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23552/GA - IV - J2/2013/CU
General and Academic - Faculty of Science - Syllabus of BSc Chemistry Programme under CBCSS UG Regulations
2019 with effect from 2019 Admission onwards - Implemented - Orders Issued
G & A - IV - J
U.O.No. 9082/2019/Admn Dated, Calicut University.P.O, 09.07.2019
The Regulations for Choice Based Credit and Semester System for Under Graduate (UG)
Curriculum 2019 (CBCSS UG Regulations 2019) for all UG Programmes under CBCSS-Regular and
SDE/Private Registration w.e.f. 2019 admission has been implemented vide paper read first above.
The combined meeting of the Boards of Studies in Chemistry UG, Polymer Chemistry and Industrial
Chemistry on 27.05.2019 has approved the Syllabus of BSc Chemistry Programme in tune with the
new CBCSS UG Regulations with effect from 2019 Admission onwards, vide paper read second
The Faculty of Science at its meeting held on 27.06.2019 has approved the minutes of the
combined meeting of the Boards of Studies in Chemistry UG, Polymer Chemistry and Industrial
Chemistry on 27.05.2019 vide paper read third above.
Under these circumstances, considering the urgency, the Vice Chancellor has accorded sanction to
implement the Scheme and Syllabus of BSc Chemistry Programme in accordance with the new
CBCSS UG Regulations 2019, in the University with effect from 2019 Admission onwards, subject to
ratification by the Academic Council.
The Scheme and Syllabus of BSc Chemistry Programme in accordance with CBCSS UG Regulations
2019, is therefore implemented in the University with effect from 2019 Admission onwards.
Orders are issued accordingly. (Syllabus appended)
Biju George K
Assistant Registrar
The Principals of all Affiliated Colleges
Copy to: PS to VC/PA to PVC/ PA to Registrar/PA to CE/JCE I/JCE IV/DoA/EX and EG
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Forwarded / By Order
Section Officer
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(CBCSSUG 2019)
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1 Preamble 1
2 Aims 1
3 Broad Objectives 2
4 Programme Structure 3
5 Credit and Mark Distribution in Each Semesters 5
6 Core Course Structure 7
7 Core Course I: Theoretical and Inorganic Chemistry- I 8
8 Core Course II: Theoretical and Inorganic Chemistry- II 14
9 Core Course III: Physical Chemistry-I 17
10 Core Course IV: Organic Chemistry-I 22
11 Core Course V : Inorganic Chemistry Practical-I 28
12 Core Course VI: Inorganic Chemistry-III 31
13 Core Course VII: Organic Chemistry-II 36
14 Core Course VIII: Physical Chemistry-II 42
15 Core Course IX: Inorganic Chemistry-IV 48
16 Core Course X: Organic Chemistry-III 53
17 Core Course XI: Physical Chemistry-III 58
18 Core Course XII: Advanced and Applied Chemistry 63
19 Core Course XIII: Elective 1. Industrial Chemistry 69
20 Core Course XIII: Elective 2. Polymer Chemistry 73
21 Core Course XIII: Elective 3. Medicinal and Environmental Chemistry 76
22 Core Course XIV: Physical Chemistry Practical 79
23 Core Course XV: Organic Chemistry Practical 82
24 Core Course XVI: Inorganic Chemistry Practical-II 85
25 Core Course XVII: Inorganic Chemistry Practical-III 87
26 Core Course XVIII: Project Work 88
27 Core Course Theory: Evaluation Scheme 90
28 Core Course Practical: Evaluation Scheme 91
29 Core Course Project: Evaluation Scheme 96
98 Complementary Course Structure 99
31 Complementary Course I: General Chemistry 100
32 Complementary Course II: Physical Chemistry 103
33 Complementary Course III: Organic Chemistry 106
34 Complementary Course IV: Physical and Applied Chemistry 110
35 Complementary Course V: Chemistry Practical 114
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36 Complementary Theory: Evaluation Scheme 117
37 Complementary Practical: Evaluation Scheme 118
38 Open Course Structure 121
39 Open Course 1: Environmental Chemistry 122
40 Open Course 2: Chemistry in Daily Life 126
41 Open Course 3: Food Science and Medicinal Chemistry 130
Open Course
42 CoreStructure
Course I: Theoretical and Inorganic Chemistry- I 137
43 Core Course II: Theoretical and Inorganic Chemistry- II 138
44 Core Course III: Physical Chemistry-I 140
45 Core Course IV: Organic Chemistry-I 142
46 Core Course V : Inorganic Chemistry Practical-I 144
47 Core Course VI: Inorganic Chemistry-III 145
48 Core Course VII: Organic Chemistry-II 146
49 Core Course VIII: Physical Chemistry-II 147
50 Core Course IX: Inorganic Chemistry-IV 148
51 Core Course X: Organic Chemistry-III 149
52 Core Course XI: Physical Chemistry-III 150
53 Core Course XII: Advanced and Applied Chemistry 152
54 Core Course XIII: Elective 1. Industrial Chemistry 153
55 Core Course XIII: Elective 2. Polymer Chemistry 154
56 Core Course XIII: Elective 3. Medicinal and Environmental Chemistry 155
57 Core Course XIV: Physical Chemistry Practical 156
58 Core Course XV: Organic Chemistry Practical 157
59 Core Course XVI: Inorganic Chemistry Practical-II 158
60 Core Course XVII: Inorganic Chemistry Practical-III 159
61 Complementary Course I: General Chemistry 160
62 Complementary Course II: Physical Chemistry 161
63 Complementary Course III: Organic Chemistry 162
64 Complementary Course IV: Physical and Applied Chemistry 163
65 Complementary Course V: Chemistry Practical 164
66 Open Course 1: Environmental Chemistry 165
67 Open Course 2: Chemistry in Daily Life 166
68 Open Course 3: Food Science and Medicinal Chemistry 167
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Programme means the entire course of study and examinations for the award of a degree.
Duration of an undergraduate programme is six semesters distributed in a period of 3 years. An
academic week is a unit of five working days in which distribution of work is organized from
Monday to Friday with five contact periods of one hour duration on each day. A sequence of 18
such weeks (16 instructional weeks and two weeks for examination) constitutes a semester.
Each course shall have certain credits. Credit is a unit of academic input measured in terms of
weekly contact hours/course contents assigned to a course. A student is required to acquire a
minimum of 140 credits for the completion of the UG programme, of which 120 credits are to be
acquired from class room study and shall only be counted for SGPA and CGPA. Out of the 120
credits, 38 (22 for common (English) courses + 16 for common languages other than English)
credits shall be from common courses, 55 credits for core courses (including 2 credits each for
project work and Elective), 24 credits for complementary courses (12 credits each) and 3 credits
for the open course. Audit courses shall have 4 credits per course and a total of 16 credits in the
entire programme.
Extra credits are mandatory for the programme. Extra credits will be awarded to students who
participate in activities like NCC, NSS and Swatch Bharath. Those students who could not join in
any of the above activities have to undergo Calicut University Social Service Programme
(CUSSP). Extra credits are not counted for SGPA or CGPA. The maximum credit acquired under
extra credit shall be 4. If more Extra credit activities are done by a student that may be mentioned
in the Grade card.
Each course shall have a unique alphanumeric code number, which includes abbreviation of the
subject in three letters, the semester number (1 to 6) in which the course is offered, the code of
the course (A: Common course, B: Core course, C: Complementary course, D: Open course and
E: Audit course) and the serial number of the course (01, 02, etc.). For example, CHE5B06
represents a core course of serial number 06 offered in 5th semester in B.Sc. Chemistry
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Science education is central to the development of any society. This can be achieved only by
revamping the undergraduate programme to make it effective and meaningful. The development
of scientific temper in society necessitates proper education and guidance. In order to achieve
this, one must update the developments in the field of science. An effective science education can
be imparted at the undergraduate level only by revamping the present curriculum. To achieve this
goal, the curriculum should be restructured by emphasising various aspects such as the creativity
of students, knowledge of current developments in the discipline, awareness of environmental
impacts due to the development of science and technology, and the skills essential for handling
equipments and instruments in laboratories and industries.
Chemistry, being an experimental science, demands testing theories through practical laboratory
experiences for a thorough understanding of the subject. Nowadays, chemistry laboratories in
academic institutions use large amounts of chemicals. The awareness and implementation of eco-
friendly experiments becomes a global necessity. It is essential to ensure that laboratory
chemicals are used at a minimal level without affecting the skill and understanding aimed
through laboratory sessions. This creates an environmental awareness among the students and
pollution free atmosphere in the campus.
During the preparation of the syllabus, the existing syllabus, the syllabi of XIth & XIIth
standards, UGC model curriculum and the syllabi of other universities have been referred. Care
has been taken to ensure that the syllabus is compatible with the syllabi of other universities
at the same level. Sufficient emphasis is given in the syllabus for training in laboratory skills
and instrumentation.
The units of the syllabus are well defined. The number of contact hours required for each unit is
given which excludes prerequisites. The pre requisites provided at the beginning of the units
guides the students to what he/she should know before exploring the topic. This can be assessed
by the teacher either before delivering the particular topic or as a bridge course at the beginning
of each semester. These shall not be considered for external evaluation. A list of references
and further readings are provided at the end of each unit.
This curriculum has been prepared with the objective of giving sound knowledge and
understanding of chemistry to undergraduate students. The goal of the syllabus is to make the
study of chemistry stimulating, relevant and interesting. It has been prepared with a view to
equip students with the potential to contribute to academic and industrial environments. This
curriculum will expose students to various fields in chemistry and develop interest in related
disciplines. Chemistry, being a border science to biology, physics and engineering, has a key
role to play in the understanding of these disciplines. The updated syllabus is based on an
interdisciplinary approach to understand the application of the subject in daily life.
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Common course Open
Core Complementary course Total
Semester Additional course
English course
Mathematics Physics
I 4+3 4 2 3 2 - 18
II 4+3 4 2 3 2 - 18
III 4 4 3 3 2 - 16
IV 4 4 3+4* 3 2+4* - 24
V - - 3+3+3 - - 3 12
VI - - +4*+4*+4*+ - - - 32
Total 22 16 55 12 12 3 120
* ** #
Practical Project Elective
Mark system is followed instead of direct grading for each question. After external and internal
evaluations marks are entered in the answer scripts. All other calculations, including grading, will
be done by the university using the software. Indirect Grading System in 10 point scale is
followed. Each course is evaluated by assigning marks with a letter grade (O, A+, A, B + , B, C, P,
F, I or Ab) to that course by the method of indirect grading.
Mark Distribution
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Exam will be held at the end of 4th semester
Exam will be held at the end of 6th semester
An institution can choose any one among the three courses.
Includes industrial visit also. Marks: 85 (Inorganic Chemistry Practical–II) + 15 (Industrial
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Course Code: CHE1B01
Total Hours: 32; Credits: 2; Hours/Week: 2; Total Marks 75 (Internal 15 & External 60)
CHE1B01 Theoretical and Inorganic L* T** P*** C#
Chemistry-I 2 0 0 2
Objective (s) To gain detailed knowledge of the principle of volumetric analysis and
properties of s and p block elements. To provide the basic groundwork for
a research project. Students will be able to analyse basic theory of acid
base concept.
Course outcome (s)
CO1 To apply the methods of a research project.
CO2 To understand the principles behind volumetry.
CO3 To analyse the characteristics of different elements.
CO4 To distinguish between different acid base concepts.
CO5 To analyse the stability of different nuclei.
Lecture, **Tutorial, ***Practical, #Credit
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Further reading
Laboratory Hygiene and Safety: Awareness of Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS). Storage
and handling of chemicals. Simple first aids: Electric shocks, fire, cut by glass and
inhalation of poisonous gases - Accidents due to acids and alkalies - Burns due to phenol
and bromine. Disposal of sodium and broken mercury thermometer - Use of calcium
chloride and silica gel in desiccators. – R & S Phrases (elementary idea only) – Safe
laboratory practices – Lab safety signs. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
Accuracy, precision, types of error - absolute and relative error, methods of eliminating or
minimizing errors. Methods of expressing precision: mean, median, deviation, average
deviation and coefficient of variation. Significant figures and its application.
Page 14 of 172
Further reading
[Prerequisites: Name and symbol of elements, Law of triads, octaves, X-ray studies of
Henrry Mosley, Mosleys periodic law - Modern periodic law – Long form periodic table.
Periodicity in properties: Atomic and ionic radii.]
Standard electrode potential, flame colour of s block elements, diagonal relationships - Inert
pair effect.
Ionic compounds: Lattice energy of ionic compounds - BornLande equation (derivation not
expected) - Solvation enthalpy and solubility of ionic compounds - Born-Haber cycle and its
applications - Properties of ionic compounds.
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Comparison of Lewis acidity of boron halides - Preparation, properties, structure and uses
of Diborane, Boric acid, Borazine and Boron nitride - Structure of AlCl3.
Structures of oxides of N and P, oxy acids of N and P, structure of SO2 and SO3. Structure
and acidic strength of oxy and peroxy acids of sulphur, oxy acids of chlorine. Preparation,
properties and uses of ammonia, nitric acid, ozone, hydrogen peroxide, sulphuric acid and
hydrochloric acid.
Further reading
1. D. F. Shriver, P. W. Atkins, Inorganic Chemistry, 5rd Edn., Oxford University Press, New
York, 2010.
2. M. C. Day, J. Selbin, Theoretical Inorganic Chemistry, East West Press, New Delhi,
3. J. E. Huheey, E. A. Keitler, R. L. Keitler, Inorganic Chemistry – Principles of Structure
and Reactivity, 4th Edn., Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2013.
Metal and nonmetal hydroxy compounds, acid anhydrides, amphoteric oxides and
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Hard and soft acids and bases: Classification of acids and bases as Hard and Soft.
Applications of HSAB concept, limitations of HSAB concept.
Further reading
[Prerequisites: Nuclear stability – N/P ratio – Packing fraction – Mass defect – Binding
energy - Nuclear fission - Atom bomb – Nuclear fusion – Hydrogen bomb.]
Nuclear forces - Exchange theory and nuclear fluid theory - Nuclear reactors. Decay series –
group displacement law - Isotopes: Detection – Aston's mass spectrograph – Separation of
isotopes by gaseous diffusion method and thermal diffusion method – Application of
radioactive isotopes – 14C dating – Rock dating – Isotopes as tracers – Study of reaction
mechanism (ester hydrolysis) – Radio diagnosis and radiotherapy.
1. H. J. Arnikar, Essentials of Nuclear Chemistry, 4th Edn., New Age International (P) Ltd.,
New Delhi, 1995.
Further reading
1. S. Glasstone, Source Book on Atomic Energy, 3rd Edn., East-West Press Pvt. Ltd.,
NewDelhi, 1967.
2. J. B. Rajam, L. D. Broglie, Atomic Physics, 7th Edn., S. Chand and Co. Pvt. Ltd., New
Delhi, 1999.
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Mark Distribution
Module I 10 Marks
Module II 24 Marks
Module III 8 Marks
Module IV 15 Marks
Module V 8 Marks
Module VI 14 Marks
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Course Code: CHE2B02
Total Hours: 32; Credits: 2; Hours/Week: 2; Total Marks 75 (Internal 15 & External 60)
CHE2B02 Theoretical and Inorganic Chemistry- II L T P C
2 0 0 2
Objective(s) Module I – To introduce the students to the failures of classical physics
theories in explaining many experiments and the emergence of quantum
theory with which all of them could be satisfactorily explained. Module II –
To enablethe students to understand the the basic postulates of quantum
mechanics and how to solve the time-independent Schrödinger wave equation
of different systems including H atom. Module III – To introduce the
quantum mechanical treatment of chemical bonding in diatomic molecules
using VB and MO theories. Module IV - To introduce the students to the
quantum mechanical treatment of hybridisation and bonding in polyatomic
Course outcome (s)
CO1 To understand the importance and the impact of quantum revolution in
CO2 To understand and apply the concept that the wave functions of hydrogen
atom are nothing but atomic orbitals.
CO3 To understand that chemical bonding is the mixing of wave functions of the
two combining atoms.
CO4 To understand the concept of hybridization as linear combination of orbitals
of the same atom.
CO5 To inculcate an atomic/molecular level philosophy in the mind.
[Pre-requisites: Early atom models – John Dalton’s atomic theory, the discharge tube
experiment and discovery of electron, the plum-pudding model, the gold foil experiment
and the invention of the nucleus. The nuclear model. Failures of the nuclear model.]
Module I: The Quantum revolution and its early impact in atomic structure (6 hrs)
Experiments which led to the development and generalisation of quantum theory – black
body radiation, Planck’s quantum hypothesis, photoelectric effect, Einstein’s generalisation
of quantum theory.
Atomic model partly based on quantum theory – Bohr’s theory of the atom, calculation of
Bohr radius, velocity and energy of an electron. Atomic spectra of hydrogen and hydrogen
like systems. Limitations of Bohr’s theory. Louis de Broglie's matter waves – wave-particle
duality. Electron diffraction.
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Module II: Introductory Quantum Chemistry and the quantum mechanical model of
the atom (10 hrs)
Operator algebra – linear and Hermitian operators, Laplacian and Hamiltonian operators,
eigen functions and eigen values of an operator. Non-commuting operators and the
Heisenberg's uncertainty principle.
Postulates of quantum mechanics. Well behaved functions. Time independent Schrödinger
wave equation for conservative systems. Application to particle in a one dimensional box –
normalization of wave function. Particle in a three dimensional box – separation of
variables, degeneracy.
Application of Schrödinger wave equation to hydrogen atom. The wave equation in
spherical polar coordinates. Separation of variables. Wave functions or atomic orbitals,
radial and angular parts of atomic orbitals. Quantum numbers (n, l, m). Radial functions,
Radial distribution functions and their plots, Angular functions and their plots (1s, 2s and
2pz only).
The Stern-Gerlach experiment and the concept of electron spin, spin quantum number, spin
orbitals (elementary idea only). Pauli’s exclusion principle.
Module III: Bonding in diatomic molecules (10 hrs)
Need for approximation methods in multi-electron systems. Born-Oppenheimer
approximation. Variation theorem (elementary idea only).
