SIMAK UI 2019 - Bahasa Inggris: Name Doc: SIMAKUI2019ING999 Version: 2020 - 01
SIMAK UI 2019 - Bahasa Inggris: Name Doc: SIMAKUI2019ING999 Version: 2020 - 01
SIMAK UI 2019 - Bahasa Inggris: Name Doc: SIMAKUI2019ING999 Version: 2020 - 01
Name Doc: SIMAKUI2019ING999 Version: 2020 - 01
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©2020 Zenius Education.
Soal Simak UI 2019 – Bahasa Inggris
04. The most appropriate title for this Actually, there’s an ongoing battle
passage is …. over which of Uranus’ poles is its north
pole. Either its axial inclination is a bit
(A) Adolescent Growth Spurt and
over 90 degrees and its rotation is direct,
or it’s a bit less than 90 degrees and the
(B) Effects of Puberty on Sports
rotation is retrograde. The problem is
that you need to draw a dividing line
(C) The Rising Popularity of Sports
somewhere because in a case like Venus,
among Children
there is little dispute that the rotation is
(D) The Impact of Poor Balance and
indeed retrograde (not a direct rotation
Body Control
with an inclination of nearly 180).
(E) The Side Effects of Specializing in
Sports on Children
05. The tone of the author is best
described as ….
Uranus, the first planet discovered in
modern times, was named after the (A) seriuos
Greek deity, the earliest supreme God. It (B) amused
was discovered by William Herschel while (C) objective
systematically searching the sky with his (D) admiring
telescope on March 13, 1781. It had (E) optimistic
actually been seen many times before
but ignored as simply another star. The 06. This passage would probably be
earliest recorded sighting was in 1690 assigned reading in which of the
when John Flamsted classified it as 34 following course?
Tauri. Herschel named it “the Georgium
(A) physics
Sidus” (the Georgian Planet) to honor his
(B) geology
patron King George III of England. Others
(C) astrology
called it “Herschel”. The name “Uranus”
(D) astronomy
was first recommended by Bode, but it
(E) geography
was not commonly used until 1850.
Uranus has been visited by only one
07. The following statements are true,
spacecraft, Voyager 2 on Jan 24, 1986.
except ….
Most of the planets spin on an axis (A) Uranus is the name of a greek
nearly perpendicular to the plane of the God
ecliptic, but Uranus’ axis is almost (B) Uranus was once considered a
parallel to the ecliptic. At the time of star
Voyager 2’s passage, Uranus’ south pole (C) Uranus has been known by
was pointed almost directly at the Sun, different names
so Uranus’ polar regions receive more (D) a spacecraft travelled to Uranus
energy input from the Sun than do its in the 1980s
equatorial regions. Uranus is (E) Uranus was first seen in the
nevertheless hotter at its equator than at sixteenth century
its poles. The mechanism underlying this
is unknown.
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©2020 Zenius Education.
Soal Simak UI 2019 – Bahasa Inggris
08. What can be inferred about Uranus’ something, children are passive
orbit and rotation? recipients of visual and auditory
(A) The Sun’s energy does not reach stimulation that may or may not
Uranus’ polar regions require some response using fine
(B) Uranus’ orbit is parallel to the motor skills. However, this is a very
plane of the ecliptic artificial way of learning about the
(C) why Uranus’ equator is hotter world and does not engage
than its poles is unknown children in a kinesthetic manner
(D) scientists still need to do more
using their entire bodies.
research on Uranus’ orbit and
Imaginative and creative play is
(E) the rotation of Uranus is direct at
one time and retrograde at other a more natural way for children to
times learn about the world and does
involve the whole body. Children
09. What is the author’s purpose in manipulate and touch various play
writing this text? materials. They express
(A) to show that people are still themselves through play both
confused about Uranus verbally and non-verbally. They
(B) to inform people that Uranus has use all of their muscles and senses
a unique orbit and rotation to move around. Actively using
(C) to educate people on the their large and small muscles as
importance of the exploration of well as 42) … in play, children
Uranus develop healthy, strong, and
(D) to argue that Uranus was complete neurological connections
discovered earlier than other
in their brains.
(E) to present information about the
Children play imaginatively and
discovery, orbit, and rotation of
creatively in various different ways
based on many factors such as
Raising children now is more age, play environment, and toys
challenging than it was 30 years provided. They can engage in
ago. Currently, one of the most 40) imaginative and creative play by
… aspects of raising children is the themselves or with others.
amount of time they spend in front Imaginary play happens when
of screens, whether it is TV or children use their imaginations to
gadgets. When children focus their 43) …. They can engage in this type
attention onto a screen, it is a very of play using small toy figures,
passive form of learning or puppets, dolls, or stuffed animals.
entertainment. Instead of using They can also act out a particular
their own imaginations to learn role themselves and become a part
about the world and 41) … of a play drama. Often, dressing up
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©2020 Zenius Education.
Soal Simak UI 2019 – Bahasa Inggris
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©2020 Zenius Education.