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Section A

Question 1:

1.1. Multiple choice: write the letter of the most correct response. E.g. 1.1.6. G
1.1.1. Tissue in the roots which give rise to root hairs in the…
A. Endodermis
B. Pericycle
C. Cambium
D. Epidermis
1.1.2. Loss of water drops from the leaf of a plant is called…
A. Transpiration
B. Guttation
C. Evaporation
D. Gaseous exchange
1.1.3. Bones of the skull are joined together by…
A. Pivot joints
B. Sutures
C. Slightly movable joint
D. Synovial joint
1.1.4. Treatment of cancer with use of chemical substances
A. Chemotherapy
B. Radiotherapy
C. Cloning
D. Surgery
1.1.5. A differentially permeable membrane
A. Cell membrane
B. Cell wall
C. Cellulose
D. Tonoplast



1.2. Give the correct biological term for each of the following statements:

1.2.1. Outgrowth of epidermal cells in the roots of plants.

1.2.2. Tissue responsible for the transport of water and mineral salts in plants.

1.2.3. Weakening of bones due to loss of calcium.

1.2.4. Waxy layer of leaf surface that prevents the leaf from drying up.

1.2.5. The point where two or more bones join.


1.3. Indicate whether each of the statements in column I, applies to A only; B only; Both A and
B or neither A nor B in column II. Write: A only; B only; Both A and B or Neither A nor B.

Column I Column II

1.3.1. Has cells that are actively dividing A Meristematic Tissue

B Parenchyma Tissue
1.3.2. Special epidermal cells which allow A Lenticels
for gas exchange. B Stomata
1.3.3. Muscles which work in opposition to A Antagonistic
each other. B Sarcolemma
1.3.4. A scientist who studies and interprets A Dendrochronologist
the annual rings of plants. B Botanist
1.3.5. Stores energy in the form of ATP. A Nucleus
B Mitochondria


Section B

Question 2:

2.1. A grade 10 learner submitted the following drawings of animal cells and plant cells that
he viewed under a light microscope.

2.1.1. Which of the drawings (A or B) represent…

(i) Plant cells?

(ii) Animal cells? (2)

2.1.2. State TWO visible differences between cells A and cells B. (4)

2.1.3. Mitochondria and chloroplasts were not visible under the microscope. Explain why this
is so. (2)

2.1.4. State TWO functions of the part labelled C. (2)

2.1.5. Suggest one place were the cells A and B were removed. (2)



2.2. The following diagram shows a part of a section through a leaf blade. Study the diagram
and answer the questions that follow.

2.2.1. What is the function of the part labelled A? (1)

2.2.2. Provide the label for H. (1)

2.2.3. Name the cells labelled C. Describe ONE way in which their shape plays a role in
ensuring efficient photosynthesis. (2)

2.2.4. Name the cells labelled D. Describe the shape of these cells and explain how the shape
of these cells is an advantage for processes Taking place in the leaf. (2)

2.2.5. State ONE visible difference between cells E and F. Explain the significance of this
difference. (3)



Section C

Question 3:

3.1. Study the diagram below and answer the questions.

3.1.1. Name the part of the skeleton which the above diagram represents. (1)

3.1.2. Identify parts labelled A, D and H. (3)

3.1.3. State the type of joints found at E, F and J. (3)

3.1.4. What type of muscle is C? (1)

3.1.5. Briefly explain how the forearm is brought towards the body. (2)

3.1.5. Define the terms

a. Tendons

b. Ligaments (4)


Total [50]



Umlazi Comtech High School

Life Sciences

Term 3: Controlled Test [50 Marks]

Grade 10

Duration: 1hr

Name :

Surname :

Class :


1. This task consists of Three Question sections
2. Answer all the questions.
3. Read all the questions carefully and follow the instructions closely.
4. Number the answers correctly according to the numbering system used in this task.
5. The mark allocated per question is an indication of the length of your answer.
6. Write neatly and legibly

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