Quantum mechanical concept of bonding – (mixing of wave functions of different atoms).
Valence bond theory of H2 molecule (derivation not required). Molecular orbital theory of
H2+ ion H2 molecule - linear combination of atomic orbitals (LCAO) and coefficients in the
linear combination (derivation not required). Potential energy diagram of H2 molecule
formation – equilibrium geometry. Bonding and antibonding molecular orbitals, bond order.
MO diagrams of homonuclear and heteronuclear diatomic molecules – He2, Li2, Be2, B2, C2,
N2, O2, F2, CO and NO. Comparison of VB and MO theories.
Module IV: Bonding in polyatomic molecules (6 hrs)
[Prerequisite: VSEPR theory: Postulates – applications.]
Concept of Hybridization: Need of hybridization, Definition (mixing of wave functions of
the same atom), LCAO of the central atom – coefficients of atomic orbitals in the linear
combination of sp (BeH2), sp2 (BH3) and sp3 (CH4) hybridization (derivation not required).
Other examples of hybridization – Geometry of molecules like PCl5, SF6 and IF7.
1. D. A. McQuarrie, J. D. Simon, Physical Chemistry – A Molecular Approach, Viva, 2001.
2. A. K. Chandra, Introductory Quantum Chemistry, 4th Edn., Tata McGraw Hill Publishing
Company, Noida, 1994.
3. R. K. Prasad, Quantum Chemistry, 3rd Edn., New Age International, 2006.
Further reading
1. N. Levine, Quantum Chemistry, 6th Edn., Pearson Education Inc., 2009.
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Course Code: CHE3B03
Total Hours: 48; Credits: 3; Hours/Week: 3; Total Marks 75 (Internal 15 & External 60)
3 0 0 3
Objective (s) To introduce the concepts of chemical thermodynamics, equilibria and
group theory.
Course outcome (s)
CO1 To understand the properties of gaseous state and how it links to
thermodynamic systems.
CO2 To understand the concepts of thermodynamics and it’s relation to
statistical thermodynamics.
CO3 To apply symmetry operations to categorize different molecules.
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Further reading
1. G. M. Barrow, Physical Chemistry, 5 Edn., Tata McGraw Hill Education, New Delhi,
2. S. Glasstone, D.H. Lewis, Elements of Physical Chemistry, 2nd Edn., Macmillan &
Company, UK, 1962.
3. F. Daniels, R. A. Alberty, Physical Chemistry, 5th Edn., John Wiley and Sons,
Canada, 1980.
4. P . A t k i n s , J . d e P a u l a , The Elements of Physical Chemistry 7th Edn., Oxford
University Press, Oxford, 2016.
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1. G. M. Barrow, Physical Chemistry, 5th Edn., Tata McGraw Hill Education, New Delhi,
3. F. Daniels, R. A. Alberty, Physical Chemistry, 5th Edn., John Wiley and Sons,
Canada, 1980.
4. P . W . A t k i n s , J . d e P a u l a , The Elements of Physical Chemistry, 7th Edn., Oxford
University Press, Oxford, 2016.
5. T. Engel, P. Reid, Thermodynamics, Statistical Thermodynamics & Kinetics, Pearson
Education, Inc: New Delhi, 2007.
6. D. A. McQuarrie, Statistical Mechanics, University Science Books, 2000.
7. J. Rajaram, J. C. Kuriacose, Chemical Thermodynamics, Pearson Education, New
Delhi, 2013.
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Further reading
1. G. M. Barrow, Physical Chemistry, 5 Edn., Tata McGraw Hill Education, New Delhi,
2. K. L. Kapoor, Physical Chemistry, Vol. II and III, Macmillan Publishers, Noida, 2004.
4. F. Daniels, R. A. Alberty, Physical Chemistry, 5th Edn., John Wiley and Sons,
Canada, 1980.
5. P . W . A t k i n s , J . d e P a u l a , The Elements of Physical Chemistry, 7th Edn., Oxford
University Press, Oxford, 2016.
6. J. Rajaram, J. C. Kuriacose, Chemical Thermodynamics, Pearson Education, New
Delhi, 2013.
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2. P. W. Atkins, J. de Paula, Atkin’s Physical Chemistry, 8th Edn., Oxford University Press
3. D. A. McQuarrie, J. D. Simon, Physical Chemistry: A Molecular Approach, University
Science Books: Sausalito, CA; 1997.
4. K. L. Kapoor, Physical Chemistry, Vol. II and III, Macmillan Publishers, Noida, 2004.
5. B. S. Garg, Chemical Applications of Molecular Symmetry and Group Theory, Macmillan
Publishers India Ltd., 2012.
Further reading
1. G. M. Barrow, Physical Chemistry, 5th Edn., Tata McGraw Hill Education, New Delhi,
3. F. Daniels, R. A. Alberty, Physical Chemistry, 5th Edn., John Wiley and Sons,
Canada, 1980.
4. P . W . A t k i n s , J . d e P a u l a , The Elements of Physical Chemistry, 7th Edn., Oxford
University Press, Oxford, 2016.
5. P. K. Bhattacharya, Group Theory and its Chemical Applications, Himalaya
Publishing House, New Delhi, 1986.
6. F. A. Cotton, Chemical Applications of Group Theory, 3rd Edn., John Wiley & Sons,
New York, 1990.
Mark Distribution
Module I 14 Marks
Module II 25 Marks
Module III 14 Marks
Module IV 12 Marks
Module V 14 Marks
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Course Code: CHE4B04
Total Hours: 48; Credits: 3; Hours/Week: 3; Total Marks 75 (Internal 15 & External 60)
3 0 0 3
Objective (s) To enable the students to analyse basic theory and concepts of organic
chemistry and appreciate different organic reaction mechanism and their
Course outcome (s)
CO1 To apply the concept of stereochemistry to different compounds.
CO2 To understand the basic concepts of reaction mechanism.
CO3 To analyse the mechanism of a chemical reaction.
CO4 To analyse the stability of different aromatic systems.
Module I: Reaction Mechanism: Basic Concepts (10 hrs)
[Prerequisites: Homolytic and heterolytic bond breaking – Curved arrow notation, drawing
electron movements with arrows, half-headed and double headed arrows. Types of reagents:
Electrophiles and nucleophiles.]
Electron Displacement Effects: Inductive effect: Definition – Characteristics - +I and –I
groups. Applications: Comparison of acidity of (i) formic acid and acetic acid (ii)
chlorobutanoic acids. Mesomeric effect: Definition – Characteristics - +M and –M groups.
Applications: Comparison of basicity of aniline, p-nitroaniline and p-anisidine.
Hyperconjugation: Definition – Characteristics. Examples: Propene, ethyl carbocation and
ethyl free radical. Applications: relative stability of alkenes, comparison of stabilities of (i)
1-butene and 2-butene (ii) toluene, ethyl benzene and tert-butyl benzene. Electromeric
effect: Definition – Characteristics - +E effect (addition of H+ to ethene) and -E effect
(addition of CN- to acetaldehyde). Comparison of electron density in benzene, toluene,
phenol, chlorobenzene and nitrobenzene. Steric effect: Definition, reason and examples.
Reaction intermediates: Carbocations, carbanions, free radicals and carbenes (hybridization,
structure, formation and stability).
Intermolecular Forces: Introduction. Hydrogen bond: Intra and intermolecular hydrogen
bonds - Effect on physical properties. Induction forces and dispersion forces: van der Waals
forces, ion-dipole, dipole-dipole, ion-induced dipole, dipole-induced dipole and induced
dipole-induced dipole interactions.
1. Peter Sykes, A Guide book to Mechanism in Organic Chemistry, 6th Edn., Pearson
Education, New Delhi, 2013.
2. S. M. Mukherjee, S. P. Singh, Reaction Mechanism In Organic Chemistry, Macmillan,
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2. P. S. Kalsi, Organic Reactions, Stereochemistry and Mechanisms, 4th Edn., New Age
International Publishers, New Delhi, 2006.
3. K. S. Tewari, N. K. Vishnoi, S. N. Mehrotra, A Textbook of Organic Chemistry, 2nd Edn.,
Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi, 2004.
4. M. K. Jain, S. C. Sharma, Modern Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edn., Vishal Publishing
Company Co., 2010.
5. R. T. Morrison, R. N. Boyd, Organic Chemistry, 7th Edn., Pearson Education, New Delhi,
6. I. L. Finar, Organic Chemistry, Vol. I, 5th Edn., Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2013.
Further Reading
1. Jerry March, Advanced Organic Chemistry, 5th Edn., John Wiley & Sons, NewYork,
2. Reinhard Bruckner, Advanced Organic Chemistry, Elsevier, 2002.
4. J. Clayden, N. Greeves, S. Warren, P. Wothers, Organic Chemistry, 2nd Edn., Oxford
University Press, New York, 2012.
5. V. K. Ahluwalia, Green Chemistry, Ane Books India, 2009.
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1. D. Nasipuri, Stereochemistry of Organic Compounds: Principles and Applications, 3rd
Edn., New Age International Publishers, New Delhi, 2011.
2. P. S. Kalsi, Stereochemistry, Conformation and Mechanisms, New Age International
Publishers, 2005.
3. R. T. Morrison, R. N. Boyd, Organic Chemistry, 7th Edn., Pearson Education, New Delhi,
4. I. L. Finar, Organic Chemistry, 5th Edn., Vol. I, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2013.
5. M. K. Jain, S. C. Sharma, Modern Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edn., Vishal Publishing
Company Co., 2010.
6. K. S. Tewari, N. K. Vishnoi, S. N. Mehrotra, A Textbook of Organic Chemistry, 2nd Edn.,
Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi, 2004.
Further Reading
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and effects of substrate structure, solvent, nucleophile and leaving group. Elimination
reactions: E1 & E2 mechanisms.
1. Peter Sykes, A Guide book to Mechanism in Organic Chemistry, 6th Edn., Pearson
Education, New Delhi, 2013.
2. K. S. Tewari, N. K. Vishnoi, S. N. Mehrotra, A Textbook of Organic Chemistry, 2nd Edn.,
Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi, 2004.
3. M. K. Jain, S. C. Sharma, Modern Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edn., Vishal Publishing
Company Co., 2010.
4. R. T. Morrison, R. N. Boyd, Organic Chemistry, 7th Edn., Pearson Education, New Delhi,
5. I. L. Finar, Organic Chemistry, Vol. I, 5th Edn., Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2013.
Further Reading
1. Jerry March, Advanced Organic Chemistry, 5th Edn., John Wiley & Sons, NewYork,
2. J. Clayden, N. Greeves, S. Warren, P. Wothers, Organic Chemistry, 2nd Edn., Oxford
University Press, New York, 2012.
3. V. K. Ahluwalia, Green Chemistry, Ane Books India, 2009.
1. R. T. Morrison, R. N. Boyd, Organic Chemistry, 7th Edn., Pearson Education, New Delhi,
2. I. L. Finar, Organic Chemistry, Vol. I, 5th Edn., Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2013.
3. M. K. Jain, S. C. Sharma, Modern Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edn., Vishal Publishing
Company Co., 2010.
4. K. S. Tewari, N. K. Vishnoi, S. N. Mehrotra, A Textbook of Organic Chemistry, 2nd Edn.,
Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi, 2004.
5. Peter Sykes, A Guide book to Mechanism in Organic Chemistry, 6th Edn., Pearson
Education, New Delhi, 2013.
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Further Reading
1. P. S. Kalsi, Organic Reactions and their Mechanisms, New Age International Publishers,
2. S. H. Pine, Organic Chemistry, 5th Edn., McGraw Hill, 1987.
3. Jerry March, Advanced Organic Chemistry, 5th Edn., John Wiley & Sons, NewYork,
4. P. Y. Bruice, Essential Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edn., Pearson Education, 2015.
5. J. Clayden, N. Greeves, S. Warren, P. Wothers, Organic Chemistry, 2nd Edn., Oxford
University Press, New York, 2012.
1. R. T. Morrison, R. N. Boyd, Organic Chemistry, 7th Edn., Pearson Education, New Delhi,
2. I. L. Finar, Organic Chemistry, Vol. I, 5th Edn., Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2013.
3. M. K. Jain, S. C. Sharma, Modern Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edn., Vishal Publishing
Company Co., 2010.
4. K. S. Tewari, N. K. Vishnoi, S. N. Mehrotra, A Textbook of Organic Chemistry, 2nd Edn.,
Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi, 2004.
5. Peter Sykes, A Guide book to Mechanism in Organic Chemistry, 6th Edn., Pearson
Education, New Delhi, 2013.
Further Reading
1. P. S. Kalsi, Organic Reactions and their Mechanisms, New Age International Publishers,
2. S. H. Pine, Organic Chemistry, 5th Edn., McGraw Hill, 1987.
3. Jerry March, Advanced Organic Chemistry, 5th Edn., John Wiley & Sons, NewYork,
4. P. Y. Bruice, Essential Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edn., Pearson Education, 2015.
Page 31 of 172
Mark Distribution
Module I 16 Marks
Module II 20 Marks
Module III 22 Marks
Module IV 6 Marks
Module V 15 Marks
Page 32 of 172
Course Code: CHE4B05(P)
Total Hours: 128; Credits: 4; Hours/Week: 2 (I, II, III & IV Semesters); Total Marks 100
(Internal 20 & External 80)
0 0 2 4
Objective (s) To enable the students to gain skills in preparation of standard solutions
and quantitative volumetric analysis.
Course outcome (s)
CO1 To enable the students to develop skills in quatitative analysis and
preparing inorganic complexes.
CO2 To understand the principles behind quantitative analysis.
CO3 To apply appropriate techniques of volumetric quantitative analysis in
CO4 To analyse the strength of different solutions.
General Instructions
1. Use safety coat, goggles, shoes and gloves in the laboratory.
2. For weighing electronic balance may be used.
3. Double burette titration method may be used for acid base titrations in Module III. Single
burette method can be followed for other titrations (Module IV- VII).
4. Experiments may be selected in such a way that preference may be given for Modules
from IV to VII.
5. A minimum number of, 1 experiment from module III, 14 experiments covering Modules
IV to VII and 4 inorganic preparations must be done to appear for the examination.
6. Practical examination will be conducted at the end of semester IV.
Module I: Introduction to Volumetric Analysis
1. Weighing using electronic balance.
2. Preparation of standard solutions.
Module II: Technique of Quantitative Dilution
1. Preparation of 100 mL 0.2 M H2SO4 from commercial acid.
2. Preparation of 250 mL 0.025 M thiosulphate from 0.1 M thiosulphate.
Module III: Neutralization Titrations
1. Strong acid – strong base titration.
2. Strong acid – weak base titration.
Page 33 of 172
Page 34 of 172
Page 35 of 172
Course Code: CHE5B06
Total Hours: 48; Credits: 3; Hours/Week: 3; Total Marks 75 (Internal 15 & External 60)
3 0 0 3
Objective (s) To enable the students to gain detailed knowledge of the chemistry of
different analytical principles and to develop concerns for environment.
To give a basic understanding of different metallurgical processes,
interhalogen compounds and inorganic polymers.
Course outcome (s)
CO1 To understand the principles behind quanlitative and quantitative
CO2 To understand basic processes of metallurgy and to analyse the merits of
different alloys.
CO3 To understand the applications of different inorganic polymers.
CO4 To analyse different polluting agents.
CO5 To apply the principles of solid waste management.
Qualitative Analysis: Applications of solubility product and common ion effect in the
precipitation of cations – Interfering acid radicals and their elimination (oxalate, fluoride,
borate, phosphate, chromate, arsenite and arsenate) – Introduction of micro scale
experiments in inorganic and organic qualitative analysis & their advantages. Preparation of
Na2CO3 extract for inorganic qualitative analysis and it’s advantages.
1. Jeffrey A. Lee, The Scientific Endeavor: A Primer on Scientific Principles and Practice,
Pearson Education, 1999.
Page 36 of 172
Further reading
Further reading
1. A. Cottrel, An introduction to metallurgy, 2nd Edn., University press, 1990.
2. Jonathan Beddoes, J. Gordon Parr, Introduction to stainless steels, 3rd Edn., ASM
International, 1999.
Page 37 of 172
Further reading
Further reading
Page 38 of 172
Further reading
1. M. Clyde Day, J. Selbin, Theoretical Inorganic Chemistry, Reinhold Book Corp., 1962.
2. Sisler, Harry Hall, Chemistry in non-aqueous solvents, Reinhold, New York, 1961.
Air pollution: Major air pollutants – Oxides of carbon, nitrogen and sulphur – Particulates –
London smog and photochemical smog. Effects of air pollution: Acid rain, greenhouse
effect and depletion of ozone. Control of air pollution – Alternate refrigerants. Bhopal
Tragedy (a brief study).
Water pollution: Water pollution due to sewage and domestic wastes – Industrial effluents –
Agricultural discharge – Eutrophication. Quality of drinking water – Indian standard and
WHO standard. Water quality parameters: DO, BOD and COD – Determination of BOD
and COD. Toxic metals in water (Pb, Cd and Hg) – Minamata disaster (a brief study).
Control of water pollution – Need for the protection of water bodies.
Thermal pollution, noise pollution and radioactive pollution (Sources, effects and
consequences). Pollution due to light.
Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Chernobyl accidents (a brief study). Local environmental
movements: Silent Valley, Plachimada, Narmada. Air pollution in Indian cities (Delhi, Agra
and Kanpur).
Page 39 of 172
House hold, municipal and industrial solid waste – Non-degradable, degradable and
biodegradable waste – Hazardous waste – Pollution due to plastics. Solid waste
management: Recycling, digestion, dumping, incineration, land treatment and composting.
Impacts of medical waste and e-waste and their disposal. Energy production from waste.
Page 40 of 172
Course Code: CHE5B07
Total Hours: 64; Credits: 3; Hours/Week: 4; Total Marks 75 (Internal 15 & External 60)
4 0 0 3
Objective (s) To give the students a thorough knowledge about the chemistry of selected
functional groups and their applications in organic preparations.
Course outcome (s)
CO1 To understand the difference between alcohols and phenols.
CO2 To understand the importance of ethers and epoxides.
CO3 To apply organometallic compounds in the preparation of different
functional groups.
