Engineering 0016 General Process Design Requirements
Engineering 0016 General Process Design Requirements
Engineering 0016 General Process Design Requirements
2.1. Definitions
Can: verbal form used for statements of possibility and capability, whether material,
physical or casual.
Company: The entities mentioned in the Scope of Effectiveness of this document.
Contractor: The name of company (entity) delivering goods or services to the company
May: verbal form used to indicate a course of action permissible within the limits of this
Shall: verbal form used to indicate requirements strictly (mandatory) to be followed in
order to conform to this standard and from which no deviation is permitted, unless
accepted by all involved parties.
Should: verbal form used to indicate that among several possibilities one is recommended
as particularly suitable, without mentioning or excluding others, or that a certain course of
action is preferred but not necessarily required.
Design pressure (DP): pressure, together with the design temperature, used to determine
the minimum permissible thickness required to assure pressure containment integrity of
mechanical equipment and piping/instrument components (or to determine physical
characteristic of each component as determined by the design rules of the pressure design
Maximum allowable operating pressure (MAOP): the maximum internal gauge pressure
predicted including plant operation during critical or unstable conditions (shutdown, start-
up, ramp-up, control requirements, process upset, abnormal conditions etc.). The MAOP
should be equal or less than the DP. From process point of view MAOP is considered
Minimum DP. In this case DP = MAOP + extra margin.
The units of measurements shall be basically the SI System, with the exception for
pressure units where bar or mm H2O are accepted.
Deviation for SI System can be accepted only in the OMV branches where the Imperial
System is normally used. CONTRACTORs shall align the units to the local amendment and
provide a conversion table in the pertaining documents. CONTRACTOR shall also warranty
the consistency of the calculations in respect of the limits and criteria establish in this
2.3. Codes, Standards & Regulation
Codes, standards and regulations referred to this standard shall be of the latest edition and
shall be applied in the following order of precedence:
• Local regulations (e.g. respective national law considering PED)
• Contractual documents (e.g. Scope of work)
• OMV Corporate regulations
• OMV divisional regulations
• OMV branch office amendments
2.4.3. Software
The following list of process software is preferred by COMPANY for design calculations.
Any other process-software intended to be used by CONTRACTOR or party accountable for
Process design shall be approved by COMPANY. This list shall be approved by COMPANY
related Process DA 2, according DAF.
Plant thermodynamic simulations:
• Aspen HYSYS
• PROMAX - Bryan Research and Engineering.
Multiphase pipelines calculations:
Steady state:
• Aspen HYSYS (option Pipeline)
• PIPENET – Sunrise Systems Ltd.
• PIPESIM – Schlumberger
• IPM-GAP – Petroleum Expert Suite
Transient conditions:
• OLGA – SPT Group
• PIPENET – Sunrise Systems Ltd.
Heat exchangers thermal calculations:
Shell and tube:
• HTRI - Heat Transfer Research, Inc.
• Aspen HYSYS
3.1. Criteria for Selection Project Drivers
Project drivers are describing the key performance criteria of a project, having an impact to
the design of new or revamped facilities. These criteria shall be selected in accordance with
GT-M 001 – Capital Project Management Directive.
3.2. Design Pressure
3.2.1. Equipment
The design pressure (DP) is related to the Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure (MAOP).
DP shall be equal or bigger than MAOP.
Generally the Minimum design pressure or MAOP of a piece of equipment (excluding
storage tanks/vessels, atmospheric tanks or close to the atmospheric pressure and
pipelines) shall be determined / calculated from process simulation or shall be taken as the
When required, OMV branch offices shall develop an additional amendment to the above
table without overcoming or contradicting the specified limits.
Equipment that is part of a pressure system protected by a relief valve discharging into a
flare system or combined vent system shall have a minimum design pressure of least 3.5
Lower design pressures may be considered if the relief valves blows directly to
atmosphere. Care should be taken when using sonic flare tips as design pressures may be
required to be considerably higher than 3.5 barg.
