Фрепаавее Упр 1. Передайте Следующие Предложения В Passive Voice

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Упр 1. Передайте следующие предложения в Passive Voice.

1. The light is turned on when it is dark. 2. The translation was finished in time by the
students. 3. The dishes were washed by Helen. 4. Betty's younger brother is often taken by
her for a walk. 5. Some coffee has been made by mother . 6. Has your dress been ironed
yet? 7. This word was mispronounced by Nina. 8. She has been told the truth by them. 9.
We were promised an interesting entertainment. 10. Chalk is used for writing on the
blackboard. 11. My work will be finished about seven o'clock by me. 12. The door was
opened by someone . 13. The coffee was brought in by the waitress. 14. Last week I was
taken to the cinema by one of my friends. 15. This work will be finished in time by us. 16.
This house was built in 1960 by them. 17. New children's books were being sold in that
shop when I entered it yesterday by them. 18. On our way to the station we were joined by
a large group of young people. 19. A school was started in this village by a young teacher.
20. This article is being translated now by them. 21. "The Forsyte Saga." was written by
Galsworthy. 21. This meeting was attended by thousands of people. 22. I have justbrrn
interrupted by him. 23. It was explaind to us by the teacher.

Упр 2. Передайте следующие предложения в Passive Voice.

1. She was not invited to the party by them. 2. The window was not left open by me. 3.
The light was not turned off by them. 4. Some friends have been invited to tea by me. 5.
An English book has been given to me by her. 6. Has the letter been written by you yet? 7.
A lot of interesting things have been told to us by them. 8. The test-paper has been written
without mistakes by the students. 9. A lot of things have been scattered about by the
children. 10. All the books have been put into the bookcase by the girl. 11. The fields will
be covered by snow in winter. 12. The homework will be handed in by them tomorrow.
13. I don't think all the preparations shall be be finished by us today. 14. I am always
invited to her dinner parties by her. 15. She showed me the dress which had been made by
her daughter. 16. The matter was discussed by us some days ago. 17. You are wanted on
the phone. 18. My book was found on the windowsill. 19. Excellent shelters have been
built for tourists in these mountains. 20. Have the exercises been given to all the students?
22. Why have my books been put on this table?

3. Перевести письменно текст.


Дублин - прекрасный город с красивыми серыми каменными домами. Он

расположен на восточном побережье Ирландии. Если вы поедете в Дублин,
обязательно посетите его парки. У них есть прекрасные сады с оленями, а по
воскресеньям там работают рынки. Дублин всегда был городом музыки. В
Ирландию приезжает много рок- и поп-групп, потому что ирландцы очень любят
музыку. Ирландцы любят старинную песню о девушке из Дублина, Молли Мэлоун.
Она продавала моллюсков на улицах Дублина, ее отец и мать делали то же самое до
нее. Когда она была еще молодой, она заболела и умерла, но ее призрак жил после
нее. Автор песни не использует слова «любовь», но называет ее «милая

Молли Мэлоун», так что, вероятно, он ее любил. Поскольку Дублин находится

недалеко от моря, иногда в центре города можно почувствовать ветер на лице. Но
если вы хотите согреться, вы можете выпить кофе в одном из многочисленных кафе.
В Дублине много мостов. Многие знают об Коннелл-Бридж. Это необычно, потому
что почти квадратное (47 метров в ширину и 49 метров в ширину). Люди тоже знают
о Дублинском почтовом отделении. В 1916 году здесь происходили бои между
ирландцами и британскими солдатами.

Упр. 3. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на герундий.

1.Я избегал говорить с ними об этой проблеме. 2. Она заплакала. 3. Они

рассмеялись. 4. Она отрицала, что была дома в тот вечер. 5. Он очень любил
говорить об удовольствии, которое доставляло ему путешествие. 6. Извините меня
за то, что я покидаю вас в такой момент. 7. Пожалуйста, простите меня за
вмешательство. 8. Он перестал курить несколько лет назад. 9. Они продолжали
говорить. 10. Он продолжал настаивать на том, чтобы я отправилась на юг. 11. О,
пожалуйста, перестань смеяться над ним. 12. Ты не возражаешь, если я задам тебе
сложный вопрос? 13. Вы не возражали бы против того, чтобы прийти снова через
день или два? 14. Я не возражаю против того, чтобы носить это платье. 15. Она не
могла не улыбнуться. 16. Я не могу отложить выполнение данного перевода. 17.
Хотя Давид устал, он продолжал идти в сторону Дувра.

Упр. 4. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя герундий.

1. Finally they stopped laughing. 2. She denied stealing money. 3. Let's put off going to
the countrys house till next Saturday. 4. I'm sorry for losing your pen. 5. When will he
finish writing his composition? 6. I don't mind staying home and working on my
translation. 7. Stop shivering. Avoid demonstrating people that you are afraid of them. 8. I
can't help worrying about them, they've stopped writing. 9 I don't deny seeing them that
evening. 10. He didn't mind being examined, he stopped pretending to be healthy. 11. He
can't apologise me for tearing his bag. 12. Stop talking. 13. We've finished working on the
problem. 14. Keep on singing. 15.Do you mind opening the window? 16. He denied
having taken part in the crime. 17.I like painting very much. 18. We got pleasure from
swimming. 19. I couldn't help agreeing with him. 20. He burst out laughing. 21.She has
quit smoking. 22. She avoided meeting him. 23 We'll postpone discussing the report.
Написать доклад на тему: «Знаменитые российские музеи»

Speaking about art galleries of Moscow we must mention the most famous galleries.