CO4 To apply different reagents for the inter conversion of aldehydes,
carboxylic acids and acid derivatives.
CO5 To apply active methylene compounds in organic preparations.
1. R. T. Morrison, R. N. Boyd, Organic Chemistry, 7th Edn., Pearson Education, New Delhi,
2. I. L. Finar, Organic Chemistry, Vol. I, 5th Edn., Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2013.
3. M. K. Jain, S. C. Sharma, Modern Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edn., Vishal Publishing
Company Co., 2010.
4. K. S. Tewari, N. K. Vishnoi, S. N. Mehrotra, A Textbook of Organic Chemistry, 2nd Edn.,
Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi, 2004.
Page 41 of 172
Further reading
1. B. S. Bahl, Advanced organic Chemistry, 3rd Edn., S. Chand, 2002.
2. John McMurry, Organic Chemistry, 5th Edn., Thompson Asia Pvt. Ltd., 2000.
3. C. N. Pillai, Organic Chemistry, Universities Press, 2008.
1. R. T. Morrison, R. N. Boyd, Organic Chemistry, 7th Edn., Pearson Education, New Delhi,
2. I. L. Finar, Organic Chemistry, Vol. I, 5th Edn., Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2013.
3. M. K. Jain, S. C. Sharma, Modern Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edn., Vishal Publishing
Company Co., 2010.
4. K. S. Tewari, N. K. Vishnoi, S. N. Mehrotra, A Textbook of Organic Chemistry, 2nd Edn.,
Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi, 2004.
Further reading
1. B. S. Bahl, Advanced organic Chemistry, 3rd Edn., S. Chand, 2002.
2. John McMurry, Organic Chemistry, 5th Edn., Thompson Asia Pvt Ltd., 2000.
3. C. N. Pillai, Organic Chemistry, Universities Press, 2008.
1. R. T. Morrison, R. N. Boyd, Organic Chemistry, 7th Edn., Pearson Education, New Delhi,
2. I. L. Finar, Organic Chemistry, Vol. I, 5th Edn., Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2013.
3. M. K. Jain, S. C. Sharma, Modern Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edn., Vishal Publishing
Company Co., 2010.
4. K. S. Tewari, N. K. Vishnoi, S. N. Mehrotra, A Textbook of Organic Chemistry, 2nd Edn.,
Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi, 2004.
Page 42 of 172
Further reading
1. P. Y. Bruice, Essential Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edn., Pearson Education, 2015.
2. John McMurry, Organic Chemistry, 5th Edn., Thompson Asia Pvt Ltd., 2000.
1. R. T. Morrison, R. N. Boyd, Organic Chemistry, 7th Edn., Pearson Education, New Delhi,
2. I. L. Finar, Organic Chemistry, Vol. I, 5th Edn., Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2013.
3. M. K. Jain, S. C. Sharma, Modern Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edn., Vishal Publishing
Company Co., 2010.
4. K. S. Tewari, N. K. Vishnoi, S. N. Mehrotra, A Textbook of Organic Chemistry, 2nd Edn.,
Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi, 2004.
5. B. S. Bahl, Advanced organic Chemistry, 3rd Edn., S. Chand, 2002.
Further reading
1. P. Y. Bruice, Essential Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edn., Pearson Education, 2015.
2. John McMurry, Organic Chemistry, 5th Edn., Thompson Asia Pvt. Ltd., 2000.
3. C. N. Pillai, Organic Chemistry, Universities Press, 2008.
Page 43 of 172
anhydrides. Relative reactivity of carboxylic acid derivatives (acid chlorides, esters, amides
and acid anhydrides). Fischer esterification (mechanism expected), HVZ reaction –
Decarboxylation – Kolbe electrolysis (mechanism expected). Hydroxy acids – Citric acid –
preparation by Reformatsky reaction and uses. Lactic acid, Malic acid and Tartaric acid
(structure only). Methods of formation and chemical reactions of unsaturated
monocarboxylic acids (cinnamic acid and crotonic acid). Ascend and descend in carboxylic
acid series.
Sulphonic Acids: Preparation and properties of benzene sulphonic acid – Tosylation.
Comparison of acidity of alcohols, phenols, carboxylic acids and sulphonic acids.
1. R. T. Morrison, R. N. Boyd, Organic Chemistry, 7th Edn., Pearson Education, New Delhi,
2. I. L. Finar, Organic Chemistry, Vol. I, 5th Edn., Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2013.
3. M. K. Jain, S. C. Sharma, Modern Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edn., Vishal Publishing
Company Co., 2010.
4. K. S. Tewari, N. K. Vishnoi, S. N. Mehrotra, A Textbook of Organic Chemistry, 2nd Edn.,
Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi, 2004.
5. B. S. Bahl, Advanced organic Chemistry, 3rd Edn., S. Chand, 2002.
Further reading
1. R. K. Bansal, A Textbook of Organic Chemistry, New Age International, 2010.
2. John McMurry, Organic Chemistry, 5th Edn., Thompson Asia Pvt. Ltd., 2000.
3. C. N. Pillai, Organic Chemistry, Universities Press, 2008.
Page 44 of 172
1. R. T. Morrison, R. N. Boyd, Organic Chemistry, 7th Edn., Pearson Education, New Delhi,
2. I. L. Finar, Organic Chemistry, Vol. I, 5th Edn., Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2013.
3. M. K. Jain, S. C. Sharma, Modern Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edn., Vishal Publishing
Company Co., 2010.
4. K. S. Tewari, N. K. Vishnoi, S. N. Mehrotra, A Textbook of Organic Chemistry, 2nd Edn.,
Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi, 2004.
5. B. S. Bahl, Advanced organic Chemistry, 3rd Edn., S. Chand, 2002.
Further Reading
1. P. Y. Bruice, Essential Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edn., Pearson Education, 2015.
2. John McMurry, Organic Chemistry, 5th Edn., Thompson Asia Pvt Ltd, 2000.
3. C. N. Pillai, Organic Chemistry, Universities Press, 2008.
4. J. Clayden, N. Greeves, S. Warren, P. Wothers, Organic Chemistry, Oxford University
Press, New York, 2012.
1. R. T. Morrison, R. N. Boyd, Organic Chemistry, 7th Edn., Pearson Education, New Delhi,
2. I. L. Finar, Organic Chemistry, Vol. I, 5th Edn., Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2013.
3. M. K. Jain, S. C. Sharma, Modern Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edn., Vishal Publishing
Company Co., 2010.
4. K. S. Tewari, N. K. Vishnoi, S. N. Mehrotra, A Textbook of Organic Chemistry, 2nd Edn.,
Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi, 2004.
Further reading
1. John McMurry, Organic Chemistry, 5th Edn., Thompson Asia Pvt Ltd, 2000.
Page 45 of 172
Mark Distribution
Module I 16 Marks
Module II 8 Marks
Module III 4 Marks
Module IV 14 Marks
Module V 15 Marks
Module VI 16 Marks
Module VII 6 Marks
Page 46 of 172
Course Code: CHE5B08
Total Hours: 48; Credits: 3; Hours/Week: 3; Total Marks 75 (Internal 15 & External 60)
3 0 0 3
Objective (s) To familiarise the students with the concepts of kinetics, catalysis and
photochemistry and to familiarize the applications of molecular
spectroscopy and phase equilibrium.
Course outcome (s)
CO1 To apply the concept of kinetics, catalysis and photochemistry to various
chemical and physical processes.
CO2 To characterise different molecules using spectral methods.
CO3 To understand various phase transitions and its applications.
Page 47 of 172
1. B. R. Puri, L. R. Sharma, M. S. Pathania, Principles of Physical Chemistry, 46
Edn., Vishal Publishing Company, New Delhi, 2013.
2. P. W. Atkins, J. de Paula, Atkin’s Physical Chemistry, 8th Edn., Oxford University Press,
3. Donald A. McQuarrie, John D. Simon, Physical Chemistry: A Molecular Approach,
University Science Books: Sausalito, CA; 1997.
4. K. Laidler, Chemical Kinetics, 3 Edn., Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2004.
5. P. L. Soni, O. P. Dharmarha, U. N. Dash, Textbook of Physical Chemistry, 23 Edn.,
Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi, 2011.
6. K. L. Kapoor, Physical Chemistry, Vol. II and III, Macmillan Publishers, Noida, 2004.
Further reading
1. Gordon M. Barrow, Physical Chemistry, 5 Edn., Tata McGraw Hill Education, New
Delhi, 2006.
2. S. Glasstone, D. H. Lewis, Elements of Physical Chemistry, 2 Edn., Macmillan &
Company, UK, 1962.
3. F. Daniels, R. A. Alberty, Physical Chemistry, 5 Edn., John Wiley and Sons,
Canada, 1980.
4. P . W . A t k i n s , J . d e P a u l a , The Elements of Physical Chemistry, 7th Edn., Oxford
University Press, Oxford, 2016.
Page 48 of 172
Liquid-liquid equilibria – Partially miscible and immiscible liquid systems – CST – Upper
CST and lower CST – Steam distillation. Nernst distribution law: Derivation and
1. B. R. Puri, L. R. Sharma, M. S. Pathania, Principles of Physical Chemistry, 46
Edn., Vishal Publishing Company, New Delhi, 2013.
2. P. W. Atkins, J. de Paula, Atkin’s Physical Chemistry, 8th Edn., Oxford University Press,
3. Donald A. McQuarrie, John D. Simon, Physical Chemistry: A Molecular Approach,
University Science Books: Sausalito, CA; 1997.
4. P. L. Soni, O. P. Dharmarha, U. N. Dash, Textbook of Physical Chemistry, 23 Edn.,
Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi, 2011.
Further reading
1. Gordon M. Barrow, Physical Chemistry, 5 Edn., Tata McGraw Hill Education, New
Delhi, 2006.
2. K. L. Kapoor, Physical Chemistry, Vol. II and III, Macmillan Publishers, Noida, 2004.
3. S. Glasstone, D. H. Lewis, Elements of Physical Chemistry, 2 Edn., Macmillan &
Company, UK, 1962.
4. F. Daniels, R. A. Alberty, Physical Chemistry, 5 Edn., John Wiley and Sons,
Canada, 1980.
5. P . W . A t k i n s , J . d e P a u l , a The Elements of Physical Chemistry, 7th Edn., Oxford
University Press, Oxford, 2016.
Page 49 of 172
region – Group frequency concept – Degree of freedom for polyatomic molecules – Modes
of vibrations of CO2 and H2O.
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy: Proton NMR and 13C NMR –
Principle – Number and position of signals – Chemical shift – Different scales – Spin-spin
coupling (qualitative idea). NMR spectra of simple molecules.
Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) Spectroscopy: Principle – Hyperfine structure – ESR of
methyl, phenyl and cycloheptatrienyl radicals.
1. B. R. Puri, L. R. Sharma, M. S. Pathania, Principles of Physical Chemistry, 46
Edn., Vishal Publishing Company, New Delhi, 2013.
2. P. W. Atkins, J. de Paula, Atkin’s Physical Chemistry, 8th Edn., Oxford University Press
3. Donald A. McQuarrie, John D. Simon, Physical Chemistry: A Molecular Approach,
University Science Books: Sausalito, CA; 1997.
4. C. N. Banwell, Fundamentals of molecular spectroscopy, McGraw-Hill, 1994.
5. G. M. Barrow, Introduction to Molecular Spectroscopy, McGraw Hill, London, 1962.
Further reading
1. G. M. Barrow, Physical Chemistry, 5 Edn., Tata McGraw Hill Education, New Delhi,
2. K. L. Kapoor, Physical Chemistry, Vol. II and III, Macmillan Publishers, Noida, 2004.
3. S. Glasstone, D. H. Lewis, Elements of Physical Chemistry, 2 Edn., Macmillan &
Company, UK, 1962.
Page 50 of 172
4. F. Daniels, R. A. Alberty, Physical Chemistry, 5 Edn., John Wiley and Sons,
Canada, 1980.
5. P e t e r A t k i n s , J . d e P a u l a , The Elements of Physical Chemistry, 7th Edn., Oxford
University Press, Oxford, 2016.
6. P. R. Singh, S. K. Dixit, Molecular Spectroscopy: Principles and Chemical
Applications, S. Chand & Company, New Delhi 1980.
7. P. K. Bhattacharya, Group Theory and its Chemical Applications, Himalaya
Publishing House, New Delhi, 1986.
8. F. A. Cotton, Chemical Applications of Group Theory, 3 Edn., John Wiley & Sons,
New Delhi.
1. B. R. Puri, L. R. Sharma, M. S. Pathania, Principles of Physical Chemistry, 46
Edn., Vishal Publishing Company, New Delhi, 2013.
2. P. W. Atkins, J. de Paula, Atkin’s Physical Chemistry, 8th Edn., Oxford University Press,
3. Donald A. McQuarrie, John D. Simon, Physical Chemistry: A Molecular Approach,
University Science Books: Sausalito, CA; 1997.
4. K. K. Rohatgi-Mukherjee, Fundamentals of Photochemistry, New Age International,
Further reading
1. G. M. Barrow, Physical Chemistry, 5 Edn., Tata McGraw Hill Education, New Delhi,
2. K. L. Kapoor, Physical Chemistry, Vol. II and III, Macmillan Publishers, Noida, 2004.
3. S. Glasstone, D. H. Lewis, Elements of Physical Chemistry, 2 Edn., Macmillan &
Company, UK, 1962.
Page 51 of 172
4. F. Daniels, R. A. Alberty, Physical Chemistry, 5 Edn., John Wiley and Sons,
Canada, 1980.
5. P e t e r A t k i n s , J u l i o d e P a u l a , The Elements of Physical Chemistry, 7th Edn.,
Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2016.
6. K. Laidler, Chemical Kinetics, 3 Edn., Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2004.
Mark Distribution
Module I 17 Marks
Module II 10 Marks
Module III 17 Marks
Module IV 18 Marks
Module V 7 Marks
Module VI 10 Marks
Page 52 of 172
Course Code: CHE6B09
Total Hours: 48; Credits: 3; Hours/Week: 3; Total Marks 75 (Internal 15 & External 60)
3 0 0 3
Objective (s) To gain detailed knowledge of the electronic configuration and properties of
transition and inner transition elements and their role in biological systems.
To introduce the importance of different instruments used in analysis.
Course outcome (s)
CO1 To understand the principles behind different instrumental methods.
CO2 To distinguish between lanthanides and actinides.
CO3 To appreciate the importance of CFT.
CO4 To understand the importance of metals in living systems.
CO5 To distinguish geometries of coordination compounds.
Further reading
Page 53 of 172
1. J. D. Lee, Concise Inorganic Chemistry, 5th Edn., Wiley India Pvt. Ltd., 2008.
2. B. R. Puri, L. R. Sharma, K. C. Kalia, Principles of Inorganic Chemistry, Milestone
Publishers, New Delhi, 2010.
3. J. E. Huheey, E. A. Keiter, R. L. Keiter, O. K. Medhi, Inorganic Chemistry, Pearson,
Further reading
1. F. A. Cotton, G. Wilkinson, Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, 6th Edn., John Wiley, New
York. 1999.
2. D. F. Shriver, P. W. Atkins, Inorganic Chemistry, 3rd Edn., Oxford University Press,
Page 54 of 172
Molecular orbital theory for octahedral complexes (with sigma bonds only). Stability of
complexes: Inert and labile complexes – Factors influencing stability. Application of
complexes in qualitative and quantitative analysis.
Further reading
1. F. A. Cotton, G. Wilkinson, Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, 6th Edn., Wiley India Pvt.
Ltd., New Delhi, 2009.
2. J. E. Huheey, E. A. Keitler, R. L. Keitler, Inorganic Chemistry – Principles of Structure
and Reactivity, 4th Edn., Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2013.
3. D. F. Shriver, P. Atkins, Inorganic Chemistry, 5th Edn., Oxford University Press, New
York, 2010.
4. F. Basolo, R. C. Johnson, Coordination Chemistry, 2nd Edn., Science Reviews,
Wilmington, 1986.
5. G. L. Meissler, D. A. Tarr, Inorganic Chemistry, 3rd Edn., Pearson Education, 2004.
Definition – Classification based on the nature of metal-carbon bond – Zeise’s salt. 18-
electron rule. Metal carbonyls - Mononuclear and Polynuclear carbonyls of Fe, Co and Ni
(structure only) – Bonding in metal carbonyls.
Page 55 of 172
Catalysis: Zeigler Natta catalyst in the polymerization and Wilkinson catalyst in the
hydrogenation of alkene.
Further reading
[Prerequisites: Metal ions in biological system – Trace and bulk metal ions.]
Haemoglobin and Myoglobin (elementary idea of structure and oxygen binding mechanism)
– Chlorophyll and photosynthesis (mechanism not expected) – Sodium-potassium pump –
Biochemistry of Ca, Zn and Co – Toxicity of metal ions (Pb, Hg and As). Anticancer drugs:
Cis-platin, oxaliplatin, carboplatin and auranofin – Structure and significance.
Further reading
Page 56 of 172
Mark Distribution
Module I 15 Marks
Module II 14 Marks
Module III 24 Marks
Module IV 12 Marks
Module V 14 Marks
Page 57 of 172
Course Code: CHE6B10
Total Hours: 48; Credits: 3; Hours/Week: 3; Total Marks 75 (Internal 15 & External 60)
3 0 0 3
Objective(s) To gain detailed knowledge of the chemistry of different bio molecules.
To provide a basic understanding of different spectral techniques and their
application in simple molecules. To differentiate diverse pericyclic
Course outcome (s)
CO1 To elucidate the structure of simple organic compounds using spectral
CO2 To understand the basic structure and tests for carbohydrates.
CO3 To understand the basic components and importance of DNA.
CO4 To understand the basic structure and applications of alkaloids and
CO5 To distinguish different pericyclic reactions.
Page 58 of 172
1. R. M. Silverstein, F. X. Webster, Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds, 6th
Edn., John Wiley and Sons, New York, 2004.
2. Y. R. Sharma, Elementary Organic Spectroscopy, 5th Edn., S. Chand & Company Ltd.,
New Delhi, 2013.
