Grade 1 CLE LP 001 - 3rd QTR

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Ateneo de Zamboanga University

Grade School Unit

PAASCU Level III Accredited
School Year 2020-2021

Learning Packet in Christian Life Education I

Name: I. Date:
Grade & Section: Learning Packet: CLE 1 001
Topic: Advent Season Quarter: Third
learning packet, you are expected to:
 realize the importance of waiting and preparing oneself for the coming of
 identifying ways of preparing oneself for the coming of Jesus; and
 ask for God’s guidance in preparing for Jesus’ coming.

This learning packet is a property of ADZU-Grade School. Unauthorized reproduction, distribution & selling of this material is STRICTLY prohibited.
CLE 1- 001 |PAGE 1

II. ACTIVITY PROPER Advent means “coming or “arrival”. The focus of the entire
season is preparation to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. The whole
LET’S START! Directions:
preparation Get to of
for the coming know the “Candle
our Savior Siblings”
is symbolized byby
Advent their story below.


This learning packet is a property of ADZU-Grade School. Unauthorized reproduction, distribution & selling of this material is STRICTLY prohibited.
CLE 1- 001 |PAGE 2
Symbols and Meanings:

The Green Leaves remind us that God’s love never changes. Green is also the color of
life and growth.
The 4 Candles stand for the four (4) weeks before Christmas. They symbolize the long years of
waiting for the coming Savior. Each week, one candle is lighted.
3 Violet Candles (peace, hope and love)
- they express our sorrow for not loving Jesus enough, as well as our neighbors.
- it also symbolizes prayer, penance and preparation.
1 Pink Candle (joy)
- it speaks of our joy because Christmas is near and the savior will come soon.

This learning packet is a property of ADZU-Grade School. Unauthorized reproduction, distribution & selling of this material is STRICTLY prohibited.
CLE 1- 001 |PAGE 3
1 White Candle (Christ)
- stands for Jesus Christ who is the light or the world.


Directions: Print this page and color the

advent wreath according to its
corresponding color. Take a picture of your
work and submit it as a separate file.

This learning packet is a property of ADZU-Grade School. Unauthorized reproduction, distribution & selling of this material is STRICTLY prohibited.
CLE 1- 001 |PAGE 4

The season of Advent is the time when we prepare for the coming of Jesus.
What can you do to prepare for the coming of Jesus?



People prepare for the coming of Jesus in different ways. How about you? How do you prepare for
the coming of Jesus?
CONTENT STANDARD: Identify ways on how to prepare oneself for the coming of Jesus.
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: Create a preparation list on how one can prepare for the coming for the Jesus.
 Designing Materials (pencil, colored markers, stickers, etc.)
CRITERIA 4 3 2 1
All five drawings show Only four to three Only two drawings show Only one drawing show
how one can prepare for drawings show how how one can prepare for how one can prepare for
the coming of Jesus. one can prepare for the coming of Jesus. the coming of Jesus.
the coming of Jesus. .
The overall design of the The design of the The design of the prayer The design of the prayer
prayer shows prayer shows attention shows little attention in shows no attention
exceptional attention in in the placement of the the placement of placed in the placement
Design the placement of the pictures, texts, but less pictures and texts and in of pictures, texts and
pictures, texts and other attention in the overall the overall design. other elements.
elements (stickers, etc.) design.
Care was demonstrated Care was Some care was Little care was
on the output that there demonstrated on the demonstrated on the demonstrated on the
are no folds, tears or output that there are a output that there are a output. The entire output
Presentation unnecessary markings few folds or few folds, tears, or is crumpled, torn or
visible. unnecessary unnecessary markings largely filled with
markings, but free visible. unnecessary markings.
from tears.
TOTAL POINTS 16 points


This learning packet is a property of ADZU-Grade School. Unauthorized reproduction, distribution & selling of this material is STRICTLY prohibited.
CLE 1- 001 |PAGE 5
This learning packet is a property of ADZU-Grade School. Unauthorized reproduction, distribution & selling of this material is STRICTLY prohibited.
CLE 1- 001 |PAGE 6
Directions: Read each statement carefully. Color the entire statement YELLOW if the statement true and leaves it as
it is if it does not. To answer, (1) highlight the statement, (2) go to “Font Color” and (3) change the color of the words
to red. (10x1).
Lin helps her mother pack the items for the love drive.

Justin shouts at his younger sister when he saw her playing with his toys.

Ryan shared his food with the street children.

Carl helps his sister in preparing the Christmas nativity.

Sam thanks God in his prayers for all the blessings that he and his family received.

Joshua feeds his pets on time and plays with them.

Steven prays for the safety of everyone around him.

Philip does not listen to the priest when he is talking.

Sarah continues to play while her father is busy cleaning.

Fatima ignores the hungry children that she sees outside the mall.

Congratulations! You did an amazing job in answering

See you on your next learning packet~


Advent Concept Notes-

Pictures –

This learning packet is a property of ADZU-Grade School. Unauthorized reproduction, distribution & selling of this material is STRICTLY prohibited.
CLE 1- 001 |PAGE 7

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