Holonomy, The Quantum Adiabatic Theorem, and Berry's Phase
Holonomy, The Quantum Adiabatic Theorem, and Berry's Phase
Holonomy, The Quantum Adiabatic Theorem, and Berry's Phase
Vector bundles and their integral invariants where y(C) is an extra phase which Berry exten-
(Chem numbers) are already familiar to theoret- sively studies, and which he suggests could be
ical physicists because of their occurrence in experimentally measured. '
classical Yang-Mills theories. Here I want to The purpose here is first to advertise what
explain how they also enter naturally into non- Berry calls a "remarkable and rather mysterious
relativistic quantum mechanics, especially in "
result, but more basically to try to take the mys-
problems connected with condensed matter phys- tery out of it by realizing that y is an integral of
ics. If one has a Hermitian operator H(x) depend- a curvature so that Berry's phenomenon is es-
ing smoothly on a parameter x, with an isolated sentially that of holonomy which is becoming
nondegenerate eigenvalue E(x) depending continu- quite familiar to theoretical physicists. ' This
ously onx, then ((x, p) H(x)y = E(x)p I defines a
~ realization will allow us a more compact formula
line bundle over the parameter space. l will show than that used principally by Berry, and one that
that the twisting of this line bundle affects the is easier to compute with. Most importantly, it
phase of quantum mechanical wave functions. will give a close mathematical relationship be-
Berry, in a beautiful recent paper, ' discovered tween his work and that of Thouless et al, ' so
a striking phenomenon in the quantum adiabatic that Berry's interesting analysis of the relation
theorem. That theorem says' that if H(t), 0 ~ t of degeneracy to y(E) will allow us to interpret
~1, is a family of Hermitian Hamiltonians, de- the TEN' integers in a new and interesting way.
pending smoothly on t, and if E(t) is a smooth To explain that y is a holonomy, l begin by re-
function of t which is a simple eigenvalue of H(t) placing H(s) by H(s) -E(s) which produces a
isolated from the rest of the spectrum of H(t) for trivial, computable phase change in the solution
each t, then the solution Pr(s) of the time-de- Pr(s) of (1). Thus, without loss, we can take E(s)
—0. Define
pendent Schrodinger equation qr (s) = gr (sT ) so that q solves
idler(s)/ds = H(s/T) gr(s) i dg ( r)/sds = TH(s)gr(s), (3)
with gr(0) = p, where H(0) p, = E(0)p, has the prop-
erty that as T ~, Pr(T) approaches the eigen-
and the adiabatic theorem
limit rt(s) with
says that gr(s) has a
vector p, of H(1) with H(1) p, = E(1)p, Berry.
asked the following tluestion: Suppose that H(x) H(s) q(s) =0 (4)
is a multiple-parameter family and that C(t) is [since we have taken E(s) =0]. If now H(x) is a
a closed curve in parameter space, so that multiparameter family of Hermitian Hamilton-
H(C(t)) = H(t) obeys the hypo-theses of the adiabat- ians, so that in some region M of parameter
ic theorem. Then that theorem says that p, is space, 0 is an isolated nondegenerate eigenvalue,
just a phase factor times po and Berry asks, then given any curve C(t) and any choice r4 of
"%'hat phase factor ~" Surprisingly, the obvious"
normalized zero-energy eigenvector of H(C(0))
guess (i.e. , a choice of phase), the adiabatic limit yields
y, =exp[-i f, E(s/T) ds] y, a way of transporting q, along the curve C(t),
is wrong; rather, Berry finds i.e. , a connection. In this way, (2) is just an ex-
pression of the holonomy associated to this con-
p, =exp[ —i f, E(s/T) ds] exp [iy(C)] p„ (2) nection. So far this is just fancy words to de-
scribe Berry's discovery. However, there is a in magnetic fields or some other condition pro-
mathematically natural connection already long ducing a nonreal Hamiltonian.
known in the situation of distinguished lines in As an example of significance below which is
Hilbert space. For givenx, let X„denote the also considered by Berry, ' let M= i(,"$(0) and giv-
zero-energy eigenspace for H(x). This yields a enxEM, let H(x) = x L where L is a spin-S spin
line bundle over the parameter space which, on C ", Then all eigenvalues are nondegenerate
since it is embedded in M & &, has a natural and we can, for each nz = —S, —S + 1, . , S, com- ..
Hermitian connection, studied, e.g. , by Bott and pute a V (x) associated to the eigenvalue (x(m.