The State Tretyakov gallery is one of the best known picture galleries in Russia. It takes its
name from its founder Pavel Tretyakov, a Moscow merchant. In the 19th century Tretyakov
began to collect Russian paintings. He visited all the exhibitions and art studios and bought
the best pictures. Little by little Tretyakov extended his interests and began to collect earlier
Russian paintings.

In 1881 Tretyakov opened gallery in St.-Petersburg to the public, 11 years later he donated it
to the city of Moscow. Since then the gallery has received hundred paintings from other
museums and private collections. The Tretyakov gallery reflects the whole history of Russian
paintings from the 11th century to the present day.

State Pushkin museum of fine art also is one of the famous and largest museum in Russia. The
building was built in Greek style by Roman Klein in 1898-1912 to house a museum of fine
art, founded by the initiative of professor Ivan Cvetayev. Since 1937 it has been known as the
Pushkin museum of fine art. It has one of the world's largest ancient collections of European
art. Now the picture gallery has over 2 thousands works of various schools of painting.

The Pushkin museum periodically holds exhibition of the art of various countries and of
individual outstanding artist of past and present.

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Питание в Британии

С 1970-х годов пищевые привычки в Великобритании претерпели 369 изменений.

Врачи, эксперты в области здравоохранения и правительственная реклама
призывают людей есть меньше жира и больше клетчатки. Жир считается одной из
основных причин ожирения и сердечных заболеваний. Сорок процентов взрослого
населения Великобритании имеют избыточный вес, и в Великобритании один из
самых высоких показателей смертности от сердечнососудистых заболеваний в мире.
Британцы также стали больше осознавать калории, энергетическую ценность пищи.
Некоторые люди подсчитывают количество калорий, которые они съедают каждый
день, чтобы попытаться потреблять меньше калорий и похудеть. Производители
продуктов питания начали помогать широкой публике делать более осознанный
выбор в отношении того, что им есть. Итак, традиционный британский завтрак - это
бекон, яйца или сосиски, после которых идут фрукты, а за ними - тосты. Британцы
могут есть этот завтрак по выходным или по особым случаям, но предпочитают
небольшую и более здоровую пищу в начале дня. Обед - это легкая еда, которую
едят в школе или на работе. Обед длится 30–40 минут. Ужин обычно является
основным приемом пищи в течение дня и состоит из двух блюд. В последние годы
иностранные продукты стали неотъемлемой частью британской диеты. На ужин
особенно популярны индийские и китайские блюда. Еда на вынос стала
чрезвычайно популярной в 1980-х годах. Традиционное британское блюдо на вынос
- рыба с жареным картофелем, которую едят с солью и уксусом и подают в старой
газете. Британцы известны своей любовью к сладкому и полднику с бутербродами;
булочки, джем и несколько видов пирожных когда-то были традиционным обычаем.
Большинство работающих людей не пьют чай как послеобеденную «еду», но у них
есть небольшой перерыв в середине дня на чашку чая. Чай часто также пьют во
время обеда и ужина.


1. Eating habits in Britain have undergone a change, haven't they? Yes, Since the 1970's
eating habits in Britain have undergone 369 a change

2. Why do some of people count the number of calories they eat? Some people count the
number of calories they eat every day, so that they can try to take in fewer calories and
lose weight

3. What is the traditional British breakfast? So the traditional British breakfast is bacon,
eggs or sausages, preceded by fruit and followed by toasts.

4. What do the British have for the main meal of the day? Lunch is usually the main meal
of the day and consists of two courses - meat or fish with vegetables, followed by dessert
or pudding.

5. What are Britons famous for? The British are famous for their love of sweet things and
afternoon tea with sandwiches; scones, jam and several kinds of cake, was once a
traditional custom.

Творческое задание. Доклад на тему: «классическая музыка эпохи барокко»

The Baroque era is a rather significant period in the development of European academic
music. It dates back to the Renaissance and predates classicism. The music of that time
(as, incidentally, the art of baroque in general) is characterized by pretentiousness,
dynamics, rather complex, ornate forms.

It was during this period of time that the works of Johann Sebastian Bach, Antonio Vivaldi
and many other famous composers were born. The musical notation and the way you play
instruments have also changed.

Considering the music of the "baroque" epoch as a whole, we can say that it is
characterized by a certain pomp, pompousness, as well as a slight shade of strangeness.
Polyphony and counterpoint appeared, which began to develop rapidly, consonants
appeared. It is worth noting that in baroque music special attention was paid to them,
because they participated in the construction of chords.
The technique of organ-clavier art was proposed and introduced. In comparison with the
Renaissance, Baroque music became somewhat more emotional and lively, had a more
diverse stylistic coloring. Fugues were quite popular, and lutes, viols and other strings
were actively used among the instruments.

Sonatas and suites were also written, and among the forms of sacred music, one can single
out masses, motets, cantatas, toccatas, etc. Among the whole variety of genres in the
Baroque era, opera stood out. The music was mostly instrumental.

In terms of chronology, there is music from the early baroque, mature baroque and late.

Another distinctive feature was that sometimes the composers had mixed tonality, that is,
at first glance, it was difficult to distinguish major from minor.

Mature Baroque is usually associated with the focus of the creators on harmony.
Moreover, composers tried to develop new systems of musical education. Overtures and
ballet music became widespread at court.

It should be noted that many trends of this period had a significant impact on later music,
and not only on the era of classicism, but also laid some foundations that are studied and
used to this day. By the way, at one time “neo-baroque” was quite popular, which, in fact,
was an attempt to recreate the polyphonic sound of that time.

Yes, only time cannot be turned back - there will be no second such era. It remains only to
enjoy what was created centuries ago and remember the contribution of the geniuses of
that period to the history of music.

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