3. D. L. Pavia, G. M. Lampman, G. S. Kriz, Introduction to Spectroscopy, 5th Edn.,
Thomson Brooks Cole, 2015.
4. Paula Y. Bruice, Organic Chemistry, 7rd Edn., Pearson Education, Asia, 2013.
Further reading
1. P. S. Kalsi, Applications of Spectroscopic Techniques in Organic Chemistry, 6th Edn.,
New Age International (P) Ltd., New Delhi, 2004.
2. William Kemp, Organic Spectroscopy, 2nd Edn., Macmillan, New York, 1987.
3. R. T. Morrison, R. N. Boyd, Organic Chemistry, 7th Edn., Pearson Education, New Delhi,
4. I. L. Finar, Organic Chemistry, 5th Edn., Vol. I, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2013.
1. I. L. Finar, Organic Chemistry, Vol. I & II, Pearson Education.
2. M. K. Jain, S. C. Sharma, Modern Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edn., Vishal Publishing
Company Co., 2010.
3. K. S. Tewari, N. K. Vishnoi, S. N. Mehrotra, A Textbook of Organic Chemistry, 2nd Edn.,
Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi, 2004.
4. R. T. Morrison, R. N. Boyd, Organic Chemistry, 7th Edn., Pearson Education, New Delhi,
Further reading
1. J. F. Robyt, Essentials of Carbohydrate Chemistry, Springer, 1998.
2. S. P. Bhutani, Chemistry of Biomolecules, Ane Books Pvt. Ltd., 2009.
Page 59 of 172
1. I. L. Finar, Organic Chemistry, Vol. I & II, Pearson Education.
2. M. K. Jain, S. C. Sharma, Modern Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edn., Vishal Publishing
Company Co., 2010.
3. K. S. Tewari, N. K. Vishnoi, S. N. Mehrotra, A Textbook of Organic Chemistry, 2nd Edn.,
Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi, 2004.
4. R. T. Morrison, R. N. Boyd, Organic Chemistry, 7th Edn., Pearson Education, New Delhi,
Further reading
1. O. P. Agarwal, Chemistry of Organic Natural Products, 30th Edn., Goel Publications,
1. I. L. Finar, Organic Chemistry, Vol. I & II, Pearson Education.
Page 60 of 172
Further reading
1. John McMurry, Organic Chemistry, 5th Edn., Thompson Asia Pvt. Ltd., 2000.
2. C. N. Pillai, Organic Chemistry, Universities Press, 2008.
3. S. P. Bhutani, Chemistry of Biomolecules, Ane Books Pvt Ltd., 2009.
4. O. P. Agarwal, Chemistry of Organic Natural Products, 30th Edn., Goel Publications,
5. R. T. Morrison, R. N. Boyd, Organic Chemistry, 7th Edn., Pearson Education, New Delhi,
1. I. L. Finar, Organic Chemistry, Vol. I & II, Pearson Education.
2. K. S. Tewari, N. K. Vishnoi, S. N. Mehrotra, A Textbook of Organic Chemistry, 2nd Edn.,
Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi, 2004.
3. M. K. Jain, S. C. Sharma, Modern Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edn., Vishal Publishing
Company Co., 2010.
4. R. T. Morrison, R. N. Boyd, Organic Chemistry, 7th Edn., Pearson Education, New Delhi,
Further reading
1. S. P. Bhutani, Chemistry of Biomolecules, Ane Books Pvt. Ltd., 2009.
2. O. P. Agarwal, Chemistry of Organic Natural Products, 30th Edn., Goel Publications,
Page 61 of 172
1. Peter Sykes, A Guide book to Mechanism in Organic Chemistry, 6th Edn., Pearson
Education, New Delhi, 2013.
2. P. S. Kalsi, Organic Reactions, Stereochemistry and Mechanisms, 4th Edn., New Age
International Publishers, New Delhi, 2006.
3. M. K. Jain, S. C. Sharma, Modern Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edn., Vishal Publishing
Company Co., 2010.
4. P. Y. Bruice, Essential Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edn., Pearson Education, 2015.
5. Jagdamba Singh, Jaya Singh, Photochemistry and Pericyclic Reactions, 3rd Edn., New
Age Science Ltd., New Delhi, 2009.
Further Reading
1. R. Bruckner, Advanced Organic Chemistry, Elsevier, 2002.
2. Jerry March, Advanced Organic Chemistry, 5th Edn., John Wiley & Sons, NewYork,
3. S. H. Pine, Organic Chemistry, McGraw Hill, 2006.
4. J. Clayden, N. Greeves, S. Warren, P. Wothers, Organic Chemistry, 2nd Edn., Oxford
University Press, New York, 2012.
Mark Distribution
Module I 18 Marks
Module II 13 Marks
Module III 16 Marks
Module IV 8 Marks
Module V 8 Marks
Module VI 16 Marks
Page 62 of 172
Course Code: CHE6B11
Total Hours: 48; Credits: 3; Hours/Week: 3; Total Marks 75 (Internal 15 & External 60)
3 0 0 3
Objective (s) To get a thorough knowledge of electrochemistry, colligative properties and
solid state.
Course outcome (s)
CO1 To understand the basic concepts of electrochemistry.
CO2 To understand the importance of colligative properties.
CO3 To relate the properties of materials/solids to the geometrical properties and
chemical compositions.
Page 63 of 172
1. B. R. Puri, L. R. Sharma, M. S. Pathania, Principles of Physical Chemistry, 46
Edn., Vishal Publishing Company, New Delhi, 2013.
2. P. W. Atkins, J. de Paula, Atkin’s Physical Chemistry, 8th Edn., Oxford University Press,
3. Donald A. McQuarrie, John D. Simon, Physical Chemistry: A Molecular Approach
University Science Books: Sausalito, CA; 1997.
4. S. Glasstone, An Introduction to Electrochemistry, East-West Press Pvt. Ltd., New
Delhi, 2007.
Further reading
1. G. M. Barrow, Physical Chemistry, 5 Edn., Tata McGraw Hill Education, New Delhi,
2. K. L. Kapoor, Physical Chemistry, Vol. II and III, Macmillan Publishers, Noida, 2004.
3. S. Glasstone, D. H. Lewis, Elements of Physical Chemistry, 2 Edn., Macmillan &
Company, UK, 1962.
4. F. Daniels, R. A. Alberty, Physical Chemistry, 5 Edn., John Wiley and Sons,
Canada, 1980.
5. P e t e r A t k i n s , J u l i o d e P a u l a , The Elements of Physical Chemistry, 7th Edn.,
Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2016.
6. J. Bockris, A. K. N. Reddy, Modern Electrochemistry, Kluwer Academic/Plenum
Publishers, New York, 2000.
Page 64 of 172
1. B. R. Puri, L. R. Sharma, M. S. Pathania, Principles of Physical Chemistry, 46
Edn., Vishal Publishing Company, New Delhi, 2013.
2. P. W. Atkins, J. de Paula, Atkin’s Physical Chemistry, 8th Edn., Oxford University Press,
3. Donald A. McQuarrie, John D. Simon, Physical Chemistry: A Molecular Approach,
University Science Books: Sausalito, CA; 1997.
4. P. L. Soni, O. P. Dharmarha, U. N. Dash, Textbook of Physical Chemistry, 23 Edn.,
Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi, 2011.
Further reading
1. G. M. Barrow, Physical Chemistry, 5 Edn., Tata McGraw Hill Education, New Delhi,
2. K. L. Kapoor, Physical Chemistry, Vol. II and III, Macmillan Publishers, Noida, 2004.
3. S. Glasstone, D. H. Lewis, Elements of Physical Chemistry, 2 Edn., Macmillan &
Company, UK, 1962.
4. F. Daniels, R. A. Alberty, Physical Chemistry, 5 Edn., John Wiley and Sons,
Canada, 1980.
[Prerequisites: Introduction to acid base theories – pKa, pKb and pH – Buffer solutions.]
Mechanism of buffer action – Buffer index – Henderson equation – Applications of buffers
- Hydrolysis of salts of all types – Degree of hydrolysis – Hydrolysis constant and its
relation with Kw - Solubility product and common ion effect.
1. B. R. Puri, L. R. Sharma, M. S. Pathania, Principles of Physical Chemistry, 46
Edn., Vishal Publishing Company, New Delhi, 2013.
2. P. W. Atkins, J. de Paula, Atkin’s Physical Chemistry, 8th Edn., Oxford University Press,
Page 65 of 172
Further reading
1. G. M. Barrow, Physical Chemistry, 5 Edn., Tata McGraw Hill Education, New Delhi,
2. K. L. Kapoor, Physical Chemistry, Vol. II and III, Macmillan Publishers, Noida, 2004.
3. S. Glasstone, D. H. Lewis, Elements of Physical Chemistry, 2 Edn., Macmillan &
Company, UK, 1962.
4. F. Daniels, R. A. Alberty, Physical Chemistry, 5 Edn., John Wiley and Sons,
Canada, 1980.
5. P e t e r A t k i n s , J u l i o d e P a u l a , The Elements of Physical Chemistry, 7th Edn.,
Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2016.
Band theory (qualitative idea) for Metals, Insulators and Semiconductors: Intrinsic and
extrinsic conduction (elementary idea). Non-stoichiometric defects. Liquid crystals:
Classification and applications (elementary idea).
Page 66 of 172
1. B. R. Puri, L. R. Sharma, M. S. Pathania, Principles of Physical Chemistry, 46
Edn., Vishal Publishing Company, New Delhi, 2013.
2. P. W. Atkins, J. de Paula, Atkin’s Physical Chemistry, 8th Edn., Oxford University Press,
3. Donald A. McQuarrie, John D. Simon, Physical Chemistry: A Molecular Approach,
University Science Books: Sausalito, 1997.
4. Anthony R. West, Solid State Chemistry and its Applications, 2nd Edn., Wiley-Blackwell,
Further reading
1. Gordon M. Barrow, Physical Chemistry, 5 Edn., Tata McGraw Hill Education, New
Delhi, 2006.
2. K. L. Kapoor, Physical Chemistry, Vol. II and III, Macmillan Publishers, Noida, 2004.
3. S. Glasstone, D. H. Lewis, Elements of Physical Chemistry, 2 Edn., Macmillan &
Company, UK, 1962.
4. F. Daniels, R. A. Alberty, Physical Chemistry, 5 Edn., John Wiley and Sons,
Canada, 1980.
5. P e t e r A t k i n s , J u l i o d e P a u l a , The Elements of Physical Chemistry, 7th Edn.,
Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2016.
6. L. V. Azaroff, Introduction to Solids, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company, New
Delhi, 1960.
Mark Distribution
Module I 17 Marks
Module II 14 Marks
Module III 14 Marks
Module IV 8 Marks
Module V 17 Marks
Module VI 9 Marks
Page 67 of 172
Course Code: CHE6B12
Core Course XII: Advanced and Applied Chemistry
Total Hours: 48; Credits: 3; Hours/Week: 3; Total Marks 75 (Internal 15 & External 60)
CHE6B12 Advanced and Applied Chemistry L T P C
3 0 0 3
Objective (s) To initiate the students to the role and opportunities of chemistry as a
discipline in modern civilization.
Course outcome (s)
CO1 To understand the importance of nanomaterials.
CO2 To appreciate the importance of green approach in chemistry.
CO3 To understand the uses and importance of computational calculations in
molecular design.
CO4 To understand the role of chemistry in human happiness index and life
Page 68 of 172
Further reading
1. V. S. Muralidharan, A. Subramania, Nano Science and Technology, CRC Press, London.
2. V. R. Raghavan, Materials Science and Engineering, Prentice Hall (India) Ltd, 2001.
3. Jonathan W. Steed, David R. Turner, Karl J. Wallace, Core Concepts in Supramolecular
Chemistry and Nanochemistry, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2007.
Further reading
1. Paul T. Anastas, T. C. Williamson, Green Chemistry – Designing Chemistry for the
Environment, 2nd Edn., 1998.
2. Andrew P. Dicks, Green Organic Chemistry in Lecture and Laboratory, CRC Press,
University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2011.
3. Helena Dodziuk, Introduction to Supramolecular Chemistry, Springer, New York, 2002.
Page 69 of 172
1. I. N. Levine, Quantum Chemistry, 6th Edn., Pearson Education Inc., 2009.
2. Frank Jensen, Introduction to Computational Chemistry, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 1999.
3. C. J. Cramer, Essentials of Computational Chemistry: Theories and models, John Wiley &
Sons, 2002.
4. P. W. Atkins, Molecular Quantum Mechanics, Oxford University Press, New York, 2005.
5. R. K. Prasad, Quantum Chemistry, Oscar Publications, New Delhi, 2000.
Further reading
1. E. G. Lewars, Computational Chemistry: Introduction to the theory and applications of
molecular quantum mechanics, 2nd Edn., Springer, 2011.
2. Andrew R. Leach, Molecular Modelling: Principles and Applications, 2nd Edn., Prentice
Hall, 2001.
3. S. Wilson, Chemistry by Computer: An Overview of the Applications of Computers in
Chemistry, Plenum Publishing, New York, 1986.
Page 70 of 172
3. Jeol R. Fried, Polymer Science and Technology, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New
Delhi, 1999.
4. M. S. Bhatnagar, Polymer Chemistry, S Chand and Company Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2014
Further reading
1. Premamoy Ghosh, Polymer Science and Technology: Plastics, Rubbers, Blends and
Composites, 3rd Edn., McGraw Hill Education (India) Pvt. Ltd., 2011.
Page 71 of 172
Page 72 of 172
1. K. S. Tewari, N. K. Vishnoi, S. N. Mehrotra, A Textbook of Organic Chemistry, 2nd Edn.,
Vikas Publishing House (Pvt.) Ltd., New Delhi, 2004.
2. B. Srilakshmi, Food Science, 5th Edn., New Age Publishers, New Delhi, 2010.
Further reading
1. B. Sivasankar, Food processing and preservation, Prentice – Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New
Delhi, 2002.
2. Srinivasan Damodaran, Kirk L. Parkin, Owen R. Fennema, Food Chemistry, 4th Edn., CRC
Press, New York, 2007.
3. K. Singh, Chemistry in Daily Life, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2008.
Mark Distribution
Module I 10 Marks
Module II 14 Marks
Module III 10 Marks
Module IV 8 Marks
Module V 12 Marks
Module VI 13 Marks
Module VII 12 Marks
Page 73 of 172
Course Code: CHE6B13(E1)
Total Hours: 48; Credits: 2; Hours/Week: 3; Total Marks 75 (Internal 15 & External 60)
3 0 0 2
Objective (s) To familiarise the students with the role and opportunities of chemistry
as a discipline in modern civilization. To create awareness among the
students about different chemical industries.
Course outcome (s)
CO1 To understand the importance of petrochemicals.
CO2 To appreciate the importance and to familiarise the opportunities of
pharmaceutical, leather and sugar industries.
CO3 To analyse the role of catalysts in industrial processes.
1. B. K. Sharma, Industrial chemistry, 11th Edn., Goel publishing House, Meerut, 2000.
2. K. S. Tewari, N. K. Vishnoi, S. N. Mehrotra, A Textbook of Organic Chemistry, 2nd Edn.,
Vikas Publishing House (Pvt.) Ltd., New Delhi, 2004.
Further reading
1. Marshal Sittig, M. Gopala Rao, Outlines of Chemical Technology for the 21st Century, 3rd
Edn., East-West Press Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2010.
2. A. K. Ahluwalia, Environmental Chemistry, Ane Books India, New Delhi, 2008.
3. B. K. Sharma, H. Kaur, Environmental Chemistry, Goel Publishing House, Meerut, 1996.
Page 74 of 172
Usage and depletion of petroleum products – need for alternative fuel – hydrogen as the
future fuel.
1. E. Stocchi, Industrial Chemistry, Vol. I, Ellis Horwood Ltd. UK, 1990.
2. P. C. Jain, M. Jain, Engineering Chemistry, Dhanpat Rai & Sons, Delhi, 2015.
3. B. K. Sharma, H. Gaur, Industrial Chemistry, Goel Publishing House, Meerut, 1996.
Further reading
1. B. K. B. Rao, Modern Petroleum Refining Processes, 4th Edn., Oxford & IBH Publishing
Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2002.
2. R. A. Meyers, Handbook of Petroleum Refining Processes, 3rd Edn., McGraw-Hill,
Noida, 2004.
1. G. L. Patrick, Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry, 6th Edn., Oxford University Press,
UK, 2017.
2. Hakishan Singh, V. K. Kapoor, Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Vallabh
Prakashan, Pitampura, New Delhi, 2005.
3. Thomas L. Lemke, David A. William, Foye’s Principles of Medicinal Chemistry, 6th
Edn., Wolters Kluwer Health, 2006.
4. Jayashree Ghosh, A Text Book of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, S. Chand and Co. Ltd,
5. O. Le. Roy, Natural and synthetic organic medicinal compounds, Ealemi, 1976.
Further reading
1. R. S. Satoskar, Pharmacology and Pharmatherapeutics, Vol. I and Vol. II, Popular
Prakashan, 1973.
2. O. Kleiner, J. Martin, Bio-Chemistry, Prentice-Hall of India (P) Ltd, New Delhi, 1974.
3. Ashutosh Kar, Medicinal Chemistry, Wiley Eastern Limited, New Delhi, 1993.
4. Gurdeep R. Chatwal, Synthetic Drugs, Himalaya Publishing House, Bombay, 1995.
5. D. Sriram, P. Yogeeswari, Medicinal Chemistry, 2nd Edn., Pearson, 2011.
Page 75 of 172
1. P. H. Groggins, Unit Process in Organic Synthesis, 5th Edn., McGraw Hill, New York,
2. L. K. Doraiswamy, Organic Synthesis Engineering, Academic Press, New York, 2001.
3. M. Gopalarao, M. Sitting, Dryden’s Outlines of Chemical Tech., 2nd Edn., EastWest Pub.,
New Delhi, 1997.
Further reading
1. G. T. Austin, Shreve’s Chemical Process Industries, 5th Edn., McGraw-Hill Pub., 1994.
2. J. A. Kent, Riggel’s Handbook of Industrial Chemistry, Van Nostrant Reinhold, 1974.
1. D. Woodroffe, Fundamental of Leather Science, 1st Edn., A Harvey, 1942.
2. N. J. Park Ridge, Chemical treatment of hides and leather, Noyes Publications, 1985.
Further reading
1. Jayashree Ghosh, Fundamental concept of Applied Chemistry, S. Chand & Company
Ltd., 2012.
