The Social Impact of Privatization in Ethiopia

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The Social Impact of Privatization in Ethiopia

A research report presented to the

Graduate School of Business Leadership

University of South Africa /UNISA/

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the





November, 2010


I would like to thank my study leader Dr. Mulugeta Abebe for his guidance and advice. I
would also like to extend my thanks to Ambo Mineral Water Share Company for the
grant of the study expenses. My thanks are also extended to my children Rakeb
Mulugeta and Salem Mulugeta for allowing me to carry out this study by sacrificing the
care and assistance they need from me. I would like to thank Wo. Baherenesh Petros
for her unreserved help in typing and editing the research work. My thanks again are
extended to Wt. Mahlet Tameru and my younger brother Biruk Gebreselassie for their
support in providing the lap top and other necessary materials.

Finally I would like to thank all those who cooperated in providing the necessary data
and information, to mention some, the executives and experts of PPESA, CETU,
Industry Federation Trade Unions, Basic Labor Union Leaders, the management
members and the employees of the 6 selected enterprises who participated in
answering questionnaires.

Table Contents

No Title Page

Chapter one

1 Introduction 1

1.1 problem statement 4

1.2 objectives of the study 6

1.3 Significance of study 7

1.4 Scope of the study 7

1.5 Structure of the study 7

Chapter two

2. Theory/ concepts and literature 8

2.1 Introduction 8

2.2 Definition of the state owned enterprises 8

2.3 The rise and expansion of the public enterprises 8

2.4 Objectives of public enterprises 9

2.5 The rise of public enterprises in Ethiopia 10

2.6 The failure of public enterprises 12

2.7 Definition of privatization 14

2.8 Issues and problems 16

2.9 Motives for privatization 19

2.10 The conditions for privatization 22

2.11 Modes of privatization 27

2.12 Privatization and its impacts 30

Chapter three

3. Methodology 40

3.1 Research paradigm 40

3.2 Sources of data 45

3.3 Analysis method 46

3.4 Instruments 46

3.5 Validation Verification 47

3.6 Limitations 47

Chapter four

4. Results and Discussion

4.1 Introduction 48

4.2 The establishment of Privatization and Public Enterprises Agency 48

4.3 The Ethiopian privatization process 51

4.4 Improvement in policies and guidelines 56

4.5 Awareness creation and preparation 58

4.6 The impacts or privatization regarding retrenchment 61

4.7 The impact in price change 78

4.8 The impact or implication in income of employees 81

4.9 The change in working condition 82

4.10 The impact in respect of basic rights of employees 83

4.11 The impact in relationship between management and employees

and union leaders 84

4.12 The impact in obtaining benefits 87


5. Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations 90

5.1 Summary 90

5.2 Conclusions 92

5.3 Recommendations 93

Reference 97

List of Tables

No Title Page

1 Privatization status from 1995 to 2009 4

2 Performance of privatization up to April 2010 52

3 The number of employees who have got information 60

4 The different ways workers obtained information 61

5 Employees’ expectations of changes that negative implications 63

6 Different kinds of changes expected by workers 64

7 Estimation of number of retrenched employees 64

8 Estimation of number of employees retrenched by early retirement 65

9 Estimation of number of employees demoted or transferred unfairly 65

10 Number of employees before and after privatization 66

11 Number of employees retrenched from Textile industry 74

12 The no. of retrenched and retained employees in two textile enterprises 74

13 Number of total employees and retrenched in 5 observed enterprises 79

14 The increase in price of privatized enterprises products 81

15 The price of products at time of transfer and on 31/08/2010 81

16 The performance data of selected enterprises 82

17 Gross monthly salary of employees at transfer and on 31/08/2010 84

18 The observation of negative changes in working conditions 85

19 Forms of violations of basic rights 86

20 The degree of relationship change 88

21 The different ways employees obtained benefits 91

22 Monthly salary of at transfer time and on 31/08/2010 91

List of Figures

No. Title page

1. The organizational structure of Privatization and public Enterprises and 51

Supervisory Agency


Abbreviation Definitions

CETU Confederation of Ethiopian Trade Union

GOE Government of Ethiopia
IMF International Monetary Fund
J.V. Joint venture
MEB Management Employee Buy out
MOFED Ministry of Finance and Economic Development
PPESA Privatization and Public Enterprises Supervisory Agency
SOE State owned enterprises
U.K United Kingdom
UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade and Development


This paper examines the social impact of privatization in Ethiopia. The paper explains the survey
result concerning the major social implications or impact issues such as retrenchment or lay –
offs, changes in price of product or services, product output, income of employees in privatized
companies. The paper also examines the changes in working conditions and the relationship
between the management and employees and the management and the labor union. Data are
collected from 6 privatized enterprises and other governmental agencies and Confederation of
Ethiopian Trade Unions and industry federations. As for study purpose, mixed (qualitative and
quantitative) method was used. 120 employees of the privatized enterprises were randomly
selected but 108 employees responded to questionnaires. The study revealed that the number
of employees retrenched from the privatized enterprises was significant. But satisfactory work
has not been done to help and support the retrenched employees to be re-employed or start
their own mini-businesses under safety net schemes. The study also revealed that there were
significant changes in product, output, quality and income of employees. There was an increase
in product output and quality in enterprises which have taken improvement actions in
technological, organizational structure and input supplies. The increase in income was also seen
in enterprises which have taken fast improvement action. A decrease in income of employees
was observed in enterprises which have not taken improvement actions. The relationship
between management and employees and labor union was in bad conditions in most of
privatized enterprises.

Key words: State owned enterprise, social impact, privatization, retrenchment, lay-off.


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