If a minimum DP (MAOP) of 110% MOP is substantially more costly than a DP of 105% (e.g.
because of a step up in flange rating), then 105% MOP may be acceptable provided
suitable relief valves are used which can have their set pressure adjusted accurately.
This should be the subject of approval of the DA 2.
For batch reactions it is sometimes possible (at acceptable cost) to select a design pressure
so that in the event of runaway all reaction products are contained without exceeding the
allowable pressure limits. In such a case, the requirements specified in ASME VIII UG-140
shall be followed when the runaway relief case is not included as a basis for the sizing of
the relief system.
For the minimum design pressure it shall be considered that:
• Unless otherwise noted, the design pressure specified by Process applies to the
vapour phase at the top of the vessel.
• Minimum design pressure is not applicable for thin wall equipment such as storage
tanks. In that case the governing parameter is the static pressure in the equipment
full of liquid.
• The design pressure shall also account for upset or transient conditions such as
start-up, pressure surge, settle-out pressure at compressor suction, etc. The increase
of the design pressure due to incidental pressure versus the mitigation measures
shall be evaluated from technical – safety and economical point of view.
• Vapour pressure at design temperature should be considered as minimum design
pressure except when safety relief valves are provided.
• Hydraulic pressure due to the relative elevation between equipment and the PSV's
location shall be also considered.
• The liquid density and the maximum liquid height shall be specified on the Process
data sheet to allow the vessel designer to calculate the bottom thickness.
3.2.3. Piping
Process design pressure for piping should be the maximum pressure that any associated
piece of equipment can reach e.g. centrifugal pump shut off head or the reciprocating
compressor stall pressure. In cases this is not possible relief protection shall be provided.
Particular attention shall be paid to transient conditions such as equilibrium pressure plus
hydrostatic pressure, water hammer, or possible surge effects for liquid filled systems
containing large quantities of fluid, which may induce higher operating pressures.
These considerations apply to equipment that could face vacuum under abnormal
conditions such as:
• Vacuum conditions during start-up, shutdown and/or regeneration purges
• Normally operated full of liquid but that could be blocked in and cooled down
• Containing condensable vapour but that could be blocked in and cooled down
• Could undergo a vacuum condition through the loss of heat input or external cooling
(e.g. deluge) will be treated case by case. They will not be designed for full vacuum
3.2.7. Columns
For columns, the same design pressure shall be selected for the top of a fractionation
tower and associated condenser, reflux drum and inter connecting piping.
The design pressure at the bottom of a fractionation column (vapour phase) shall be
determined by adding the column pressure drop at the column overhead design pressure.
Design pressure at column bottom must also reflect hydrotest conditions (height of water
Liquid density and maximum liquid height in the bottom shall be specified on the process
data sheet to allow the vessel designer to calculate the bottom thickness.
3.2.8. Tanks
Storage tanks that normally operate at atmospheric pressure will be designed for the head
of liquid in the tank i.e. full of water (or full of product if the product specific gravity > 1) as
a minimum. Depending on the type of tank, higher design pressures could be specified.
These are treated case-by-case depending on tank type.
The minimum requirements to set the design pressure for atmospheric tanks shall be in
accordance to API 650, EN 14015 and EN 12285.
The design temperature is the temperature used for the mechanical design of equipment.
The minimum or maximum design temperature of equipment may not be coincident with
the selected design pressure. Coincident temperature and pressure conditions must be
specified on the process data sheets.
When required, OMV branch offices shall develop an additional amendment to what
indicated in paragraph 3.3.1 & 3.3.2 without overcoming or contradicting the specified
• Vessels subject to steam out for normal maintenance shall be designed for partial
vacuum and the operating manual shall indicate that vessel is not to be blocked-in
when full of steam:
0.5 barg @ 120°C and 0 barg @ site LP steam design temperature
During projects development Material Selection & Corrosion Study has to be followed with
specialists on a case by case basis in order to identify the most suitable material selection
for equipment and vessels. Specific OMV standard shall be applied and in case of deviation
OMV mechanical specialists shall be consulted.
1. Minimum corrosion allowance depending on corrosion control philosophy.
2. Including corrosion inhibitor systems.
3. The corrosion allowance applies for pressure vessels, shell and tube exchangers and
hairpin exchangers.
