Step 1: Tax Proof Submission'
Step 1: Tax Proof Submission'
Step 1: Tax Proof Submission'
Log on to PACE+ by clicking the link below and thereafter enter your login credentials.
Upon logging in, click on the ‘Tax Proof Submission’ tab, as displayed below.
The list of Investment declarations made at the beginning of the year / upon your joining etc., as
applicable, are displayed as separate line items, as shown in the screenshot below. To record your
Investment proof against the Investment Item, click on the ‘Plus (+)’ sign, under the ‘Add’
column, against the respective Investment component.
Upon clicking the ‘Plus (+)’ sign, a new window will appear to enter the Investment Proof
Details, as shown below. Enter all the requisite details and click ‘Save’.
Likewise, you may add as many investment proofs, against an Investment item.
In case you wish to submit a proof against a component you have not declared earlier,
please click a relevant item from the drop down, under the tab ‘Add New Tax Investment
Component’, as shown in the screen shot below. You can thereafter repeat Step 3 above
to add your investment proof details, against the newly selected Investment Item.
You may ‘view / edit’ your investment proof details, by clicking the icon, as shown in the screen
shot below. Thereafter, please click the icon under the ‘Upload’ column against the respective
investment item, to attach the soft copy of your Investment proofs.
Upon clicking the upload icon, a new window is enabled. Click ‘Choose File’ to select the
scanned copy of the Investment Proof that you wish to upload, and thereafter click on ‘Upload’.
While uploading the soft copy of your Investment proofs, please take note of the following points
Password protected files will not be considered.
You may upload PDF or JPG files.
Maximum/Overall file size allowed for upload is 10 MB.
You may edit (if need be) your Investment proofs uploaded, before the final submission.
Once you upload all your investment proofs, click on the tab ‘Download form 12BB’ to download
this document. Please take a print out of this document, sign the same on the last page and upload
the signed document by clicking the icon ‘Form 12BB upload’, as shown in the screenshot below.
Thereafter click the ‘submit’ button to submit your investment proofs as shown in the screenshot
Kindly note that the option to edit any investment proof details is not available, once the proofs have
been submitted online. Further, Investment proofs saved, for which proofs are not uploaded, will
not be considered for the purpose of determining tax exemptions being extended. Likewise,
Investment Proofs submitted, that do not meet the requisite guidelines as shared, will not be