Page 76 of 172
Pigments: Definition – white lead, lithopone, ultramarine, red lead, guignet’s green and
chrome yellow (composition and uses).
1. Sara J. Kadolph, Anna L. Langford, Textiles, 10th Edn., Pearson/Prentice-Hall, New
Delhi, 2007.
2. A. A. Vidya, Production of Synthetic Fibers, Prentice-Hall of India, New-Delhi, 1988.
Mark Distribution
Module I 4 Marks
Module II 18 Marks
Module III 13 Marks
Module IV 12 Marks
Module V 14 Marks
Module VI 18 Marks
Page 77 of 172
Course Code: CHE6B13(E2)
Core Course XIII: Elective 2. POLYMER CHEMISTRY
Total Hours: 48; Credits: 2; Hours/Week: 3; Total Marks 75 (Internal 15 & External 60)
3 0 0 2
Objective (s) To gain detailed knowledge about the classification of polymers and
various mechanisms and technology adopted for polymerisation. To give
a basic understanding of the properties of polymers like glass transition
temperature, molecular weight and degradation of polymers. To give a
detailed idea about different commercial polymers.
Course outcome (s)
Page 78 of 172
dispersity index and molecular weight distribution; Molecular weight and Degree of
Glass transition temperature – definition, factors affecting Tg, importance of Tg.
Visco elasticity of polymers (Basic concepts only).
Polymer Degradation: Basic idea of thermal, photo and oxidative degradations of polymers.
1. F. W. Billmeyer Jr., Textbook of Polymer Science, John Wiley and Sons, New Delhi,
2. V. R. Gowarikar, Polymer Chemistry, New Age International Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2010.
3. B. K. Sharma, Polymer Chemistry, Goel Publishing House, Meerut, 1989.
4. M. G. Arora, M. Singh, M. S. Yadav, Polymer Chemistry, 2nd Revised Edn.,
Anmolpublications Private Ltd., New Delhi, 1989.
5. K. J. Saunders, Organic Polymer Chemistry, 2nd Edn., Chapman and Hall, London, 1988.
6. Malcolm P. Stevens, Polymer Chemistry: An Introduction, 3rd Edn., Oxford University
Press, USA, 1998.
7. Gowri Sankar Misra, Introductory Polymer Chemistry, New Age International, New
Delhi, 1993.
8. M. S. Bhatnagar, Polymer Chemistry, S Chand and Company Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2014
Page 79 of 172
Further reading
1. R. B. Seymour, C. E. Carraher, Polymer Chemistry: An Introduction, Marcel Dekker, Inc.
New York, 1981.
2. G. Odian, Principles of Polymerization, 4th Edn., Wiley, 2004.
3. P. Ghosh, Polymer Science & Technology, Tata McGraw-Hill Education, 1991.
4. R. W. Lenz, Organic Chemistry of Synthetic High Polymers, Interscience Publishers,
New York, 1967.
5. M. P. Stevens, Polymer Chemistry: An Introduction, 3rd Edn., Oxford University Press,
Mark Distribution
Module I 4 Marks
Module II 16 Marks
Module III 17 Marks
Module IV 12 Marks
Module V 10 Marks
Module VI 20 Marks
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Course Code: CHE6B13(E3)
Total Hours: 48; Credits: 2; Hours/Week: 3; Total Marks 75 (Internal 15 & External 60)
Objective (s) To introduce the students to the importance of chemistry in medicinal
field and to get ideas about various diseases. To help the students to get
information about various toxic substances in environment and their
Course outcome (s)
CO1 To understand the importance of drugs in human health.
CO2 To understand the facts about common diseases and treatment.
CO3 To identify the presence of toxic substances in atmosphere.
CO4 To apply chemistry in treatment of water and sewage.
Page 81 of 172
1. G. Thomas, Fundamentals of Medicinal Chemistry, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., London,
2. Arthur C. Guyton, John E. Hall, Textbook of Medical Physiology, 12th Edn., Saunders,
US, 2010.
3. D. J. Abraham, Burger’s Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Discovery, Vol.1-6, Wiley
Interscience, Hoboken, NJ, 2003.
4. B. L. Oser, Hawk's Physiological Chemistry, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. Ltd.,
New Delhi, 1979.
5. S. C. Rastogi, Biochemistry, 2nd Edn., Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co., New Delhi,
6. Gurdeep R. Chatwal, Synthetic Drugs, Himalaya Publishing House, Bombay, 1995.
7. Jayashree Ghosh, A Textbook of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, 3rd Edn., S. Chand and
Company Ltd., New Delhi, 1999.
8. Rasheeduz Zafar, Medicinal Plants of India, 1st Edn., CBS Publishers & Distributors Pvt.
Ltd., New Delhi, 2009.
9. A. K. De, Environmental Chemistry, 6th Edn., New Age International (P) Ltd., New
Delhi, 2006.
10. M. L. Davis, D. A. Cornwell, Introduction to Environmental Engineering, 3rd Edn.,
McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 1998.
11. S. E. Manahan, Environmental Chemistry, 8th Edn., CRC Press, Florida, 2004.
12. G. M. Masters, Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Science, 3rd Edn.,
Prentice-Hall Inc., New Delhi, 2007.
13. A. K. Ahluwalia, Environmental Chemistry, Ane Books India, New Delhi, 2008.
Page 82 of 172
Mark Distribution
Module I 6 Marks
Module II 8 Marks
Module III 17 Marks
Module IV 12 Marks
Module V 18 Marks
Module VI 18 Marks
Page 83 of 172
Course Code: CHE6B14(P)
Total Hours: 80; Credits: 4; Hours/Week: 5 (Semester V); Total Marks 100 (Internal 20 &
External 80)
0 0 5 4
Objective (s) To familiarise the students with the relation between physical properties
and chemical composition used for analysis. To provide students an idea
of designing experimental methods to analyse the physical properties of
molecules or materials.
Course outcome (s)
CO1 To enable the students to develop analytical skills in determining the
physical properties (physical constants).
CO2 To develop skill in setting up an experimental method to determine the
physical properties.
CO3 To understand the principles of Refractometry, Potentiometry and
General Instructions
molecular mass.
Page 84 of 172
1. Determination of molal transition point depression constant (Kt) of salt hydrate using
Module V: Spectroscopy
Page 85 of 172
1. A. Findlay, Findlay’s Practical Physical Chemistry, 9 Edn., John Wiley and Sons,
New York, 1972.
2. J. B. Yadav, Advanced Practical Physical Chemistry, Goel Publications, Meerut, 2008.
3. D. P. Shoemaker, C. W. Garland, Experiments in Physical Chemistry, McGraw-Hill
Book Company, New York, 1962.
4. W. G. Palmer, Experimental Physical Chemistry, Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge, 2009.
5. R. C. Das, B. Behra, Experiments in Physical Chemistry, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi,
6. D. A. Skoog, D. M. West, F. J. Holler, S. R. Crouch, Fundamentals of Analytical
Chemistry, 8 Edn., Brooks/Cole, Thomson Learning, Inc., USA, 2004.
7. P. S. Sindhu, Practicals in Physical Chemistry - A Modern Approach, Macmillan India
Ltd., 2006.
Page 86 of 172
Course Code: CHE6B15(P)
Total Hours: 80; Credits: 4; Hours/Week: 5 (Semester V); Total Marks 100 (Internal 20 &
External 80)
0 0 5 4
Objective (s) To empower the students to prepare different compounds without
compromising yield. Characterisation and analysis of different organic
compounds based on functional groups. To develop skill in separation and
purification of mixtures.
Course outcome (s)
CO1 To enable the students to develop analytical skills in organic qualitative
CO2 To develop talent in organic preparations to ensure maximum yield.
CO3 To apply the concept of melting or boiling points to check the purity of
CO4 To analyse and characterise simple organic functional groups.
CO5 To analyse individual amino acids from a mixture using chromatography.
General Instructions
1. Semimicro analysis must be adopted for organic qualitative analysis.
2. Use safety coat, goggles, shoes and gloves in the laboratory.
3. Reactions must be carried out on tiles, wherever possible.
4. A minimum number of 7 organic analysis, 6 organic preparations and 1 chromatographic
separation shall be done to appear for the examination.
5. The practical must be completed in semester V. Practical examination will be conducted
at the end of semester VI.
Page 87 of 172
Module IV: Solvent Extraction (Use ether and record the yield recovery).
1. Aniline from water.
2. Methyl benzoate from water.
1. B. S. Furniss, A. J. Hannaford, P. W. G. Smith, A. R. Tatchell, Vogel’s Textbook of
Practical Organic Chemistry, 5th Edn., Pearson Education, Noida, 2014.
2. F. G. Mann, B. C. Saunders, Practical Organic Chemistry, 4th Edn., Pearson Education,
Noida, 2011.
Page 88 of 172
3. Arthur I. Vogel, Elementary Practical Organic Chemistry- Small Scale Preparations, 2nd
Edn., Pearson Education, Noida, 2013.
4. V. K. Ahluwalia, S. Dhingra, Comprehensive Practical Organic Chemistry, Universities
Press, Hyderabad, 2004.
Page 89 of 172
Course Code: CHE6B16(P)
Total Hours: 80; Credits: 4; Hours/Week: 5; Total Marks 100 (Internal 20 & External 80)
0 0 5 4
Objective (s) To develop skill in quantitative analysis using gravimetric and
colorimetric methods.
Course outcome (s)
CO1 To enable the students to develop analytical skills in inorganic
quantitative analysis.
CO2 To understand the principles behind gravimetry and to apply it in
quantitative analysis.
CO3 To understand the principles behind colorimetry and to apply it in
quantitative analysis.
General Instructions
1. For weighing, electronic balance may be used.
2. Use safety coat, goggles, shoes and gloves in the laboratory.
3. A minimum number of 7 experiments must be done, covering the three modules, to appear
for the examination.
4. The report of industrial visit must be submitted, along with the practical record, to
appear for the examination.
Module I: Gravimetric Analysis – I (using silica crucible)
1. Determination of water of hydration in crystalline barium chloride.
2. Determination of water of hydration in crystalline magnesium sulphate.
3. Estimation of Ba2+ as BaSO4
4. Estimation of SO42- as BaSO4
5. Estimation Fe3+ as Fe2O3
6. Estimation Ca2+ as CaCO3
7. Estimation Al3+ as Al2O3
Module II: Gravimetric Analysis – II (using sintered crucible)
1. Estimation Ni2+ as nickel dimethyl glyoximate.
2. Estimation Cu2+ as cuprous thiocyanate.
3. Estimation Mg2+ as magnesium oxinate.
Module III: Colorimetry
1. Verification of Beer-Lambert law for KMnO4 and K2Cr2O7 & determination of
concentration of the given solution.
2. Estimation of iron.
3. Estimation of chromium.
Page 90 of 172
4. Estimation of nickel.
1. J. Mendham, R. C. Denney, J. D. Barnes, M. Thomas, Vogel’s Textbook of Quantitative
Chemical Analysis, 6th Edn., Pearson Education, Noida, 2013.
2. D. N Bajpai, O. P. Pandey, S. Giri, Practical Chemistry for I, II & III B. Sc. Students, S.
Chand & Company Ltd., New Delhi, 2012.
3. V. K. Ahluwalia, Sunita Dhingra, Adarsh Gulati, College Practical Chemistry,
Universities Press (India) Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad, 2008.
4. D. A. Skoog, D. M. West, F. J. Holler, S. R. Crouch, Fundamentals of Analytical
Chemistry, 8th Edn., Brooks/Cole, Thomson Learning, USA, 2004.
Page 91 of 172
Course Code: CHE6B17(P)
Total Hours: 80; Credits: 4; Hours/Week: 5; Total Marks 100 (Internal 20 & External 80)
0 0 5 4
Objective (s) To develop skill in quanlitative analysis of inorganic compounds.
Course outcome (s)
CO1 To enable the students to develop skills in inorganic quanlitative
CO2 To understand the principles behind inorganic mixture analysis and to
apply it in quanlitative analysis.
CO3 To analyse systematically mixtures containing two cations and two
General Instructions
1. Semimicro analysis must be adopted for inorganic qualitative analysis.
2. Mixtures containing more than one interfering anions must be avoided.
3. If interfering anions are not present, cations may be given from the same group.
4. Use safety coat, goggles, shoes and gloves in the laboratory.
5. A minimum of 7 inorganic mixtures must be done to appear for the examination.
Module I: Inorganic Qualitative Analysis
1. Study of the reactions of following ions. Anions: Carbonate, sulphate, fluoride, chloride,
bromide, iodide, acetate, borate, oxalate, phosphate and nitrate. Cations: Lead, bismuth,
copper, cadmium, iron, aluminium, cobalt, nickel, manganese, zinc, barium, calcium,
strontium, magnesium and ammonium.
2. Systematic analysis of mixtures containing two cations and two anions from the above
3. Na2CO3 extract procedure may be adopted.
1. G. Svehla, Vogel’s Qualitative Inorganic Analysis, 7th Edn., Prentice Hall, New Delhi,
2. V. V. Ramanujam, Inorganic Semi Micro Qualitative Analysis, 3rd Edn., The National
Publishing Company, Chennai, 1974.
3. W. G. Palmer, Experimental Inorganic Chemistry, Cambridge University Press, 1970.
Page 92 of 172
Course Code: CHE6B18(Pr)
Total Hours: 32; Credits: 2; Hours/Week: 2 (Semester V); Total Marks 75 (Internal 15 &
External 60)
0 0 2 2
Objective (s) To develop skill in scientific research, critical thinking and reasoning.
Course outcome (s)
CO1 To understand the scientific methods of research project.
CO2 To apply the scientific method in life situations.
CO3 To analyse scientific problems systematically.
1. Students shall undertake the project work related to chemistry only.
2. The UG level project work is a group activity, maximum number of students being
limited to five. However, each student shall prepare and submit the project report separately.
3. Head of the department must provide the service of a teacher for supervising the project
work of each group. A teacher can guide more than one group, if necessary.
4. The students must complete the project in semester V. However, the evaluation of the
project report will be carried out at the end of semester VI.
5. Project work can be experimental, theoretical or both.
6. No two groups in the same institution are permitted to do project work on the same
problem. Also the project must not be a repetition of the work done by students of previous
7. Each group must submit a copy of the project report to be kept in the department.
8. The project report must be hard bound, spiral bound or paper back.
9. The project report shall be divided as, Chapter I: Introduction, Chapter II: Review of
literature, Chapter III: Scope of the research problem, Chapter IV: Materials and methods,
Chapter V: Results and discussion, Chapter VI: Conclusion and suggestions, if any, and
Chapter VII: Bibliography.
10. Each student must present the project report before the external examiner during project
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Page 94 of 172
The evaluation scheme for each course contains two parts: viz., internal evaluation and
external evaluation. 20% weightage shall be given to the internal assessment. The remaining
80% weightage shall be for the external evaluation.
20% of the total marks in each course are for internal evaluation. The colleges shall send
only the marks obtained for internal examination to the university. The internal assessment
shall be based on a predetermined transparent system involving written test, class room
participation based on attendance, assignment and seminar/viva in respect of theory courses.
For practical courses it is based on lab involvement and records.
Page 95 of 172
External evaluation carries 80% marks. University examinations will be conducted at the
end of each semester. Duration of each external examination is two hours for 2/3 credit.
The evaluation scheme for each course contains two parts: viz., internal evaluation and
external evaluation.
20% of the total marks in each course are for internal evaluation. The colleges shall send
only the marks obtained for internal examination to the university.
Component Mark
Viva 4
Performance 2
Punctuality 2
Total 8
Page 96 of 172
Page 97 of 172
2. Marks for Result: For calculating the error percentage both theoretical value and skilled
value are considered. The reported values (RV) of the students are compared with
theoretical value (TV) and skilled value (SV) to calculate the error percentage. Up to
1.5% error: 35 marks; between 1.51 – 2%: 30 marks; between 2.1 – 2.5%: 25 marks;
between 2.51– 3%: 15 marks; greater than 3%: 4 marks.
3. Marks for Calculation: Eight points – 4 marks. 1. Equivalent mass of the primary
standard substance; 2. Calculation of normality of primary standard; 3. Table for
standardization of intermediate with standard substance and indicator at the top; 4.
Calculation of normality of the link solution; 5. Table for estimation including standard
substance and indicator; 6. Calculation of normality of the given solution; 7. Equivalent
mass of the compound/ion in the given solution; 8. Calculation of weight in the whole of
the given solution.
4. Marks for inorganic preparation procedure: Six to seven points – 4 marks. 1) Balanced
equation of the reaction; 2) Requirements; 3) Solvent used; 4) Reaction condition; 5)
Precipitating agent; 6) Recrystallisation; 7) Solvent for recrystallisation.
5. Marks for inorganic preparation: The students shall exhibit the prepared compound for
inspection. Yield: 3 marks; colour: 2 marks.
Table 2: Physical Chemistry Practical
Page 98 of 172
2. Organic Preparation: The students shall exhibit the crude and recrystallized
samples of the prepared organic compound for inspection. Yield: 3 marks; colour: 3 marks;
dryness: 3 marks; crystalline shape: 3 marks.
Page 99 of 172
3. Marks for Gravimetry Result: The reported value of the student is compared with
theoretical value and one skilled value (closer to theoretical value) and error percentage is
calculated. Up to 1.5% error: 35 marks; between 1.51 – 2%: 25 marks; between 2.1–
2.5%: 15 marks; greater than 2.51%: 4 marks.
4. Industrial Visit: Good presentation of any one Chemical Factory / Research centre
visit is considered for a maximum of 8 marks. Students are expected to make
individual report. So variety must be appreciated. Viva-voce shall be conducted based on
the industrial visit.