4. For piping, refer to piping classes.
5. When C.A. for carbon steel exceeds 6 mm the use of corrosion resistant alloys is
6. For storage tanks, the following minimum corrosion allowance shall apply:
Protective painting is applied on roof and bottom part of shell when water or any
conductive/corrosive fluid may be accumulated in the tank.
Licensors recommendations to be followed for concerned tanks.
The following table summarizes the over-design factors to be included in the process
design capacity:
Both process and utilities equipment sparing philosophy shall depend on the main project
critical elements (plant capacity, location, type and duty of compressors, pump, power
plant etc.) and project requirements in terms of availability required or its failure impact on
the process/cost/ safety point of view. If the relative impact is very high then 100% sparing
may be required.
Project sparing philosophy shall be defined in accordance with the COMPANY’s existing
philosophies, in order to ensure required plant availability.
When project drivers lead to installation of train’s, the number of trains shall be defined
considering the aspects such as: production profile, the possibility of phasing the
installation, the availability and the size of the equipment and the absorbed power.
The following guidelines are to be considered as reference while defining the general
sparing philosophy for the main critical process and utility equipment.
The general sparing philosophy for the main critical equipment should be as follows:
• Vessels: no spare
• Columns: no spare
• Heat exchangers: no spare (1)
• Reboilers: n+1
4.1. Vessels
The above values are to be considered minimum requirements. They may need to be
increased depending on specific process requirements (e.g. additional hold up time for
adequate gas disengagement, specific requirements for operational flexibility, criticality of
the application, regulatory requirements, etc.).
If the vessel is sized to receive a liquid slug, that liquid slug volume shall be taken between
NLL and LAH. The LALL connection nozzles should generally be located at least 300 mm
above the tangent line for vertical vessel and at least 150 mm above the bottom for
horizontal vessel, but in any case above any potential source of plugging (e.g. due to solids
accumulation). Alternative arrangements are acceptable for clean services (no risk of
plugging of instrument nozzle) where the lower instrument nozzle may be located on the
When applicable, the surge time below the LALL has to be compatible with the time
required to close a SDV or to stop a pump.
Vents and drains for packaged equipment shall be discussed with Vendors for size, back
pressures, temperatures, products, etc. (in general the prescriptions in this standard should
prevail with exceptions granted based on specific requirements properly justified).
• Inlet diverters
• Wave breakers
• Defoaming plates
• Vortex breakers
• Stilling well
• Sand jets & drains
• Mist extractors (wire-mesh, vane pack, etc.)
• Coalescing plates
Length / Diameter Ratio
For the separators particular case, the relation length / diameter usually is between 3 and 5.
This relation will be such that the equipment must be optimized in order to comply with the
process requirements (residence time and G/L separation).
In the following table L/D recommended values are listed depending on the vessels design
Pressure Range
L/D Ratio
< 17 1,5 – 3
17 – 35 3–4
> 35 4–6
Table 10: Recommended L/D Ratio
Residence Time
For the design of separators one of the most important parameters to achieve the required
performance of separation is the residence time. The required residence time can be
acquired through laboratory tests (emulsion test or bottle test) which are used to predict
and evaluate the emulsion behaviour at various conditions for oil/water separation (refer to
chapter 2.4.1 for fluid characterization). Emulsion tests provide more useful data for
residence time and separation efficiency than any theoretical calculation.
When case field or pilot data are not available, recommendations from API 12J for the
residence time may be used.
4.2.3. Fouling Factors for Shell & Tube Heat Exchangers and Air Coolers
The selection of fouling factor has a significant effect on exchanger design. For process and
utility units TEMA standards shall be applied to select the typical fouling factor.
General Considerations:
• Fouling is not usually severe below 120°C.
• Fouling is more severe for heating hydrocarbons than cooling. To reduce salt fouling
in crude exchangers’, where feasible, process design should favour water removal
through dehydrators/desalters before the crude reaches “salt deposition”
temperature through heat exchangers.
