profit Payable for the last period (OM and YES)
The principal and the profit up to 31-Mar-06 will be paid on 06-Apr-06. The profit for the period 01-Apr-
06 to 06-Apr-06 will be calculated and paid on the Profit announcement as at 30-Apr-06.
Profit Payable on Maturity and Profit not payable for the last period (OM and NO)
The principal and the profit up to 31-Mar-06 will be paid on 06-Apr-06. The profit for the period 01-Apr-
06 to 06-Apr-06 will not be paid to the customer.
On Every Profit Announcement and Profit Payable for the last period (EPA and YES)
The Principal would be repaid on maturity only i.e. 06-Apr-06, but Profit would be payable on monthly
basis. The Profit for the period 01-Apr-06 to 06-Apr-06 will be calculated and paid on the Profit
announcement as at 30-Apr-06.
On Every Profit Announcement and Profit not Payable for the last period (EPA and NO)
The Principal would be repaid on maturity only i.e. 06-Apr-06, but Profit would be payable on monthly
basis. The Profit for the period 01-Apr-06 to 06-Apr-06 will not be paid to the customer account.
Amendment Deposit
Any time during the life of the deposit, the user can make an amendment to it by clicking on the
'Amend Deposit' screen.
Early Maturity
The user can force the contract to mature early by changing the maturity date to TODAY.
The user will decide whether the profit amount accrued till the early maturity date is to be paid or not
by inputting YES or NO in Pay Accrued Profit field. If it is to be paid then the amount that is to be paid
is to be input in Pay Amount field because there might be a scenario wherein the bank may decide to
pay only a part of accrued profit amount in case of early maturity.
The user will also decide whether profit for current period will be paid or not upon subsequent
announcement by inputting YES or NO in Pay For Current Prd On Announcement field.
Reverse Deposit
The user can reverse the contract by choosing the option “Reverse Deposit” under “Mudaraba
Investment Deposits”
This is a normal account opened with Zero Interest under ACCOUNT module in T24.
Following screens will be used to input/Create an account under Mudaraba.
PMS Processing:
PL category:
Movements on the PL category for the announcement period (between the START.DATE and the
END.DATE) will be considered for this PMS distribution.
Entries on this PL are returned by the core routine "GET.CATEG.MONTH.ENTRIES". Sum of all these
entries will be considered as the total PL amount for the PMS calculation.
Bank Capital:
Average balance of the accounts belonging to the categories defined in ASSET.BC.CATEG and
LIAB.BC.CATEG will be used to determine the total BANK CAPITAL.
Average balance is read from the BALANCE.MOVEMENT file.
Savings/Call Accounts:
Accounts with categories defined in the OD.CATEG will be selected from the BALANCE.MOVEMENT.
1. Weights defined for each category will be applied on the Average balance or Minimum
balance calculated using the BALANCE.MOVEMENT file.
2. PMS can be set up to use either the Average or Minimum balance of the accounts, based on
the set up in file IS.H.PMS.CATEGORY.
By default, only accounts in local currency will be taken for calculation. To include the Foreign
currency accounts, corresponding currency
Share holder profit share amount = Profit after reserve * Share holder deposit percent
Investor profit share amount = Profit after reserve * Investor deposit percent
Share holder reserve = Investor profit share amount * MS.RATE (If defined)
PMS profit amount = Investor profit share amount - Share holder reserve
PMS profit after Investment risk reserve = PMS profit amount – IRR (If defined)
PMS Profit rate announced = PMS profit after Investment risk reserve / Investor Deposit
Distribution (Action 2)
Savings/Call Accounts:
Profit amount will be calculated based on the Average balance of the account and the PMS
announcement rate for that period.
Accounts that are to be considered for profit distribution (in Action 2) are stored in the
FBNK.IS.PMS.ACC.CONCAT file. This is a JBase level file.
Account Average Balance is picked from FBNK.IS.PMS.ACC.CONCAT
PMS rate is picked from IS.H.PMS.ACTION.
The calculated profit amount will be stored in the ACCOUNT record, in the local
reference field ACCR.PROFIT.AMT.
Contract Average Balance is picked from FBNK.IS.PMS.DEP.CONCAT
PMS rate is picked from IS.H.PMS.ACTION.