1. Identification Tests: 4 Marks each for two anions two cations.
2. Identification of Cation Group: 2 Mark each.
3. Confirmation Tests: 4 Marks each for two anions and two cations.
4. Chemistry of Identification Tests: 2 Marks each for two anions and two cations.
5. Chemistry of Confirmation Tests: 2 Marks each for two anions and two cations.
Project evaluation will be conducted at the end of sixth semester. Evaluation of the project
report shall be done under mark system.
a) Supervising teachers will assess the project and award internal marks.
b) External evaluation by examiner appointed by university.
c) Grade for the project will be awarded to candidates, combining the internal and external
1) Submission of the project report and presence of the student for viva are compulsory for
internal evaluation. No marks shall be awarded to a candidate if she/he fails to submit the
project report for external evaluation
2) The student should get a minimum P grade in aggregate of external and internal.
3) There shall be no improvement chance for the marks obtained in the project report.
4) In the extent of student failing to obtain a minimum of pass grade, the project work may
be re-done and a new internal mark may be submitted by the parent department. External
examination may be conducted along with the subsequent batch.
Hrs/ Total
Semester Code No Course Title Week Credit Marks
Complementary Course I:
CHE1C01 General Chemistry 2 32 2 75
I Complementary Course V:
- Chemistry Practical 2 32 -* -
Complementary Course II:
CHE2C02 Physical Chemistry 2 32 2 75
II Complementary Course V:
- Chemistry Practical 2 32 -* -
Complementary Course III:
CHE3C03 Organic Chemistry 3 48 2 75
III Complementary Course V:
- Chemistry Practical 2 32 -* -
Complementary Course IV:
CHE4C04 Physical and Applied Chemistry 3 48 2 75
IV Complementary Course V:
CHE4C05(P) Chemistry Practical 2 32 4* 100
Total 12 400
Examination will be held at the end of semester IV.
Course Code: CHE1C01
Complementary Course I: GENERAL CHEMISTRY
Total Hours: 32; Credits: 2; Hours/Week: 2; Total Marks 75 (Internal 15 & External 60)
2 0 0 2
Objective(s) To provide the students a thorough knowledge about the chemistry of
quantitative and qualitative analysis and the theories of chemical bonding.
It will also impart the ideas about atomic nucleus and the importance of
metals in biological systems.
Course outcome (s)
CO1 To understand and to apply the theories of quantitative and qualitative
CO2 To understand the theories of chemical bonding.
CO3 To appreciate the uses of radioactive isotopes.
CO4 To understand the importance of metals in biological systems.
Atomic mass - Molecular mass - Mole concept – Molar volume - Oxidation and reduction –
Oxidation number and valency - Equivalent mass. Methods of expressing concentration:
Molality, molarity, normality and mole fraction. Calculation of concentration on dilution of
given solution (problems).
Theory of volumetric analysis – Acid-base, redox and complexometric titrations – Acid-
base, redox and complexometric indicators. Double burette method of titration: Principle
and advantages.
Principles in the separation of cations in qualitative analysis - Applications of common ion
effect and solubility product - Microanalysis and its advantages.
Accuracy & Precision (mention only).
1. J. Mendham, R. C. Denney, J. D. Barnes, M. Thomas, Vogel’s Textbook of Quantitative
Chemical Analysis, 6th Edn., Pearson Education, Noida, 2013.
2. G. Svehla, Vogel's Qualitative Inorganic Analysis, 7th Edn., Prentice Hall, New Delhi,
Atomic Structure: Bohr atom model and its limitations, de Broglie equation - Heisenberg
uncertainty principle - Schrödinger wave equation (mention only) - Atomic orbitals -
Quantum numbers and their significance - Pauli’s Exclusion principle - Hund’s rule of
maximum multiplicity - Aufbau principle – Electronic configuration of atoms.
Chemical Bonding: Introduction – Type of bonds.
Ionic bond: Factors favouring the formation of ionic bonds - Lattice energy of ionic
compounds and its application.
Covalent bond: Lewis theory – Coordinate bond.
VSEPR theory: Shapes of BeCl2, BF3, SnCl2, CH4, NH3, H2O, NH4+, SO42-, PCl5, SF4, ClF3,
XeF2, SF6, IF5, XeF4, IF7 and XeF6.
Valence Bond theory - Hybridisation involving s, p and d orbitals: sp (acetylene), sp2
(ethylene), sp3 (CH4), sp3d (PCl5), sp3d2 (SF6).
Molecular Orbital theory: LCAO – Electronic configuration of H2, B2, C2, N2, O2 and CO –
Calculation of bond order – determination of HOMO and LUMO – Explanation of bond
length and bond strength.
Intermolecular forces - Hydrogen bonding in H2O - Dipole-dipole interactions.
1. C. N. R. Rao, Understanding Chemistry, Universities Press India Ltd., Hyderabad, 1999.
2. R. K. Prasad, Quantum Chemistry, 4th Edn., New Age International (P) Ltd., New Delhi,
3. Manas Chanda, Atomic Structure and Chemical Bonding, 4th Edn., Tata McGraw Hill
Publishing Company, Noida, 2007.
4. R. Puri, L. R. Sharma K. C. Kalia, Principles of Inorganic Chemistry, 31st Edn.,
Milestone Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi, 2013.
1. H. J. Arnikar, Essentials of Nuclear Chemistry, 4th Edn., New Age International (P) Ltd.,
New Delhi, 2005.
2. R. Gopalan, Elements of Nuclear Chemistry, Vikas Publ. House, 2000.
1. B. R. Puri, L. R. Sharma, K. C. Kalia, Principles of Inorganic Chemistry, Milestone
Publishers, New Delhi, 2010.
2. G. L. Meissler, D. A. Tarr, Inorganic Chemistry, 3rd Edn. Pearson Education, 2004.
3. J. E. Huheey, E. A. Keiter, R. L. Keiter, O. K. Medhi, Inorganic Chemistry, 5th Edn.,
Pearson, 2009.
4. F. A. Cotton, G. Wilkinson, P. L. Gaus, Basic Inorganic Chemistry, 3rd Edn., John –
Wiley, 1995.
Mark Distribution
Module I 22 Marks
Module II 25 Marks
Module III 16 Marks
Module IV 16 Marks
Course Code: CHE2C02
Complementary Course II: PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY
Total Hours: 32; Credits: 2; Hours/Week: 2; Total Marks 75 (Internal 15 & External 60)
2 0 0 2
Objective(s) To provide the students a thorough knowledge about different
terminologies in thermodynamics and the continuity between different
states of matter. To impart an idea about the basic principles of
Course outcome (s)
CO1 To understand the importance of free energy in defining spontaneity.
CO2 To realise the theories of different states of matter and their implication.
CO3 To understand the basic principles of electrochemistry.
1. B. R. Puri, L. R. Sharma, M. S. Pathania, Principles of Physical Chemistry, 46th Edn.,
Vishal Publishing Company, New Delhi, 2013.
2. J. Rajaram, J. C. Kuriacose, Chemical Thermodynamics, Pearson Education, New Delhi,
Solid State: Introduction - Isotropy and anisotropy - Symmetry elements in crystals - The
seven crystal systems – Miller indices - Bravais lattices – Bragg’s equation (derivation
required) and its applications (mention only). Defects in crystals: Non-stoichiometric and
stoichiometric defects - Extrinsic and intrinsic defects.
1. K. L. Kapoor, A Textbook of Physical chemistry, Vol. 1, 4th Edn., Macmillan India Ltd.,
2. B. R. Puri, L. R. Sharma, M. S. Pathania, Elements of Physical chemistry, Vishal Pub.
Co., 2013.
Liquid State: Introduction - Vapour pressure, surface tension and viscosity – Explanation of
these properties on the basis of intermolecular attraction.
Solutions: Kinds of solutions - Solubility of gases in liquids – Henry's law and its
applications - Colligative properties - Osmotic pressure - Laws of osmotic pressure -
Reverse osmosis and its applications - Determination of molecular mass using colligative
1. K. L. Kapoor, A Textbook of Physical chemistry, Vol. 1, 4th Edn., Macmillan India Ltd.,
2. B. R. Puri, L. R. Sharma, M. S. Pathania, Elements of Physical chemistry, Vishal Pub.
Co., 2013.
1. P. Atkins, J. Paula Atkins, Physical Chemistry, 8th Edn., Oxford University Press, 2006.
2. K. K. Sharma, L. K. Sharma, A Textbook of Physical Chemistry, 5th Edn., Vikas
Publishing House, New Delhi, 2012.
3. Gordon M. Barrow, Physical Chemistry, 5th Edn., Tata McGraw Hill Education, New
Delhi, 2006.
4. F. Daniels, R. A. Alberty, Physical Chemistry, 5th Edn., John Wiley and Sons, Canada,
Mark Distribution
Module I 16 Marks
Module II 23 Marks
Module III 16 Marks
Module IV 24 Marks
Course Code: CHE3C03
Complementary Course III: ORGANIC CHEMISTRY
Total Hours: 48; Credits: 2; Hours/Week: 3; Total Marks 75 (Internal 15 & External 60)
3 0 0 2
Objective(s) To provide the students a thorough knowledge about basic theory and
concepts of organic chemistry.
Course outcome (s)
CO1 To understand the basic concepts involved in reaction intermediates.
CO2 To realise the importance of optical activity and chirality.
CO3 To appreciate the importance of functional groups and aromatic stability.
CO4 To understand the basic structure and importance of carbohydrates, nucleic
acids, alkaloids and terpenes.
1. Peter Sykes, A Guide book to Mechanism in Organic Chemistry, 6th Edn., Pearson
Education, New Delhi, 2013.
2. P. S. Kalsi, Organic Reactions, Stereochemistry and Mechanisms, 4th Edn., New Age
International Publishers, New Delhi, 2006.
3. K. S. Tewari, N. K. Vishnoi, S. N. Mehrotra, A Textbook of Organic Chemistry, 2nd Edn.,
Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi, 2004.
4. M. K. Jain, S. C. Sharma, Modern Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edn., Vishal Publishing
Company Co., 2010.
5. R. T. Morrison, R. N. Boyd, Organic Chemistry, 7th Edn., Pearson Education, New Delhi,
6. I. L. Finar, Organic Chemistry, Vol. I, 5th Edn., Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2013.
1. R. T. Morrison, R. N. Boyd, Organic Chemistry, 7th Edn., Pearson Education, New Delhi,
2. I. L. Finar, Organic Chemistry, Vol. I, 5th Edn., Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2013.
3. M. K. Jain, S. C. Sharma, Modern Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edn., Vishal Publishing
Company Co., 2010.
4. K. S. Tewari, N. K. Vishnoi, S. N. Mehrotra, A Textbook of Organic Chemistry, 2nd Edn.,
Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi, 2004.
1. R. T. Morrison, R. N. Boyd, Organic Chemistry, 7th Edn., Pearson Education, New Delhi,
2. I. L. Finar, Organic Chemistry, Vol. I, 5th Edn., Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2013.
3. M. K. Jain, S. C. Sharma, Modern Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edn., Vishal Publishing
Company Co., 2010.
4. K. S. Tewari, N. K. Vishnoi, S. N. Mehrotra, A Textbook of Organic Chemistry, 2nd Edn.,
Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi, 2004.
Halogen Compounds: Preparation of alkyl halides from alkanes and alkenes – Wurtz
reaction and Fittig’s reaction – Mechanism of SN1 and SN2 reactions of alkyl halides –
Effect of substrate and stereochemistry.
Alcohols: Preparation from Grignard reagent – Preparation of ethanol from molasses –
Wash, rectified spirit, absolute alcohol, denatured spirit, proof spirit and power alcohol
(mention only) – Comparison of acidity of ethanol, isopropyl alcohol and tert-butyl alcohol
– Haloform reaction and iodoform test – Luca’s test – Chemistry of methanol poisoning –
Harmful effects of ethanol in the human body.
Phenols: Preparation from chlorobenzene – Comparison of acidity of phenol, p-nitrophenol
and p-methoxyphenol – Preparation and uses of phenolphthalein.
Aldehydes & Ketones: Preparation from alcohols – Nucleophilic addition reactions (HCN
and bisulphite) – Comparison of nucleophilic addition rate of aliphatic aldehydes and
Carboxylic Acids: Preparation from Grignard reagent – Decarboxylation – Kolbe
Amines: Preparation from nitro compounds – Hofmann’s bromamide reaction – Hofmann’s
carbylamines reaction. Basicity: Comparison of basicity of ammonia, methyl amine and
Diazonium Salts: Preparation and synthetic applications of benzene diazonium chloride –
Preparation and uses of methyl orange.
1. R. T. Morrison, R. N. Boyd, Organic Chemistry, 7th Edn., Pearson Education, New Delhi,
2. I. L. Finar, Organic Chemistry, Vol. I, 5th Edn., Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2013.
3. M. K. Jain, S. C. Sharma, Modern Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edn., Vishal Publishing
Company Co., 2010.
4. K. S. Tewari, N. K. Vishnoi, S. N. Mehrotra, A Textbook of Organic Chemistry, 2nd Edn.,
Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi, 2004.
1. R. T. Morrison, R. N. Boyd, Organic Chemistry, 7th Edn., Pearson Education, New Delhi,
2. I. L. Finar, Organic Chemistry, Vol. I, 5th Edn., Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2013.
3. M. K. Jain, S. C. Sharma, Modern Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edn., Vishal Publishing
Company Co., 2010.
4. K. S. Tewari, N. K. Vishnoi, S. N. Mehrotra, A Textbook of Organic Chemistry, 2nd Edn.,
Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi, 2004.
Moldule VII: Alkaloids and Terpenes (3 hrs)
Alkaloids: Classification – Source, structure and physiological functions of nicotine, coniine
and piperine.
Terpenes: Classification with examples – Isoprene rule – Isolation of essential oils by steam
distillation – Uses of lemongrass oil, eucalyptus oil and sandalwood oil – Source, structure
and uses of citral and menthol – Natural rubber – Vulcanization and its advantages.
Note: Structural elucidation not expected in any case.
1. R. T. Morrison, R. N. Boyd, Organic Chemistry, 7th Edn., Pearson Education, New Delhi,
2. I. L. Finar, Organic Chemistry, Vol. I, 5th Edn., Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2013.
3. M. K. Jain, S. C. Sharma, Modern Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edn., Vishal Publishing
Company Co., 2010.
4. K. S. Tewari, N. K. Vishnoi, S. N. Mehrotra, A Textbook of Organic Chemistry, 2nd Edn.,
Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi, 2004.
Mark Distribution
Module I 15 Marks
Module II 10 Marks
Module III 10 Marks
Module IV 14 Marks
Module V 13 Marks
Module VI 12 Marks
Module VII 5 Marks
Course Code: CHE4C04
Total Hours: 48; Credits: 2; Hours/Week: 3; Total Marks 75 (Internal 15 & External 60)
3 0 0 2
Objective (s) To provide the students a thorough knowledge about colloidal chemistry,
nanochemistry and the importance of chemistry in daily life. It also
provides a basic idea related to separation and spectral techniques. It also
imparts the idea of green processes with special emphasis on environment.
Course outcome (s)
CO1 To understand the basic concepts behind colloidal state and nanochemistry.
CO2 To understand the importance of green chemistry and pollution prevention.
CO3 To appreciate the importance of different separation methods and spectral
CO4 To understand the extent of chemistry in daily life.
1. B. R. Puri, L. R. Sharma, M. S. Pathania, Principles of Physical Chemistry, 46th Edn.,
Vishal Publishing Company, New Delhi, 2013.
2. F. Daniels, R. A. Alberty, Physical Chemistry, 5th Edn., John Wiley and Sons, Canada,
1. M. A. Shah, Tokeer Ahmad, Principles of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Narosa
Publishing House, New Delhi, 2010.
2. T. Pradeep, A Textbook of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, McGrawhill, New Delhi,
3. V. K. Ahluwaliya, Green Chemistry, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, 2011.
1. R. A. Day Junior, A. L. Underwood, Quantitative Analysis, 5th Edn., Prentice Hall of
India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 1988.
2. J. Mendham, R. C. Denney, J. D. Barnes, M. Thomas, Vogel’s Text Book of Quantitative
Chemical Analysis, 6th Edn., Pearson Education, 2003.
3. R. Gopalan, P.Subramanian, K Rengarajan, Elements of Analytical Chemistry, S. Chand
and Co., New Delhi, 2004.
4. R. P. Budhiraja, Separation chemistry, New Age International (P) Ltd., 2007.
1. P. S. Kalsi, Applications of Spectroscopic Techniques in Organic Chemistry, 6th Edn.,
New Age International (P) Ltd., New Delhi, 2004.
1. V. R. Gowarikar, Polymer Chemistry, New Age International Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2010.
2. Fred. W. Billmeyer, Textbook of Polymer Science, 3rd Edn., Wiley India, Delhi, 2008.
1. A. K. De, Environmental Chemistry, 6th Edn., New Age International Pvt. Ltd., New
Delhi, 2006.
2. A. K. Ahluwalia, Environmental Chemistry, Ane Books India, New Delhi, 2008.
Food: Food additives: Food preservatives, artificial sweeteners and antioxidants (definition
and examples, structures not required) Commonly used permitted and non-permitted food
colours (structures not required).
Cement: Manufacture, composition and setting.
Glass: Types of glasses and uses.
1. Gurdeep R. Chatwal, Synthetic Drugs, Himalaya Publishing House, Bombay, 1995.
2. Jayashree Ghosh, A Textbook of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, 3rd Edn., S. Chand and
Company Ltd., New Delhi, 1999.
3. B. Sivasankar, Food processing and preservation, Prentice – Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New
Delhi, 2002.
4. Srinivasan Damodaran, Kirk L. Parkin, Owen R. Fennema, Food Chemistry, 4th Edn.,
CRC Press, New York, 2007.
Mark Distribution
Module I 10 Marks
Module II 10 Marks
Module III 10 Marks
Module IV 15 Marks
Module V 7 Marks
Module VI 10 Marks
Module VII 17 Marks
Course Code: CHE4C05(P)
Complementary Course V: CHEMISTRY PRACTICAL
Total Hours: 128; Credits: 4; Hours/Week: 2 (I, II, III & IV Semesters); Total Marks 100
(Internal 20 & External 80)
0 0 2 4
Objective (s) To develop proficiency in quantitative and qualitative analysis and
expertise in organic preparation and determination of physical
Course outcome (s)
CO1 To understand the basic concepts of inter group separation.