• Vaporisation in an exchanger can cause severe fouling by concentrating the fouling
• High velocities reduce fouling, particularly cooling water, but too high velocity may
cause erosion. Design the cooling water velocity for 1.1 to 2.5 m/s.
• Minimum salt water velocity is 0.9m/s. Velocity shall be maximised for the listed
tube materials:
Tube Material Velocity (m/s)
Carbon Steel 3.0
Al Brass, Al Bronze 2.1
Cu-Ni (90-10) 2.4
Cu-Ni (70-30) 3.0
Inhibited Admiralty 1.8
Stainless Steel 3.0
Refer to TEMA for more information on heat exchanger velocities (shell & tubes) vs.
The specified allowable pressure drop includes nozzle losses, which should be less than
15% of the total.
Generally, higher liquid pressure drops are allowed for heavier, more viscous streams to
avoid exotic designs.
The fouling reaching unacceptable levels sets typical cooling water outlet temperature. The
following are recommended:
Cooling Water Type Typical Outlet Temperature
Salt Water 49 °C
Brackish Water 52 °C
Fresh Water 54 °C
5.2.1. Insulation
Insulation for hot or cold services is required when applicable for:
• Heat or cold conservation of equipment and piping
• Personnel protection of equipment for operating temperatures above 70°C. A physical
barrier with warning signs attached to hot surface is preferred to insulation
• To avoid external water condensation or ice
• Steam, hot water or heat tracing.
• Reduce noise levels to meet environmental and health and safety requirements.
In all cases, insulation shall be designed in order to limit CUI (Corrosion Under Insulation)
and to allow access to instruments and pipe fittings without destroying the shield. Fire
1. 3.0 m/s max. (2 m/s average) at storage tank inlet or in loading.
2. Vendor and/or Licenser requirements could supersede maximum velocity values
upon COMPANY approval.
3. Special considerations can be applied for copper-nickel or glass reinforced plastic
piping upon COMPANY approval.
4. Maximum velocity can exceed 1 m/s, if it reduces carbon steel corrosion.
6.1.2. Flowrate
In order to guarantee correct functioning at the extremes of the operating range, control
valves shall be usually specified for the following operating conditions:
The normal process control system allows the plant to operate safely and efficiently within
the plant design constraints. As far as possible, hazardous incidents shall be avoided by
means of the process control system.
The emergency shutdown system shall be performed according to the OMV Standard TO-
HQ-02-024 – Philosophy for Emergency and Process Shutdown Systems.
The classification of the areas has the scope to establish the presence of areas with danger
of explosion in which must be adopted technical and organizational provisions in order to
minimize the risks deriving from the explosive, or potentially such, atmosphere presence.
The hazardous area classification shall be performed according to ATEX directive.
The process design shall take cognisance of equipment maintenance requirements
specified in the plant’s maintenance philosophy to ensure that plant life cycle costs are
The design shall aim to reduce costs associated with maintenance (i.e. materials,
manpower and production losses) by providing sufficient redundancy in line with the
overall plant availability criteria.
The plant isolation philosophy shall be consistent with the maintenance philosophy to
ensure that sufficient isolation valves are available to isolate spare equipment without
disruption to operations.
The design shall include sufficient vents, drains and purge/ flushing connections to allow
the equipment and piping to be made safe prior to any intrusive maintenance.
Consideration shall be given to providing duty/ standby arrangements for critical process
equipment with low availability (i.e. rotating machinery) whereby a single unit failure would
have a large impact on plant uptime.
The minimum project documentation to be produced to cover the process design of the
system shall be performed according to GT-M Standard 003 - Discipline Authority
Framework (DAF).
Figure 2: Typical Viscosity Correction Factors Plot for Oil Water Mixture & Emulsion
For cases where a liquid is a mixture of emulsion and free water the viscosity is calculated
as follows:
µ mix = (Qe × µ e + Qw × µ w ) ⋅ 4 ⋅ (Qe + Qw )
µe = viscosity of emulsion
µw = viscosity of water
Qe = volumetric flowrate of emulsion
Qw = volumetric flowrate of water.