Chem. ' In this connection, one transports a vec- By rotation covariance, V (x) must be a function
tor P, along a curve C(t ) so that P (i ) obeys of (x( times the area form A(x) on the sphere of
(P (t + M), P (i )) =1+ O((5t)') I claim that q(s) radius x. Thus, we need only compute V at
precisely obeys this condition; formally, one x = (0, 0, z). U (m) is the vector with L, (m)
can argue that =m(m), then for x near (0, 0, z), we can take
(( )
dq(s)) ). ) dq~(s)) p(x) =exp —L,', ——L„+O(x'+y') (m)
(( i~
~z z
= lim (q(s), —iTH(s)gr(s)) =0 so that
dy=iz '[dxL, —dyL„](m),
by (4). One can give a rigorous proof just using
the convergence of g without worrying about the (d p, dp) = z dx hdy (m( [L, , L„] m)
question of convergence of derivatives. ' Thus
= ia rndxh dp,
the connection given by the adiabatic theorem
and thus, returning to general x,
[when E(s) =—0] is precisely the conventional one
for embedded Hermitian bundles and y is the con- V. (x) = m(x( 'W(x}. (6)
ventional integral of the curvature which is just
the Chem class of the connection. In particular, In particular, if S is any sphere' about the ori-
y only depends on the X„'s, not other aspects of
H(x). This means that one has a simple compact (2~)-'J, V. (x) =2m
formula' for y..
is an integer. This is no coincidence: If C is a
r(c) = J,v, clockwise circuit around the equator of the sphere
where S is any oriented surface in M with 9S =C 8, which breaks up S into two hemispheres S+, S
and V can be defined in terms of an arbitrary
with ~S, = + C, then
smooth choice, ' p(x), of unit vectors in X„by exp [ir(C)] =exp(i Js, v) =exp(-i Js V}
V =i(dp, dp), (5) so that Jsv must be 2))' times an integer. We
which is shorthand for the two-form" therefore see the familiar quantization of the inte-
gral of the Chem class, V, of the bundle, as a
V= g im(() y/sx„op/sx, .) dx, ndx, . consistency condition on the holonomy, a standard
written in terms of local coordinates. The for- Thouless eta/. , in their deep analysis of the
mula that Berry used has the advantage over (5) quantized Hall effect, ' considered a band of a
of being manifestly invariant under phase changes
of p(x), but it appears to depend on details of
two-dimensional solid in magnetic field, so that
for each k in T, the Brillouin zone, the corre-
H(x) and not just on the spaces X„. Moreover, sponding band energy is nondegenerate. If ()()(k)
since it has a sum over intermediate states, it is the corresponding eigenvector, then (i/2)) )
could be difficult to compute in general, although &&I r2(d p dp) is an integer, the TKN' integer of
in his examples it is easy to compute, since the the band. Using the source" analogy of Berry, '
sum over intermediate state in these examples is we can interpret" these integer s. Suppose the
finite. Even in these examples, (5) ean be very
easy to use in computations.
band under consideration is the nth; and suppose
an arbitrary smooth interpolation, H(k), of the "
E(luation (5) shows that V =0 if one can choose band Hamiltonian H(k) is given from the surface
the p(x) to be all simultaneously real. Thus, of the torus into the solid torus T, i.e. , H(k) is
the phenomena we discuss here are only present defined for 0 in T and e(luals H(k) on the surface.
generically, "
The Wigner-von Neumann theorem" says that
the nth band is only degenerate for
eral vector bundles.
It is a pleasure to thank D. Robinson and N. Tru-
isolated points (P& &,' in T. One can define V
j dinger for the hospitality of the Australian Na-
on T with these points removed, and since dV=O, tional University, where this work was done,
Gauss' theorem assures us that the integral of V M. Berry for telling me of his work, and B. Souil-
over the torus is just the same as its integral lard for the remark (via M. Berry) that there
over little spheres about the degeneracies. Each must be a connection between Berry's work and
sphere has a charge" associated with it which that of TKN'. This research was partially sup-
is &q& with q& an integer, and gq, is the TKN' ported by the National Science Foundation through
integer. Grant No. MCS-81-20833.
It is worthwhile to expand slightly on this pic-
tureen' Consider a matrix family M(x), depend-
ing smoothly on these parameters. If all eigen-
values of M(x, ) are nondegenerate, we say that
xo is a regular point. xo is a normal singular 'M. V. Berry, to be published; see also Proceedings
point if and only if (i) only one eigenvalue is de- of the Corno Conference on Chaos, 1983 (to be pub-
generate and its multiplicity is 2; (ii) the degen- lished).
eracy is removed to first order for any line 28ee T. Kato, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 5, 435-439 (1950);
through x, If 0 is a normal singular point and A. Messiah, Quantum Mechanics (North-Holland, Am-
sterdam, 1962), Vol. 2.
