Various Usages of the Ending -며 / - (으) 며, - (이) 며
Various Usages of the Ending -며 / - (으) 며, - (이) 며
Various Usages of the Ending -며 / - (으) 며, - (이) 며
아이들은 웃으며 사진을 찍었어요.
= The kids took photos while laughing.
= 아이들은 웃으면서 사진을 찍었어요.
저는 커피를 마시며 책 읽는 걸 좋아해요.
= I like reading a book while drinking coffee.
= 저는 커피를 마시면서 책 읽는 걸 좋아해요.
손님이 지갑을 꺼내며 물었습니다. “얼마예요?”
= The customer asked as he pulled out his wallet. “How much is it?”
= 손님이 지갑을 꺼내면서 물었습니다. “얼마예요?”
Usage #3
When you connect nouns, you use -( ) 이 며 instead of -(으)며. But the usage of -(이)며 is quite
different from other words that mean “and” in Korean. The most common words for listing
items are - 하고, -와/과, -(이)랑 and 그리고. These words are used to mention a limited number of
items, like “A and B” or “A, B and C”.
But when you use -( ) 이 며 to list nouns, you imply that not every item is being mentioned and
there are likely more that can be mentioned.
책이며 공책이며 바닥에 다 떨어져 있었어요.
= Things like books and notebooks were all on the floor.
책이랑 공책이랑 바닥에 다 떨어져 있었어요.
= Books and notebooks were all on the floor.
이 며 tends to be used in repetition, after each noun that is mentioned, just like -(이)랑.
* -( )
얼마 전에 이사를 했는데, 식탁이며 의자며 아직도 살 게 많아요.
= I moved recently, and I still have a lot of things to buy like a kitchen table and chairs, etc.
얼마 전에 이사를 했는데, 식탁이랑 의자를 사야 돼요.
= I moved recently, and I need to buy a kitchen table and chairs.
이며 after what seems like a verb, it is because the verb’s verb
Please also note that if you see -
stem ends with -이, like 움직이다, which changes to 움직이며.
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