CO2 To enable the students to develop analytical and preparation skills.
General Instructions
1. Semi micro analysis may be adopted for inorganic qualitative analysis.
2. For weighing, either electronic balance or chemical balance may be used.
3. For titrations, double burette titration method must be used.
4. Standard solution must be prepared by the student.
5. Use safety coat, gloves, shoes and goggles in the laboratory.
6. A minimum of 7 inorganic mixtures and 9 volumetric estimations must be done to appear
for the examination.
7. Practical examination will be conducted at the end of semester IV.
20% of the total marks in each course are for internal evaluation. The colleges shall send
only the marks obtained for internal examination to the university. The internal assessment
shall be based on a predetermined transparent system involving written tests, class room
participation based on attendance, assignment and seminar/viva in respect of theory courses.
For practical course it is based on lab involvement and record.
Table 2: Percentage of attendance based on class room participation and eligible marks
% of attendance Marks
85% and above 3
75 - <85% 2
50 - <75% 1
External evaluation carries 80% marks. University examinations f o r t w o h o u r s
d u r a t i o n will be conducted at the end of each semester.
The evaluation scheme contains two parts: viz., internal evaluation and external evaluation.
20% of the total marks are for internal evaluation. The colleges shall send only the marks
obtained for internal examination to the university.
External evaluation carries 80% marks. Practical examination will be conducted at the end
of IV semester.
Table 1: Pattern of Question Paper
Duration Pattern Marks Total
Question on qualitative and quantitative analysis 8
3 Hours Procedure on volumetric analysis 6 80
Volumetric analysis 28
Mixture analysis 28
Record 10
1. Valuation of Volumetric Procedure: Eight points – 6 marks. 1. Correct
intermediate; 2. Preparation of standard solution; 3. Standardisation of intermediate; 4.
Indicator and end point of standardization; 5. Making up of given solution; 6. Titration of
made up solution; 7. Indicator; 8. End point/any other relevant points.
2. Marks for Result: The reported values (RV) of the students are compared with
theoretical value (TV) and skilled value (SV) and calculate error percentage. Up to
1.5% error: 24 marks; between 1.51 – 2%: 20 marks; between 2.1– 2.5%: 16 marks;
between 2.51– 3%: 12 marks; greater than 3%: 8 marks.
3. Marks for Calculation: Eight points – 4 marks. 1. Equivalent mass of the primary
standard substance; 2. Calculation of normality of primary standard; 3. Table for
standardization of intermediate with standard substance and indicator at the top; 4.
Calculation of normality of the intermediate; 5. Table for estimation including standard
substance and indicator; 6. Calculation of normality of the given solution; 7. Equivalent
mass of the compound/ion in the given solution; 8. Calculation of weight in the whole of the
given solution.
4. Marks for Mixture Analysis: Group identification: 1 mark each. Cation identification
tests: 3 mark each. Chemistry of identification tests: 3 mark each. Cation confirmation
tests: 3 marks each. Chemistry of confirmation tests: 3 mark each. Systematic procedure: 2
Table 2: Evaluation of Records
Hrs/ Total
Semester Code No Course Title Week Hrs Marks
1. A. K. De, Environmental Chemistry, 7th Edn., New Age International, 2012.
2. A. K. Ahluwalia, Environmental Chemistry, The Energy and Resources Institute, 2017.
3. Balram Pani, Textbook of Environmental Chemistry, I. K. International Pvt Ltd, 2010.
1. S. K. Banergy, Environmental Chemistry, 2nd Edn., Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New
Delhi, 2005.
2. V. N. Bashkin, Environmental Chemistry: Asian Lessons, Springer Science & Business
Media, 2003.
3. S. E. Manahan, Environmental Chemistry, 8th Edn., CRC Press, Florida, 2004.
4. A. K. Ahluwalia, Environmental Chemistry, The Energy and Resources Institute, 2017.
5. Balram Pani, Textbook of Environmental Chemistry, I. K. International Pvt. Ltd., 2010.
Types of water pollutants: Biological agents, physical agents and chemical agents –
Eutrophication - biomagnification and bioaccumulation.
Water quality parameters: DO, BOD, COD, alkalianity, hardness, chloride, fluoride and
nitrate. Toxic metals in water and their effects: Cadmium, lead and mercury – Minamata
disaster (a brief study), itai-itai disease, oil pollution in water. International standards for
drinking water.
1. S. K. Banergy, Environmental Chemistry, 2nd Edn., Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New
Delhi, 2005.
2. J. M. H. Selendy, Water and Sanitation-Related Diseases and the Changing Environment,
John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
3. P. K. Goel, Water Pollution: Causes, Effects and Control, New Age International, 2006.
4. V. N. Bashkin, Environmental Chemistry: Asian Lessons, Springer Science & Business
Media, 2003.
5. S. E. Manahan, Environmental Chemistry, 8th Edn., CRC Press, Florida, 2004.
6. A. K. Ahluwalia, Environmental Chemistry, The Energy and Resources Institute, 2017.
7. Balram Pani, Textbook of Environmental Chemistry, I. K. International Pvt. Ltd., 2010.
Module IV: Soil, Noise, Thermal, light and Radioactive Pollutions (8 hrs)
Soil pollution: Sources by industrial and urban wastes. Pollution due to plastics, pesticides,
biomedical waste and e-waste (source, effects and control measures) – Control of soil
Thermal pollution – definition, sources, harmful effects and prevention. Light pollution.
Radioactive pollution (source, effects and control measures) – Hiroshima, Nagasaki and
Chernobyl accidents (brief study). Endosulfan disaster in Kerala (brief study).
1. S. E. Manahan, Environmental Chemistry, 8th Edn., CRC Press, Florida, 2004.
2. A. K. Ahluwalia, Environmental Chemistry, The Energy and Resources Institute, 2017.
3. A. K. De, Environmental Chemistry, 6th Edn., New Age International.
4. Balram Pani, Textbook of Environmental Chemistry, I. K. International Pvt. Ltd., 2010.
5. Anindita Basak, Environmental Studies, Pearson Education India, 2009.
6. Pallavi Saxena, Vaishali Naik, Air Pollution: Sources, Impacts and Controls, CAB
International, 2018.
Air pollution control measures – Gravitational settling chamber, fabric filter, wet scrubber,
catalytic converters, stacks and chimneys, cyclone collectors, Cottrell electrostatic
precipitator, extraction ventilator, zoning and green belt.
1. N. P Cheremisinoff , Handbook of Air Pollution Prevention and Control, 2002.
2. M. Senapati, Advanced Engineering Chemistry, 2006.
3. K. C. Schifftner, Air Pollution Control Equipment Selection Guide, CRC Press, 2013.
4. K. B. Schnelle, C. A. Brown, Air Pollution Control Technology Handbook, CRC Press,
1. V.K. Ahluwalia, M. Kidwai, New Trends in Green Chemistry, Springer Science &
Business Media, 2012.
2. M. Lancaster, Green Chemistry: An Introductory Text, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2010.
3. S. C. Ameta, R. Ameta, Green Chemistry: Fundamentals and Applications, CRC Press,
Scheme of Examinations:
The external question paper carries 60 marks and internal examination is of 15 marks.
Duration of each external examination is 2 Hrs. The pattern of External Examination is as
given below:
Section A
Short answer type carries 2 marks each – 12 questions Ceiling – 20
Section B
Paragraph/ Problem type carries 5 marks each – 7 questions Ceiling – 30
Section C
Essay type carries 10 marks (1 out of 2) 1x10=10
The students can answer all the questions in sections A & B but there shall be ceiling.
Mark Distribution
Module I 9 Marks
Module II 14 Marks
Module III 18 Marks
Module IV 14 Marks
Module V 16 Marks
Module VI 8 Marks
Course Code: CHE5D02
Total Hours: 48; Credits: 3; Hours/Week: 3; Total Marks 75 (Internal 15 & External 60)
Course outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to:
CO 1: Understand the basics of polymer chemistry.
CO 2: Explain the functions of biomolecules, vitamins, enzymes, hormones and nucleic
CO 3: Describe food additives and food habits.
CO 4: Explain the uses of pesticides and fertilizers and their impacts on the environment.
CO 5: Understand advantages and disadvantages of cleansing agents and cosmetics.
CO 6: Recognize the common classes of drugs in pharmaceutical industry and their
CO 7: Understand the basic concepts and processes in petroleum industry.
1. B. K. Sharma, Industrial Chemistry, 11th Edn., Goel publishing House, Meerut, 2000.
2. K. S. Tewari, N. K. Vishnoi, S. N. Mehrotra, A Textbook of Organic Chemistry, 2nd Edn.,
Vikas Publishing House (Pvt.) Ltd., New Delhi, 2004.
3. V. R. Gowarikar, Polymer Chemistry, New Age International Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2010.
4. B. K. Sharma, Polymer Chemistry, Goel Publishing House, Meerut, 1989.
5. M. G. Arora, M. Singh, M. S. Yadav, Polymer Chemistry, 2nd Revised Edn., Anmol
Publications Private Ltd., New Delhi, 1989.
6. Catia Bastioli, Handbook of Biodegradable Polymers, Smithers Rapra Publishing, 2005.
reactions needed).
1. M. V. Kulkarni, Biochemistry, Pragati Books Pvt. Ltd., 2008.
2. S. C. Rastogi, Biochemistry, 2nd Edn., Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co., New Delhi,
3. U. Satyanarayana, U. Chakrapani, Biochemistry, Elsevier Health Sciences, 2014.
4. K. S. Tewari, N. K. Vishnoi, S. N. Mehrotra, A Textbook of Organic Chemistry, 2nd Edn.,
Vikas Publishing House (Pvt.) Ltd., New Delhi, 2004.
5. D. Sriram, Medicinal Chemistry, Pearson Education India, 2010.
6. N. V. Bhagavan, Medical Biochemistry, Academic Press, 2002.
1. Lillian Hoagland Meyer, Food Chemistry, 1st Edn., CBS Publishers & Distributors, New
Delhi, 2004.
2. B. A. Fox, A. G. Cameron, E. Arnold, Food Science, Nutrition and Health, 6th Edn.,
Edward Arnold, London, 1995.
3. A. Siddiqui, N. Anusha, Deleterious Effects of Food Habits in Present Era, J. Aller. Ther.
3:114, 2012.
4. H. S. Ramaswamy, M. Marcotte, Food Processing: Principles and Applications, CRC
Press, 2005.
5. A. F. Smith, Encyclopedia of Junk Food and Fast Food, Greenwood Publishing Group,
6. T. A. M. Sagati, The Chemistry of Food Additives and Preservatives, John Wiley & Sons,
7. S. N. Mahindru, Food Additives, APH Publishing, 2009.
8. Biju Mathew, Anchor India, Info Kerala Communications Pvt. Ltd., 2015.
1. H. S. Rathore, L. M. L. Nollet, Pesticides: Evaluation of Environmental Pollution, CRC
Press, USA, 2012.
2. Murray Park, The Fertilizer Industry, Elsevier, 2001.
3. B. K. Sharma, Industrial Chemistry, Krishna Prakashan Media, 1991.
1. B. K. Sharma, Industrial Chemistry, Krishna Prakashan Media, 1991.
2. M. S. R. Winter, A Consumer’s Dictionary of Cosmetic Ingredients, 7th Edn., Three
Rivers Press, New York, 2009.
1. B. K. Sharma, Industrial Chemistry, Krishna Prakashan Media, 1991.
1. B. K. B. Rao, Modern Petroleum Refining Processes, 4th Edn., Oxford & IBH Publishing
Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2002.
2. B. K. Sharma, Industrial Chemistry, Krishna Prakashan Media, 1991.
Scheme of Examinations:
The external question paper carries 60 marks and internal examination is of 15 marks.
Duration of each external examination is 2 Hrs. The pattern of External Examination is as
given below:
Section A
Short answer type carries 2 marks each – 12 questions Ceiling – 20
Section B
Paragraph/ Problem type carries 5 marks each – 7 questions Ceiling – 30
Section C
Essay type carries 10 marks (1 out of 2) 1x10=10
The students can answer all the questions in sections A & B but there shall be ceiling.
Mark Distribution
Module I 14 Marks
Module II 12 Marks
Module III 12 Marks
Module IV 8 Marks
Module V 11 Marks
Module VI 12 Marks
Module VII 10 Marks
Course Code: CHE5D03
Total Hours: 48; Credits: 3; Hours/Week: 3; Total Marks 75 (Internal 15 & External 60)
Course outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to:
CO 1: Understand food adulteration and preservation methods.
CO 2: Understand food additives.
CO 3: Compare modern food with natural food.
CO 4: Describe the harmful effects of alcohol and modern food habits.
CO 5: Exhibit a broad and coherent body of knowledge on the biomolecules, vitamins,
enzymes, hormones and nucleic acids.
CO 6: Recognize the uses of Indian medicinal plants and plant extracts.
CO 7: Recall the chemical, generic and trade names of drugs and their uses.
CO 8: Describe the treatment methods used in medical field.
CO 9: Illustrate first aids and the safety steps to be taken for common illnesses.
Common adulterants in different foods and their identification: Milk and milk products,
vegetable oils and fats, spices and condiments, cereals, pulses, tea, coffee powder, chilly
powder, turmeric powder and beverages - Contamination with toxic chemicals, pesticides
and insecticides.
Methods of preservation: Need for preservation - Classification - Freezing, smoking, use of
sugar, pickling, artificial food additives, canning and bottling, high pressure, burial in the
ground, controlled use of micro organism and bio-preservation.
Packaging of foods: Classification - Materials used for packaging – Harmful effects.
1. B. Siva Sankar, Food Processing and Preservation, Prentice–Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New
Delhi, 2002.
2. Shyam Narayan Jha, Rapid Detection of Food Adulterants and Contaminants: Theory
and Practice, Academic Press, 2015.
3. Encyclopedia of Food Chemistry, Elsevier, 2018.
4. B. Srilakshmi, Food Science, 5th Edn., New Age Publishers, New Delhi, 2010.
Food additives: Antioxidants and food preservatives – Commonly used permitted and non-
permitted food colours - Artificial sweeteners - Taste enhancers – Monosodium glutamate –
Vinegar - Artificial ripening of fruits and its health effects.
Modern food habits: Introduction – Definition and health effects of fast foods, instant foods,
dehydrated foods, junk foods and condiments - Composition and health effects of
chocolates, soft drinks and soda water.
Natural Food: Importance of milk, coconut water and Neera - Importance of regional and
seasonal fruits - Traditional Kerala foods and their advantages.
1. B. Siva Sankar, Food Processing and Preservation, Prentice–Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New
Delhi, 2002.
2. Lillian Hoagland Meyer, Food Chemistry, 1st Edn., CBS Publishers & Distributors, New
Delhi, 2004.
3. B. A. Fox, A. G. Cameron, E. Arnold, Food Science, Nutrition and Health, 6th Edn.,
Edward Arnold, London, 1995.
1. S. C. Rastogi, Biochemistry, 2nd Edn., Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co., New Delhi,
2. M. V. Kulkarni, Biochemistry, Pragati Books Pvt. Ltd., 2008.
3. U. Satyanarayana, U. Chakrapani, Biochemistry, Elsevier Health Sciences, 2014.
4. K. S. Tewari, N. K. Vishnoi, S. N. Mehrotra, A Textbook of Organic Chemistry, 2nd Edn.,
Vikas Publishing House (Pvt.) Ltd., New Delhi, 2004.
Medicines: Drug - Chemical name, generic name and trade names with examples –
Terminology: Prodrug, pharmacy, pharmacology, pharmacophore, pharmacognosy,
pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics (elementary idea only). Routes of drug
administration: Topical, enteral and parenteral. Definition and examples of antacids,
antipyretics, analgesics, antibiotics, antiseptics, disinfectants, antihistamines, tranquilizers,
narcotics, antidepressants and hallucinogenic drugs – Drug toxicity – Thalidomide tragedy
(a brief study) - Effective use of drugs – Prescription and non-prescription drugs – Over
dosage – Drug abuse.
Some Diseases and Treatment: Causes, symptoms and drugs used for the treatment of
influenza, measles, tuberculosis, cholera, dysentery, bronchial asthma, kidney stone,
diabetes and myocardial infection – Drugs used in the treatment for systemic hypertension
and hypercholesterolemia. Cancer: Definition - Lung cancer (causes, symptoms and
treatment) – Avenues for the treatment of terminal cancer.
Medical applications of nanomaterials. Radio diagnosis: Benefits and risks. Biodegradable
polymers used in surgical sutures and capsule covers.
1. Gurdeep R. Chatwal, Synthetic Drugs, Himalaya Publishing House, Bombay, 1995.
2. Jayashree Ghosh, A Textbook of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, 3rd Edn., S. Chand and
Company Ltd., New Delhi, 1999.
3. A. H. Beckett, J. B Stenlake, Practical Pharmaceutical Chemistry, 4th Edn., CBS
Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi, 2000.
Module VII: Clinical chemistry (6 hrs)
First aid to prevent bleeding and maintain breathing, Causes and symptoms of food
poisoning, botulism - mushroom and plant poisoning - first aid. Causes, symptoms and
treatment of anemia, diabetes, tuberculosis, asthma, jaundice.
First Aid and Safety: Electric shocks, hemorrhage, cuts, wounds, burns and snake bite.
1. Jayashree Ghosh, A Textbook of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, 3rd Edn., S. Chand and
Company Ltd., New Delhi, 1999.
2. A. H. Beckett, J. B Stenlake, Practical Pharmaceutical Chemistry, 4th Edn., CBS
Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi, 2000.
Scheme of Examinations:
The external question paper carries 60 marks and internal examination is of 15 marks.
Duration of each external examination is 2 Hrs. The pattern of External Examination is as
given below:
Section A
Short answer type carries 2 marks each - 12 questions Ceiling - 20
Section B
Paragraph/ Problem type carries 5 marks each - 7 questions Ceiling - 30
Section C
Essay type carries 10 marks (1 out of 2) 1x10=10
The students can answer all the questions in sections A & B but there shall be ceiling.