P is the projection onto the degenerate eigen- 3There are, in the infinite-dimensional case, also
values of M(0), then for x near zero, domain conditions if H(It) is unbounded. We ignore these
PM(x)P —PM(0)P =a xp+ B x + O(x') ~ in our discussion. For purposes of this note, one can
think of finite-dimensional cases.
where B is a vector of traceless operators on P.
Picking a basis for the range of P, we can write
4Since f J'F', (s/T)ds = T f &'jE(s)ds will be very large in
the limit T ~ unless f 0Z(s)ds =0, it may be difficult
to set up the experiment in such a way that the "dy-
B x = o Cx where C is a 3 & 3 matrix and a are
namic phase" f ~OR(s/T)ds does not wash out y(C).
the usual Pauli matrices in the basis. The condi-
See T. Eguchi etal. , Phys. Rep. 66, 213 (1980);
tion on removal af degeneracy says that det(C) Y. Choguet-Bruhat et al. , Analysis Manifolds and
c 0. The Hermiticity of M implies det(C) is real. Physics (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1983).
I call the sign of det(C) the signature o (x ) of 6D. Thouless, M. Kohmoto, M. Nightingale, and
the normal singular point. With use of a deforma- M. den Nijs, Phys. Rev. Lett. 49, 405 (1982), desig-
tion argument and the example discussed above nated as TKN2.
(with spin S = 2), it is not hard to show that if the B. Bott and S. Chem, Acta Math. 114, 71 (1965).
nth and (n+ 1) st levels are degenerate at x„and
Pick a smooth function of compact support and
if Vz is the Chem class associated to the jth lev-
el, then for a small sphere S about x„we have
f(s) g(s), ds = ~~~„ f(s) gz (s), —
(2~) 'fsV„„=o(x,); (2n) 'fs V„= o(x,). - Integrate by parts and get one term (dq~/ds,
zero by (3) and {4) and one term
q) which is
generate with the next lower level get weight o'(P) y globally, but since (5) is phase invariant, one need
where o is the signature of P, and those where it only make a choice in a neighborhood of any given
is degenerate with the next higher level get weight point. If S is the image of a disk (as it typically is),
-o(P)" one can always make a global choice.
'This formula appears as Eq. (Vb) in Ref. 1 but only
I conclude remark: I have
with a mathematical
in passing; surprisingly, it is not used agajn. For ex-
shown how the Chem integers associated to cer- ample, with it, the one-page calculation in Ref. 1 that
tain line bundles can be understood in terms of dt/'=0 is trivial from d~ =0.
singularities of interpolations of the bundle. It "It is an easy calculation that (5) is invariant under
would be interesting to extend this picture to gen- p(x) e' ~"&y(g) since the normalization condition
(y, y) =1 implies that (cp, dp) + (dp, y) =0. Avron, '60ne can show (see Avron, Seiler, and Simon, and
Seiler, and Simon P. Avron, H. Seiler, and B. Simon, Avron eg gg. , Ref. 12) that such interpolations exist;
to be published; see also J. Avron gtgE. , Phys. Hev. indeed, that in the finite-dimensional case, the set of
I ett, . 51, 51-53 (1983)] give a simple manifestly phase- such interpolations is a dense open set in the set of all
invariant form for p; viz. V =2i Tr(dPP dP) where interpolations.
P(x) is the orthogonal pro]ection onto x'„. J. von Neumann and E. Wigner, Phys. Z. 30, 467
'3I emphasize that (5) holds for the factor y(C) in (2) (1929); see also J. Avron and B. Simon, Ann. Phys.
even if F. (s) o 0. (N. j('.) 110, 85-110 (1978).
'4Since d p =0 (i.e., div & = 0 if P = &, dx Ady+ V„ck These things will be discussed further in Avron,
h dx + V dy p, dg), away from zY =0, (7) holds for any Seiler, and Simon, Ref. 12.
surface S surrounding 0. '9Changing basis multiplies C by a unitary and so
Since Berry is talking about integrating (e, lfs) along 0-(~0) is independent of basis. It does depend on an
curves which he makes analogous to a vector potential, orientation of B (order of g, y, z) but so do the TKN
he talks about magnetic monopoles. Since we only care integers. Everything (0, the TKN integers, the sign
about (de, de) whose dual is divergenceless away from of spanning surfaces for C) changes sign under change
degeneracies, we do not use the magnetic monopole of orientation.
language. Since the dual may not have zero curl, elec- The fact that the sum of the TKN integers is zero
trostatic language is not appropriate. Since the sourc- in the finite-dimensional case is made particularly
es have a sign, we still use the phrase "charge" for transparent by these relations. The number of points
the coefficient of the delta function in d[(dg, cQ)] at sin- of degeneracies of level ~ and level n+ 1 is at least
gularities. the absolute value of the sum of the first g TKN integers.