The calculated profit amount will be stored in the MM.MONEY.MARKET contract, in the local
reference field ACCR.PROFIT.AMT.
User has to open the SIMULATION record in this option and COMMIT.
Capitalisation (Action 3)
Savings/Call Accounts
All accounts with ACCR.PROFIT.AMT greater that Zero will be selected and following accounting
entries will be raised:
DR – PMS PL account (Picked from the parameter field BANK.PL.CATEG)
CR – Customer account (ID of the account)
There is a field in IS.H.PMS.ACTION, CAP.CATEG where the user has the option to specify the
account categories that they wish to Capitalise. This option is available only for Savings/Call accounts.
ACCR.PROFIT.AMT in the Account record will be cleared after raising the entries.
All Deposits with ACCR.PROFIT.AMT greater that Zero will be selected and following accounting
entries will be raised:
DR – INT.LIQ.ACCT picked from MM contract
CR – Customer account (PRIN.LIQ.ACCT from MM contract)
ACCR.PROFIT.AMT field in the contract will be cleared after raising the entries.
User has to open a new record and specify the categories that has to be capitalised now. This input is
done in the field "Account Category"
Account opened on 4th August, with Zero Balance
Credit on that account on 10th August for BHD 100
Another Credit on that account on 20th August for BHD 300
If the Account balance for a particular day is negative, then the Minimum balance for that account will
be ZERO.
If the Account balance has remained below the MIN.BALANCE (read from IS.H.PMS.CATEGORY)
during any specific day, then the Minimum balance/Average balance for that Account will be ZERO.
If the Account has more debits than the allowed number of debits specified in IS.H.PMS.CATEGORY,
then the Minimum balance/Average balance will be ZERO.
Number of debits on that account for the specific period is read from the STMT.ENTRY.
Note: Only those categories mentioned in the Value field will be considered for the PMS system,
i.e., the categories defined in IS.H.PMS.CATEGORY table should have an entry in this table.
The purpose of this table is to specify the next date and subsequent frequency of application of debit
and credit interest for a group of Accounts. Create records for Minimum and Average. Sample screen
shots are given below
The Group Credit Interest Table allows the specification of a calculation method for credit interest for
groups of accounts. Sample screen shots are given below:
This is a General Condition code and date, which identifies the Group, Credit Interest record and the
date from which it applies. Create records for Average and Minimum in this table.
The Group Debit Interest Table allows the specification of a calculation method of debit interest for
groups of accounts. This is a General Condition code and date, which identifies the Group Debit
Interest record and the date from which it applies. The General Condition code must have an
associated record present on the ACCT.GEN.CONDITION file. Create records for Average and
Minimum in this table.
The purpose of the Account Accrual table is to provide the system with information at Company level
about how and when to process Accruals of interest and charges on Customer Accounts and whether
interest capitalisation is inclusive or exclusive of the balance on capitalisation date, the value dates of
interest entries generated and the day on which the entries are booked. Set the ACCOUNT.ACCRUAL
table for the Company as given below:
Set up MI.DATES table in order to update the BALANCE.MOVEMENT file. T24 PMS will calculate the
Average / Minimum balance based on the BALANCE.MOVEMENT file.
This file holds the system level parameters for the Management Information module. Give the values
“YES” in Val Date Bal Upd field and “ALL” in Bal Mvmt Apps field as shown in the screen shot
This table defines Descriptions of the Basic Interest Rate table IDs to enable the user to identify each
one of them easily. A sample screen shot is given below: Each Description must be defined prior to
creating Rates records for the corresponding ID in the BASIC.INTEREST rate table and will be used
as the enrichment to the corresponding ID when it is displayed
This table allows various frequently used floating Rates, e.g. Base Rate, Prime Rate, Overnight Rate
etc., to be defined separately for each Currency and stored in a central place where they can be
accessed by T24 Applications as required. This table has to be set up for the MM Contracts in PMS
system for the currency mentioned in the contracts. A sample screen shot is given below:
For all the contracts having maturity less than PMS Period End date:
Dr. Mudaraba profit Payable
Cr. Customer Account
The capitalisation for accounts will be done when the user runs the PMS Capitalisation; the user can
select the categories to which he wants to capitalise. When Capitalisation is carried out following
accounting entry will be posted for the accounts that fall under the account categories selected by the
PMS Enquiries