Mark Distribution
Module I 13 Marks
Module II 16 Marks
Module III 6 Marks
Module IV 8 Marks
Module V 8 Marks
Module VI 18 Marks
Module VII 10 Marks
Table 2: Percentage of attendance based on class room participation and Eligible Marks
% of attendance Marks
85% and above 3
75 - <85% 2
50 - <75% 1
Section B (Paragraph)
(Answer questions up to 30 marks. Each question carries 5 marks)
13. Explain the term scientific observation and its role in science.
14. Discuss the Ostwald’s theory of acid –base indicators.
15. An item of old wooden furniture shows a C-14 activity which is 45% of the activity
found in fresh wood. Calculate the age of the wood.
16. Explain with example the calculation of effective nuclear charge.
17. Describe the structure, properties and applications of diboranes.
18. Explain the principles of Aston’s mass spectrograph.
19. Write note on complexometric titration [Ceiling of marks: 30]
Section C (Essay)
(Answer any one. Each question carries 10 marks)
20. a) Correlate N/P ratio and nuclear stability. b) Write a note on nuclear reactor.
21. a) Compare the electro negativity and ionization energy of s and p block elements. b)
Explain the structure of oxides of N and P. [1 X 10 = 10]
Section C (Essay)
(Answer any one. Each question carries 10 marks)
20. Discuss briefly the concept of particle in 1D box. Using Schrodinger equation predicts
its energy and wave function.
21. a) Write a note on atomic spectrum of hydrogen, b) A line of the Lyman series of the
spectrum of hydrogen has a wavelength of 9.50 x 10–8 m. Calcualte the ni involved in the
associated electron transition. [1 X 10 = 10]
Section B (Paragraph)
(Answer questions up to 30 marks. Each question carries 5 marks)
13. Derive the relationship between heat capacity at constant volume and constant pressure
for an ideal gas.
14. Derive the expressions for critical constants in terms of vander-Waals constants.
15. Derive the relation between temperature and pressure for an adiabatic process.
16. Calculate the change in freezing point for ice when the pressure is increased by 1 atm.
Molar volume of water and ice are 18.0 and 19.6 cm3 and the enthalpy of fusion for ice is
6008 Jmol-1. (IJ = 9.87 х 10-3 dm3.atm.)
17. Discuss the variation of free energy with temperature and pressure.
18. Derive an expression for the relation between entropy and probability?
19. What is Parachor? How is it used for structure elucidation? [Ceiling of marks: 30]
Section C (Essay)
(Answer any one. Each question carries 10 marks)
20. Derive the relationship between Kp and Kc.
21. What is Joule-Thomson effect? Describe Linde’s method and Claude’s method for the
liquifaction of gases. [1 X 10 = 10]
Section B (Paragraph)
(Answer questions up to 30 marks. Each question carries 5 marks)
13. What is Huckel's rule of aromaticity. Using it discuss the aromaticity of azulene and
14. a) Write any three methods of resolution racemic mixtures. b) Distinguish between
absolute and partial asymmetric synthesis
15. What is hyperconjugation? Write the order of stability of propene, 1-butene and 2-
butene. Explain why?
16. Write a short note on hybridisation, structure, formation and stability of carbenes.
17. a) What is Corey – House synthesis? b) Write the mechanism of free radical
chlorination of methane.
18. What is ozonolysis? One mole of alkene, C6H12 on ozonolysis yields 1mole each of
propanal and propanone. Find the structure of the parent alkene and write equation for the
ozonolysis sequence.
19. Explain the postulates of Baeyer’s strain theory. [Ceiling of marks: 30]
Section C (Essay)
(Answer any one. Each question carries 10 marks)
20. a) Differenciate between Friedel-Craft's alkylation and acylation reactions. Write the
mechanism of each reaction. b) Explain the elimination-addition mechanism (benzyne) of
aromatic nucleophilic substitution.
21. a)Explain the Markownikov and Anti-Markownikov addition to alkenes with
mechanism. b) Write the SN1and SN2 mechanisms of aliphatic nucleophilic substitution
reactions with stereochemical aspects. [1 X 10 = 10]
Section A
Answer the following questions in 10 minutes
1. Calculate the mass of Mohr’s salt required to prepare 500 mL of its 0.5 N solution?
2. Calculate the normality of K2Cr2O7 solution when 0.49 g of it is dissolved in water in a
100 mL standard flask?
3. When 100 mL 1N ZnSO4 solution is diluted to 500 mL the normality of the resulting
solution will be ---------------
4. Name the indicator used for the titration of K2Cr2O7 against FeSO4.
5. Write the balanced chemical equation for the titration of I2 solution against Na2S2O3.
6. The titration of Fe2+ solution against KMnO4 is a ------------ titration.
7. What is the role of SnCl2 in the estimation of Fe3+ during dichrometry?
8. Write the structure of Phenolphthalein. (1х8 = 8
Section B
Answer the following questions in 15 minutes
9. Give a brief outline of the method for the volumetric estimation of Mg2+ in the whole of
the given solution of MgSO4, being provided with AR ZnSO4 crystals. (8 Marks)
10. Write a brief outline of the method for the preparation of ferric alum. (4 Marks)
Part C
11. Estimate the weight of Fe in the whole of the given solution of ferric alum, being
provided with AR Mohr’s salt. (39 Marks)
Part D
12. Prepare the inorganic complex ……………………….. Exhibit the crude and
recrystallised sample. (5 marks)
Part E
Viva-Voce (8 marks)
Record (8 marks)
Section C (Essay)
(Answer any one. Each question carries 10 marks)
20. a) Explain the important synthetic applications of Grignard’s reagent. b) Explain the
Aldol and Benzoin condensations.
21. Explain the following reactions with mechanism. a)Riemer – Tiemann reaction. b)
Haloform reaction c) Kolbe electrolysis d) Hofmann elimination. [1 X 10 = 10]
Section B (Paragraph)
(Answer questions up to 30 marks. Each question carries 5 marks)
13. Draw the group multiplication table of C2V point group.
14. Discuss briefly the activated complex theory of reaction rates.
15. Certain reactions have very high quantum yield whereas others have very low quantum
yield. Explain.
16. Draw phase diagram of sulphur system. Explain it.
17. Draw and explain the phase diagram of Zn-Mg system.
18. Explain how rotational spectroscopy can be used to find the bond length.
19. Explain the term chemical shift. [Ceiling of marks: 30]
Section C (Essay)
(Answer any one. Each question carries 10 marks)
20. (a) Give methods for purification of colloids (b) Derive Langmuir isotherm.
21. (a) Derive an expression for the rate constant of a bimolecular gaseous reaction using
collision theory (b) Ea for a first order reaction is 250 KJmol-1. The half life of the reaction
is 6.5 x 106 second at 450oC. What will be the half life at 550oC? [1 X 10 = 10]
Section B (Paragraph)
(Answer questions up to 30 marks. Each question carries 5 marks)
13. State and explain Kohlrausch’s law. Based on it determine the molar conductivity at
infinite dilution of acetic acid.
14. What is meant by salt hydrolysis? Explain why an aqueous solution of sodium
carbonate is basic while that of ammonium nitrate is acidic.
15. The emf of the cell Ag│ AgI in 0.045 M KI║0.045 M AgNO3 │Ag is 0.788 at 250C.
Calculate (i) the solubility product of AgI and the (ii) solubility of AgI in water at 250C.
16. Explain the electrochemical theory of corrosion with a suitable example
17. (a) Explain the term buffer index with regard to buffer solutions. (b) Derive the
Henderson equation for the pH of an acidic buffer.
18. (a) Explain common ion effect with an example (b) Calculate the degree of hydrolysis
of deci molar solution of ammonium acetate at 28°C.Dissociation constants of acetic acid
and ammonium hydroxide are 1.75×10-5 and 1.85×10-5 respectively and Kw = 1.008×10-14
at 28°C.
19. (a) Discuss H2-O2 fuel cell (b) How can you determine pH of a solution using standard
hydrogen electrode (SHE)? [Ceiling of marks: 30]
Section C (Essay)
(Answer any one. Each question carries 10 marks)
20. (a) Calomel electrode is used as a reference electrode. Describe its construction and
working. (b) Differentiate between hexagonal close packing and cubic close packing of
uniform spheres.
21. (a) Discuss the structures of two AB type compounds (b) Discuss the salient features
of different types of liquid crystals. [1 X 10 = 10]
20. a) Describe a method for the purification of collide. b) Explain the advantages of
Zeigler Natta polymerization.
21) Write a short note on
a) zeta potential, b) artificial ripening, c) Travancore Cochin Chemicals, d) Flash point of a
liquid fuel. [1 X 10 = 10]
Section B (Paragraph)
(Answer questions up to 30 marks. Each question carries 5 marks)
Section C (Essay)
(Answer any one. Each question carries 10 marks)
20. Write notes on (a) oil based paints (b) luminescent paints (c) fire retardant paints.
21. (a) What is synthetic petrol? How is it manufactured? (b) Discuss the manufacture of
ethylene glycol. [1 X 10 = 10]
Section B (Paragraph)
(Answer questions up to 30 marks. Each question carries 5 marks)
13. Distinguish between plastics, fibers and elastomers with examples.
14. Write a short note on suspension polymerization.
15. How can you determine the molecular weight of polymers by viscosity method?
16. What is meant by recycling of plastics? What are its advantages?
17. Explain thermal and oxidative degradation of polymers with examples.
18. What is meant by dopping of polymers.
19. Distinguish between addition and condensation polymerization. [Ceiling of marks: 30]
Section C (Essay)
(Answer any one. Each question carries 10 marks)
20. Explain Zeigler Natta polymerization with mechanism.
21. Explain any three polymer processing techniques with neat diagram. [1 X 10 = 10]
Section B (Paragraph)
(Answer questions up to 30 marks. Each question carries 5 marks)
13. How is sugar content in urine determined?
14. Write notes on (a) Rain water harvesting (b) Sea water for agriculture.
15. Discuss the toxicological effects of phenylene diamines and nitroso amines.
16. Discuss the sampling methods used for gases.
17. Discuss how gravitational settling chamber and fabric filter are used in air pollution
18. Write notes on settlable solids and suspended solids related to water pollution.
19. Discuss the treatment for poisons due to snake bite. [Ceiling of marks: 30]
Section C (Essay)
(Answer any one. Each question carries 10 marks)
20. Discuss the major chemical constituents and medicinal uses of any five Indian
medicinal plants.
21. Discuss the causes and drugs used for the treatment of influenza, cholera, kidney stone
and myocardial infarction. [1 X 10 = 10]
Section B
B. Conduct the experiment for the question marked below and records the data and results
neatly and systematically. (56 Marks)
1. Determine the cryoscopic constant (Kf) of the given solid solvent 1A---. Solute IB---- of
molecular mass------- is given. Conduct a duplicate experiment. Draw cooling curves for
the solvent and the two trials. Report two Kf values. Weight of pure solvent given is ----- g.
2. Determine the molecular mass (M) of the given solute 2B-- by Rast method. Kf of the
solvent 2A— is--------. Conduct a duplicate experiment. Draw cooling curves for the
solvent and the two trials. Report two M values. Weight of pure solvent given is ------- g.
3. Determine the transition temperature constant (Kt) of crystalline 3A----. Solute 3B-- of
molecular mass------ is given. Draw cooling curves for the solvent and the two trials.
Report two Kt values. Weight of pure solvent is given is ------- g.
4. Determine the molecular mass (M) of the given solute 4B-- by measuring the depression
in transition temperature of the solvent 4A---. Transition temperature constant (Kt) of
crystalline 4A --- is------. Draw cooling curves for the solvent and two trials. Report two M
values. Weight of pure solvent given is ------- g.
5. Determine the composition of the given binary mixture of 5A----- & 5B-----
viscometrically using at least five mixtures of known composition.
6. Determine the miscibility temperatures of at least five mixtures of standard aqueous
solutions of sodium chloride and phenol & determine the concentration of the given
sodium chloride solution 6A------- graphically.
7. Determine the composition of the given mixture 7A--- of glycerol and water by
refractometric method, using five standard mixtures of the two components.
8. By potentiometric titration, standardize the given HCl solution 8A--- with the given
standard KOH solution of normality ---------.
9. By conductometric titration, standardize the given HCl solution 9A---- with the given
standard KOH solution of normality ---------.
Section C
Viva-Voce (8 marks)
Record (8 marks)
Section A
Answer the following questions in 10 minutes
1. The formula of Prussian blue is -----------
2. When cinnamic acid is treated with bromine water the compound formed is -------
3. When naphthalene in benzene is treated with picric acid in benzene, the compound
formed has the structural formula -----------.
4. When acetophenone is treated with Borsche’s reagent, the compound formed is ----.
5. Conversion of aniline into tribromoaniline is a/an ---------------------- reaction.
6. Diazotisation of sulphanilic acid followed by coupling with N,N-dimethyl aniline yield -
7. The structural formula of the compound formed by the acetylation of salicylic acid is ----
8. The electrophile during nitration is ------------- (1х8 = 8 Marks)
Section B
Answer the following question in 10 minutes
9. Write the principle and procedure for the conversion of benzamide into benzoic acid.
(8 Marks)
Section C
10. Convert the whole of the given acetanilide in to p-nitroacetanilide. Exhibit the crude
and crystallised samples for inspection. (12 Marks)
11. Analyse qualitatively and systematically the given organic compound by micro method
with a view to identify the following. (a) Detect the elements present in it. (b) Find out
whether the compound is aliphatic or aromatic. (c) Find out whether the compound is
saturated or unsaturated. (d) Detect the elements present in it. (e) Identify and confirm the
functional groups. (f) Suggest a suitable derivative. Give its method of preparation. Prepare
the derivative suggested by the examiner and exhibit. (g) Write the systematic procedure of
analysis including chemistry of identification tests, confirmation tests and derivative
preparation. (36 Marks)
Section D
Viva-Voce (8 marks)
Record (8 marks)
Section A
Answer the following question in 15 minutes
1. Write a brief outline of the method used for the colorimetric estimation of chromium in
the whole of the given solution of K2Cr2O7. (4 Marks)
2. Write a brief outline of the method used for the gravimetric estimation of nickel in the
whole of the given solution of nickel chloride. (8 Marks)
Section B
3. Estimate gravimetrically the mass of barium present in the whole of the given solution
of barium chloride. (37 Marks)
Section C
Section D
Section A
Answer the following questions in 10 minutes
1. The reddish brown precipitate in the confirmatory test for Cu2+ ion is due to the
formation of -----
2. The yellow precipitate formed in the identification test for phosphate, on adding conc.
HNO3 and ammonium molybdate, has the formula ---------
3. The compound responsible for the green edged flame in the ethyl borate test is ------
4. The chemical compound formed in the ash test for zinc is -------------- (4х1 = 4 Marks)
Section B
5. Analyse qualitatively the given mixture by semimicro method to identify and confirm
the two cations and two anions present in it. Record the data systematically including
chemistry of identification tests and confirmation tests
(60 Marks)
Section C
Viva-Voce (8 marks)
Record (8 marks)
Section B (Paragraph)
(Answer questions up to 30 marks. Each question carries 5 marks)
Section C (Essay)
(Answer any one. Each question carries 10 marks)
20. (a) Explain the mechanism of Friedel-Craft’s alkylation reaction. (b) Discuss the
synthetic applications of Diazonium salts.
21. Explain the double helical structure of DNA. [1 X 10 = 10]
Section B (Paragraph)
(Answer questions up to 30 marks. Each question carries 5 marks)
13. Explain the different purification techniques of colloids.
14. Give the applications of nanomaterial in medicine and catalysis.
15. Sketch and explain different vibrational modes of CO2.
16. Briefly explain the classification of polymers on the basis of intermolecular forces.
17. What is greenhouse effect? Explain its consequence and control measures.
18. Explain the principles behind TLC.
19. Explain briefly different theories of dye. [Ceiling of marks: 30]
Section C (Essay)
(Answer any one. Each question carries 10 marks)
20. What are biodegradable polymers? Explain the applications of different biodegradable
21. Write a note about manufacture of cement and glass. [1 X 10 = 10]
Section A
Answer the following questions in 6 minutes.
1. Calculate the mass of Mohr’s salt required to prepare 100 ml of its 0.05 N solution?
2. Calculate the normality of oxalic acid solution when 0.63 g of it is dissolved in water in a
100 ml standard flask?
3. Name the indicator used for the titration of Na2CO3 against HCl.
4. Write the balanced chemical equation for any permanganometric titration.
5. The yellow precipitate formed on adding potassium chromate solution to Ba2+ salt solution
is chemically ---------
6. What is/are the group reagent/s for 5th group in inorganic qualitative analysis?
7. The chemical compound formed in the ash test for Aluminium is
8. The pink colour in permanganic acid test is ………. (1х8 = 8 Marks)
Section B
Answer the following question in 10 minutes
7. Give a brief outline of the method for the volumetric estimation of oxalic acid in the
whole of the given solution, being provided with AR Mohr’s salt crystals. (6 Marks)
Section C
8. Estimate volumetrically the mass of FeSO4.7H2O present in the whole of the given
solution, being provided with pure Mohr’s salt and approximately 0.1N K2Cr2O7 solution.
(28 Marks)
9. Analyse qualitatively and systematically the given solution with a view to identify and
confirm the two cations present in it. Submit a detailed report including chemistry of the
identification and confirmation tests & systematic procedure. (28 Marks)
Section D
Section B (Paragraph)
(Answer questions up to 30 marks. Each question carries 5 marks)
13. Write the causes and symptoms of any two air-borne diseases.
14. Describe any three water quality parameters.
15. What are the main sources of water pollution
16. Write a note on solid waste management.
17. What is Green house effect? Discuss its causes and consequences.
18. Discuss the depletion of ozone layer.
19. Discuss the basic principles of green chemistry. [Ceiling of marks: 30]
Section C (Essay)
(Answer any one. Each question carries 10 marks)
20. Discuss the air pollution control by Cottrell electrostatic precipitator and extraction
21. (a) Name any two toxic metals in water and explain their harmful effects. (b) What is
radioactive pollution? How is it controlled? [1 X 10 = 10]